Stonecrop (Sedum): varieties and species with photos, care, planting, reproduction. Proper planting and care of sedum in the open field Stonecrop with yellow leaves

In gardening for alpine slides, the Sedum plant is often used, or in common people called Stonecrop. It does not require much care, it can be suitable for growing and planting in open ground even for beginners. In nature, there are more than 500.

Where to plant

All stonecrops unpretentious, can grow in a sunny area, as well as in a shaded place.

But with more sunlight, they get brighter and take on a reddish tint. It is best to plant them in a free empty place, at a distance from the trees, so that fallen leaves do not fall on them.

Stonecrops are most often planted along the edges of borders, in flower beds, in hanging planters.

How to prepare the soil

The soil is preferred by sedums fertile, with moderate moisture. They can also grow in rocky areas. In general, without a transplant, they can grow for more than 5 years in one place.

The soil in the hole can be mixed from different mixtures:

  • sand;
  • leaf land;
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • ash.

Basic care after planting

After planting stonecrop, minimal care is still required. The main components of care are:

  • Humidity. It is necessary to maintain optimal humidity, otherwise the plant will may rot.
  • Weed removal.
  • Top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers. It is recommended to do this twice during the vegetative period, before the formation of inflorescences and after flowering.
  • Sunlight. Due to the lack of sunlight, the plant may become dull, shoots stretch out, which will spoil the decorative effect.

With minimal care, stonecrop is able to delight the gardener with its beauty.

Diseases and pests

Stonecrop is more resistant to various diseases. A common disease is spotting on leaves dark color, may occur due to frequent watering, waterlogging of the soil.

A diseased plant should be dug up and destroyed.

If rot is present on some parts of the flower, then a fungicide solution should be sprayed.

Among the pests, the most common are:

  • thrips;
  • weevils.

Get rid of weevils You can do it on your own without the use of drugs. To do this, they are shaken off the bush onto paper or spread out material under the bush, then destroyed. Against aphids insecticides are available. When detected, it is necessary to spray the plant with Aktellik.


Stonecrop reproduction can occur in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

reproduction seeds mainly used in the first landing. With this method, sedum will not receive its varietal characteristics.

The best way to breed stonecrops is suitable cuttings. With this method, the plant will inherit all the characteristic varietal characteristics. It is carried out in the following steps:

  1. Cuttings are cut before or after flowering from shoots 5-7 cm long.
  2. They are placed in wet sand.
  3. After the beginning of growth and the formation of roots, they are planted in a permanent place.

This is best done in the spring, after frost.

In autumn, you can cut the cuttings, place them in a glass of water, leave until spring, constantly changing the water. And with the onset of spring, plant them together with an earthen clod in open ground.

Tall species of sedum reproduce better dividing the bush. To do this, dig a bush in the spring, divide the root system into several parts and plant.

Popular varieties

This species is most commonly found in nature. on rocky shores, slopes, alpine meadows. It is a perennial plant with strong creeping roots.

The leaves are oval, serrated at the edges. The flowers are small, pink in color, collected in paniculate inflorescences. This species is very common and known in horticulture.

It is used to decorate carpet paths, creeping flower beds.

Has gained its distribution in the northern regions. perennial or annual the plant can have inflorescences of various colors. Foliage can also be of different sizes, shapes and colors. Able to form creeping grassy carpets.

Perennial winter hardy plant, up to 15 cm high. Hybrid pitchfork has thin leaves, along the edges of which there is a red tint. The flowers are small, collected in an inflorescence corymb.

The color scheme can be varied. Flowering begins at 2-3 years of age, in August and lasts until the onset of the first frost.

perennial plants, the habitat is Kamchatka, Japan and the Far East.

It has thick shoots with foliage. Some varieties of Sedum Kamchatsky have a white stripe along the edges of the leaves. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences of yellow or orange.

White sedum is perennial evergreen plant. It grows in Russia, Kamchatka, the Caucasus. It grows as a creeping carpet, reaching a height of 5 cm.

The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences, have a snow-white hue, with a fragrant aroma.

It is an unpretentious plant that can tolerate severe frosts.

The birthplace of caustic sedum is Siberia, the Caucasus and the European part of Russia. A distinctive feature are the flowers of a golden hue.

perennial creeping the plant, up to 10 cm high, has dense dark green foliage. The flowers are small and yellow in color.

The juice of this stonecrop is poisonous, if it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause a burn.

Perennial type of plant, has strong roots and erect stems up to half a meter in height. Homeland of growth is China, Japan. The leaves are light green in color, the inflorescences have a pink tint.

Tolerates harsh winters well adapts to any climatic conditions. Flowering occurs in August, with a duration of more than a month.

This type grows in sandy areas, in pine forests, often found among shrubs. The perennial has stems up to half a meter high. It begins to bloom in July and before the onset of frost.

Some varieties are common and grown in Russia.

Perennial plant, has thin roots, creeping stems and leaves of a bluish hue. In cultivation, prefers places where lots of sunshine. Perfect for group plantings.

Creeping (ground-blooded)

Creeping stonecrops have a height of no more than 20 cm. Perennial plants have powerful leaves, green color, shoots that die off after fruiting.

The flowers are small, collected in several pieces in umbrella inflorescences. The color can be varied: red, yellow, pink. In ground-blooded sedums, shoots do not die off for the winter, but are preserved.

Tall (shrub)

Tall sedums reach a height of up to 50 cm, have large green oval leaves. The flowers are small, collected in large umbellate inflorescences. Flowers can be of different colors.

This includes the following types:

  • stonecrop prominent diamond;
  • stardust;
  • white-pink;
  • telephium.

The foliage can have different shades and patterns, with white streaks along the edges.

unpretentious species

The most unpretentious types of sedum used in landscape design use:

  • Kamchatka;
  • false;
  • caustic;
  • white.

Rare species

There are also rare types of stonecrops, which require more care and attention. Among them there are more famous rare species:

  • oregano;
  • spade-leaved;
  • multi-stemmed;
  • glandular;
  • loose;
  • elegant;
  • alberta.

These sedums are multicolored.

Heat-loving (for growing in containers)

There are also heat-loving species that are designed for growing in containers. They cannot be grown outdoors. The most popular among them:

  • makina;
  • linear;
  • polychaete;
  • Origone;
  • bluish-leaved.

General points on the flower

In what areas is it used

Stonecrop has received its wide application in folk medicine, in connection with the available medicinal properties. It has the following properties:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. stimulating;
  3. wound healing;
  4. tonic;
  5. painkillers;
  6. hemostatic

It is able to eliminate headaches, relieve nervous tension, and normalize blood pressure. It is also used to treat various viral diseases.

Use in landscape design

Stonecrops are most often used in landscape design in the form of borders, flower beds, various creeping flower carpet paths.

Due to the fact that they do not lose their decorative effect for a long time, they continue to bloom for a long time, they are popular and in demand.

With minimal care, sedum is able to please its owner with its beauty. Even for beginners, it will not be a hassle. Recently, more and more stonecrops have become in demand, because of their medicinal properties.

Stonecrop, sedum or, as the people call it, hare cabbagegrows throughout Europe, Africa and America. More than 600 varieties of sedum are found in nature. What is stonecrop, we will describe its most common varieties and types in this article.

Sedum (sedum) white

Perennial evergreen plant 5-7 cm high. It can be observed in Asia Minor and North Africa, in the Caucasus, in Western Europe.

Shoots of this species spread along the ground, growing rapidly in open areas. The stem is fragile, elongated, entirely covered with green rounded leaves. The plant grows aggressively at the expense of the adventitious root, resulting in dense white carpets.

Stonecrop blooms with small, white or pale pink fragrant flowers in the form of stars. The delicious smell attracts bees. Its flowering occurs in late June - early July. Among the people, white sedum is known as Living Grass, Mylnik, Bee.

Stonecrop white- hardy plant. Even cracks in the stones give him the ground for life. They are frost-resistant, easily tolerate direct sunlight, and multiply rapidly even in the absence of moisture. As a result, it begins to grow even in outlandish places - in areas with gravel and rubble, on roofs and walls.

- quite a changeable look. It has long been known in floriculture and has a number of garden forms and varieties. The most popular varieties are: Coral Carpet, Atoum, Laconicum, Rubrifolium, Faro Form, France, Hillebrandtii.

Not so often sedum blooms in apartment conditions. It lacks sunlight and low temperatures in winter. Under such conditions, stonecrop has a pale stem and leaves, almost does not bloom. Recommended for growing in the garden, outdoors.

Sedum (sedum) caustic

It forms a carpet up to 3 m with its flowering. Stonecrop has small leaves that completely cover the stem. Shortly before flowering, the leaves become larger, and the stem is longer. Sedum blooms caustic bright yellow and completely covers the plant. Like other species, it needs moderately dry soil and sunlight.

The habitat is the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, North America, Asia Minor. The highly concentrated juice of caustic sedum promotes the formation of wounds on the skin, for which it received the name "caustic" or "sharp".

When used correctly, it will help with many skin diseases. The people call him Wild Pepper, Rejuvenate, Fever Grass. In growth unpretentious, easily tolerates drought and frost. Loves the sun's rays, contributing to active growth.

It reproduces well by self-seeding. The most common types are: Aureum (Aureum), Minus (Minus), Elegans (Elegans). In ancient times, the Romans used sedum causticus as a laxative, emetic, and anthelmintic. To date, it has found application in folk medicine.

Important!This type of stonecrop should be taken with great care! The slightest overdose when using infusion can lead to vomiting, difficulty breathing and even coma. Not recommended for children and pregnant women.

Sedum (sedum) false

Growth areas: Caucasus, Iran, Türkiye. Unpretentious in cultivation, but feels better in the sun. In the shade, the bush blooms poorly and has an untidy appearance. It is found on rocky slopes and on the tops of mountain forests. Perennial flower with elongated rhizomes. The flowering stalks are taller than the barren ones. The leaves are obese, swamp-colored, wedge-shaped, sometimes blunt and serrated at the edges.

Inflorescence on low stems 1-1.5 cm. Sepals are straight, red or greenish and are located inside the fruit. Petals are cherry or pinkish, slightly sharp towards the edge. The stamens are smaller than the petals and are orange or red. Blooms in the last months of summer.

Known in botany since 1816. It winters without problems, grows rapidly over a large area and prevails over weak species. Not suitable for pots, as it requires a lot of space and sun. Great for planting in a flower bed.

Sedum (sedum) hybrid

In nature, it is found in steppes, rocks and forests with little vegetation. It grows in the vastness of Russia, most often in Siberia and the Urals, Central Asia, Mongolia. Forms a dense carpet up to 15 cm high. Rhizomes are located close to the surface, cord-like. The stems are slender, green, up to 30 cm high. It blooms not very plentifully.

Leaves up to 3 cm long, wedge-shaped, coarsely serrated along the edges. The hybrid stonecrop flower consists of yellowish petals up to 1 cm in diameter, the stamens are also yellow, with orange anthers. It winters well and tolerates drought, but is slow in development. The most famous variety is Immergrunchen (Immergrunchen).

Sedum (stonecrop) Grisebach

It can be found on the mountain tops of Greece and Bulgaria. A small plant, growing, forms low, soft carpets with densely growing shoots. Small leaves, narrow, grow in a dense cover. By the beginning of spring, the flowers turn green, but under the rays of the sun they turn red.

It has a need for loosened soil, does not tolerate winters with high humidity very confidently. The plant does not differ in longevity, but it is perfectly restored by self-sowing. Perfect for home keeping.

Sedum (sedum) prominent

Stonecrop is a bush up to 60 cm high. It is found in northeast China and the Caucasus. The root is tuberous, thickened towards the end. The stem is erect, the leaves on it are oval, large, in color from green to gray shades. The flowers are small, collected in an inflorescence up to 23 cm in size.

Most often, the shade of the flower is pinkish, slightly lilac. ( sometimes called Graceful, Noble) feels good in winter. It likes moist soil and is not afraid of shade, although it feels better in direct sunlight. Stonecrop usually blooms up to 40 days.

Often blooms until late autumn, even under snow. At Stonecrop Prominent, depending on the shade of flowers, varieties are distinguished:

  • White - Iceberg, Frosty Morn,
  • Cream - Star Dust,
  • Pink - Diamond, Carmen, Matrona, Karl.

Did you know?Of all the subspecies of Sedum Prominent, it contains the most useful substances in its flowers. Among them - tannins, alkaloids, glycosides and a lot of organic acids and sugars.

Sedum (sedum) Alberta

It is found in China, Central Asia and Altai. The root system is branched, numerous branches are crowded. The stems are undersized, up to 5 cm, with slightly twisted leaves at the tops. Flowering stalks are located at the base, few, 10 to 15 cm high. Sepals up to 6 pieces, oval, slightly sharp on top.

In sunlight, the leaves take on an orange-red color, the flowers are white with purple stamens. It winters well, but is afraid of abundant water during snowmelt. Does well in loose soil with good drainage.

Loves sunlight, does not tolerate shade well. It blooms in May, but in autumn it is necessary to cut the bush to the ground. Not suitable for growing at home and in gardens.

Important!During the collection of stonecrop, you must protect your hands with gloves. Before drying, the leaves should be placed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then dried at a temperature not exceeding 40° .

Sedum (stonecrop) Lydian

Homeland stonecrop - Asia Minor. Green all year round, perennial plant, forms dense shrubs when growing. Stems numerous, profusely deciduous, rooting downwards. Flowers up to 0.6 cm on low legs, elongated, green.

Stonecrop - a plant of various shapes and colors is widely used in garden design. If you properly plant and care, the stonecrop will look like in the photo. Most types of stonecrop are ground cover, undersized. The maximum height of the bush is 70 cm. The unpretentious flower is loved by the people, it is called feverish, hernia grass, sedum. A grass or subshrub grows on soil where other plants do not live. Therefore, it is used in decorative gardening, hiding unsightly places.

Agricultural technology sedum

Unpretentious stonecrop plants are found everywhere. They bloom at different times, have a different structure from grass to a shrub. In Russia, stonecrop is most often found and used in design:

  • linear;
  • vine-shaped;
  • white.

Soil requirement

They say that stonecrop will grow in the sand if a shovel of humus is thrown there. But on fertile soil without excess dampness, the plant feels great. Stony and sandy soil is the natural habitat of hare cabbage. The undemanding stonecrop for planting and caring for it allows you to create small forms, as in the photo.

In one place, stonecrops can grow up to 5 years, then the curtain needs to be planted and sprinkled with fresh earth, sand, gravel, depending on the created composition. When planting, the soil is enriched with sand and ash. In order for the plants to receive enough nutrition, they are fertilized in small portions, but often, with humus and liquid formulations with an organomineral complex. If plant varieties are overwintering, then nitrogen can only be applied from spring, so as not to violate resistance to low temperatures. Loosening and weeding the flower bed will add health and beauty to the plants. Stonecrop is the only variety that is itself poisonous and squeezes weeds out of the garden.

Sedum caustic is called a purifier, as it can be used to remove warts. This plant was used by women as a blush, rubbing the juice on their cheeks. The people called him living water for the extension of female beauty.

Stonecrop pink stood out in an independent form. Known for its medicinal properties, Rhodiola rosea is also a sedum.

How to care for stonecrop

The place for stonecrop is chosen bright sunny, you can use it on a rocky and rocky area. The thick, fleshy leaves of stonecrop "tan" become reddish at the edges. In the shade, the beauty of the stonecrop fades, the stems stretch, the leaves become sparse. There are shade-tolerant varieties, but they are few.

When creating a bewitching landscape from stonecrop, as in the photo, planting and care is not particularly difficult. However, he does not like the plant of stagnant water; for the winter, dry stems are cut and even sheltered in cold regions. In the spring, dried branches are removed or replaced with new plants.

Reproduction of sedums

Before planting stonecrops, it is necessary to clear the site of perennial grasses. The plant propagates by shoots, division of the bush and seeds.

The easiest way is to dig shoots into clean ground in the spring. They root easily with the cut aerial part. The division of the roots occurs when long-growing plants need to be planted. They are completely dug up, cut, the sections are dried for several hours in the shade, and only then they are seated in a new place. The seed method gives an adult flowering plant after two years. Small seedlings with two leaves are immediately planted outside.

Ground cover stonecrops spread along the ground and the stem is gradually exposed. The type of landing becomes sloppy. The stems can be sprinkled with earth or small gravel, add humus.

From insects, stonecrop aphids, sawfly larvae and weevil harm. When waterlogged, the plants turn black and fall, affected by rot.

Get acquainted with the photo of numerous varieties and types of stonecrop

As soon as they called this unpretentious plant! In Germany, he was given the name fat mother hen, in Russia hare cabbage. All varieties have fleshy leaves that allow the plant to do without watering for a long time. The genus of succulents includes 500 species. About a hundred varieties are cultivated in the middle lane:

  1. Stonecrop groundcover spike-shaped in the floor bowl in the photo is a dense turfed carpet up to 15 cm high. The leaves are fleshy, cylindrical, bluish-green. It grows in rock crevices in the highlands. It is found in the wild in the Caucasus. All types of creeping stonecrops are unpretentious, content with low lighting, bloom all summer and winter well. In the flower bed, this is the background against which tall flowers flaunt.
  2. Stonecrop is a prominent tall plant with straight stems. Leaves with a bluish coating are located along the entire stem. Small fluffy pink flowers are collected in a basket up to 15 cm in diameter. Some varieties have white and red baskets. Stonecrop blooms in the fall for a month, until frost. Sedum looks very picturesque in garden compositions.
  3. Stonecrop purple grows everywhere in Russia. Hare cabbage blooms at the very beginning of autumn, when the rest of the flowers wither. Straight stems raise a fluffy basket 30 cm above the ground. Thick leaves with a wax coating retain moisture. Winters without shelter.
  4. Stonecrop Morgan has a completely unusual appearance of leaves on long shoots. Such a plant looks beautiful in hanging flowerpots, when branches with garlands of barrel leaves go down. In Mexico, where the flower comes from, it was called the monkey tail.
  5. Stonecrop caustic is very poisonous, used in medicine. In nature, it grows near a river, on shallows or in a pine forest. The leaves are oval, the flowers look like a star, only yellow. Sedum blooms for one month at the very end of summer. A plant 10 cm high tightly closes the soil. This type of stonecrop grows only in the open.
  6. Stonecrop false got its name for the fact that, even dry, it seems alive, but the rug becomes prickly. The flower is drought-resistant, does not require watering. On the basis of false sedum, decorative hybrids were obtained, but they are less stable and have signs of degeneration. It is this species that never gets sick, and insect pests do not inhabit it.

A selection of photos of stonecrop in garden design

Creating a garden composition, the designer takes into account many factors. It is important for him that the plants harmonize. Stonecrop of various types is indispensable in the decoration of gardens. The evergreen plant is winter-hardy and undemanding in care, it is used as a bright spot or creates a background.

The design of garden compositions is not complete without stonecrops. Unpretentious ground cover varieties are used to decorate small roofs, to create architectural compositions. Bright greenery of different shades creates a unique look according to the artist's plan. Stonecrops are used both in hanging structures and in the rock garden. In spring, when there is little greenery, sedums enliven the garden, in autumn they bloom and play with colors.

Video about the reproduction of a favorite type of stonecrop

The variety of species and varieties of sedum leaves few people indifferent. The amazing vitality, brightness and beauty of this flower makes it so popular with gardeners around the world. And unpretentiousness in soil and watering allows even a novice grower to grow this plant on his site.

Stonecrop ordinary ( Sedum telephium) or creaker-grass

Perennial, grows up to 50-60 cm. It tolerates winter well and is distributed almost throughout Eurasia - from Europe to the Far East, China, Japan.


Stonecrop purple ( Sedum purpureum)

This type of sedum is a variation of the common sedum. The leaves of this flower are considered medicinal, along with aloe. This is a tall (up to one meter) upright plant, with oblong leaves that have a color from green to red-brown.

Stonecrop purple

Stonecrop prominent ( Sedum spectabile)

Its other name is wonderful sedum. The plant is used for planting in open ground, perennial, withstands frost well. The leaves are oval, flat, the stem itself can reach up to half a meter in height. The plant blooms in late summer until late autumn. There are many varieties of this species, with flowers ranging from reds and hot pinks to whites and creams.

Popular varieties of sedum prominent:

  • Stonecrop matron - in this variety, the stems and leaves have a reddish-brown hue, the flowers are pink.
  • Diamond Edge - a distinctive feature of this variety are decorative leaves that have a pink-green color with a light border around the edge of the sheet.
  • Variegated decorative leaves are found in varieties Frosty Morning and Diamond Border
  • Neon is a tall plant that has bright pink flowers of a rich color.

stonecrop prominent

Stonecrop (Sedum acre)

This is a creeping plant, low, with a thin root and thin small leaves covering the stem. Flowers yellow, fragrant. This type of sedum is considered a good honey flower, but it has poisonous leaves. It can grow on rocky soil and is great for decorating a variety of alpine slides or rockeries.


Evers stonecrop ( Sedum ewersii)

Low ornamental plant. It grows in a small bush, the stems spread along the ground. The leaves are small, thin, round or heart-shaped. The stems can reach 30 cm, by the end of summer they become coarser. In winter and early spring, they look like dried, lifeless rods, but you do not need to cut them - they will come to life, and new leaves will appear on them. This plant blooms in August-September with pink flowers.

evers stonecrop

Stonecrop Kamchatka ( Sedum kamtschaticum)

This is a low herbaceous plant - up to 25-30 cm, the stems are thin, the leaves are small, oblong in shape with teeth. Some varieties have a light edging along the edge of the sheet. Blooms in early summer with small yellow flowers.

Stonecrop Kamchatka

Stonecrop white ( Sedum album)

The plant is named so because of the fragrant white flowers that bloom in early summer and bloom almost until August. The plant itself is low - about 15 cm. The leaves are small, beautiful egg-shaped. The leaves can change their color from green to red. This usually occurs in the summer in bright sunshine and in the fall, with frost.

Stonecrop white

Sedum bent ( Sedum reflexum) or rock stonecrop

This type is good to use for decorating garden paths and creating mixborders. This undersized sedum grows well, forming a real green carpet. It has an unusual appearance, reminiscent of divergent waves. The leaves are small, thin, similar to spruce needles or unusual moss. This type of sedum can also be used in indoor floriculture, planting a flower in wide pots. This plant blooms in summer for almost a month.

Another advantage of this species is its edible leaves. They have a sour, slightly astringent taste, they can be used as a seasoning for salads and soups.

Popular varieties of sedum bent:

  • Sedum Cristatum is an unusual plant with green leaves that looks like a cockscomb or a sea sponge.
  • Stonecrop Angelina - a variety with yellow leaves that darken and turn orange by autumn.
  • Sedum Glaucum - the color of the leaves of this variety is yellow-green, long shoots lying on the ground can reach 15 cm.

Sedum recurved

Stonecrop false ( Sedum spurium)

In the west, this stonecrop is called Caucasian, since the Caucasus is its homeland. The plant is creeping, about 10 cm high, can form a real carpet. It has thin, spade-shaped leaves, arranged opposite each other. Used in Scandinavian countries for green roofs.

stonecrop false

Sedum Spanish ( Sedum hispanicum L.)

A dwarf species of creeping stonecrop, its height rarely reaches 15 cm. The leaves are very small, resembling needles in shape. In the sun they can become pink-red. Tolerates shade well. It grows on stony, poor soil, in rock crevices, sometimes even in asphalt. It can propagate by self-sowing, in some cases it acts as a weed, suppressing other ground cover crops. Therefore, it is better to plant it among taller plants.

Sedum spanish

Stonecrop hybrid ( Sedum hybridum L..)

Creeping undersized plant with branching stems. The leaves are flat, spatulate, with teeth.

Stonecrop hybrid

Lydian sedum ( Sedum lydium)

Also a small species of sedum, it grows in small (up to 5-8 cm in height) caps. The stem is dotted with small, slightly elongated leaves, rounded at the end. Large plants can "crush" this tiny stonecrop. Use it to frame other small ornamental plants. For example, planting together with a stone rose.

Lydian sedum

Planting and care in the open field

Sedums are very easy to care for, however, knowing what they love and how to care for them will reduce the risk of your plant getting sick or dying. A little patience and care, and your stonecrop will certainly delight you not only with lush, juicy greenery, but also with beautiful flowers.

Place for landing sedum

  • For planting sedum, choose a dry place. Avoid lowlands and places on the site where water can stagnate during the rainy season.
  • The soil for garden sedum can be any. Sedums thrive in poor soil, slightly enriched with peat or compost.
  • Stonecrop is a sun-loving plant, you should not plant it in the shade of a house or a fence.
  • Keep an eye on ground cover sedum, as some species are considered weeds and may interfere with the growth of other flowers in your flower bed.

How to propagate garden stonecrop

Sedum also reproduces quite simply, without causing gardeners any particular difficulties. The main methods of propagation of garden stonecrop:

  • seeds
  • separation of roots
  • using cuttings

Seeds can be sown immediately in open ground. Sedum seeds need to be sown before winter. Small plants will sprout in spring.

Stonecrop from seeds can be grown by sowing seedlings:

  • The best time for sowing stonecrops is March, April.
  • Sow the seeds in a pot of soil, moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  • Cover the pot with foil and put it in a cool place for 2 weeks. The temperature should be around 5-7˚. The bottom shelf of the refrigerator is great for seed stratification.
  • Seeds need to be aired regularly, remove excess moisture formed on the film and, if necessary, moisten the soil.
  • After two weeks, place the seed pot in a warm, sunny place.
  • After one and a half to two weeks, shoots should appear.
  • Plants can be planted when they have two leaves.
  • You can transplant grown stonecrops into open ground at the end of May.

Cuttings are carried out in spring or autumn, after the plant has faded.. In undersized sedums, you need to cut off the upper shoot, about 5-7 cm long, remove the lower leaves and dig into the ground. It is necessary that at least one node (the place where the leaf is attached to the stem) is in the ground.

High growing sedums are best propagate by division of an adult bush. The bush is divided either in autumn, before winter, or in early spring:

  • Dig up the plant with the root, clean the root from the ground.
  • Divide the root into the amount you need, each fragment should contain both buds and roots at the same time.
  • Soak the cut roots for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Dry them in the sun for several hours.
  • Dig holes and plant flowers.


  • Sedum does not tolerate excessively moist soil. It needs to be watered only the first time after transplantation or in extreme heat in summer.
  • Stonecrop does not need to be fed. It is believed that an excess of nutrients will prevent the sedum from overwintering well.
  • Cut off dried buds from sedums to preserve the beauty of the plants.
  • Once every three years, plant stonecrops: separate the bushes, remove old shoots. This will stimulate the growth of young branches and stems.


  • Sedum will endure the hot summer calmly. If the summer is dry, you can water the flower in the evening.
  • Stonecrop winters well, but if severe frosts are expected with a small amount of snow, then the plant must be covered.
  • More than frost, stonecrop is afraid of damp and wet winters, as well as spring flooding.

Pests and diseases of garden stonecrop

Most often, garden sedum suffers from aphids, weevils and sawfly caterpillars. You can help the plant with the help of special means for pest control.

Another common disease is a fungus that affects the stems and leaves of the plant. It occurs due to excessive moisture. The best way to fight the fungus is to cut off the affected branches and leaves.

Photo examples of compiling flower beds and sedum gardens in landscape design

Stonecrops are actively used in landscape design to create beautiful compositions in flower beds, rockeries, slides. When forming mixborders, multi-level sedums are suitable. Creeping types of stonecrops will help decorate the ridges along the paths on your site.

Sedum white- Sedum album L ., 1753. Sedum teretifolium Lam., 1778. Sedum vermiculare Gaterau, 1789. Leucosedum album (L.) Fourr, 1868. S. balticum Hartm. f., 1864. Oreosedum album (L.) Grulich, 1984, Sedum athoum DC., Sedum vermiculifolium P.Fourn.

It occurs naturally in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Western Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor. It got its name from the fragrant white flowers. The use in folk medicine led to the emergence of a large number of folk names: God's color, Thunder Bob, Living grass, Mylnik, Bee, Skripun, Uzik, Tselistnik, Shestinedelnik.

The plant is perennial, evergreen, glabrous, forming low mats up to 5 cm high in the vegetative state. The bases of the stems spread along the ground and are equipped with thin adventitious roots. Vegetative branches are short, with crowded thickish oval or elliptical obtuse leaves 7-10 mm long. The flower-bearing shoots are straight, vertical, slightly reddening with thick, alternate leaves 10-15 mm long, denser in the middle part of the peduncle. Paniculate inflorescence of several branches, bearing umbels with curls at the end. Flowers on short stalks, about 10 mm in diameter. Sepals ovate, obtuse, green, 2-3 times shorter than petals. Petals white, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, obtuse. Stamens almost equal to petals, white, anthers purple. Blooms in June-July.

In severe snowless winters, it may partially fall out. Sometimes gives active self-seeding. Grows well in partial shade and full sun. The typical coloration appears only on poor dry soils. After flowering, pruning or plucking of faded shoots is required. Aged curtains bloom weakly. Used to create "background" spots in rocky gardens, to fix slopes, effective in the foreground of a mixborder. It is best to plant in compositions with low ground cover plants. Individual flower-bearing twigs with drooping inflorescences are very beautiful against the background of a low rug of vegetative shortened shoots.

Unpretentious and drought-resistant plant. The varieties listed below are winter-hardy in central Russia, however, there are forms from North Africa and the Mediterranean, for example " Ibiza"("Ibiza") from the Spanish island of the same name, which, most likely, will not winter with us. A new variety " Bella d'Inverno"("Bella d" Inverno ") with cream tops of the shoots, selected in Sicily, not tested in the Moscow region. Natural forms and high varieties are somewhat burdensome on hills, as they grow strongly and are able to multiply, rooting the smallest piece of the shoot that has come off. Rugs from them partly lose their decorative effect when the faded shoots dry out. After mass flowering, even rather large “holes” appear in the carpets, which are gradually tightened. Due to their undemanding to soil and moisture, they can quickly cover the most unsuitable places for plants - stone roofs, walls, areas covered with gravel or gravel. They are used as ground cover, replacing small lawns, in countries with a hot and dry climate. Low-growing varieties look great on slides, in containers, on carpet beds.

Sedum album f. atropurpureum
Photo Nursery "Northern Flora"

A very changeable look. Long time in culture. It has a number of garden forms and varieties, the most common of the varieties are:
"Coral Carpet"("Coral Carpet") - a bush no more than 5 cm tall, the leaves are reddish, acquiring a red color in autumn. Often, under this name, something completely different is sold - the usual tall, reddened stonecrop is white.
"Atoum"("Athoum") - a form with hemispherical, flat leaves on top, reddening in the summer in the sun.
"Laconicum"("Laconicum") - tall with green, densely sitting thick leaves, sometimes reddens, similar to "Atoum" ("Athoum").
"Rubrifolium"(" Rubrifolium ") - a sport (mutation) of white wall stonecrop with red leaves without brown shades in summer and dark green in winter.
"Faro Form" ("Faro Form") - the lowest variety with tiny leaves, up to 3 mm long, forming mats up to 1 cm tall. Inflorescences are also very short. Reddens in the summer and then turns brown. " France"("France") - tall, with long green leaves, turns slightly pink in the sun.
"Hillebrandty"("Hillebrandtii") is a large green cultivar that turns orange-red in summer, sometimes remaining pink in winter.

Stonecrop white small-flowered(S. album var. micranthum subvar. chloroticum) is a low plant, with pure green, never reddening, spherical leaves and white flowers. Non-flowering mats no higher than 2 cm, in bloom - about 4 cm. Widely distributed in culture.
Stonecrop white wall(S. album f. murale) - tall and profusely blooming, with bronze or purple leaves and pink flowers.
Stonecrop white wall "Cristatum"(S. album f. murale "Cristatum") - the overgrown ends of the shoots are densely covered with leaves.

Also popular stonecrop is a white variety. small-stamen(Sedum album var. micranthum), whose plants bear small spherical leaves, similar to emerald beads. In culture, a form with dark-colored leaves is often found ( f. atropurpurea).