Dieffenbachia: is it possible to keep such a plant at home? Why you can’t keep dieffenbachia at home: signs and facts about a tropical beauty Poisonous indoor dieffenbachia flower.

Dieffenbachia is a houseplant that is famous for its variegated large leaves and impressive size. The flower grows quickly and does not require special care, so it is well-deservedly popular among lovers of green pets. However, not everyone is recommended to start this plant. There are several reasons why dieffenbachia should not be kept at home, and the main one is its toxicity.

Dieffenbachia Features

The spotted beauty is of South American origin, so the conditions for keeping her in the apartment should be close to natural conditions tropical belt. The plant needs good lighting., warm and humid air, moderate watering and periodic top dressing.

Every spring, dieffenbachia should be transplanted into a looser pot with fresh soil. Over the years indoor flower becomes less and less attractive: the lower leaves fall off, exposing a hard brown stem. In order to preserve decorative properties it is advisable to rejuvenate the plant from time to time - cut off the top, leaving only a small stump with several buds. New shoots that grow very quickly will give the green pet its lost attractiveness.

Harm indoor flower

Dieffenbachia juice causes dermatitis and burns, so all manipulations with it should be carried out only with rubber gloves. In homes where there are small children and pets, it is better not to start a flower at all. If it gets on the mucous membranes, the juice can provoke edema. Cases of strong food poisoning this plant.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the poisonous effect of the flower, you need to use the following tips:

Dieffenbachia, like any other plant, releases more oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide at night. The metabolic processes of a large flower directly affect chemical composition air in the room, so do not place the plant in the bedroom. Headaches and feeling unwell after sleep can become common if a large plant like dieffenbachia is placed next to a nightly resting place.

plant benefits

Dieffenbachia - a wonderful decoration for any interior. It harmoniously looks as an independent element of decor, as well as in flower ensembles with other representatives of the home flora.

In addition to a purely aesthetic purpose, this plant performs another important function - it serves as a natural air purifier. It is able to neutralize harmful compounds in the air: formaldehyde, benzene and other toxins. That is why for city apartments and office premises located in industrial areas, the motley beauty has a double benefit - it decorates the interior and filters the air at the same time.

According to folk signs, you can keep dieffenbachia at home as a plant that improves the energy of the home. It “extinguishes” negative emotions, the splash of which is inevitable during family quarrels and scandals. In addition, there is an opinion that this flower stimulates mental activity, so it is recommended to place it in the working area of ​​​​the apartment.

Folk omens and superstitions

Despite the benefits that a green pet gives, not all flower growers dare to start it at home. The reason for this is the myths and prejudices surrounding the tropical plant. People who believe in omens need to know that the harm caused to a person by a Dieffenbachia flower can be not only bodily, but also spiritual.

The list of mystical properties attributed to the plant is truly impressive. To believe in them or not is a personal matter for each person, but superstitious people should take into account that the motley beauty is capable of:

Incredibly beautiful and immensely dangerous, surrounded by signs and superstitions, dieffenbachia is one of the most mysterious indoor plants. The flower is ideal for those families where there are no small children. and pets and where they are not very worried about its mystical properties.

Superstitious people should not start a motley beauty, since constant thoughts about the negative effects of the plant themselves can cause headaches, neuroses and other troubles.

Dieffenbachia is a native of tropical South America. It belongs to the aroid family, and the number of Dieffenbachia species around the world is estimated at half a hundred. This spectacular indoor plant is highly regarded by flower growers and interior designers, primarily due to the original leaves, and secondly, for its rapid growth and love for large spaces, but the flowering is quite exquisite.

Dieffenbachia Growth Features

Most Dieffenbachia species have erect, strong stems. Usually, this decorative flower increases its size due to one point of growth, which is located at the top of the shoot. Although there are some plant species that are characterized by branching. But all of them are distinguished by rapid growth. Over time Bottom part the stem becomes bare and stiff, which reduces its attractiveness. But this is easily fixable due to the fact that Dieffenbachia is very unpretentious and easily tolerates the transplantation process. The most popular types of Dieffenbachia, most often used for indoor cultivation, are Dieffenbachia Charming, Bause, Leopold, Spotted, Oersted and others, among which there are dwarf varieties that are great not only for large office spaces, but also for small apartments. Most species are characterized by the presence of oval leaves and stems with a leathery structure and light colored spots. Some varieties are dark green with no light gaps at all, but they will all bloom about the same.

characteristic flowering

Dieffenbachia inflorescences, like all its aroid relatives, have a distant resemblance to a corn cob. The flowering period begins in mid-spring. Not every grower manages to see how Dieffenbachia blooms. The inflorescence emerges from the axil of the leaf and has a spathe, usually cream but sometimes a greenish tint. But in room conditions see flowering bush dieffenbachia is quite difficult, because it happens rarely and lasts only a few days. After the cob withers, but remains on the bush and does not fall off. In this state, it takes energy from the plant and can slow down its further growth, so it is recommended to cut it yourself. If pollination occurs, and in our latitudes there are insects capable of this, then the cob gives way to bright red or orange berries, which look very impressive, but have poisonous properties.

What to look for when growing

Despite the fact that dieffenbachia has excellent decorative characteristics, is easy to care for and grows quickly, you need to be careful about choosing a place to install it. The fact is that all parts of this plant are poisonous, so dieffenbachia is not suitable for children's rooms and institutions, kitchens. The most toxic part of the flower is its juice. He has White color, and in direct contact with the skin, it can cause a burning sensation and irritation, which can be relieved by washing the skin area with running water. If he happens to get on the tongue, then it swells and the ability to speak clearly is lost. The locals of the South American continent use it to make poison for rats.

Plant care during flowering

Flowering takes a lot of energy from the bush. All energy is given to this, so the leaves may suffer (wither and fall off) or stop growing. To avoid this, it is recommended to remove the inflorescence. If there is an interest in maintaining flowering, then such a houseplant needs additional feeding. It should be carried out weekly throughout the flowering period and at least a month after that. Later, it is enough to fertilize the plant in the usual way. Experienced flower growers recommend using mainly nitrogen-containing minerals that contribute to the active development of the green part of plants. And taking into account the presence of a flower, add one top dressing with complexes of potassium-phosphorus composition, which are responsible for full flowering.

General principles for caring for dieffenbachia

Location selection. Dieffenbachia belongs to light-loving plants. It should be bright, but diffused. The southwestern and southeastern parts of the premises are the best suited for this flower, and it is recommended to place the plant on a shelf or a special floor stand. In too hot weather, the windows must be shaded, protecting Dieffenbachia from direct sunlight. Its rays can cause leaf burn, which manifests itself in burn marks or total yellowing. If you place a pot with this flower in partial shade for a long time, then this may affect the degree of its decorative effect. The leaf pattern may become less distinct and turn pale.

ambient temperature. In the warm period of time, the most optimal temperature for Dieffenbachia is the interval between eighteen and twenty-five degrees Celsius. The heat of thirty degrees, the plant will endure without loss, if it is provided with frequent watering and high humidity. During the period of autumn-winter conditions, the flower needs to ensure a comfortable existence at a temperature of seventeen to nineteen degrees Celsius. If the room is three to five degrees colder, then the lower leaves of the plant will begin to fall off. The biggest problem for Dieffenbachia is drafts and dry air. In such conditions, the leaves of the flower turn yellow, and then they curl and fall off.

Humidity of air and soil. For comfortable development and growth, the plant needs air humidity of about sixty percent. In the summer, it should be often sprayed with warm, purified water, and wipe the leaves once a week with a damp sponge. To provide the necessary air humidity, the pot can be placed on a pallet containing moistened gravel, or containers of water can be placed next to it.

For irrigation, it is also recommended to use warm water that has been settled for at least two days. AT winter period watering is done moderately, but so that the earth always remains moist. During the period of active growth, watering should be plentiful: performed daily, but without overflowing.

Soil, pot, top dressing. Tall and fairly wide pots are suitable for growing Dieffenbachia. The bottom of the container should be covered with a good drainage layer, and the earth should have a slightly acidic reaction. It must be made from leafy soil, fine-grained sphagnum, coarse-grained sand and peat, taken in the appropriate parts 2: 1: 0.5: 1

The entire growing season, the plant must be fed with liquid mineral complexes used to care for decorative foliage flowers, observing the frequency once every seven to ten days. After the interval between top dressing increases and is two weeks, and in the winter the procedure stops.

Dieffenbachia should be transplanted every year by transshipment of the plant, while maintaining the integrity of the earthen coma. In the future, you need to ensure that the topsoil is always loose.

Numerous varieties of dieffenbachia have been grown as greenhouse and home crops for more than 150 years, and only in recent years have more and more people been talking about the poisonousness of the plant.

Why is dieffenbachia dangerous, why can't you keep this spectacular plant at home?

The history of the introduction of Dieffenbachia into culture

There are about 50 species of dieffenbachia in the world, mainly growing in the countries of South America. These plants belong to the Aroid family. The genus is famous for its decorative and deciduous evergreen crops, the main advantage of which is large variegated leaves.

After the discovery of America, during the development of the previously unknown lands of Oceania and the Caribbean, plants from new territories often fell on neighboring islands and the mainland. That is how, with the ships of merchants and pirates, Dieffenbachia was brought to the south of the current USA, Tahiti, Hawaii, the Cook Islands and other tropical regions. Then the culture was delivered to Europe.

Thanks to powerful shoots, dense juicy foliage and a non-capricious disposition, soon after appearing on the shores of the Old World, plants became desirable in greenhouses, and then settled in houses on windowsills.

Since then, dieffenbachia has never become the culprit of serious poisoning or death of people. At least, neither the press nor the doctors mentioned that dieffenbachia is poisonous or not.

On the American continent, the picky plant adapted so well and quickly to the new conditions that in many places it became a real weed. Here no one thought to keep Dieffenbachia in pots, but also in open ground she never disclosed her mischief. Unless it gradually replaces native species, occupying the most best places and earth.

What was Dieffenbachia guilty of, is it possible to keep her at home or is it better to get rid of powerful green pets with beautiful foliage?

Doubts about the benefits and harms of dieffenbachia appeared in the 20th century, when scientists studied the composition of the greenery not only of this culture, but also of other representatives of the Aroids.

In all parts of these plants, calcium oxalates were found, which have an irritating effect on skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory organs and digestive tract. In some species, the content of potentially hazardous substances was scanty, in others - many times more.

The benefits and harms of dieffenbachia

So is dieffenbachia poisonous or not? If we compare this genus of Aroids with other relatives in the family, we can say that the plant sap contains a significant amount of a caustic compound. When ingested into the esophagus, greens cause:

  • cut;
  • burning sensation;
  • painful spasms;
  • vomiting urge.

Irritation, cramps and swelling cannot be avoided if dieffenbachia juice gets into the eyes or sensitive areas of the body. The most affected are those who are predisposed to allergic reactions and young children.

But is culture so dangerous in everyday life and is it possible to keep a dieffenbachia flower at home? If you look, then harm from a plant is possible only in three cases:

  • with careless care and neglect of security measures;
  • when the greenery of the flower falls into the hands of young children;
  • when eating leaves by pets.

When pruning, transplanting and other manipulations, it is reasonable to use gloves. Such a requirement must be strictly observed with increased skin sensitivity and allergies to other plants.

Safety measures and help with dieffenbachia juice poisoning

If, nevertheless, the juice gets on the skin, eyes or oral mucosa, it is important to wash it off as soon as possible with running water. The effects of toxins begin to be felt literally in seconds, so you should not hesitate.

Swallowing the leaves threatens with swelling of the larynx and pain shock. These conditions are especially dangerous for younger children. three years of age and pets that cannot talk about their problem, which means that it is not always possible to provide them with quick help.

With the penetration of dieffenbachia greens into the esophagus, it is necessary:

  • give the victim a plentiful drink in the form of warm water, milk or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • ensure the receipt of a medicinal product with the functions of a sorbent for the neutralization and collection of hazardous compounds in the body;
  • turn to doctors for help.

So that babies and cats or dogs living in the house are not endangered, it is better to put the Dieffenbachia pot in a place inaccessible to risk categories.

Based on the foregoing, one conclusion can be drawn. Question: "Is it possible to keep dieffenbachia, as in the photo, at home?" should be decided individually if the family has:

  • people with hypersensitivity to dieffenbachia juice components;
  • children under 3-4 years of age;
  • pets, especially cats, often encroaching on indoor flowers.

In other cases, dieffenbachia is not dangerous, and its owner should only observe elementary precautions.

Among other things, it is worth remembering that all green plants, including Dieffenbachia, actively clean the air during the daytime and produce oxygen. But at night the situation changes. Without sunlight, all home cultures replenish the atmosphere of the room with carbon dioxide, so it is better not to put large specimens not only in children's rooms and public places, but also in sleeping quarters.

Poisonous plants in the room - video

Many women love indoor flowers: some prefer exotic tall palms, ficuses or hibiscus, while others prefer the delicate flowering of violets or orchids. But few people know how flowers affect the atmosphere in the house and whether they can be kept in the living room at all. Dieffenbachia is also included in the list of decorative favorites. Whether it is poisonous or not, whether it can be grown at home and how to care for it, you will learn in this article.

Growing dieffenbachia at home

There are quite a lot of rumors around the tropical plant, especially about the fact that Dieffenbachia is harmful to humans, as it contains toxic substances.

Botanical description

The flower belongs to the list of evergreen perennial tropical plants. In the wild, it grows throughout America, both South and North. The height of an adult bush reaches 2 meters, and some specimens have leaves up to 50 cm in size. At home, it rarely grows to such a height, even under optimal greenhouse conditions.

The plant has many species and subspecies, has various colors and varieties. We are more familiar with species with dark green leaves and light veins from the middle of the leaf. The shrub grows rapidly and is updated with young leaves, shedding old ones. To not spoil decorative look, the bushes are cleaned in a timely manner, removing dry and yellow sheets, and the top is cut. If this is not done, the top will stretch upward and bend down due to gravity.

Flowering occurs extremely rarely, but it is still possible to achieve the appearance of flowers. Flowers are not particularly attractive and decorative, located at the top of the plant.

Benefit and harm

From useful properties plants can be called:

  1. Reducing the amount of dust in the air
  2. Purification of air from germs and harmful microorganisms
  3. Beautiful appearance.

But apart from good qualities, a lot of superstitions and horror stories have gathered around the ornamental plant. One of them is the poisonous composition of the juice - and it's true!

milky juice, which stands out from a cut or scratch on the stem, can:

  • Leave a burn, cause dermatitis or an allergic reaction on human skin
  • If juice gets into the eyes, temporary blindness or conjunctivitis occurs
  • Contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth leads to swelling of the throat and temporary loss of voice.
  • When ingested, the poison causes vomiting and diarrhea. A leaf eaten by small dogs or other animals can be fatal.

An allergy to a flower manifests itself, as with contact with citrus fruits, herbs, dust, pollen from flowers, and animal hair. Symptoms:

  • Dry cough
  • Runny nose
  • Eye swelling, teary discharge
  • Itching all over body
  • red rash

The flower does not significantly affect the human body, but can cause a predisposition to bronchial asthma.

Direct contact of the mucosa with poisonous juice dieffenbachia is much more difficult to tolerate than a simple allergy. A person has serious health problems, he may lose the ability to see and speak. In children and animals, the reaction is more violent and serious.

When in contact with a flower, it is advisable to wear rubber gloves, and after manipulations, wash your hands thoroughly.

In addition to the poisonous properties of the juice, it is believed that the Dieffenbachia flower also harms a person. This is only partly true: the flower itself and its pollen have no harm - only the juice that is found in all parts of the plant is poisonous.

Superstitions around the flower

There are negative folk omens associated with the tropical inhabitant. Whether this is true or fiction is entirely up to you. Here is what our ancestors believed:

  • The flower of loneliness. It is believed that unmarried girls should not keep a plant in the house. It scares off suitors and "drives" men out of the house, possessing bad energy.
  • Source of negativity. Many owners began to notice that with the appearance of a flower in the house, the number of quarrels and troubles increases, and guests bypass the house.
  • Loss of male power. Oddly enough, but men claim that the flower in the bedroom deprives them of male power, and, accordingly, of the heirs.
  • Destroyer of Families. With its negativity, a tropical pet evicts men from the house, provoking treason or divorce.

Where to place the plant

  • The flower will perfectly fit into the office interior of a large metropolis, purifying the air from harmful emissions and dust.
  • People who do not pay attention to superstitions and signs can put a plant in the corridor or a spacious living room. If the family has children or pets, the best place for a bush is on a hill or in a place inaccessible to them.
  • The plant will become one of the tropical decorations of a spacious greenhouse, but when transplanting, safety rules must be observed.

Dieffenbachia is a flower with large green and spotted leaves, it is common in the tropics of South and North America and has been cultivated for almost a century and a half. The genus Dieffenbachia is named after the Austrian chief gardener of the Imperial botanical garden at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna by Joseph Dieffenbach.

Dieffenbachia is considered an unpretentious plant. Perhaps this explains the presence of a plant in almost every second home or office. However, among lovers of indoor plants, disputes about the harm and benefits of this flower do not fade away, some are afraid to keep it at home, fearing to suffer from the poisonous juice that it can secrete. There are many good and bad omens associated with dieffenbachia.

Every lover of a home greenhouse who wants to have a green beauty dieffenbachia at home asks the most important question: is it possible to keep this indoor plant at home. It is known that the juice of the leaves of some plants of this genus is toxic, it releases poison. As experts suggest, the presence of needle-sharp crystals of calcium oxalate is to blame for everything.

Poisonous milky juice is released only if the leaves or stem are damaged. When working with the plant, it is better to wear rubber gloves, and then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to avoid problems or unpleasant incidents associated with caring for the plant.

Dieffenbachia poison is very dangerous for children, it can cause a protracted illness in a baby. To prevent this, you need to keep the flower out of the reach of fidgets.

Contact of pets with dieffenbachia is very dangerous. Animals, having eaten dieffenbachia juice, may even die. You can protect cats and dogs from trouble if you keep a pot of houseplant in a separate room or in a planter on the wall. These are the main reasons why Dieffenbachia should not be kept at home.

What is dangerous dieffenbachia flower

  1. Poison from the stem or leaves that has got on the skin or mucous membrane of a person can cause burns.
  2. Poisonous dieffenbachia is also dangerous for people prone to allergies. Sad consequences await people with individual intolerance: unsuccessful contact with dieffenbachia subsequently threatens heart failure.
  3. If the juice gets on the skin, mucous membranes or in the stomach, severe dizziness, nausea may appear, it will become difficult for a person to speak or speech will disappear altogether.
  4. Dieffenbachia will harm people with acute allergic reactions, so it is better not to keep such a flower in an apartment for those suffering from allergies.

The harm and benefits of the plant

  • Causes allergies. May cause anaphylactic shock in allergic people.
  • May cause chronic illness in children. After all, the reaction to dangerous juice in babies causes a more acute reaction.
  • Causes pain in animals, up to death.
  • If the milk of the plant gets into the eyes, it can lead to temporary loss of vision.
  • Dieffenbachia can clean the air of toxic substances in an apartment, office, houses that are located near factories and highways.
  • People note that the presence of a flower in the house helps to fight chronic fatigue and stress. At work, dieffenbachia helps to focus on important issues.
  • Dieffenbachia has a beneficial effect on the fair sex, namely, it slows down the aging process. The plant secretes a substance that helps fight excess weight and skin problems.
  • The plant has a very positive effect on the condition of the human heart and blood vessels.

Is it possible to keep dieffenbachia at home

If you do not want your dieffenbachia to look stunted, sickly and unkempt, then make sure that your flower is cozy and comfortable. The tropical plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

It is desirable that in the summer in the room where it grows, a temperature of 20-26 degrees is maintained, and on winter days a temperature of 18-19 degrees is comfortable for Dieffenbachia. And no drafts at home!

If we turn to the mysterious philosophy of Feng Shui, then dieffenbachia is best located in the northeast sector. This flower is not exactly suitable for apartments, it is much more effective to keep an evergreen plant in the office. This will favorably affect business negotiations and mental activity.

But if he lives in an apartment creative person, then you can safely put a flower next to your desktop. At the same time, remember that withering plants carry negative energy, so dieffenbachia should be constantly looked after.

All plants are also under the influence of the stars, therefore, according to the flower horoscope, dieffenbachia is well suited and gets along well with crayfish and lions.

Signs and superstitions about dieffenbachia

Superstitious people are able to attribute positive and negative properties to literally any object. Dieffenbachia is no exception here. And the reputation of the spotted flower, to put it mildly, is not entirely positive. There is a belief that a flower in the house provokes quarrels, conflicts and scandals.

Here are a few popular sayings:

  1. The presence of Dieffenbachia in the house can threaten with low material prosperity and even poverty.
  2. There will be no guests in the house, because acquaintances, neighbors, friends will feel unpleasant energy from your house and will bypass your home, referring to employment and other problems.
  3. It is generally accepted that parents may have problems with children.
  4. It is better for a woman who wants to get pregnant to throw out dieffenbachia. If you believe the signs, this flower can cause infertility in girls.
  5. To problem number 4, male failure in bed is added.
  6. Dieffenbachia may be to blame for adultery.
  7. Dieffenbachia is popularly called the "vampire". This flower literally drives a man out of the house.
  8. Dieffenbachia will not let a young girl find a groom and marry. A woman in whose apartment this flower grows can only be content with short love meetings that will never lead to the desired marriage.
  9. Dieffenbachia negatively affects the whole family: quarrels become so frequent that everything can end in divorce.
  10. According to signs, the flower will also destroy health: neuroses, poor sleep and fatigue threaten the owner of dieffenbachia.
  11. Due to dieffenbachia, a pet may leave home or die.

In addition to negative signs, there are also positive ones that are attributed to dieffenbachia:

  1. It will undoubtedly help those who wish to move up the career ladder, those who are aimed at success in their professional activities.
  2. For novice businessmen and entrepreneurs, the flower will help develop their business.
  3. And according to the assurances of bioenergetics, the energy of a flower helps to develop intelligence, master a large amount of information, and positively affect performance.
  4. If you keep dieffenbachia in an office, office or enterprise, then it will not only purify the air, but also replenish your wallet, help you make the right decision, expose enemies and make the most of your business connections.

Signs on the state of the flower

There are also superstitions among the people about the unusual states of the plant. If we talk about the same bioenergetics, then this plant is considered a real indicator of the accumulation of negative and destructive emotions in the house.

Signs say that if dieffenbachia has bloomed, it is worth waiting for the emotional aura in the family to worsen. This is a kind of dieffenbachia warning.

It is believed that it begins to bloom only when there is an urgent need to urgently change something in yourself, at home or at work. In a word, improve the status quo.

And dieffenbachia, being a tropical plant, knows how to “cry” - to feel the approach of rains and snowfalls. In this case, the flower seeks to get rid of excess moisture in advance if the soil is heavily waterlogged.

flower care

Remember that dieffenbachia is a tropical plant, which means you need to take into account the location, watering time, light, ambient temperature, soil conditions, and even the size of the pot in which your beauty will grow.

It is better to water the flower only with soft water. Suitable for watering Dieffenbachia tap water, which is desirable to defend, as well as boiled, which should be cooled before watering. At the same time, as soon as the top layer of earth in the flowerpot dries up, Dieffenbachia must be watered immediately.

As for lighting, in summer dieffenbachia can be placed at the back of the room so as not to burn the leaves in the sun. Direct sunlight will only harm the plant: Dieffenbachia leaves will turn yellow and wither. In winter, the optimum temperature for a flower is 18 degrees. It is important to prevent drafts at home or in the office, and when airing, move the flower pot to another room.

The soil must contain peat. After all, it is this substance that retains moisture in the best possible way and prevents the appearance of fungus. You can add leafy soil to the soil, charcoal, sand and sphagnum. The soil must be fertilized in spring and summer.

Dieffenbachia grows very quickly, so it is better to choose a spacious pot for a flower. Since dieffenbachia is a powerful plant, the pot must also be stable.