Storing walnut kernels. How to clean and store different types of nuts at home

Nuts are a high-calorie product. They contain many useful substances: vitamins, fats, microelements, proteins. To preserve the beneficial properties of such a valuable product, it is important to store it correctly. The storage conditions for nuts depend on their type; let’s look at a few of the most common ones.


Storing walnuts

Nuts contain a lot of natural fats and therefore are afraid of light and air.

How to store shelled walnuts

Walnut kernels must be carefully selected for storage; here are some signs that they are of high quality:

  • the kernels are dry, dense and beautiful;
  • kernels are golden, light brown in color;
  • the presence of husk (skin) on the kernels (used for food, this husk is very healthy).

The kernels can be damaged by microscopic fungi and molds that develop in a humid environment, so they must be dried before storage.

Drying of kernels is carried out in two stages, this contributes to better preservation of fats and vitamins:

  1. Heat in the oven (2-3 hours at a temperature of 40-50 ℃), microwave (several times for 5-10 minutes, stirring the kernels) or electric dryer (following the instructions);
  2. Dry to the desired state (well-dried kernels break easily), spreading them out in a thin layer in a dry room.

Nuts prepared for storage are placed in hermetically sealed containers and placed in a cool, dark place (0-10 ℃) or in the refrigerator.

How to store walnuts in shell

Typically, freshly picked walnuts contain up to 40% water. The later the nuts are removed from the tree, the drier they are. The collected nuts are sorted, peeled of any remaining peel, quickly washed and scattered on mesh trays in a thin layer to drain off the moisture. Dry them in the shade at a temperature of no more than 30 ℃, preferably in a draft. If these conditions are met, mold does not have time to develop on the shells.

You need to carefully select walnuts for storage. Here are some signs that there are quality kernels under the shell:

  • the shell is dense, dry, without mold;
  • the shell cannot be easily broken by hand;
  • shell color brown or light brown;
  • when shaking the shell, almost no sound is heard (this means that the kernel is intact and dense).

Dried fruits are packed in fabric or paper bags. You can also use wooden or cardboard boxes for packaging. Nuts are stored in dry rooms at a temperature of 0…+10 ℃.

The shelf life of inshell nuts is longer than that of shelled ones - unshelled fruits can be stored for 2-3 years without deteriorating in taste and nutritional properties.

Important: if mold appears on the kernels or shells during storage of nuts, the product must be thrown away without trying to correct the situation by washing or calcining - mold releases toxins that cannot be removed.

The bitter kernels of stone fruits (apricots or peaches) are poisonous: eating more than half a cup of the peeled grains can cause severe poisoning.

How to store hazelnuts (hazelnuts)

Hazelnuts or hazelnuts are a storehouse of nutrients. It is rich in vitamins, vegetable fats and folic acid, and also contains an anti-cancer substance - pacletsol. Approximately 200-300 g of kernels fully meet the daily protein requirement of an adult. When storing hazelnuts, the amount of fat in it does not change, but there are fewer amino acids and vitamins, which leads to a deterioration in taste and a decrease in the quality of the nuts.

For storage, select dried fruits with a diameter of approximately 2 cm (very small and large fruits are poorly stored). When poured onto a hard surface, good hazelnuts produce a characteristic ringing, rattling sound. Hazelnuts are best stored in the refrigerator (can last up to 4 years), at room temperature (0-20 ℃) ​​- up to 1 year. Hazelnuts are stored in canvas bags or paper bags. In polyethylene, nuts “suffocate” and become moldy (kernels that have begun to taste bitter are unsuitable for food).

Peeled hazelnuts can also be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.

How to properly store pine nuts

Pine nuts are record holders for the content of vegetable fat, fiber, protein, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and tryptophan (amino acid). This wealth must be preserved, which often causes problems, since pine nuts have the shortest shelf life.

Peeled pine nuts lose their protective shell, and the oil in them begins to decompose, turning into organic poisons. Excess heat, dampness, sunlight and temperature changes also lead to product spoilage. Moldy nuts and nuts with a rancid odor should not be eaten.

How to store pine nuts? The best option is a refrigerator (closer to the inner wall so that the nuts are least susceptible to temperature changes). When choosing containers, it is necessary to take into account that the kernels (both in shell and shelled) must be hidden from light and air. You can choose ceramic or opaque plastic containers. So, in the refrigerator, shelled nuts will last up to 6 months, shelled nuts - up to 3 months.

It is permissible to use a freezer, then the shelf life of pine nuts will increase: kernels in the shell will last for 1 year, shelled - for six months.

Peanut storage

In fact, peanuts are not a nut, as the plant belongs to the legume family. Peanut fruits (or pits) grow in the ground and are often contaminated by soil microorganisms. After digging, it is very important to rinse and dry the fruits as quickly as possible - their further safety depends on this.

The shelf life of peanuts is no more than 12 months. At home, unshelled peanuts are stored in containers with a closed lid or fabric bags. In the latter case, the shelf life will be shorter. Peanuts should not be stored in plastic containers or polyethylene, as they will quickly acquire an unpleasant odor.

Unroasted peanuts can be stored for no more than nine months in a cool, dark place or in the freezer. Roasted peanuts cannot be stored for a long time; they should be consumed as quickly as possible.

The most allergenic nuts are peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts.

Almond storage

Almonds, like peanuts, are not a nut; it is correct to call them a fruit or a seed. It is easier to preserve almonds in their peeled form. But for this it is necessary that it be thoroughly dried, and that the dark film covering the kernels remains intact. For storage, choose dense, large grains.

Belongs to the category of nuts with the longest shelf life. When the right conditions are created, kernels can maintain their quality for several years. However, in this case we are talking about hazelnuts in shell. Shelled nuts are stored less and require some nuances regarding the correct choice of container and place of their placement.

The nuances of storing hazelnuts at home:

  • peeled, salted or roasted hazelnuts, as well as nuts in a sweet glaze, are not recommended to be stored for a long time (heat treatment and additional ingredients significantly reduce the shelf life);
  • It is better to store hazelnuts in containers with lids (plastic bags are not suitable for this due to the risk of condensation due to temperature changes);
  • Before storing, hazelnuts must be carefully sorted (nuts with holes in the shell, damaged shells and darkened surfaces must be removed);
  • Peeled hazelnuts absorb foreign odors well, so if an unpleasant aroma appears, the taste properties of the nuts will be impaired;
  • You can store hazelnuts not only in containers with lids, but also in ordinary glass jars;
  • moisture quickly causes mold to appear, so before storing hazelnuts you must carefully check the dryness of the containers and the kernels themselves;
  • Fabric will help preserve the taste properties of hazelnuts (you can make homemade bags from fabric that allows air to pass through well);
  • Hazelnuts should only be stored in dark places with the lowest temperature possible;
  • When storing hazelnuts, they can be placed in the refrigerator or even the freezer (most often this method is used for storing shelled kernels, but even unshelled hazelnuts, thanks to this method, retain their taste characteristics longer);
  • peeled hazelnuts should have a characteristic nutty aroma (if notes of bitterness appear, then the nuts have spoiled and should not be eaten);
  • It is not recommended to store hazelnuts in the same container with other types of nuts (in addition, you should not mix hazelnuts purchased at different times);
  • after opening the package of hazelnuts, the nuts must be transferred to a new container (in an open package they can deteriorate within a few weeks, and their taste will be bitter);
  • if the slightest signs of mold appear, the nuts must be disposed of (rinsing will not save the kernels, and their taste will be bitter and can cause serious eating disorders);
  • Containers with hazelnuts should be placed as far as possible from heat sources (nuts should not be stored in cabinets above a gas stove or near heating appliances);
  • Hazelnuts quickly deteriorate due to lack of oxygen, so when choosing a container or fabric bag, it is better to give preference to the second option.

It is better to choose containers for storing hazelnuts from ceramics or glass. Plastic containers store less. In addition, a bitter smell appears quite quickly, which causes a change in taste properties, a sign of the approaching process of oil release and the corresponding formation of mold.

How long and at what temperature can hazelnuts be stored?

Storage temperature plays an equally important role as capacity. If the air humidity is within 12-14 degrees, then at a temperature of 3 to 12 degrees, hazelnuts will be stored for a year, and from 0 to 3 degrees - for several years. In this case, the nuts must be in shell.

Peeled hazelnuts have a shorter shelf life. The shelf life is several months. Moreover, it is not recommended to store hazelnuts that are subjected to heat treatment for a long time. A similar situation occurs with nuts that are mixed with salt or sugar. It is better to eat such hazelnuts as early as possible.

Hazelnuts in packaging can be stored for the period indicated on it. If the bag is transparent, then you need to transfer the nuts to a container. Otherwise, their taste properties will quickly be impaired, even under the right conditions and sufficient temperature conditions.

Most people love nuts for their beneficial qualities and tart aftertaste. The product contains a lot of useful elements for the body: vitamins A, B, D, E, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron. In addition to the fact that walnuts can be consumed on their own, they are also used to prepare culinary masterpieces. Hobbyists buy products in large quantities, and later rack their brains over how to store them at home. Let's consider the important aspects in order and provide practical recommendations.

How to choose walnuts for storage

  1. On sale you can find products in purified and unpurified forms. As a rule, shelled nuts are stored much longer due to their hard shell.
  2. In cases where the product is purchased on the market, there is no guarantee of quality and rich taste. It is important to understand that it is better to purchase peeled nuts for storage. This move will allow you to immediately identify shortcomings, if any. In this case, it is worth considering one feature: do not buy crushed fruits, give preference to whole kernels, on which flaws will be immediately visible.
  3. Nut grains (crumbs, flour) cannot be stored because they quickly become damp and moldy. When purchasing whole nuts, pay attention to the smell; it should not cause disgust or a gag reflex.
  4. The ideal fruit has a hard, crunchy structure and a mild bitterness. Among other things, there should be no white or gray coating on the shell. Beware of sellers who are trying to sell out-of-date goods, such walnuts are dangerous to health.
  5. Give preference only to fresh nuts to increase shelf life. It's good if you can try the product before you buy. It’s even better if the nuts grow in the country (grown yourself). A heavily stale and stale product has high bitterness, while fresh kernels are soft and tart.

Features of storing walnuts

There is no need to buy nuts for six months in advance; choose an amount that will last for 2-3 months. Otherwise, you risk that after a short period of time the product will become rancid, soft, and moldy. Regarding the storage of purified products, they oxidize and spoil much faster.

Walnuts have a large number of useful macro- and microelements, so they are recommended to be added to desserts, salads, first and second courses. For lovers of newfangled diets, nuts will help fight increased appetite, as they normalize digestion. The product is not a light food; you should not eat more than one handful per day.

Walnuts spoil quickly due to their high fat content. For this reason, it is important to select optimal storage conditions, taking into account living conditions and general nutritional rules.

Method number 1. Freezer
This technology involves storing large portions of walnuts. The period varies from 4 to 6 months. For certain reasons, people buy products in bags, so this option needs to be considered. The method differs in that it is quite easy to implement.

The main storage condition is the presence of plastic packaging with the possible creation of a vacuum. Bags of this kind can be purchased at large hardware stores of the Okey, Auchan, Assorti, etc. chains. Moisture should not be allowed to enter the cavity, since such a development of events reduces the exposure time by 50-70%. It is important to understand that even a drop of water will spoil the nuts; mold will begin to develop at an incredible speed.

Method number 2. Bags
The main feature of storing walnuts in bags is considered to be the availability of suitable premises. Find a place where the air circulates without sudden changes. It is important that the room is dry and well ventilated. Such actions will not allow the composition to become moldy, since moisture is completely eliminated.

To avoid product spoilage, make sure there are no foreign odors. A different outcome will contribute to the aroma of the nuts. The best option is to have a glazed loggia in a house or apartment. A pantry with ventilation (artificial or natural) is also suitable.

It is not recommended to place walnuts on a balcony without glazing; this place is unsafe in terms of temperature conditions. Sharp changes from cold to warm (day-night, summer-winter) will subject the product to rapid deterioration. If you neglect this recommendation, condensation will begin to accumulate in the bags, causing mold.

You can use both ready-made fabric bags for herbs and homemade designs. If you prefer the latter option, fold the gauze fabric in 3-4 layers, then secure the 3 free edges. The result will be a square bag in which you need to place the kernels. Tie the free edge with thread or rope, and then store it.

Method No. 3. Glass jars

Housewives have long been putting pickles, jam, mushrooms and other “delicacies” in ordinary glass jars, follow their recommendations.

Depending on the total volume of the product, select the right size jars. Sterilize: place the containers in a pan of boiling water, wait about 10 minutes. After this, rinse and dry thoroughly to remove any suspicion of moisture.
Next, place the nuts, cleared of partitions and shells, into the cavity and screw on the lid, creating a vacuum. Wrap each jar in a black bag or paper and take it to a room with a temperature of 10-20 degrees for storage.

If desired, you can replace glass jars with plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Regular containers for food, cereals, flour or sugar are suitable.

Method number 4. Attic or cellar
The option is rightfully considered risky, but this fact does not mean that it is impossible to implement. If you decide to store walnuts in a cellar or attic, monitor the humidity level and general temperature readings.

In cases where the room is constantly either cold or warm, abandon this technique. Pay attention to the penetration of insects into the cavity of the package; they can lay larvae, exposing the nuts to spoilage. When storing product in this manner, the packaging should be opened regularly to ensure that there are no pests present.

If you do not want to resort to such desperate methods, preserve the nuts in glass jars. This move will help keep the kernels intact for 2 years. You can also use bags made of gauze or cotton fabric, but the duration will be reduced to 30-60 days.

Walnuts are rightfully considered a gift from nature. However, in order to fully enjoy the beneficial properties of the product, it is important to store it correctly. Use hermetically sealed containers, glass jars, and vacuum-sealed plastic bags. Consider placing the product in the attic or loggia.

Video: how to buy walnuts correctly

Let's consider the question of how to store shelled walnuts at home. What methods can be used to increase shelf life without affecting the composition of the product? What role does heat treatment play and is it possible to do without it?

Let’s compare the differences between storing whole and shelled walnuts.

In contact with

Do nuts lose nutrients over time?

– a valuable product with a unique composition of minerals and vitamins, a specific set of aromatic and tannin substances. A high proportion of 18 to 21% is protein. Depending on the variety, from 45 to 77% is a fatty nut oil, which contains a unique set of saturated and unsaturated acids. The chemical composition changes slightly over time and largely depends on how the walnuts are stored.

A nut is a fruit seed that performs a storage function. Even with a very long period of dormancy, the core retains a full range of substances that may be required for the development of a new plant.

A microclimate is created under the shell that can protect the kernel from external influences for a long time. It is not difficult to understand how to store walnuts in shell at home. It is necessary to maintain a balance of temperature and humidity, limited illumination.

If the nut is peeled and not protected by a strong bone shell, then the influence of external factors increases. Therefore, conditions are created under which all chemical processes slow down, which involve:

  • restriction of air access;
  • lower temperature.

If the conditions are strictly observed, the product can be stored for up to a year with virtually no loss of quality.

Useful properties of walnuts

Shelf life

Storage periods mainly depend on compliance with the temperature regime, which is often a problem in a city apartment. It is also necessary to take into account humidity, lighting, type of packaging material or container.

  1. The Consumer Standards describe how to properly store walnuts. The temperature should be in the range from – 15 to +20 degrees, without sudden fluctuations. The maximum humidity level is 70%. Under these conditions, whole nuts are stored for 12 months, without shells - no more than 6 months.
  2. The question of how to preserve shelled walnuts without loss of quality until the next harvest has a clear answer. Only a refrigerator is suitable for this. Supplies are stored on the top shelves for six months, and in the freezer for a year.
  3. At room temperature, which is usually 22-25 degrees, whole nuts can be stored in a canvas bag for about six months, and in glass jars without access to light - up to 10 months. Nuts without shells are stored in glass or plastic containers for up to 3 months, in canvas bags - no more than 2 months.

Keep in mind that nuts ripen in September and early October. This period is taken as a basis when purchasing a product on the market in order to calculate shelf life.

Important! The temperature at which it is permissible to store nuts is in the range from -15 to +20 degrees. The main requirement is the absence of sudden changes in temperature.

How to properly store in shell?

For long-term storage, medium and large, undamaged specimens with thin but strong shells are selected. Ripe nuts have a high oil content, a pleasant, sweetish taste, without excessive astringency and bitterness. The skin covering the kernel should be colored in light colors.

Select fruits that are full-bodied, without signs of damage or cracking. The shells should not show signs of mold or pest infestation. When harvesting on an industrial scale, the raw materials are washed and dried. At home, it is enough to heat small batches in the oven or in a frying pan.

Where and how to store walnuts in shell:

  • in the pantry or attic of the house, choose a dry place, completely protected from light, with a temperature range of 5-10 degrees;
  • a loggia or glazed balcony is suitable for storage only if it is protected from the penetration of street precipitation and sudden temperature changes;
  • in basements it is permissible to store at a humidity of 70% and without any strong foreign odors;
  • In the apartment, the workpieces are stored in places without access to light, away from radiators and heating appliances.

Whole nuts are placed in canvas bags, cardboard or plastic boxes, and wooden boxes. The main requirement for containers is cleanliness and the absence of foreign odors. The bottom of the boxes is covered with corrugated cardboard and paraffin paper. The boxes are placed on racks and the bags are hung. Small volumes can be conveniently placed on the shelves at the top of the refrigerator.

Important! Harm during storage can be caused by nut moth larvae. As a preventative measure, peeled kernels are subjected to heat treatment.

The main storage condition is maintaining optimal temperatures without sudden fluctuations.

How to preserve at home?

Shelled nuts take up less volume compared to whole nuts. There is no need to spend extra time removing the kernels from the shell; they are ready to eat at any time. Let's see how to properly store shelled walnuts at home, and what to pay special attention to.


At the initial stage, it is necessary to carry out sorting by removing foreign inclusions. These may be fragments of shells, internal partitions, branches or leaves. We carefully check the cleaned kernels for signs of damage caused by pests. All defective nuts must be discarded.

Pay attention to the smell and color of the product. Fresh kernels should be light in color and have a characteristic odor, without signs of mold.

If the nuts were purchased at the market, then as a preventive procedure the entire batch is placed in a slightly salted solution. Next, the kernels are washed with clean water and placed on a sieve.

Is it necessary to fry (dry) and why is it done?

The sorted kernels are dried to destroy pest larvae, fungal spores, and evaporate excess condensate and moisture. It is difficult to imagine how to preserve shelled walnuts at home without heat treatment. The process is quite simple, but significantly affects the quality of the product. Heat treatment is carried out using one of the following methods.

  1. Pour the kernels into the frying pan and, stirring continuously, heat for about a quarter of an hour. It must be remembered that this is not frying, but heating. Do not allow the topcoat to darken or burn.
  2. Place a layer of kernels 3-4 cm thick on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at a temperature of 150 -170 degrees.

The raw materials are allowed to cool and placed in small batches into prepared containers.

Important! By purchasing walnuts from a reliable manufacturer, you can eliminate the stages of sorting and heat treatment in preparation for storage.

Where to keep it?

Considering where the shelled walnuts will have to be stored in the future, fabric bags, glass or ceramic jars, and plastic containers are used for packaging:

  • if the supply is used up quickly enough, then bags or cardboard boxes will do;
  • large volumes are placed in sterile glass jars and hermetically sealed;
  • plastic containers and sealed vacuum packaging are used to store supplies in the refrigerator.

All containers must be washed and dried, and glass containers must be sterilized.

Is freezing effective?

Let's figure out how to store shelled walnuts in the freezer.

Film bags or plastic containers are suitable as containers. It is advisable that the packaging be sealed. It is important to prevent moisture and foreign odors from penetrating inside.

The blanks are packaged in small batches from 200 to 500 g. Repeated freezing is not allowed, so the thawed volume must be used in full.

In the low-temperature zone of the refrigerator, kernels can be stored for up to a year, with virtually no loss of quality. After defrosting, they are completely ready to eat.

Useful video

Before consumption, having purchased shelled walnuts on the market, carry out the mandatory processing procedure:


Knowing how to properly store walnuts without shells and comparing different options, we can draw the following conclusions.

The most suitable place in a house or apartment is the freezer or food area of ​​the refrigerator.

The advantages of this method are stable conditions:

  • low temperature without changes;
  • humidity is within normal limits;
  • lack of light;
  • sealed packaging.

This method is ideal for long-term and safe storage.

The disadvantages include the lack of space when storing large quantities.

Walnut (scientific name Júglans régia) has other names - royal, Voloshsky and Greek. It grows naturally in Transcaucasia, China, India, the Tien Shan Mountains, and Asia Minor. In Europe, it is distributed in the Balkans, Greece and Ukraine. It has many varieties and is a valuable source of unsaturated fats, vitamins, microelements, amino acids and protein.

At first glance, storing such a product should not raise any questions, but in fact, under the wrong conditions, it deteriorates quite quickly and also becomes food for moths. In this article we will tell you how you actually need to store walnuts.

How long to store walnuts

    Unripe walnuts in shell can be stored at room temperature for no longer than 7-10 days.

    Dried whole walnuts will last in a dry, relatively cool room for up to 6 months.

    Shelled walnuts can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months.

How to prepare walnuts for storage

Walnut kernels retain their beneficial properties for a long time. They become most useful in early autumn, when they gain milk maturity, but do not yet contain 70% fat.

The collection is carried out in dry weather, manually removing green fruits from the tree that have begun to crack slightly. Ripe fruits are harvested in the fall, when they begin to fall. A cloth or plastic film is spread under the tree, after which the tree is shaken and dry, clean and unbroken nuts are collected. You can also collect them from the ground in dry weather.

After collection they need to be dried. To do this, spread a blanket in a dry and well-ventilated place and pour the fruits in one layer. Drying unshelled nuts will take 3-4 days at room temperature, during the process you need to find and remove blackened fruits.

It is important to know:

  • they need to be collected at least 1-2 days after the rain;
  • To properly peel nuts you need to use a special device that leaves the center intact;
  • peeled fruits need to be dried in the oven for longer storage;
  • the crushed ones can be collected in a bag and the crumbs can be used to prepare confectionery;
  • if you decide to collect them for sale, the whole peeled fruit is most highly valued, not halves;
  • Unpeeled ones are stored longer at a temperature of 5°C to 10°C;
  • In the cold, nuts do not lose their beneficial properties.

How to store green walnuts in shell

After collecting, spread a blanket at home and dry them. Storage conditions:

  • room temperature from 10°C to 20°C;
  • Shelf life – up to 7 days.

There is no need to wash green walnut kernels, as the white coating will be washed off and they will quickly turn black. It is also not worth storing them for a long time, because fermentation will occur in the picked fruits, and already in 2-3 days the valuable “milkiness” will be lost.

You can make jam from completely green nuts whose shells have not yet ossified. Its taste is pleasant and goes well with fruit and honey. In winter it is a valuable source of vitamins during the cold season.

Sealed jars can be kept at room temperature for 6 months. Under a nylon cover – 3 months in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar). You can also package the finished product in portions in bags or trays and freeze. Store at temperatures from -18°C and below for up to 1 year.

How to preserve walnuts for the winter

There are two ways to store these healthy fruits in winter: peeled and unchopped. Each of them has its own advantages, which are worth discussing in more detail.

The most important thing is to protect the nuts from moths. This is her favorite treat!

How to store unshelled walnuts

The fruits will remain healthy longer if you do not peel them but leave them in the shell.

In a city apartment, prepared nuts can be stored on the balcony. To do this, they are poured into a plastic or fabric bag and tied tightly. It is important that they do not get wet, so it is preferable to keep them in a dry place.

Also suitable for storing this product in an apartment:

  • dry cool pantry;
  • mezzanine;
  • kitchen cupboard;
  • drawer for fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.

Storing walnuts in shell requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • humidity not higher than 70%;
  • temperature from 5°C to 20°C.

It should be remembered that until spring you need to periodically check stocks for spoiled fruits. And also make sure that there are no moths or other insects in the container.

How to store shelled walnuts

Hulled fruit is convenient for the housewife, as she will not waste time preparing the ingredient for baking and other dishes. To prevent them from going rancid and from becoming infested with kitchen moths, you should know how to store walnuts at home :

  • dried nuts can be stored in a hermetically sealed dry glass jar;
  • in the freezer, ripe fruits retain their taste and beneficial qualities for 2 years;
  • The optimal storage temperature should not exceed 20°C with a humidity of 70%.

Storing nuts in the refrigerator

It is worth noting that these are the best conditions to ensure that the fruits do not spoil for a long time. The most important thing is that there will definitely be no moths or bugs in the refrigerator. It is also important what to keep the nuts in. The best containers would be:

  • glass jar with an airtight lid;
  • plastic bag with zip fastener;
  • vacuum bags (can be packaged in portions).

The choice of shelf where the product should be stored is also important. A basket for vegetables and fruits is ideal, or on the middle shelf at a temperature of 5°-7°C.

The period for which unshelled walnuts are stored under such conditions is no more than 6 months.

These fruits tolerate freezing well. Simply pack the peeled and dried nuts into convenient containers (bags, plastic cups or trays) and put them in the freezer.

At a temperature of -18, nuts can be stored for up to 12 months.

Defrost them correctly gradually at room temperature.