Computer shuts down while playing warface. What could be the reasons when the computer or laptop turns off in the game

Good afternoon friends. A lot of people on our planet are gamers. Some to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. In the game it is very important that when passing difficult obstacles and levels, the computer works fine. But, there are situations when the PC turns off in the midst of a game. Why does my computer turn off while playing? Let's start the analysis.

Imagine the following situation: - the game is in full swing, there are no lives left, passions are running high, and suddenly, the computer freezes and a black or blue monitor screen appears. The PC is restarting. Very unpleasant, especially when only a few minutes remained before the victory. You have to start the game from the beginning. Although, it is better to first understand the causes of the problem and fix the computer freezing. Only then can the game continue.

The computer turns off during the game: what to do?

Strong dustiness

The most common problem of such a PC shutdown is the banal overheating of the boards and hard drive. Why does overheating occur? During the game, the movement of the HHD disc increases many times, it becomes very hot. At this time, its temperature can rise beyond 80 0 C, that is, it will become critical. The video card and processor also heat up. At the same time, the protective mechanism of the CPU is activated and the computer is turned off.

What needs to be done? First of all, you need to find out the temperature of the hard drive, video card and processor using (or similar). Further, if the temperature is critical, the disk must be cooled. In the screenshot, the temperature of the video card is 92 ° C, this is a lot! In this case, the video card needs to be cooled urgently.

To do this, remove the cover of the system unit, check the hard drive and the cooler for dust. Dust retains heat very well, so it needs to be removed.

To do this, we take the system unit to fresh air (balcony) and carefully blow the computer out of the compressor. You can simply take an old vacuum cleaner, put the hose in the blow hole, and blow the entire system unit. If there is no old vacuum cleaner, we buy compressed air in a computer store and blow it through.

Then, brush off the dust with a stiff bristle brush. If you did everything right, the computer will heat up much less.

The laptop should not be disassembled, in this case, if Speccy showed the critical temperature of the hard drive (video card), the computer must be taken to a specialist so that he himself checks the cause of the heating and eliminates it.

Also, do not put your laptop on the bed, especially on the pillows. On pastels, it will absorb dust and get very hot, as pastels are excellent at retaining heat. Work with a laptop on the table. I can advise you to purchase a special stand for laptops with fans, which will perfectly cool the laptop, and it will stop heating up.

Blue screen of death

If during the game arose or, you need to urgently solve the problem. I already wrote about them, so I advise you to follow the links and read the articles. In addition, a similar effect may occur due to driver conflicts. Therefore, I advise you to update them, for example, free. You do not need to remove the old drivers yourself, the program will find outdated drivers and replace them with the latest ones.

Enable all processor cores

Perhaps you do not have enough processor power and the computer just does not pull the game? Also, have you checked how many CPU cores you have? After reinstalling Windows, the system automatically connects only one. We need them all to work.

In order to find out how many cores we have connected, turn on the Run utility by pressing Win + R. In the line, enter msconfig, click OK.

In the new window, click "Advanced Options".

So, in a new window, I see that one processor is involved, while I have two. We put a tick over the number of processors, and set their number.

We pay attention to the "Maximum memory". The checkbox must be checked, and at the same time, at least 1024 GB should fall on one processor. I have two of them, so the system automatically set 2048 GB. If you have 4 processors and 2 GB of memory, you need to put 2 GB in this window to avoid conflict between processors and RAM. We've fixed another issue.

Processor overheating

If you notice through Speccy that your processor is overheating, you need to eliminate the cause of overheating. In the screenshot, the temperature of the processor is 101°C. This is the critical temperature!

Here are the main reasons:

  1. Thermal paste has dried up between the processor and the cooler;
  2. The processor started to work incorrectly (broke) and needs to be changed;
  3. The fan on the cpu stopped working.

If the thermal paste begins to dry out, you need to carefully remove the cooler, clean the processor surface from the old paste layer, apply new layer thermal paste. On the surface of the processor in the middle we apply literally 1 - 2 drops of paste, and evenly distribute it with a plastic ruler (spatula, you can use a plastic card) over the surface.

The paste layer should not exceed 1 mm. Then, put the fan in place, after carefully lubricating it with oil (peel off the sticker and drip a drop of oil through the syringe). But, there are nuances in this process, so if you have a vague idea of ​​​​how to change thermal paste, entrust this matter to a professional. Otherwise, you can damage both the CPU with the cooler and the motherboard.

Power Supply

Each element of the computer takes part of the electricity from the PSU. The video card takes more than other computer nodes, especially when the owner is a fan of complex energy-intensive games. In one of these cases, the PSU may simply fail, and the PC will automatically turn off.

Here, it is best to replace the PSU with a more powerful one, or choose a video card that matches the Power Supply.

If you decide to change the PSU, carefully look at its characteristics. For simple programs, a 350W unit is quite suitable. Graphics games require a 500W PSU.


Viruses don't often shut down a computer while it's working. But it might be like that. Therefore, your computer should have a decent antivirus with a firewall, (preferably 2 in one). For example, ESET INTERNET SECURITY or similar. When the name of an antivirus contains the word SECURITY, it means that it is also a firewall.

If you do not have an antivirus, go to the site DrWeb cooler, agree to provide statistics and download the antivirus. Then, run the antivirus (preferably in safe mode) and check for viruses.

Having found the pests, we put them in quarantine or delete them. As I already said, but I advise you to re-read the article.

If your computer turns off during the launch of the game, then you need to conduct an analysis. Does the PC shut down during a certain game, or during any? In the 1st case, you can simply refuse this game. But if you need it, check it out system requirements and, if necessary, change the PSU or video card.

If the shutdown is performed during the launch of any game, re-read the article and apply one of the methods.

Also, you can fix the problem by viewing the event log and understanding the cause of the failure. But, this should be done by a professional.

Output:- The computer freezes and turns off during the game for many reasons. I have listed most of them. But, if they do not help, it is quite possible that the matter is in the game itself. In this case, browse the Internet for as much information about her on the gaming forums as possible. Good luck!

Perhaps, every user has encountered a spontaneous shutdown or reboot of a personal computer at the most crucial moment of an exciting game. However, even laptop owners often wonder about it while playing.

This behavior of the computer system may indicate that there is a hardware failure, and if appropriate measures are not taken, then there is a possibility of an early failure of any component. Of course, it can be taken to a service center for diagnostics and repair, but sometimes the reason is so simple that paying for "recovery" seems not very reasonable. In this article, we will point out why during games by listing the main reasons for such a failure.

lack of power

Each component, being a complex electronic device connected to the motherboard, consumes electricity. Her general meaning should not exceed the capacity of the power supply. For example, if the power supply is capable of delivering 250 watts, then the total consumption of the entire system unit should not be more.

For high-quality sources, 30% of the reserve is quite enough, but in budget options where the indicated and actual values ​​differ significantly, this difference cannot be less than 50%. If this rule is not respected, then you should not be surprised why the computer turns off during games. To calculate the total power of the system unit, you can use two methods:

On special pages on the Web (there are quite a lot of such resources), type the number and type of components and click "Calculate";

Find out the power of each element on the manufacturers' websites in the "Specifications" section and sum them up.

To make sure that the reason that the computer turns off during games is a lack of power, it is enough to turn off some of the components, reducing the load on the unit. So, you should temporarily remove flash drives, additional hard drives, remove overclocking. If possible, it is necessary to check the performance with a more powerful power supply.


Often, users who are interested in the question of why the computer turns off during games lose sight of the fact that the system unit needs to be periodically cleaned of dust. Gradually, the cooling systems are covered with household debris (dust, lint), which has a low thermal conductivity. As a result, the efficiency of heat dissipation is reduced, and under high load (during games), overheating of the components occurs. The reason why the computer turns off during games, in 90% of cases, is precisely the banal clogging of cooling systems. You can check the heating using the AIDA64 program by opening the “Sensors” tab in it. The problem is solved simply: you should remove the case cover, in one way or another (but without water), clean the radiators and fans. The same is true for laptops. Unless their disassembly differs due to design features.

Software and hardware errors

In some cases, errors in drivers are the cause of such failures. You need to install a different version of the control program for the video card.

Also, do not exclude the possibility of failure of some components. As an example, we can recall the story of the dump of chips in video adapters with nVidia chips - the cards simply stopped working for no apparent reason.

Why does my computer turn off while playing? This question is asked by many PC gamers, especially in the summer. Of course, first of all, users pay attention to the power source, thinking that they just turned off the light.

But the fact is that the computer is a much smarter device than many people think. For example, a computer has a built-in self-protection mechanism that turns it off if one of the internal components becomes very hot. Most likely, the computer turns off during the game to protect itself from fire.

We've put together a guide of five of the most common reasons why your computer shuts down while playing.

  1. Dirty fan / overheating

One of the first and most likely reasons why the computer turns off while playing is overheating. This is the bane of most computers, especially laptops.

As we said before, computers have a built-in mechanism that shuts down the computer if any of the components get too hot.

To solve this problem, you need to find out why the computer began to heat up more. Quite often, a dirty fan is the cause of this. Open the computer case and take a close look at the graphics card fan, CPU fan, and case fan. If any of them make screeching noises, it's probably broken.

If you haven't opened your computer case for a long time, due to which the internal components are covered with dust, hair and other debris, search the Internet for how to properly clean the fan in your computer.

  1. Equipment failure

Another common reason that the computer turns off during the game is a hardware failure. If you have recently upgraded any of your computer's components, make sure that the new graphics card, processor, hard drive, power supply, etc. are not causing problems with your computer.

  1. Incorrect charger voltage

If the computer shuts down while playing even when playing at medium settings, the problem is most likely with the charger/power supply. Many games require charging device with more high voltage, from 100 to 240 W. However, most computer users do not understand this and use chargers with 90 watts or even less.

  1. Display driver failure

If you have reinstalled operating system or updated the drivers on the computer, this may be the reason that the computer turns off during the game.

AMD Display and AMD Catalyst Suite are the most common display drivers known to crash quite frequently. To determine the driver that failed, check the system reliability log. More details in this article.

  1. Computer virus

A more rare reason that the computer turns off during the game is a virus.

Usually, such viruses are activated when you press a certain key combination or perform some other action. Be sure to run a full antivirus scan to make sure you don't have any security issues.


Do not forget about the cleanliness of your computer, not only inside, but also outside. Regularly clean the computer case and fan from dust and dirt. If you have a laptop, buy a dedicated cooling pad. It is the overheating of the internal hardware that causes the computer to turn off during the game.

If the computer turns off during the game, it is time to service its hardware and software shells. Both of these can be the source of the problem.

The reason for this may be a number of software and hardware factors.

We will talk about the reasons for an abnormal shutdown (putting the PC into hibernation mode) and ways to get rid of them in this article.

"Crooked" repack of the game

It is highly likely that the problem is caused by a low-quality game installer downloaded from the Internet, because not all gamers purchase licensed copies of video games. Many authors of so-called repacks make mistakes during the compression of installation files in order to reduce their size, add fresh patches to the installers and the software required for entertainment to work.

In the event that other gamers complain about a similar situation, delete the game and download it from trusted sources, download a repack of a trusted author, or better, spend some money and buy a disc or an official copy of the game, supporting its publisher and developers.

When downloading/purchasing games, carefully study their system requirements. When the characteristics of the computer do not match them (too weak PC), the components will work at their limits, which will not only shorten their life, but also make them generate a lot of heat. And without good cooling, this is fraught with rapid overheating of the central or graphics processors.

Overheating of the processor / video adapter

Modern games are very demanding on the PC hardware shell, and running such an application on an outdated computer, if it is possible, then the hardware, working at maximum frequencies, will quickly warm up.

When the temperature sensors reach their limits, they will signal an immediate interruption in the power supply to the motherboard and the computer will turn off during the game.

Thus, manufacturers of computer components protect them from premature failure due to overheating. If the system does not turn off in time, and the PC runs when the temperature of its processor or video card exceeds the maximum allowable temperature, the electronic component will simply burn out.

Overheating can occur for several reasons:

  • contamination of the fan, radiators, tubes and all elements of the boards with dust;
  • operation of any link of the circuit in abnormal mode (capacitor swelling, transistor breakdown).

Pollution is fairly easy to deal with at home. To do this, we arm ourselves with tools (a screwdriver for unscrewing the case cover, napkins, cotton swabs or a piece of cloth to remove dust).

Advice! Dust and other small debris can be removed with a can of compressed air, a powerful hair dryer or vacuum cleaner.

We unscrew the side cover of the system unit, carefully remove all the dust, especially accumulated on the cooling elements (cooler, radiator).

If possible, we replace the thermal paste on the central and graphic processors, which should be done at least once a year and if you are confident in your actions. Otherwise, it is better to contact the service center to a specialist or to a friend who has the appropriate skills.

In most cases, the problem is precisely dust, hair and other debris that clogs the fan and seals the radiators / heat pipes, which worsens their thermal conductivity, as well as thermal paste that has exhausted its resource.

Utilities that display sensor indicators, such as HWMonitor, AIDA, HWInfo, will help you monitor the temperature dynamics.

In the second case, it turns off due to a violation of the integrity or abnormal operation of its component (s), only users who are savvy in the field of radio engineering can do without contacting a specialist.

It is difficult to find a broken transistor at home, but it is not difficult to visually detect a swollen capacitor, and even a beginner will do it. It is better not to decide on an independent replacement of the motherboard element and trust the specialists.

They will also check the power supply and replace it if the performance of the old one does not meet the requirements.

Driver conflict or malfunction of one of the CPU cores

Outdated or vice versa, new drivers may conflict with the OS kernel, games or other applications, and also contain errors (especially new and beta-testing drivers). If the previous instructions did not bring positive results, we download the latest drivers for the chipset and video card from official pages developer.

It is better not to use applications for updating drivers, especially when using Windows 10, as well as the update center for this OS. Download and update the software manually.

An error that causes a power outage may be written to the event log. To search for it, we follow the instructions below, having previously achieved the situation so that the PC turns off during the game.

We go to the Control Panel.

Switch the rendering method of its icons to icons.

Call the Administration applet.

Double click on Event Viewer.

In the vertical menu in the left frame, expand Windows Logs.

We switch to the "System" section and in the central frame of the same name we find an event with a red round icon and the name "Error".

To simplify its search, we sort the events by time and focus on the approximate time the computer was turned off the last time the game was started.

Open the "Event Properties" and study it.

Based on the information received, we conclude that the culprit is not always possible for a beginner to do, but with the help of search engines, you can at least find out what the file that causes the PC to stop is responsible for if it does not apply to drivers.

Sometimes Windows assemblies are the causes of the problem in question, so their use is not recommended, despite all the convenience and time savings received when reinstalling the system.

Cleaning the startup list will also not be superfluous. Unnecessary applications that run in parallel with Windows only consume system resources.

  1. We execute msconfig in the search or the Run window (opens with Win + R).

In the top ten, a list of autorun applications can be found on the tab of the same name, but in the Task Manager.

As you can see, the range of problems is large, and it will not work to find, let alone solve at home, some of them (a swollen capacitor), and timely PC maintenance will reduce the likelihood of unpleasant situations with equipment overheating.

The picture in the games has become so realistic, as a result, the load on the computer components is enormous. In this case, the user may experience slowdowns not due to a weak computer, but due to other factors. Moreover, this may lead to a situation where computer shuts down while playing. Let's see what factors can lead to such a situation.

Overheating of the processor or video card

As a rule, the main reason for shutting down or restarting the computer while playing the game can be due to overheating of the video card. When the critical temperature is reached, the system automatically decides to turn off. More often there is a reboot, as a result of which, the temperature drops significantly. This is a forced measure that will save your equipment, because if this did not happen, and the video card continued to work at an exorbitant temperature, it would irrevocably fail. Therefore, this action will significantly save your money, because the video card costs a lot.

The reasons for overheating of the video card may be the following:

  1. poor adaptation (optimization) of the game itself for a specific video card model;
  2. the presence of an abundant amount of dust and dirt in the system unit (laptop case);
  3. video card cooling is not working properly.

Poor adaptation

The first reason is solved in the software part: set lower settings or install special add-ons that are largely able to reduce the load on the component parts (including the video card).

An abundance of dust and dirt

The most common reason for the computer to restart while playing is the presence of an abundant layer of dust and dirt inside the system unit. Any pollution leads to poor circulation of clean air inside the system unit. All the heat that is released by the components rotates inside and in this case, even the most powerful cooling system is not able to cope with the increasing temperature of the video card.
There can be only one way out - open the side cover of the system unit and clean it. This can be done both with a brush and a vacuum cleaner, but in the second case, be extremely careful, because one awkward movement, and you can damage one of the components of the computer. Some experts argue that the side cover should not be screwed at all so that the flow fresh air continuously entered all the components. This approach has the right to life, but in this case, the dust will be collected more intensively and the system unit will have to be cleaned more often. Before cleaning, be sure to disconnect the system unit from the power supply.

Poor graphics card cooling

The third reason can also be related to the second: the fans on the video card are covered with an abundant layer of dust, and they begin to function poorly or stop spinning altogether. For a complete cleaning, you need to remove the video card and thoroughly clean it, as well as lubricate the fans with engine oil (if you have never done this, it is better to contact a specialist or a service center). Also, it will be necessary to replace the thermal paste between the heatsink and the video card processor.

The reason for the reboot may be overheating of the CPU. This happens, again, due to or the thermal paste is completely burnt out. Remove the cooler, clean it of dust and apply a new layer of thermal paste.

Checking the temperature of components using auxiliary software
In order to make sure that the problem of turning off the computer is due to temperature, you can install one of the many programs that will show the exact data of all the parts that are used to operate the computer. The most popular software for temperature detection is SpeedFan and AIDA64 (the latter is paid). After installing one of the utilities, launch it and periodically minimize it while playing and view the data that SpeedFan or AIDA64 captures. In this way, you can find out exactly what is causing the reboot or shutdown of the system.

Other reasons for turning off the computer

If you are sure that the reason for turning off the equipment during the game is not due to the critical temperature, then you should pay attention to installed block nutrition. When playing one of the games, energy consumption also increases and the power supply simply does not have enough power. In this case, you will need to replace the power supply with a more powerful one. Also, it may malfunction, in which case it must be taken to a service center for repair.

If you have had a computer for more than a year, a situation may arise when the capacitors on the motherboard swell and do not work at full capacity. By the way, when the capacitors swell, at a certain time the computer will completely stop turning on. If this problem occurs, you also need to take the motherboard to a service center, where you will solder the old capacitors to new ones.

The question of a lack of voltage in the mains may also be relevant, but in this case, the question is definitely not for technology, but for electricians.