HPV 53 type. Analyzes for the detection of HPV: types, features of studies and interpretation of the results

The human papillomavirus (HPV) can be found in the body of every second person. HPV includes a whole group of viruses, which can be divided into 5 subgroups. These viruses provoke the appearance of warts, papillomas and malignant tumors of the reproductive organs.

70% of people are carriers of HPV

It is known that over the past 50 years, scientists have managed to classify more than 100 types of HPV. Approximately 70% of the world's population is infected with HPV of various types. The severity of the virus depends entirely on its type. Many are interested in whether type 53 HPV is dangerous for women, as well as what symptoms it has.

Causes of infection

Infection with HPV 53 is possible only through contact with skin cells or mucous membranes of an infected person. The virus is never transmitted through the blood, saliva or feces of an infected person. HPV of any type can enter the body during childhood, which most often happens. The child may have various microdamages of the skin (scratches, abrasions), which are suitable channels for the penetration of the virus. A sign of the presence of HPV in the body of a child are warts.

In adults, HPV types are most often diagnosed, provoking the appearance of anogenital warts, which are called genital warts. In adults, HPV infection occurs sexually, less often when using shared towels, visiting a bath, swimming pool. For the virus to enter the body, one injury to the human genitals is enough.

Upon contact with the surface of the mucous or skin, the virus begins to take root. It contacts the body's immune cells. If the immune system is fully functional, the virus is neutralized and infection does not occur. In case of weakened immunity, the papillomavirus penetrates the cells of the basal layer of the mucosa, invades their chromosomes, after which the cell division process fails. With HPV type 53 and other types, the cells divide too intensively, which is why genital warts or warts form on the skin or mucous membranes.

The diagnosis of papillomavirus in the human body is extremely important, since there are several types of infections that provoke cancer.

53 HPV type - oncogenic type?

Conventionally, all types of HPV discovered by mankind are divided depending on their degree of influence on the possibility of developing cancer. HPV types that are not associated with the development of cancer include types 1–5, 10, 28, 49. The most oncogenic types are 16, 18, 31, 45 and 59, and these viruses are almost always diagnosed in women with cervical cancer. HPV type 53 does not cause cancer.


Signs of the presence of HPV in the human body depend on the type of virus. If the causative agent of the disease has been neutralized by the immune system, then the person will not have any symptoms. If HPV has managed to invade the cells, then for several months the infected person will not have any symptoms of the disease, but it will already be potentially dangerous and can infect someone.

Women may experience the following symptoms of HPV:

  • The presence of genital warts and papillomas. These are millimetric growths with a sharp apex that occur on the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs or on the skin of the external genital organs. The number of neoplasms can be different. Papillomas can form a bunch. Despite the fact that genital warts almost never turn into malignant tumors, doctors insist on their timely removal, since they are easily injured and bleed.
  • Flat warts. These are subtle neoplasms, but their oncogenic potential is high. Flat warts are very common on the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.

Flat papillomas are dangerous degeneration into cancer

With HPV, women may not have symptoms, the presence of the virus in the body can be detected during an examination by a gynecologist, when condyloma or a wart is located on the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs (cervix). Methods for diagnosing papillomavirus:

  • PCR is an analysis, the conduct and receipt of results of which does not tolerate any errors. Only this analysis allows you to diagnose the presence of HPV and determine the type of virus. For him, biomaterial is taken from the cervix or vaginal mucosa. The result of the study can be both false positive and false negative.
  • Digene-test allows you to accurately determine the degree of HPV oncogenicity. However, this research method cannot be considered as the main one, since the test must be performed in combination with PCR. Only such an approach to the diagnosis of the virus can guarantee a reliable result.
  • Cytology. The essence of the study is the study of cellular biomaterial taken from the cervix or vaginal mucosa. The material is studied under a microscope, the presence of mutated cells is determined. If there are any, then the patient is diagnosed with cervical dysplasia.

Dysplasia is a special condition of mucosal cells in which precancerous transformation of their nuclei is observed. The degree of organ dysplasia affects not only the likelihood of developing cancer, but also the choice of HPV treatment methods.

Since in most cases papillomavirus proceeds without symptoms, all women should regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo examinations prescribed by a doctor.

Under the age of 30, it is enough to pass one PCR test, and if its result is negative, the study must be repeated after 3-5 years. If the analysis for highly oncogenic HPV is positive, but abnormal cells were not detected during the cytological examination, then the diagnosis should be repeated after a year. After age 30, HPV testing should be done every 2-3 years, even if the results are negative.

If both analyzes give positive results, then the woman is prescribed detailed studies: colposcopy and biopsy.

PCR analysis shows the presence or absence of HPV

Features of treatment

How to treat HPV in women? The choice of treatment methods depends entirely on the type of virus and the degree of its oncogenicity. Whatever pathogen of papillomas is found, you need to know that it will not work to completely remove the virus from the body. Therefore, the main goals of treatment are to reduce the degree of manifestation of HPV and increase immunity. The last component of therapy is extremely important, because with strong immunity, the activity of the virus is suppressed, which reduces the risk of developing oncology to zero.

  • Removal of neoplasms provoked by HPV: the elimination of warts and papillomas reduces the risk of injury and infection. Also, neoplasms are removed with a laser or liquid nitrogen. After removal, the neoplasm is sent for histological examination.
  • If a precancerous condition is detected, then they resort to excision of the pathological area of ​​the cervix with a radio wave knife. Local anesthesia is administered prior to removal of the organ site. The excised area of ​​the cervix is ​​necessarily sent for histology and the stage of the precancerous condition of the organ is checked.
  • Women with HPV may be given antiviral therapy, aimed at inhibiting the vital activity of viruses, as well as immunomodulators and multivitamin complexes.

Drug therapy for HPV in women includes the following drugs:

  • cycloferon;
  • alfaferon;
  • neovir.

Accelerate the onset of recovery will allow the right lifestyle, including healthy eating, stress limitation.

Neovir - medicine for the treatment of HPV

Medications home cooking will only prevent the further growth of warts provoked by non-oncogenic HPV (type 53 refers to those).

Condylomas can be treated with such means with Kalanchoe, celandine, garlic and ammonia juices.

To strengthen the immune system, which is also important in the treatment of HPV, you can add a small amount of juniper berries, cranberries and rosehip broth to the diet.

HPV and pregnancy

If a woman has HPV in her body, this does not mean that there is a threat to the normal course of pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, the virus can become aggravated, because during this period the woman's immunity decreases. To prevent this from happening, immunity must be constantly maintained with the help of vitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor. Certain products should not be used during pregnancy folk methods treatment.

HPV in women is a disease in which any self-treatment is not allowed. Therapy for HPV is prescribed only by a doctor.

It is important to take prescribed vitamins during pregnancy


It is unrealistic to protect yourself from HPV, however, there are vaccines against viruses with a high level of oncogenicity (type 16, 18) that guarantee the protection of the body from malignant changes in cells.

Urogenital types of HPV are sexually transmitted, so the main preventive measure in this case is to limit unprotected sexual contact with partners, about the presence or absence of sexual infections of which you do not know anything.

The active growth of neoplasms provoked by HPV in women may be associated with the presence of diseases such as HIV, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia. With the sudden appearance of papillomas and condylomas, with their active growth, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo the prescribed examinations.

Human papillomavirus (or HPV) is a family of viruses that cause warts, papillomas, dysplasia, or cancer of the cervix and genital organs in humans. This is the most common viral infection of the genital area.

General family: Papillomaviridae. Latin name: Human papillomavirus.
Abbreviation: HPV (as it is written in the analyzes).

For physicians and students: the entire history of papillomavirus classification changes on the website of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses - link.

What is this virus?

  1. More than 100 types of human papillomavirus have been discovered in 50 years. Pathogenic for humans - 80 types.
  2. According to WHO, 70% of the world's population is infected with HPV by the age of 50.
  3. In children, papillomaviruses cause warts.
  4. At HPV women Types 16 and 18 more often than other types lead to cervical cancer. Every year, 500,000 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed worldwide.
  5. HPV is the vast majority of the cause of genital cancer in women and men.
  6. It will not be possible to cure HPV completely and forever. You can only temporarily suppress its development and prevent the appearance of formations.
  7. The most effective prevention against cancer of the cervix and genital organs worldwide is the vaccine against types 6, 11, 16 and 18 of papillomaviruses.

This is what HPV looks like under an electron microscope

How does infection occur?

The source of the virus is the skin cells of a sick person. Not blood! Not saliva! Only cells of the skin or mucosa.

If the patient has a papilloma, even if it is small in size, it is she who is the direct source of the virus!
At the same time, the patient may not yet have warts or condyloma during examination. Changes may still be microscopic, not visible to the eye (subclinical stage of the disease). But such a person can already transmit the virus to another person.

Infection usually occurs during childhood. Through microdamages of the skin of the child (scratches, abrasions), the papillomavirus penetrates the skin and causes the appearance of warts. We read about what types of warts are here: link.

In adults, certain types of virus (to be discussed below) cause the development of anogenital warts, or genital warts (). The transmission mechanism of these types is predominantly sexual.
But theoretically, a contact-household transmission route is also possible - through common hygiene supplies, toilet rim, taking a bath, visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, etc.

Through microtrauma of the genital organs, the virus is transmitted from one sexual partner to another. In this case, the patient may also not have any changes visible to the eye. But microscopic changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs can be. And these altered cells are the source of the virus.

Next, the virus penetrates the skin or mucous membranes and is met various cells immune system person. In most cases, immune cells destroy the virus. Read more about the work of the immune system.

But if the immune system is weakened, the virus has time to penetrate the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium of the skin or mucous membranes, HPV DNA is integrated into the chromosomes of cells and changes the functioning of these cells. Cells begin to divide excessively and grow in a limited area, externally turning into warts and papillomas.

The incubation period can be short - 3 months, and can last for years. That is, there is a virus in the body, it can be present in only a few epithelial cells. But the immune system is strong enough to prevent it from developing into a full-fledged formation visible to the eye.

How papillomavirus develops in the skin


The types of HPV that cause warts enter the body during childhood,

The HPV types that cause genital warts enter the body primarily through sexual contact.

In rare cases, the development of human papillomavirus infection in the human body can lead to malignancy (that is, degeneration into cancer). Therefore, all types of papillomaviruses are classified according to the degree of oncogenicity (that is, according to the degree of possible development of cancer).

Types of HPV oncogenic and non-oncogenic

(according to research by McConcl D. J., 1991; Lorincz A. T., 1992; Bosch E X. et al., 2002; Kozlova V. I., Pukhner A. F., 2003; Syrjanen S., 2003; Shakhova N. M. et al., 2006;).

  1. Non-oncogenic HPV types, that is, never causing cancer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 28, 49
  2. Low-oncogenic HPV types (very rarely cause cancer): 6, 11, 13, 32, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 51, 72
  3. Types of average oncogenic risk (percentage of cancerous degeneration is average): 26, 30, 35, 52, 53, 56, 58, 65
  4. Highly oncogenic types of HPV (the risk of cancerous degeneration is high): 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 45, 50, 59, 61, 62, 64, 68, 70, 73. This is especially important in women.

By the way, sometimes the classification changes. For example, HPV type 58 in women is no longer highly oncogenic. It began to be attributed to types with an average oncogenicity.

Occurrence in diseases

  • In 73-90% of cases with cervical cancer, HPV types 16, 18 and 45 are found
  • In 77-93% of cases with cervical cancer, HPV types 16, 18, 45, 31 and 59 are found
  • In 80-94% of cases with cervical cancer, HPV types 16, 18, 45, 31, 33 and 59 are found
  • Precancerous conditions in urology and gynecology are often combined with 61, 62, 68, 70, 73 HPV types.

The most frequently encountered in the analysis

  • human papillomavirus 16 (spelled HPV 16) - 50%
  • human papillomavirus 18 (HPV 18) - 10%

HPV 16 and 18 types

Symptoms and clinic

Symptoms and manifestations of HPV infection are warts, papillomas, dysplasia and cervical cancer. Different types of viruses - different manifestations in patients.

1. Warts

They are caused by the following types of HPV - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 28, 49.

  • youthful (or flat) warts - are caused by types 3 and 5 of the virus. These are small flat elevations on the skin, occur mainly in children. This type of wart is described in detail.
  • spines (or plantar warts) - are caused by types 1 and 2 of the virus (you can read more about them).
  • vulgar warts on the fingers - caused by type 2 viruses (detailed article about them).

2. Genital warts

Localization: on the genitals, in the anus, in the oral cavity and on the lips (types - 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 31, 35). More about these warts -.

The main mechanism of transmission of this disease in adults is sexual. Very rarely, a contact route of transmission can occur - through common toilet items, through a dirty toilet rim, using a shared bathroom, in a bathhouse, etc.

If a child is born to a mother with genital warts, the child is also infected and may subsequently also develop genital warts or papillomatosis of the larynx and respiratory tract (discussed above). However, the frequency of such symptoms in infants is extremely low. Children have a fairly high level of immunity, which protects them from such manifestations of infection.

3. Papillomatosis of the larynx

Small, flat wart plaques (somewhat similar to flat warts) appear around the genitals. It often develops in men who constantly change sexual partners. Called by types - 16, 18, 31, 33, 42, 48, 51, 54.

5. Dysplasia and cervical cancer

More formidable clinical manifestations of HPV infection in women are cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN, or dysplasia) of the cervix and cervical cancer (see photo). This is the most frequent view malignant course of this infection. A more detailed article on CIN and dysplasia -.

Pictured is cervical cancer.


Cervical erosion and HPV are NOT the same thing. A detailed article on what cervical erosion is and how it differs from dysplasia and HPV -.

Modern medicine declares with 100% certainty that cervical cancer is caused exclusively by papillomavirus types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 55, 57, 59, 61, 62, 66, 67.

The diagram shows the development of HPV infection over the years

6. Cancer of the skin of the penis (Bowen's disease)

Caused by virus types 16 and 18.

Today, some foreign scientists believe that the human papillomavirus is the cause of cancer of any localization. Since cancer is a malignant tumor of the epithelium of the skin or mucous membrane, therefore, the HPV virus, which causes dysplastic phenomena in the epithelium, causes the appearance of cancer. And with cervical cancer, this is 100% proven.

There is evidence for breast cancer and laryngeal cancer, though not yet formalized into a global recommendation. And, according to some cancer researchers, the day is not far off when cancer of another localization (for example, intestines) is also recognized as the result of activity in the human body of the human papillomavirus.


Any viral infection that is constantly in the human body (and HPV is one of those) is activated only when immunity is reduced.


1. PCR analysis

The main method for diagnosing papillomavirus is the PCR reaction. Using special reagents, the presence of HPV DNA in the material from the patient is determined. The most common types of analysis for HPV are types 16, 18 of the virus, as well as a number of other highly oncogenic types.

Material for analysis is taken from the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix of a woman. In men - from the mucous membrane of the penis.

Below in the photo is an example of PCR analysis and its decoding.

PCR can detect the presence of the virus even in a latent (that is, dormant) state. Therefore, it is important to determine the viral load, or the concentration of the virus.

The PCR reaction can give and false result, and both a false positive and a false negative result, especially if the conditions for its implementation are violated (even a push of the table on which the study is being carried out can lead to such a false result).

So, according to modern researchers in the West, up to 20% of all PCR results for papillomavirus were false. And this fact did not depend on the complexity of the equipment and the quality of the reagents.

2. Digene test

A new study gaining popularity in the medical community. This test is used to determine the presence of clinically significant levels of the virus. Thanks to this test, it is possible to identify - a high degree of oncogenicity in viruses in the patient's body, or a low one.

The Digene test is used in combination with a cytological examination of the cervix, and they are also evaluated in a complex manner.

3. Examination by a gynecologist and/or urologist

4. Pap test

Other names are cytological examination, or "Pap smear".

A smear taken during a gynecological examination is examined. This study is often referred to as "liquid-based cytology" or simply "cytology".

At the same time, a laboratory assistant under a microscope determines the presence or absence of pathologically altered cells, which should not normally exist, but they appear only with the development of the disease. The presence of such altered cells may indicate the presence of CIN (or cervical dysplasia) in a woman.

5. Histological examination

A microscopic piece of tissue is examined, also taken during a gynecological or urological examination. Another name for this study is "biopsy". Under a microscope, the doctor evaluates the degree of change in the tissue taken for examination.

How to decipher the analysis for HPV?

An example of a PCR analysis for HPV

Analysis interpretation

The unit of measurement is the number of genome equivalents (in simple terms, the number of viruses) per 100,000 human epithelial cells (that is, 10 to the 5th power).

Abbreviated: Lg


  1. 3 – 5 Lg. This is a clinically significant indicator. The risk of developing the disease is average. You need to be examined by a doctor.
  2. > 5 LG. High viral load. Be sure to undergo a full examination to exclude cervical dysplasia.

What is a reference value

This means the average statistical indicators for this study in this age group. That is, in a simple way, the reference values ​​​​are the norm.

For HPV reference values ​​are negative. That is, normally HPV DNA should not be in the analyzes.

What is KVM?

KVM is the control of taking material. Normally, the doctor should take a scraping in such a way that there are at least 10,000 (or 10 to the 4th degree, or 4Lg) epithelial cells in the material sample.
If the CME value is less than 4Lg, this means that there are few cells for analysis. The analysis is not recommended, as it will not be informative, and the doctor is advised to repeat the sampling of the material.



  • In the treatment of human papillomavirus, you need to know: the virus may not be completely removed from the body. The main goal of treatment is to remove the manifestations of the virus and reduce its concentration in the body so that the human immune system itself suppresses the virus.
  • First, the doctor must make the correct diagnosis, and this is already half the treatment!!!
  • Self-medication has low efficiency and can lead to the progression of the process. Self-medication is especially dangerous for diseases of the genital area.
  • With all types of treatment, a healthy lifestyle that enhances immunity is required.

Mandatory 3 directions in treatment

  • removal of manifestations - warts, genital warts, dysplasia (erosion) or cervical cancer
  • taking antiviral drugs (rarely used in the treatment of warts)
  • strengthening immunity (rarely used in the treatment of warts)

1) Removal

Removal of papillomas with a laser

Radio wave papilloma removal

The radio wave vaporizes the formation in the same way as a laser. .

Removal of papilloma with a scalpel

Removal of papillomas with an electric knife

In fact - this is the same scalpel, only electric. Currently, it is practically not used in cosmetology.

Removal with liquid nitrogen

More detailed article about this method -

Cauterizing agents

Pharmaceutical locally necrotic drugs (acids, alkalis) are used:
- Super cleaner
- Solcoderm ()
- Duofilm()
- Collomac()
- Verrukacid, or ferezol ()
- Condilin ()
- and a number of others.

2) Antivirals

  • Isoprinosine (or groprinosin): 2 tablets - 3 times a day; 14-28 days (more detailed article about this drug -).
  • Allokin-alpha: 1 ampoule, dissolve the powder in 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride, inject subcutaneously 1 time in two days, course - 6 injections (described in more detail about Allokin).
  • Epigen intimate spray: spray the affected area 4 times a day throughout the entire treatment period (more detailed instructions ).
  • Panavir: available in different forms- gel, spray, suppositories, injection solution - it all depends on the prevalence and localization of the process (detailed material about panavir).

3) Drugs that increase immunity

Polyoxidonium, Roncoleukin, Immunal and others:

  • Immunal: 1 tablet - 4 times a day, the course is from 2 to 8 weeks.
  • Reaferon: powder of 1 bottle (1 million units) diluted with water (half a teaspoon), drink 30 minutes before meals - 2 times a day, for 10 days.
  • Polyoxidonium: 1 suppository (12 mg) inside the vagina or in the rectum at night every other day - 10 times.

HPV and pregnancy


The human papillomavirus does not affect reproductive function, that is, the virus does not prevent a woman from having a child.

If papillomavirus infection is detected during pregnancy:

  • the first is to find a good gynecologist and be observed by him until the birth,
  • the most important thing is what manifestations of the infection a woman has, the tactics of the doctor will depend on this,
  • The virus has no effect on the fetus!
  • warts and papillomas can be removed after childbirth,
  • minimum drugs (only as needed) during pregnancy,
  • during childbirth, the child can become infected, passing through the birth canal,
  • in the presence of expressed changes on the cervix of the pregnant woman can offer a caesarean section,
  • in the absence of manifestations - childbirth in a natural way.

In general, caesarean section for HPV infection is rarely performed. And manifestations of infection in children subsequently are also extremely rare or insignificant.


Prevention is the best cure. Remember this phrase, especially when it comes to the sexual sphere.

Nature has come up with a wonderful mechanism for healing and prevention for a person, which then helps him not to get sick again. This is the immune system.

If a person has already had warts or papillomas once, then later he develops immunity to this type of virus. Therefore, in adults, juvenile warts, spinules and vulgar warts very rarely appear.

It is on this principle that the method of vaccinating a person against various diseases is built. infectious diseases, and from papillomavirus including.

That's why it's SO IMPORTANT to keep your immune system strong. high level. A detailed article on how to strengthen immunity - read.

Specific prevention of PVI infection

  • Vaccine "Gardasil" (Gardasil) manufactured in the USA. This vaccine against types 6, 11, 16, 18 prevents the development of such symptoms of infection as genital warts, neoplasia (dysplasia, or erosion) and cervical cancer, penile skin cancer in men. In many developed countries HPV vaccination is carried out very actively, starting from the age of 11-12 (link), until the time of the onset of sexual activity, when infection already occurs. Applies to both girls and boys.
  • Vaccine "Gardasil 9". This vaccine is nine-valent, that is, it acts against 9 types of the virus: 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58. The effectiveness of preventing cervical cancer is from 98% to 100%.
  • Vaccine "Cervarix". This vaccine forms immunity against 2 types of the virus: 16 and 18.

Non-specific prophylaxis

  • Personal hygiene measures in public places
  • healthy image life, supporting immunity at a high level
  • Proper mode of work and rest
  • Moderate Physical Culture
  • Taking vitamins, fruits, juices
  • Only one sexual partner (ideally)
  • Using a condom during sexual intercourse

And in conclusion - a few videos on the topic of the material recommended for viewing.

Attention: if the doctor did not answer your question, then the answer is already on the pages of the site. Use the search on the site.

Updated: October 08, 2019

Papillomavirus - this pathogen is present in the body of almost 90% of the inhabitants of our planet. The consequences of the penetration of this pathogen into the human body are manifested in the form of unusual skin rashes - warts, papillomas and condylomas. Such an infection is distinguished by a large variety of its representatives, which today number about 600 varieties.

Some strains can cause the development of cancer in men and women. The approach to the treatment of this disease should be purely individual and take into account the type of virus determined in the process of diagnosing such a disease.

What is HPV

The causative agents of papillomatosis are viral particles containing DNA chromosomes in their structure. These microorganisms are only 55 nm in size. The symptomatic manifestations of such an infection vary depending on the type of papillomavirus. Representatives of this pathology are not sown on nutrient media during bacteriological analysis. It is possible to more successfully determine the type of pathogen based on the results of the molecular diagnostic method - PCR. Various strains of human papillomavirus are classified based on their molecular structure.

The penetration of this infection into the body is carried out through the damaged epidermis of the skin or mucous membranes. First, papillomavirus reaches the deep layers of the skin, where it can be in a latent (sleeping) state for a very long time. The gradual maturation and rejection of epithelial cells lifts the viral particles out. When they get to the surface, the increased reproduction of harmful microorganisms begins.

If the patient has a strong enough immune system, it easily copes with the infection, completely destroying it. This happens in most infected people. But in those patients who have a weakened immune system, the virus begins to progress. The causative agent quickly affects healthy tissues located in the neighborhood. As a result, HPV DNA is integrated into the chromosomes of normal cells, causing their uncontrolled, pathological growth. Outwardly, the symptoms of this disease manifest themselves in the form of various outgrowths of the mucous membrane and skin - genital warts, or warts.

It is known that different types have their own localization. Some types of infection can only cause damage to the superficial epidermis of the skin, while others multiply only in the thickness of the mucous membranes. Individual strains of the human papillomavirus affect only specific areas of the body.

Attention! For the health of the patient, information about what type of papillomatosis pathogen is found in them is very important. Different kinds this pathology have very specific clinical manifestations. Determining the strain of the infection helps the doctor find out the further course of the disease, as well as calculate the likelihood of the transformation of pathological outgrowths into a malignant form.

Classification of causative agents of papillomatosis

All human papillomaviruses in medicine are systematized - they are distinguished by types and groups. Since there are so many types of this infection, they are simply numbered from 1, 2, 3 and so on. Pathogenic microorganisms are also classified into groups, based on the risk of degeneration of a benign formation into cancer. Any kind of this DNA virus can be found in a person, regardless of his age or gender.

First group

It includes the safest strains of the pathogen. If a patient is diagnosed with one of these types of HPV, you don’t have to worry about the transformation of papillomas into an oncological disease. The following papillomaviruses have been added to this category:

  • 1st, 2nd, 4th - the symptoms of such pathologies manifest themselves in the form of plantar warts (according to appearance more like corns)
  • 3rd, 10th, 28th, 49th - this type of pathogen provokes the occurrence of genital warts yellow color, with a flat surface on any part of the patient's skin;
  • 5th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 36th, 37th, 46th, 47th and 50th d - viruses that cause the formation of various growths mainly in the chest, arms and neck are inherited;
  • HPV 26, as well as the 27th, 29th and 57th types of infection resemble common warts in shape, they are grayish and flat, appear mainly on outer surface hands;
  • 7th type - causes the appearance of the so-called "meat" warts, which in appearance resemble a gaping wound with edges turned outward.

Second group

This is followed by group number 2, which includes HPV with a low probability of oncogenic risk. Here are relatively safe strains of papillomaviruses. They can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms, but only under certain conditions. The group includes the following types of pathogen:

  • 6th, 11th - are the most common, contribute to the appearance of papillomas in the armpits and under the breasts;
  • 13th, 32nd - provoke the development of epithelial hyperplasia of the oral cavity;
  • 42nd, 53rd, 44th - clinically manifested in the form of seals that form on the cervix in women, often cause erosion;
  • HPV 53rd, 54th, 55th - resemble a mushroom in shape, have a small stem and hat, often appear in skin folds in people with a lot of weight. HPV types 53, 54, and 55 can cause severe bleeding if damaged.

Read also related

Which means for removing papillomas to choose in a pharmacy

Third group

This category includes human papillomaviruses with an average level of carcinogenic risk. In such a situation, the transformation of a benign wart into a cancerous tumor can be caused by a decrease in the reactivity of the immune system or severe stressful situations. These are the following strains of infection:

  • 31st - this HPV type is most often transmitted during sexual intercourse with a carrier. As a result of infection, the patient develops dense growths on the mucous membranes of the urethral canal and internal reproductive organs;
  • 33rd, 35th, 52nd - provokes the formation of scaly warty outgrowths, they are dark in color and are localized on the skin of the hands;
  • 58th - symptomatically manifests itself in the form of nodular neoplasms that affect mainly the epidermis of the genital and inguinal zones.

Fourth group

It includes the most dangerous types of HPV. Almost all strains of infection from this group, after a certain period of time, provoke a malignant degeneration of the formation. Here are such types of papillomatosis as:

  • 16th, 18th are viruses of high oncogenic risk. Under the influence of these microorganisms, normal mucosal cells are transformed into genital warts. They grow at a very high speed, damaging the DNA structure of healthy tissue and causing its uncontrolled, chaotic division. This type HPV for women extremely dangerous, as in the future it can provoke dysplasia and oncology of the cervix.
  • 31st, 33rd - also quite dangerous strains of papillomavirus. They are the cause of neoplasia of the uterine neck in women. In men, this type of infection causes such a dangerous disease as bowenoid papulosis. These microorganisms often cause mucosal ulcers, an intraepithelial form of cancer.
  • 51st - this human papillomavirus has a great propensity for malignant degeneration. This type of HPV manifests itself in the form of tuberculate or flat condylomas, it is considered a precancer. Judging by the results of a study by scientists, about 70-82% of women suffering from symptoms of genital cancer are infected with this pathogen. In men, the 51st papillomavirus causes malignant pathologies of the mucous membrane of the penis and anal area.
  • HPV 82, HPV type 83, 52nd and 59th - such representatives of papillomatosis are detrimental to the health of all people. They provoke the development of pointed outgrowths of the mucosa in the vaginal cavity and on the uterine neck. That is why the beautiful half of the population suffers from the signs of pathology caused by this pathogen. HPV types 83, 82, 52 and 59 are especially dangerous because they can cause cervical cancer in the future.

Attention! You should not panic prematurely if, as a result of the examination, one of the viruses of high oncogenic risk has been identified in you. According to world statistics, only 18-20% of patients infected with dangerous strains of papillomatosis face oncology. In most cases, the disease is detected even at the stage of dysplasia, and in this case, the disease is perfectly treatable.

How infection occurs

HPV infection is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, although in medical practice there are also cases of infection by the contact-household method - as a result of the use of common hygiene products. It is not excluded the possibility of infection with papillomavirus when visiting the toilet, taking a bath, as well as conducting water procedures in institutions with a mass gathering of people - such as a sauna, swimming pool or bath.

The direct transmission of the virus occurs during sexual contact, when harmful microorganisms penetrate the damaged tissues of the mucous membranes. At first, an infected person has absolutely no symptoms. Even with a gynecological examination in women, no changes in the mucosa are visually detected. Only in the process of microscopic analysis, transformed cells are visible on the reproductive organs, which are the main source of pathology.

Infection various types HPV in men and women who are sexually active occurs at some point in their lives. The possibility of re-infection with the virus is also not ruled out. The likelihood of infection is highest at a time when young people are just beginning to be sexually active. Although the infection is transmitted through sexual contact, penetration itself is not necessary for infection with the pathogen. Any interaction with the affected skin and mucous membrane of the carrier is as dangerous as sex with him.

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Most papillomaviruses are not dangerous to humans. In many cases, this infection is cured by itself, after only a couple of months after infection - this means that the patient's immunity is in excellent condition. About 85-90% of HPV lingers in the human body for up to 2 years, and only 10% of these microbes remain in the epidermis and can provoke the formation of malignant tumors.

The most common disease that is closely associated with various types of HPV is cervical cancer. In almost all situations, this pathogen causes dysplasia (precancerous condition) in women. Today, this infection harms not only the fair sex, because in men it causes malignant degeneration of the mucous membrane of the anus and penis. Even relatively safe strains of papillomatosis (6th, 11th) contribute to the formation of genital warts in the respiratory tract. Although such conditions complicate the life of the patient, they rarely end in death. Pointed outgrowths - warts, grow quickly enough and are a direct carrier of infection.

Important! Clinical manifestations of such a disease in men are extremely rare. The representative of the stronger sex infected with papillomavirus mainly acts as a carrier of the virus. The patient himself can also become infected, but in order to penetrate the male body, the pathogen needs certain conditions and time.

Diagnostic measures and treatment of papillomatosis

The most informative method for detecting papillomavirus is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR for short). This HPV test popular in that it allows for typing of the virus - that is, to determine the strain of the pathogen. Knowing what type of papillomavirus is present in the patient's body, the specialist can already judge the likelihood of the transformation of pathological neoplasms into cancer. Highly great importance in the diagnosis of such a disease, special screening tests are required to detect all types of HPV present in the patient's body.

To identify a harmful pathogen, men and women also undergo a cytological analysis and a histological examination of the affected tissues. In some cases, signs of pathology are visible to the naked eye - if there is a excess papillomas and warts. In order to determine the infection of a high oncogenic type in women, colposcopy (microscopic examination of the vaginal cavity) is used.


How to treat HPV, is it possible? Get rid of this disease it is just as difficult as it is to detect it in a timely manner, because the process of reproduction and development of papillomaviruses proceeds in a latent form. If the body's immune defenses could not resist the virus, then in most situations it remains infected forever, even despite treatment. That is why, in people with an excellent state of immunity, such a pathology occurs extremely rarely.

Often, as a result of examining patients infected with papillomavirus, the doctor discovers many concomitant diseases. It can be infectious and inflammatory, chronic or venereal diseases. Therefore, the approach to the treatment of such an ailment is always complex. Therapeutic tactics should be aimed not only at eliminating HPV, but also at eliminating the symptoms of other pathologies. The state of the body's defenses is of great importance for the course of this disease, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Therapeutic measures for papillomatosis include the use of the following methods and drugs:

  • Removal of pathological neoplasms using laser therapy, electrical coagulation, cryodestruction, surgical excision of papilloma tissues.
  • Usage chemical methods cauterization of warts (Trichloroacetic acid 50 or 90%, Solcoderm, Salicylic acid, Contaridin).
  • Taking antiviral drugs (Aldara, Panavir).
  • The use of immunostimulants (Allokin-alpha, Genferon, Viferon, Immunomax, Isoprinosine).
  • The use of cytostatic agents (Prospidin, Podophyllin solution, Bleomycin, 5-fluorouracil, Podophyllotoxin).
  • Application of methods of physiotherapy.

After completion of the therapeutic course, preventive measures must be observed so as not to become infected with HPV again. To this end, patients are advised to lead a proper sex life, it is desirable to have a permanent and trusted partner. Sexual contact with strangers should be limited to a minimum, otherwise be sure to use condoms. You should know that even a barrier contraceptive will not protect you 100% from this virus.

As a result of reading this text, you became aware of the variety of types of papillomavirus and its danger. That's why experts advise not to postpone a visit medical institution for a long time. A timely appeal to the attending doctor will help to detect the HPV causative agent and get rid of it as soon as possible. Immunoprophylaxis of the disease will not be superfluous. Increasing the body's natural defenses will significantly reduce the likelihood of re-infection with this virus.

Higher medical education, venereologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infection leads to skin lesions, in which outgrowths appear on a thin filamentous stalk or on a wide base, genital warts, warts.

Due to the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body, men develop benign formations on the external genital organs, which impair sexual health. Diagnosis allows you to identify HPV earlier in order to start treatment of papillomatosis in a timely manner.

HPV and cancer risk in men

Among sexually active adults, 90% are HPV carriers. On the skin and mucous membranes, single or diffuse (multiple) outgrowths, skin plaques usually appear after 20 years. The main target of the papillomavirus in men is a very vulnerable basal layer of the epithelium, including the genital mucosa.

Human papillomavirus infection (PVI) causes the growth of genital warts near the external opening of the urethra, affects foreskin, anus area. In this case, urination is difficult, sexual intercourse is complicated, suppuration often appears.

In total, there are 130 types of human papillomaviruses. Depending on oncogenic properties, they can be classified into the following main groups:

  • Non-oncogenic: HPV types 1 to 5.
  • Low-oncogenic: 6 and 11 are the most common. The same group includes types: 40, 42, 44, 53, 54, 57, 66.
  • Highly oncogenic genotypes, of which there are 15 in total, of which the most common are: 16, 18, 31, 33 and others.
  • HPV of medium oncogenic risk - 26, 51, 55, 56, 68.

In women, the 6th HPV genotype is common, but in men it usually does not lead to pathology. Low-oncogenic HPV causes the appearance of pointed papillomas in the groin in men, on the penis, the skin of the anal region, in the anal canal. It can be single and merged genital warts. Papillomavirus infection also causes damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Bladder papilloma in men can infect the mucosa of the entire urogenital tract. It has been proven that HPV in 40% of the total number of cases is "guilty" in the development of penile cancer.

What accelerates the development of the virus?

The development of PVI is associated with the presence of the herpes simplex virus in the body, a depressed state of immunity. The latter factor is often decisive, as a result of HPV begins to progress rapidly. The latent period usually ends in 1-2 months, but sometimes the latent existence lasts 3-5 years, then the usual one in men gives a negative result. When the DNA of the virus is accidentally inserted into the cellular genome, the benign form becomes malignant.

The intensity of transmission of the pathogen is higher:

  • with frequent changes of sexual partner;
  • due to microtrauma of the skin;
  • in the case of sharing household items and clothing with an infected person;
  • when swimming together.

Human papillomavirus video

How to detect HPV in men

Few types of analyzes allow diagnosing PVI in the case of a latent and subclinical state of papillomavirus. With the clinical form of PVI in men, the symptoms are already visible to the “naked” eye. When, under the influence of HPV, an abnormal division of epithelial cells occurs, condylomas occur - flesh-colored formations. Surveys most often confirm the presence of HPV types 6 and 53 in men.

What to do if HPV is suspected in men, how to detect human papillomavirus infection?

You need to pass:

  1. Dermatovenereological and urological visual examinations to detect genital warts. It can be single and multiple lesions in the perineum and anus, on the surface of the external genitalia.
  2. Cytological and histological tests make it possible to detect changes in epithelial tissues characteristic of PVI.
  3. Molecular biological research is necessary to confirm the fact of infection. In this case, HPV genotyping is carried out.

Human papillomavirus testing

PCR analysis for papillomaviruses in men gives an idea of ​​the presence of high- and medium-oncogenic pathogen types in cells. The material for testing are samples of the skin of the glans penis, the mucous surface of the urethra.

A more accurate picture emerges from the analysis of papillomavirus DNA. In this case, experts identify even at the very beginning of the process, prescribe treatment on time.

To conduct tests, clinical material is required, it is taken from the genital tract, PVI lesions. Men are tested before being examined. It is possible that one or two additional HPV tests will be required.

Timely diagnosis of HPV in men, even with a latent form of PVI, allows you to determine the type of virus. Early treatment prevents the growth of genital warts, prevents cancer of the penis and tumors of the anal area. Adequate therapy is also needed in the case of neoplasms in the oral cavity.

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