What causes burning in the leg above the knee. Burning in the leg above the knee from the outside

Each of us at least once in our lives felt that the soles of our feet were on fire. What to do in such a situation? Can such an unpleasant symptom signal the onset of a serious illness, or will the problem go away on its own, and you can simply ignore it?

Diseases leading to burning in the feet and legs

Everyone knows the feeling when, after removing tight or uncomfortable shoes, a burning sensation occurs in the legs. The same feeling can appear with various diseases that require immediate treatment.

Causes of discomfort in the legs can be:

  • vascular diseases of the lower extremities: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis;
  • congenital pathologies of muscle and bone development;
  • infectious and fungal lesions of the skin of the feet;
  • endocrinological and metabolic pathologies (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • avitaminosis.

Vascular pathologies

With thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and others vascular diseases legs, blood circulation in the tissues is disturbed, ischemic changes occur, muscle atrophy.

If the legs burn precisely because of the disease of the vessels of the lower extremities, then the symptoms of burning are usually accompanied by:

  • the presence of edema
  • leg numbness above and below the knees,
  • feeling of fullness in the vessels.

Treatment of such pathologies should be carried out under the close supervision of the attending physician. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

Endocrinological problems

Often the legs burn with endocrine diseases. First of all, with diabetes. This disease affects the vessels throughout the body, including the lower extremities, which often leads to a complication called "diabetic foot".

The onset of diabetic foot syndrome is usually indicated by the sole on the feet: a burning sensation occurs on one or both feet. Later, a small ulcer appears at this place, which is very difficult to treat, and in advanced cases, it can even cause limb amputation.

Against the background of endocrinological disorders, metabolism noticeably deteriorates. With such diseases, the skin of the feet, especially on the heels, becomes dry, thinned, covered with cracks. Such problems should be treated by a qualified doctor.

Infectious and fungal infections

Burning can also appear in the presence of an infectious or fungal infection of the feet. With a fungal infection, the toes and nails are most affected. In such a situation, it is urgent to seek medical help and undergo a course of drug therapy.

Causes of burning in the legs, not associated with diseases


Very often, the reason that the feet are burning is an allergic reaction to tissues and substances in contact with the skin. In this case, the feet not only experience a burning sensation, but also become covered with a characteristic allergic rash, which intensifies in places of close contact between the skin and the allergen.

The cause of allergies can be the wrong composition:

  • the material from which the shoes are made;
  • fabrics of socks, tights, shoe insoles;
  • shoe glue;
  • cream, lotion and other foot care products.

Sometimes, patients note that the feet burn with fire only in certain shoes. In such a situation, an allergic reaction to the material from which it is made should be suspected. Most often, such a reaction appears after wearing silicone, rubber and leatherette shoes that do not meet the requirements and GOSTs.

In addition, the application of various cosmetics to the skin of the legs, including depilatory creams, lotions, self-tanning products, as well as contact with low-quality synthetic fabric of socks or tights, can lead to an allergic reaction.

Uncomfortable shoes, prolonged standing

As we mentioned above, burning in the feet, especially in the evening and before bedtime, can lead to:

  • prolonged standing on your feet during the day (standing work);
  • wearing tight, loose or uncomfortable shoes, as well as shoes with heels.

Why do the soles of the feet burn in these cases? It's simple: uncomfortable shoes, high heels, standing for a long time lead to a sharp expansion and spasm of blood vessels below the knees.

This process is accompanied by increased blood supply to the tissues of the feet, which gives a burning sensation. This situation is especially pronounced in women who like to spend the whole day in high heels.


Complaints that the legs are burning can also be heard from women during pregnancy. The burning symptom during pregnancy is not a pathology and is associated with the increased weight of the expectant mother, circulatory disorders of the lower extremities and fatigue.

Usually, in such a situation, no medical treatment is required and goes away on its own after delivery. To prevent and minimize burning sensation in the feet, pregnant women are recommended to have a good rest, and at night it is advisable to sleep with legs raised on a roller.

What to do if there is a burning sensation in the feet and calves?

Unfortunately, very often, when the first symptoms of almost any disease appear, we try to cure it on our own, and only with an advanced form of the disease do we seek medical help. This approach is fundamentally wrong and may have Negative consequences for good health.

If you feel every day how the soles of your feet burn with fire from the inside, visit a doctor as soon as possible!

Urgently contact medical institution it should also be if you notice a burning sensation for the first time, but, at the same time, it is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • change in the usual skin color;
  • the presence of edema and numbness of the legs;
  • dryness and microcracks of the skin;
  • erosive lesions of the feet;
  • rash and ulcers on the legs of unknown etiology.

If you are sure that the cause of the burning feet and / or lower legs is an allergy, you should stop skin contact with the allergen as soon as possible (get rid of low-quality socks, shoes or foot cream) and make an appointment with a doctor.

If you are expecting a baby or have spent the whole day on your feet, and, in addition to the fact that your feet are burning, you do not observe any symptoms, it is enough to carry out the following procedures to improve your well-being:

  1. Immerse your feet in a warm bath with sea salt or herbal tea;
  2. Get a light massage.
  3. Apply a nourishing cream to the feet;
  4. While resting, take a supine position with your legs elevated on the pillow.

Features of the treatment of burning sensation in the feet and legs

most reliable and effective method treatment of burning feet in healthy people - wearing comfortable shoes and careful hygiene care. Every day it is necessary to carry out hygienic baths, contrast douches, apply nutrients.

If, after a visit to a specialist, it turns out that the cause of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms was a disease, it is necessary to act on the root cause of the disease:

  • with vascular lesions - taking venotonics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, wearing compression underwear;
  • with an allergic rash - desensitizing treatment with drugs for systemic and local effects;
  • with an infectious lesion - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs as prescribed by a doctor.

Please note: all drugs for the treatment of legs should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the causes, stage and neglect of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient's body!

Prevention of burning in the legs below the knees

The following simple measures will help prevent the occurrence of foot diseases:

  1. Daily foot hygiene.
  2. Contrasting dousing of the legs (contrast shower).
  3. Relaxing baths with sea salt or a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  4. Applying a nourishing cream to cleansed skin, while conducting a light massage.
  5. A full night's rest, at least 8 hours a day.
  6. The choice for everyday wear of high-quality and comfortable, if possible, from natural materials, shoes that meet orthopedic requirements.
  7. Controlling your own body weight.
  8. Rejection of bad habits.
  9. Leading a healthy, active lifestyle.
  10. Protecting yourself from unnecessary stress.

And most importantly, in order not to face a situation where the soles of the feet hurt, itch and burn, never try on or wear someone else's shoes!

Carefully monitor your health and the health of your children: do not self-medicate and consult a doctor in a timely manner, even if the problem seems insignificant to you.

Health to you and your feet!

Burning sensation in the legs is a pathological symptom that may indicate various diseases and disorders in the body. Moreover, they are not always associated with the lower extremities.

Burning legs: what is the reason?

Legs can burn for the following reasons:

    The allergen affects the lower extremities.

    A person has varicose veins, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, VVD, obliterating endarteritis, that is, a disease of the veins of the lower extremities.

    A person has dermatological pathologies: the legs are infected with a fungus or bacteria.

    The person has flat feet.

    The patient develops diabetes.

    The patient has gout.

    A person has peripheral neuropathy.

    A person is deficient in B vitamins.

    The woman is carrying a child.

Legs can burn for reasons that are not related to pathological conditions, for example, after overworking or overexerting them.

Sometimes a burning sensation in the lower extremities occurs due to the fact that a person spent the whole day in tight, uncomfortable shoes. Veins were narrowed, and in the evening there was their expansion. This leads to a sudden rush of blood to the legs, which can cause a burning sensation.

Feet can burn from physical or emotional overstrain, but this situation rarely happens.

If there is a suspicion that the burning sensation in the legs is not associated with the disease, then you can try to get rid of it in the following ways:

    Take a contrast shower or foot bath. To do this, the lower limbs are first doused with warm and then cool water. Do not make the water very hot or very cold. The person must feel comfortable. The duration of the procedure should be about 20 minutes. After its completion, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer with menthol on your feet.

    You can raise your legs above your head and lie down in this position for 10 minutes.

    Apply moisturizer to your feet, starting at the tips of your toes and working your way up your feet.

    You can make baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs. For their preparation, chamomile, calendula, hops, wormwood, linden blossom can be used. To do this, 2 tablespoons of grass are brewed in a liter of boiling water and the legs are kept in it for 20 minutes.

    To eliminate the feeling of heat in the legs, you can perform several simple exercises, for example, flexion and extension of the toes. You can twist your feet clockwise and counterclockwise. These activities will normalize blood circulation and get rid of the burning sensation.

    You can knead the foot with your fingers, or use a special massager for this purpose. It is good to use peas, small stones, buckwheat or pebbles for foot massage.

Allergy as a cause of burning in the legs

If materials or substances that are foreign to it come into contact with human skin, they can provoke the development of allergies. So, a burning sensation in the lower extremities may be their reactions to shoes or insoles that have a poor-quality composition. In this case, discomfort most often develops in the evening, may be supplemented by skin itching and redness.

Sometimes allergies are triggered by hosiery, cosmetics(tanning, lotions, depilatory products). Moreover, cosmetics are not always of low quality, sometimes they simply expire.

To get rid of the problem, you need to eliminate the source of the allergy. If itching and burning are intense enough, then you will need to apply antihistamine ointments and creams, for example, Elokom, Loridel, Advantan.

With varicose veins, the veins lengthen and expand. Moreover, any vessels that are in the human body can suffer, but varicose veins mainly affect the veins of the lower extremities.

Causes that can provoke the disease:

    hereditary predisposition.


    Features of professional activity that force a person to be in a static position for a long time.

    Injuries of the lower extremities.

    Taking hormonal drugs.

Symptoms of varicose veins:

    Swelling of the legs.

    Heaviness in the legs.

    Burning sensation in the legs in the evening and at night.

    The appearance of imprints from socks on the legs.

    After sleep, the heaviness in the legs disappears.

    Muscle cramps in the lower extremities.

    Bulging of the veins in the legs.

Therapy of varicose veins can be conservative, in severe cases, the help of a surgeon is required. Firstly, you need to eliminate all the reasons that could provoke varicose veins, that is, do not lift weights, do not stand or sit for a whole day, etc. Secondly, you need to start fighting excess weight and switch to proper nutrition. The diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, and salty and spicy dishes are removed from it. Constipation is a risk factor that aggravates the course of the disease, so they need to be treated.

Compression garments may be indicated for patients with varicose veins. It can be socks, tights or stockings. Some patients need to use them only during physical exertion, and some - throughout the entire time.

Be sure to perform therapeutic gymnastic complexes, you can ski, ride a bike.

Drug correction involves taking venotonics: Venitan, Antistax, Phlebodia, Detralex. For topical application, Fastum Gel, Lyoton ointments are used. Be sure to supplement the treatment with vitamins and trace elements.

It is possible to carry out sclerotherapy, in which drugs are injected into the vein that clog its lumen. Over time, the vessel is overgrown with healthy tissue. This method only solves the problem on early stage disease development.

Laser treatment involves the destruction of altered veins using a laser beam. This method is used when the vein in diameter has not expanded by more than 10 mm.

If none of these methods can solve the problem, then surgical intervention is necessary. In this case, the patient is bandaged and the diseased veins are removed. The endoscopic method of vein removal, which is characterized by low trauma, has become widespread.

The cause of burning feet is often a fungal infection. Infection can occur anywhere: in the pool, in the sauna, in the bath. There are a huge variety of fungi, but the symptoms of the disease are almost always the same.

First, the infection affects the skin between the toes, it begins to peel off, reddens and itches. As the disease progresses, itching intensifies, cracks appear on the legs, and the skin becomes thickened. Possible damage to the nail plate. It turns yellow and starts to crumble.

A burning sensation in the legs can occur even before a person has the first symptoms of an infection. Many patients indicate that the legs are very hot and itchy. Sometimes the infection is hidden. A person's nails can become thickened, and cracks form on the heels. Mycotic infection is detected only during the examination.

Treatment of fungal lesions of the legs should be comprehensive:

    It is necessary to disinfect all objects and things that can retain microorganism spores. This applies to socks, insoles, shoes, towels, scissors, nail files, etc. For disinfection, formalin with a concentration of 25% is used. Be sure to disinfect the bathroom.

    For topical application, creams and ointments are used, as well as antifungal solutions, for example, Lamisil, Nizoral, etc. They can help when the infection has just begun to develop.

    In severe cases of the disease, systemic medication is indicated. These can be tablets such as: Itraconazole, Nystatin, Lamisil, Fluconazole, etc.

To prevent infection, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene, monitor the cleanliness of shoes. Do not walk barefoot in public places. It is imperative to maintain normal immunity, as well as to conduct healthy lifestyle life.

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a decrease in insulin production in the body, or its complete absence in the blood. At the same time, glucose levels rise. Capillaries are the first to suffer from its excess, which causes burning in the legs. The patient develops a symptom such as diabetic foot.

A person begins to experience pain in the lower extremities, which increases with prolonged physical exertion. The pain is stabbing or aching, may be expressed by a burning sensation of the toes or heels. Gradually, it intensifies and begins to disturb a person even when he is resting. The lower extremities become pale and the toes turn blue. The neglected form of the disease leads to the death of their tissues and ulceration of the skin of the legs.

To prevent the development of complications of diabetes, it is necessary to constantly maintain the level of glucose in the blood. For this purpose, insulin injections or sugar-burning tablets, for example, Metformin, Maninil, Amaryl, can be used. The lower limbs need proper care, which prevents the formation of purulent ulcers and wounds.

People who cannot find the cause of burning in their legs are advised to donate blood to determine the level of glucose in it.

Legs can burn with obliterating endarteritis. This disease is characterized by damage to the arteries of the lower extremities by infectious agents.

The main symptom of the disease is intermittent claudication. At the same time, at short intervals (when walking), a person will cramp his legs with severe cramps. People complain that during this period the legs seem to be on fire. After rest, this feeling disappears, but as soon as the patient takes a few dozen steps, the discomfort and pain return. In addition, the lower limbs swell, become heavy, and ulcers can form on them.

Treatment is designed to normalize blood flow and strengthen the vascular wall. For this purpose, patients are prescribed drugs that relieve spasm from the arteries. It is necessary to take anticoagulants that thin the blood. Patients are prescribed vitamin complexes, antihistamines. Such physiotherapeutic methods of treatment as barotherapy and diadynamic currents are effective. If a conservative treatment does not allow to achieve the desired result, then the patient is sent for surgery.

When the affected artery does not exceed 15 cm in length, it is removed. If the vessel is larger, then an operation is necessary to replace the artery with an artificial prosthesis. Alternatively, a vascular bypass may be performed.

Thrombophlebitis is characterized by inflammation of the vascular wall, which is why blood clots settle on it. A thrombus is a blood clot. Most often, thrombophlebitis affects the veins of the lower extremities. They hurt, become hot to the touch, redden.

The following reasons can lead to the development of the disease:

    Infections that affect internal organs.

    Slow blood flow, increased blood clotting.

    Cancer tumors.

    Vascular injury.

    The period of bearing a child and childbirth.

    Transferred operations.

The onset of the disease is accompanied by pain in the legs. The skin turns red along the inflamed vein, begins to burn. The general body temperature rises, and the affected leg swells. Then a seal begins to appear on it - this will be a blood clot.

The main directions of treatment:

    The patient needs to move as much as possible. Bed rest is contraindicated.

    In order to eliminate the heat in the legs, it is necessary to apply cold to them. This will reduce the pain.

    For treatment, drugs such as: Troxevasin, Troxerutin, Rutozid (rutin derivatives) are used. To strengthen the vascular wall, Aescusan is prescribed, to reduce the symptoms of inflammation - Diclofenac or Ketoprofen. In a complex therapy regimen, drugs aimed at blood thinning can be used, including: Trental, Heparin, Reopoliglyukin.

Surgical intervention is reduced to the removal of veins that have undergone inflammation and expansion.

Atherosclerosis of the veins of the lower extremities (ischemia of the legs) is characterized by the formation of blood clots in the lumen of the vessel. This clot becomes an obstacle to the normal blood supply to the legs, as a result of which they begin to suffer from oxygen starvation. Most often, the disease manifests itself in people over 40 years of age. The vast majority of patients are men.

The following risk factors can provoke the development of atherosclerosis:

    Physical inactivity.


    Predisposition to the disease, obtained at the genetic level.

  • Hypertension.

The patient develops intermittent claudication. In this case, cramps can affect both the gluteal muscles and the calf muscles. At night, a person experiences a feeling of heat in the feet and in the toes. If you lower them down, then the discomfort goes away.

    To give up smoking.


    Increasing physical activity. The patient needs to walk at least 40 minutes a day.

    Treatment of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, which often cause atherosclerosis.

    Blood thinning with Aspirin or Pentoxifylline.

If conservative treatment does not help, then the patient is shown surgery. This can be laser treatment or balloon plastic surgery. Sometimes the affected vessel needs to be removed.

In some cases, the patient performs a lumbar sympathectomy, which boils down to the intersection of nerve fibers located in the lumbar region. Such manipulation will avoid spasm of the vessels of the legs and bring the blood flow back to normal. The procedure is not the main direction in the treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.

Gout has a chronic course and develops in people suffering from disorders in metabolic processes. The disease is accompanied by an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood. Its crystals will be deposited in various organs and tissues, which leads to the development of symptoms of the disease.

The following reasons can provoke gout:

    hereditary predisposition to the disease.

    High blood pressure.

    Violation of lipid metabolism in the body.

    The predominance in the diet of red meat, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, tea, legumes. It is dangerous to drink alcohol.

    Kidney disease, accompanied by impaired urination.

Gout affects the joints. The disease debuts with the fact that a person has severe pain and burning sensation in the big toe. It turns red and swells, the pain becomes unbearable, occurs at night. During this period, a general increase in body temperature is possible.

Treatment for a gout attack:

    The leg should be placed on a slight elevation and not disturbed.

    You need to take any pain medication, except for Aspirin.

    Be sure to observe the drinking regimen. The intake of fluid in the body will allow you to quickly eliminate pain and cope with an attack.

    Dry cold can be applied to the affected joint.

    During an attack, meat, fish, spices, cocoa, coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages are excluded from the menu.

    Drugs such as Indomethacin, Naproxen, Fenoprofen, etc., help reduce inflammation.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, there are violations in the work nervous system. The following factors can provoke them:

    Stress and overwork.

    Transferred viral diseases.

    The impact of radiation on the body, including insolation.

    Frequent drinking and smoking.

    Drinking strong tea and coffee.

    Hormonal changes in the body.

    Hereditary predisposition to the development of the disease.

    Traumatic brain injury.

    Allergic reactions of the body.

The symptoms of VSD are varied. They include headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, and changes in blood pressure. All this can lead to hot flashes to the legs and palms. The heart works intermittently, the human psyche at such moments is unstable. Perhaps the appearance of red spots on the body.

If the VVD is provoked by any diseases, then it is required to direct efforts to eliminate them.

    Rejection of bad habits.

    Allocate sufficient time for sleep and rest.

    The diet should contain fresh vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, unrefined oils. Be sure to drink enough water, it is good to supplement the drinking regimen with infusion of tea and milk fungus.

    Need to cancel exercise, which are associated with a sharp movement of the body in space. With VVD, you should run, do yoga, swim, and walk.

The more a person experiences positive emotions the sooner he can deal with the problem.

Heat in the legs during pregnancy

Legs can burn during pregnancy, especially in the last months. This is due to developing toxicosis, which is called preeclampsia. In addition to pain in the legs, a woman has protein in her urine, and her lower limbs swell greatly. From them, the edema spreads to the stomach and above. The vessels are pinched, which can provoke a feeling of heat.

In addition, increasing body weight can become a cause of discomfort in the legs.

Video: restless legs syndrome, what to do? Recommendations of a neurologist:

Education: diploma in the specialty "Medicine" received in 2009 at the Medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov. In 2012, she completed postgraduate studies in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" at the City Clinical Hospital. Botkin at the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Disaster Surgery.

Burning in the legs is extremely unpleasant and alarm symptom. It can be the result of damage to blood vessels, nerve fibers or soft tissues of the lower extremities. Very often, starting the treatment of burning in the legs without considering the cause, the patient brings his condition to the point where he is threatened with amputation of the lower limb.

What should be paid attention to when such a symptom appears and what potential pathologies should be excluded? You can learn about this from the proposed material.

Causes of burning in the leg

There are various causes of burning in the leg - these can be endocrine and vascular pathologies, impaired innervation against the background of pinching of the sciatic and femoral nerve, degeneration of muscle, connective and epidermal tissue. But most often these unpleasant symptoms are associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A burning sensation in the leg can be caused by the following reasons:

  • tunnel syndrome in the popliteal fossa, where the sciatic nerve branches into small and large tibial;
  • pathology hip joint causing damage to the sciatic nerve;
  • lumbosacral osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome;
  • piriformis syndrome;
  • myofascial pain syndrome.

Pathogenic risk factors for the development of these pathologies can be an improper diet and a violation of ergonomics in the organization of a sleeping and working place. It is also worth keeping an eye on your body weight, because overweight creates an increased load on the lower limbs. Structural changes may occur in the large joints of the lower extremities. Burning and pain are signs of tissue damage.

Depending on the localization of the burning sensation, it is possible to exclude foot deformity, destruction of the knee joint, venous and vascular insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, and even obliterating endarteritis.

Note! Burning skin may be a symptom of neuropathy and is not always associated with diabetes. Polyneuropathy can develop as a result of various toxic lesions of the human body. In about half of the cases, neuropathy of the lower extremities is associated with long-term osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine.

Insufficient innervation of the capillary walls leads to the fact that soft tissues, including the axons responsible for skin sensitivity, do not receive sufficient nutrition. Trophic lesions may be accompanied by a burning sensation, then skin itching occurs and trophic ulcers of the lower leg may develop. This is a very dangerous condition, in some cases leads to secondary infection and the development of septic arthritis of the knee and ankle joint on the side of the lesion.

How to deal with such situations? Timely treat osteochondrosis, sciatica, radicular syndrome and a number of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

If you have a burning sensation in your feet, then you can make an appointment with our doctors at the chiropractic clinic. You may need to consult a neurologist or orthopedist. The initial consultation is free of charge for all patients.

Why does burning of the toes occur?

Burning toes is a sign of damage to the nerve fiber. This can be facilitated by plantar fasciitis, calcaneal spur, deformity of the metatarsal bones, varus or valgus deviation of the big toe.

Burning in the area of ​​​​the toes appears suddenly when walking for a long time in improperly selected shoes. It is worth paying attention to this and abandoning the further use of such shoes. Otherwise, there is a risk of impaired capillary blood supply and gradual destruction of the small interphalangeal joints of the foot.

If a burning sensation occurs, the toes should be examined. if you find redness, swelling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the fingers or interphalangeal joints, then you should urgently consult a doctor and ask for an x-ray. This symptom may be a manifestation of incipient polyarthrosis or polyarthritis. Over time, if left untreated, the interphalangeal and metatarsal joints are deformed, which will cause severe pain in the future when walking.

Burning skin on the feet

Periodic burning sensation of the foot associated with physical activity unusual intensity, is a sign of a violation of the blood supply to the soft tissues and muscles of the arch of the foot. This pathology can be primary or develop as a result of a violation of innervation processes. Stretching of the ankle joint with subsequent cicatricial changes in the tendon and ligamentous tissue leads to the fact that there is compression pressure on the nerves.

The innervation of the vascular wall is disturbed and the tone of the capillary network decreases. The movement of blood slows down, soft tissues are deficient in the supply of oxygen, nutrients and fluid. Burning is the effect of a lack of arterial blood supply.

Constant burning of the feet may be due to plantar fasciitis or arthrosis of small joints. In women, a similar symptom most often occurs when the joint of the big toe is deformed. In men, a burning sensation occurs when there is a pronounced flat foot or clubfoot. If the foot is incorrectly set while walking or running, bones are deformed, the ligaments and fascia of the muscles of the arches of the foot are mixed. All this forms the prerequisites for tunnel syndrome.

Pinching of the plantar nerve can occur both at the level of the ankle joint, and with its smaller branches. Depending on the place of compression, a burning sensation may occur both in the area of ​​​​the base of the foot, and along the inner or outer side surface. Prolonged compression of the nerve fiber leads to its necrosis and deformation. It can be very difficult to restore normal innervation later.

Therefore, when a burning sensation of the skin of the legs appears, a complete medical examination should be immediately carried out and all possible pathologies of the musculoskeletal system that can lead to compression of the plantar nerve should be excluded.

Why does burning occur in the leg below the knee?

There are several objective reasons why there is a burning sensation in the leg below the knee, and among them, carpal tunnel syndrome occupies the first place in terms of frequency. Due to the compression of the peroneal nerve in the knee joint, its neuropathy can form. The primary signs of pathology are the following clinical manifestations:

  • burning sensation in the lower leg on the outer and inside;
  • pain in the back of the heel;
  • cramps in the muscles of the lower leg and the inner arch of the foot;
  • fatigue of the leg muscles when walking or running;
  • pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toes and its base;
  • pain in the knee joint;
  • a feeling of numbness, crawling, after which a burning sensation begins.

Another disease accompanied by similar symptoms is osteoarthritis of the knee joint, which occurs against the background of improper foot placement. This is a pathology of a deformation nature. A change in the position of the heads of the bones in the cavity of the knee joint leads to the fact that the cartilaginous synovial tissue wears out quickly. After its thinning, bone tissue is exposed. During movement, there is a traumatic effect on the bone tissue. It is covered with a network of cracks. They are filled with deposits of calcium salts and a rough callus is formed.

Such deformation processes lead to the fact that the position of the saphenous femoral nerve and the tibial nerve is disturbed. This causes their neuropathy and inflammation. The most striking symptom is pain in the knee area, burning of the skin of the lower leg after a long walk or being on your feet.

Burning in the legs above the knee (in the thigh)

Most often, burning in the legs above the knee is a consequence of compression of the sciatic nerve. It can be caused by osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine, deforming osteoarthritis of the hip joint, or piriformis syndrome. All these diseases lead to the fact that compression is observed at the passage of the sciatic nerve. Prolonged compression of axons leads to the development of compensatory inflammation. As a result, there is a burning sensation in the leg in the thigh.

Depending on the localization of the place of compression, burning pain can spread along the internal and outer surface hips. To search for the cause of this symptom, it is necessary to take a survey radiographic image of the hip joint and the lumbosacral spine.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with tumors, impaired blood supply in the pelvic cavity, fungal and infectious lesions of the skin of the thigh. it is important to exclude varicose veins of the lower extremities and diabetic neuropathy.

Concomitant symptoms of burning in the joints and shins of the legs

Depending on the cause of the burning sensation in the legs, there are accompanying symptoms, knowing which an experienced doctor will be able to accurately make a preliminary diagnosis already during the initial examination of the patient.

It is important to understand that burning sensation in the legs is not an independent disease. This is just a clinical sign of a disease.

Different pathologies are accompanied by different sets of symptoms. And depending on this set, one or another disease can be suspected. Let's take a look at just a few of the most commonly diagnosed pathologies:

  1. burning in the joints of the legs, accompanied by swelling, swelling and fluctuation (the sound of an overflowing liquid on palpation) is almost always present with bursitis or an aseptic inflammatory process in the articular cavity;
  2. burning in the lower leg with soft tissue swelling and mild convulsive syndrome - this is a manifestation of varicose veins with circulatory failure;
  3. crunching when moving, weakness of the calf muscles and pain when stepping on the foot - this is osteoarthritis of the knee joint;
  4. severe burning sensation in the ankle joint and redness of the skin around it are signs of arthrosis or plantar fasciitis.

Do not self-diagnose. You have a great opportunity to get free advice from experienced doctors. Make an appointment with an orthopedist or neurologist at our chiropractic clinic. The first appointment with a doctor is free of charge.

Treatment for burning feet

There is no isolated treatment for burning feet, as it is not a disease, but a symptom. To eliminate it, it is enough to cure the disease that provokes it. in simple terms, there is no such ointment, using which you can permanently get rid of such an unpleasant sensation.

Accordingly, the treatment of burning feet begins with a complete diagnosis. Only after making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will be able to prescribe a course of treatment. We use manual therapy methods. Osteopathy and reflexology, therapeutic exercises and kinesitherapy, laser treatment of damaged tissues and massage are used. The course of treatment can be prescribed only after the initial diagnosis.

It is impossible to give a general recommendation when such a symptom appears, since acute thrombosis can manifest itself in this way. And if in such a situation you start applying some tips from the Internet, then everything can end very badly.

Nerve damage, thrombosis, and vitamin deficiencies are some of the common causes of burning feet. The burning sensation may be accompanied by pain and may affect your daily life. Therefore, it is necessary to understand why the burning sensation appeared and, accordingly, how it should be treated.
The first cause may be nerve damage or neuropathy. Nerve damage can be the result of many diseases. Due to nerve damage, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted and the brain does not receive proper signals. Thus, you can feel numbness and burning sensation in one or another part of the body without any injuries and injuries. What can cause nerve damage?
- Sciatica: Burning is quite common in patients with sciatica. It occurs due to irritation of the sciatic nerve. A burning sensation is usually felt in the lumbar region with irradiation along the back of the thigh and knee.
- Diabetes mellitus: Long-term diabetes increases your chances of burning. The reason is that in diabetes, due to a violation of the structure of nerve fibers, a complication develops - diabetic neuropathy. The affected nerve causes pain and numbness in the limbs and other parts of the body.
- Vitamin deficiency: Deficiency causes adverse effects on the nerves, funicular myelosis may develop. In this case, there is a violation of sensitivity, there is a feeling of "goosebumps", burning or tingling in the legs or arms.
- Other causes of neuropathy include: HIV/AIDS, heavy metal poisoning, kidney disease, alcohol abuse, side effects medicines.
The second cause of circulatory disorders. Circulatory failure causes blood clots to form in the blood vessels, which can cause a burning sensation in the leg. Such a state is called. Discomfort will increase after walking, lifting weights, climbing stairs and other activities. Diseases of the peripheral arteries (for example,) can also cause limited blood flow to the limb and be accompanied by a burning sensation.
The third reason can be attributed to many other factors that can also be responsible for the burning sensation or tingling in the muscles of the legs. Some of them are nerve compression or injury, fibromyalgia, tendovaginitis, bone fractures.
Since there are many causes of burning sensation in the legs, the treatment for each case should be individual.
If the underlying factor is diabetes mellitus, it is necessary first of all to control the level of sugar in the blood. Vitamin B12 deficiency should be treated with injections or capsules to compensate for the deficiency.
An elevated position of the limb can be recommended. Place a pillow under your injured leg. Keep it elevated while sleeping or resting.
Apply warm mustard or olive oil to the affected leg. Gently massage in circular motions. It's best to do this before bed.
Add 2-3 teaspoons of cod liver oil to your daily diet. It is generally a remedy for many types of leg pain.
Reduce your intake of alcohol, tobacco and other toxic substances.
For burning, you can try putting an ice pack on your foot for up to 10 minutes and do this 3-4 times a day until you get relief.
You can, on the contrary, use thermal procedures. Take a towel and warm it up with an iron. Wrap it around your leg and leave it on for 15 minutes. Do this twice a day.
You can use over-the-counter pain relievers to get instant relief from the burning sensation in your feet.
The home remedies suggested above can be very effective. However, with the development of edema, a change in the color of the skin on the leg to blue or red, prolonged symptoms of discomfort and burning, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Timely medical care will restore the healthy condition of the legs.

Often women are faced with such a problem as burning in the legs. What are the reasons for its appearance? How to get rid of this problem once and for all?

As soon as you feel that your legs have begun to bake, and this does not go away for several days, you need to find out the reason: what provoked the appearance of this problem. If you can’t figure it out on your own, then you need to contact a specialist. A neurologist will help you understand why the burning of the feet appeared.

The first reason why legs are baked is a violation of the peripheral nerves. When everything is normal, such a feeling does not arise, since impulses regularly and without interruption pass from the brain to the muscles and complete the reverse process. As soon as an “accident” occurs in the “program”, a signal is sent to the brain that an unplanned process (failure) has occurred. The problem is just appearing, and you already know about it, because burning in the legs is the main symptom of peripheral nerve dysfunction.

Reasons why there is a burning sensation in the legs:

1) Diabetes mellitus. When the exchange of glucose in the blood is disturbed, particles (free radicals) begin to accumulate in nerve cells. It is precisely because of them that the destruction of nerve endings occurs. After damage to the nerves, a failure begins throughout the human body.

An important role is played by high blood sugar. It is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, after which they begin to narrow. The result is difficult blood circulation, a violation of blood circulation through the vessels. This also affects the peripheral nerves. After the blood circulation has deteriorated, the nerves gradually begin to break down.

Burning in the legs is a signal that a person may develop diabetes. For this reason, patients who turn to the doctor are advised to first donate blood for sugar or do an analysis for glycosylated hemoglobin. With the help of the analysis, it will be found out whether the amount of glucose in the patient is disturbed. If you find an increased level of sugar, you should also seek help from an endocrinologist. Most likely, an electromyography will be prescribed.

2) Hereditary problems. You can’t get away from genes, therefore, if parents faced such a problem, it means that their children simply cannot avoid it. After a certain mutation of genes appeared, it began to be transmitted from generation to generation. The genes that are responsible for the synthesis of proteins in nerve fibers begin to change. Because of their mutation, a disease appeared that causes burning of the feet. There is no point in talking about a complete cure, the disease will not be cured one hundred percent. In this case, anticonvulsants may be prescribed.

3) Tumor. When a neoplasm appears in the human body, antibodies also begin to be produced abruptly. They may not always be helpful. Sometimes antibodies begin to affect the peripheral nerves of the entire human body. The first on their way are the fibers of the vessels of the legs - this is one of the main reasons why there is a burning sensation in the legs.

4) Uncomfortable shoes. Often, it is precisely because of improperly selected shoes that a burning sensation in the calves of the legs may appear. Do not be upset because you have to change fashionable and stylish shoes for more "modest". The most important thing in life is not only beauty, but also health.

Often, in order to cure the burning sensation, a course of antioxidants is prescribed. After taking this remedy, they begin to disappear, and the destruction of the nerves stops. Damage to the fibers also stops, the vessels return to normal. After such a course, the work of the body is getting better.

As soon as there are problems with the legs, quickly go to the doctor! Do not delay with treatment. If you find out the cause of the disease in time, you can avoid serious consequences.