Maximum length of a wall made of FBS blocks. Do-it-yourself foundation made from FBS blocks

Everyone, without exception, wants to have a reliable foundation. And one of the most reliable and predictable is the tape one. But it takes a long time to build: the assembly alone takes three days, and you still have to knit the reinforcement, then concrete it and wait several days until it gains at least half its strength. This will take at least two to three weeks. It’s good if you have such a reserve of time, but what if you don’t? There is a way out: smart people came up with the idea of ​​transferring part of the work to the enterprise - they make concrete blocks - FBS. From these, a foundation is then assembled, which is called a prefabricated strip foundation. It’s easy to make a FBS foundation with your own hands.

When using this technology, the foundation is assembled from reinforced concrete blocks of different types and sizes. That is why it is often called block or prefabricated. These are all the same type.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage of a prefabricated strip foundation made of FBS is the short time resource required for its manufacture. It only takes a few days to assemble.

The main disadvantage: it is not monolithic, so it cannot be installed everywhere and not always. Prefabricated strips of blocks stand normally on dry soils that are not prone to heaving. Under other conditions, a calculation is required, preferably a professional one.

It should be noted that prefabricated foundations must be thoroughly waterproofed and insulated. It is also necessary to make it insulated. These are necessary conditions for their normal operation.

If we compare monolithic strip and block foundations, the following picture emerges:

  • Monolithic construction takes a long time, block construction takes a long time.
  • A monolithic tape can be made without renting special equipment (although it is difficult to do without ordering concrete). To assemble a FBS foundation with your own hands, you will need to rent a crane, or at least a winch.
  • If you make a monolithic foundation yourself, it costs less than a block foundation. If hired workers or a company work, then it will most likely cost more: the volume of work is greater, and this is a considerable additional expense.
  • A monolith is more durable than a prefabricated one. Strength is approximately 20-30% higher. This allows it to be used as a monolithic tape on loams and clay.

In many respects, monolithic tape wins. But if its strength and reliability are not in demand, then its production is just a waste of time. When work is carried out by contractors, it is also a waste of money. Therefore, if the soils have normal bearing capacity, and groundwater is no closer than 2 meters from the required foundation depth, it makes sense to build a house on a prefabricated foundation.

Foundation blocks: types, sizes, markings

In private construction, several types of blocks are used. To construct a prefabricated strip foundation, only two types are most often used:

When constructing a strip foundation, it is necessary to provide routes for laying and supplying engineering systems: water supply, sewerage, electricity, heating. You must not forget about the ventilation system and leave holes for vents to ventilate the underground space or basement. For this purpose, blocks with a channel for laying communications may be useful: FBV.

The sizes and types of blocks are regulated by GOST 13579-78. For a private developer, size and performance characteristics are mainly important. The photo below shows part of the standard, which defines the types and sizes of blocks.

Marking according to GOST

To make it easier to navigate the specifications, the names of the blocks, by the same GOST, contain information about their size and type.

If there are any lengths and widths, then the FBS height is usually made 580 mm (marked “6”). Blocks with a height of 280 mm can be made to order.

  • T - heavy (cement-sand mixture with crushed stone). The heaviest high density block. This type is used in the construction of foundations.
  • P - porous with expanded clay concrete filler. They have less weight, but also less strength, and are also more hygroscopic.
  • C - made of silicate concrete (the main binder is lime). This type of blocks is afraid of getting wet, therefore it is not used in the construction of foundations.

For example, FBS 24.4.6 -T stands for: rectangular block of high-density reinforced concrete. Length 2380 mm, width 400 mm, height 580 mm. By analogy, you can decipher other symbols.

Laying FBS blocks

The choice of block width is determined by the thickness of the walls located above. The length of the blocks is selected so that they occupy, if possible, the entire tape. But even experienced builders make mistakes when selecting blocks: some unfilled areas remain, into which even the smallest elements do not fit (they are called additional ones). These areas are usually sealed with cement mortar bricks. If the masonry turns out to be uneven, it is then plastered: this will make it more convenient to apply waterproofing and insulation.

Typically, a prefabricated strip foundation consists of several rows of blocks. Their specific number depends on the required tape height. More often it is laid below the freezing depth of the soil. The required height of the base is also taken into account.

Construction of a block foundation. When laying cushion blocks, some areas remain empty. They are concreted after installation

When installing concrete blocks of any type, the same rule applies as when laying brick: the seams should not match. To do this, they are placed so that the seam of the previous row overlaps the body of the block in the next row. The gaps (vertical joints) between adjacent elements are filled with cement-sand mortar.

To give the structure greater strength and to connect all the blocks into a single system, reinforcement is laid on top of each row. Depending on the type of soil and the weight of the building, class A-I - A-III rods are used. The number of rods is determined by calculations during design; they can be from 2 to 5 pieces. When laying and connecting the rod, all rules are observed - connecting corners and walls follows the same pattern. The only difference is that there is only one reinforcement belt. A layer of mortar is laid on top of the reinforcing belt, and the next row of blocks is placed on it, with the seams offset.

If these rules are followed, the prefabricated strip foundation will be strong and reliable.

We build a foundation from FBS with our own hands

The technology for constructing a prefabricated foundation, especially at the preparation stage, is not much different from other types: first we dig a foundation pit. The difference is that it is less labor intensive to manufacture the tape itself and that there is no need to make formwork.

Preparation of the base for a block foundation is standard:

The number of rows depends on the required height of the base and the required depth of the tape. Compliance with the rules for laying blocks with dressing is mandatory. Only by assembling the FBS foundation with your own hands will you receive a reliable foundation for the entire structure.

How to lay FBS

In any row, laying begins from the corners. Then the blocks are placed in the places where the piers are drained. They are called lighthouses, and then all others are compared to them. Their vertical alignment is checked and corrections are made if necessary. Most often, the block must be lifted again, moved and replaced.

After the beacon elements are installed, the moorings are stretched - cords along which they are guided when installing the next blocks. They mark the boundaries of the wall, and so that the FBS stand symmetrically relative to the middle of the FL block (pillow block). The maximum permissible deviation is 12 mm. All subsequent rows of blocks should also be placed exactly above the middle.

It is more convenient to pull the cords 2-3 mm from the side surfaces of the lighthouse blocks. This will make it easier to display. Intermediate blocks are placed starting from the largest: first they put everything 2.4 meters long, then 1.2 and then 0.9. The correctness of their installation is checked against the marking cords, verticality - with a plumb line.

How to choose the sizes of FBS blocks

You can determine how many blocks you need for your foundation by selection. You can do this yourself on a plan drawn to scale. On the plan, you mark each block to the same scale.

The sizes of blocks for a FBS foundation are selected based on a simple rule: to increase the strength of the structure, you need to use the largest block sizes. Therefore, first you draw the 2.4 meter blocks installed in the corners, then, if they fit, draw them in the places where the partitions adjoin. Between them, you also place the largest blocks that can fit there. Where they no longer stand, place them in a smaller size. If there are any gaps that even the smallest block (0.9 meters) cannot fit into, don’t worry - these gaps are filled with brickwork.

Two types of prefabricated FBS strip foundations - with and without a cushion (shallow strip)

Draw the second row in a similar way, not forgetting about the displacement of the seams. If necessary, draw the third one in the same way. Then count the required number of blocks of each size. Do not throw away the resulting plan: it will be useful to you when installing the prefabricated foundation already on the site.

FBS masonry mortar

For laying foundation blocks, standard cement-sand mortar M-100 is used. It can be obtained using different cement grades and amounts of sand:

  • For 1 part of M300 cement take 2.5 parts of sand;
  • For 1 part of M400 cement there are already 3 parts of sand;
  • when using M500 sand, add 4 parts.

First, mix the dry ingredients until a homogeneous composition and color is obtained. Then gradually add 0.5 parts of water. If the solution turns out to be too thick, add water little by little in small portions. The consistency should be like thick sour cream: not lumpy, but not runny either.

Do not try to increase the amount of cement. This will not only not increase the strength of concrete, as expected, but will significantly reduce it. To gain strength, concrete requires a strictly defined amount of aggregate (in this case sand) and water. If there is a lack of one and/or the other, its strength will be lower. In the worst case, it will crack and crumble.

FBS foundation blocks: how to correctly determine the required dimensions and calculate the required number of products for the quick and error-free construction of a reliable prefabricated foundation for your home

A good home always begins with a strong foundation, and this axiom underlies the design and technology of constructing strong and durable buildings.

In modern construction, prefabricated and combined foundations are becoming increasingly popular, which significantly reduces the cost of the “zero” cycle of building a house without loss of strength. For this purpose, FBS blocks are used, the dimensions and strength of which make it possible to select all elements in full accordance with the design parameters.

In order for the choice of foundation blocks to be correct, it is necessary to take into account that the foundation must not only support the weight of the building, but also distribute it evenly over the ground.

Technical properties and features of FBS blocks

The manufacturer must ensure exact compliance of the strength and geometric characteristics of the blocks with the requirements of GOST 13579-78, because any deviation can subsequently lead to rapid destruction of the building. FBS foundation blocks are a parallelepiped made of heavy expanded clay or silicate concrete with a density of at least 1800 kg/m³ without voids, with technological preforming for vertical reinforcement of the masonry with mortar. The strength class of concrete is not lower than B 7.5.

The manufacturing technology involves compacting concrete on vibrating tables, and special flasks provide the specified dimensions and a dense, smooth surface. Products with a violation of the geometry will subsequently not allow the construction of even masonry, and the thickness of the seams will be greater than the standard values ​​(2-5 mm), which can damage the entire structure. A high-quality, dense surface serves as a guarantee against premature cracking and destruction even in a damp environment.

GOST for FBS blocks regulates the manufacture of products with a length of 2380, 1180 and 880 mm. In this case, the width varies from 300 to 600 mm with an interval of 100 mm, the height can be 280 and 580 mm. Products with a height of 280 mm are practically not used in modern foundation construction due to the low load-bearing load at almost the same price, so many manufacturers do not include them in their range.

Overall dimensions in decimeters are included in the markings, rounded up to a larger value. For example, the FBS 24.4.6 block has actual dimensions of 2380x400x580 mm. The letter “C” in the block type designation means that the structure is solid. This is the largest product in the offered range, which allows for the fastest possible construction of the foundation, but also has the maximum weight when manufactured from heavy grades of concrete (M 100, M 200) - 1.96 tons.

It is also necessary to take into account that the weight of FBS blocks, even the smallest ones, reaches 260 kg, which requires the use of heavy special equipment when working with them.

Some manufacturers offer these types of products of lighter weight, despite the “T” marking of heavy concrete. In this case, they are made either from expanded clay concrete and must be marked with the letter “P”, or from silicate “C”, or were not compacted enough during the production process and may have voids and pores. Therefore, when purchasing, check the brand and weight of FBS foundation blocks and make sure you have a document confirming the quality.

Large-sized FBS blocks are used, in addition to prefabricated strip foundations, for the construction of basement floors and unheated technical structures.

Selection of foundation block sizes

The dimensions of the product, along with its compressive strength class, are determined by:

  • strength of the structure being built,
  • technological process of assembling elements,
  • timing of the “zero” cycle work,
  • block price.

The sizes of FBS blocks are selected depending on:

  • type of soil, its strength and stability,
  • thickness of walls and ceilings,
  • the weight of the building, determined by its dimensions and building materials,
  • the required structural strength of the foundation,
  • type of masonry,
  • foundation area.

When selecting sizes and calculating the number of blocks, 4-5 pieces per wall length are considered optimal. For example, for a standard 10-meter wall of a house, 4 blocks 24 dm long would be preferable than 8 pieces 12 dm long.

The more unstable the soil, the larger the dimensions of the load-bearing elements. For example, to build a foundation on clay and loamy soils, which themselves exert pressure on the structure, large-sized FBS 24.6.6 blocks should be used. And for sandy dry soils for laying to a depth of 60 - 70 cm, medium ones are suitable - FBS 12.6.6-t. The same direct relationship between dimensions and the calculated load on the base.

It is a mistake to assume that the width of the blocks is always equal to the thickness of the walls. Wall protrusion on one side is allowed up to 10 cm, and if the protrusion is two-sided, then up to 6 cm on each side. Blocks of different sizes are usually used for the most dense laying and optimal ligation of seams. Foundation blocks made in accordance with GOST 13579-78, due to their high dimensional accuracy and straightness, when properly laid, can minimize the curvature of the combined foundation and serve as an excellent guide for subsequent wall laying.

Small-sized FBS blocks

According to industry standards, products are produced in lengths of 400 and 600 mm for oversized structures. We even offer blocks made of heavy concrete according to specifications with dimensions of 400x200x200 mm for low-rise light houses made of wood and foam blocks. They optimally combine high strength and low weight (on average 31 kg). Such products are indispensable in the absence of special equipment for independent laying of foundations on sandy soils.

Non-standard foundation blocks include FBS 6.6.6 foundation blocks, which are gaining increasing popularity due to their versatility of use for:

  • construction of walls of cellars and basements,
  • foundations, including columnar ones, for country houses and small cottages,
  • in combination with cast strip foundations and as a main element.

They are made from heavy grades of concrete, which ensures high strength and allows walls of any height to be built from them.

Why do you need to know the mass of foundation blocks?

GOST for FBS blocks, in addition to overall dimensions and strength characteristics, provides for weight standardization (in reference format). This is necessary for express quality control, because the standard value of concrete density cannot be determined under construction site conditions.

This parameter will also be required for the correct selection of special equipment for laying blocks, loading and unloading operations, as well as for transporting materials. FBS blocks, the weight and dimensions of which determine the rate of loading products into a vehicle, are transported by 10- and 20-ton vehicles. Having such information at your disposal, you can minimize your costs for transporting such bulky and heavy products. In addition, many companies charge considerable sums for equipment downtime in case of unforeseen situations.

Having chosen a prefabricated foundation, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of its structural elements. After all, the quality of FBS blocks, the correct calculation of their quantity and size will determine the reliability of the house and its service life.

  • Dimensional characteristics of solid foundation blocks
  • Weight and physical structure of FBS blocks
  • Brief description of the technology for manufacturing FBS blocks
  • Some advantages of using FBS products

Large-scale construction in recent decades with the active use of the most advanced and original technologies and architectural innovations has forced builders to pay very close attention to building materials that provide high quality and accelerated commissioning of structures.

Solid foundation blocks are building elements made from concrete by reinforcing it with metal rods.

One of the most popular among such building materials are various reinforced concrete products, including FBS blocks, the technical characteristics of which meet the ever-increasing requirements of architects and builders. A more detailed acquaintance with this material and its features will allow it to be used even more widely in various fields.

FBS blocks, their structure and purpose

FBS block diagram.

Solid foundation blocks (FBS) are structural reinforced concrete building elements that are made from high-grade heavy concrete. Standard blocks, shaped like an impressive rectangular parallelepiped, are reinforced with metal rods. Thanks to this reinforcement, they are able to withstand enormous weight loads.

These building materials may be equipped with additional eyelets. This is done in order to facilitate the operations of loading and unloading FBS, as well as for convenient installation of these elements. In their end parts there are special recesses designed for filling with liquid concrete during installation on the construction site. In this way, the blocks are better secured to each other.

As the name suggests, these blocks are intended mainly for constructing strong and reliable foundations for various buildings, since they are capable of “holding” the highest loads. At the same time, they significantly speed up the entire construction process and make it much cheaper. At the same time, foundation blocks are practically not inferior in quality to traditional monolithic foundations.

General technical characteristics of FBS blocks.

However, their range of application is not limited to foundations alone. Being in demand in construction and installation operations of almost any level of complexity, they are used with no less efficiency in the construction of multi-storey structures, in the installation of various floors and partitions. They have also proven themselves to be excellent in the construction of non-residential and industrial construction projects. Sometimes they are used for temporary or permanent fencing of various objects and large construction sites.

General technical characteristics of FBS look like this:

  • concrete strength class for compression value – B12.5 (M150);
  • block strength – from 100 to 110 kg/cm;
  • material density – up to 2400 kg/m3;
  • frost resistance concrete grade – F200;
  • waterproof concrete grade – W2.

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One of the main parameters of FBS blocks is their dimensions. The specified structural units are classified according to a given length, width and height. These values ​​are especially taken into account when choosing these elements. After all, they must perfectly fit a specific structure, fulfilling their main purpose - to evenly distribute the mechanical loads of the entire building falling on its base.

FBS block sizes.

It is the calculated load of the object on the foundation that determines what size blocks need to be selected. Moreover, the exact correspondence of their dimensions to the total mass of the structure is extremely important. For example, the use of blocks smaller than those required by the calculated standard risks the fact that in the future a building built on such a foundation will most likely be very difficult to operate normally and safely.

Today, the following parameters are considered the main standard sizes of FBS blocks:

  • block length – 900 mm, 1200 mm, 2400 mm;
  • block width – 300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm, 600 mm;
  • block height – 600 mm (some manufacturers offer corresponding products with a height of 300 mm).

Meanwhile, there may be slight size errors. In particular, a deviation of length and height by 20 mm from the above values ​​is allowed.

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Weight of FBS blocks.

Another important factor that characterizes reinforced concrete foundation blocks is the weight of a single structural element. Noteworthy is the fact that, unlike their hollow (FBP) and relief (with cutout) (FBV) analogues, the blocks considered here have a solid structure, without technological voids.

This factor, among other things, significantly affects transport logistics, in particular, how and how many such products can fit in one truck so that the vehicle can safely transport them. In general, the weight of a block depends on its brand and ranges on average from 250 kg to 2 tons.

Expanded clay concrete, silicate and heavy types of concrete are used as raw materials for the production of these blocks, and in a frost-resistant design.

In this case, the technology of special drying and steaming of the main components is used, which gives the final product the degree of hardness, frost resistance and compressive strength specified by certain standards.

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When manufacturing FBS blocks, special installations are used.

In order to produce high-quality foundation blocks, the manufacturer must strictly adhere to the design ratio of these ingredients when mixing cement powder, aggregate and water. A forced-type concrete mixer is used to prepare the batch.

After achieving homogeneity of the concrete mixture, it is poured into special forms into which deep vibrators are placed. With the help of these power tools, a semi-liquid substance is thoroughly compacted. After 24 hours, during which the concrete mass hardens, the partially finished slabs are removed from the molds.

The next stage in the production of FBS is to give the blocks their initial strength. To do this, a protective film coating is applied to the hardened products, after which they begin to be watered. After 7 days, the building material acquires the so-called tempering strength, which makes it possible to use almost finished products in installation work directly on the construction site. After 28 days from the moment the liquid concrete is poured into the molds, the material reaches full 100% strength.

It should be noted that block elements for constructing building foundations, especially if they have been reinforced with metal reinforcement, must be reliably protected from the destructive effects of ground and atmospheric waters. For this purpose, they are, in particular, covered with a waterproofing layer made up of composite mixtures based on bitumen and special water repellents.

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Scheme of using FBS blocks in foundation construction.

The use of solid foundation blocks in modern construction and installation technologies has a number of advantages compared to the traditional technology of pouring concrete foundations. Among the most significant and unconditional advantages are the following:

  • high degree of strength and reliability of the material from which FBS is made;
  • their increased resistance to moisture;
  • enhanced frost resistance;
  • reduced degree of thermal conductivity;
  • possibility of quick installation (assembly of the basic structure) on a prepared construction site;
  • guarantee of long-term operation of the FBS foundation (from 60 to 160 years);
  • significant economic benefit due to the use of solid foundation blocks.

In general, the reinforced concrete installation products discussed here have proven themselves to be the best in construction. However, despite the excellent track record, in the process of preliminary selection of solid foundation blocks, it is still strongly recommended to request quality certificates from the seller and compare their technical parameters recorded in the accompanying documentation with generally accepted standards.

In this case, the consumer will be able to protect himself from purchasing low-quality material that does not correspond to the given construction project. In the absence of a certificate of quality and technical characteristics, it is better to immediately refuse such building materials.

FBS blocks for foundations: dimensions, markings according to GOST, installation nuances

Any construction begins with preparing the foundation. Only a reliable foundation guarantees the strength and durability of the structure being built. The use of FBS blocks is one of the most reliable and time-tested solutions in both private and multi-storey construction.

The abbreviation stands for foundation wall block. Such products allow you to quickly erect a strip foundation for the supporting part of buildings and structures. The key advantage of FBS is that these are ready-made products, so there is no need to wait 28 days required for concrete to gain maximum strength.

Scope of application

Immediately after laying the base, you can begin building walls, which significantly reduces construction time.

Foundation wall blocks are used in the initial stages of construction. In particular, products of this group are used in the following cases:

    Laying composite strip foundations for private and multi-storey buildings.

  • Ground floors.

    Technical buildings.

    Unheated industrial facilities.

FBS is also used for the construction of wall structures, but here hollow modules are used, the weight of which is much lower than foundation ones (see the varieties section below).

Marking blocks for foundation

FBS blocks are manufactured in accordance with GOST standards, therefore they have symbols indicating the dimensions and technical characteristics of the product. Numerical and alphabetic designations are used for marking.

    F - reinforced concrete and concrete made of heavy concrete for columns (the so-called glass type);

    FL - reinforced concrete made of heavy concrete for the construction of strip foundations;

    FBS - solid non-reinforced concrete for the construction of basement walls, technical undergrounds and foundations;

    BF - reinforced concrete strips made of heavy concrete for the construction of external and internal walls of buildings of industrial and agricultural enterprises;

    FR - reinforced concrete made of heavy concrete for three-hinged frames;

    FBP - concrete hollow foundation.

    FBS is a wall foundation block.

    12 – product length. In our case: 1,180 mm.

    6 – block width corresponding to 600 mm.

    3 – block height, 280 mm.

    T – grades of heavy concrete are used for production.

The last point is variable, depending on the type of raw material. In particular, the markings “P” and “C” can be used for expanded clay and silicate concrete, respectively.

It should be clarified that in the symbols the block sizes are indicated in decimeters and rounded for ease of perception.

To find out the exact length and height, you need to subtract 2 centimeters from the indicated marking. This value is allocated to the thickness of the mortar joint between the individual blocks.

Types of reinforced concrete products

According to the current GOST standards numbered 13579-78, blocks for the construction of basements and wall structures are divided into three categories. It looks like this:

    FBS are monolithic products that are made from branded concrete. Compared to other types of blocks, they have high technical characteristics and strength. The production technology does not imply reinforcement of products, with the exception of the installation of mounting loops.

    FBV - monolithic products, with a provided longitudinal cutout intended for laying utility lines. Manufactured using standard FBS block technology.

    FBP – lightweight blocks with a hollow structure. Products can be produced in various lengths and widths, but according to GOST, a single length value is provided - 2,380 mm.

Knowing these features, you can select blocks for any type of construction.

Concrete grades for the production of FBS

Considering that the main area of ​​application of concrete blocks is a strip foundation, where the key role is played by resistance to dynamic compression, FBS is not usually made from high-strength concrete. In particular, manufacturers use the following classes:

    For FBS – M 200, which corresponds to strength class B15.

    For expanded clay blocks - M 50, which corresponds to strength class B3.5.

    For silicate blocks - M 150, which corresponds to strength class B12.5.

These requirements are specified in GOST standards number 13579-78.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undeniable advantages of FBS blocks can be expressed as follows:

    All products are manufactured in accordance with GOST standards; therefore, regardless of the manufacturer, they have standard sizes.

    The production of FBS involves strict control of the technological process, which ensures high strength and reliability of the product.

    Ease of installation and high speed of construction: you can lay the foundation and build walls from blocks in literally 2-3 days.

    Simplicity. Installation of block structures does not require special skills and knowledge in the field of construction.

    Wide range of sizes. This feature allows the construction of structures with any level of geometric complexity.

    The blocks are not demanding on operating conditions, so they perform well in any environment. During production, special additives are used that allow the blocks to be used on wet soils.

The disadvantages include the following:

    During installation it is necessary to use construction equipment, which increases the cost of the work.

    It is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing between the joints.

    Concrete does not retain heat, so additional insulation will be required.

    Monolithic foundations are much stronger than composite structures.

Dimensions according to GOST

There are several standard sizes for FBS, which must be complied with by all manufacturers. Therefore, the following standard parameters can be distinguished:

    Length – 880/1 180/2 380 mm.

    Height – 280/580 mm.

    Width – 300/400/500/600 mm.

These dimensions are typical for all serial blocks, regardless of the material used.

Brand Dimensions, mm Weight, t Concrete class Consumption of materials
L B H Concrete, m3 Steel, kg
FBS24.3.6 2380 300 580 0,97 B7.5 0,406 1,46
FBS24.4.6 2380 400 480 1,30 B7.5 0,543 1,46
FBS24.5.6 2380 500 580 1,63 B7.5 0,679 2,36
FBS24.6.6 2380 600 580 1,96 B7.5 0,815 2,36
FBS12.2.6 1180 200 580 0,32 B7.5 0,133 0,76
FBS12.3.6 1180 300 580 0,485 B7.5 0,203 0,76
FBS12.4.6 1180 400 580 0,64 B7.5 0,265 1,46
FBS12.5.6 1180 500 580 0,79 B7.5 0,331 1,46
FBS12.6.6 1180 600 580 0,96 B7.5 0,398 1,46
FBS12.2.3 1180 200 280 0,16 B7.5 0,066 0,38
FBS12.3.3 1180 300 280 0,24 B7.5 0,100 0,38
FBS12.4.3 1180 400 280 0,31 B7.5 0,127 0,74
FBS12.5.3 1180 500 280 0,38 B7.5 0,159 0,74
FBS12.6.3 1180 600 280 0,46 B7.5 0,191 0,74
FBS9.2.6 880 200 580 0,235 0,36
FBS9.3.6 880 300 580 0,35 B7.5 0,146 0,76
FBS9.4.6 880 400 580 0,47 B7.5 0,195 0,76
FBS9.5.6 880 500 580 0,59 B7.5 0,244 0,76
FBS9.6.6 880 600 580 0,700 B7.5 0,293 1,46

Weight of standard blocks

The weight of concrete blocks largely depends on the class of concrete and the size of the product. Let's take the standard length as a basis and calculate the weight of the product. It looks like this:

    Length 2,380 mm - block weight varies between 0.97-1.96 tons.

    Length 1,180 mm - block weight varies between 0.31-0.96 tons.

    Length 880 mm - block weight varies between 0.35-0.7 tons.

The difference in values ​​is due to the width of the product.

Installation features

As already mentioned, the construction of composite structures from FBS blocks does not require special skills and knowledge. Consequently, any person can cope with the work, even if they are not familiar with the technology of constructing residential and utility premises. Here it is enough to follow a certain order of actions, which can be divided into three stages. Let's look at each in more detail.


To find out how many blocks will be needed to build the foundation, it is necessary to calculate the volume of planned work. To do this, you need to multiply the length, width and height of the future foundation.

Using a similar scheme, the volume of one block is calculated. Then the volume of the foundation is divided by the volume of one block. The final figure will reflect the required number of blocks. If construction involves a complex geometric structure with different foundation thicknesses, calculations are made separately for each section.

Preparing the base

The blocks are usually laid out on a sandy base, which is pre-leveled and compacted. The thickness of such a pillow should vary between 5-10 centimeters. Length and width: approximately 30 centimeters more than the planned building.

Then the foundation is laid out along its axes, using plumb lines or laser pointers. Starting points are marked with metal pins that will serve as guides.

Laying blocks

FBS is laid by crane, first installing beacon blocks that will be located at corners, lintels and intersections. Correct installation of beacons guarantees the exact geometry of the entire foundation. Then the remaining blocks of the first row are laid.

The accuracy of installation is usually checked with a level, correcting structural elements with a crowbar. The blocks are then raised in height using the principle of brickwork. Cement mortar is laid between the rows; the height of the foundation can be 5 blocks.

It should be noted that installation of FBS is not permissible on soil covered with snow or water.

Some subtleties of choice

When choosing FBS blocks, you need to take into account several technical nuances, which will determine the type of product. In particular, blocks are selected based on the following conditions:

    Stability and type of soil.

    Thickness of erected walls and interfloor ceilings.

    Total weight of the building.

    Requirements for foundation strength.

    Total base area.

For example, buildings on unstable soil will require wider blocks. In addition, the depth of the FBS is not always identical to the thickness of the masonry. In particular, the block can protrude by 10 centimeters on one side or by 6 if a double-sided protrusion is provided. It is important to understand that for optimal shrinkage and a strong connection of seams, it is recommended to use blocks of different sizes.

Reliable manufacturers

Concrete wall blocks are included in the product range of almost any concrete plant. However, in most cases, such products are poured without following the technological process. The raw material used is concrete of different grades, which is sometimes returned from construction sites. Therefore, when choosing products, you need to give preference to companies that specialize specifically in the production of FBS.

Among the trusted manufacturers are the following enterprises:

    LLC TK "Vira" The company is located in St. Petersburg and specializes in the production of finished concrete products. The assortment includes more than 400 items, including FBS.

    LLC "Master" A dynamically developing production facility located in the city of Voskresensk. Currently, the company offers about 370 products, including wall foundation blocks.

    OJSC Industrial Construction Parts Plant. One of the largest enterprises in Russia, which is located in Surgut. The company has been working in the construction industry for more than 45 years, producing ready-made concrete products.

    LLC "Aleksinsky expanded clay plant" The company is located in the Tula region, the city of Aleksin. The plant has been operating since 1985, offering customers not only expanded clay, but also wall foundation blocks.

    LLC "Zlatoust Plant" The company is located in the city of Zlatoust, offering customers a wide range of road slabs, piles, FBS, panels, stairs, lintels.

When choosing products from these manufacturers, you can be sure that the products undergo multi-stage quality control and comply with GOST requirements.


The durability of a structure is determined by the quality of the foundation. This rule is fundamental in the construction of buildings for any purpose. Many modern foundations are made prefabricated. To create them, FBS blocks are usually chosen. Such products make it possible to reduce the cost of building a house and are also easy to install. When choosing FBS foundation blocks, it should be taken into account that the foundation must not only withstand the weight load of the structure, but also distribute it over the ground as evenly as possible.

Features of FBS

When manufacturing such products, the requirements of GOST 13579-78 are met. If they are not followed, the structure may be destroyed in the future. FBS have a parallelepidal shape. They are made of heavy concrete. It must withstand a load of at least 1800 kg per 1 cubic meter. Such material is made without voids. The concrete used for the blocks must have a strength greater than B 7.5.

The quality of manufacturing of FBS affects the characteristics of future masonry. For example, if the geometry of the products is inaccurate, the thickness of the joints will have to be increased, which will negatively affect the waterproofing of the masonry. According to the standards, the permissible distance between the surfaces of the blocks should be within 2-5 mm. If the surface of the product is dense and smooth, it will not crack under load and will not collapse when used in a humid environment. To obtain high-quality blocks, concrete blanks are processed on vibrating tables.

There are several types of foundation blocks. Their main difference is in size. According to GOST, such products are made in lengths from 880 to 2380 mm. The width of such blocks is usually 280 or 580 mm. The first option is not popular. This is due to the fact that such products have a low load-bearing load.

Block sizes are indicated in decimeters. They are rounded up. For example, if a block is designated 24.4.6, then its dimensions are 2380x400x580 mm. Products are also labeled according to their properties. Solid products are designated by the letter “C”. This product is the largest in the available range. The largest mass of a concrete product of this kind is 1.96 tons.

In addition, it is important to consider that even the smallest blocks have a mass of 260 kg. This requires the use of special equipment to work with such blocks.

From some manufacturers you can find lighter concrete labeled “T” (heavy). They are made from expanded clay concrete.

Block sizes

The dimensions of the foundation blocks are important. They are taken into account along with the strength class and type of concrete used. These characteristics affect:

the strength of the building that is erected on such a foundation;

  • construction assembly technology;
  • work completion time;
  • block cost.

The size of individual elements is selected depending on several indicators:

  • strength characteristics, degree of stability and type of soil;
  • thickness of the walls of the building;
  • total base area;
  • weight of the building;
  • selected type of masonry;
  • structural strength of the base.

When installing walls, it is important to know the standard characteristics. It is better if about 4-5 elements are used on one wall. For example, for a structure 10 m long, it is better to use 4 structures of 24 dm each than 8 of 12 dm each.

When choosing the dimensions of the blocks used, you should take into account the type of soil on which the building is built. The greater the instability of the soil, the larger the FBS should be. For loam and clay soils, products with a length of 24 dm are usually chosen. For sandy soils, smaller products are used.

On one side, the wall can protrude by 10 cm. When protruding on both sides, 6 cm should be released on each side. For this, different blocks are usually used. This results in excellent bandaging of each seam and a fairly tight installation. Foundation blocks, which are manufactured in accordance with GOST, due to their high geometric parameters, can eliminate the curvature of the base if laid accurately. They are a good guide for laying walls.

Small-sized FBS

According to the standards of various industries, blocks with a length of 40 and 60 cm are used to create structures of small dimensions. Many manufacturers sell blocks made of heavy concrete, which differ in size 40x20x20 cm. They are mainly used for wooden houses and buildings made of foam blocks. Such foundation elements are characterized by low weight and high strength.

Some products can be called non-standard. Due to some of their characteristics, they are becoming increasingly popular. These products are quite versatile:

  • they are used to create walls of basements and cellars;
  • non-standard models are used in the construction of columnar foundations for cottages and dachas;
  • if combined with molded strip structures, they can be used as a main element.

Such products are made from heavy concrete. This ensures excellent strength of the foundation elements.

Weight of products

GOST, which regulates the characteristics of FBS blocks, standardizes not only the dimensions and strength of products. Special documentation provides for recording the mass of products. It is needed for quality control. This is explained by the fact that under construction conditions it is not possible to assess the density of the material.

The mass of blocks is also needed for the optimal selection of loading equipment. In addition, the choice of means transporting building materials depends on this indicator. FBS is usually transported using 10 or 20 ton tanks.

The strength and durability of the foundation depends on many parameters, including the correct calculation of the number and dimensions of individual elements of prefabricated structures. One of the most popular options for constructing a foundation is to create a foundation from concrete products.

For such structures there is no need to construct formwork, and the high strength of the products is guaranteed by the technological features of their manufacture. Concrete is steamed and vibrated during the creation process.

During the construction of foundations on soft soils, foundation blocks are installed on special pads. Such products are slabs in the form of a prism, which can significantly reduce the load on the soil.

In addition to constructing foundations for houses, such products are used in the construction of overpasses, ramps and fences. GOST, which regulates the conditions for manufacturing blocks, was adopted back in 1978.

Types of foundation structures

FBS are the most popular. It is used for installation under both external and internal walls. There are several main types of blocks:

  • With a length of 238 mm, the blocks have a thickness of 300-600 mm. All blocks have the same height, which is 58 cm.
  • structures with a length of 118 mm. Such blocks have a height of 580 and 280 mm.
  • Additional ones. Their length is 0.88 m. They have a thickness of 30 to 60 cm. Their height is standard - 580 mm.

Standard products have a density of 2400 kg/cu m.


Such products are produced only to order. For this reason, they can be seen quite rarely on construction sites. The main feature that distinguishes them from FBS is the longitudinal cutout, which is used for utility lines. Such designs are quite short - 88 cm. They can have a width from 40 to 60 cm in increments of 10 cm. The height of the products is 58 cm.

In the production of FBV, like FBS, concrete grades higher than 100 kg/sq.m. are used. cm. The material must have frost resistance of 50 cycles. For reinforcement, steel of several classes is used.

Pros of foundation elements

There are several main advantages of foundation products that explain the popularity of their use:

  • Reducing time spent on foundation installation. During the construction of the base using blocks, there is no need to pour concrete solution into the formwork, or wait for the material to gain strength.
  • Standard dimensions. Due to the fact that foundation blocks are made of certain sizes, it is possible to calculate how many elements will be needed to build the foundation.
  • There is no need to purchase expensive consumables.
  • The material can be selected according to the technical data.
  • Long service life. If the blocks are installed correctly and the operating conditions of the products are observed, such structures will last at least 100 years.

Such advantages ensure the reliability and durability of foundation blocks.

Estimated cost

Foundation structures are quite often used for the construction of civil facilities. The smallest of them (FBS-6.3.6) costs 500 rubles per 1 element. These elements are optional.

The same products, having a length of 1.2 m, are sold on the construction market at a price of 1000 rubles. Full-size products with a thickness of 30 cm and a length of 2.4 m are sold for 2,100 rubles.

The most popular among consumers are FBS blocks, which have a width of 60 cm. This is the thickness of the foundation that is chosen for the construction of residential buildings.

Products with voids are sold less actively. Such structures are usually priced 15% higher than solid structures. This can be explained by the greater labor intensity of pouring such products.

Blocks with cutouts are not presented in factory catalogs. To receive such a product, you will have to place an individual order.

Quite often there are advertisements for the sale of used blocks. However, you should not rely on their low cost. It is better to consult an experienced specialist. The master will be able to competently assess the condition of such blocks and give advice regarding their acquisition.

Calculation and installation

Calculation of the number of required elements for the foundation is quite simple. To do this, you will need to determine the total volume of the foundation and the volume of one element. During the calculation process, you can obtain the required number of building products with given parameters.

You should not think about the number of floors of the building. The factory block is strong enough to build a 5-story house on it. More critical for such a design is the condition of the soil. It is necessary to take into account such a property of block structures as low solidity. Block bases are made with many seams, which affects its strength characteristics.

Before installing the FBS blocks, a reinforcement belt is installed at the bottom of the prepared trench. It bears a large share of the load from the soil during winter heaving. When creating a high base, professionals advise using a reinforced belt every 2 rows of blocks.

The best foundation for a block foundation is one that consists of coarse sand soil. The aquifer in this case should lie quite deep. Since such conditions are practically unheard of, in such cases the block grillage should be strengthened.

Preparing the base

To create a high-quality foundation, you will need to add sand. This layer will act as a leveling substrate. It usually has a thickness of 15 cm. For houses that are built on problematic soils, in order to increase the support area, reinforced concrete pads are installed under the blocks.

Laying the foundation

According to certain standards, installation of a foundation made of FBS blocks is prohibited if there is a layer of snow or water at the bottom of the trench. Blocks should only be moved using underground equipment.

First, you should install blocks at the corners of the future foundation. They are mounted in places where internal walls adjoin the base. After checking their level, you should pull a cord between these elements and install intermediate elements along it.

All elements must be thoroughly cleaned before installation. The concrete for the joints is compacted with a shovel.


Considering these characteristics of foundation blocks, you can safely choose them as a material for creating a high-quality foundation. Such products are used for residential and industrial buildings.

FBS foundation blocks

This seemingly harsh and bulky material, hiding behind the abbreviation FBS (foundation wall block), is literally the cornerstone in the construction of buildings, industrial and residential premises. In country house construction, it is also widely used, unless the owner himself has decided to cast the foundation himself, using formwork.

Foundation blocks are elements of a prefabricated concrete structure. The rapid pace of production growth required accelerating the construction of factories and residential buildings. The technology of using blocks for laying foundations and reinforced concrete slabs for quickly erecting walls has proven its worth.


This is a fairly strong and durable building material that is resistant to environmental influences. The strength of FBS blocks is given special importance, because they lay the foundation of the house - its foundation. Accordingly, there should be no errors and the calculation of the load (voltage) must be extremely correct, because a defective block can lead to the collapse of the entire building.

There are several technologies for preparing concrete filler using:

  • silicate or expanded clay concrete (density from 1800 kg/m3);
  • lightweight high-strength concrete B 100;
  • heavy high-strength M-100. M 50 – 200 are also acceptable.

In addition to concrete, plasticizers and reinforcement made from steel grades A1, A111 are used. The materials used improve frost-resistant qualities and reduce the effects of compression and pressure. At the output, the FBS block must comply with the declared qualities reflected in GOST (13015-2003, 19804-91, GOST 13579-78, GOST 219240-88).

Brand, dimensions and weight of foundation blocks

Traditionally, blocks have a rectangular shape, but today you can order the shape that your home’s design engineer intended for his project. The most successful form has a height of 0.6 meters and a length of 0.9 to 2.4 meters. Blocks of such dimensions are the most in demand today.

The dimensions are clear, but what is the brand? Foundation blocks are marked with a code abbreviation in which the type of block and size are “wired”.

Examples of brands:

  • FBS 12-4-6. This means that this is a solid foundation block. Length 1.2 m, width 0.4 m and height 0.6 m;
  • FBV 24-6-6. The block is solid with a cutout measuring 2.4 by 0.6 by 0.6 m;
  • FBP 9-3-6. The block is hollow (with voids on the lower part). Size 0.9 by 0.3 by 0.6 m;

Table 1 shows the dimensions of the blocks and their weight depending on the brand.

Cost of FBS blocks

Not every country house builder can afford to buy FBS foundation blocks, but they are used everywhere in residential construction. I will provide a table of current prices for blocks for 2012.

Application in country house construction

When starting to lay the foundation, you need to study the composition of the soil on your site or invite professionals who will make an accurate conclusion at what depth to install FBS reinforced concrete blocks. This material is, of course, produced taking into account any type of soil: weak-bearing, horizontally moving soil, but you need to clearly know all the measurements. For example:

  • FBS is placed in sandy soil to a depth of 0.4-0.7 m. The sand is thoroughly compacted and forms a so-called cushion;
  • soil with a high content of crushed stone, gravel, small stones requires backfilling of 0.5 m or more;
  • clayey, loamy - this is a separate story. It is necessary to calculate the freezing depth due to the fact that clay reacts to frost in a special way. She swells.
  • soil soil is the worst option.

Nowadays you can often find wooden houses made of logs on foundations made of reinforced concrete in gardening societies. Active summer residents buy such huts for next to nothing or simply find them abandoned by their previous owners in villages. The houses are dismantled and transported to their site. All that remains is to buy blocks, install them, and then build the entire structure over logs. Not a bad option for an enterprising owner.

Depending on the design of the house, you can make basement walls from foundation blocks over the entire area of ​​the pit.

All this can be done using blocks for prefabricated strip foundation structures. This type is ideal for solid walls. If you are going to build a mansion with columns, then you cannot do without a prefabricated glass-type foundation.


Some are dissatisfied with the lack of tightness of seams at the joints between blocks and refuse FBS in favor of self-leveling foundations. While knowledgeable builders use waterproofing seals and are quite satisfied.

To install the foundation blocks you will need a crane, an assistant and information that I tried to cover in detail.

For the construction of private cottages intended for permanent residence or country houses, such a convenient and easy-to-install material as building blocks is often used. They can also be used when arranging the foundation of a building. For these purposes, special solid foundation blocks (abbreviated as FBS) are used. Their characteristics, as well as the distinctive features of use, will be discussed in this article.

Manufacturing technology

FBS blocks are manufactured strictly in accordance with GOST at specialized enterprises from:

  • heavy concrete with an average density of 2400 kg/m³;
  • expanded clay concrete (1800 kg/m³);
  • silicate concrete (2000 kg/m³).

For the first two materials, the standardized class for compressive strength is B7.5, for the last - B15. In production, cement of a grade not lower than M100 is used (many manufacturers prefer M200).

To produce FBS blocks, special collapsible metal molds are used.

The technological process looks like this:

  • Before pouring concrete, all walls are lubricated with a special compound (to prevent the solution from sticking to the form).
  • Then this container is filled with the prepared solution.
  • Next, the concrete is compacted using submersible vibrators.
  • Metal transport loops are installed in the solution that has not yet hardened.
  • After the concrete gains primary strength, the mold is disassembled and the manufactured block is left for final drying.

For information! In the manufacture of FBS blocks, internal reinforcement is not used. Hence the name: solid, that is, the block consists of monolithic concrete without reinforcement with additional metal elements.

Modern technologies make it possible to speed up the production of FBS blocks without losing the quality and reliability of the manufactured products. Currently, specialized enterprises use automated universal installations for molding and vibrating compaction of blocks. To make blocks, a special (so-called semi-dry) concrete solution (based on M200 cement) is used.

Dimensions and markings of FBS blocks

In terms of length, FBS blocks are produced in three sizes: 880, 1180 and 2380 mm (and the permissible deviation from the GOST value should not exceed ±13 mm). The width is 300, 400, 500 or 600 mm (±8 mm). The most commonly used blocks are 580 mm high (±8 mm), and only FBS with a length of 1180 mm are also produced with a height of 280 mm.

The block marking consists of a letter abbreviation (FBS), then indicate the geometric dimensions (rounded to whole values ​​in decimeters), separated by a dot. This is followed by a dash and the letter designation of the concrete used in the manufacture (T – heavy, P – porous aggregates, C – dense silicate).

For example, if the marking FBS12.6.6-T is applied to the side (or end) surface at the factory, this means that in front of you is an FBS block with a length of 1180 mm, a width of 600 mm and a height of 580 mm. Heavy concrete was used for its manufacture. Accordingly, for FBS24.3.6-T: length is 2380 mm, width – 300 mm, height – 580 mm.


FBS blocks in accordance with GOST are characterized by:

  • the average density of concrete used in production is from 1800 to 2400 kg/m³;
  • compressive strength class - from B7.5 to B15;
  • overall dimensions (length, width and height);
  • weight – from 230 to 1960 kg;
  • size and configuration of the mounting steel loop;
  • the type of concrete from which they are made: it can be heavy, with filler (expanded clay) or silicate;
  • frost resistance - from 50 to 200 complete freezing/defrosting cycles;
  • concrete grade for water resistance - W2;
  • strength – as a rule, not less than 100÷110 kg/cm².

Scope of application, advantages and disadvantages

FBS blocks are used in the arrangement of:

  • prefabricated or prefabricated monolithic strip foundations;
  • basements;
  • retaining walls to strengthen the landscape;
  • premises for household and storage purposes.

The undoubted advantages of FBS blocks include:

  • high quality and strict compliance with the declared overall dimensions, and as a result, high reliability, since they are manufactured in a factory environment in compliance with all necessary requirements in relation to the material used and production technology;
  • long service life;
  • high moisture and frost resistance;
  • convenience and ease of installation, which significantly reduces the construction time of the foundation (after all the preparatory work is completed, the construction of the foundation usually requires only 3-4 days);
  • high compressive strength;
  • use of ordinary sand-cement mortar for masonry (that is, there is no need to purchase special expensive adhesives);
  • the ability to design foundations of various sizes, since the blocks have three varieties in length (often you can even do without the use of additional parts made from full-size elements during the construction process).

The disadvantages of such blocks include:

  • Experts recommend building foundations based on FBS only on dry and sufficiently strong soils. This significantly limits their scope of application.
  • The need to use special lifting equipment for installation (for information: the weight of one product, depending on the size and material of manufacture, ranges from 0.23 to 1.96 tons).
  • When using FBS blocks, the overall strength of the base is lower compared to, for example, a monolithic strip foundation.

The process of making a foundation from FBS blocks

If the soil characteristics allow, then it is possible to build a foundation only from FBS blocks.

However, the most widely used are the so-called prefabricated monolithic foundations. The fundamental difference between such foundations and conventional monolithic strip foundations is that concreting must be done only when constructing the upper and lower reinforced belts. Here is a brief step-by-step instruction for making a block-monolithic foundation:

  • First of all, we mark and dig a trench (by analogy with a standard strip base).
  • We pour a layer of sand (10÷20 cm thick) onto the bottom of the trench and carefully compact it using a vibrating plate.
  • Then we pour the same layer of crushed stone and also compact it thoroughly.

On a note! On clay soils, the so-called gartzovka (a mixture of sand, gravel and cement) is used as backfill, which, in direct contact with water, becomes harder than the surrounding soil and protects the lower surface of the base.

  • We arrange low formwork for the lower reinforced belt.
  • We put thick polyethylene in it (to prevent the rapid removal of moisture).
  • We install a two-tier reinforcing frame (the bottom layer is working, the top layer is structural).

  • Pour the concrete solution.
  • Upon reaching 20% ​​of the strength of the “concrete” (this is approximately a day after pouring the solution), we begin installing the FBS blocks using a crane. We start the masonry from the corners of the base (the technology is similar to brick) and make it using sand-cement mortar, which also needs to be used to fill the vertical cavities between the products. We make the second and subsequent layers “staggered” with overlapping blocks.

Important! We control the correct installation of each block (vertically and horizontally) using a level.

  • After finishing laying the products, we arrange the formwork for the upper reinforced belt.
  • We install a reinforcing frame inside it and fill everything with concrete mortar.

For information! The upper reinforcing belt performs several main functions: it evens out unevenness that may arise when installing blocks; distributes loads evenly across the entire foundation strip and increases the strength of the entire foundation.

  • We partially open the external masonry seams and fill them with a special mixture (with a waterproofing additive).
  • We carry out all necessary work on waterproofing the foundation.

  • And only after that we backfill the trench.

In custody

Arranging a foundation from FBS blocks not only significantly speeds up the pace of building a house as a whole, but also leads to significant savings in money. However, such grounds should be used only after conducting appropriate geodetic studies of the soil and consultations with the designer of the future building. The main thing you should pay attention to when purchasing blocks is the presence of appropriate quality certificates from the manufacturer. It would be a good idea to first read user reviews about concrete product manufacturers.

The foundation takes on the load from the walls, roof, and ceilings and distributes it evenly to the ground. The choice of artificial foundation depends on hydrological and geological conditions, as well as the type and massiveness of the structure. For areas with hard soil and low humidity, it is recommended to use foundation blocks (FBS). What is such a base, what are the sizes, weight and how expensive can it be purchased? To answer all questions, we will study the features in detail.

According to GOST 13579-78, heavy, expanded clay or dense silicate concrete is used in production. This is a structural type raw material from which cast products of increased strength and density are produced. The most stringent requirements are imposed on compliance with the standard dimensions and weight of foundation blocks. The strength of the foundation and the durability of the entire structure depend on this.

Since the elements are subject to compression loads, they contain internal reinforcement and are provided with mounting loops made of smooth hot-rolled rod. This is necessary for ease of movement and transportation of FBS slabs.

To give the building material the appropriate hardness, two technologies are used:

  • Drying – concrete sets naturally. The blocks are placed in a covered, ventilated area and kept for several weeks.
  • Steaming is an accelerated method of processing under high pressure in conditions of high humidity. It is possible to achieve the standard hardness of 70% in just a day.

The quality of products obtained by different methods is exactly the same. But due to expensive technology, the price of steamed ones is slightly higher.


The abbreviation FBS literally stands for building or solid foundation blocks. The name refers to a solid casting with smooth surfaces. It is shaped like a brick, only much larger. There are shallow cutouts at the ends, which are filled with concrete, connecting the elements together during installation.

In addition to standard forms, there are other types that differ in configuration.

1. FBV – with holes for laying utilities and laying jumpers.

2. FBP – modules with hollow chambers open downwards.

The regulatory documentation provides for the following typical sizes of FBS blocks:

  • length 600/900/1200/2400 mm;
  • width 300/400/500/600 mm;
  • height 300/600 mm.

The weight of products of different sizes can range from 0.25 to 2 tons.

Marking includes type, dimensions in decimeters and type of concrete. For example, the decoding of FBS12.3.6-T looks like this:

  • FBS – solid foundation blocks;
  • 12 – length 1180 mm;
  • 3 – width 300 mm;
  • 6 – height 580 mm;
  • T – heavy concrete.

Knowing the basic dimensions, they determine how many pieces need to be purchased for construction. Based on weight, the number of modules for transportation in one car is calculated. If you take into account the current cost in these calculations, then it is not difficult to plan a preliminary amount of expenses.

Advantages and disadvantages

When planning construction based on FBS, you should carefully weigh their strengths and weaknesses. This will help confirm the appropriateness of choosing the base material.


1. High strength. Concrete blocks are able to evenly distribute and withstand significant loads.

2. Versatility of application. The material is actively in demand in civil and industrial construction.

3. Resistance to weather conditions Independence from the season and atmospheric conditions allows work to be carried out all year round in any climatic zone.

4. Standard sizes. Standard dimensions allow you to make accurate calculations of building materials when purchasing.

5. Short installation time. When ordering a finished structure, there is no need for the labor-intensive and time-consuming process of manufacturing a monolithic slab. The accelerated pace of construction reduces the total cost of the block facility by 20-25%.

6. Easy to install. Steel hinges anchored in concrete make unloading by crane and installation easier.

7. Constructiveness. The presence of grooves strengthens the connecting seams.

8. Durability. The estimated service life of buildings made from blocks is 40-50 years.


  • The need to attract a team of professional builders and special equipment.
  • There is a high risk of subsidence of individual sections of the foundation.

Where are FBS used?

Solid concrete products are intended for laying the foundations of multi-story or massive buildings. Foundations made of blocks and monolithic slabs are at the same quality level. However, the use of the former significantly reduces the cost and speeds up construction. They are actively used in the construction of basements, cellars, basements, technical rooms, and unheated facilities. Hollow-core FBP modules, which weigh much less, are suitable for laying walls.

Blocks that have already been used are sold at a price reduced by 30-50%. Therefore, they are often used as permanent or temporary fencing for various objects.

Product markingWeight, kgPrice, rub/piece
6-3-6 240-250 690-850
6-4-6 300-310 860-960
6-5-6 350-390 1010-1020
9-3-6 350-370 580-990
9-4-3 220-240 690-820
9-4-6 470-490 780-1230
9-5-3 280-300 750-970
9-5-6 590-610 980-1550
9-6-6 700-740 1230-1850
12-3-3 240-270 450-630
12-3-6 460-510 770-1280
12-4-3 310-330 530-1100
12-4-6 640-675 1060-1670
12-5-3 360-380 670-1360
12-5-6 790-800 1300-2070
12-6-3 460-480 810-1490
12-6-6 940-960 1580-2500
24-3-6 970-1025 1520-2350
24-4-6 1300-1350 2000-3000
24-5-3 790-1200 1700-2200
24-5-5 1560-1590 2690-3200
24-5-6 1630-1680 2500-3650
24-6-3 1000-1020 2040-3100
24-6-6 1960-1980 3000-3970