Home flowers growing in the shade and partial shade. Suitable indoor plants for dark rooms

Most lovers and connoisseurs of indoor plants know that if the windows in a house or apartment face mainly the north or northwest side, then shade-loving flowers should also be chosen. For beginners, it remains to be seen which indoor flowers are shade-loving and which are just shade-tolerant. Let's figure it out together.

Advantages and disadvantages

Shade-loving plants are quite unpretentious. Their main advantage is that the pot can be placed anywhere in the room, regardless of the location of the window and lighting. Some of the shade-loving flowers are even afraid of the sun, their leaves may develop yellow spots from burns, they will begin to wither and crumble in direct sunlight.

The disadvantages are their some "capriciousness": they do not like it when the pot is moved from place to place, many of the shade-loving indoor flowers are demanding on watering and air humidity. They especially need fertile soil, such plants need to be fertilized and fed frequently.

Of course, novice flower growers need to understand that no one has canceled photosynthesis, and not a single plant will survive without light at all. We are talking here about the shade, partial shade or diffused light, to which most people from dense tropical forests are accustomed.

Indoor varieties of palm trees are popular with flower lovers. They grow tall, with large leaves, decorating spacious shaded rooms, perfect for offices and corridors.

Dracaena in nature grows into a huge tree. In a greenhouse or at home, it also has a decent height, but it grows slowly. Very similar to a palm tree. It is also called the "dragon tree". It can grow in the sun, but it is more comfortable in the shade. Loves moisture, but overflow is not needed. Responds well to frequent foliar spraying. Sometimes young thin stems curl into intricate patterns.

Ficus is the hero of children's rhymes, because grandmother's favorite. Broad shiny leaves, strong stem. He likes good watering, the leaves should be regularly wiped from dirt. Painful about moving around the room and moving. May shed its leaves entirely in protest. Then they grow back. Decorates with its presence large rooms, winter gardens, corridors of institutions. The ficus has many varieties, among them there are even liana-like ones, braiding large spaces.

Monstera is easy to recognize by its huge carved leaves. This is a kind of creeper, it weaves and grows, clinging to a support. She needs space and shade. In the Vorontsov Palace in Crimea, a huge monstera has been preserved in the winter garden - a witness of the last century, according to the guides. By the way, in a young monstera, the leaves are not cut, but whole.

Known and loved by flower growers palm tree. Grows slowly. Other name - bamboo palm. Likes good watering, frequent foliar spraying, needs a warm shower twice a month. Cheerful, dense, green foliage requires hiding it in the shade.

Ampelous indoor flowers

Ampel houseplants are mainly creepers, that is, weaving or "climbing" representatives of tropical flora. Directing their growth with the help of supports, they get whole compositions that decorate decorative racks, walls, corners in winter gardens, greenhouses, houses.

A common, long-loved by many, today somewhat forgotten, unpretentious indoor plant. Grows well in the shade. It looks beautiful in a cache-pot, from which lush lashes, strewn with leaves, hang down. After pinching the tops, new shoots appear abundantly. There are different varieties that differ in the shape and color of the leaves. Loves good watering and fertile soil.

Ivy is remembered at first sight for its star-shaped leaves and the ability to grow quickly and magnificently. There is a superstition that ivy should not be kept in the bedroom of a married couple, because it is a "widow's flower." This is probably why it can be seen more often in offices, offices, public places than at home. Direct sunlight is harmful to him, and ivy also does not like temperature extremes.

Despite the fact that this vine blooms only in wild nature, she pleases her owner with unpretentiousness, fast growth and fresh green foliage. It grows well in the shade, weaving along a special support covered with moss.

Plant of the fern family. The second name is "hair venus". So he was nicknamed by the people because of the thin creeping rhizomes resembling hair. North windows are ideal for the plant to develop. The leaves grow up to 50 cm wide, and the height of the maidenhair reaches 60-70 cm.

Blooming shade plants

In the shade, some indoor plants are not only covered with lush green foliage, but also bloom beautifully. Therefore, the northern windows can be decorated with flowering vegetation.

He gained popularity because of the second romantic name - "women's happiness." It attracts many lovers of home greenhouses with lush dark green foliage and many white flowers that look like small callas or sails. Spathiphyllum is sensitive to watering, it should be moderate, preferably in a pan. Periodically, the leaves must be sprayed, and once a month the flower needs a shower. "Women's happiness" is well suited as a nice gift for a woman, for example, on her birthday or on March 8th.

A variety of violet, fleshy, slightly hairy, dark green leaves and many delicate lilac flowers. Feels good on the northern windows. It is better to water with settled water at room temperature in a pan. Doesn't like overflow. They bloom for a long time, faded rosettes are immediately replaced with new ones. Fans are constantly developing new varieties, with a wide variety of flower shapes. In many cities, enthusiasts and amateurs often organize exhibitions and sales of dozens of varieties of violets, including saintpaulias.

Another shade-loving indoor plant with beautiful bright flowers, familiar and beloved by many. Quite unpretentious, he needs moderate watering. Foliar spraying is not required. Sensitive to air humidity. It has decorative flowers and leaves. Blooms both in winter and summer. About 2000 varieties of begonias have been bred in the world.

The flowers of this representative of orchids resemble surprised, wide-open eyes. Hence the second name - "pansies". It develops well in the shade, does not tolerate drafts well, loves good watering. The fact that the plant is comfortable is evidenced by the pinkish color of the leaf and abundant flowering.

Just a godsend for beginner growers. Unpretentious, blooms for almost six months. It does not require special care, except for watering. Any part of streptocarpus is suitable for reproduction. Shade-loving, flowers are large, in the form of bright bells.

This beauty with a bright large flower in the form of an ear, despite the capriciousness and demanding care of herself, is known and appreciated by many flower growers. It blooms for a long time, requires watering with warm water, very plentiful in summer, spraying the leaves and rubbing them with a sponge. There are about 250 species. He loves moist air very much, does not tolerate drafts. Prefers partial shade.

Deciduous plants

Among deciduous-decorative indoor flowers, there are also quite shade-loving ones. They delight the eye with unusual leaf color or lush greenery.

Refers to vines. The shoots weave along the supports, gradually become woody, acquire long aerial roots. The leaves are large, hard, dark green. Does not like drafts, dry soil and sharp fluctuations in air temperature.

Almost all representatives of shade-loving deciduous plants attract the eye with the size, shape and color of the leaves. It is for this attractiveness that many people love arrowroot. But in order to keep large oval leaves with an interesting pattern in a healthy state, you need to often water the plant with settled water, periodically spray the foliage, place it away from direct sunlight, but not in the darkest place in the room.

Another representative of the arrowroot. A peculiar mechanism was laid in her by nature, which makes her interestingly colored large leaves fold at night. We can safely say about her: beautiful and capricious. The whim is that experienced flower growers have installed - Calathea feels best 2 meters from the western window, in addition, it prefers wet pebbles in the pan. And she does not like drafts and a sharp fluctuation in temperature in the room.

Whoever once saw a croton, or codiaum, will remember it and fall in love at first sight. Its leaves are so unusual and attractive that a rare flower grower will pass by. Croton love to give each other lovers of indoor plants for different reasons. This is a very original and nice gift. Croton is from the Euphorbiaceae family. He likes frequent spraying and careful rubbing of the leaves, good drainage, watering. Grows well in the shade. After spraying in the sun, the leaves may burn.

Important! The juice of euphorbia plants, in most cases, is poisonous. Such a flower should be kept away from pets and small children.

Very lush ornamental fern. It is not picky about lighting and watering. Grows in shade artificial lighting feels fine too. In summer, you can water 2-3 times a week. Decorates the room with a "cap" of many leaves.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant - what's the difference?

From the name it is clear that shade-loving indoor plants feel very comfortable in a shaded room. Moreover, they cannot stand the sun. Their ancestors grew up in tropical forests under huge crowns of tall trees, in shade and high humidity. Therefore, the sun burns them.

Shade-tolerant houseplants just tolerate being on the shady side quite well, but still prefer the sunny side. Therefore, they can be placed anywhere in the room, but if there are not enough sunny places, then they will grow and develop normally on the northern windows. Therefore, the difference between shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants is that they do not quite like the shade, but they can put up with it and live in it.


In fact, there are many such plants that can feel great in shaded rooms with windows to the north: flowering, weaving, tree-like. For every taste and preference. Some of them are more unpretentious, and some need careful care, are more demanding on the conditions of detention, soil, and watering. But the pleasure of contemplating the lush greenery and wildlife in every corner of the house is incomparable to the little effort to care for these amazing plants.

These 15 plants do not suffer from lack of sun. They can grow in the shade, away from a window. Direct sunlight for many of them is even fatal.

Let's say right away - most of the plants described in this article belong to the category of decorative leaves, that is, all their charm is not in flowers, but in beautiful leaves. But that's a lot, considering the "sunless" diet they usually eat in our apartments.

Grow in the shade

These plants feel good enough in a dark room, the windows of which are not facing the sunny side. Pots can be safely placed far from the window, in the back of the room.

1. Aglaonema

All the beauty of aglaonema is in its oblong variegated leaves. The flower grows very slowly, so it can be transplanted every three years. Aglaonema loves top dressing, heat and humid air (you will have to spray often). At the same time, it does not tolerate drafts and smoke. Plant the plant in a low pot and keep it out of direct sunlight. However, in full shade, yellow or white-green leaves will lose their decorative effect: they will turn from variegated to ordinary green.

2. Aspidistra

One of the hardiest houseplants - it's not for nothing that the British call it "cast iron". Aspidistra is not afraid of polluted air, rare watering, or dry air. However, direct sunlight can burn its leaves, so keep the aspidistra pot away from a window. It is necessary to transplant a flower only in case of emergency - once every five years.

3. Asplenium

The second name of this plant is nesting Kostenets, the British call it more poetically: Bird's Nest Fern - which means "fern - a bird's nest." This plant of the fern family is quite large: its xiphoid leaves reach 60 cm in length. Asplenium like a true fern loves shade and moist air. Be sure to spray regularly. Never place a plant pot next to a battery central heating- dry, warm air is detrimental to him. Another limitation - you should not touch the young leaves of the asplenium - they do not like this.

4. Gelksina

Moss-like gelksina with tiny delicate leaves looks beautiful in hanging planters, as well as in pots next to large, tall plants. Gelksina covers the soil with an elegant green carpet. But be careful: do not plant it on low plants - gelksina can "strangle" them. You need frequent watering and spraying. Propagating gelksina is very simple: pinch off a small lump of earth with several stems and dig in a new pot.

5. Sansevieria

Sansevieria, she is also "Teschin's tongue", she is also "Snake skin", grows in the sun and in the shade, tolerates dry air, drafts and rare watering, it can not be transplanted for years, and at the same time the plant will remain strong and beautiful. Choose what is closer to you - high leaves up to 1 m or low dense rosettes. Both those and other varieties are equally whimsical. The only thing that sansevieria cannot stand is waterlogging of the soil. In winter, you can forget about watering altogether.

6. Scindapsus (Potos)

In Britain, this creeper with variegated waxy leaves is called "Damn's Ivy". Yellow or white stains, streaks and splashes adorn the bright green leaves of the scindapsus. However, be prepared for the fact that in full shade they may fade slightly. This popular plant looks great in a hanging pot or hanging on a wall. Does not tolerate drafts, dry air and direct sun. Spray the scindapsus more often. In order for the plant to branch, pinch the ends of the stems.

7. Philodendron climbing

Philodendrons are tropical plants that love very humid air and diffused light. Philodendron climbing with bright green shiny leaves is the smallest and most unpretentious of the whole family. It grows well in the shade. This is a liana, so be sure to stick a shaggy column into the pot, which will become a support for the plant. And do not forget about regular spraying. By the way, this native brother gigantic monstera beauties(After all, its second name is Philodendron perforated).

Grow in partial shade

For normal growth, it is enough for these plants to be away from a well-lit window, and even a window in which there is no sun will become a luxurious haven for them.

8. Dracaena bordered

Dracaena is also called a "false palm tree" for its external resemblance - a lignified stem with a bunch of leaves at the top is very similar to a sprawling palm tree. Dracaena bordered with narrow and long (up to 70 cm) leaves is one of the most undemanding in the family. It easily puts up with shading, careless care and lowering the temperature in winter (even below + 10 ° C). Best of all, the dracaena will feel in a light shade, near the east or west window. At least occasionally it should be sprayed.

9. Ferns

More than two thousand species of ferns are suitable for growing at home. These tropical plants are shade ready, but they won't tolerate dry air. The easiest ferns to maintain: citromium, davallia, Cretan pteris, nephrolepis, nesting ossicle, round-leaved pellet. But even they need frequent spraying of the leaves, especially during the heating season. Make sure that the soil in the fern pot is always moist.

10. Ivy

A very popular climber that grows rapidly, covering the walls with a green "waterfall". There are a great many species of ivy - with oval and star-shaped, even and corrugated leaves. Plants with a monochromatic leaf color are less spectacular than variegated ones - yellow and white-green. The secrets of success in growing ivy: partial shade, mandatory support, frequent spraying (including in winter!), Transplanting every two years into a larger pot.

11. Tolmiya

This shrub of "fluffy" bright green leaves is one of the hardiest houseplants. It thrives in a cool room away from direct sun. For tolmiya, drafts are not terrible. But hot and dry air is fatal for her. Tolmia produces offspring on the leaves, which take root easily, turning into a new plant.

12. Fatsia

Fatsia has been grown since Victorian times (19th century) for its beautiful shiny leaves. The plant loves coolness and bright light, but can adapt to any conditions. It is better to purchase a small plant - it will grow quickly (if it is fed and replanted annually) and in a couple of years it will reach a meter height.

To get a voluminous bush, cut the ends of the shoots every spring. Fatsia likes frequent spraying and also showers from time to time.

13. Ficus dwarf

Unlike its "big brother" - the famous rubber-bearing ficus - this is a small ground cover (ampel) plant that can wrap greenery around both the support column and the ground in a wide pot. It has a thin, wire-like stem and small (up to 2.5 cm) heart-shaped leaves. Does not tolerate bright sunlight and dry air, so keep the dwarf ficus away from the window, spray more often and water with warm water. Does not like frequent transplants.

14. Fatshedera

A hybrid of Fatsia and ivy is as unpretentious as its ancestors. It prefers coolness, but in winter it can withstand temperatures up to +20°C. It can grow as a bush, like a fatsia, or curl along a support, like ivy. If in the summer you keep the fatshedera in the back of the room, in the winter it is better to rearrange it on the windowsill. Spray the leaves as often as possible and make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out.

15. Fittonia

This plant is easily recognizable by its characteristic grid of white, pink or red veins on velvety oval leaves. It grows well in partial shade, but only on one condition - if you can provide it with a constant high humidity air. That is why Fittonia is preferred to be grown in a terrarium or "bottle garden". In the spring, bare shoots are pruned, and the plant itself is divided.
From myself I would like to add Chlorophytum to this list, it
deemed appropriate for beginner growers, as it is completely undemanding to care for and grows well indoors. The main thing for dimly lit rooms is to choose non-variegated varieties and it will decorate your home. Chlorophytum feels great in the kitchen, a real air filter)
Here is my handsome man and he is standing a few meters from the window ... Only the stripes have become less expressive.

Fresh flowers organically fit into any design and interior of the room. They complement the style, give the house comfort and warmth, create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility.

But not all indoor flowers take root in the house and delight their owners. It's all about lighting and temperature.

If a flower needs an abundance of sunlight, then it will not grow in a dark room. Therefore, before choosing home flowers, this fact should be taken into account.

Note! If a small amount of sunlight penetrates into the apartment, then shade-loving indoor plants are chosen for the decor of the room.

This perfect option for many apartments and houses. After all, home flowers that do not require an abundance of light are less whimsical. They are easier to care for and follow.

You should not think that shade-loving plants are somehow inferior in aesthetic terms to light-loving flowers. They also bloom brightly, smell and look delicate and attractive.

Indoor plants: shade-loving and unpretentious

flower name Short description
Blooming in the apartment
Spathiphyllum Green color plant. Spathiphyllum leaves are presented in the form of an elongated oval. The plant loves spraying.

Once every 30 days, it must be washed with a damp sponge.

Gardenia For gardenia comfortable temperature The room temperature ranges from 15 to 24 degrees Celsius. Gardenia blooms with white inflorescences.
Saintpaulia Saintpaulia is often called the Ozambara violet. Prefers to bloom in the shade.

Violet loves high temperatures (from 19 to 24 degrees Celsius). Violet blooms with blue inflorescences.

vriesia Vriesia is a plant that blooms in the form of a bright red arrow. The flower loves water. But vriesia is not an unpretentious plant.

If you are going to have a similar flower in the house, then you will need to monitor the humidity and air temperature daily.

The optimum temperature in the room varies from 18 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Anthurium A tough but beautiful plant. Likes warmth. Anthurium should be handled with care.

Its leaves contain a substance that can corrode human mucous membranes.

Ivy Ivy is a climbing flower. Unpretentious, does not like sunny color. Ivy is grown on nets, flowerpots or hanging planters.
Peperomia Peperomia is native to India. This tropical flower with a pronounced green tint.
Tradescantia Tradescantia was brought to Europe from the American continent. It is distinguished by a variety of shades and unpretentiousness.
Scindapsus Scindapsus is called a liana. Liana flowers are decorated with white - yellow shades and ornaments in the form of stains.

Liana loves moisture, does not tolerate direct sunlight.

palm tall plants
ficus Ficus is a tree-like plant used for decoration of living and working premises.
Hamedorea Hamedorea grows slowly and for a long time. Otherwise known as a palm tree. Hamedorea loves abundant watering and daily spraying.
Dracaena By appearance looks like a small palm tree.
Monstera The second name of Monstera - indoor liana. It is characterized by large leaves and height.
Fittonia Fittonia has become one of the gardeners' favorite flowers. It has a pinkish color and an unusual shape of the leaves.
Nephrolepis Fern with outstretched leaves.
Maidenhair Fern looks exotic. It is decorated with small leaves of bright green color. Adiantum is used for decoration in floristry.
Calathea Calathea belongs to the maranth family. Its originality lies in unusual leaves of a unique color.
codiaum Codiaum belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It captivates with its beauty and unique color in two color shades: pink and green.

For the hallway

For the hallway, floor or large plants are selected that can harmoniously fit into the interior of the room:

  • Hibiscus.
  • Dracaena.
  • Yucca.
  • Monstera.
  • Ficus.
  • Cactus.

Important! It is worth remembering that if there is little light in the hallway, then at least once a week you will need to change the location of the flower.

For kitchen

You can decorate the kitchen space with such flowers:

  • The money tree symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the family. It is distinguished by thick leaves and a glossy color. This is the perfect floral arrangement for your kitchen.
  • Violet.
  • Begonia.
  • Croton.
  • Scheffler.
  • Fruit trees. Such mini-trees have a refined aroma and an attractive appearance. They help neutralize kitchen odors.
  • Calathea. The peculiarity of Calathea lies in its increased resistance to moisture.
  • Balsam.
  • Zebrina.

It is worth remembering that when designing a kitchen space, it is forbidden to place flowerpots and pots next to heating objects, a stove, a sink or an exhaust hood.

For the bedroom

The bedroom is a place of rest for a person. Therefore, plants for the bedroom should be selected taking into account the harmful components in them that can harm human health.

Note! For the bedroom, it is not advisable to choose the largest and very large plants. They collect a lot of dust on themselves, which can adversely affect the broncho-pulmonary system of a person.

For the bedroom, medium-sized flowers are selected, placed on the shelves.

Table: plants for the bedroom.

When decorating a bedroom with indoor flowers, it is worth remembering that a large number of them is not always useful. Pots are placed away from the place where a person is used to spending his free time.

The most shade-loving

The most shade-loving plants:

  • Aspidistra. The beauty of the aspidistra lies in its dotted coloration. The uniqueness of the flower lies in its unpretentiousness.

    It does not require special care, tolerates fluctuations temperature regime, grows well in dark and poorly lit rooms.

  • Chlorophytum. Used to decorate spaces with various purposes. It resembles a plant trunk with an abundance of outstretched stems.

    Chlorophytum is cold-resistant, not afraid of an abundance of moisture. Its main fear is drought, so it should be regularly watered and sprayed.

  • Aglaonema. It is a bush with lanceolate leaves, which are decorated with patches of yellow, silver or cream.
  • Epipremnum. This is a room vine, the length of which reaches three meters. Curly liana is characterized by adaptation to any lighting and temperature conditions.
  • Gelksine. In appearance, it resembles a grassy rug, which easily dot the surrounding space.

Important! If the plant is shade-loving, this does not mean that it should be placed in a dark room for a long time. Flowers do not tolerate direct sunlight, but they need light for normal growth and development.

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IN dark rooms or in the corners of the room, where a minimum of light penetrates, you can successfully grow plants that do not need a lot of light. Growth conditions with a lack of light are the following conditions: at a distance of a meter or more from a window facing north, at a distance of 1 m to 3 m from a window facing east / west, at a distance of 4.5 m to 9 m from a window facing north South.

Spathiphyllum (Spatiphyllum floribundum)

Due to the fact that the spathiphyllum is very easy to grow, it has become one of the most popular indoor plants. Spathiphyllum will feel great both in rooms with bright light and in dark rooms. Spathiphyllums have glossy dark green foliage and flat, sail-like flowers. Spathiphyllum loves coolness and grows up to 30 - 45 cm in height.

Pteris fern (Filicales Pteris)

Pteris fern, however, like any other fern, will grow well in the darkest corners of the room. Pteris fern is an elegant plant, the branches of which have a light green canvas and a silvery center, there are species of this fern with completely green branches.

Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria tsifasciata)

Sansevera is one of the largest indoor plants that grows well in dark rooms. It can grow up to 1.2 m in height. Mother-in-law's language is also good for beginner "naturalists" who still lack experience. Its strong, sharp leaves grow straight up, their colors are also interesting: the mother-in-law's tongue combines dark green with light green stripes, more variegated species with bright yellow stripes are also common.

Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia)

Diefenbachia has a tall erect stem and luxurious dark green leaves with almost white spots. Attempts to taste diefenbachia juice will cause severe swelling of the tongue and mouth.

Aglaonema (Aglaonema)

Different types of aglaonema are represented by plants of different heights. They are hardy plants that will suit virtually any environment, so aglaonema is a great choice for busy people. Aglaonema has a large number of narrow stems with large oval leaves. The color scheme is also varied: silver, green, greenish yellow and cream. The juice of these plants is poisonous - what should be remembered! So these plants should be kept away from small children and pets, especially if they like to munch on something fresh and green.

Calathea makoyana (Calathea makoyana)

Calathea Makoya is a perennial with dark green foliage, marked with white, light green, or burgundy stripes; Calathea Makoya blooms with purple or white flowers. The homeland of this plant is eastern Brazil, it reaches a height of up to 1.2 m and tolerates full shade well. Calathea Makoya can grow even outdoors, but in USDA (US Department of Agriculture) frost zones 11 - 12, where the annual temperature does not fall below + 4ºС. It needs moist, well-draining soil and a mist every two to three days. To maintain high local moisture, try placing a well-fitted stand filled with pebbles and water under the calathea pot. After flowering, reduce watering and let Makoya Calathea rest. The period of her rest is from autumn to the end of winter, just before the beginning of spring, start watering her again abundantly.

Epipremnum (or scindapsus) golden (Epipremnum aureum)

Epipremnum golden is an easy-to-care climbing plant with beautiful heart-shaped foliage that has yellow and white stripes on the surface. The plant propagates easily. Indoors, the scindapsus reaches a maximum length of 2.5 m. Buy a golden moss pole for your epipremnum and it will feel at home. It is easy to control the growth and shape of epipremnum, you just need to pluck unnecessary shoots. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, but mist the plant frequently during periods of vigorous growth. The minimum temperature for epipremnum is +13ºС and USDA zones 10 - 12 are suitable for it.

Maranta tricolor (Maranta leuconeura)

Arrowroot tricolor - undersized, perennial evergreen, blooming with white flowers. The leaves of this plant are light green, but have red or burgundy streaks; arrowroot folds its leaves at night and they resemble palms folded in prayer, hence the English name of this plant is “praying plant”. Maranta tricolor comes from Brazil, it grows up to 30 cm in height. Maranta tricolor - a good option for a hanging basket if you provide it with a humid environment. It is recommended to spray this plant often, and pour pebbles into the pan and make sure that there is always water in it. It is necessary to keep the soil in the pot moist until autumn, then the arrowroot begins its seasonal rest, during which there is no need for such frequent watering. Time to resume regular watering - early spring. Arrowroot tricolor can grow outdoors in USDA zones 11 - 12.

Dracaena bordered (Dracaena marginata)

Dracaena bordered - a guest from the island of Madagascar. This plant is very unpretentious and will not cause you any special trouble. Dracaena is an evergreen plant that, if you're lucky, will delight you with fragrant white flowers. The leaves of the dracaena grow old and fall off - this is a normal phenomenon, in no way indicating poor care. Dracaena Marginata is light tolerant, drought tolerant, and USDA hardiness zones 10-12. This dracaena can grow indoors up to 2 m high, but you can cut and propagate it.

All dracaena are easily propagated by apical cuttings, and if you cannot plant the stalk immediately, treat the cut with paraffin - the dracaena will easily endure such a temporary position and take root well when the waiting period is over. Dracaena does not like drafts of any kind. We also recommend that you provide the dracaena with regular spraying, or put a pot of dracaena on wet pebbles.

Translation: Anna Zhurbenko
specially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your garden"

Everyone who has even a little experience with floriculture knows that one of the main reasons why plants hardly take root in apartments is an acute lack of light. Even on the windowsills of bright, southern windows, the amount of light is ten times less than on the street. What can we say about the more shaded areas of the house! Already at a distance of about a meter from the window, the light flux is much less than on the windowsill. That's why always special demand nature lovers used shade-tolerant houseplants.

They have gained particular popularity in recent decades, as the layout and design of the premises become more diverse, non-traditional. The number of residential and office premises with a large area is increasing, which you always want to “revive” with at least one large plant that can survive and look good away from windows, in the shade.

What is a shadow

This uncomplicated children's question is not so simple when it comes to floriculture. After all, the concepts of “shadow”, “penumbra” are very relative, subjective. For example, the window sill of the north window for the plant will already be a shadow; light-loving specimens will not grow here. If you go further, into the depths of the room, then at a distance of a meter, or three meters from the window, the light flux will differ by 10 times, although the human eye practically does not catch this difference.

There is a simple, and time-tested technique, bred by flower growers. If you, having good eyesight, are able to read a newspaper text at noon in this place, then shade-tolerant copies can be placed here. If the newspaper is difficult to read, this place is too dark even for resistant plants. Yes, you can keep a flower pot here, but additional lighting will be required, especially in autumn and winter. And this is a completely different topic for conversation.

Groups of shade-tolerant plants

Usually shade-tolerant are those flowers that are in natural, natural conditions, accustomed to living in partial shade. This may be the lower floor of the forest, thick grass, deep gorges - all places where direct sunlight rarely falls. Breeders and gardeners used natural property of such species, have developed it by developing varieties and hybrids in which the ability to live with a lack of light is specially enhanced. And such plants, to the delight of amateur flower growers, turned out to be quite a few! They can be divided into several popular groups:

  1. Shade-tolerant houseplants that can bloom beautifully.
  2. Deciduous and decorative shade-tolerant houseplants.
  3. Creepers, climbing, and ampelous shade-tolerant species.
  4. Large specimens and palm trees that can grow in the shade.

Now we will consider popular shade-tolerant indoor plants, their names and descriptions, separately for each of the selected groups.

Blooming shade tolerant houseplants

Unfortunately, there are fewer of them. Still, for flowering plants need more light; very few are able not only to stoically endure the twilight, but also to delight the world with their colors. As a rule, these species still bloom not in the back of the room: either on the northern windowsill, or very close to the windows. That is, their destiny is the “bright zone” of penumbra.


The Uzambar violet is known to all. Able to bloom successfully on windowsills of northern orientation, on a table near the window, in other similar places. An easy to care for, popular plant that requires normal room temperature and regular watering.


Also a well-known, common plant. There are a huge number of its varieties that bloom with beautiful, large flowers. Begonia can be safely called an unpretentious species.


Able to look great and bloom on the northern windowsill. Its white flowers look great against the background of dark green elongated leaves. A little more capricious than the previous species, it requires regular spraying or an increase in air humidity.


One of the bromeliads. In nature, it grows in the shade of trees, therefore it withstands the lack of lighting. From the rosette of leaves during flowering, bright flower "arrows" grow that live for a long time. Requires a little high humidity and regular watering. It is important that water always remains inside the leaf outlet. In addition to vriesia, a range of other bromeliads can bloom on northern windows.


Its inflorescence, similar to an umbrella, attached to a powerful peduncle, can surprise with its beauty. At proper care flowering will also come with a clear lack of light, and the plant has beautiful not only flowers, but also a powerful leafy rosette. fertile soil and regular watering is all that is required from the owner.


Able to bloom for months, delighting the eye with graceful bell flowers. Like Saintpaulia, it belongs to the Gesneriaceae, it reproduces easily, hundreds of its varieties have been bred. It is rightly considered easy to care for, except that it requires high humidity.


This orchid is also called "pansies". A relatively easy-to-care plant that blooms regularly even on northern window sills. The main difficulty is to withstand high humidity near the flower. A small compact humidifier is best suited for this. He loves warmth, does not tolerate drafts.

It should be added that not only miltonia is a shade-tolerant orchid. Even many varieties of well-known phalaenopsis will successfully bloom on the north window.

Decorative leafy shade-tolerant plants

There are many more of them than blooming ones. And this is understandable, because it is much easier for a plant to simply grow foliage than to lay flower buds, develop flowers. This group is valued for its beautiful leaves, pretty crown. They are able to live away from windows, among them, as a rule, are the most shade-tolerant of indoor plants.

Chlorophytum crested

One of the most resistant indoor shade-tolerant plants, a frequenter of kitchens, offices and utility rooms. Puts up with everything: deep shade, temperature changes, irregular watering. Can survive even on some shelf in the back of the room. The main thing is to grow it in this place from the very beginning, "from childhood." Nice, created varieties with various form leaves, variegated.


The famous "pike tail". For unpretentiousness and shade tolerance, I am ready to argue with chlorophytum. The plant is so plastic that it can live both in deep shade and in bright sun. Varieties with variegated leaf color have been bred, but in the shade the brightness of the pattern fades.

Attention! This is important for all ornamental shade-tolerant plants. If their leaves have a variegated color, multi-colored spots and stains, this pattern does not stand out so brightly in shaded places, often completely disappearing. By increasing the light, the variability can be increased again, but this will take a lot of time.

Japanese aucuba

For its conspicuous golden spots on the leaves, it received the beautiful nickname of the "golden tree". At good care grows a one and a half meter tree, living for many years. Shade-tolerant houseplant is moderate in all its requirements, lends itself well to pruning and shaping. If possible, create a slightly increased humidity for him.


This is small in size shade plant It will perfectly fit both on the kitchen shelf and on the table in the back of the office. Beautiful leaves with variegated veins do not lose their expressiveness even in deep shade. True, this bush will require regular watering, spraying, and generally high humidity.


A plant that is resistant in all respects, for which it is called the "iron lady". The leaves seem to be strewn with silver powder, but if you plan to “drive” your pet into a thick shade, it’s better to immediately take varieties with green foliage - the white pattern in the shade gradually disappears. However, they remain beautiful green leaves reminiscent of lily of the valley leaves! This species requires a cool winter.

Multi-row crescent

Fern representative. There is an opinion that ferns are shade-tolerant houseplants, but this is far from always true. But in the case of this plant - quite! The main difficulty in its maintenance is the plant's love for coolness: in summer it requires 18-20ºС, in winter - about + 10°С. But remember how many cold rooms we have, which could be decorated with this fern!

In addition to the multi-row, shade-tolerant and popular ferns are considered nephrolepsis And adiantums. As a rule, they still prefer to "approach" at least the northern window, besides, they need to be sprayed regularly, to moisten the surrounding air.

Aglaonema changeable

The color of the leaves of this species from the aroid family can compete with the buds of many flowers. And the shape of the leaves is very diverse. It can grow in deep shade and is generally considered a hardy species. Perhaps, it is still worth paying attention to increasing the humidity of the air. Dense bushes can have a size of 30 to 60 cm, look very decorative.

Shade tolerant vines and climbing plants

They are grown in hanging planters, baskets, they decorate walls and corners, high stands and supports. Sometimes liana-like shade-tolerant houseplants are used to hide an interior detail, to decorate an empty corner of a room.

Epipremnum (aka Scindapsus)

Indoor creeper, one of the most popular houseplants. It grows quickly, lashes reach several meters in length. Very unpretentious look, plastic, adapting to any conditions. Several species and many varieties are cultivated: both with completely green and with variegated leaves. The size of the leaves also varies greatly.

Indoor ivy (Hedera).

Fast growing lashes descend from hanging planters, forming a kind of "green waterfall". However, there are varieties with variegated leaves, they are more photophilous. Resistant shade-tolerant plant, not afraid of any temperature changes or irregular watering. Perfectly decorate a large corner of the room or a section of the wall.


Known to many flower growers. There are species with huge leaves, there are more miniature ones. But in any case, monstera openwork leaves are always pleasantly pleasing to the eye. It grows well both in height and horizontally, obeying the support. Likes high humidity, but adapts to dry air.


The once incredibly popular shade-tolerant houseplants are now a little out of fashion, but in vain! Many Tradescantia species have variegated foliage that looks great in elegant planters. And how unpretentious this plant is! It just needs to be watered on time. Tradescantia is often used as a groundcover, but it perfectly fulfills the role of an ampelous plant.


It is popularly known as "room grapes". The leaves are large, chestnut-like. She is characterized by a special elegance of appearance, but this beauty requires appropriate "scaffolding". Liana grows quickly and powerfully, is able to braid the entire wall, so it is more appropriate in large offices and halls with high ceilings. It can also be used in an ordinary living room, where there is a lot of free space.

Palm and large

Their self-sufficiency and the ability to look appropriate in splendid isolation do not leave anyone indifferent! Decorators and designers adore them, using plants to decorate interior spaces.

Ficus rubbery

An old popular plant with large, expressive leaves. Very undemanding, can grow away from windows. Do not forget only about timely watering and periodic wiping of the leaf plate from dust.


Its appearance resembles a palm tree (many consider it a palm tree). Loves moisture, both in the soil and in the air. Prefers still not the thickest shade, grows well near windows.


Appeared in our apartments relatively recently. A hybrid of Fatsia and ivy. Can quickly form a green "pyramid" in a bright corridor, reminiscent of a clothes hanger. Likes plenty of fresh air.


One of the shade-tolerant palms (of which, by the way, there are very few). Like all palm trees, it attracts with the delicacy of its leaves. A rather demanding plant that loves moist air, regular spraying and high-quality watering. Looks great if big pot plant several copies at once.
