Kraton flower care. Croton at home

Croton (Croton), also called "Joseph's cloak", or codiaeum (Codiaeum), is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family. The most popular among flower growers is not the scientific name codiaum, which means “head” in Greek, but croton at the same time, no one knows for sure what this word means. There is an opinion that this name comes from the name of a city located in southern Italy, in which Pythagoras once founded his own school, or maybe in one of the dialects this word is translated as “bush” ... This plant comes from the Pacific Islands and North Australia, and also from Southeast Asia and India. According to information taken from various sources, this genus combines from 17 to 1200 species, however, only variegated croton, as well as its hybrids, are grown at home. Such a flower is the most beautiful of all decorative leafy house plants, it can become the main decoration of any room, and due to its compactness, it does not take up much space. In some countries such home flower is the keeper of the hearth, while he protects the home from bad energy.

  1. Bloom. Croton is an ornamental leafy plant.
  2. illumination. Until noon, the bush should be provided with bright sunlight, while after that - a slight shading or diffused bright light.
  3. Temperature regime . IN summer time from 20 to 22 degrees, and in winter - at least 16 degrees.
  4. Watering. Watering should be regular and moderate.
  5. Air humidity. It must be elevated. The bush must be regularly moistened with a sprayer and washed with foliage, and another 1 or 2 times a month he needs to arrange a shower.
  6. Fertilizer. From April to November, the bush must be fertilized with a complex mineral fertilizer for decorative leafy plants, this is done 1 time in 2 weeks. The rest of the time, feeding is carried out 1 time in 4 weeks.
  7. rest period. IN winter time.
  8. Transfer. Young bushes - twice a year, and adult specimens - 1 time in a couple of years.
  9. reproduction. Seed method and stem, as well as leaf cuttings.
  10. Harmful insects. Mealybugs, scale insects, nematodes, spider mites.
  11. Diseases. Gray rot and sooty fungus.
  12. Properties. Such a culture has poisonous juice.

The croton plant grown at home is a bush with leathery leaf plates, the shape of which can be very different: oblong-lanceolate, asymmetric, pointed or obtuse, three-lobed, broadly ovate, entire, notched, etc. Young leaves are usually painted in a paler greenish-yellow color, after a while the color becomes brighter burgundy and green, in connection with this, such a plant looks like an elegant tree in autumn. For all varieties and varieties, a common feature for leaf blades is a distinctly pronounced venation. Croton blooms not very effectively. So, during flowering, axillary pendulous brushes are formed, consisting of inconspicuous cream-colored flowers.

The croton houseplant is one of the most capricious flowers, which is quite difficult to care for. Care features:

  1. in juice this plant contains strong poison which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or contact dermatitis. In this regard, gloves must be worn when working with a bush.
  2. Croton needs high humidity. That is why it is necessary to systematically moisten the bush from the spray gun, and in addition to this, wipe the leaf plates with a moistened soft cloth or sponge. In the summer, the bush should be provided with a regular warm shower, which is carried out once every 4 weeks.
  3. This plant reacts extremely negatively to drafts, and also to cold water used for irrigation.
  4. In some cases, at the beginning of the growing season, it was noticed that the foliage of the bush takes on a variety of unusual forms. Scientists today cannot give an exact answer to what this is connected with. However, it should be borne in mind that this culture has a very high degree of mutability, which is why breeders managed to bring out so many different hybrid forms and varieties that differ from each other only in the appearance of leaf plates.
  5. Croton flowering is unattractive, but it takes a lot of strength from the bush. If you are not going to collect seeds, then cut off flower buds or flower stalks immediately after they form.


Such a plant needs bright sunlight, but direct sunlight will not be able to harm it only in the morning or evening. In connection with this summer, it is recommended to put a pot with a bush on a north-facing window, while in winter a south window sill will do. Experts recommend, if possible, to move the bush outside in the summer, and you need to choose a place with bright diffused light.

Temperature regime

In the warm season, Croton feels best at an air temperature of 20 to 22 degrees, and in winter it should not fall below 16 degrees.

It is necessary to select such an irrigation mode given flower so that the clod of earth in the pot is constantly a little damp, while water should not be allowed to stagnate in the root system, because this may cause rot to appear on it. Water should be used well-settled, but better filtered, and it should not be cold.

Air humidity

In order for such a plant to grow and develop normally, it needs high humidity. In this regard, it must be systematically moistened from a sprayer or wipe the foliage with a moistened sponge. And in the summer, he will need a regular warm shower, but during this procedure, you must ensure that water does not enter the container with the substrate.

From April to November, top dressing is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks, they do it on a pre-moistened substrate, using a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for this. In winter, the flower is fertilized only once every 4 weeks.


In order for the croton crown to be neat and spectacular, young bushes need to be pinched regularly, and pruning in adults. The first pinching is carried out after the height of the bush becomes 15 centimeters, and the next - every time the stems grow 20 centimeters. If an adult bush was cut off, then all the places of the cuts should be sprinkled with sulfur powder or crushed charcoal. Flower buds or young flower stalks, immediately after they form, should be cut off, because the flowers of this plant do not represent any decorative value, however, the flowering process itself takes away strength from it and negatively affects the effectiveness of leaf plates, as well as its health.

While the bushes are young, they will need to be transplanted once every six months, adult specimens are transplanted less often, namely, once every 2 years. When choosing a new pot for transplanting, it should be borne in mind that it should be only 20 mm larger than the old one in diameter. After the bush is planted in a pot with a diameter of up to 25 centimeters, it is no longer necessary to transplant it, instead, it will be necessary to replace the top layer of the substrate with a new one regularly once a year.

For transplanting and planting, you need to use a soil mixture, which consists of river sand, as well as peat, sod and leafy soil (1: 1: 1: 1). Transplantation is recommended to be carried out by transshipment. To do this, the flower is carefully removed from the old container along with a clod of earth and placed in a new pot. At the same time, try to maintain the integrity of the earthen coma. Do not forget to make good drainage in a new pot, which should occupy at least ¼ of the container.


With the onset of autumn, the plant is transferred from the northern window to the southern window sill. You also need to reduce watering, but still, the substrate in the pot should be constantly slightly damp. In the cold season, it is also necessary to moisten the foliage from the sprayer and wipe it with a moistened soft cloth or sponge, but the number of these procedures must be reduced. Such a plant does not need to arrange a shower in winter. Top dressing at this time of the year is carried out 1 time in 4 weeks, however, some experienced flower growers are sure that in winter Croton can do without them at all.

Reproduction methods

When growing croton in room conditions seeds are used for its reproduction, but only if we are talking about hybrids. For sowing, it is necessary to use only freshly harvested seed, the fact is that it loses its germination capacity very quickly. If you decide to use this method of propagation of such a plant, then you must remember that the process of growing croton from seeds is very long and that grown plants, as a rule, will not be able to maintain varietal characteristics.

The seeds of such a flower are quite large. They need pre-sowing preparation, for this they are kept in hot water(about 60 degrees), and then leave for 24 hours to swell. The seeds should be buried in the substrate by 10 mm; after sowing, the container is removed to a warm place (about 22 degrees). Until the first seedlings appear, the substrate in the container should be moistened exclusively with bottom watering. After the third leaf plate is formed at the seedlings, they should be picked into individual pots, reaching 70 mm in diameter. You need to care for seedlings in the same way as for adult bushes.

This flower can also be propagated by cuttings. The apical cutting takes root the easiest and fastest, the length of which should be from 60 to 100 mm. In the case when you need to get several cuttings at once, the shoot is divided into several parts, while taking into account that each resulting cutting should have one healthy leaf plate, as well as at least one internode. Most quickly, the roots give semi-lignified or lignified cuttings. Places of cuts should be washed with running water to remove from them the secreted milky juice, which is poisonous. After that, the cuttings are left for 3 hours in the open air, during which time the cuts will have time to dry.

At the apical cutting in its upper part, the leaf plates must be shortened by half parallel to the veins, while all foliage should be cut off from its lower part. The lower cut is treated with Kornevin, after which it is placed in a vessel with water, which should always be heated to 23-30 degrees (to prevent the development of rot). The container with the handle is removed under bright diffused light and wait until it grows roots. After the length of the regrown roots is 20 mm, the plant must be planted in a new pot filled with soil mixture for croton (see above). After planting the cuttings during the first decade near the bush, it is necessary to maintain increased air humidity; for this, the plant is often moistened from a spray bottle. When the cuttings are accepted, their leaf plates will restore turgor.

Pests and diseases of Croton

Nematodes, spider mites, mealybugs and scale insects can settle on croton. However, most often he suffers from spider mites, and why this happens and why this flower is so attractive to this pest, experts cannot say for sure. In some cases, having tried all the ways to deal with ticks and having failed, the grower decides to get rid of the diseased plant. However, do not forget that if you follow all the rules of care, then pests will not settle on your flower. And the most common causes The appearance of mites on the plant is irregular watering, insufficiently high humidity, as well as unsystematic wiping of leaf plates. To get rid of a mealybug, spider mite or scale insect, use a tobacco solution to which soap is added, it is used to wipe the aerial parts of the bush. After 60–90 min. after processing, the composition must be carefully washed off from the plant, while it should not get into the soil mixture.

Mistakes in caring for croton can cause various problems, for example:

  1. Leaves have fallen on the bush. In the event that the croton has lowered leaf plates, this indicates that it cannot absorb moisture. This is due to the fact that root system is in the cold. Such a bush must be transferred to a well-lit and warm place, it is watered only after the top layer of the soil mixture dries a few centimeters deep, top dressing should be stopped for a while. After the foliage is well moistened from the sprayer, a transparent cap or bag should be put on the bush.
  2. Bush dries up. If only the lower leaf plates of a flower dry up, then this is a completely natural process, as a result of which the lower part of the stem is exposed. If the air humidity is not high enough, then the croton has a drying of the tips of the foliage, it should be noted that optimal level humidity for it is about 70 percent. If brown spots form on the foliage and the edges dry out, this means that the room is cold and the bush is freezing. Drying and flying around the foliage is associated with excessively rare or poor watering.
  3. Foliage flying. It has already been said above that the fall of the leaf plates may be due to improper watering or excessively low air humidity. Another bush can shed foliage if the room is very cold, it has been exposed to a draft or due to sudden changes in temperature. What to do if the bush began to drop foliage? Remember the rules for caring for such a plant and understand where you made a mistake, and then try to correct it.

Types of croton with photos and names

At home, variegated croton is cultivated, it differs in that it can change the color and shape of foliage depending on the conditions in which it grows. Due to this, it is this species that breeders most often use for their work, as a result of which a large number of hybrids, varieties and varieties have been born.

Croton motley (variegatum) - in the wild it can be found in China and Pakistan. The height of the bush is about 3 m, it is decorated with brownish-green leaf plates with short petioles. This species has several forms that differ in the outline of the leaf plates: adnexal, lobed, flat-leaved and decorated, thanks to which many varieties were born:

This large shrub or tree is adorned with rich maroon foliage with bright pink spots. There is a variety with golden foliage with almost black spots, and also a variety in pink and yellow.

In the wild, it grows up to 4 m in height. Such a highly branched shrub is adorned with spectacular foliage, which can be lobed, oval or pointed, it is painted in dark green and has a rich yellow border and the same shade of speckling and veining.

The lobed foliage in the upper part has a green color with yellow veins, and in the lower part it is painted in a brick-brown color.

The foliage has a shape similar to oak leaves, in the upper part it is greenish-yellow, and in the lower part it is burgundy-red.

In addition to these varieties of variegated croton, flower growers are popular with such as: Molluk croton, "minus", genuine, oval-leaved, tortoiseshell, curly and spiral.

Croton is decorative a deciduous plant originating from the Euphorbiaceae family, the genus Croton.

The historical homeland of Croton is the forests of Southeast Asia, the Malaysian Islands, some islands of the Pacific Ocean and India.

In nature, you can find crotons up to 3 meters in size, but at home, only with great effort you can reach a maximum of 1.5 meters - you need to spend a lot of effort on this. However, the price justifies the remedy as this small tree will all year round decorate your home and become a good friend.

The shape of croton leaves depends on the species, just like their variegated colors. The most common type of croton (Croton Motley) has a laurel-shaped leaf, but hybrids of this species can be found with curving, twisted, lobed, forked and ribbon leaves.

Plant watering mode

Light requirements

For Croton, it is very important to monitor the lighting, because it is precisely thanks to the light the plant acquires its unique variegated coloring of the leaves. If you do not follow the light, and the lighting is insufficient, then the leaves of the croton will become ordinary green.

The lighting regime is not the same throughout the year: in winter, it is better to put Croton under direct sunlight, and in the spring their direct hit should be avoided by exposing the plant to the East or West, that is, to the soft rays of the sun.

temperature requirements

The upper temperature threshold is 26 degrees, and the lower 17, the optimal temperature for Croton is 20-22 degrees Celsius, it should be maintained the same throughout the year.

It should be remembered that dry air harms Croton, it loves moisture, so it would be advisable to use a humidifier.

Fertilizer and top dressing for croton

Young crotons need to be regularly transplanted into fertile soil, and the soil itself should be fertilized regularly during the growth period of the plant. For this, various complex or mineral fertilizer for ornamental deciduous plants, they should be applied to the soil only after watering.

Fertile land should match the soil in which crotons grow in the wild tropical nature. The substrate for planting or transplanting a plant can be prepared at home, for this you need to add to the soil in equal proportions:

  • Peat,
  • Humus,
  • sifted sand,
  • Turf land.

In order to avoid harmful microorganisms that cause diseases and pest larvae in the soil, it is necessary to freeze it or ignite it. If you add a few pieces to it charcoal this will prevent root rot.

Croton transplant

For croton transplantation, use shallow and wide containers. The drainage layer (at the bottom of the pot) should be at least 3 centimeters, for this you can use expanded clay, broken brick or regular fine gravel. The pot itself must be placed in a gravel pan, in which there will always be water. This will permanently maintain the moisture of the earthen coma.

Planting or transplanting plants is usually carried out in summer or spring. Croton should be placed in a small hole in the soil so that its root system does not touch the drainage layer.

Young crotons require annual transplantation, it should be carried out in the summer or spring. Mature plants require transplanting as the pot fills with the root system. At the same time, the volume of the new container should not greatly exceed the volume of the old one, and the diameter should be 3-5 centimeters larger, and before transplanting, it is necessary to fill the pot with quality fertile soil. You should not transplant croton if you do not know exactly how to do it in a timely and correct manner, this can only harm your plant or even ruin it.

By pinching off the upper shoot of the plant, it can be given the shape of a bush, although its natural shape of its crown is that of a small tree. However, you should not count on a quick crown formation, since the side shoots grow much more slowly than the stem.

Croton reproduction

If you care for Croton correctly and it is actively growing, you can think about it. reproduction. When flowering, croton forms seeds, with the help of which reproduction occurs. Seeds are usually sown in January or February, first soaked in growth stimulants. The container with seeds is covered with polyethylene, after which they are waiting for their germination.

However, in most cases, cuttings are used to propagate croton, and this process should begin in the spring. To do this, it is necessary to cut a 10-15 cm cutting from the main stem, immerse the cut in water to wash off the milky juice, then dry it, and to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the leaves, you need to tie the leaves of the plant into a tube. After that, the cutting is planted in a container and covered with polyethylene. The pot should be placed in a warm place and wait about a month - that's when the rooting of the cutting occurs.

Croton flowering at home

Regrettably, croton flowers have no decorative value. Flowering is happening very rarely, and the flowers themselves grow small and ugly. Moreover, in order to increase the viability of Croton, it is recommended to remove flowers in a timely manner.

Croton diseases and pests, methods of dealing with them

Frequently asked questions about growing croton?

  • Why doesn't croton grow?

Croton's poor growth is usually due to poor light. Light is critical for croton growth, so winter period time it grows much worse than in summer.

  • Why do croton leaves dry?
  • Why croton sheds leaves and what to do?

Do not worry if croton sheds leaves periodically - this is a natural process for many plants, but if croton sheds a lot of leaves at once, it can be the result of poor watering, insufficient air humidity, sudden temperature changes, unfertilized soil or spider mites.

  • Is croton poisonous?

Croton juice is poisonous. Its entry into the gastrointestinal tract causes vomiting and liquid stool and skin contact may cause dermatitis. It is worthwhile to handle the plant with care, and after any operations with it, it is recommended to wash your hands.

Croton care video at home

Despite the fact that croton looks like a strong and tenacious plant, it is one of the most whimsical to care for. Croton requires no less attention than pets, and an unscrupulous and irresponsible attitude towards Croton is likely to lead to his death. However, if you decide to take on this difficult role and you are not afraid of difficulties, you will be rewarded with a plant of amazing beauty that will create a wonderful atmosphere at home and will delight you throughout the year.

My beloved sister is a great lover and connoisseur of indoor flowers. Once she gave me a very beautiful croton. This bush with large multi-colored leaves was a real decoration, until one day the leaves of it began to fall one day. And for no apparent reason. And then he completely died.

When my sister asked how her gift was doing, I couldn't forgive myself for neglecting the flower. I urgently bought the same one, put it at home and began to carefully study all the nuances of caring for croton.

So now I am also a great specialist in growing these beauties. I'll have a whole garden of them soon. Therefore, I can devote you to all the subtleties of caring for and growing croton.

The croton plant is also known as codiaum and Joseph's cloak. The very word "croton" is translated from Greek as "head".

There are various legends associated with this plant. It is believed that Croton patronizes the family hearth and is able to protect the house from negative energy.

The natural habitat of this plant is the eastern part of India and other countries of Southeast Asia. You can find these bright bushes in Australia and America.

It is because of its variegated, colorful leaves that the codiaum has become so popular and loved among flower growers. A bright handsome croton is perfect as a decor for any room. This variegated bush at home can grow up to 1.5 meters in height.

Care is not difficult, you just need to know some of the nuances and follow certain rules if you want to grow such exotic beauty at home.

In its natural environment, this representative of the Euphorbia family can grow up to four meters in height. At home, hybrid varieties are grown, the growth of which is not so great. But they are able to surprise with the variety and beauty of large, juicy, leathery leaves, which densely adorn the erect stem.

Different types of codiaums differ in the variety of colors and the shape of the leaves. There are representatives with long leaf plates, and there are elliptical or three-fingered ones.

There are species with an ovoid shape of the leaf plate, as well as long, lanceolate.

You can find a bush with leaves that have a bizarre wavy bend. The color of the leaf plates is also varied. The diversity of flowers is amazing: there may be various shades of green, yellow-burgundy and pink, brown and purple.

As the bush grows, the color of the leaf plates gradually changes from lighter to ever darker and more saturated shades.

Variegation is present in the form of large and small spots, stripes and stains. It is the catchy brightness of the foliage that attracts the eye, while the nondescript small brushes of yellowish flowers remain completely invisible.

At home, flowering bush does not happen very often. If, nevertheless, the croton has bloomed, then it is better to remove the flowers, since the plant spends its energy on their flowering, thereby slowing down growth and development.


Of over a thousand known species, home growing only one type of codiaum was chosen, very decorative, with various form and leaf colors. This is the motley codiaeum or Codiaeum variegatum.

Quite a prominent representative of fertile tropical forests. It can grow up to three meters in height. Depending on the variety, its brown-green leaves are different in shape and shades:


The leaves are shaped like oak. The top of the leaf plate is painted in yellow-green tones, and the bottom is burgundy-red.


This representative has large lobed leaves, the lower part of which is painted in a dark brick color, and the top of the leaf plates is green with yellow spots and stripes along the veins.

Mrs. Aiston

It grows in the form of a lush tree with variegated, bright leaves. The color of the leaf plates has shades of pink, with yellow and black fragments and various spotting.

Very decorative variety of croton with black and red leaves:

Spiral Spirale

The amazingly shaped leaves of this subspecies are simply unique. They have a long shape that twists around the central vein.


Crotons are very unpretentious in their care. Growing a tropical curiosity at home is a pleasure that is not difficult. But there are some rules, and they must be followed.

Illumination and temperature

This plant loves light. For him, you should choose a bright place in the house. Croton signals a lack of lighting by changing the color of the leaves. Their bright variegation is lost and fades, the leaf plates turn green.

But direct sunlight can burn the leaves, so in the summer you need to carefully shade the bush. Otherwise, spots may appear on them - burn lesions.

For the winter, the codiaum is moved to a more illuminated window sill, to the south. Since the native of the tropics is very thermophilic, then for the winter he should not lower the temperature of the content below +16.

The best temperature for Croton is 20-22 degrees. In the summer, you can take the bush to the balcony or terrace, not forgetting to cover it from the scorching rays of the sun and wind.


A native of the rainforests, the codiaum needs a familiar moist environment. To bring the conditions closer to natural, it is necessary to carry out regular spraying of the bush in spring and summer. In winter, spraying can be omitted if the house is cool.

However, in winter there is a risk of dry air due to the inclusion of heating. Therefore, if they work in the house heating systems, then the flower should be kept away from them, not forgetting to spray regularly.

You can increase the percentage of humidity in the room by placing an aquarium or just a jar of water next to the plant. Wet sphagnum or expanded clay moistens the air well, which can be placed on a tray with a pot.

The best effect will give special humidifiers, which are placed near the plant.

An indispensable condition for caring for a flower is to wipe the leaves with a damp soft sponge every week.

Watering and feeding

Watering the codiaum is carried out by constantly maintaining the soil in a moist state. Nevertheless, care must be taken to ensure that there is no stagnation of water in the root system.

Proper watering of Croton is a very important part of care. Excessive soil moisture will lead to rotting of the root system, and its dryness will entail shedding of foliage. The solution will be a mandatory thick layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot and regular abundant watering. When watering, it is necessary to ensure that the top layer of the earth does not dry out by more than one centimeter.

In the cool season, watering is reduced.

Proper care includes regular feeding with complex fertilizers for better decorative effect. The entire growing season is fed once every two weeks, and during the cold period - once every four weeks.

Fertilizers are applied only after watering, in order to avoid burning the roots.

Croton care, video:

Codiaum transplant

Croton does not need to be transplanted for the first three years. After the bush is transplanted as needed, every two to three years. In this case, the new container should be only a couple of centimeters larger than the old one.

Upon reaching a diameter of a new pot of 25 centimeters, no further transplants are made, but only the topsoil is renewed once a year.

Plant the plant in a wider and shallow pot. The bottom is certainly covered with drainage material. Its layer should be quite thick, more than three centimeters.

After transplanting, the bush should be watered and determined in a slightly shaded place. Aftercare is no different from normal.

Possible problems when growing croton

Poisonous codiaum juice insects prefer to bypass. However, dry air, poor watering, dust on leaf plates can provoke the appearance of a spider mite or scale insect.

If there are too many insects, then special chemicals protection.

Growing features

Croton sheds its leaves

This happens as you grow in small volume. At the same time, the lower leaves fall off. This is not a cause for concern. But when leaf fall begins with a massive drop of foliage, then there may be the following reasons:

  • draft, which is contraindicated for a flower;
  • dry air in the room;
  • improper watering, lack of moisture in the soil;
  • sudden temperature changes.

Croton leaves dry

If the lower leaf plates of the bush dry - this should not be a cause for concern. Because with growth, croton exposes lower part trunk.

Drying of the edges of the sheet and the appearance on it brown spots- evidence that the flower is freezing, it needs more heat.

With dry air in the room, the tips of the leaf plates may begin to dry on the plant.

But if the croton lacks water to feed the roots, then the leaves will dry and crumble.

The leaves of the codiaum have drooped

The reason for this phenomenon is most often hypothermia of the root system. It is necessary to rearrange the plant in more comfortable conditions, provide it with regular watering and spraying. Top dressing should be stopped for a while.

You can cover the bush with a transparent plastic bag for several days.

Croton is a beautiful ornamental evergreen plant. It is valued for its beautiful shape and original coloring of the leaves.

Origin of Croton

Croton, or codiaum, is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Indonesia, Southeast Asia, India, and some Pacific islands. It first appeared in Europe in the first half of the 19th century.

Croton is a plant that has a dense, smooth, erect stem, from which a large number of lateral processes extend. Some species do not have a trunk, the leaves depart immediately from the root.

Croton (croton)

Under natural conditions, the plant reaches a height of 4 meters and even more, in room conditions - up to one meter.

Belongs to the Euphorbia family. Croton juice is poisonous, therefore it is dangerous for animals and humans. If it gets on the skin, it can cause irritation; if it gets into the stomach, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, when caring for a plant, flower growers observe safety precautions: they put gloves on their hands. Tools and hands should be thoroughly rinsed with water after work.

Important! In the house, the codiaum is located in places where animals and children cannot reach.

How the houseplant croton blooms

The flowering period is the end of February-beginning of March.

The flowers are white with a yellowish tint and rather inconspicuous. Formed in the leaf axils of the plant. Collected in a medium-sized panicle, which is located on a dense peduncle. Bright sunlight stimulates the appearance of flowers.

Flowers are dioecious. Usually female flowers appear first, then male flowers. The flowering period is about a month.

Croton blooms greatly weaken the plant, so they are usually removed.

Descriptions of croton leaves

The perennial has hard and leathery leaves, outwardly resembling ficus leaves, located on petioles. Depending on the species, they can be ribbon-like, twisted, narrow, wide, large and small, have a shape from three-toed to oval, smooth or slightly wavy edges.

The color of the leaves can also vary depending on the species. There are plants with pink, dark green, olive, chocolate, raspberry, red leaves.

A relief pattern is clearly visible along the veins.

Attention! Croton leaves are usually two-colored, but there are species in which the leaf color consists of 5-6 colors.

Young leaves are usually green or yellow. Over time, they can change color, spots appear on them. different colors, and the bush takes on its bright and beautiful appearance.

Types and varieties of croton

Currently, more than 1200 species of croton are known. However, only codiaum Variegatum, its varieties and hybrids derived from it are suitable for growing at home. Currently, most hybrids are bred by US breeders.

dragon kind

The homeland of the plant is America. It got its name because of the red resin, somewhat reminiscent of blood. Mature plants look like trees with a thick trunk.

This resin is used in the production of varnishes, as well as in traditional medicine, as it has good antiseptic and analgesic properties. It is used in the treatment of various kinds of ulcers, for wound healing. Preparations with resin are prescribed for reduced immunity.

Croton Cascarilla or Eutheria

Under natural conditions, Cascarilla is a small tree. The bark has a pleasant sweet smell. It is used in the preparation of aromatic oils.

In medicine, oil is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory tract or stomach. It has antiseptic properties, so it is used for skin inflammatory processes. In cooking, it is used to make flavoring for liqueurs.

spiny croton

The shrub resembles dragon croton not only in appearance, but also in properties and scope.

The color of the leaves is green and red.

The resin is used in the paint and varnish industry for the manufacture of varnishes.

laxative croton

The homeland of the plant is Asia. It can grow as a shrub or small tree, depending on conditions.

Seeds are a valuable raw material for pharmacology. They produce an oil that has a laxative effect.

The oil is used in homeopathy, cosmetology, medicine. It is used in the treatment of eczema, herpes and constipation. However, the seed oil of the laxative croton is poisonous. When treating, you must strictly adhere to the dosage so as not to harm the body.

variegated croton

This is the most common type. On its basis, many different varieties and hybrids of crotons were bred for growing at home, such as indoor plants.

Leaves may have different shape: from spiral to oval. Painted in at least two colors. Usually these are combinations of colors of yellow, green, brown, pink and red.

Three-bladed crotons

The shape of the leaf plate of this species resembles an oak leaf. Visually, it is divided into three parts, with the central part larger than the side ones in size.

The leaves themselves are large, hard, leathery. The color is combined from green, yellow, red, brown, burgundy and other colors.

This type includes codiaums:

  • Excilent;
  • Nervia;
  • Disraeli;
  • Holuffianaa.

narrow-leaved crotons

This variety includes plants with long, but narrow leaves. They are used in the design of not only residential premises, but also offices.

The most optimal conditions for development are diffused light, warm moist air and moist soil.

This group includes:

  • Mammy;
  • Sunny is old;
  • Zanzibar;
  • Splashes of champagne.

The leaves are usually up to 30 cm long. Under favorable conditions, the plant can reach 1 m in height.

Lobe varieties of crotons

In this type of codiaum, the leaf plate resembles three-bladed varieties, but only it is solid.

The shape and dimensions of the leaf plate may also differ depending on the variety.

TO this species relate:

  • Peter;
  • Gold Sun;
  • Mrs Aiston.

On sale you can also see Croton Variegatum Mix. In the case of the sale of mix plants, it is not a specific variety of croton indoor flower that is offered, but an accumulation of several varieties and hybrids of codiaums, which can be difficult to identify.

Croton transplant after purchase in open ground

However, the croton flower should not be repotted on the same day it was purchased. Planting can begin after at least 10 days. During this time, the plant will acclimatize and tolerate the transplant more easily.

It is best to transplant a bush in the spring or early summer.

Attention! You can not transplant a croton flower during the flowering period.

What you need for planting croton

For optimal growth and development, codiaums need light and fertile land. To independently prepare the substrate, take turfy soil, fine sand, humus and peat in equal proportions. All components of the substrate are thoroughly mixed.

Additionally, a little charcoal or ash can be added to the soil. This will prevent the spread of putrefactive diseases in plants.

For planting, you can purchase universal soil for indoor plants in a specialized store. Also, for transplantation, it is necessary to prepare a flower pot with a diameter larger than the previous one by 3 cm, made of plastic or clay. An important condition is that it must have large drainage holes.

Choosing the best location

A warm sunny place, without drafts, is best for growing codiaum. With a lack of lighting, the leaves will lose their color variegation and become monochromatic.

Direct sunlight will not harm the leaves, but it is preferable that the light be diffused. It is best to place the flower on a window that faces west or east.

In order for the codiaum to feel comfortable and develop normally, the surrounding air must be humid. You should not place the flower next to heaters that dry the air a lot.

Step by step boarding process

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a flower pot.
  2. Sterilized drainage is poured at the bottom. It can be a crumb of broken red brick, expanded clay, polystyrene, etc.
  3. Part of the soil mixture is poured onto the drainage, which is lightly rammed and moistened.
  4. The plant is taken out of the pot. Be sure to monitor the integrity of the earthen coma. It must not be destroyed. It is better to use the method of transferring from one pot to another.

  1. Inspection of the root system. If rotten roots are noticed, then they need to be removed.
  2. Place the flower in a pot and fill the pot with the remaining mixture. In this case, you need to make sure that there are no voids between the earthen clod and the walls of the pot. The container can be periodically shaken so that the earth evenly fills the free cavities.
  3. After transplanting, the soil is moderately watered, the leaves are sprayed with water and the pot is placed in a warm shaded place.

If there is no desire to grow a tall croton flower, then transplantation is not necessary. If the earth is covered with a white coating, then it can simply be updated a little. To do this, carefully remove the top layer of soil (3-5 cm) and pour new soil on top.

Croton reproduction

A plant can reproduce in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds.

To obtain high-quality cuttings, lignified healthy shoots are selected. The stalk is cut from the apical part of the shoot 7-10 cm long with 2-3 leaves.

A piece of shoot is dipped into a glass of water and kept for several hours. Thanks to this procedure, the milky juice on the cut will not be able to dry out. Then the stalk is taken out of the glass, the remaining juice is removed and placed in a container with a sand-peat mixture. The cuttings are placed in a bright place. The air temperature in the room must be at least +25°C.

After about a month, roots form on the cuttings. After rooting, the plant begins to actively produce shoots.

Propagate flower cuttings better in spring or early summer.

Growing from seeds

Seeds are collected independently or purchased in a store.

Seeds are sown on the prepared sand-peat mixture and lightly crushed on top with the same mixture. They are pre-soaked in Kornevin's solution for better germination.

Then the container is covered with plastic wrap and placed in a warm place. It is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse daily. If the soil is dry, then the soil is sprayed. A month after sowing, shoots appear.

Croton home care

Many beginner flower growers do not know how to care for croton at home. In principle, it is not difficult, although there are some nuances.

Watering mode

Codium is a tropical plant, for which one of the important conditions for normal development is high humidity. It should be 70-80%. Therefore, it is important to regularly water the plant and spray the leaves with water.

In the hot season and during the heating season, spraying with warm water from a spray bottle will bring great benefits to the plant. Also periodically wipe the surface of the leaves with a damp cloth.

Attention! Dry air and drying out of the soil lead to the fact that the leaves will fall off. In addition, dry air favors the reproduction of weevils and spider mites - plant pests.

For irrigation, you need to use warm settled water. The soil flower pot should be kept moist all the time, but not waterlogged. Usually watering is carried out in warm time year 2-3 times a week, in winter - 1 time.

top dressing

In the spring and summer, croton is fed with a solution of mineral fertilizers, which is used for deciduous plants. The frequency of fertilization is 1-2 times a month.

In winter, top dressing is not performed or carried out, but not more than 1 time.

Preparing for winter

In winter, daylight hours for the plant should be at least 12 hours. Therefore, it is necessary to organize artificial lighting. If you do not arrange the backlight, then the leaves will lose their variegated color.

The ambient temperature must not fall below +17°C. Optimally, it should be in the range of + 18-20 ° C.

Flower pots should be removed from cold window panes and away from heating appliances.

Thus, caring for croton at home is simple, you just need to follow some rules so that this beautiful and festive flower pleases the household with bright colors.

Among the variety of indoor plants, the croton flower occupies a worthy place in apartments, houses and offices. In beauty, this shrub is not inferior to many flowering counterparts, thanks to the variegated spreading leaves, as if painted with an artist's brush.

Botanical description of codiaum

Croton attracts lovers of indoor flowers with decorative appearance.

Photo gallery

The progenitors of indoor croton arrived on the European continent from the tropical jungles of India, Southeast Asia and Australia. To grow a variegated plant at home, you need to maintain indoors certain temperature and air humidity.

To achieve the greatest decorative effect of croton leaves, you need to follow certain rules of care.

If they are not followed, the plant will develop, but will not stand out among the green mass of flowers with bright colors.

Croton or codiaeum (Codiaeum) in Greek means "head". For the bright colors of the foliage, this evergreen guest from the rainforests received other interesting names:

  • Joseph's cloak
  • colorful fireworks;
  • solar star;
  • home traffic light.

All names confirm the beauty of the plant and encourage you to get a pet in order to take care of it and enjoy the results of your efforts.

Croton belongs to the numerous Euphorbiaceae family, which has more than 1200 species; most of them grow in tropical and subtropical climatic zones. Codiaums living in natural conditions occupy the middle tier of tropical forests, and some specimens reach a height of 3 m. Large variegated leaves match the colorful flora tropics.

Codium is a perennial. Being in comfortable conditions, the shrub can reach 10 years of age. The older the flower becomes, the more capricious it is, therefore, for beginner flower growers, the life expectancy of a plant is 3-5 years.

Indoor varieties of croton have a positive effect on the atmosphere of the room. Broad leaves purify the air from the dust that settles on their surface. The flower needs regular watering, which allows you to maintain the level of humidity in the room. The chemical compounds that codiaum releases into the environment have a beneficial effect on nervous system of people.

Some species, due to their large size, are best bred in greenhouses or winter gardens. Instances that grow no more than 1 m high can be placed in apartments. It should be remembered that all members of the Euphorbiaceae family contain an intercellular fluid consisting of toxic substances, and croton is no exception. If it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, the juice of the plant causes severe irritation; when swallowed, toxic substances cause poisoning.

When caring for a flower, you need to follow safety precautions and prevent juice from getting into open areas of the body, protecting them with clothes and gloves. Place the plant out of the reach of children and pets.

Possible Difficulties in Content

With a bright pattern and an unusual shape of foliage, croton resembles some types of coleus, which have catchy colors and fancy cutouts on the leaves.

To get a healthy plant with a lush spreading crown, it is necessary to provide the flower with conditions close to natural:

  1. Stable temperature in winter and summer, not lower than +18 °C;
  2. High humidity air;
  3. Bright light, but without direct sunlight on the leaves of the plant.

Particular attention should be paid to the flower in winter, when heating devices are working. The air in the room must be humidified, otherwise the croton will shed its leaves.


Codiaum or home traffic light has earned the glory of a magnificent plant for the beauty of the leaves, which cannot be said about its flowers. Small, slightly pink flowers are collected in brushes and do not represent a decorative sight, and the mother plant takes a lot of strength, so the flowers should be removed.

They do not represent decorative value, and only experienced botanists who select new hybrid plant species can collect seeds for propagation.

Domestic crotons grow to a height of no more than 1 meter, more often 50-70 cm and differ in the shape and color of the leaves. The most popular in indoor floriculture are: Petra, Excelent, Zanzibar, Mrs. Aiston, Tamara, Mammy. Croton laxative and cascaril are suitable for greenhouses.

Signs and superstitions

Codiaum protects the hearth, it is the leader among domestic plants, absorbing negative energy.

  • The flower has a positive effect on any emotional outbursts of people. If it is depression, Croton directs energy flows to increase self-esteem and give inner strength to a person. Flashes of aggression and excessive activity are attracted by wide leathery leaves.

For people who have firmly decided to change their lives, Croton will become an indispensable assistant in this difficult task. According to Feng Shui, this flower creates a comfortable atmosphere, filling the space with purified energy. According to Feng Shui, plants should not be too close to the bed.

  • Croton rarely blooms and this is considered a bad sign. Perhaps the flower feels the approach of danger in the form of a release of negative energy and warns the owners about this. It is better to cut off the inflorescences that have appeared immediately: this will prolong the life of the plant, and it is better for warned people to be vigilant in business.

If a decision is made to purchase Croton, then it must be done in the spring. Environment comes to life, the air temperature rises, daylight hours increase and the flower will have enough time to adapt to a new place.

The bright leaves contain the whole palette of autumn-spring colors. From this plant you can form a charming bonsai tree. This is a long and laborious process, which only an experienced grower can do. The difficulties lie in the fact that croton does not like frequent transplants, has too heavy leaves, and if not properly cared for, it immediately discards them.

Video gallery


Codiaum (Croton). A Capricious Plant and Tips for Keeping It




Croton (Kodieum). Transplantation. Features of care.


My croton collection. Transfer.


Croton-Kodieum in the form of a bole. Pinching and care. (January 2017)


Croton home care / Croton Mammy


Croton Care


Croton how to care for him


”Flower shop” - croton


How to propagate Croton by cuttings. We root cuttings of Croton. F. No. 1.