Stride for joints. Detailed instructions for the drug "Stride Plus" for dogs


Stride powder for dogs.

Physical inactivity Stride is a highly effective drug belonging to a new generation of chondroprotectors intended for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases in dogs. Many dogs, especially older dogs, suffer from degenerative diseases of the joints of the limbs and the spinal column, in which the articular cartilage is affected. Due to this, the joints become less elastic, painful and lameness occurs. It was previously thought that articular cartilage tissue could not regenerate. The traditional approach for such problems has been to prescribe anti-inflammatory and pain medications, however, this has now been proven to only mask the problem, bringing only temporary relief. Currently, numerous studies have confirmed that articular cartilage can recover under certain conditions. This is facilitated by the active ingredients included in the Stride.

Compound: per 10 g Glucosamine Hydrochloride 1080 mg Chondroitin Sulfate 240 mg Methylsulfanylmethane (MSM) 2000 g Manganese ascorbate 48 g Filler up to 10 g Pharmacological action. Glucosamine increases the level of glucosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the tissues of the joints, which are " building blocks"to restore cartilage tissue, provide its strength. Also, glucosamine increases the level of hyaluronate, the main component of the articular (synovial) fluid. Glucosamine has certain anti-inflammatory properties. Chondroitin sulfate - promotes hydration of cartilage and increases its shock-absorbing capabilities, helps restore the articular bag and cartilaginous surfaces of the joints Chondroitin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, preventing the destruction of cartilage by enzymes produced during inflammatory processes in the joints.Chondroitin is also involved in the construction of the basic substance of bone tissue.MSM is a source of bioavailable sulfur, which is necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue, including the main connective tissue protein - collagen.Manganese takes an active part in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, in the processes of osteogenesis, normalizes growth.Manganese is involved in the absorption of chondroitin sulfate.Indications: degenerative and inflammatory alimentary diseases of the joints - bruises, wounds, joint sprains, hydrarthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, periarticular fibrositis, arthrosis, ankylosis, osteochondrosis. Thus, Stride is a source of substances that help to restore freedom of movement of the joints and is desirable for dogs to prevent joint damage, especially in elderly and load-bearing animals.

Doses and method of application

Stride is mixed with food at a dose of: Small dogs (5-15 kg) 5 g per day; Medium dogs (15 - 30 kg) 10 g per day; Large dogs (over 30 kg) 15 g per day. Stride must be taken for at least 30 days. Then, depending on the result, continue to give Stride at this dosage or reduce the dose by half. A measuring spoon without a slide contains 5 g of the drug.

Stride plus is a vitamin complex for dogs used as an effective prophylactic for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

With age, pets, especially those with a large body weight, increase the risk of joint damage. In many respects, this situation is explained by degenerative changes in the cells and tissues of the joint capsule as a result of aging. An important advantage of the drug is its ability reduce the inflammatory process and activate the restoration of damaged cells, due to the presence of active substances in its composition. The use of these vitamins as a prophylactic has shown itself well in the field of preventing rheumatoid pathology.


The active ingredient is hyaluronic acid with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In addition, its presence in the body of a dog suffering from rheumatism improves the elasticity of cartilage cells, thereby improving and facilitating movements in the joints.

As part of vitamin complex located glucosamine, which reduces the inflammatory process and improves the regeneration of cartilage tissue, making it more resistant to various physical stresses.

The restoration of the cartilaginous surface, both of the joint itself and of the tissues of the articular capsule, is improved due to the action chondroitin sulfate. And in order for the therapeutic effect of this component to be more pronounced, manganese is included in the vitamin complex. This chemical element also contributes to the normalization of the growth of cartilage cells and plays an essential role in the formation of bone tissue.

Veterinarians say that this vitamin preparation will be especially useful in relation to certain breeds that have a hereditary predisposition to pathological processes and joint diseases.


You can use this drug not only when the dog is sick, but also for the prevention of joint diseases.

When your pet turns 5 years old, the use of Stride Plus will help to minimize the development of joint atrophy, osteoporosis and rheumatism in the animal. These diseases reduce the mobility and activity of the dog due to severe inflammation of the nerve endings and severe pain.

Shepherds, Labradors, St. Bernards, Retrievers and Dachshunds are recommended to use these vitamins from the age of 3 years.

The vitamin complex is effective for the following ailments:

  • Diseases of the joints of various origins.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Mechanical damage to the joint due to injuries and bruises.
  • The presence of rickets and osteoporosis due to a lack of vitamins and metabolic disorders.
  • Autoimmune diseases (rheumatism).

Relevant is the use of this drug in order to strengthen the cartilaginous tissue of the puppy's auricles.

Release form

The veterinary drug is produced in liquid form packaged in containers with a volume of 200 and 500 ml. The release of a drug in liquid form has significant advantages and advantages over its counterparts in the form of tablets or injection solutions. The fact is that dogs do not experience much enthusiasm for pills, and an injection for them, in general, is a painful procedure.

The addition of a vitamin complex to the feed significantly masks the drug, and the animal, having eaten, does not even understand that it has eaten the medicine. The presence of a dispenser in the package makes it possible to determine the dosage as accurately as possible. Each press releases 1 ml of liquid.

Instructions for use

As mentioned above, before giving syrup to a dog, it must be mixed with food.

For small dogs whose weight does not exceed 5 kg, it is enough to give 2 ml of syrup per day. For preventive purposes, veterinarians advise using a dose not exceeding 1 ml.

With a dog weighing from 5 to 15 kg, for therapeutic purposes, he needs 4 ml of medicinal liquid and, accordingly, 2 ml as a prophylaxis.

Owners of large breeds should give their pets at least 12 ml for joint diseases.

The treatment regimen for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system involves the daily use of vitamins for 50 days.


In cases of increased sensitivity of the dog's body to the active components of the vitamin complex, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited. In the process of treatment, Stride Plus does not cause side effects.


You can purchase a vitamin preparation for dogs by visiting any veterinary pharmacy in the city. The price may vary depending on the volume of syrup.

On average, a bottle of 200 ml will cost 1 200 rubles, but a 500 ml bottle will cost a little more - 2 500 rubles.

STRIDE PLUS hyaluronic acid- Natural preparation for dogs, providing ease of movement.

stride plus is a highly effective preparation belonging to a new generation of chondroprotectors intended for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases in dogs.

The active ingredients that make up Stride Plus contribute to the restoration of articular cartilage:

Composition (per 100 ml):

Hyaluronic acid - 745000 mcg; Glucosamine Hydrochloride - 16900 mg; Chondroitin Sulfate - 3300 mg; Methylsulfanylmethane (MSM) - 10100 mg; Manganese ascorbate - 720 mg; Filler - up to 100 ml.

Pharmachologic effect:

Hyaluronic acid - the main component of synovial fluid, gives cartilage tissue visco-elastic properties, and also provides a reduction in inflammation, pain and ease of movement.

Glucosamine increases the level of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the tissues of the joints, which are the "building blocks" for the restoration of cartilage tissue, provide its strength. Glucosamine also increases the level of hyaluronate, the main component of the joint (synovial) fluid. Glucosamine has certain anti-inflammatory properties.

Chondroitin sulfate - promotes hydration of cartilage and increases its shock-absorbing capabilities, helps to restore the articular bag and cartilaginous surfaces of the joints. Chondroitin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, preventing the destruction of cartilage by enzymes produced during inflammatory processes in the joints. Chondroitin is also involved in the construction of the basic substance of bone tissue.

MSM is a source of bioavailable sulfur, which is necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue, including the main connective tissue protein - collagen.

Manganese takes an active part in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, in the processes of osteogenesis, in the absorption of chondroitin sulfate, and normalizes growth.


degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the joints - bruises, wounds, joint sprains, hydrarthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, periarticular fibrositis, arthrosis, ankylosis, osteochondrosis.

For the prevention and prevention of joint damage, especially in elderly and load-bearing animals.

Application: Stride plus is added to feed at a dose of:


Small dogs (up to 5 kg) - 2 ml of syrup; medium dogs (from 5 to 15 kg) - 4 ml; large dogs (from 15 to 30 kg) - 8 ml; very large dogs (30 kg or more) - 12 ml.


Small dogs (up to 5 kg) - 1 ml of syrup; medium dogs (from 5 to 15 kg) - 2 ml; large dogs (from 15 to 30 kg) - 4 ml; very large dogs (30 kg or more) - 8 ml.

To obtain 1 ml of syrup, you must press the pump once. Shake before use.

Stride plus must be taken for at least 30 days, the optimal duration of treatment is two to three months.

If necessary, repeat the prophylactic course after two months.

Release form: pump bottles and 500 ml.


Name (lat.)

Composition and form of release

Stride Plus is a complex preparation containing 1 ml as active ingredients 169 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride, 101 mg of methylsulfanylmethane (MSM), 33 mg of chondroitin sulfate, 7.2 mg of manganese ascorbate, 745 mcg of hyaluronic acid and filler up to 1 ml. Released in the form of a solution for oral administration. Packed in plastic bottles of 200 ml and 500 ml, which are packed together with a dispenser in carton boxes.

Pharmacological properties

Stride Plus is a new generation of chondroprotectors. Glucosamine, which is part of Stride Plus, increases the level of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the tissues of the joints, which are the "building blocks" for cartilage tissue repair and provide its strength. Glucosamine also increases the level of hyaluronate, the main component of the joint (synovial) fluid. Glucosamine has anti-inflammatory properties. MSM is a source of bioavailable sulfur, which is necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue, including the main connective tissue protein - collagen. Chondroitin sulfate promotes hydration and an increase in the shock-absorbing properties of cartilage, as well as the restoration of the articular bag and cartilaginous surfaces of the joints. Chondroitin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, preventing the destruction of cartilage by enzymes produced during inflammatory processes in the joints. Chondroitin is also involved in the construction of the basic substance of bone tissue. Hyaluronic acid is the main component of synovial fluid. Hyaluronic acid imparts visco-elastic properties to cartilage tissue, as well as reducing inflammation, pain and facilitating movement. Manganese takes an active part in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, in the processes of osteogenesis, normalizes growth, and also promotes the absorption of chondroitin sulfate.


Stride Plus is prescribed to dogs for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases (bruises, wounds, joint sprains, hydrarthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, periarticular fibrositis, arthrosis, ankylosis, osteochondrosis). Especially recommended for older dogs and load-bearing animals.

Doses and method of application

Before use, the cap is unscrewed from the bottle and the dispenser is screwed in. Shake the vial with the drug before use. With one press of the dispenser, 1 ml of the drug is drawn from the vial. Stride Plus is given to dogs inside with feeding. The drug is administered for prophylactic purposes at the rate of: small dogs (weighing up to 5 kg) - 1 ml of syrup, medium dogs (weighing 5 to 15 kg) - 2 ml, large dogs (weighing 15 to 30 kg) - 4 ml, very large dogs (weighing 30 kg or more) - 8 ml of syrup. For therapeutic purposes, Stride Plus is used at the rate of: small dogs (weighing up to 5 kg) - 2 ml of syrup, medium dogs (weighing 5 to 15 kg) - 4 ml, large dogs (weighing 15 to 30 kg) - 8 ml, very large dogs (weighing 30 kg or more) - 12 ml of syrup. Stride Plus should be taken for at least 30 days. The optimal duration of the course of treatment is two to three months. It is recommended to repeat the prophylactic course in two months.

Side effects

With proper use and dosage, no side effects are observed.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

special instructions

There are no special precautions.

Storage conditions

Store in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 2 years.

Name (lat.)

Composition and form of release

Stride is a complex preparation containing 10 g as active ingredients 2000 mg of methylsulfanylmethane (MSM), 1080 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride, 240 mg of chondroitin sulfate, 76 mg of manganese sulfate, 48 mg of vitamin C and filler up to 10 g. Available in powder form for internal use. Packed in plastic bottles of 150 g and 500 g. A measuring spoon is also put into the bottle.

Pharmacological properties

Stride is a new generation of chondroprotectors. Glucosamine, which is part of Stride, increases the level of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the tissues of the joints, which are the "building blocks" for the restoration of cartilage tissue and provide its strength. Glucosamine also increases the level of hyaluronate, the main component of the joint (synovial) fluid. Glucosamine has anti-inflammatory properties. MSM is a source of bioavailable sulfur, which is necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue, including the main connective tissue protein - collagen. Chondroitin sulfate promotes hydration and an increase in the shock-absorbing properties of cartilage, as well as the restoration of the articular bag and cartilaginous surfaces of the joints. Chondroitin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, preventing the destruction of cartilage by enzymes produced during inflammatory processes in the joints. Chondroitin is also involved in the construction of the basic substance of bone tissue. Hyaluronic acid is the main component of synovial fluid. Hyaluronic acid imparts visco-elastic properties to cartilage tissue, as well as reducing inflammation, pain and facilitating movement. Manganese takes an active part in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, in the processes of osteogenesis, normalizes growth, and also promotes the absorption of chondroitin sulfate.


Stride is prescribed to dogs for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases (bruises, wounds, joint sprains, hydrarthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, periarticular fibrositis, arthrosis, ankylosis, osteochondrosis). Especially recommended for older dogs and load-bearing animals.

Doses and method of application

Stride is given to dogs inside with feeding at the rate of the first 30 days: small dogs (weighing up to 5 kg) - 2.5 g of powder per day, which corresponds to ½ measuring spoon; medium dogs (weighing 5 to 15 kg) - 5 g of powder per day, which corresponds to 1 measuring spoon without a slide; large dogs (weighing 15 to 30 kg) - 10 g of powder per day, which corresponds to 1 measuring spoon with a slide; very large dogs (weighing 30 kg or more) - 15 g of powder per day, which corresponds to 3 measuring spoons without a slide. In the future, the use of Stride is recommended to continue at the same dose or with a dose reduction by half.

Side effects

With proper use and dosage, no side effects are observed.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

special instructions

There are no special precautions.

Storage conditions

Store in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 2 years.