Homemade kvass from oats. How is kvass made from oats beneficial for the body? Healing properties of oat kvass

Almost all of us have heard about oatmeal kvass. This legendary drink has great benefits and unique taste. Oatmeal kvass, which can now be bought in stores, will not be able to convey the beneficial qualities and real taste of the original drink, since in most cases it is made from concentrates and surrogates. Kvass is of Russian origin. Other countries also prepared similar drinks, but only the Slavs can find such a variety of recipes, flavors and varieties of kvass. Oatmeal kvass is especially popular for its beneficial qualities combined with its original taste.

The benefits of oat kvass

Oat kvass retains all the biologically active substances and components contained in oats. This drink perfectly quenches thirst and has a beneficial effect on the liver and other vital organs. The composition of kvass is rich in nicotinic acid, organic acids and B vitamins.

Kvass significantly enhances the oxidative processes of fats. The beneficial qualities of oat kvass almost completely replicate the properties of the cereal that underlies this drink. Oats contain an absolutely balanced complex of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, trace elements and fats. When consumed regularly, oats improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, and treat nervous system disorders. There is a proportion of starch in oat-based kvass, with the help of which this drink gives the body energy and keeps it in good shape. The oat drink effectively reduces blood sugar levels, which is very important for diabetics.

The protein contained in oats takes an active part in tissue regenerative processes. Excess cholesterol is removed by fiber, acids of organic origin are important for skin, nails and hair, and vitamins are involved in metabolic processes. Traditional medicine uses oat kvass as a means to improve sleep, increase appetite and improve the general condition of the body. Oatmeal kvass has cleansing qualities; with the help of this drink, the immune system is strengthened, and the body is freed from all kinds of harmful and toxic substances.

Oatmeal kvass is indispensable for vitamin deficiencies; it saturates the body with amino acids, vitamins and substances. It is necessary for heart patients and hypertensive patients. It promotes weight loss, despite its fairly high calorie content, which is added to the drink by all kinds of impurities (fruits, dried fruits, etc.). Oatmeal kvass strengthens the enamel on teeth and also heals small ulcers. Yeast in kvass perfectly treats disorders of the pancreas, diabetes, nerves, and atrophy of the optic nerve. Doctors have also proven the strong bactericidal properties of this drink.

One Russian researcher Sotnikov experimentally proved how typhus bacilli die in vessels filled with oatmeal kvass. Oatmeal kvass is used not only in its pure form as a drink. Several types of liquid dishes are prepared on its basis. They are especially relevant in the summer, when a large amount of fresh herbs and heat increase the demand for all kinds of cold soups and okroshka. Oat kvass also has contraindications.

This drink should not be abused by people suffering from gastritis, in particular the chronic form, as well as all kinds of peptic ulcers. It is not recommended for high acidity, as well as liver diseases, especially cirrhosis. Hypertensive patients should also adhere to moderation with this product. Oatmeal kvass is strictly contraindicated for those suffering from enteritis, colitis and gout.

This drink is very quick and easy to prepare. It is especially pleasant to drink it chilled in hot weather. Not only is it very tasty, but also healthy. After all, oats perfectly energize a person, ensure the safety of the cardiovascular system, and help lower cholesterol and sugar levels.

This drink is simply necessary to increase vitality. It cleanses the body of toxins and waste, improves metabolic processes in the body, and improves the immune system.

It is usually stored in the refrigerator or cellar in a tightly closed jar. It turns out very light, almost white. It is considered an excellent drink for preparing okroshka with kvass, as well as quenching thirst. And it is in no way inferior to bread. It should be noted that to create this drink you will not have to wonder how to make a starter for kvass, since it is much easier to prepare. Let's take a closer look at how to make oat kvass?

Classic oatmeal kvass recipe

To prepare this tasty and healthy drink we need the following ingredients:

  • Four teaspoons of sugar
  • Four glasses of boiled water
  • Two glasses of oats


  1. In order to understand the question of how to prepare oat kvass, you need to study the following instructions. Nowadays, you can buy oats in any store or market. So, in order to prepare kvass, we need to take oats, rinse them thoroughly several times in cold water, then sort them and pour them into a three-liter jar.
  2. Next, add sugar and pour boiled cold water. We leave it all to ferment at room temperature for four days. It turns out that the first portion of oat kvass is not very tasty, so it’s better to just pour it out.
  3. Pour the oats again with cold water, again add four tablespoons of sugar and leave to ferment for about three days, but more is possible. The longer our kvass ferments, the more sour and stronger it will be. Having completely drunk this entire portion of kvass, you can use the oats to prepare the next one. You don’t have to change it like that for ten times.

One thing needs to be remembered: if the room is too hot, then our kvass may have the same consistency as jelly. Don’t worry ahead of time, there’s nothing scary about it. You just need to drain it and refill it with fresh water, adding the required amount of sugar, and then put the fermentation jar in a cooler place.

Recipe for kvass from oats with raisins

  • Three liters of boiled water
  • 50 grams of raisins
  • Four tablespoons of sugar
  • One glass of oats.


  1. First of all, rinse the oats under running cold water and transfer them to a three-liter jar. Add washed, soaked raisins and sugar. Fill it with boiled cold water, cover the jar with gauze and place it in a warm place for four days; the best option would be to place it on a windowsill in the sun.
  2. Oatmeal kvass will be ready after a while! Next, pour it into a clean, dry container, decanter and store in the refrigerator.
  3. And with the remaining oats in the jar, add three tablespoons of sugar again and fill everything with cold water according to this recipe. Thus, you can use oats up to five times, constantly reducing the amount of sugar by one tablespoon.

Oatmeal kvass with honey

To prepare this drink we need the following ingredients:

  • Half a glass of honey
  • 50 grams of yeast
  • One kilogram of oat flour
  • Three liters of water


  1. We take oats, wash them thoroughly and put the flour obtained together with bran into clay pots. Then pour boiling water over them and place them in a preheated oven for several hours.
  2. After cooling, separate the liquid using gauze or a sieve, dilute with warm water and ferment with yeast. Add honey to this mixture and leave the oatmeal kvass for 18 hours. We store the resulting drink in the refrigerator or cellar.

Oat kvass recipe

Using this recipe, you can prepare oatmeal kvass, which can be used not only to quench your thirst, but also to prepare turi, cold soups and okroshka.

In order to prepare this drink we need the following ingredients:

  • Raisins to taste
  • 3-4 tablespoons sugar
  • Three liters of water
  • 300-400 grams of unpeeled oats


  1. It must be said that you can find oat grains at the market or in a health food store. It should be noted that in this recipe you cannot replace oats with oatmeal.
  2. Before cooking in several waters, it is necessary to rinse the oats thoroughly. Then place it in a three-liter jar and fill it with cold water, add a handful of raisins and sugar. There is no need to tightly cover the jar and should be stored at room temperature. Oatmeal kvass will be ready in 3-4 days.
  3. The first batch of the drink is not sharp, smells a little like oats and is not very good in color. You can simply drain it, and then add water, raisins and sugar to the oat grains. After a few days, a new batch of the drink with the real taste of kvass will be ready. You can prepare this drink with one starter many times – up to 2-3 months. In the heat of summer, kvass may thicken - just drain the liquid and add water again.

Kvass from oat flakes “Hercules”

Oatmeal kvass can also be made from oatmeal. To prepare this drink we need the following ingredients:

  • 4-5 liters of water
  • 10-15 grams of yeast
  • One tablespoon of sugar
  • 500 grams of oat flakes "Hercules"
  1. First of all, you need to pour cold water over the oatmeal in a saucepan and put it on the fire, bringing it to a boil while constantly stirring. They are boiled for 15-20 minutes, and then cooled to room temperature, yeast and sugar are added.
  2. After mixing thoroughly, the resulting mixture should be placed in a slightly warm place for fermentation for a day.
  3. The finished drink should be stored in a cool place, and it is advisable to use it within 2-3 days.

Oat kvass with dried fruits

The basis of this drink is classic oat kvass, but together with sugar we add well-washed dried fruits to the jar - cherries, apples, prunes, raisins, dried apricots. This kvass is even more nutritious and tastier, and the first batch does not have an unpleasant oat taste - it smoothes out the smell and taste of dry fruit.

Oatmeal kvass with honey

There are situations in life when the consumption of sugar is prohibited or it needs to be limited - if you are on a diet, overweight, diabetes, etc., you can prepare delicious natural kvass with honey instead of sugar.

For preparation we will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of honey
  • 30 grams of yeast
  • Three liters of water
  • 400 grams of oat grains


  1. The first step is to rinse the oats several times in running water, and then grind them using a blender.
  2. Pour hot water over the resulting mass and place it in the oven for a couple of hours, after which it is filtered and cooled to room temperature.
  3. Add honey and yeast to the lukewarm liquid. Then they are left to ferment. The resulting drink must be bottled and stored in the refrigerator.

Oats are a grain crop that has been highly respected since ancient times because of its healing properties. A variety of porridges, decoctions, jelly and kvass are prepared using this grain.

However, traditional healers sincerely believe that it is kvass made from oats that has the greatest benefits for the human body.

This ready-made drink actually has an unusual and pleasant taste and aroma, and most importantly, it can significantly improve the health of the entire body.

Drinking this original Russian drink can really bring health benefits to the body. huge benefits:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • removing excess fluid from the body;
  • strengthening nails and improving hair condition;
  • removal of excess waste and toxins from the intestines;
  • eliminating excess weight;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • regulation of blood sugar;
  • increasing local immunity;
  • replenishment of mineral deficiency in bone tissue;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • eliminating increased nervousness.

Important! Kvass made from oats is especially useful for pregnant women - it protects them from the appearance of edema and excessive weight gain while carrying a child.

The beneficial properties of the drink are described in the video:

But in some situations, even such a healthy and natural drink can cause significant harm to health:

  1. It significantly increases the acidity of the stomach, so it can cause severe pain in the intestines of people with ulcers or gastritis.
  2. People with diseases such as colitis or gout are also not recommended to consume such kvass. It can cause an attack of illness and worsen overall health.
  3. Any liver diseases are also contraindications to drinking oat kvass. In this case, the drink will only dramatically worsen your health.

In all other situations, kvass with oats will bring nothing but benefits to the body.

Homemade recipe

The classic cooking recipe involves using only four simple and affordable products. The finished drink has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste and is very refreshing.

To prepare it yourself you will need:

  • water - about 5 liters;
  • oats - 05, l jar;
  • granulated sugar - 7 spoons;
  • honey - 2 spoons.

Reference! Oats must be used whole in the husk. It is best to take liquid honey so that it dissolves faster, and the water should be soft and purified.

Kvass from oats is prepared as follows:

  1. It is necessary to scald with boiling water and dry in a three-liter glass jar.
  2. Carefully sort the oats to remove all particles of debris.
  3. Pour the grain into the jar and fill it with prepared water, filling it 2/3 of the entire volume. During the fermentation process, the grains will rise to the surface of the liquid; to prevent spilling, the container should not be filled to the top.
  4. The top of the jar must be covered with clean gauze, folded several times and left in a warm place for 5 days to mature.
  5. After the specified period, the oatmeal starter is considered ready. Therefore, all the liquid should be poured out of the jar, keeping all the grain inside it.
  6. Add all the granulated sugar and honey to the oats and mix well.
  7. Pour clean water into the jar, without adding about 5 cm to the top.
  8. Leave the kvass in a warm place for another 24-48 hours, depending on the desired intensity of taste.
  9. After the specified time, kvass is considered ready for use.

It must be strained and cooled in the refrigerator.

If desired, you can add three raisins for every one and a half liters of the finished drink. This kvass should only be stored in the refrigerator and for no more than 5 days.

Attention! The first water does not have to be disposed of - it can be used externally to rinse hair after washing or as a facial lotion.

In this recipe, the use of honey is not at all necessary. You can prepare kvass from all the other ingredients according to the specified recipe, but without adding it. However, it is precisely this component that makes the finished drink softer and more pleasant to taste.

The oat starter itself, that is, the grain obtained after 5 days of infusion in a wet cloth in the refrigerator, can be stored for up to 90 days.

The technology for making kvass from oats is described in the video:

Calorie content

The calorie content of this healthy drink directly depends on the ingredients included in its composition.

Energy value:

  1. If we talk about the traditional recipe, which includes only water, oats and sugar, then the energy value of such a drink will be about 120 Kcal per 200 ml.
  2. A recipe that includes honey is considered even more high in calories - the energy value here is already about 302 units for the same volume of kvass.

But you shouldn’t be afraid of the high energy value of this drink. It also contains a large number of different vitamins, micro- and macroelements and minerals.

Reference! If you replace your usual dinner with a glass of this drink, you can not only lose significant weight in a short time, but also perfectly cleanse your body and increase your performance.

They can also perfectly replace your usual snacks; in this case, they will be no less beneficial.

In order for the drink to turn out to be truly healthy and tasty, and also to bring only benefits to the body during consumption, you need to remember:

  • You need to purchase oats in specialized stores. When purchasing it from private farmers, there is a risk of receiving grain treated with chemicals. Of course, there will be no benefit from such a product at all.
  • It is best to boil the water with which the oats are poured for the first time before use, and then cool to room temperature and only then use it to prepare the starter.
  • You can speed up the process of preparing sourdough and reduce it to 72 hours by pouring boiling water directly over the oat grains.
  • If, after adding sugar and a new batch of water, you add 10 g of yeast to the container, then the drink will be ready for bottling after 12 hours. True, in this case, it will not turn out to be as useful as when prepared in the classical way described above.
  • It is recommended to consume no more than 1 liter of kvass per day for adults and no more than 450 ml for children under 6 years of age.
  • If such a drink is drunk for the first time, the test portion should not exceed 150 ml.
  • It is not recommended to drink oat kvass on an empty stomach.

Following all these simple tips will allow you to easily prepare truly delicious oat kvass at home, which will help significantly improve your well-being and health.

A big plus is that such a drink can be easily prepared all year round, which means you can constantly replenish your body with the necessary nutrients.

Kvass from oats, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to our Dear Readers, is an incredibly healthy and tasty drink, the preparation of which is accessible to everyone! In the summer heat, nothing quenches thirst better than a sip of oatmeal kvass! Let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of this drink for the body, and also learn about the most popular recipes for preparing it at home!

The benefits of oat kvass

People have known about the healing properties of oats for hundreds of years. Naturally, all of them are transferred during the cooking process to oatmeal kvass! For this reason, just a couple of sips of this cool drink can tone up and energize you for several sips!

In folk medicine, oat kvass is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, thanks to its biologically active substances. Therefore, oat-based kvass is useful:

  • to strengthen nail plates and hair;
  • to normalize metabolic processes;
  • to lower blood cholesterol;
  • to reduce blood sugar;
  • to reduce stress on the nervous system;
  • to restore heart function;
  • to strengthen the body's defenses;
  • for natural gentle cleansing of the body from toxins and waste;
  • for figure correction and weight loss;
  • to normalize the functioning of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract;
  • to strengthen children's bones.

In folk medicine, oat kvass is used for insomnia, general weakness and increased fatigue. In addition, this natural delicious drink is very easy to prepare at home!

Video about the benefits of oat kvass:


An unfairly forgotten type of kvass - made from oats - is quite easy to prepare yourself. It not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also has numerous beneficial properties.

Kvass is an original Russian drink. But today, unfortunately, many people prefer to buy a finished product. The recipes of our ancestors, which included bread, honey, northern berries and oats, have been undeservedly forgotten.

People learned to make oat kvass many centuries ago. There is a joke that those who drink it regularly become as healthy as a horse. Jokes aside, this ancient drink is really healthy, and you can only prepare it at home. They don't sell it in stores.

The cost of preparation is low, so even families with modest incomes can afford it. Medicinal properties are applicable for the following groups:

  • small children;
  • elderly;
  • people with weak immune systems;
  • diabetics;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • people with nervous disorders.

Composition and basic properties

Oat kvass “inherits” the beneficial substances from oats, but in a form that is digestible for humans. The drink contains proteins, starch, and healthy organic acids. Micro- and macroelements: selenium, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron. Vitamins: A, B2, B1, B9, B3, B6, E, B5, K.

The benefits of drinking oats are great due to the high content of biologically active substances. The properties of the drink allow you to quench your thirst, feel full and easily endure the summer heat. Kvass enhances fat oxidation and normalizes metabolic processes, thereby helping to lose weight.

Key properties:

  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • regenerative;
  • tonic.

Oatmeal kvass can be consumed by both adults and children. But not everyone likes its unique taste, so spices, honey, and dried fruits are added to the drink. The benefits of the drink from such additives only increase.

Kvass at home

Making oatmeal kvass yourself is not difficult – the recipe is extremely simple. At the same time, you will not need complex procedures such as steaming and brewing, and you will not have to search for rare ingredients at the nearest retail outlets. You can buy oats suitable for the drink at the market or at a health food store.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of oats;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 6 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • three-liter jar;
  • half a meter of gauze.

Cooking method:

  1. Place oats and 3 tbsp in a jar. l. sugar, add water.
  2. Wrap the neck of the jar with gauze and leave for 2 days.
  3. After a film appears on the surface of the liquid, drain the starter.
  4. Pour fresh water over the swollen grains and add the remaining sugar.
  5. In 10-15 hours the kvass will be ready.

In principle, ready-made kvass can be consumed immediately. But it’s better to cool it first by putting it in the refrigerator.

Want to add originality to your taste? You can add a handful of raisins - this will make the drink sweetish, and gas bubbles will begin to form in it. What a healthy alternative to lemonade on a hot day! A mint or lemon balm leaf, orange or lemon zest will add freshness to the kvass. Juicy berries and cinnamon can also “make friends” with the ancient Slavic drink.

You should store the finished drink for no more than two days, otherwise, instead of a refreshing tonic drink, you will get a hop brew or simply a sour liquid that can cause harm to your health.

Range of medicinal qualities Excellent drink for weight loss

Preparing oatmeal kvass for weight loss is quite simple; for this you need to use a classic recipe. The harm of this method of getting rid of extra pounds is much less than from mono-diets and other types of self-torture.

The method is similar to losing weight on water: liquid fills the stomach and the portion of food is reduced. Before eating, drink a large glass of kvass. This gives you a feeling of fullness, and the unique properties of oat drink promote natural weight loss.

The drink will really help you lose a couple of kilograms without changing your usual diet. But it is better to refrain from fatty cutlets and cakes.

For skin and hair

Oatmeal kvass works wonders if you drink it regularly. First of all, hair and nails are strengthened. The hair becomes silky, shiny and voluminous, the hair stops falling out, breaking and splitting.

Thanks to its beneficial properties, the drink improves a person’s health, which immediately affects the condition of the skin: the complexion improves, pimples and irritations disappear, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Since kvass removes excess fluid from the body, it prevents swelling of the face and eliminates bags under the eyes.

For the circulatory and cardiovascular systems

The properties of kvass make it extremely useful for heart patients. Regular consumption helps reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels and helps restore the cardiovascular system.

It is advisable for hypertensive patients, people with diabetes and heart disease to drink this oat drink.

Proteins and starch in homemade kvass promote muscle recovery, including the heart muscle.

For the nervous system

The benefits of any kvass are high, but the oat drink is especially good for pale and tired city dwellers. He:

  • relieves vitamin deficiency;
  • increases vitality;
  • protects the nervous system from overload;
  • treats increased nervousness;
  • helps with insomnia;
  • recommended for mental and physical fatigue.

Of course, it is better to drink kvass made from oats for prevention, in order to prevent nervous breakdowns or depression in the future.

For perfect digestion

  1. Oatmeal kvass helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, normalizes digestive and metabolic processes.
  2. Prevents the proliferation of pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes the functioning of the pancreas.
  3. The drink has a beneficial effect on liver function.
  4. With regular use, it normalizes appetite and stimulates digestive processes in people with low stomach acidity.

For the immune system

Since ancient times, weak children and sick adults have been nursed with drinks made from oats (jelly and kvass). This medicinal drink strengthens the immune system by normalizing metabolic processes and cleansing the body of toxins.

Kvass prepared at home promotes tissue regeneration.

Contains a large number of vitamins, including vitamin C - a well-known immune booster.

Benefits for pregnant women

The drink contains a lot of folic acid, which is necessary for the development of a healthy nervous system in the fetus and maintaining peace of mind for the expectant mother.

Kvass made from oats has mild diuretic properties, which means it prevents the formation of edema and fluid stagnation in pregnant women.

Strengthens skin and hair, therefore helping pregnant women maintain their natural beauty.

It is worth adding that drinking oatmeal normalizes metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system, which is very important during the period of bearing a baby.

Another plus: daily consumption of oat kvass during pregnancy will help the expectant mother maintain a beautiful figure and not gain extra pounds.

What's the harm?

Oatmeal kvass has contraindications.

  1. It should not be drunk by people suffering from chronic gastritis with high acidity or peptic ulcer disease.
  2. Patients with chronic liver diseases will have to limit the amount of kvass made from oats. Ignoring this warning may cause serious harm to your health.
  3. Homemade oat drink is also contraindicated for patients with colitis, gout, or enteritis.

The original Russian drink, kvass, has many variations in its preparation. One of the most popular types of kvass is made from oat grains. Oats contain a lot of useful substances that are preserved during the natural fermentation process. This drink is extremely refreshing and has a healing effect on almost the entire body. Eliminate coffee and sweet drinks from your diet, replacing them with oatmeal kvass to maintain health and longevity for a long time.

Benefits and harms

Oats are an incredibly healthy and balanced cereal. It harmoniously combines proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and contains valuable vitamins and organic acids. Oat-based kvass will keep the body in good shape, energize it, restore the functioning of the nervous system, and help in the fight against many serious diseases.

Useful properties:

  • starch and amino acids found in oats provide energy;
  • the high fiber content cleanses the body, cleans blood vessels, and normalizes sugar levels;
  • it eliminates toxins and lowers cholesterol;
  • oat kvass contains minerals, vitamins and trace elements that perfectly strengthen the immune system, support the functioning of the nervous system, and, in addition, will relieve you of insomnia;
  • the mild laxative effect of kvass will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • organic acids and vitamins have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin;
  • oat kvass strengthens the skeletal system, normalizes weight and fights viral and bacterial infections.

Despite all its wonderful healing properties, oat kvass can be harmful if consumed during an exacerbation of gastritis or heartburn. In addition, people suffering from flatulence or any disease caused by a fungal infection should avoid it.

How to make kvass from oats

To make kvass yourself, you need to purchase whole grain oats. You can easily buy it at any health food store.

Oat kvass recipe


  • oats – 500 g;
  • sugar – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • raisins – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • purified water.

This is interesting! Read also how to properly make oat jelly.


  1. Wash the oats thoroughly in warm water, then transfer to a sieve and rinse additionally in cold water.
  2. Wash and pat dry the raisins with a towel.
  3. Pour all the ingredients into a three-liter jar: oats, sugar and raisins.
  4. Pour water into a jar and leave to ferment.

Kvass should be kept in a fairly warm room, then it will take about 3 days to prepare it. If the room is cool or the jar of kvass is on the window, an additional day of fermentation may be required.

After three days, take a sample from the drink, and if you like the taste, strain it into a bottle. This is done carefully so that the sediment does not agitate. It is best to strain kvass using gauze folded in several layers, but you can also use a regular strainer. The bottle with the finished drink is closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.

You are probably wondering what to do with the remaining oatmeal in the jar. In fact, it is simply reused. To do this, add sugar and raisins to the jar again, but in half the amount as the first time. This procedure can be repeated for 1–2 months.

Kvass for hepatitis C

Oats are effectively used to cleanse the liver and bile ducts. Drinks prepared on its basis significantly improve the condition of the patient with cirrhosis and hepatitis. Oat kvass, in combination with drug treatment and diet, can help in the treatment of such a serious liver disease as hepatitis C.

To achieve maximum success in treating hepatitis C, kvass should be consumed daily for at least 20 days. After this period, you will feel like your liver is literally starting a new life. The course must be repeated at least 2-3 times a year.

Pay attention! Hepatitis C is a fairly serious disease, the treatment of which should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Kvass for diabetes

Today we know that treating diabetes requires medical therapy and diet. There are foods that help control blood sugar levels. One of them is oats. It contains slowly digestible carbohydrates, which prevent a sharp jump in sugar, while saturating the body with energy, vitamins and nutrients. In order for oats to exert their healing properties, the most gentle methods should be used during its processing. It is ideal to use unshelled oats and do not heat-treat them.

Oat kvass is an ideal product for treating diabetes. It's not at all difficult to prepare it at home. You can use the classic recipe, but you should know that it contains sugar, which is prohibited for diabetics. You can replace sugar with honey.

Recipe for kvass from oats with honey


  • Unpeeled oats – 400 g;
  • yeast – 30 g;
  • honey – 80 g;
  • purified water.

The oats are washed in several waters and slightly dried. Then grind it in a meat grinder or blender. Combine oats and water in a saucepan and place in the oven for two hours. The oats are steamed in the oven and can be poured into a three-liter jar. Leave the mixture to cool to a temperature no higher than 30 degrees, after which yeast and honey are added to it. Kvass should ferment for up to 3 days, after which it is carefully filtered and put in the refrigerator. Drink this drink throughout the day, especially 20-30 minutes before meals. You should be careful and initially do not abuse kvass, drinking no more than 500 ml per day.

Attention! Never use store-bought kvass if you have diabetes!


Incredibly healthy oat kvass has several contraindications:

  • gout;
  • colitis;
  • allergy to gluten and other components of kvass;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • enteritis;
  • gastritis;
  • candidiasis;
  • stomach ulcer.

On a hot summer day, prepare healthy homemade kvass from oats. It will not only help you refresh and replenish your strength, but will also cure you of many diseases.

Kvass made from oats is somewhat different in taste and healing properties from the usual bread drink. The product contains a lot of useful microelements, thanks to which many ailments can be cured. The recipe for kvass came to us from ancient Rus'. Therefore, we can confidently say that the drink obtained by fermentation is considered originally Russian. In addition to its healing qualities, the product copes well with thirst on summer days.

Healing properties of oat kvass

For immunity

  1. Since ancient times, oat kvass has been used to nurse sick adults and weak children. The drink significantly strengthens the immune system.
  2. The process is achieved by cleansing the body of toxins and normalizing blood circulation. If oatmeal kvass is prepared exclusively at home, the drink will help speed up the healing of large wounds and injuries.
  3. Recovery is achieved thanks to a unique composition that contains beneficial microelements and abundant amounts of vitamin C.

benefits and harms of water with lemon

For digestion

  1. Kvass is especially useful for people who suffer from digestive tract problems. The product normalizes metabolism and also removes toxins and waste from the body.
  2. The drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas and liver. If you regularly consume oat kvass, you can normalize your appetite.
  3. The product also stimulates digestive processes in individuals with low stomach acidity. Kvass prevents the active reproduction of pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract.

For weight loss

  1. Make oat kvass according to the classic recipe. If you have no experience in preparing the drink, you can handle it without much effort.
  2. The product is practically harmless, has no contraindications and is considered effective. Unlike exhausting diets, when consuming kvass you will feel more comfortable.
  3. To lose weight, you need to learn the method of losing extra pounds on the water. The bottom line is that you should gradually increase the portions of the cereal-based drink.
  4. Fill your stomach with kvass. Before your usual meal, drink a glass of oat drink. You will feel full, and the weight loss effect will be observed in the near future.
  5. You will lose a few extra pounds without much effort. In this case, the diet does not need to radically change. It is enough to give up fatty and fried foods, do not indulge in sweets and flour.

For hair and skin

  1. Take oat-based kvass systematically, and in just a few days you will feel dramatic changes. Your health will improve significantly, your skin and nails will look healthy.
  2. Curls will no longer suffer from brittleness and dryness. Massive hair loss and split ends will also stop. With regular consumption of kvass, you will soon see an even skin tone.
  3. The dermis will be cleared of possible acne, small wrinkles will be smoothed out. Kvass is also able to remove excess moisture from the body; this move helps eliminate puffiness and the formation of bags under the eyes.

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For the cardiovascular system

  1. Thanks to the healing properties of oat kvass, people suffering from heart disease can significantly improve their health.
  2. Systematic consumption of the drink reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels. After a few days, normal functioning of the circulatory system is restored.
  3. It is recommended to drink this drink for people with heart muscle diseases, hypertension and people suffering from diabetes. Before kvass treatment therapy, it is necessary to undergo a professional examination and obtain a specialist’s opinion.
  4. Thanks to the content of natural starch and protein in kvass, damaged muscle tissue is restored. The same process happens with the heart. If you complete the full treatment course, you will feel much better, the muscles of the whole body will be significantly strengthened.

For the nervous system

  1. Oatmeal kvass is especially useful for people who live in megacities with a frantic pace of life. With regular consumption of the drink, you will be more able to overcome chronic fatigue and pale skin color.
  2. Kvass copes well with vitamin deficiency and improves the tone of the body as a whole. The drink has also proven itself well as a means to strengthen the nervous system. Kvass helps overcome insomnia.
  3. An oat-based drink can cure neurosis. The product is also often used as a tonic for physical and mental overload. Use kvass periodically as a means of preventing the above ailments.

For pregnant girls

  1. Due to the high content of folic acid in oat kvass, expectant mothers do not have to worry about their health. The drink also has a beneficial effect on fetal development.
  2. The nervous system is not subjected to great stress, both in the woman and in the baby. For simple reasons, experts recommend regularly consuming oat-based kvass.
  3. The finished product has a mild diuretic effect. Therefore, pregnant women will not suffer from swelling and stagnation of fluid around the internal organs.
  4. Also, beautiful ladies will not encounter the problem of vitamin deficiency; their hair and nails will not be damaged. Thanks to oatmeal kvass, pregnant women will retain their natural beauty.
  5. As mentioned earlier, kvass strengthens the immune system well, so girls who are pregnant are less susceptible to colds and infectious diseases.
  6. An undoubted advantage is that with regular consumption of oat kvass, a pregnant woman can easily maintain her figure and avoid obesity.

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To prevent hepatitis C

  1. Oat-based kvass has proven itself well for cleansing the bile ducts and liver. The drink is widely used to maintain the health of people suffering from hepatitis and cirrhosis.
  2. Oatmeal kvass, together with high-quality medications and a balanced diet, can effectively treat hepatitis C and liver diseases.
  3. Be sure to consult a doctor. The maximum healing effect is achieved with regular consumption of kvass. It is recommended to drink the drink daily for 4-6 weeks.
  4. After the course, the person feels significant relief. The health promotion procedure for serious illnesses should be carried out about 3-4 times a year.

For the treatment of diabetes

  1. When treating diabetes, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet and special medical procedures. Also today there are many products that can control sugar in the body.
  2. Such components include oats. It contains carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed during digestion. Due to such processes, sudden jumps in sugar do not occur in the blood.
  3. At the same time, the body is gradually saturated with a complex of useful microelements and energy. Oats are only effective when minimally processed.
  4. The grain must be used in its unrefined form. Also, oats cannot be heat treated. For a simple reason, kvass based on this product is considered an ideal drug for the treatment of diabetes.

Harm of oat-based kvass

  1. No matter how useful oat kvass may seem at first glance, the product still has some contraindications. The drink should not be consumed by people who suffer from chronic gastritis.
  2. It is also categorically not recommended to drink oat kvass for those who have ulcers or high acidity of the stomach. If the patient has chronic liver disease, the drink should be consumed in doses.
  3. By neglecting simple rules, you can cause significant harm to the body. Also, oat kvass is contraindicated for people suffering from enteritis, gout and colitis.

Drink an oat drink to prevent diseases of the vascular system and heart muscle, during pregnancy and weight loss. Increase your immunity with kvass, strengthen your nails and hair. The foamy potion is considered an excellent cure for diabetes and hepatitis; kvass evens out skin tone and accelerates all metabolic processes in tissues. The average daily norm is 800-1000 ml, but everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

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Video: recipes for homemade oat kvass

Oatmeal kvass is a soft drink that quenches thirst well and has a healing effect on the human body. A delicious vitamin drink made from oats can be easily prepared at home.

Microelements, amino acids, vitamins contained in cereals provide health benefits and maintain body tone. Oatmeal kvass helps with diseases of the heart, kidneys, and nervous system. Its use helps stabilize metabolism, increase immunity, and improve human mental activity. A traditional drink can replace synthetic drugs.

1 Medicinal properties and benefits

The advantage of oat kvass lies in its medicinal properties. They are actively used in folk medicine. A traditional drink made from oats is an excellent strengthening, tonic, diaphoretic, and antipyretic.

The vitamin and mineral complex contained in the drink helps in the fight against various diseases:

  • a positive effect is observed in the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis C, tuberculosis;
  • In homeopathy, drinking oats is described as a supportive remedy for fatigue, neurasthenia, insomnia, and exhaustion.

Doctors recommend drinking oat kvass to women during pregnancy. The folic acid contained in it helps the development of a healthy nervous system in the fetus. Oat-based drinks have mild diuretic and laxative properties.

Oatmeal drink has beneficial cosmetic effects:

  • promotes hair volume;
  • preserves skin turgor;
  • strengthens nails.

Systematic intake of kvass accelerates the breakdown of fats and thereby promotes weight loss without exhausting diets.

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2 Cooking technology and recipe

Kvass made from oats quenches thirst well and is an alternative to industrially produced soft drinks. Its preparation does not require large expenses and the availability of many products. The technology is simple and accessible to any housewife. To make it, you only need three ingredients:

  • water;
  • Sahara;
  • oats.

To improve the taste and make it richer, additional ingredients are added to the drink - dried fruits, raisins, spices (cinnamon, vanilla, ginger), herbs (mint, lemon balm). Sometimes sugar is replaced with honey.

Oat kvass is a perishable product. It cannot be stored for more than five days. The sediment remaining after consumption can be used to infuse a new portion of the drink. The total period of use should not exceed 1 month.

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3 Recipe for making kvass from oat grains

To prepare the drink you need:

  • 400 g oats;
  • 1 liter of boiled water;
  • 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

Kvass is prepared as follows:

  1. 1. Oats are thoroughly washed several times.
  2. 2. Clean grains are thrown into a 3-liter jar.
  3. 3. Sprinkle a layer of granulated sugar on top.
  4. 4. The mixture is poured with cooled boiled water.
  5. 5. Cover the neck with gauze and tie it.
  6. 6. Infuse the liquid for 3 days in a warm place. On the 4th day, the kvass is ready.

The drink has a beautiful golden brown color. It is decanted and used for its intended purpose. Best enjoyed chilled.

Do not place kvass on the windowsill or expose it to bright sunlight. If overheated, the solution may ferment.

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4 Kvass from oat flakes “Hercules”

You will need:

  • 400 g flakes;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 15 g yeast.

The recipe for making the drink is simple:

  1. 1. Add cereal to a pan of water.
  2. 2. Place the container on low heat.
  3. 3. Boil the mixture for 40–50 minutes, stirring gently.
  4. 4. The finished broth is left warm for 5 hours.
  5. 5. Decant the liquid into a 3-liter jar. Add a packet of yeast and sugar.
  6. 6. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze.
  7. 7. The mixture is infused in a warm, dark room. After 24 hours the drink is ready for consumption.

Oatmeal kvass has a limited shelf life. You need to drink it within 24 hours.

5 Contraindications

A traditional oat drink will not harm the body, but drinking it in large quantities can cause heartburn, an allergic reaction, flatulence, and provoke the movement of kidney stones.

Contraindications for consuming oat kvass are the presence of diseases such as:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • fungal infections.

People with high stomach acidity or chronic liver diseases are advised to drink kvass only occasionally and in small portions.

An unfairly forgotten type of kvass - made from oats - is quite easy to prepare yourself. It not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also has numerous beneficial properties.

Kvass is an original Russian drink. But today, unfortunately, many people prefer to buy a finished product. The recipes of our ancestors, which included bread, honey, northern berries and oats, have been undeservedly forgotten.

People learned to make oat kvass many centuries ago. There is a joke that those who drink it regularly become as healthy as a horse. Jokes aside, this ancient drink is really healthy, and you can only prepare it at home. They don't sell it in stores.

The cost of preparation is low, so even families with modest incomes can afford it. Medicinal properties are applicable for the following groups:

  • small children;
  • elderly;
  • people with weak immune systems;
  • diabetics;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • people with nervous disorders.

Oat kvass “inherits” the beneficial substances from oats, but in a form that is digestible for humans. The drink contains proteins, starch, and healthy organic acids. Micro- and macroelements: selenium, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron. Vitamins: A, B2, B1, B9, B3, B6, E, B5, K.

The benefits of drinking oats are great due to the high content of biologically active substances. The properties of the drink allow you to quench your thirst, feel full and easily endure the summer heat. Kvass enhances fat oxidation and normalizes metabolic processes, thereby helping to lose weight.

Key properties:

  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • regenerative;
  • tonic.

Oatmeal kvass can be consumed by both adults and children. But not everyone likes its unique taste, so spices, honey, and dried fruits are added to the drink. The benefits of the drink from such additives only increase.

Kvass at home

Making oatmeal kvass yourself is not difficult – the recipe is extremely simple. At the same time, you will not need complex procedures such as steaming and brewing, and you will not have to search for rare ingredients at the nearest retail outlets. You can buy oats suitable for the drink at the market or at a health food store.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of oats;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 6 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • three-liter jar;
  • half a meter of gauze.

Cooking method:

  1. Place oats and 3 tbsp in a jar. l. sugar, add water.
  2. Wrap the neck of the jar with gauze and leave for 2 days.
  3. After a film appears on the surface of the liquid, drain the starter.
  4. Pour fresh water over the swollen grains and add the remaining sugar.
  5. In 10-15 hours the kvass will be ready.

In principle, ready-made kvass can be consumed immediately. But it’s better to cool it first by putting it in the refrigerator.

Want to add originality to your taste? You can add a handful of raisins - this will make the drink sweetish, and gas bubbles will begin to form in it. What a healthy alternative to lemonade on a hot day! A mint or lemon balm leaf, orange or lemon zest will add freshness to the kvass. Juicy berries and cinnamon can also “make friends” with the ancient Slavic drink.

You should store the finished drink for no more than two days, otherwise, instead of a refreshing tonic drink, you will get a hop brew or simply a sour liquid that can cause harm to your health.

Spectrum of medicinal qualities

Great drink for weight loss

Preparing oatmeal kvass for weight loss is quite simple; for this you need to use a classic recipe. The harm of this method of getting rid of extra pounds is much less than from mono-diets and other types of self-torture.

The method is similar to losing weight on water: liquid fills the stomach and the portion of food is reduced. Before eating, drink a large glass of kvass. This gives you a feeling of fullness, and the unique properties of oat drink promote natural weight loss.

The drink will really help you lose a couple of kilograms without changing your usual diet. But it is better to refrain from fatty cutlets and cakes.

For skin and hair

Oatmeal kvass works wonders if you drink it regularly. First of all, hair and nails are strengthened. The hair becomes silky, shiny and voluminous, the hair stops falling out, breaking and splitting.

Thanks to its beneficial properties, the drink improves a person’s health, which immediately affects the condition of the skin: the complexion improves, pimples and irritations disappear, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Since kvass removes excess fluid from the body, it prevents swelling of the face and eliminates bags under the eyes.

For the circulatory and cardiovascular systems

The properties of kvass make it extremely useful for heart patients. Regular consumption helps reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels and helps restore the cardiovascular system.

It is advisable for hypertensive patients, people with diabetes and heart disease to drink this oat drink.

Proteins and starch in homemade kvass promote muscle recovery, including the heart muscle.

For the nervous system

The benefits of any kvass are high, but the oat drink is especially good for pale and tired city dwellers. He:

  • relieves vitamin deficiency;
  • increases vitality;
  • protects the nervous system from overload;
  • treats increased nervousness;
  • helps with insomnia;
  • recommended for mental and physical fatigue.

Of course, it is better to drink kvass made from oats for prevention, in order to prevent nervous breakdowns or depression in the future.

For perfect digestion

  1. Oatmeal kvass helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, normalizes digestive and metabolic processes.
  2. Prevents the proliferation of pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes the functioning of the pancreas.
  3. The drink has a beneficial effect on liver function.
  4. With regular use, it normalizes appetite and stimulates digestive processes in people with low stomach acidity.

For the immune system

Since ancient times, weak children and sick adults have been nursed with drinks made from oats (jelly and kvass). This medicinal drink strengthens the immune system by normalizing metabolic processes and cleansing the body of toxins.

Kvass prepared at home promotes tissue regeneration.

Contains a large number of vitamins, including vitamin C - a well-known immune booster.

Benefits for pregnant women

The drink contains a lot of folic acid, which is necessary for the development of a healthy nervous system in the fetus and maintaining peace of mind for the expectant mother.

Kvass made from oats has mild diuretic properties, which means it prevents the formation of edema and fluid stagnation in pregnant women.

Strengthens skin and hair, therefore helping pregnant women maintain their natural beauty.

It is worth adding that drinking oatmeal normalizes metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system, which is very important during the period of bearing a baby.

Another plus: daily consumption of oat kvass during pregnancy will help the expectant mother maintain a beautiful figure and not gain extra pounds.

What harm

Oatmeal kvass has contraindications.

  1. It should not be drunk by people suffering from chronic gastritis with high acidity or peptic ulcer disease.
  2. Patients with chronic liver diseases will have to limit the amount of kvass made from oats. Ignoring this warning may cause serious harm to your health.
  3. Homemade oat drink is also contraindicated for patients with colitis, gout, or enteritis.