What can be grown at home for sale. Business growing plants How to grow your business

The demand for natural and healthy food is growing every day, and therefore the agricultural business is rightfully considered a promising and profitable direction. And if you are planning to start your own business, you should definitely consider this opportunity. You can start with the simplest thing - a business growing greens.

This choice is completely justified: even a completely inexperienced farmer can cope with its cultivation, investments are not large to begin with, and the population needs fresh herbs all year round. However, as practice shows, the greatest income from growing and selling greens can be obtained in the off-season: in the summer, many lovers of healthy food grow their own greens in their garden plots, and with the onset of cold weather, the only place where they can be purchased is in stores.

How to grow greens

Your agricultural business can have a variety of sizes, and the way it is carried out will depend on this.

In the apartment

If you have the opportunity to allocate one of the rooms for growing greens (this, of course, is important in the cold season), you can start making money: greens are grown in boxes, pots, and special containers. To accommodate more greenery, the “beds” are arranged in 3-4 tiers.

In the country

In summer you can grow greens in your garden. It must be borne in mind that at this time of year the prices for the product are much lower, so it will be possible to achieve “winter” profits only by significantly increasing production volume. However, there are much fewer difficulties with growing crops in the fresh air.

In the greenhouse

It would seem like a great way to not depend on the weather and time of year: in a well-equipped greenhouse there is always a climate suitable for plants. But this is only true for the southern regions of the country; in the north, the costs of heating and lighting the greenhouse will be too high, so it will not be possible to make a good profit.

Where to sell greens

The health benefits of greens are undeniable, and this product is constantly advertised, and completely free of charge. Doctors and healthy nutrition experts never tire of telling how many vitamins, minerals and microelements it contains. So most of your potential buyers are already accustomed to buying this product, and therefore it is not difficult to find a market

Greens can be supplied:

  • to wholesale vegetable warehouses;
  • to markets;
  • to restaurants and cafes;
  • to the shops.

If you plan to cooperate with catering facilities, you will need to enter into an agreement with each of them.

Calculating expenses and income

This business is usually classified as highly profitable: under favorable conditions, its profitability reaches 500%.

In the apartment

Let's try to draw up a tentative business plan for growing greenery indoors (this could be a room in an apartment).

One of the most popular “green” products is onions, which we will take as an example.

In a room measuring 20 square meters you can get about 30 square meters. meters of usable area for planting - you just need to arrange containers or boxes for growing onions in two or three tiers.

So, let's look at the expense items:

  1. Seed material. The cost of a kilogram of seeded onions is about 12–15 rubles (if purchased at a wholesale warehouse). If planted tightly, a square meter will require about 10 kilograms. Thus, for 30 sq. m. yields 300 kg of seeded onions with a total cost of about 4,000 rubles.
  2. You can get boxes and boxes for free at any supermarket, or you can buy plastic containers (this will cost 5-7 thousand rubles).
  3. You will need to spend 2–2.5 thousand rubles a month on fertilizers.
  4. To organize lighting, you will need fluorescent lamps - this will cost 10-15 thousand rubles.
  5. Payment for electricity and water is about 2–2.5 thousand per month. Onions do not need round-the-clock lighting at all; for its growth, it is enough to just extend the daylight hours a little. However, the more light there is, the better the harvest you can count on.
  6. Transport costs will be about 5 thousand rubles per month.

As you can see, with just 30 thousand rubles you can start a greengrocer business. Moreover, initial costs can be reduced by using conventional incandescent lamps for the first month.

What might income look like in this case? A square meter of useful sown area usually yields about 10 kg of greenery. If the planting material is good, and the growth conditions and care of the crops are at a height, it could be 15 kg, but we will consider the option of 10 kilograms.

Onions will give us 2 harvests per month, that is, we get 600 kg of onions for sale. At a wholesale price of 70–80 rubles per kilogram, we receive about 45 thousand per month. Minus expenses - 15 thousand profit. In the following months, there will be fewer expenses - there is no need to purchase lamps and containers, so the net profit, with the most conservative estimates, will be about 30 thousand rubles.

In the greenhouse

If the climatic conditions of your area allow you to grow greens in greenhouses, this may also be a good option. In this case, you need to add the construction or purchase of the greenhouse itself to the costs. Its cost, depending on the size and materials used, can range from 40 to 130 thousand rubles. But you can grow more greens in a greenhouse, so the costs will soon pay off.

Hydroponic setup

This is one of the most modern ways of growing greens, and it can be used both in a greenhouse and indoors. In this case, greens are grown in a nutrient solution.

This installation is a special frame with trays, equipped with a pipe system that supplies a special balanced solution, and a lighting system with automatic control.

Hydroponic installation for equipping a room of 30 sq. meters costs about 35–40 thousand rubles.

Greens in pots

This is another modern and popular option. Greens are grown in small pots and sold directly in them. This product looks more aesthetically pleasing, stays fresh longer, and of course, its price is higher.

To organize such production, you can simply purchase inexpensive pots and grow greens in them, or you can buy a special installation that will do almost everything automatically. Its cost is from 75 thousand rubles.

Business registration

If you decide to grow greens on your garden plot or in your apartment, it is absolutely not necessary to register such a business. But in this case, you can only sell the products personally - on the market - or sell them to resellers.

Therefore, for larger business owners, if there is a need and desire to cooperate with restaurants, cafes, shops and supermarkets, the best solution would be.

The choice of taxation system in this case is obvious -. For those who build their business on agriculture, this tax replaces all others and amounts to only 6% of net profit.

Do you dream of building a greenhouse and growing for sale? This is quite possible, no matter where you are and no matter what your starting budget is. It’s easy to build, cover and sow, but to grow it correctly and sell it successfully and on time - that’s where the science lies. Let's understand all the intricacies of this business: how to learn to find good seeds, successfully select a crop, organize seasonal cultivation and find buyers. And what specific concerns await you in the flower and vegetable business.

Pitfalls of the greenhouse business

In Russia, the growing business is developing steadily, mainly on the basis of large greenhouse farms. Now let's explain why.

The fact is that growing indoors significantly increases the cost of production. In addition, in the same summer the market is filled with cheap vegetables from open beds and cheaper imports. And not all buyers try to study quality. That is why, without understanding the intricacies of this business, purchasing an industrial greenhouse with equipment and starting to actively grow cucumbers and tomatoes in it is an absolutely losing option.

Stone No. 1. Ill-conceived business plan

As for monetary investments in this business, there will be a lot of them. You need to purchase a large greenhouse (or even several), good equipment and automation. Perhaps even hire people - after all, you will not be able to sell products if you constantly work with the land. And this is another significant expense item.

We advise you to start with a small one in which you can reap a good harvest. It’s better that you first try to grow not for sale, but for yourself, study the market, get big shots and find your niche, optimize the sales and growing process. During this time, you will already gain something and will be able to purchase an industrial greenhouse. It’s better to raise this business like this than to immediately take out a large loan and suddenly realize that your entire harvest suddenly died or a hundredweight of champignons could not be quickly sold and they spoiled. After all, for quick and big profits you will need to build a greenhouse farm. Can you imagine the cost of such construction?

That's why our website always has such detailed articles with many step-by-step photos - so that you know all the details! First master the skill, study what will grow best in your climate and what will be taken for sale without any problems - and only then move on to industrial-scale cultivation. Note that in Russia there are special programs to support entrepreneurs.

Here are the most proven technologies for growing in a greenhouse for sale in terms of economy:

Stone No. 2. Lack of demand

For example, in the northern regions of Russia, running a greenhouse business is not at all profitable - the costs are too high. But in other areas there is considerable demand for greens and salads. Naturally, the milder the climate, the greater the benefits from the greenhouse business - after all, in such conditions it is cheaper to grow and transport crops to colder regions.

Thus, in early spring, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers are especially in demand in our country. These plants are good because they bear fruit all year round - and you can even sell them for the new year. Greens are also good because... There is a demand for it; it is growing very quickly. True, it also costs a penny, and therefore it is profitable to sell it only in large volumes. Even roses are no longer as popular as they used to be - today orchids and other exotic varieties are sold more. There is even a demand for greenhouse grapes, especially if they are of an unusual variety:

Each region has its own demand for certain vegetables and fruits - study it. For almost any crop grown in a greenhouse, demand varies from season to season, or to a specific day, such as March 8 or September 1. And plan your entire business perfectly - from purchasing seeds to automatic watering.

Stone No. 3. Poor quality or unsuitable seeds

The first and biggest pitfall that awaits you in the greenhouse business is incorrectly selected seeds. No matter what you do with them later, the harvest will be frail and painful, and the sellers won’t even take it for a penny. There are many detailed articles on our website about how to choose the right seeds for each crop, how to plant and how to harvest a large greenhouse crop. But remember three basic rules now:

  • Rule 1. Seeds for open ground are not always suitable for a greenhouse - in a closed ecosystem such plants can get sick.
  • Rule 2. What grows wonderfully and is pleasing to the eye in a neighboring region with the same climate will not necessarily become a successful project in your area.
  • Rule 3. Take the seed seller at his word - say goodbye to the harvest. They always diligently advertise those seeds that sell the worst - and suitable and verified experienced buyers will choose for themselves.

You have already noticed that the picture on the packets of seeds is always colorful. But often you come across fakes: one variety is indicated, but a similar one grows, but with less valuable parameters. Therefore, before you start working in the greenhouse, select the right seeds:

  1. Take the time to study the experience of your neighbors with greenhouses - one climate and one region.
  2. Buy seeds only from reputable companies and not in your hands.
  3. Take only those seeds that are suitable for your climate zone. If the same persimmon could be grown in greenhouses near Moscow, it would already be growing there. And, unfortunately, the packaging itself does not always indicate that a particular variety is unsuitable for Russia.

And, if there is an opportunity to purchase good, proven seeds from the harvest of a neighboring greenhouse, do not miss it. And it’s not difficult to harden them and prepare them for planting - all the information is on our website, with step-by-step photos.

Stone No. 4. Scammers

Even in this area of ​​business they exist. Their main task is to sell you poor planting material, obtained for pennies, and pass it off as high-quality and expensive. For the simplest example, we will give you the sensational supposedly climbing strawberry, the bush of which reaches two meters in height. Don't believe it. Unfortunately, often those who are interested in making money in a greenhouse start with this option. And the result is disappointing - ordinary bushes grow. The fact is that there are no strawberries on our planet that this advertisement depicts. And, if you look closely at the photo itself, you will notice crude photoshop.

Although, remontant strawberries can really cling to a support with their tendrils, and you can also build something like a bush from it (if you use special supports). But the berries will still not appear in such quantities and in such sizes.

Here's what you really need to grow beautiful and healthy strawberries for sale:

We also invite you to watch a video where one tester finally decided to start a “strawberry” business:

Stone No. 5. Costs exceed profits

Heating, automatic ventilation and watering, electronic remote monitoring of the microclimate - all this can cost you so much that the investment will not be recouped even in a year. Therefore, read our website, look for good ideas for yourself, and develop your entrepreneurial acumen.

For example, today it is considered the most economical technology. It is easy to apply fertilizers, it requires little soil and water, the plants rarely get sick, and the nutrition goes directly to the roots. The main advantage is that such a greenhouse can be easily built right in a garage or bathhouse due to the light weight of its filling, but the disadvantage is that the vegetables are slightly different in taste. After all, they do not live in the ground, and this gives a lot. This is why it is more profitable to grow greens using hydroponics - they differ little in smell and taste from earthen ones, unlike vegetables. There is also an alternative - hydroponics with peat. It will cost you 3 times more and will cost you 30% more in maintenance.

Stone No. 6. Storage difficulties

After all, the most important thing in the greenhouse business is the presentation of the final product. When we grow strawberries or peppers for ourselves, we understand well that homemade natural vegetables do not always look like those from the covers of a magazine, but overseas products devoid of vitamins and treated with chemicals do. Only the final quality will be different, as will the health benefits. But now you will have to look for varieties that will eventually produce almost doll-sized fruits, beautiful and large, otherwise their sale will be problematic.

Remember how you choose the same oranges at the market? We always take the brightest and juiciest ones, without any spots or wormholes.

Stone No. 7. Sales

Sales of products is another pitfall of the greenhouse business. You can sell everything grown to large retail chains or hire distributors. Usually they use both this and this option.

But this also has its own characteristics. So, wholesalers will pay a little, but you will hand over everything at once, without worrying about storing the products. For beginners in this business, the easiest way to sell grown products is to hand them over to a supermarket.

The subtleties of the business of growing in a greenhouse

Experienced greenhouse owners do this: in the fall and winter they grow vegetables, by spring they grow flowers in the same greenhouse, and by summer and until autumn - or. And always wins. Mushrooms, by the way, are not very difficult to grow, but there is always a demand for them:

Forcing onions and herbs is as easy as shelling pears!

We advise you to start your business with greenery: it is unpretentious to the conditions, feels good at a temperature of 18°C, but only requires additional lighting. Its growth is not high, and therefore it can be grown lengthwise, upward, and upside down throughout the greenhouse. From just one square meter per cut you will get up to 2 kg of greens or onions.

Fresh vegetables for the New Year

Selling greenhouse vegetables is no less profitable if you match the demand. Moreover, you can optionally grow two crops in one greenhouse if you separate them well and create different conditions. As for vegetables, we advise you to start with Chinese cabbage and radishes, which are not difficult to care for and almost never get sick, while being stored for quite a long time.

They grow quickly and: from the day of sowing - only two months. But they will take up a lot of space in the greenhouse and will be demanding of care. The same can be said about tomatoes and peppers - you will sell them more expensive, but you will also invest no less. In addition, tomatoes grow for a long time; in total, there will be no more than two harvests per year. But experienced summer residents call cucumbers capricious. For example, they germinate only at 18°C, and optimally at 36°C. When there is severe frost outside, it will be difficult to achieve such a temperature in the greenhouse.

Another secret: today small cherry tomatoes are purchased much more readily than large ones: they are good for canning and decorating dishes with them.

Growing seedlings for sale

Selling is an exciting process. And, despite the high competition in this business, you can easily find “your” clients - after all, gardeners need not just seedlings, but seedlings that are strong, healthy and of a certain variety.

If you have ever encountered growing seedlings, you understand perfectly well how difficult it is. It is important to get good and healthy seeds, harden them and select them. Then, carefully grow the tender shoots, divide them and replant them. For all this you will need special lighting and precise temperature conditions. It’s easy to ruin seedlings, but you won’t have time to regrow them by the beginning of the sales season. Therefore, if you are interested in this particular greenhouse business, get acquainted with its main pitfalls:

  1. Poor quality seeds. Believe me, it’s not so easy to buy good ones today. And the bad ones produce weak plants, or nothing at all. But over time, you will establish your own trusted suppliers.
  2. The soil. This is the biggest mistake beginners make: just take soil from the garden or buy it in bags at the store. In the first case, you will immediately introduce all those microorganisms that are not very active in the open air, but have been waiting for a long time for their chance to be indoors; in the second, the seedlings will simply burn out. But in addition to everything, each individual culture needs its own composition! Explore our website - it’s not without reason that we always consider all current issues in such detail.
  3. Lack of preparation for sowing.

Just know that your ultimate goal is healthy and beautiful seedlings with a developed root system and a strong stem.

Flower business and diamond days

Flower business is both beautiful and profitable:

The whole year is preparation for one single day. Have you already guessed which one? It is also called “diamond” - so many flowers are given to the fair half of humanity on this day. And to a person inexperienced in this business, it seems that it is not difficult to grow the same ones, especially since they are in closed ground and are not afraid of any weather conditions. But in fact there are many nuances here:

  1. The most crucial moment in organizing a business for growing greenhouse flowers is the purchase of bulbs. And here's the problem - they are often infected with scab. In addition, the varieties sold are often different from the real ones - but you can find out too late. Also, sellers of some points add to boxes with bulbs of expensive flowers what is cheaper - for weight. And then not only double tulips grow, but also small hazel grouse between them. And this is a loss of space and revenue.
  2. Flower forcing is calculated with an accuracy of one day. So, whether your tulips for International Women’s Day are unripe or overripe, you won’t gain anything, and therefore all the expenses and efforts of the whole year will go down the drain. But any factor can affect it: power outage, overheating, counterfeit variety and much more.
  3. Preparing flowers for planting in a greenhouse is quite labor-intensive. If you disrupt the process, the flowers may die.
  4. Storing flowers after cutting is also not easy, as is transporting them to the point of sale. And even with experienced greenhouse growers, it happens that roses arrive at the place of sale already withered.
  5. The difficulties of selling such a product will also make themselves felt. After all, if you fail to sell mushrooms or tomatoes, for example, you can always roll them into jars and then sell them in that form, but there’s nothing you can do about cut flowers.
  6. And the most difficult thing: if you grow flowers to order, their color is important. The fact is that the color of any flowers is directly affected by the chemical composition of the soil and lighting. Believe me, sometimes it is impossible to guess what exactly you will grow. And it’s good if the roses turn out crimson or at least purple - but what if they turn out gray? Dirty brown? Here, of course, experience decides everything. And sometimes unusual colors are even more readily accepted in favor of traditional ones.

Also, remember that the flower market is quite crowded. But, if you love tinkering in the greenhouse and know a lot about flowers, try it, maybe you will develop your own interesting variety that will bring considerable profit. And you will keep the technology secret!

Let us tell you one more secret: by combining different options in the greenhouse, you will achieve new colors for the flowers. And everything interesting is always at the peak of sales!

Summary and conclusions

Business in greenhouses in our country has always been problematic: in Soviet times, you could only grow for yourself, but today there is too much competition. But just don’t forget about the trend of the new millennium - towards everything natural, environmentally friendly and safe. That is why overseas vegetables and fruits can be purchased at a reasonable price in any supermarket, or at three times the price from special communes, which, according to them, fertilize the land exclusively with “their own sweat.”

Believe me, even the poorest strata are willing to pay for such luxury. And, if you grow really tasty tomatoes or peppers in your own greenhouse without any chemicals, your sales will improve very quickly and these will no longer be supermarkets, but restaurants. Just prepare for the fact that you will need to study your business all your life. And it’s a very exciting thing!

The business of growing greens is one of the most promising and fastest-paying areas of agriculture. But this format of entrepreneurship will require responsibility and patience.

Growing greens as a business is attractive because of the opportunity to start your own business with almost no cash on hand. Even just a few tens of thousands of rubles can provide profit in the near future.

Entrepreneurs are attracted to this idea by its simplicity and high profitability - by growing greens you can get up to 500% of the investment per season. A pleasant thing is that the demand for such products is very high, and not only in the summer.

You don’t need any special knowledge, much less education, to start such a business - it will be enough to study the features of growing the selected crops.

Investments in growing greens can vary from several thousand to tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles - everything will depend on the scale of production and the size of the desired profit. The greatest income can be obtained in the cold season, since people themselves grow greens much less often at this time, and the price increases significantly due to the low supply of products.

An entrepreneur, when opening a business growing greens from scratch, must clearly understand the advantages of working in this industry. The advantages include:

  • low cost of seeds;
  • ease of growing and caring for greens;
  • high demand for greens;
  • high profitability (can reach 200-500%);
  • low starting capital;
  • quick payback (in the first month of trading greens you can get your investment back).

The more seedlings an entrepreneur plants, the more profit he will receive if the plants are properly cared for. For example, from a plot of 1,000 m2 sown with greenery, you can receive an income of 30-90 thousand rubles per month. This makes it clear whether growing greens is profitable or not.

Choosing a direction

Any novice businessman who decides to grow greens wonders where to start his business? The first step is to identify one or more areas of work. The most profitable forms today are the following:

What to grow?



Dill, parsley

Easy to maintain, unpretentious to external conditions. There is constant demand for the product, since both types of greens belong to traditional cuisine. Fast payback due to rapid growth.

High level of competition.

Lettuce leaves

The ability to grow not only on the ground, but also on a nutrient solution (hydroponics). Good taste regardless of the method of cultivation and care. High demand for products throughout the calendar year.

Higher costs for organizing a place to grow lettuce. The need to use modern growing methods.


High yields, ease of care, rapid growth (harvesting can be done within a month after planting radishes), relatively low competition in the industry.

Seasonal demand for the product (the greatest interest is observed in the summer). Quite large areas for sowing are required (if compared with the previously described crops). The need to build a greenhouse.

Onions (for selling feathers)

High demand for goods, large profits from sales.

Careful care is required (for example, from an excess of light, onion feathers may turn yellow and become unsuitable for subsequent sale). High probability of morbidity.

Basil, spinach, sorrel, celery

High level of demand and cost.

Whimsicality, the need for strict and careful care.

Beginning entrepreneurs are better off choosing simpler options - dill, parsley, lettuce or onion. It is more profitable to use radishes as an auxiliary crop. But such specific plants as basil and spinach require certain skills and knowledge. For inexperienced businessmen, this format can cause losses.

Having decided what exactly to grow, the entrepreneur must choose the appropriate growing method for himself. Much will depend on the scale of the business and the chosen culture. It is customary to distinguish the following methods:

  1. In your own apartment. This format is suitable for small entrepreneurs who do not have large start-up capital. But for cultivation you will have to allocate a separate room. There are many different options for growing greens - they can be placed in ordinary plastic bottles, pots or boxes. You will have to take care of regular watering, light entering the room and humidity levels.
  2. At the summer cottage (in the garden beds). This format will allow you to organize a seasonal business, since in the cold season the plants will die. This format is most attractive for people living in the southern regions, since the temperature there is higher than in the north. To establish continuous operation, you can combine this method of cultivation with the first. The amount of profit will directly depend on the area of ​​the plot, the quality of care and watering.
  3. In greenhouses. This format will allow you to grow greens all year round, regardless of weather conditions. Most often this method is used by residents of the southern regions. In the northern regions, profits will be significantly lower due to high energy costs. It only makes sense to use greenhouses if the business is large-scale. To begin with, serious investments will be required for the construction of greenhouses and their equipment (lighting, watering).

People who value their health include greens in their diet because they contain many useful substances (vitamins, minerals, trace elements). Therefore, you can sell products yourself, without supplying them to stores. But this will require additional costs and time. The greatest demand among wholesale buyers is observed in the following establishments:

  • shops and supermarkets;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • markets;
  • vegetable bases.

All of them are ready to buy greens in large quantities, but at a wholesale (less high) cost than for retail sales.

You can work in several directions at once:

  1. Sell ​​products at retail. This is especially true in the summer. It makes sense to sell in the growing region. In this case, you can grow all the above crops in equal quantities.
  2. Sell ​​greens wholesale. This business format will be more preferable if you grow one crop rather than all at once. Beginning entrepreneurs should consider growing and selling parsley and dill. Due to their rapid growth, it is possible to ensure continuous supplies of goods to stores. Then you won’t have to look for a new buyer every time.

Organizational and legal aspects

Large sales volumes and serious business activities necessitate registering your own business. This is necessary for the full sale of goods through shops, restaurants, and vegetable depots. Such a serious approach will allow you to maximize profits by refusing to work with resellers and building work with wholesale buyers directly.

You can open an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. But the second format is easier in terms of registration and submission of subsequent reports. The state will have to pay tax. The most profitable format is the Unified Agricultural Tax. It determines a low interest rate - you will need to pay 6% of the amount of profit received. This will eliminate the need for accurate cost calculations.

Products must have certificates of conformity and quality. Without them, wholesalers are not ready to buy products.

Calculation of financial results

Growing greens is highly profitable. We will make calculations for a business in your own apartment. Let's say an entrepreneur decides to grow onions for subsequent sale. In a room with an area of ​​25 m2, the area suitable for planting is about 35 m2 (if the boxes are arranged in several tiers). From here you can calculate the costs:

  • 1 kilogram of onions for sowing will cost 15 rubles if purchased in bulk;
  • for 35 m2 you will need 350 kilograms of onions;
  • total costs for purchasing onions - 5,250 rubles;
  • It is not necessary to buy boxes and boxes - they can be found at large supermarkets, and sawdust can be found at a sawmill;
  • fertilizers will require 2,400 rubles monthly;
  • you will have to spend about 12,500 rubles to install artificial lighting;
  • monthly electricity costs - 2,000 rubles;
  • the cost of transporting onions to wholesale buyers is 4,500 rubles.

The total cost will be: 26,650 rubles - this is the starting investment required to start your own onion growing business.

Income will be as follows:

  • from 1 m2 of sown area it is quite possible to get 15 kilograms of onions (but you need to properly care for the onions, purchase high-quality soil and the necessary additives);
  • from 35 m2 of sown area you can get 525 kilograms per harvest;
  • in a month you can harvest 2 onion crops, that is, the monthly volume of onions will be equal to 1,050 kilograms;
  • wholesale price for 1 kilogram of onions - 80 rubles;
  • per month you can get 84,000 rubles.

Already the first month of fruitful work will not only recoup the initial investment, but also bring a fairly high level of profit. From this we can conclude that growing greens is a highly profitable and affordable business even for beginning entrepreneurs who approach their business responsibly.

Greenhouses are coming into fashion. Small shelters are installed on most household plots, and some farms erect large structures intended for industrial cultivation. How to start? It's worth starting with comparatively small shelter of 50 sq. m.

With time farming can be expanded, erecting several more greenhouses ranging in size from 100 square meters. m. If you start a business in greenhouses, what is more profitable to grow?

In the summer, competition for greenhouse farms comes from private farmsteads and farmers growing plants. To reduce costs it is recommended to combine heated year-round designs with seasonal unheated ones, ideal for the warm season.

Greenhouses: what are they?

Greenhouses can be divided into many categories based on the type of heating, shape, size used for manufacturing. First of all shelters worth sharing on the:

  • heated year-round structures;
  • seasonal greenhouses without heating.

Seasonal shelters most often made from thick plastic film stretched over plastic or metal. Such a greenhouse can be collapsible, it can be easily dismantled and moved to another place. It is better to dismantle shelters for the winter so that the plastic film is not damaged by snow.

Capital winter greenhouses are being done more thoroughly. They are erected on a solid surface; in cold regions, recessing is recommended to help better retain heat.

Winter greenhouses can be pitched or arched, the design depends on the frame. For industrial cultivation, pitched options are recommended; if you use a greenhouse at home as a business, then convenient ones are suitable.

As a frame for capital winter greenhouses most often durable metal is used with anti-corrosion coating. A rarer option is those treated with special impregnation.

Double polyethylene film or hardened is used as a coating. Double-glazed windows are not suitable for greenhouses, they are too fragile and short-lived.

The most modern and convenient material for year-round greenhouses is. The sheets can be given any shape, they are easily bent and cut, and are not damaged during many years of use. Polycarbonate transmits light well, at the same time protecting plants from sunburn.

For the normal development of plants, a greenhouse is needed. The best results are obtained by a combined system that combines several heat sources. It is possible to use electric boilers, potbelly stoves, air heaters, fires, as well as cheap biofuel. The greenhouse will be equipped with a system, vents for ventilation and curtains for shading in the summer heat. The costs of a greenhouse for a small business, in this case, will increase.

Crops for year-round cultivation

Specialists for greenhouse business there are a number of crops, especially suitable for growing in shelters. The characteristics of the plants are taken into account, as well as the profit from the greenhouse that their sale brings. What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse? What is more profitable to grow in a greenhouse for business? Various varieties come first, greens come second, and vegetables are an honorable third.

The leaders in the flower group are those are particularly productive, and demand for cut flowers is high throughout the year.

It is recommended to start the season by sowing seeds for seedlings, as well as planting early crops: herbs, lettuce. In April-early May, seedlings move into the greenhouse tomatoes, .

By this time, the soil should warm up well, but retain moisture. Early varieties can be harvested already in mid-summer, making room for new crops. Radish and others seasonal vegetables are sown several times, until September inclusive.

Rules for planting and growing

Pledge proper development of plants and high yield - fertile soil. The topsoil is replaced annually. In large industrial greenhouses, it is recommended to update the soil after each harvest, that is, after 3-4 months.

The best substrate for greenhouses – a mixture of old garden or turf soil with humus, peat, river sand. This soil is suitable for most greenhouse crops. For greater nutritional value, it can be supplemented with wood (preferably birch) ash, as well as complex mineral fertilizer. It is not advisable to add complexes containing a lot of nitrogen, they develop abundant green mass to the detriment of fruiting.

Plants are planted without thickening; there should be at least 30 cm between bushes. Compact forms are chosen for greenhouses, not forming spreading branches or long lashes. It is convenient to plant indeterminate plants that require trellis mounting in high greenhouses.

All crops must be self-pollinating, since access of insects to the shelter will be limited. It is important to organize, mineral or organic fertilizers are applied to the soil every 2 weeks.

Are greenhouses profitable? A properly organized greenhouse is the key to a good harvest. Her organization and operation is not cheap, however, with proper operation, the design will pay for itself within a year. A greenhouse built from high-quality materials does not require annual repairs and lasts for several seasons without problems.

Useful information in the video about business ideas for greenhouse cultivation of various crops:

Not many women know, but growing greens as a business is a profitable and fairly simple way to earn money. People buy fresh dill, parsley or onions at any time of the year, and statistics show that the demand for them is only growing. Moreover, almost everyone can cope with growing plants at home, because... no special talent or knowledge is required here. In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to make money on such an idea and how to create a good green business from scratch.


So, if you decide to start a business growing herbs at home, you should decide on the planting location. There are three main options here: on an outdoor site, in an apartment or in a greenhouse. Let's look at each method in a little more detail.

  • Open area

This method is one of the most convenient, especially if the girl has her own garden plot, but it has one very significant drawback. You can grow vegetation in open ground only in the summer; the rest of the time you should switch to another option for earning money. In addition, it should be taken into account that in the warm season the price of greens will decrease significantly and competition will increase. To earn more money you can also do strawberry growing business.

A good and profitable option for growing greens all year round at home. However, it is more suitable for women who live in the southern cities of the country with a warm temperate climate. Otherwise, if you want to start such a business in the north, you will not only spend a lot of money on maintaining a greenhouse, electricity and gas, but also risk being left without a harvest at all in the winter.