Carry out heating in the greenhouse. Do-it-yourself greenhouse heating in winter

The heating of the greenhouse allows it to be used for growing various crops throughout the year. This makes it possible to get up to three harvests per year and grow a variety of heat-loving exotic plants, creating optimal conditions for their development.

Greenhouses can be heated in different ways. Each option has a row important features and benefits. Read information about the most popular heating methods, learn tips for choosing the best option and get to work.

Comparative characteristics fuel cost

What to consider when choosing a heating system?

When choosing a heating system, it is necessary to pay attention to dimensions premises and its type, because for different materials the required intensity of heating will also vary. For example, polyethylene is characterized by high heat loss, so this material will require more intensive heating compared to a polycarbonate greenhouse.

When arranging the heating of a greenhouse, consider the size of the total cost of installing the system and its maintenance. Some heating options require serious financial investments, and their use in small greenhouses will be impractical. Others are simple and inexpensive to set up, but consume a lot of fuel in the process.

Otherwise, the owner must decide for himself how beneficial it will be to use one or another heating option specifically for his situation. The main thing is that the system provides, does not dry out the air and creates optimal conditions for the development of cultivated crops.

Greenhouse heating options

Familiarize yourself with the main features of the systems most commonly used to heat greenhouses.

This option should be considered if it is possible to connect the heating of the greenhouse to the heating system of the house.

Laid from the house to the greenhouse, they need high-quality insulation. The power reserve of the boiler must be sufficient to provide the required level of heating for both the house itself and the greenhouse.

If the length of the pipeline between the house and the greenhouse exceeds 10 m, it is better to refuse to use such a system.

There is also a way to organize autonomous steam heating. In this case, the boiler is installed in the greenhouse. Pipes and batteries are connected to the heating unit, the coolant is supplied. Water is traditionally used as a heat carrier.

To ensure forced circulation of water, the system, as a rule, is equipped with appropriate pumping equipment.

For organization, air heated in the furnace of a special boiler is used. Such heating is characterized by minimal cash costs for fuel and high rates of heat output.

In about half an hour after starting the equipment, the air temperature in the greenhouse can rise by 20 degrees. An additional advantage of the system is the absence of the need to use any intermediate heat carriers.

Air heating is best suited for regions with a mild climate. In more severe conditions, it is recommended to use a complex of air and steam heating.

In such a system, heat is generated by the combustion of gas. It is possible to equip the system both by connecting to a stationary gas supply, and by using fuel in cylinders.

During the operation of the system, there is an intensive intake of air from the heated room, accompanied by the release of water, carbon dioxide and other wastes that are dangerous for humans and, of course, plants. In view of this, the arrangement will entail additional costs for the organization ventilation system.

Such heating is well suited for small greenhouses. However, when used over large areas, the cost and complexity of maintenance can be prohibitive.

Modern electrical heating units allow you to equip the efficient heating of the greenhouse without much effort.

Among the main advantages of such devices, it should be noted that in the process of their work only heating of plants and soil occurs. The air does not warm up. It gradually receives heat from the heated earth. This allows you to equip the most efficient and economical heating system.

Modern systems equipped with sensors and temperature controllers, which gives ample opportunities for dividing the greenhouse into different thermal zones and providing the most comfortable conditions for each group of plants.

Prices for popular models of infrared heaters

The main unit in such a heating system is a solid fuel boiler, which, as a rule, works on wood or coal.

The simplest furnace heating system includes a solid fuel boiler and a chimney that goes from the greenhouse to the street. Additionally, you can complete the system with pipes and radiators, which will allow you to organize the most efficient and high-quality heating.

The chimney needs regular cleaning from fuel combustion products.

Available on the market as normal wood stoves, as well as modern ones. Such devices do not need frequent filling of fuel and consume it as efficiently as possible.

Installing a solid fuel boiler directly in the greenhouse will cause the air and soil to dry out, as a result of which the cultivated plantings may simply die. To prevent this from happening, when installing a solid fuel boiler in a greenhouse, it is imperative to equip an air humidification system. Usually it is enough to install a large container of water.

Stove greenhouse heating is the most popular heating option. In addition, there is nothing complicated in arranging such a system - even a novice master will cope with the work. Also, solid fuel heating unconditionally outperforms electric heating in terms of cost. That is why the procedure for organizing heating of a greenhouse will be considered using the example of stove heating.

Arrangement of furnace heating of the greenhouse

First option

First step. In the vestibule of the greenhouse, lay out the brick furnace of the stove on a pre-equipped foundation.

Second phase. Lay out along the entire length of the room.

Third stage. Lead the flue pipe out of the greenhouse from the other side. As a result, the products of combustion will be effectively removed from the room, and the heat will remain inside.

Refractory brick prices

Refractory brick

Second option

1 - heating boiler;
2 - tank-thermos;
3 - circulation pump;
4 - relay-regulator;
5 - registers;
6 - thermocouple

First step. Prepare a large metal barrel. Paint its inner surface in two layers - this will provide protection against corrosion.

Second step. Make several holes in the body. To one of them you will connect the chimney. Others will be used to connect the tap and expansion tank.

Third step. Weld a sheet metal stove and insert it into the prepared barrel.

Fourth step. Weld a piece of pipe to the hole in the barrel to connect the chimney. The total length of the smoke exhaust structure should be at least 4-5 m.

Fifth step. Install on the barrel expansion tank. A capacity of 20-30 liters will suffice. You can buy a tank or weld it yourself from sheet metal.

Sixth step. Run piping around the greenhouse. Lay the pipes on the ground with a step of 120 cm. This arrangement of the heating elements will contribute to the effective heating of the soil in the places where plant roots are located.

Seventh stage. Install to force water circulation through the system.

Turn on the water supply and make sure all connections are tight. If leaks are found, seal them immediately. Only after that you can start testing the oven and take heating system into permanent operation.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself greenhouse heating

Boiler for a greenhouse from a gas cylinder

To work, you will need an empty gas cylinder directly, a coil (a U-shaped tube with threads at the ends), a metal grill, a gate valve, hinges and two metal door handles. You should also prepare a chimney pipe, taking into account the length of the greenhouse, a welding machine with electrodes, a drill and a grinder, pipes and a radiator for the heating circuit. For the front wall of the furnace, a small sheet of steel is required.

From these simple devices, a boiler with a water circuit is assembled to heat the country greenhouse.

Step 1

After making sure that the balloon is empty, we saw it with a grinder in two. One of the parts will serve as the body of the furnace, from the second we will make an ash box.

Step 2

We take the grate, make measurements and cut it so that the resulting segment fits inside the cylinder. We grab the grate by welding. Now the stove is divided into a fuel combustion chamber (2/3 of the volume) and an ash pan (1/3 of the volume).

Step 3

We put the cylinder on a sheet of steel, circle it with chalk, cut out the front wall according to the markings. Cut off 1/3 of the circle. From this piece we make the ash pan door by welding the handle and cutting out a semicircular piece for the bottom of the drawer from the second part of the cylinder.

We cut a rectangular hole in a larger piece of the wall. We weld hinges, a handle and a latch (latch) to the cut out rectangle. The door should tightly close the firebox.

Step 4

We introduce a coil (water circuit) inside the furnace. We make markings for the coil, drill two holes in the upper part of the furnace to bring out the ends of the threaded pipe. We weld the coil to the metal plate and the top of the furnace.

Trying on the coil

Step 5

We equip the chimney. We cut a hole for the pipe in the upper back of the furnace. We weld a pipe to connect the chimney. We monitor the quality, otherwise the draft and operation of the boiler will be impaired.

We weld the chimney pipe in such a way that it will pass at an inclination of about 20 degrees through the entire greenhouse. The chimney will exit through the back wall of the greenhouse, rising 1 meter above the roof. Be sure to consider thermal insulation at the point of contact between the greenhouse wall and the chimney, so that a fire does not happen.

We connect the chimney pipe to the furnace pipe using sheet asbestos and a coupling, tightening it with wire.

Step 6

We connect metal pipes for the water circuit to the ends of the coil that are brought out. The piping must contain an expansion tank and a pump that will pump water through the pipes.

Thus, the water heated in the coil will flow into the radiator, and when it cools down, it will again fall into the boiler. The chimney pipe will serve as an additional source of heat. Also, a long chimney will reduce heat loss, increasing the efficiency of the boiler.

Step 7

We install the oven in the greenhouse, having previously built a brick or concrete base and laying out a brick screen on three sides of the firebox. For stability, the furnace can be equipped with legs made of any fittings or long products.

We load fuel into the stove, ignite it, adjust the draft by opening or closing the firebox / ash pan door.

Many gardeners are interested in ensuring that the greenhouse does not stand idle during the cold season. But for growing plants in winter it is necessary temperature regime not less than +18°С. Farmers face a difficult task - to think over the heating of the greenhouse in order to collect several crops and have fresh fruits and vegetables on the table all year round.

To get an excellent result, you need to take care of the heating in the greenhouse

Arrangement of a year-round greenhouse

On sale for a long time there are ready-made greenhouse structures with high-quality heating provided. This is necessary in harsh climatic conditions for both farmers and private traders. If desired, you can prepare an ordinary greenhouse for use in winter time.

Heating in a greenhouse will help grow crops in winter

It is advisable to insulate the base so that hypothermia of the soil does not lead to a decrease in yield:

  1. The foundation can be a wooden platform. It is treated with an antiseptic and covered with a waterproofing material.
  2. The second option is pouring concrete with further insulation with foam.

A high-quality foundation base will significantly reduce heat loss in winter. But no less important role is played by the covering material for greenhouses. Most often it is glass or polycarbonate. Despite the external similarity, they have large differences in characteristics.

Glass perfectly transmits light, but its weight and inability to bend complicates installation, and high thermal conductivity does not allow maintaining a stable temperature during the day. Polycarbonate greenhouses are the highest quality constructions for year-round use. Having made heating in a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands, you can be sure of good early harvests.

In this video you will learn how to insulate a greenhouse:

Heating Options

When choosing a heating method, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of using your greenhouse, its area, climate, seedling varieties, types of heating in a residential building and financial possibilities. In a small greenhouse, it is impractical to install an expensive heating system.

It is also necessary to understand the main sources of heating:

  • solar;
  • biological;
  • furnace;
  • electric;
  • gas;
  • air.

Having chosen the appropriate method, you can mount the heating of the greenhouse with your own hands.

Natural Ways

Simple and economical natural heating methods are auxiliary. These are solar energy and biofuels.

The sun is the most economical form of energy

solar heating suitable for regions where the climate is mild and the average winter temperature does not fall below zero. For colder regions, this method has been used since March-April. In order for the plants to receive a sufficient amount of light and heat, the greenhouse must be placed in a well-lit place without drafts.

The transparent rounded roof warms up better in the sun. Such an arcuate shape of greenhouse structures is the most resistant to winds and various loads.

Warming organics

The use of biofuels has been proven for centuries. old folk way based on the ability of organics to release a large amount of heat during decomposition. Experienced gardeners use this to set up warm beds, mixing pet manure with compost made from rotted straw, bark residue, grass, leaves, or unusable fruit. Horse manure heats up especially quickly.

Manure will fertilize, and at the same time warm the soil

Instead of manure, you can use special dry briquettes, which do not have a specific smell, but are just as effective. To start, biofuels are added a little bit into well-loosened soil. When steam begins to flow from the beds a week later, they can be covered with fertile soil and seedlings can be planted. High warm beds are convenient and practical in terms of caring for them.

Natural cheap methods are auxiliary, because solar energy is not always enough to heat the greenhouse, and biofuel begins to decompose only at a certain temperature.

In case of frost, such heating will not save the plants, so it is impossible to do without capital heat sources in winter. Having studied the basic systems, you can make home-made heating in the greenhouse.

More about winter heating:

Basic heating systems

To maintain the optimum temperature in the greenhouse, there are different ways. The easiest is to install a greenhouse over a heating main laid in the ground. The main rule for all heating systems is the uniform distribution of warm air flows around the entire perimeter of the room.

It will not be difficult to make air heating a greenhouse with your own hands. For this piece steel pipe one end is introduced into the greenhouse, and the other is left on the street. A fire is kindled under it, warming the air in the pipe, which will be distributed throughout the greenhouse. This is an easy way, but not very convenient, since you need to constantly monitor the fire.

Gas heating has its advantages in terms of constant supply and affordable price. It will be more economical for owners of private greenhouses to purchase bottled gas than to carry it from home to the greenhouse. The main disadvantage of this method is the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which will inhibit the growth of plants. In this case, it is necessary to consider an exhaust hood for combustion products. Small gas guns are effective and safe to use. They can quickly heat a greenhouse with minimal gas consumption.

Warm beds can be made with your own hands

For heating by means of electricity, a variety of devices are used: radiators, infrared lamps, heaters, heat guns, cable equipment. The most economical way is to lay a special electrical cable along the beds. It is buried in the soil by 10 cm, after which it will heat the plants, consuming electricity depending on the power. Sometimes the cable is laid in the walls, which prevents the entry of cold. The heating cable is often installed as an additional source of heating.

The "grandfather" version of heating - stove - is very common among gardeners in rural areas. It does not depend on the supply of gas and electricity sources. The fuel for the stove can be wood, coal. It is not recommended to install a metal potbelly stove near the walls due to strong heating, because. because of this, the material of the greenhouse structure may be damaged. Such an oven must be installed in the center of the room on a solid foundation. Metal furnaces equipped with a water or air circuit can be located anywhere.

A brick oven is preferable, which keeps heat well and does not dry out the air. A special pipe with access to the street is designed to remove smoke and gases. A brick oven is great for heating a greenhouse on frosty days. The disadvantages of this method are the constant monitoring of the furnace and the quality of the fuel.

Heating of this type will warm both the air and the ground

Water heating is considered the most efficient and economically beneficial. This requires a solid fuel or gas boiler for heating water and several pipes. As an option - heating water with a boiler, followed by pumping into pipes using a pump. In this way, both air and soil can be heated. Do-it-yourself installation of water heating for a greenhouse is quite within the power of economic gardeners and farmers. You can also connect to a common heating system with a separate circuit for autonomy.

All heating methods have their pros and cons. Each gardener can find for himself the least expensive option in terms of finances and efforts. It is possible that this will be a whole heating system designed for long years work. Knowing the installation features of popular heating methods, having calculated the amount of cash investments, it is quite possible to make heating in a greenhouse with your own hands.

How to make heating in a greenhouse with your own hands:

If you decide to build a stationary greenhouse for year-round growing vegetables, then in any case, you need to solve the issue of heating it in winter and during the transition period. There are many various ways how to organize the heating of the greenhouse, and most of them can be done by hand. In the article we will consider these methods, as well as give recommendations on calculating the power of the heating system and choosing a source of thermal energy.

Types of greenhouse heating

There are really a lot of options for heating such structures, no less than for private houses. This is easy to verify if you study the projects for heating farm greenhouses of various sizes, posted on various Internet resources.

According to the method of transferring heat into the building, the heating system is of the following types:

  • air;
  • water;
  • combined with direct heating of the soil.

For reference. In large farm greenhouses, infrared heating is often used with gas or electric heaters.

In the first case, one or more heat sources directly heat the air in the building, which is easier and cheaper to implement. Do water heating in a greenhouse with your own hands it is more difficult, but the effect will be greater, since it makes it possible to heat the growth zones of vegetables, and not the entire volume of the building. Optimal solution- combined, when the planting soil and the air in the greenhouse building are heated separately.

When choosing a heating method, the question inevitably arises, what is the best way to heat a building, what energy carrier should be used for this purpose? There are several options here:

  • natural or liquefied gas;
  • electricity;
  • different kinds solid fuel(wood, coal).

The choice of energy carrier depends on the individual conditions in each case, so you will have to make it yourself. We will consider how it is possible to heat a winter greenhouse with one or another fuel and what system schemes are used for this. True, there are alternative sources of heat, such as solar collectors or geothermal systems. But the former are ineffective in winter, and the latter are incredibly expensive, so it makes no sense to take them into account.

Natural gas heating

This energy carrier is very convenient to use, although it will not work to conduct and connect it with your own hands, this should be done by a specialized company. If this point is not taken into account, and even the cost of gas for the population different countries CIS, then this is one of the best options for greenhouses. Using gas heating, you can organize an air, water and infrared method of heating a winter greenhouse.

A common practice is to install infrared gas heaters on the roof of the room. If the structure has a small width, then the units will be placed along the axis of the building in one row. It is important that all the beds fall within the coverage area of ​​the device in width (it is indicated in the operating instructions). When this is not possible, gas appliances placed in 2 or 3 rows.

The advantage of gas infrared heating in winter is the direct heating of the soil, and only then - the air in the greenhouse. The disadvantage is the need for a ventilation device to remove combustion products.

Another option is a gas boiler plus water system greenhouse heating. It must be understood that in greenhouse facilities the main task is to provide plants with heat, and not to warm people. To do this, wiring is carried out from smooth pipes with a diameter of not more than 40 mm over the entire area. Moreover, their laying is carried out along each bed at a height of 20-30 cm from ground level. It is allowed to use the following types of wiring:

  • the supply line is along one wall, the return line is near the other. They are interconnected by transverse pipes running between the beds;
  • supply and return are laid along one wall. Each heating pipe runs along one bed, and returns past another;
  • the pipe is laid with a snake over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, forming a single heating circuit.

Advice. Shut-off valves must be installed on each branch so that the circuit can be turned off when the plants are already harvested.

Additionally, in order to warm the air inside the building, it is recommended to place several heaters near the walls. Usually these are do-it-yourself registers made of smooth pipes. As you already understood, it will take a lot of work to install such a system, but you will only spend money on a gas boiler and its connection. You can go the other way: arrange air heating of the greenhouse by installing several gas convectors.

Electric heating

If we talk about the device of water electric heating, then it is carried out in the same way as gas. Only the source of heat we now have is different - a heating element, electrode or induction boiler. No permits are required for its installation, and therefore the work can be done independently.

It is even easier to make infrared heating with hanging appliances, they do not require ventilation for their operation. They are placed in the same way as gas ones, by fixing to the roofing part.

There is a variant of combined heating of a winter greenhouse, when an electric heating cable or a heating film is laid in the ground. At the same time, the space inside the building is heated by air heaters (fan heaters) or self-made oil radiators. Here the choice is entirely yours, as long as there is enough electrical power supplied.

It is noteworthy that electric heating winter greenhouses can be economical, despite the high tariffs. After all, the coldest time is the night, when the cost of electricity is minimal, you just need to use a multi-tariff meter. In addition, such systems are easily regulated and automated.

Use of solid fuel

Heating greenhouses with wood is the most common and cheap way, although troublesome. Most often, it is implemented using home-made stoves - brick or metal, for example, such as Buleryan.

One or more stoves are installed in the center of the structure, and its chimney is first laid horizontally and only then turns and goes outside. The goal is to extract as much heat from the flue gases as possible, so that the horizontal section can reach a length of 10 m.

Advice. A horizontal pipe should be laid with a slope towards the furnace in order to facilitate the passage of combustion products and improve natural draft.

When it is planned to install a water heating system, a solid fuel boiler is installed in the greenhouse or outside it. The first option is more preferable, since all the heat will remain inside the building, while the second one is used for the heat supply of several greenhouse structures from one solid fuel boiler. It is important to take into account 2 points: to insulate the highways passing along the street, and not to install shutoff valves on pipe sections outside the greenhouse.

How to choose a boiler for a greenhouse

Regardless of whether you decide to heat the building with wood or electricity, you must first find out the amount of heat needed for it. Here you can not do without calculation, and in order to complete it, you need to know the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor and the translucent part of the greenhouse. In addition, you need to find data on the lowest daily temperature for your area, as well as the average wind speed during that day. This information is specified in the standard called "Construction climatology and geophysics".

On the nomogram shown above, we find the graph corresponding to the lowest temperature. Then, from the abscissa axis (wind speed), we draw a line until we meet this graph and determine the specific heat loss in relation to the fencing coefficient along the ordinate axis. It is easier to show the calculation using an example for a greenhouse with a floor area of ​​700 m2, glazing - 980 m2. Then, with a wind of 4.7 m/s and a temperature of -30 °C, according to the graph, the value of Q/k is 388 W/m2.

Now we need to find the fencing coefficient k, it is equal to the ratio of the area of ​​translucent structures to the area of ​​the floor. In our example, k = 980/700 = 1.4, then Q = 388k = 388 x 1.4 = 543 W/m2. It remains only to find out the total heat loss by multiplying the specific (543 W / m2) by the area of ​​the polycarbonate greenhouse (700 m2): 700 x 543 \u003d 380,000 W or 380 kW.

To select a boiler for a greenhouse, you need to multiply the heat loss value by the safety factor. Whatever heat source you take - solid fuel or gas, it cannot work at maximum all the time. For those greenhouses that are built of polycarbonate or using glass, the safety factor will be 1.3, and those covered with ordinary film - at least 1.5.

Advice. Solid fuel boiler is always better to choose long burning with a one and a half power reserve and large firebox sizes. This will save you from frequent loading of firewood or coal in the middle of the night.


The organization of heating a winter greenhouse is a simpler event than a heating device for a residential building. Here, almost all the work can be done independently, if you have the appropriate skills. The main thing is to choose a suitable heat source and energy carrier. Finally - the traditional advice on energy saving: in greenhouses it is very important to insulate the floors under the beds, which will provide significant savings. For this purpose, foam plastic with a thickness of at least 100 mm is well suited.

The need to heat the greenhouse was and remains relevant. The organization of a certain temperature regime in it at any time of the year makes it possible to operate the structure with maximum efficiency.

When solving this problem, one should proceed from a holistic understanding of the need for heating, an understanding of the goals of the greenhouse and financial possibilities.

Why is greenhouse heating needed?

For the successful development and fruiting of plants, a certain constant microclimate is required. In conditions when solar energy is not enough for this, it becomes necessary to equip the greenhouse with heating devices.

To determine to what level the temperature needs to be raised, simple mathematical calculations should be made. Each crop has a known temperature that is required for its growth. The temperature of the atmosphere in the area where economic activity is carried out is also known. Thus, the difference between these two values ​​will give the desired result.

Sometimes for economic needs boiler used

Plants under conditions close to optimal grow much better and at a faster rate, in addition, the crop can be harvested almost all year round. In addition to the plants traditional for our latitudes, it becomes possible to grow heat-loving plants that are typical for a hot climate. Plant growth and reproduction can be stimulated by heating the soil. In addition, the conditions created in the greenhouse will prevent the death of plants during frost or from an excess of moisture.

Criteria for choosing heating in a greenhouse

The main factors influencing the choice of heating device in the greenhouse are:

  • dimensions of the heated space;
  • type of heating device in the house;
  • financial opportunities.

Modern types of heating equipment are able to satisfy any needs of the customer. The specifics of each particular case are taken into account. Despite the fact that the organization of heating is individual in nature, one should take into account general rules, one of which is the need to create uniform heating of the entire heated volume.

Heating must be even.

Satisfying this condition is not always possible when the heating is local. It is possible to reduce the temperature difference by volume by using a fan. However, in this case, the opposite effect can be achieved due to heat loss through the cracks. The use of electric heating can solve the problem. Uniform heating of the greenhouse space can be achieved using water heating or a massive convector.

In addition to the implementation of this task, heating must meet the following criteria:

  1. The humidity of the greenhouse atmosphere should be within the limits conducive to the normal development of plants.
  2. To minimize heat loss, it is necessary that it be supplied gradually from the lower horizons of the room.
  3. The optimal option for organizing heating should provide for the rational use of funds at all stages of the construction and operation of the heating system.
  4. Control and management of heating should be simple and convenient.

Heating methods

By its nature, heating can be natural and artificial.

The meaning of the first of them is widely known. In this case, when exposed to sunlight penetrating the greenhouse cover, a greenhouse effect is created. This heats up the soil and plants. The use of this method is suitable from mid-spring when growing crops that love warmth. To get the most of the sun's energy, you need to do right choice location of the greenhouse, which would be protected from drafts and open to sunlight.

Heating greenhouses from the sun

This method is not suitable for solving the problem of year-round supply of fresh vegetables. The problem has a solution if artificial heating is organized in addition to the greenhouse effect.

Electric heating

Electric heater

Enough convenient way greenhouse heating is the use of appliances powered by electrical energy. Electric heaters equipped with a fan are widely used due to their advantages:

  • relative low cost;
  • design mobility;
  • in addition to heating the room, they contribute to the movement of air;
  • with sudden changes in temperature in the greenhouse, it is possible to quickly maintain it at the required level;
  • the ability to control the temperature in a fairly wide range;
  • temperature uniformity throughout the room is ensured;
  • blowing warm air helps to remove condensate on the surface of the walls of the greenhouse.
Air circulation in the greenhouse

There are designs of electric heaters that are able to circulate air masses without heating it.

It should be understood that in order to create uniform air heating, most often, it is not enough to use one such heating device. It is necessary to place heaters so that hot air does not directly affect the plants, so that they are not harmed. They are best positioned so that they are below the plant racks.

Cable heating

This method of heating a greenhouse is gaining popularity, as it has several advantages:

  • no significant material investments are required for the installation of equipment;
  • the possibility of achieving savings in the process of work;
  • management and control of the heating system does not require special skills;
  • uniform distribution of heat over the area of ​​the greenhouse.

Heating with a heating cable

In order to install the cables, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil. At the bottom of the ditch, a heat-insulating base of sand is created. The heat insulating material must be moisture resistant and durable. In its capacity, you can use polyethylene foam or expanded polystyrene.

The cable is laid in the sand in the form of a snake. The distance between the turns should be 150 mm.

The minimum thickness of the sand layer is 50 mm. As a protection, which is located on the sandy layer, an asbestos cement sheet or a metal mesh with small cross-section cells is used. Fertile soil is poured on top of the structure, the thickness of which should exceed 350 mm.

Heating organized in this way makes it possible to create the required temperature regime in accordance with the stage of plant development. At the same time, the yield increases by an order of magnitude. Reliable cable protection creates a safe operating environment and allows you to achieve cost savings.

infrared heating

The use of infrared heaters is becoming more and more wide application, and they replace traditional air greenhouses in greenhouses. The relevance of infrared heating is due to the following advantages:

  • plant germination increases by 30-40%;
  • heat transfer is carried out directly to the heating object (soil, plant), so it is possible to organize zones in the room with different temperatures;
  • air heating comes from heated soil;
  • the design allows you to easily install and, if necessary, move to the right place;
  • energy savings is about 40-60%;
  • the intensity of heating can be regulated over a wide range;
  • the service life is more than 10 years.

Comparison of plants with and without heating

The return of such equipment is on high level at minimum investment money and installation time. Energy is not spent on heating the air, but is used to heat the soil. In this case, there is a significant difference in the temperatures of the air in the greenhouse and the soil.

The heating element can be made in the form of a standard light bulb.

Therefore, to install it, it is enough to screw the element into the ceramic base.

Greater efficiency can be achieved by staggering the rows of heaters. This will avoid the formation of so-called dead zones and evenly distribute heat over the greenhouse area.

Gas heating

Application efficiency gas equipment for heating greenhouses is at a high level.

Gas heating can be implemented using various devices:

  1. Infrared heater. It is equipped with a special chamber from which heat is transferred using infrared radiation.
  2. Injection burner. It uses an open method of gas combustion. The heating rate of the greenhouse volume is high, it is possible to heat greenhouses of considerable size. This is made possible by high-intensity air circulation in the vicinity of the flame.
  3. Water. The device is similar to the traditional heating system of a private house.
gas heating

Usage gas heating greenhouses have a number of specific features and disadvantages:

  • the implementation of this method is possible if there is a gas supply line or uninterrupted supplies of bottled gas;
  • the need to build a ventilation system and organize the entry of fresh air into the greenhouse;
  • high explosion and fire hazard of gas equipment;
  • installation and operation of the gas heating system must be agreed with representatives of the relevant organization.

Solid fuel systems

The relevance of burning for energy production does not decrease over time. This also applies to the use of solid fuel systems for heating greenhouses, which is due to a number of advantages:

  • the price of fuel is at an affordable level;
  • the autonomy of the system becomes possible due to the absence of the need for gas and electricity supply. This circumstance allows the construction of heated greenhouses in remote locations;
  • efficiency of heating units.

Solid fuel systems for heating

The following solid fuel systems are most widely used:

  1. infrared. In fact, it is well-known to everyone, which is installed in the central part of the greenhouse. The cost-effectiveness of the design is achieved by the low cost of the heater itself and low energy consumption.
  2. Water. All the advantages of heating systems running on gas or electricity fully apply to water heating on solid fuels. At the same time, when using the latter, significant savings are achieved by reducing operating costs.

It should be noted that such systems are imperfect and have certain disadvantages:

  • at all stages of the construction of the heating system, it is necessary to provide reliable fire protection;
  • the cost of equipment increases with the organization of the system operating in automatic mode.

emergency heating

May require emergency heating in winter

Absolutely trouble-free greenhouse heating systems do not exist. Failure may occur due to a breakdown of the unit or interruptions in the supply of energy. To save the crop, zealous owners create a backup option for supplying heat.

An emergency heating device can be implemented from improvised means. Alternatively, bricks soaked in a liquid capable of burning can be placed in a metal container. Having installed this structure near the greenhouse, they equip a pipe that transmits heated air to the greenhouse room. As a result, a thermal curtain is created.

The motivation for building a heated greenhouse is different. It is needed for year-round cultivation of vegetables. And also to extend the period of cuttings garden plants and successful wintering of young seedlings. The purpose for which a winter greenhouse is built directly affects the way it is heated, the degree of illumination, and a number of other factors. specifications. In the article, we will consider how to build a winter greenhouse with our own hands using the example of a polycarbonate structure. And also consider in detail the methods of its heating.

Types of winter greenhouse heating

Before you build a winter greenhouse with heating, you need to calculate how long it should stay there certain temperature. If the greenhouse is used for growing mother plants and their further cuttings in January-February, then it is enough to bring the temperature in the greenhouse to +10 ºС. For growing vegetables, you will need at least +20 ºС. Based on this, it is worth choosing the most cost-effective heating method. Let's look at a few basic options.

  • Tip: if you only need to raise the temperature in early spring when there are no severe frosts, then the "grandfather" method will do. Under a layer of earth of 20 cm, fresh manure is placed in its pure form or mixed with sawdust. From above, the soil is spilled with warm water and covered with a film. When rotting, the temperature of the manure rises to 60 ºС. This process takes 4-6 months. and warms the earth and the air above it quite well.

Electric way of heating a winter greenhouse

Since electricity is one of the most expensive heating methods, it is only suitable for small greenhouses that have high tightness and, preferably, thermal insulation of the foundation.

The most popular electric heating systems

  • heat gun. It consists of a heating element and a fan. Efficiency depends on the power of the device. The heating of the greenhouse occurs very quickly, and thanks to the fan, warm air is distributed evenly. But it should be borne in mind that the air at the outlet is very hot and it must be placed at a distance from the plants.
  • Electric convector. The air in the greenhouse will heat up more slowly, but oxygen will be conserved. It will be more comfortable to work in such a room. Air enters it from below and, heating up, leaves the upper section. Therefore, when growing plants, it is recommended to set it not very high. Among the shortcomings - high power consumption. Pays off only in commercial greenhouses.

  • fan heater. These inexpensive household heaters are perfect for small greenhouses. It is enough, approximately, to heat one greenhouse measuring 3x6 m. The flow of warm air is more narrowly directed, in contrast to the convector. But thanks to mobility, it can be placed anywhere and rearranged if necessary.

Tip: when using these electrical appliances, you must remember that when insufficient power or a small number of them, the heating of all the air in the greenhouse can be uneven, which will greatly affect the growth of plants. In addition, warming the air, they practically do not affect the temperature of the soil.

The "warm floor" system in winter greenhouse

  • Uniform heating from below is the best way maintaining a uniform temperature of the soil and air in the greenhouse. In addition, such a system can be equipped with an air temperature sensor. Which will help automatically maintain the set temperature. Organizing a warm floor in a greenhouse is easy.
  • First, a layer of soil is removed to a depth of 30-40 cm. Non-woven geotextile material (lutrasil, spunbond, etc.) is laid on the bottom and a layer of sand 10 cm is poured. Level and compact.

Tip: if there is a risk that moles can damage the floor, then the first layer, even before the geotextile, is laid with a protective mesh.

  • Then a heater is placed. It is best to use moisture resistant boards. For example, foam plastic (it is better not to use polystyrene, it is spoiled by mice).
  • Next is a layer of waterproofing. The cheapest is plastic wrap. And a chain-link mesh on it.
  • On top again a layer of sand of 5 cm. It must be carefully leveled and compacted. A waterproof cable is laid out on it. It is arranged serpentine with a distance of 15 cm.
  • 5 cm sand is poured on top and a chain-link mesh is laid. It remains only to pour fertile soil.

Furnace method of heating a winter greenhouse

  • Almost all summer residents have an incomparable stove "potbelly stove". This is an inexpensive way to heat a room, which is often used for greenhouses. With relatively inexpensive fuel, it warms up and keeps the temperature in the greenhouse for a long time, even in winter, up to 20 ° C.

Tip: old and modern potbelly stoves are heated with firewood, scrap wood from pallets, and even shavings. The last 2 types of fuel in excess are offered free of charge in any city. And in addition to heat, the output is wood ash - a storehouse of trace elements for plants.

Of the minuses, the following can be noted:

  • heating will always be uneven. The oven will be much hotter. In this case, air exchange will not occur. Therefore, either it is placed at a distance from the plants, or a fan is installed next to it;
  • open fire is used - and this is a fire hazard. It is required to observe safety precautions and not to place flammable objects nearby;
  • you have to constantly throw up fuel, which means you have to constantly be near the greenhouse.

Advice: stove heating suitable for ground heating. For this, pipes from the stove are laid underground. Passing through them, warm air heats the soil and, rising up, heats the air.

Water heating for winter greenhouse

Water heating of the greenhouse can be made natural or forced:

  • natural- when water is heated in the boiler, its volume expands. And it independently enters through pipes to radiators. Pipes are mounted in a slope;
  • forced- there is a pump in the system that drives heated water cyclically;
  • but the greatest effect when heating a greenhouse in winter can be achieved by setting double-circuit system. In this case, one circuit is the pipes of a warm water floor, which are placed under the soil, and the second circuit is radiators for heating the air. This significantly accelerates the growth of plants, creating a favorable microclimate for them, when it is warm both at the roots and under the roof of the greenhouse. In addition, by supplying the system with a thermostat, the temperature will be maintained automatically.

Infrared heating for winter greenhouse

This method of heating has several advantages:

  • air heating starts very quickly, almost immediately, at the moment of switching on;
  • you can purposefully warm up a certain area with plants;
  • works silently;
  • has a wide choice of methods of fastening;
  • no oxygen is burned during operation. And the absence of a fan eliminates the formation of dust, which adversely affects the plant, when settling on the leaves;
  • the air does not dry out and high humidity is maintained in the greenhouse. Which, in turn, creates a favorable microclimate for planting;
  • the presence of thermostats will allow you to easily select the desired temperature;
  • due to the fact that there are no mechanical moving elements in IR heaters, the service life without repair is very long, even with round-the-clock use;
  • compactness makes them convenient for use even in small greenhouses or greenhouses;
  • IR heaters belong to the fireproof class of equipment.

What difficulties will you encounter when choosing this method of heating a winter greenhouse:

  • the initial installation of IR heaters will be quite expensive;
  • a large number of fakes of well-known brands of equipment, so being tempted by a lower price, there is a risk of a quick breakdown of the device;
  • it is important to accurately calculate the right amount heating elements, based on their power, room volume and possible heat loss.

Where is the best place to place an IR heater in a greenhouse? To a greater extent, it depends on individual conditions: the size of the greenhouse, the power of the equipment and the range of heating with IR rays. But there are a number of universal requirements:

  • the most successful placement is above the landings;
  • the minimum distance from the lamp to landings is 1m. In order to maintain this distance as it grows, it is recommended to mount it on suspensions;
  • or use weaker heaters permanently fixed under the roof of the greenhouse. The temperature near the ground will be slightly lower, but, on the other hand, a large planting area will be heated;
  • for a standard country greenhouse, these heaters are recommended to be mounted with a minimum step of 50 cm. 2-3 devices are enough for a 6x3 m greenhouse;
  • if you need to heat a large area, then it is more rational to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern to exclude cold zones.

What to look for when choosing an IR heater for a winter greenhouse:

  • in pursuit of large yields, summer residents sometimes use industrial IR heaters in their small greenhouses. They emit short wavelengths that guarantee accelerated plant growth. But you should know that they will negatively affect health. Therefore, before purchasing a heater, you need to pay attention to the scope of its use;
  • even for commercial greenhouse heating, you should not choose electric IR emitters. Electricity consumption will be extremely costly and economically unprofitable;
  • Ceiling IR heaters are generally designed for high production greenhouses. For domestic purposes, devices are sold on tripods or wall-mounted;
  • on average, one industrial heater is able to heat a greenhouse with an area of ​​up to 80-100m², and a domestic one up to 15-20m².

Do-it-yourself winter greenhouse with heating

Consider how to build a winter greenhouse from modern material - polycarbonate

Do-it-yourself foundation for a winter greenhouse

  • An important aspect of construction is the creation of an energy-efficient space, without gaps and cold bridges. Therefore, it is recommended to build a foundation. But before you fill it, you should lay all the necessary communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)
  • It can be columnar or on piles. But in this case, you will need to sheathe it and additionally insulate it. Better to do strip foundation. A trench 15-20 cm wide and 50 cm deep is dripped for it. A sand cushion of 5 cm is poured onto the bottom and formwork is mounted.

  • Placed in the formwork waterproofing material, place the reinforcing cage. It remains to pour concrete.
  • It is advisable to pour concrete only to ground level, and then lay it out with moisture-resistant red brick. If you pour the solution higher, then you must remember that the concrete will have to be waterproofed and closed from the outside and from the inside. If this is not done, the moisture that enters its pores freezes and expands in winter, which leads to microcracks and further destruction.
  • If the plinth is laid out of brick, then to reduce the cost of construction, you can use used brick, most importantly, choose red - it is more moisture resistant.

Do-it-yourself frame for a winter greenhouse

  • The frame can be ordered ready-made from metal arcs. Or cook it yourself, then the greenhouse will be with gable roof. If there are no welding skills, but you want to build the cheapest, then the frame is made of wood.
  • Since the greenhouse will have high humidity all year round, the boards for the frame need to be prepared. They are cleaned with a grinder or sandpaper. After that, they are covered with special antiseptic impregnations. Additionally, it can be treated with liquid waterproofing, for example, with a primer.
  • They begin to assemble the frame from the bottom strapping. To do this, a beam with a section of 10x10 cm is placed along the perimeter of the foundation.
  • The step between the vertical beams depends on the snow cover in the region. If there is a lot of snow, then the step between the racks should not exceed 60 cm. Putting them more often is also not rational, the light transmission will decrease, and the price of the building will increase.
  • On top of the wall racks, a strapping is also made from a bar with a section of 5x5 cm. They are attached to it with the help of metal corners of the rafters. Every 2 m, it is desirable to strengthen the roof with a horizontal beam, which is attached to the upper trim between the roof slopes.

Tip: to make the winter greenhouse as energy efficient as possible, a small vestibule is placed at the entrance with additional door from polycarbonate.

  • Polycarbonate is attached from the outside, thickness is chosen 8 or 10 mm. Fix it on self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket.

How to build a winter greenhouse with heating video

Do-it-yourself installation of a greenhouse heating system

Consider the example of water heating.

Helpful Hints:

  • the stove is placed in the greenhouse itself, as it will also radiate heat;
  • for fire safety, the stove should be installed on a non-combustible base. If heating will be carried out by a portable potbelly stove, then a flat metal sheet is enough. If the stove will be laid out stationary from bricks, then a concrete base is poured under it;
  • in the winter greenhouse, ventilation in the form of a window must be provided;
  • all pipes that will lead directly from the furnace to the heating system must be made of metal. The use of PVC pipes is allowed only at a distance of 1 m from the heater;

  • for water circulation, an expansion barrel is mounted as high as possible.

Stages of work

  • For proper heating winter greenhouses need to ensure the warming of the soil. For this, high-strength water heating pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are used.

Tip: Invest in initial stage and supply the heating system with an automatic control unit. This will allow you to change the temperature depending on the degree of development of plants.

  • For efficiency, heating pipes in the ground should be insulated from the bottom so that all the heat goes only up. A layer is removed in place of future beds fertile soil. A protective mesh from the mole is placed at the bottom, a film is placed on top of it to hold the sand.
  • A layer of sand 5-10 cm is poured onto the film and heating pipes are laid in a serpentine pattern with a step of at least 30 cm.
  • In order for the soil to warm up evenly, the pipes are covered with a layer of sand 5-10 cm. A fertile layer of earth is poured on top.

Heating the winter greenhouse with warm smoke

  • A standard potbelly stove is capable of heating a greenhouse area of ​​​​10-15 m2. It must be located away from the walls of the greenhouse. So, if they are made of metal and glass, then they recede 30 cm, if they are made of polycarbonate, then not less than 60-70 cm.
  • What old models of furnaces, what modern ones, consist of the same structural elements: a firebox, a chimney and a pipe. Fuel is thrown into the furnace, where, when burned, it emits heat, or rather warm smoke. He, passing through the pipe inside the greenhouse, heats the room and goes out into the chimney.
  • Start with the foundation for the stove. This will protect it from falling into the ground and a possible fall. A pit is dug under it with a depth of 40-50 cm. Its dimensions depend on the stove and on whether it will be lined with bricks in the future.

  • Then a sand cushion and a drainage layer are poured at the same time. At the bottom, with a layer of 20 cm, put a mixture of crushed stone and sand. There you can add fragments of bricks.
  • From wooden planks build a bridge. So that when pouring it does not warp, the gap between the pit and the boards is filled with sand. Fiberglass reinforcement is placed inside and filled with concrete. A film or roofing material is placed on top and left to harden for 2-4 days.
  • If you want to raise the foundation, then erect directly on top of the foundation brickwork on a clay-sand mortar (cement may crack). During operation, you must constantly use a plumb line and level so that the site is in an absolutely flat horizontal plane.
  • If it is possible to make fire-resistant walls around the stove, then it is better to bring the furnace hole outside so that it can be heated from the street. This will reduce energy consumption (no need to constantly open and close the doors of the greenhouse) and avoid smoke inside the room.
  • To reduce the cost of construction, you can make a simple potbelly stove with your own hands. To do this, choose the most simple form- rectangular. To heat a winter greenhouse with a size of 15m2, it is enough to make a stove with a size of 50/30/40 cm (l/w/h).

  • First, they make a drawing of the future stove and transfer it to a heat-resistant sheet metal. Elements are cut out by a grinder. First of all, the bottom of the furnace and 3 walls are welded. Stepping back 10 cm from the bottom, metal corners are welded, a grate will be laid on them (you need to buy it in advance in a store or make it yourself). The cell size is 2-3 cm2. In the future, the fuel will be placed on the grate and during combustion, the ash will fall down, where it is convenient to clean it.
  • Traditionally, the chimney is made from above, therefore, before the cover is welded, a hole of 12-15 cm is made in it. But if the soil is supposed to be heated, then the chimney is placed on the side or below.
  • On the front wall of the future stove, 2 holes are made with doors (the doors can be bought ready-made or made from a sheet of metal and attached to heat-resistant hinges). Fuel is loaded through one, and ash is cleaned through the second.
  • A small piece of pipe is welded to the hole from above. In the future, a chimney will be attached to it.
  • The stove for heating the winter greenhouse can be overlaid with bricks, which will reduce the risk of a fire, and also increase the heat transfer time. Which is especially true for winter nights. If this is not done, supports are welded to the structure.
  • If the greenhouse is small, then, as a rule, they make one chimney pipe that runs through the entire greenhouse and exits under the ridge. If you want to heat a large room and warm up from below, then the chimney is assembled from pipes of equal diameter by welding or special coupling adapters. Welding allows milking absolute tightness. And when using couplings, clay is applied to all joints under them. A chimney is attached to the stove by any of these two methods.

Tip: when using the stove in a winter greenhouse, you need to correctly lay the chimney pipe system. For them, trenches of 30-40 cm are dripping on the beds, in increments of 50-100 cm. nonwoven fabric, then pipes are placed and covered with expanded clay. A fertile layer is poured on top.

  • When heating the air, supports are made for the chimney so that it rises smoothly and at the outlet is above the level of the stove. This will ensure uniform heating and traction at the same time.

  • At the end of the chimney, a chimney is welded through which the smoke will exit the greenhouse to the street. The pipe is wrapped with foil heat-insulating material so that it does not heat the roof elements. The end of the pipe is protected with a spark arrestor.
  • Furnace heating strongly dries the air. For plants in a greenhouse, this is bad. Therefore, often a metal container for water is placed next to the stove. It will provide watering with warm water and evaporating, increase the humidity of the air.

If the question arose of how to build a greenhouse for winter cultivation, then it is necessary to proceed from the average temperature. If for southern regions Any of the above methods will work, then middle lane and northern regions will need to install a gas or electric system.