Black aphid on viburnum: effective methods of control. Black aphid on viburnum: how to deal with it? The leaves of viburnum turn red

Kalina is a shrub or small tree belonging to the Adox family. Kalina is valued for its unpretentiousness in cultivation and care, its decorative appearance from late spring to the first snow, and the beneficial properties of both bark and berries. Even after the foliage has fallen, viburnum continues to delight the eye with its scarlet berries, which look especially impressive against the backdrop of snow.

It should be noted that not all types of viburnum have edible fruits. The well-known species with the French name Buldenezh is extremely decorative and is known for its chic white inflorescences in the form of snowballs.

Flowering viburnum continues for 30 - 40 days, starting in May. Large umbellate inflorescences of white color can be with a pink tint and reach 10 cm.

Under natural conditions, viburnum grows in areas with moist soil - near rivers, streams, lakes. In total, there are more than 160 species of these plants, of which several dozen are found on the territory of Russia.

Planting viburnum

Kalina is a moisture-loving plant, therefore it grows best in moist areas in partial shade on slightly acidic soils with a pH of 5.5–6. However, the place should be well lit, but preferably not in the sun itself. In very shady places, viburnum will also grow, but it will bloom noticeably weaker.

Viburnum is planted in autumn or early spring. Autumn plantings show the best plant survival. The planting hole is 50 cm wide and 40 cm deep. In the pit, a soil mixture is prepared from the topsoil, to which 6 kg of humus is added, well mixed with a glass of wood ash and peat. The ratio of peat to the rest of the soil is 1:3. If the soil is not rich in humus, then 100 g is added to the pit and thoroughly mixed.

The seedling is placed in a hole so that the root neck is deepened from 3 to 5 cm. After planting, a hole is formed around the bush and watered with 20 liters of water. Then mulch with peat or straw.

When planting several seedlings, they are located at least two meters apart.

viburnum care

Care for viburnum is:

  • top dressing
  • pruning
  • pest prevention

In addition, moisture-loving viburnum needs watering during the dry season.

top dressing

In early spring, viburnum is fed with a complex - 50 grams per bush. To do this, you need to remove the mulch, pour fertilizer, loosen the soil and water the plant. After top dressing, it is necessary to re-mulch the bush. In autumn, root dressing is carried out with ash - 1 glass per bush or superphosphate in the amount of 60 grams.


Pruning is done in early spring. Her task is to thin out the bush so that there is access to fresh air inside it, to remove shoots growing inside, as well as weak, broken and dry ones.

The plant itself is formed by pruning, growing it in the form of a tree, leaving one trunk, or in the form of a bush - several large shoots.

After 5 - 6 years, anti-aging pruning is carried out, removing old shoots. It is better to carry out such pruning not at once, but within two years - cut off half of the shoots in one year, the rest in a year. So viburnum will endure pruning without unnecessary stress.

Prevention of pests and diseases

Viburnum is often damaged by pests such as viburnum leaf beetle and aphids. And if measures are not taken in time, the plant will lose all its decorative effect.

Already in early spring, it is important to treat the viburnum from pests. It should be noted that the viburnum leaf beetle lays eggs in dry twigs of the plant. Accordingly, to prevent the appearance of caterpillars of this dangerous pest in the spring, in the fall, after the leaves fall, it is necessary to carefully examine the bush and remove the dried parts of the branches at the edges of the shoots. The cut parts of the shoots must be destroyed.

From powdery mildew, the plant is treated - you can treat it with this drug in the spring for the purpose of prevention.

Reproduction of viburnum

Kalina is propagated:

  • dividing the bush
  • cuttings
  • layering
  • seeds

Reproduction by dividing the bush

With this method, the bush is carefully divided into several parts. Each part should have 2 - 3 shoots with developed renewal buds.

Reproduction by cuttings

In June, green cuttings are cut, 8–10 cm long with three knots. From the bottom of the cutting, an even cut is made at an angle and the lower leaves are removed, leaving a couple at the top, cutting them in half. The cuttings are soaked for 10 hours in a root formation stimulator and planted in a greenhouse. In autumn, they are planted in open ground in a permanent place, covering for the winter with straw or spruce branches.

Usually, cuttings involve keeping germinated cuttings indoors and planting in open ground only in spring. But viburnum shows good survival even after such an autumn planting of cuttings.

Reproduction by layering

In the spring, a low-lying shoot is bent down and placed in a prepared groove. Cover with soil and secure with wire. The upper part of the shoot remains in the air and is tied up vertically. By autumn, roots form on such a shoot. The shoot is cut off from the mother plant, divided into parts and planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction by seeds

The most labor intensive way. Before sowing, viburnum seeds are stratified. At the end of February, seeds are sown in containers filled with peat mixture. In the spring, when warm weather sets in without frost, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground, protected from the sun for two months.

In the current summer season, all summer residents of our region complain about aphid attacks. It affects literally all fruit and berry plantations: currants, bird cherry, plums. With particular cruelty in our summer cottage, she managed black aphid: she literally stuck around branches, leaves and flowers viburnum, not allowing it to grow or bloom. Arriving one day at the dacha and seeing the attack of aphids, they decided: urgently needed spray aphids on viburnum. Because folk remedies to cook for a long time, and the effect of them is not so pronounced, we decided to use powerful artillery: chemistry.

Aphids on viburnum: photo

In places there are no aphids, in places there are miserable heaps. But the damage from their attack is obvious: the leaves are dry, twisted. Branches are bare. The flowers are hatching, but it is not yet clear whether to wait for berries this year or not. Certainly, process aphids on viburnum needed immediately, as quickly as possible. It is best to visit the dacha more often, otherwise the pests can overcome the unfortunate plants in an instant. And no one but you and me will protect them.

Chemical agents for aphids on viburnum

Baba Tanya's favorite insecticide, which she handles all plants against insects - "Intavir" (analogue - "Inta-Ts-M"). And he was used.

Baba Lyusya uses another chemical agent to combat aphids and other pests: "Tan-rek".

In general, in modern stores the range of insecticides is quite wide. And for convenient spraying, we always use the Zhuk garden sprayer. Alternatively, chemical solutions can be sprayed from a spray bottle or even from a broom. This is not so convenient, but as an emergency measure it will do.

How to process aphids on viburnum: folk remedies

Not all summer residents like to use chemistry on their own plot. Categorically. No problem. Folk remedies, how to deal with aphids on viburnum, many have been invented. The question is how effective they are. To be honest, we haven't checked. But if you have a positive experience in using folk remedies against aphids, we will be glad if you share in the comments below 😉

So, here are such folk remedies called gardeners on the forums effective in the fight against black aphids on viburnum:

  • Soap treatment, which can be prepared from a cheap special laundry detergent like "Lotus" or laundry soap. It is enough to spray 1 bucket of soapy solution on the plant 1-2 times a week. And then wash off the remnants of dead aphids with a strong stream of water.
  • Treatment in dry weather with a preparation of biological origin "Fitoverm" 2 times, after 2 weeks. Biological preparations Lepidocid or Bitoxibacillin, Iskra-bio act similarly against aphids on viburnum. It makes sense to use them in the initial stage of settling viburnum with pests.
  • Salt treatment(it should be cool when spraying). Dosage not specified.
  • Ammonia solution: 1 st. spoon on a bucket of water. Re-treatment required after 2 weeks.
  • Infusion of horseradish. Grind the leaves and roots, put in a bucket and fill with water up to half. Let it brew for 3-4 hours and spray the viburnum bush.
  • Soda solution: Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda ash and dissolved in 1 liter of water. Add 1/4 bar of laundry soap (cut).
  • Infusion of ash: 200-300 g of wood ash is poured into hot boiling water and allowed to brew. the cooled solution is filtered and soap is added.

An interesting way to deal with ants and aphids (and they are closely related) was described on one of the forums:

  • While the tree is young, a car tire cut in half is passed through it. Around the tree you will get an annular groove. It is filled with water, thus constructing an insurmountable barrier for the ants. Ants do not swim and are afraid of water, so they will not climb such a tree. It is proposed to build a concrete groove 15 cm deep around mature trees.

Here she is, our sufferer in all her "glory". We hope that our experience and knowledge will be useful for you in the question of how to process aphids on viburnum 😉

Kalina is a very popular horticultural crop in our area. This shrub has won the love of gardeners both for its beautiful decorative appearance and extremely healthy and tasty fruits that are rich in vitamins and other healthy substances. At the same time, caring for viburnum is quite simple. However, like other garden plants, it is subject to attacks by various pests that must be dealt with in a timely manner.

How to process viburnum

Viburnum pests are quite common and one of the most common pests that infect viburnum bushes is black viburnum aphid. It is a dark brown or brown insect. The aphid lays its larvae on viburnum leaves, as a result of which the leaves curl and dry out, as the larvae drink all the juice from them. You can fight this pest with the help of special preparations, as well as infusions of pepper, celandine or a solution of laundry soap. Ladybugs also help a lot in the fight against aphids.

Viburnum berry in the photo

This article has helped many gardeners stop overworking on their plot and at the same time get a generous harvest.

I would never have thought that in order to get the best harvest on my personal plot in my entire “dacha career”, I just need to stop overworking myself in the beds and trust nature. For as long as I can remember, every summer I spent in the country. First on the parent, and then my husband and I bought our own. From early spring to late autumn, all free time was spent on planting, weeding, tying, pruning, watering, harvesting and, finally, conservation and trying to save the crop until next year. And so in a circle...

Processing viburnum from pests in the spring

Another common pest of viburnum is a small beetle - viburnum leaf beetle. Their size is only 5-7 mm, but they multiply quite quickly and are able to eat all the leaves of the bush, leaving only large veins. These pests of viburnum are quite dangerous, since the plant damaged by them will not bloom next year. You can fight them by spraying with karbofos, if this is done before flowering, tincture of pepper or pharmacy chamomile, if spraying is done at a later period.

Kalina diseases and pests

There are other viburnum pests that are not so common, but also quite common.

Useful properties of viburnum on video

Most species of viburnum are very shade-tolerant and not very moisture-loving.

Representatives of the genus are deciduous and evergreen shrubs or small trees.

leaf arrangement- opposite, rarely whorled. Winter buds are naked or covered with scales.

Leaves- deciduous, biennial or perennial, simple.

inflorescences- apical, simple or complex, umbellate.

flowers- white or pinkish, correct.

Fetus- usually red, less often black, even more rarely yellow drupe, which has one stone, which is usually compressed from the sides. The fruits of some types of viburnum can be eaten.

Collection and storage of fruits. Ripe fruits of viburnum are recommended to be collected after the first frosts, then the berries become less bitter and more palatable. When harvested before frost, the fruits should be cut in clusters, placed in the refrigerator and kept for 24 hours at a negative temperature.
Freezing has a good effect on the taste of the fruit and greatly reduces the bitter taste.

Many types of viburnum are very decorative, they are valued for their beautiful foliage, large and numerous inflorescences, as well as for beautiful fruits.

In many places in Russia you can find luxurious red viburnum bushes. Kalina is very durable, it is not afraid of frost and can give the first harvest of healing berries already in the third year after planting. Viburnum grows on almost any soil - it is only necessary that there is enough moisture and sunlight. In winter, its berries are eaten with pleasure by birds.

viburnum berries normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients and save from colds: infusion of berries and viburnum leaves is recommended to gargle with sore throat. Juice with honey is good for coughing.

reproduction- seeds, green cuttings and layering. You can plant viburnum both in autumn and in spring.

The soil. Kalina prefers light, fertile, slightly acidic or neutral soils without stagnant water.

Landing. Kalina is planted in the spring before the leaves bloom or in the fall with massive leaf fall. Seedlings with an open root system should preferably be planted in spring. Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted throughout the season.

The place for planting viburnum should be sunny or with light shading. Viburnum withstands a short drought, but prefers places with high humidity.

For successful cross-pollination of viburnum, you need to plant several of its bushes at once. They are planted in landing holes 40 * 40 * 40 cm in size, dug out after three meters. The pits need to be filled with a mixture of fertile soil with sand and add a glass of ash.

When planting a seedling, you need to make sure that the root neck is not deepened by more than 5 cm.

After planting, the bush is abundantly watered and mulched with those materials that do not acidify the soil. Then you need to shorten the aerial part of the seedling, leaving 4 developed buds on the stem up to 10 cm high. This technique contributes to improved branching of the bush.

Watering. It is very necessary for young viburnum plants. They are abundantly watered every 7 days so that moisture penetrates to a depth of up to 50 cm. It is recommended to water in the evening and completely fill the annular recess in the near-stem circle with water. Adult viburnum bushes need to be watered during drought and during flowering, active growth of shoots and ovaries.

pruning. Kalina is a fast-growing shrub that gives annual growths of up to 40 cm. She needs shaping, sanitary and rejuvenating pruning. It is best to prune in early spring.

When growing fruit viburnum, a bush should have up to 7 trunks, and the rest should be removed. For lush flowering of viburnum, vigorously growing young shoots need to be pinched at a length of more than 30 cm.

Sanitary pruning should be carried out annually, in which it is necessary to remove dried tops, diseased and damaged branches, as well as weak shoots.

7 years after planting, rejuvenating pruning should be carried out, in which old branches are cut out. Bushes with poor flowering are recommended to be cut "on a stump" at a height of 30 cm from the soil surface. After that, strong young shoots will develop from sleeping buds, and the bush will fully recover.

Care behind viburnum comes down to mulching the soil with a layer of up to 10 cm, pruning bushes, watering and protecting against pests.

Kalina - protection against pests and diseases.

Viburnum bushes often infect leaf-eating insects, which sometimes makes viburnum look unattractive. It is necessary to get rid of pests: for this, it is necessary to spray viburnum bushes with plant infusions and decoctions during flowering and fruit ripening.

viburnum leaf beetle causes the most severe damage to viburnum bushes. Sometimes it severely damages the leaves. First, the black larva eats the leaves, leaving only the veins from them, and then attacks the flowers. And the adult beetle lays eggs under the bark, larvae grow out of them again.

Means of struggle. It is recommended to fight the leaf beetle with pruning. In autumn, you need to inspect the tops of all branches, cut off the oviposition and destroy it in a fire. In early spring, you need to once again inspect the tops and cut off the tops with oviposition again. When the first leaves appear, all the larvae gather on them. You need to pinch off these leaves, collect them in a bucket and destroy them in a fire. After a couple of days, pinching should be repeated twice. In the fall, you again need to find the oviposition and cut them off, and in the spring again pinch off the young leaves with the leaf beetle. In two years, you can completely get rid of the leaf beetle.

viburnum aphid in wet summers, it also spoils viburnum bushes. From it, the damaged upper young leaves are twisted into a ball. Aphids suck the juice from young leaves and slow down the growth of the bush.

viburnum leaflet harms viburnum during flowering and fruit ripening. At this time, leaves twisted into a tube are noticeable on viburnum. The reason for this is the caterpillar - it feeds on viburnum juice.

Garden without chemicals. When flowering and fruit ripening, it is recommended to protect viburnum with herbal decoctions and infusions. Herbs need to be harvested in advance, and it is advisable to do this during the flowering of herbs and on sunny days. Dry them in the shade and in a well-ventilated place.

Before spraying the bushes, the prepared infusions or decoctions must be filtered, and for better adhesion, add crumbled laundry soap at the rate of 40 grams of soap per 10 liters of water. You need to spray the bushes in the evening.

Hot red pepper allows you to get rid of aphids and leaf-eating caterpillars. A decoction is prepared from one hundred grams of crushed red pods and one liter of water. After one hour of boiling, the solution must be infused for two days. Before spraying, two glasses of broth must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

garlic solution able to repel aphids and viburnum leaf beetles. For its preparation, three hundred grams of chopped garlic are used per 10 liters of water, and after filtering, the bushes are immediately sprayed.

citrus peels oranges, lemons, tangerines also help get rid of aphids and viburnum leaf beetle. The infusion should be prepared from 1 kg of crusts: they are scrolled through a meat grinder and poured with 10 liters of warm water, and then insisted for three days in a dark place. You need to spray the plants several times every ten days. It is recommended to alternate citrus spraying with spraying with pepper and garlic preparations.

Marigold also help to get rid of aphids. The infusion must be prepared from 200 grams of dried flowers and 10 liters of water, and insisted for two days. Spraying should be carried out once a week until the complete disappearance of aphids.

Calendula officinalis able to protect against many leaf-eating pests. You need to collect one kg of fresh flowers or take 600 grams of dry ones, pour them with 10 liters of water and leave for two days.

Wormwood can be used against aphids and viburnum leaf beetle. You need to prepare a decoction from one kg of dried green mass of wormwood and 5 liters of water. First, the broth is boiled for 20 minutes, then cooled, filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. Spraying is recommended three times every seven days.

Tobacco, tobacco dust or shag save from aphids and caterpillars of leafworms. The infusion must be prepared from 400 grams of dry crushed tobacco leaves or 200 grams of shag (or tobacco dust): they must be poured with 5 liters of water and kept for three days. After filtering, you need to add water to 10 liters. A decoction is prepared from 400 grams of dry tobacco and 10 liters of water. You need to insist one day, then boil for two hours on low heat.

Sow thistle field helps to save viburnum from powdery mildew. To prepare the infusion, one kg of green mass of thistle must be poured with 3 liters of water and insisted for 10 hours, then filtered and immediately sprayed on the diseased bush.

Bulb onions helps fight powdery mildew and spotting. You need to prepare an infusion from 200 grams of onion peel and 10 liters of water. You need to insist 10 hours, and spray three times every five days.

I invite everyone to speak in

Like other garden crops, it is affected by pests. The greatest harm to viburnum is caused by: black viburnum aphid, viburnum leaf beetle, viburnum leafworm, honeysuckle spiny sawfly, viburnum and honeysuckle gall midges, green lobed moth.

Black viburnum aphid

Adults are dark brown or brown-crimson. The eggs overwinter on the bark near the kidneys. The larvae hatching in the spring inhabit the leaves and suck out their juice. Damaged leaves curl, the tops of the shoots are deformed. At the beginning of summer, winged individuals appear, which populate new plants. In August-September, females lay overwintering eggs. This aphid is migratory. Lives only on viburnum. It is particularly damaging to young plants. During the growing season of viburnum, the pest develops several generations.

Control measures. Cutting and destruction of basal shoots, where eggs often hibernate. Use (ladybugs, lacewing larvae, hoverfly flies) that feed on aphids. Treatment (before bud break) with 60% nitrafen paste (200-300 g per 10 l of water). Spraying during the growing season with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 liters of water), but no later than 30 days before harvesting. Treatment with herbal preparations: infusions of potato tops (1.2 kg of green or 0.6-0.8 kg of dry tops per 10 liters of water); pepper (1 kg of pepper pods, cut in half, or 0.5 kg of dry chopped fruit per 10 l of water); celandine (3-4 kg of fresh plants or 1 kg of dry plants per 10 l of water) or a solution of laundry soap (200-300 g per 10 l of water).

viburnum leaf beetle

Brown-yellow beetle 5-7 mm long. The larva is greenish-yellow, with a dark brown head. The eggs overwinter in depressions made by the beetle in young non-lignified shoots. One clutch consists of 18-24 very small round yellowish eggs. Larvae hatching in May feed on young leaves, strongly skeletonizing them. Pupation occurs in June in earthen cradles at a depth of 2-3 cm. Young beetles, hatched after 1 month, gnaw holes of various sizes in the leaves. As the leaves grow, the damage increases. During the years of mass reproduction of the leaf beetle (cold, rainy summer), only petioles and large leaf veins remain on viburnum bushes. Heavily damaged bushes have little growth and do not bloom the next year. In late July and early August, the beetles lay wintering eggs.

Control measures. Spraying plants before flowering with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 l of water). During the growing season, treatment with infusion of pepper (1 kg of pods cut in half or 0.5 kg of dry chopped fruits per 10 liters of water), tomato shoots (4 kg of green or 1 kg of dried mass per 10 liters of water) or (3 kg of green or 1 kg dried mass per 10 liters of water).

viburnum leaflet

Damages viburnum and. The caterpillar is dark bluish-gray or olive-green in color, yellowish on the sides, covered with light hairs, the head is light brown. Caterpillars that hatch in spring eat the buds, later damage the leaves, braiding them with cobwebs and knocking them into a ball. They pupate in the middle of summer in feeding places. With mass development, the viburnum leafworm destroys many leaves, which leads to a decrease in yield.

Control measures. Collecting and burning nests with caterpillars. Spraying before bud break with 60% nitrafen paste (200-300 g per 10 l of water). Treatment of plants from the beginning of bud break until the appearance of buds with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 l of water).

Honeysuckle spiny sawfly

Damages viburnum, decorative and edible honeysuckle. The body of the larva is olive in color with two transverse rows of white spines, the back has a dark marbling or reticulate pattern, the sides are light gray, and the head is yellow. The caterpillars overwinter in the surface layer of the soil. They pupate in spring. Adults appear during the period of leaf blooming. The females lay their eggs on leaves. Hatching larvae feed on leaves, eating them around the edges. With severe damage, young plants can be completely bare.

Control measures. Autumn digging of the soil. Spraying the bushes before and after flowering with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 liters of water). Processing with a decoction of wormwood (700-800 g of dried grass per 10 liters of water) or tobacco, garlic and onions (200 g of tobacco waste or tobacco dust, 200 g of crushed garlic bulbs and 150-200 g of onion scales per 10 liters of water).

Viburnum and honeysuckle gall midges

Infects flowers. In the first pest, the larvae are white, in the second - yellow. They hibernate in cobweb cocoons in the upper layers of the soil. Adults appear when the buds are exposed. The females lay their eggs inside the buds, where the larvae also develop. The buds acquire an ugly shape, greatly increase, swell, turn red, the corolla thickens, the stamens and pistil remain underdeveloped, the flowers do not open. The pest develops one generation.

Control measures. Late autumn and early spring loosening of the soil. Spraying before and after flowering with 10% karbofos (75-90 g per 10 liters of water).

Green Lobe Moth

Damages viburnum, buckthorn and other crops. The caterpillar is yellow-green, with two pairs of ventral legs, a brown-red line along the back and spots and dots of the same color. Damages only flowers, gnawing out flower ovaries.

Control measures. Spraying before and after flowering with 10% karbofos (75-90g per 10l of water).

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