How to get permission for underfloor heating in an apartment. How to connect a warm floor to central heating Is it possible to make a water heated floor in an apartment

One of the controversial issues in the repair is the dilemma, but do you need a warm floor in ordinary apartment? After all, it would seem that central heating should be more than enough. Why spend money and fence something superfluous.

As it turns out, this type of heating is really needed. It is only necessary to know exactly where and in what specific areas to lay it.

By and large, a warm floor is not at all what it is used to be considered. In professional construction, a warm floor is a rough coating separated from a cold base with one or more layers of insulation.

For example, a real warm floor in any of your rooms can be divided into three main components:

  • bars
  • mineral wool
  • chipboard layer

Moreover, if you lay a heating cable or infrared film between the chipboard and the finished floor, in this case they will be just heating.

But for most of us, it is precisely this association that has already firmly taken root in the mind - pipes with hot water or heating cable + screed or tile.

We are accustomed to call this design a warm floor. Therefore, we will not deviate from the usual names for all.

There are three main rules when warm floors are simply necessary for you in an ordinary apartment. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Radiators and underfloor heating

Rule #1

If it is possible to replace conventional radiators with underfloor heating of the same type, use this opportunity to the maximum.

Just pay attention to the phrase - " I have an opportunity”.

If you live in a standard apartment on some floor, then neither the neighbors nor the rules will allow you to replace the usual batteries with a water floor. This is prohibited by SNiP.

You will have to do either infrared, or lay a heating cable or mats.

There are two main reasons for the ban:

  • such a floor is not allowed to be embedded in central system heating
  • and it can not be placed above any living quarters that are below you

But if you live on the first floor, and no one lives under you and there are no electrical rooms, then feel free to go ahead. The same applies if you have a private house.

In all these cases, water floors will beat radiators in all respects.

  • Firstly, such heating has much better energy efficiency.

This means that it can heat a larger area with less energy.

  • Secondly, a warm floor evenly warms the air throughout the entire volume of the room. But the batteries heat the air only nearby.

  • Thirdly, when heating devices are not visible, because they simply do not exist, all rooms look much more aesthetically pleasing and more beautiful.

  • Fourthly, this is easy cleaning and the absence of interfering batteries, pipes, bends, etc.

Well, the most important thing is comfort. All radiators heat the air from the side and from above. At the same time, the floor itself, including under the batteries, remains cold.

With radiators, you will be moving on a cold floor with temperatures up to 19 degrees, while your head will be located in an area where it is more than 25C. To call it comfortable conditions, well, you can’t.

Of course, you can, as they say, fry the batteries to the maximum, but still you and your children will be forced to walk around the rooms in slippers.

At the same time, you can forget about a comfortable sleep in such a room. Moreover, even during the day it will not be very comfortable in it.

  • first of all it's too hot
  • secondly, the air will be dry

But when the heating rises from below, from the floor itself, then much less temperature is required to warm the entire room. This proves its effectiveness over other heat sources of the same type.

Thus, we can sum up the main result of all of the above:

  • water heated floor - better than standard radiators

  • heating mats or cable are more efficient than oil radiators

  • infrared floor - better than infrared heaters

Underfloor heating as primary heating

However, again, let us recall the main phrase from the rule - “if possible”. The fact is that if you live in a very cold climate, where the temperature in winter often drops below minus 20-30 degrees, you should not completely abandon batteries.

In such frosts, it will not be possible to simply increase the temperature on the water floor coolant or turn it up with a heating cable regulator.

Sanitary standards have limited the surface temperature of underfloor heating.

  • for premises with permanent stay of people - 26 degrees
  • with temporary stay - 31 degrees

The fact is that when this temperature rises above the norm, convective heat fluxes begin to actively rise.

And they pull up all the dust from below. Accordingly, a person who constantly lives under such conditions will eventually develop various respiratory diseases.

Of course, no one in your apartment or house can forbid you to set the temperature higher. Whether it is at least + 40C, at least + 70C.

But if your temperature drops below minus 25C for only a few days throughout the winter, then you shouldn’t block radiators because of this. It is possible at this time to increase the temperature of the floors.

However, in addition to comfort, always remember about your health and the health of your loved ones.

And remember once and for all - the use of a warm floor as the only and main source of heating is recommended only in energy efficient houses and apartments, or in houses located in regions with a relatively temperate and warm climate.

Ceramic tile

Second rule

All areas with ceramic tiles must be heated without fail.

This is due to the high thermal conductivity of the tile itself. If you put your hand on any board in the apartment, it will seem to you that it is a little warm.

And if you put your palm against the metal door of the refrigerator or an unheated oven, then you will feel some kind of coolness.

However, their temperature will be exactly the same - room temperature. Iron things always seem much cooler because they have a higher thermal conductivity. That is, they give their temperature to your hand faster.

Thus, we exchange temperature with any object with which we come into contact. However, you can warm up small objects and things - watches, clothes, a chain with your body, but a layer of concrete with tiles will never work.

On the one hand, the coolness from ceramic tiles seems slightly pleasant, but it all ends up in diseases.

And another important point is the following. Mostly the tile is laid not because it will last a long time, but because of its moisture resistance.

For example, they put it in the hallway. Come in from the street in wet shoes and immediately put them on the tiles.

It is hard to imagine a bathroom without tiles on the floor. At the same time, you can safely spill water in it, without fear of subsequent swelling of this floor.

However, after you have spilled this water, it still has to be removed. And in order to dry the bathroom, it is not enough just to turn on the exhaust fan.

It also needs to be warmed up so that mold fungus does not start on the walls over time.

Loggia heating

Someone demolishes the jumper and combines the balcony with the apartment, increasing its area. But the temperature of the floor does not change much from this. He was as cold as he was, and he will remain so.

If you rely on neighbors from below who will insulate their loggia, and thereby indirectly help you with keeping warm. I dare to upset you.

It will still be cold on your balcony. At quality repair balconies, a heater is attached to the ceiling. Therefore, your stove turns out to be isolated and will not warm up at the expense of a neighbor.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if your neighbors have a warm balcony or a cold one, this will affect your floor in a minimal way. You will still be cold.

And no matter how powerful the convector is, by analogy with the batteries in the apartment itself, it will again heat only the upper layers of the air, without affecting the floors at all.

Therefore, summing up the question, is there a need for underfloor heating in the apartment, we can give an unequivocal answer - yes, it is definitely needed.

But there are several types of these warm floors, so if you want to know which one to choose in certain situations, and how much money you will pay for such heating, read about it in detail in the articles on the links below.

← Protection devices UZM 51MD and UZIS S1 40. Comparison, specifications, wiring diagrams.

Heating of floor surfaces works on the principle of convection - warm air heats up at the bottom and rises, and thanks to high level heat dissipation of the coating, the room warms up in a matter of minutes.

Underfloor heating - pros and cons

The most significant advantage modern system heating type "warm floor" is a significant savings on heating. In addition, the obvious advantages of the presented system are expressed in:

  • High level of thermal comfort;
  • Relatively low temperature heating elements;
  • The absence of bulky radiators that require additional decoration for visual "masking";
  • A wide range of thermal control functions;
  • Long service life (up to 30 years);
  • Ability to quickly repair local faults.

Along with this, the system of warm floors has its drawbacks. They are expressed as:

  • With a long stay in a room (bedroom, kitchen, living room) with a high temperature floor covering, a warm floor can provoke an exacerbation vascular diseases legs;
  • When using an additional coating in rooms, the coefficient of heat transfer resistance of the material should not exceed 0.15 m2 * K / W;
  • The warm floor in the apartment does not heat up instantly, and in order to completely heat the room, some of its varieties will need about 10-12 hours;
  • There is a need to raise the floor during installation by 6-10 cm;
  • Underfloor heating in the kitchen, as in other rooms, can adversely affect the plastic furniture installed on top, which, when heated, can release harmful volatile compounds.

Features and design of a water heated floor

Underfloor heating system can be installed in the bedroom, kitchen and other rooms. The technology involves the use of hot water as a heat carrier, which circulates through pipes under the floor covering. A floor heating device of this type can be compatible with any type of boiler, regardless of fuel. If desired, you can power the presented heating system from central heating. This can be done by prior agreement with a number of licensing authorities. The underfloor heating system consists of:

  • Metal-polymer or polymer pipes;
  • Waterproofing layer and heat-insulating materials;
  • Fittings with which you can connect the heating pipes and the distribution cabinet, which houses the valves and regulators;
  • damper tape;
  • Fasteners (brackets, anchors, slats);
  • thermostat;
  • circulation pump.

The technology for laying pipes of a water-heated floor can be of two types:

  • Snake - double or single;
  • Spiral (shell or with a shifted center).

The presented system of warm floors has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are expressed in:

  • Relatively low cost of installation - to equip warm house do-it-yourself using such a system is possible at relatively low cost (if there is an individual heating system);
  • Water heated floor technology can be installed in conjunction with any topcoat;
  • Autonomous operation capabilities - the system is not affected by power outages;
  • Savings on thermal costs. For example, if you make underfloor heating in the kitchen or in the bedroom, it will help save up to 30% of energy.

It is worth noting that with proper operation, the service life of a water floor can be more than 30 years.

Along with this, the presented system, placed in the bedroom, in the kitchen or in any other room, has certain disadvantages. The cons are in:

  • Long and rather complicated installation;
  • The inconvenience associated with painstaking styling;
  • The need for reinforcement of pipes and screeds;
  • The need for the mandatory use of a waterproofing layer (it must be made of polyethylene).

Features of the core underfloor heating

Carbon (rod) flooring can be done under tiles and any other types of flooring. It is also combined with laminate, parquet, wood. The design is presented in the form of a heating mat, which consists of carbon rods with a thickness of 0.3 cm and a length of 0.83 cm. The rods are connected to each other using a power cable in parallel. The system of a warm carbon floor has its advantages and disadvantages. The pluses are that:

  1. The technology allows heating the premises with infrared waves;
  2. Carbon warm mat is versatile and can be combined with any decorative coating gender;
  3. Since the structure is connected in parallel, the heating mats can be divided into any number of segments, which is especially important in rooms with a complex layout, for example, in a bedroom;
  4. The presented heating system can be regulated in automatic mode. The carbon rods adapt to different temperature areas of the floor and provide uniform heating over the entire area. In some areas (cold) the temperature increases, and in warmer areas it decreases;
  5. The service life of the heating circuit can be 10-15 years.

Along with this, the core warm floor has its drawbacks. You can install a carbon mat only in a layer of tile adhesive, otherwise you need to make a thin cement screed. Despite the rather long service life, the system is not mobile - it can only be installed capitally.

Film underfloor heating in the apartment

Film electric (infrared) warm is presented in the form of a polymer film 5 mm thick with strips of carbon heating elements deposited on it. They are connected by copper conductive bars coated with silver sputtering. This design is fused on both sides into a polymer that protects it from moisture penetration and transmits infrared waves through itself. The film is powered by electricity from a household network of 220 V and is regulated using a thermostat.

The advantages of infrared film floor are:

  • Low cost compared to similar systems;
  • Simple and quick installation - installation requires a minimum set of tools, it can be done without a concrete screed;
  • Possibilities of accommodation both during major and cosmetic repairs;
  • Convenient separation of the film into segments of the desired length;
  • Uniform heating of the room;
  • The absence of influence on the air in the bedroom, kitchen and other rooms. Such a floor does not dry the air and does not burn oxygen;
  • Possibilities of combination with various types coatings - on top you can lay wooden parquet, carpet, linoleum or ceramic tiles.

The service life of the infrared floor exceeds 25 years.

Advice! Before laying the infrared floor, it is necessary to level the surface of the base floor well, otherwise the film may deform during installation, which will lead to malfunctions.

Along with this, the film floor has its drawbacks:

  • If the infrared film is the main source of heating, then the energy consumption will increase significantly;
  • Mandatory need for careful installation - during the installation process, you must constantly monitor the correct connection of the contacts, and to level the floor surface, you need to use chipboard or plywood;
  • In the absence of grounding, there is a possibility of ignition of the coating and injury to people electric shock. You need a device that provides protective shutdown systems;
  • The technology requires compliance with operating conditions - such a floor can be easily damaged by heavy furniture, therefore, laying should be carried out in areas free from it.

Cable underfloor heating

Underfloor heating cable type is one of the most common floor heating systems. The main element of this design is a heating cable that can be laid in the bedroom, corridor, kitchen and other rooms. The technology can use two types of cable - single-core and two-core.

A heating cable is needed to ensure the optimum temperature in the room. It is placed in concrete screed 3-5 cm thick. Such a heating system can be mounted under porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles or stone.

The advantages of single-core cable structures are expressed in the fact that they have a long service life compared to two-core ones. Along with this, it is much easier and safer to mount a floor using a two-core cable. Pluses also lie in the ability of the insulating material of the cable to withstand temperatures of more than 100 ° C and the overall degree of reliability of the system. The service life of the cable floor depends on the operating conditions and is 10-15 years.

The disadvantages of the presented system lie in the difficulty of connecting cables to the temperature controller. The so-called "cold ends" may not be long enough; before installation, they will have to be increased. In addition, the cable creates a fairly strong electromagnetic radiation, which, however, does not exceed the established sanitary standards.

Which underfloor heating is better to choose

Most experts recommend choosing electric cable heating systems. It is worth doing this because of their practicality and overall safety. Cable floors are convenient and easy to install; you can make such a heating coating in any room - bedroom, kitchen, bathroom.

Cable electric floors are characterized by reduced power consumption, and the heating of the room is carried out evenly and continuously. This is due to the fact that the heated air from the cable heater rises from the bottom up and spreads throughout the room, regardless of the location of the furniture. The floor with cable heating can function in two modes - this is a "comfortable floor" and "full heating". The user can organize the heating of not the entire surface, but only the desired part of it. Cable underfloor heating consumes 90-150 W per 1 m².

If you need an electric floor for laminate or linoleum, and you do not plan to fill the screed, then you should choose an infrared heating floor system. With a film thickness of 0.3 mm, this system will perfectly match the resin finish.

In which rooms is it better to do underfloor heating

Underfloor heating is needed to organize continuous and uniform heating of the premises. Before choosing it, a logical question arises: in which rooms should floor heating be done? If the system will be the only source of heating, then it must be installed in all rooms. In the case of an addition to the main source of heating, it will be necessary to decide in advance where to make a warm floor.

In the bathroom and the bathroom, floor heating is installed in order not to become barefoot on cold tiles and reduce the overall level of humidity. In addition, while drying clothes, a warm floor in the bathroom will significantly speed up the drying process.

Another most functional place for underfloor heating systems is a loggia or balcony. Thanks to the heating, this room can be turned into a small additional room.

Before you install a warm floor in the kitchen, you should weigh all the pros and cons. So, for example, if tiles are laid on the floor, and small children spend a lot of time on it, then heating of this kind will be quite appropriate. If the kitchen has laminate flooring, and ventilation system copes well with excess moisture, then the warm floor will only dry out the air.

The underfloor heating system in the bedroom is made under a soft covering - carpet, cork, massive parquet board. There is an opinion that installing underfloor heating in the bedroom is not recommended, since according to the recommendations of doctors, sleep should take place in a room with a temperature lowered by several degrees (compared to other rooms).

In the living room, heating elements are needed if they are combined on the floor different types coatings. Underfloor heating is recommended to be installed under a porcelain stoneware walkway, which will divide the room into several zones.

Many apartment owners install additional heating due to insufficient heating from the central system. This measure allows not only to improve the quality of the heating of the room, but also to significantly save on energy bills.

Additional types of heating include underfloor heating or baseboards. The first is divided into heating with water or electricity. A water floor is considered the most successful solution for warming a room, since costs during operation are reduced.

The electric floor is installed less frequently due to the high consumption of electricity, which not everyone can afford. Thus, the water floor is installed more often both in apartments and in private houses. However, apartment owners have to face a number of problems when laying this type of heating. First of all, it is necessary to notify the management company of the house about your desire to carry out additional heating.

A special permit for the installation of underfloor heating is issued by this administrative body. Illegal tapping into the central heating is monitored. When violations are detected, heavy fines are imposed. It is possible to make a warm floor only with the consent of the administration of the house.

Permission from the management company

This document is very difficult to obtain. The consent of the parties depends on many factors. The central heating system is calculated without a large margin for unauthorized connections.

If it will be only one apartment, then at the expense and common work heating will not be affected. But there are a lot of people who want to connect a warm floor in a multi-storey building. In this regard, there is a threat of failure of the entire central highway. It is imperative to notify the company about laying underfloor heating.

The first factor influencing compliance is the type of heating system in the house. If the design scheme involves two risers, supply and return, it becomes possible to obtain permission. If the apartments are heated from one pipe, then the chances of obtaining consent are zero.

Any cut will significantly reduce the temperature in other apartments, which will entail fair complaints. The location of the heat exchanger will also be taken into account - the top point or the bottom. The chances of obtaining permission from the upper apartments increase if the heat exchanger is at the bottom and vice versa.

Installation problems will not arise only for those who are disconnected from the central heating. The presence of an autonomous boiler allows you to avoid administrative delays. However, the presence of additional sensors to track energy consumption is necessary.

Scheme of connection to the central heating system: calculations

If permission has been issued to connect the underfloor heating, installation work can begin. The first thing to do is to calculate the total power for additional heating, that is, how much the coolant is filled.

The parameters of the water floor scheme, heat losses and the type of radiators should be taken into account. All these details are calculated and the total figure is displayed. Knowing the power will help calculate the parameters of future heating circulation pump. This stage is necessary for the effective functioning of the warm floor. help make correct calculations can specialists directly involved in laying underfloor heating.

It is important to calculate the elevation of the base. Accordingly, the masonry method itself is planned in advance. The comfort of the residents will depend on this. Low ceilings plus raising the base can lead to violation of the norms of housing space. That is why it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation and plan for laying the floors themselves.

Underfloor heating from central heating implies the presence necessary equipment: circulation pump, manifold group and temperature control sensors. The underfloor heating is connected before it is poured with cement. The diameter of the water heating pipes is taken into account, it should be 12-20 mm.

Water heated floor in the apartment involves the following elements:

  • Pump.
  • Distribution node.
  • Collector.
  • Sensors.

The heart of the whole scheme is the distribution unit responsible for regulating the temperature of the coolant. The fact is that the temperature of the water in the supply pipes is very high. It must be cooled to an acceptable threshold - 30-35 °, otherwise the underfloor heating system will fail.

A key role in this design is played by a three-way valve, the configuration of which allows you to distribute and control the temperature of the coolant. The valve is accompanied by a special sensor, another name is a thermal head, which performs thermoregulation using the position of the stem. This device allows the owner to set the required temperature and thereby save on heating.

The valve works very simply. When the specified temperature threshold is exceeded, a special damper shuts off the hot flow completely or partially. The presence of a three-way valve in the distribution unit is necessary.

Underfloor heating from central heating will not function without a circulation pump. Water will always find the path of least resistance, so a pump is installed to effectively distribute the coolant. Its location is before the collector group and after the distribution unit. The three-way valve supplies the already cooled coolant to the pump, then the working fluid enters the manifold for further distribution along the floor contours.

The collector group must necessarily include an air outlet and a drain valve. These elements are installed at the upper (air outlet) and lower points (drain cock) of the manifold.

Given the fact that the working fluid is not clean, it is necessary to install mud filters. Thus, the service life of the water floor is extended. Dirty coolant will very quickly clog small water floor pipes.

This scheme is classic and works for apartments on the upper or lower floors, depending on the location of the common heat exchanger. If the apartment crashes on the middle floors, then the scheme has some deviations. For example, a two-way valve is used instead of a three-way valve.

Installation of a warm water floor requires official approval from the management company. It is possible to make a connection to a common highway, but the established norms and rules for the installation and operation of equipment should be observed. Illegal tapping into the central system is prohibited. This will entail the payment of large fines and the dismantling of a water-heated floor.

floor standing heating systems- an excellent option for creating comfortable in the house temperature conditions. They can act both as the sole source of heat and in addition to centralized heating. Currently, many people who want to equip their home with just such heating equipment are interested in whether it is possible to make a warm floor from central heating in an apartment?

Why is it forbidden to install underfloor heating in apartment buildings

It is forbidden by law to equip houses with such heating systems if these actions destabilize the thermal and hydraulic balance between neighboring apartments along a joint riser. The governments of some large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, etc.) have adopted decrees prohibiting the installation of water floor systems in apartment buildings. building codes and the rules (SNiP), a similar method of heating apartments is also not provided. If detected, the owner of the apartment faces an administrative fine.

Why underfloor heating from central heating is impractical:

  1. Inserting a warm floor into an existing system leads to a violation of the temperature balance of the entire riser. If this happens on upper floors, "loss of degrees" may not be noticeable, but from the middle of the house it will become critical.
  2. Pipes under the floor are a potential risk of an accident. If they are damaged, it will flood all the lower apartments.
  3. It will not work to get a high temperature of the coolant in the system, precisely because of the general supply to the riser. In winter, such floors will be a little warm, and during the off-season, when the heating has not yet been turned on or has already been turned off, there is no point in such a system at all.
  4. The quality and purity of the coolant in the central pipeline has always left much to be desired. Since the maximum diameter of pipes for TP does not exceed 24 mm, they will become clogged within 3-5 years, and then you will either have to change them or block the system and dismantle it. It is clear that it is extremely difficult to break through (read - clean) horizontally located pipes.

With any option in an apartment building, electric underfloor heating systems are much more appropriate. But if you are still inclined towards water, we will explain in what cases this can be done and how.

In what cases can

In practice, it is possible to make underfloor heating from central heating in an apartment, provided that the balance of the water flow is not disturbed, and at the same time the conditions for dosing thermal energy are observed.

Ways to connect a water heating unit in an apartment

So, having decided to conduct a pipeline from a centralized riser in order to additional insulation at home, you need to choose a power supply scheme, thanks to which you will be able to realize your desires in reality.

System assembly and tie-in sequence

Among the variety of schemes for connecting an additional heat source to a centralized heating system, there are many options. But I would like to highlight the most effective and common of them.

Direct pipe connection to the radiator

This model of water floor heating is the simplest and cheapest. To implement it, you will additionally need to purchase a low-power pumping station. The use of this method of connecting the structure excludes the regulation of the temperature regime in the room.

Direct connection using a balance valve on the bypass

This connection method is slightly similar to the previous one, it differs only in the presence of a balancing valve, which is located between the heat supply pipe and the "return". Thanks to the bypass, it is possible to reduce the flow rate of the coolant in the circuit, which means that it is possible in some way to regulate the temperature regime of the floor surface. This connection method also affects the overall water temperature in the central riser system.

Using a three-way

By connecting a warm floor from central heating according to this scheme, you can significantly reduce the heat consumption of the circuits. The thermostat allows you to automatically control the temperature in a hidden pipeline. Simply put, if your water installation is consuming a lot of energy, then it increases the likelihood that almost cold water. And this, in turn, will contribute to the cooling of radiators in the dwellings adjacent above and below.

With shut-off and two three-way chokes

This method of connecting underfloor heating from central heating is the most modern, since in this case we can regulate the temperature of the heat source. The presence of a two-way valve eliminates situations in which the pumping system will run idle, which, in turn, can lead to overheating of the device and, as a result, to its breakdown. The disadvantage of this scheme is the high energy consumption.

With remote sensor

This option is similar to the previous method of connecting an additional heat source to a centralized heating riser. The only difference is the presence of a remote sensor, which is necessary to control the heating of the structure.

VIDEO: How to make underfloor heating from central heating

What pipes are better to choose?

Even at the stage of designing a thermal unit, it is necessary to pay special attention directly to the coolant itself.

There are several types of material that can be used to equip a water heating block:

This material is known for its high compressive strength, which causes thermal shrinkage. Due to this property, the temperature of the coolant can reach almost boiling water. At the same time, the recommended temperature of the heat carrier is +31 ... +35 0 С, which guarantees the safety of the pipeline for at least 50 years.

For the organization of the floor system is also not the best perfect option. The problem lies in the high bending radius - for any scheme, the pipes will have to be bent at a certain angle, which cannot be done with a polypropylene base. If you have welding experience polypropylene pipes, then the whole system will turn out to be of high quality and reliable. If there is no such experience, it is better not to risk it.

Copper, stainless steel

A pipe made of such materials was not in vain in Soviet times considered the only right option for laying cold and hot pipelines. The minimum service life is 70 years or more, they are resistant to corrosion, work well in compression, and conduct heat well. But the final cost of the material is very high, so today they are rarely used not only for private heating systems, but also in the municipal economy.


Metal-plastic pipes, in comparison with all other materials, except for stainless steel and copper, are distinguished by the highest performance characteristics, including significant loads, resistance to thermal expansion. At the same time, the manufacturer declares a minimum service life of 50 years. Estimated indicator - 30 years.

Summing up

I would like to note that the floor heating installation, which is powered from the central line, can be assembled on its own. And if you set yourself such a goal, then it is advisable to follow the previously prepared scheme and not make your own adjustments to it in order to improve the operation of the node. Otherwise, you will not be able to effective work designs. Of course, this does not apply to those people who are professionally engaged in such work.

If you have financial resources, it will be easier and faster for you to equip your home with electric heat sources, which may require the cost of paying electricity bills, but at the same time provide a uniform and, importantly, controlled temperature regime.

Installation of such a block requires knowledge and practical skills. An illiterately assembled and tuned design can lead to low efficiency of heat distribution.

Here, in fact, are all the subtleties of connecting a hidden thermal unit to a common riser. It should be remembered that the use of such a system is illegal, and therefore, if possible, it is necessary to make it as hidden as possible.

We hope our tips will help you equip your home with a reliable and efficient heating element.

VIDEO: Installation of a warm water floor

Many owners today are increasingly turning their attention to the underfloor heating system and resorting to its installation in their own homes. The most popular is water heating in the floor in the apartment, connected to the central heating system, which will be discussed.

Water heated floor in the apartment

There are many instructions that tell you how to mount an underfloor heating system, but for the most part they are written for owners of private houses. What about the residents of apartment buildings who also want to create warmth and comfort in their home.

In their case, a warm floor from central heating in the apartment may exist, but the installation process will have a number of nuances. First of all, the laying of such a system will lead to an imbalance in temperature regime with adjacent premises.

Illiterately mounted underfloor heating will be noticed by inspectors from the housing and communal services, which is fraught with sanctions for the owner.

Problems arising during installation in the apartment

Before laying a warm floor from heating in an apartment, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list possible problems arising before the owner:

  • the temperature of the heat carrier in the central heating system is very high. Water with a temperature of 70-90 degrees Celsius cannot be used in pipelines laid in the ceiling. The allowable rate is within 50 degrees Celsius. If this parameter is violated, the system will be damaged and automatically becomes a threat to the flooring, which does not withstand high temperatures;
  • there is a ban on the installation of such a heating system in apartment buildings. Guided by the law, any inspector from housing and communal services can fine the owner;
  • heating can be connected via an elevator, and a warm floor can be connected exclusively with copper pipes, which are expensive and require special skills from the person who installs them. See also: "".

Alternative Solution

If it is impossible to lay a warm water floor from central heating, then the owner comes to the rescue electrical variety this system. It is easier to mount it and you can do all the work yourself. The advantage is that in apartment building, such a system does not upset the balance and is allowed to be used.

It is only necessary to take into account the power of such a system so that there is no overload of the electrical network. Spatial electric floor heating takes up much less space, which makes photos of the room more aesthetic and anyone entering the apartment will not suspect that something is wrong with the floor.

At the legislative level, electric heating is allowed and can be applied at any time of the year, while the water floor is dependent on seasonal supply. hot water. Accordingly, it can function only from autumn to spring - the heating season.

Ways to connect a water heated floor in an apartment

If the goal of the owner nevertheless became a warm floor from a battery in an apartment, then he will have to choose one of the system modifications that allows the connection to be made without violating the functional parameters.

The following installation schemes are known:

  1. Connection of the circuit directly to the heating radiator. This method is the easiest and for installation you will need a pump with low power. Such a system will not hit the financial condition of the owner. The system has many drawbacks, since it will not be possible to regulate the temperature in it, but in the common riser of a multi-storey building, the water temperature will decrease, which can cause dissatisfaction among neighbors.
  2. Connection directly through the balancing valve on the bypass. Through this method, it is possible to reduce the temperature of the water entering the pipes of the underfloor heating. It is recommended to use tubes with a diameter of 1.6 centimeters and the total length of the circuit should not exceed 70 meters. The pump used to pump water in the system must have a capacity that is enough to move 5-10 liters of water per second with a pressure of 1-2 meters per second.
  3. Also, a warm floor can be connected through a three-way valve. Its introduction into the heating system will reduce the heat consumption on the underfloor heating circuit. The thermostat built into this valve will regulate the temperature and constantly maintain the desired value. Additional modification of the system by installing a two-way valve allows you to block the flow of coolant into the system with a sharp decrease in its temperature in the heating circuit of the apartment.
  4. With the use of a shut-off valve and two three-way valves. Similar design allows you to control the temperature of the water in the heating circuit by means of a "return". The two-way valve allows the pump that pumps water not to work in vain. Otherwise, the equipment may be damaged due to overheating, and the system itself during operation will consume significantly large quantity electrical energy.
  5. The most functional option on how to make a warm floor from central heating is to install a system with a remote temperature sensor. When the coolant overheats, the coolant supply to the heating circuit will be automatically blocked. As soon as the water returns to its original temperature and meets the required value, circulation will resume. Such an installation system will avoid hypothermia of the heating circuit of the apartment. Sometimes such a system is equipped with several temperature sensors for more efficiency. See also: "".

It is worth considering the fact that the installation of a water-heated floor connected to the heating circuit can be carried out on any basis. It is best to reinforce the ceiling and fix the used floor heating pipes on the grid.


Laying underfloor heating connected to centralized system heating, can be carried out independently. For high-quality installation, it is recommended to prepare a scheme in advance. It should also be understood that alternative heating systems will cost much less and require much less time to install.

If the choice fell on a water heated floor, then specialists will be able to help in laying and connecting in compliance with all the rules. Professionals will take responsibility for the purchase of all components and provide a guarantee for the services provided.