Interesting ideas from drywall in the apartment. Decorative plasterboard constructions in the apartment

There is a huge amount of building materials on the construction market with which you can equip and decorate the room inside. One of the universal is drywall. Its positive distinctive properties were appreciated by many craftsmen and apartment owners.

Varieties of plasterboard sheets

  1. It does not include synthetic toxic impurities that can cause allergies and other negative effects on humans and animals.
  2. Drywall is easy to install, so you can do everything you want with your own hands.
  3. Drywall sheets have a flat plane. You can easily, ceilings, slopes.
  4. Since it is a practical and durable material, hoods, arches, fireplaces, countertops and many other products are made from it.

The disadvantages of drywall are neutralized with the right, as well as compliance with the rules of operation. Some DIY drywall ideas.

It is done in the shortest possible time due to its simplicity of design.

The drywall arch is very easy to mount with your own hands

It is mainly made in small apartments where the installation of doors is inappropriate due to small rooms. Doors visually reduce the space, while the plasterboard arch makes the visualization of a bright and spacious apartment. does not take much time if you follow the detailed step by step instructions which describes:

  • how to prepare the surface;
  • marking the doorway under the arch;
  • installation from profiles;
  • installation of plasterboard;
  • how to bend the profile, by what method.

There is a special arched gypsum board on the construction market, with which work will be easier than with a regular sheet of material. Plasterboard arches make the room open, bright and modern interior.

Figured plasterboard ceilings

You can often find beautiful uncomplicated ones. They are made from cut pieces of plasterboard. These figures can be built with your own hands, despite the apparent "complexity" of the design. Ideas for a plasterboard ceiling are extraordinary. If there are no ideas of your own or there are too many of them, then to determine the option, you can view the ideas of the designers presented in the photo. Before you start creating a figured ceiling made of plasterboard, you should carefully study the requirements for the room, as well as find out what materials will be required for work.

A single-level ceiling in the kitchen saves space Let's say it is possible only in a single-level form, since the kitchen is a small space and will hide centimeters (visually).

Having leveled the ceiling with drywall, a metal frame should be made as the basis for the figure of interest. Elements of this figure are cut out of drywall according to the measurements taken.

If necessary, the most suitable type of bending of the GKL is selected, as well as the type of the structure itself. Creating multi-level (two-, three-level) plasterboard ceilings is not difficult. With the help of another person, the installation of a drywall construction will be quick. The main nuance in this case is the observance of the phased work.

Difficult plasterboard ceilings are also easy to install. In a children's room, you can make a fancy butterfly or castle on the wall from the remnants of the plasterboard ceiling. There is nothing difficult in this. One has only to take measurements and cut out details from this building material. , this must be done carefully so as not to break the sheet. With the help of self-tapping screws and additional details, a fairy tale is created for the child.
Hanging ideas and can be seen in the photo of designers who took into account various factors for the convenience of its creation.

A variety of drywall niches

They play a role not only in the creation of the interior, but also carry a useful function. In the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bedroom, in the nursery and on the balcony, you can make plasterboard niches with your own hands.

A drywall niche in the kitchen saves a lot of space; it serves for dishes, for pots with fresh flowers, for containers with various spices. It is very convenient to put vases in these niches, freeing the window sill. mounted picture, vacation photo, TV. In a niche, you can hide a cornice with a curtain. Since this element can be backlit, you can put the most expensive item in the niche, reminiscent of bright bright days.

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Installation of drywall shelves in the bathroom

In the living room, drywall niches are decorative, but if the room is small, then this is a full-fledged replacement for furniture that clutters up the room and interferes with the free movement of a person or child.

Creating a niche requires a little patience, accuracy and some tools. From the materials you will need profiles, drywall, sickle and putty. The created niches for a drywall TV are shown in the photo.

Drywall Cabinet

Drywall is a material from which not only figured ceilings are made and walls are leveled, but furniture is also created. is done simply. It will not break under the weight of the equipment if the basic structure is strengthened. The basis of the metal frame for drywall is a profile and wood. Everything is done by hand.

The curbstone can be created not only for TV, but also as an element of decor - put on it a vase or a hookah brought from another country. The curbstone can be with illumination or with shelves. It all depends on the imagination of the master.

The plasterboard cabinet is easy to install and becomes a practical piece of furniture. The cabinet can have dimensions for a small room. Or vice versa, you can create a large cabinet on the balcony.

Drywall shelves

It mainly has a functional role in the apartment. These are shelves in the kitchen for a tea set, a shelf in the bedroom for small items (glasses, remote control, knitting, Charger, headphones). In the hall there is a drywall shelf for a photo, a small picture. Keys and a spoon for shoes are placed on a shelf in the corridor. And if in the corridor a shelf is made near the mirror, then this is a comb, lipstick, and so on.

Plasterboard shelves are also easy to make with your own hands Plasterboard shelves are easy to make with your own hands. Do not be afraid that drywall is a fragile material. When strengthening the frame, it is a durable piece of furniture that will always be needed. Create shelves around the window or on the balcony, save the footage of the apartment and get rid of large cabinets for books, CDs, notebooks.

To create a shelf for heavy objects, you should make a solid frame, strengthen it wooden beams or profiles and sheathe GKL. In some cases, this is a double sheathing with sheets.

Wardrobe and dressing room

To create coziness and comfort, as well as to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpersonal space, there is a need for minimalism in furniture. For these purposes, you can either. Modern Ideas encourage designers to turn them into reality. A wardrobe made of plasterboard is an idea to make the interior of the apartment extraordinary and modern.

The dressing room is made according to its own dimensions and requests. It can be located in a partition, in a corner or be built into a blank wall.

In the dressing room, light, shelves and everything necessary for convenience, up to a place for an ironing board, are being made. To create a cabinet, you need a clean, dry place. It is required to measure the required dimensions and apply markings.

The plasterboard cabinet has become an innovative idea of ​​our time. Galvanized profiles are the most durable, (which have many positive aspects) go to the base of the metal frame. A wooden beam reinforces the frame base. Drywall sheathing is quick and without the cost of physical strength. Exterior decoration is a purely personal matter.
By creating a drywall cabinet, free space is saved. The interior of the apartment takes on new fresh shades. The apartment becomes cleaner and more comfortable.

Plasterboard worktop

Everyone wants to economically and beautifully make a bathroom. for the sink is the most suitable option. This material allows you to create an individual table, with the right size and the desired shape.

Plasterboard countertop is great for the bathroom To create a countertop, you need a Fireplace can be made with your own hands from drywall, appropriate lighting is installed inside. The fireplace makes the room brighter and warmer. To create a fireplace, you need to cut it to the required size and purchase profiles, self-tapping screws. The frame of the profiles is made simply and quickly. If you plan to install a heavy object on the fireplace - a picture, a TV, then the metal frame is strengthened.

A plasterboard fireplace will be an excellent solution, it will refresh and make the house more comfortable. A variety of materials are used to decorate the fireplace, but it looks more interesting. She will create an imitation of naturalness. A plasterboard fireplace in an apartment is fashionable and modern design, practicality with small footage.

In a studio apartment, the kitchen often opens onto the hall with a large opening made by an arch. To make zoning in a room, you can. Drywall is a lightweight material that is easy to install. The bar counter will turn out to be exclusive, since measurements and markings will be individual.

For the bar counter, there should be a solid frame made of profiles, reinforced with wooden beams. Green drywall is also used.

Finishing the bar counter is also individual:

  1. With and without illumination.
  2. Tile or trim with decorative tape.
  3. You can simply cover with paint that matches the overall interior of the apartment.

Plasterboard box

It is created mainly to hide communications and pipes in the apartment. It can be done in any part of the apartment:

The box is very easy to make. This does not require a lot of building materials and tools. Finishing the box is also not difficult, since it should be hidden from the eye with the help of the general decor of the apartment. If the walls are painted in a beige tone, then the box is painted in the same tone. The box is also made to hide the cornice and curtain lighting. This makes the room mysterious and romantic. The video shows the secrets of installing a drywall box.

To match modern technologies finishing rooms and premises, you will most likely need information about finishing with plasterboard.

One of the most important and largest rooms in most apartments is hall. This is a meeting place for guests and relatives.

Living room serves for a pleasant, comfortable pastime, relaxation. There should be as much space as possible here, but at the same time, furniture needs to be multifunctional, able to accommodate all the basic desires of the owners of the apartment.

In order to divide the living room into zones (this is the most common and profitable move), it is easiest and most economical to use drywall.

Advantages and disadvantages of drywall as a finishing material

Drywall is not only a repair tool, but also a building one. Thanks to this, we can even redesign the room. It's a real opportunity redevelopment.

Another advantage is ease and strength of this material. With the help of such a coating, you can not only decorate rooms, but also build niches, shelves, ledges, steps, pedestals and other structures. They help to expand the room, create a more comfortable and multifunctional space.

The next important point is that you can do all this without the help of specialists, i.e. on their own. This cover is easy to use. Consequently, you save on specialized teams. And by the way, you don’t have to worry about the color of the structures you created (you can always change it, with drywall it’s easy to do).

Certainly, like any finishing material, drywall has its own limitations. Although they disappear against the background of a significant number of advantages.

  • The first drawback: no matter how hard you try to redesign the room, about 5 cm will go to minus, because. thickness must be taken into account frame.
  • Second: drywall tends to absorb moisture, so apartments located on the first two floors, as well as private houses, etc. worth thinking about before you start decorating.
  • And the last: just sheathing with drywall sheets does not mean finishing the finish. You will need to putty and make the lining of your choice.

What can be created with drywall?

This does not exhaust the possibilities of this material.

In order to start finishing with drywall, you need to have with you:

  • drywall,
  • building level,
  • roulette,
  • screwdriver,
  • aluminum profile,
  • connectors for fastening these profiles,
  • anchor wedges,
  • dowels and screws.

This is the minimum, but rather the most accurate set of necessary items.

When choosing a design design, photos will help you.

Step-by-step instructions for wall decoration

When you have prepared necessary materials and tools, you can get to work.

  • You need to mount the frame under the drywall sheets. To do this, install guides on the ceiling and on the floor. Exact markings are required on the ceiling where the profiles will be fixed (you cut them to the size you need for your room).
  • Next, lower plumb line. It determines the location of the floor profiles (the profiles are already fixed to the floor at that time). Ceiling profiles are adjusted to the height of the room and fixed in the same way. An important fact: three profiles go to one drywall sheet (two along the edges of the sheet and one in the middle).
  • Measure the distance between the ceiling profiles.
  • You mark the vertical lines on the wall along the plumb line, which is mentioned in paragraph 2.
  • On the marked vertical lines, install direct hangers(You need to fix them with self-tapping screws).
    Attach the PP profile to the direct hangers (to create a more durable structure, fix the vertical racks to each other with transverse PP profiles. Such fastenings are carried out with self-tapping screws and additional “crab” fasteners).
  • Install drywall sheets on the frame, fix it with hardened steel screws (when screwing screws, do not forget that this material is soft enough, so you need to do it carefully).
  • putty places where there are screws and joints between sheets.

Remember, if something is not clear, you cannot find some material, you don’t know what it looks like, etc., go to the Internet. Now in any search engine you can drive in the part you need and visually see its application, appearance. For example, by entering “hardened steel self-tapping screws” into the search line, you will get a lot of pictures, photos and videos, which show a black self-tapping screw. Then you will not confuse it with anything.

Plasterboard ceiling

If you are going to install a false ceiling with drywall, look at the photo of the approximate structures, so it will be easier for you to navigate.

After you have everything in front of you necessary tools to create a false ceiling, you can get to work.

  • Determine the size of the height you will take false ceiling. Consider also the installation of lighting devices. Do not forget that ventilation and other communications will pass under the drywall sheets.
    Plasterboard ceilings are quite heavy, so they require a particularly strong frame. According to safety precautions, 14 kg of load falls on 1 square meter.
  • Create a frame based on a photo or drawing (all this can be found on construction portals, various sites).
  • Sheathe the frame with drywall sheets.
  • All existing seams are covered with putty.
  • Glue a sickle bandage on this element. Putty these places and grind.
  • Painting. This is the final stage, depending on the means of coverage, it is individual for each. Don't forget to choose a primer.

With a great variety various styles, designs a person is usually lost.

What choose? How to do it better?

At modern society it became possible to create something new with the help of the latest, durable materials. These include drywall. This coverage is reliable and an economical option for creating an author's style.

When using plasterboard sheets for interior decoration various types, zoning rooms and creating special structures, do not forget to use the instructions.

Sometimes, to bring the walls into proper form, raw plaster is useless. The condition of the surface can be so deplorable that other materials will be needed for repairs. Or you need perfect evenness of vertical structures for subsequent fine finishing.

This can only be achieved by lining the walls with drywall (gypsum plasterboard) according to the installed metal frame.

High demand for this construction material caused by many pronounced benefits that clearly emerge as a result of its application.

In this regard, it is worth noting that the possibilities of drywall are not limited to straightening walls. Often it is used for redevelopment of premises, internal zoning.

Walls and partitions made of plasterboard during installation differ from other structures indisputable advantage. They are easily mounted independently without the involvement of professional teams.

Their device, as well as leveling the walls with drywall, does not require the purchase of expensive equipment. The technology is quite simple and subject to certain nuances associated with the processing of drywall sheets, the work can be done quickly and efficiently.

Drywall Features

Interest in drywall is caused not only by its use as dry plaster, leveling walls or as a material for installation internal walls. It mainly attracts with its capabilities, thanks to which, when working with it, you can perform any configuration of wall structures.

Most often, it is GKL that is used in the construction of beautiful arches, original figured partitions and other structures that delimit space.

The ease with which the material lends itself to processing allows you to arrange any wall design and change the layout according to a pre-designed project of any type, from simple to the most complex.

To decide to change something in a house or apartment, you need an appropriate reason or a visual example of what you would like to see in the end. As a rule, motivators for such actions are visual images all kinds of designs made of plasterboard and presented in advertising catalogs.

Seeing a photo of drywall walls, many are eager to install something similar at home. All the more attractive is the fact that such a thing (wall, partition) can be built independently.

Installation of plasterboard walls

Before proceeding with the construction of the wall, you need to thoroughly prepare. In this case, we are talking not only about the purchase of materials and tools.

The inner wall is the main element dividing the space into certain zones. Therefore, it must be properly planned. All requirements must be taken into account. Decide on the need for insulation or ignore it. Decide which material is more suitable for a particular room, ordinary plasterboard or moisture resistant.

In addition, you have to take care of the design of the product. A drawing made in a horizontal plane, with applied parameters and an unfolded appearance in several projections (central and lateral).

The main components in the construction of walls from plasterboard

The base of wall structures is usually a metal frame made of galvanized profiles. They are distributed by size. Some types of profiles are installed as guides, others as elements uprights. They are also designated according to their purpose.

For example, PS-profile is a rack, and PN-profile is a guide. The choice of section depends, first of all, on the purpose of the structure. If you want to divide a large room into two different uses (nursery and bedroom), then you need a wide frame for the device inside the insulation boards.

For sheathing, of course, drywall sheets are required. In order for the wall to be strong and have an increased level of sound insulation, it is better to carry out the sheathing in two layers on both sides of the installed frame.

Based on this, the calculation of the material is done, respectively, having calculated the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall, minus the opening and multiplying the resulting number by four, by the total number of layers. Small holes, such as a niche in the wall or holes for piping, are not taken into account in the calculations.

It must be remembered that the frame racks are installed in increments of 0.6 meters. This is in line with the regulations.

The parameters of the GKL sheet are 1.2x2.5 m. The sheets are mounted in such a way that the separating seams run along the center line of the wide shelf, and a whole rack is located in the middle of the sheet.

Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. Their length should exceed the thickness of the side layer in two sheets. In order for the self-tapping screws to hold firmly in the body of the structure and have a strong grip on the metal frame, they are screwed in with a screwdriver or drill.

Finishing work

When the wall is mounted and all technological methods are taken into account, they begin finishing work. First of all, the seams are processed. For this, a primer, putty and sickle (painting tape) are used.

The seams are primed, tape is applied and leveled with putty. The result should be a solid flat surface.

If painting is supposed, putty the entire surface to avoid gaps.

Wall decoration is considered the final stage, but, nevertheless, very important. The final appearance is formed, which as a result will attract the main attention. Therefore, you should carefully consider the related work before applying the finish coat.

Especially if it's painting or wallpapering. In this case, you need to look so that there are no remnants of putty anywhere, cracks and scratches in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams. The surface is polished with a special mesh, and then proceed to finishing. The GKL wall can be considered complete.

Photo of drywall walls

One of the universal and available materials for the decoration of any premises today, drywall sheets (gypsum plasterboard) are considered. They can be used for leveling walls, ceilings and floors in any residential and office premises, finishing door and window slopes, creating various architectural structures and decorative interior elements in the form of partitions, columns, built-in shelves and niches, arched forms, dome vaults, etc. d.

Consist similar designs from plasterboard sheets fixed on a profile metal frame required form, followed by final finishing.

Advantages of drywall

Plasterboard structures used in the interior of premises have the following advantages:

  • provide almost perfectly flat surfaces;
  • make it possible to create curved surfaces and individual elements of any shape and complexity;
  • have high environmental friendliness and air permeability of the material;
  • have excellent heat and;
  • characterized by sufficient lightness, strength and fire resistance;
  • are a convenient basis for final finishing (painting, wallpaper, ceramic tile);
  • have an affordable cost of consumables;
  • provide simple and quick installation that does not require special skills and the use of special equipment and tools.
  • These properties allow the use of plasterboard sheets as a modern universal finishing material.

    The main types of individual structures from GKL

    The interior decoration of various surfaces and the creation of individual decorative elements in the interior of the room using plasterboard sheets have their own characteristics. Let's consider them in more detail.


    Finishing ceilings with plasterboard is one of the most popular and commonly used technologies today, along with stretch ceilings. It is usually applied in cases:

    • the need to hide the uneven surface of the ceiling;
    • the need to hide various communication lines passing through the ceiling (pipes, cables, ventilation ducts, etc.);
    • creation of an original interior space.

    The use of plasterboard structures for the ceiling allows you to implement almost any that satisfy the desires of the owner of the apartment or office.

    At the same time, the GKL ceiling can be finished in any room, including using special brands of drywall for this (waterproof, fireproof).

    The main types of plasterboard ceilings are:

    • single-level;
    • combined, in which structures from gypsum board sheets and stretch ceiling elements are combined.

    The installation of a plasterboard ceiling begins with the installation of a supporting frame made of a metal profile, on which GKL sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws. After that, the surface is carefully puttied and painted in the desired color.

    An additional element that gives a special originality to the plasterboard ceiling is the installation of built-in LED or neon lights. This allows you to achieve, for example, the effect of "starry sky" or "floating" elements on the ceiling, thereby creating a unique interior of the room.


    With drywall sheets often used for interior decoration premises.

    In addition to directly decorative functions, this allows you to create additional heat and sound insulation of the walls, as well as hide the electrical wiring, pipelines and other communication lines laid along the walls.

    At the same time, built-in shelves, niches and other decorative elements that complement the overall design of the room can be made in the walls.

    GKL sheets are fastened directly to the wall or to a pre-installed frame made of metal profiles or wooden bars. For wall finishing, gypsum boards with a thickness of at least 12.5 mm are used, and in some cases two-layer installation is used to ensure sufficient structural rigidity.

    Can be done in almost any room. It is most effective for exterior walls that are prone to freezing during the cold season. This allows you to additionally insulate the room and prevent the appearance of condensation, mold and fungus on the walls.


    To level the floor surface, the “dry floor” method is used using special drywall sheets with increased strength and wear resistance.

    Such sheets are laid in two layers on any prepared base and can be covered on top with any flooring(linoleum, parquet, laminate, ceramic tiles). The advantage of this method of leveling the floor is the speed and manufacturability of the work carried out.

    Gypsum boards for the floor can also be used to create various multi-level floor design structures, for example, in the form of hiding heating pipes and other communications laid along the walls.

    Additionally, various lighting, giving a special originality to the interior of the room.


    The main purpose is the zoning of the interior space into separate parts.

    Such drywall constructions are made of a metal profile frame rigidly attached to the walls, floor and ceiling and sheathed with drywall sheets.

    The internal space of partitions is usually filled with some kind of soundproofing material.

    The openings in the partitions can be made in the form of arched structures or various curved and wavy surfaces that create a unique interior design of the room.

    Also, built-in shelves and niches can be provided inside the partitions, performing both decorative and purely practical functions for storing various things.

    Built-in shelves and niches

    In drywall constructions, they can organically fit into the interior of any room and at the same time carry an additional function of placing on them various items(equipment, books, souvenirs, photographs, etc.).

    The shape and configuration of such structures can be very diverse. Often, spot lighting is installed inside them, giving originality to the entire interior of the room. The final finish of such a design depends entirely on its further functional purpose.

    arched structures

    Arched structures can be installed almost anywhere in the apartment. Most often they are arranged in corridors and interior openings.

    The shape and size of the arch can be any, but in this case, you need to take into account the fact that the greater the height of the arch, the more aesthetic and beautiful it will look.

    It usually consists of three main elements: two semicircular plasterboard sheets and a rectangular strip equal to the width of the doorway.

    For the device of the arch in the upper part of the opening, a frame is installed from a metal profile of the desired shape, to which side sheets and a rectangular element from below are attached on both sides.

    Before final finishing, the outer edges of the arch are reinforced with a special perforated corner or reinforcing tape.

Examples of drywall constructions in the living room convey all the beauty and significance of these decorated items. Through appropriate additions, you can improve the external data of the room and zoning it. This is especially convenient in small apartments, where one room performs several functions at once.

Drywall is a versatile material that is often used to decorate an apartment. Why is it worth paying attention to it?

Experts identify several main advantages of this material:

  • Effective elimination of irregularities and defects;
  • Ease of use;
  • Acceptable cost.

Drywall constructions perfectly divide the space and hide existing defects. This material perfectly encrypts irregularities and minor flaws that are difficult to eliminate with plaster. Properly done work, allows you to achieve a good result.

The design of the ceiling in the living room can be created using this material. It is so easy to use that even a non-professional can handle the task.

Decorating a room with drywall is an inexpensive pleasure. You don't need any special tools to work. This will significantly reduce financial costs and will allow you to cope with the task on your own.

How to make a drywall hall with your own hands

You can divide the space and equip the room with your own hands. It is not necessary to turn to professional companies for help. The unique material is easy to process, it fits correctly even in the hands of an inexperienced person. How to start solving the problem without special skills? In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to follow the main points of work.

These include:

  • Draw up a clear action plan;
  • Prepare the room (remove all pieces of furniture);
  • Proceed to mount;
  • Sheathe everything with a drywall profile;
  • Start finishing work.

With a clear plan of action, you can complete any task. A person must decide how he sees the future design of the apartment and what needs to be done for this. Once the plan is determined, you can begin to prepare the premises.

When the space is freed up, you need to get to work. It all starts with mounting the ceiling and installing profiles, then the structure itself is attached. Next comes the finishing. Profiles must be sheathed with drywall, using special tools. Next, proceed to the finishing work, this will give the structure a final appearance. To do this, the material can be painted and allowed to dry. Then start decorating.

Each person can independently change the design of an apartment. The main thing is to show imagination and outline a clear plan of action.

Zoning the living room with drywall: an easy way to separate

Space zoning is the perfect way to functionally divide a room. This is appropriate if one room simultaneously performs several functions. Zoning is widely used in the interior of small apartments.

The partition can be deaf or light. In the first case, it connects the floor to the ceiling, in the second case it is an ordinary decorative element. In order to determine the purpose of the partition, you need to familiarize yourself with its main varieties.

Drywall partitions

This type is the most time-consuming way of dividing space. In this case, you will have to resort to the help of repair and finishing works. The resulting figure is attached to the floor and ceiling.

Niche designs

Niche zoning is relatively flexible. This allows you to make curly partitions, supply electricity, build in a fireplace and pick up various options finishing.

Partitions with built-in wardrobes

Separation by means of drywall with built-in wardrobes allows you to visually increase the space of the hall. This is perfect solution for people who want to quickly modify the apartment, without repair work.

Niches in the wall: the perfect drywall design in the living room

If you don’t like shelving, cabinets, cabinets and other attributes, you can always pay attention to niches. They replace many pieces of furniture and at the same time save space.

The main advantages of niches are:

  • Variety of forms;
  • Noticeable space savings;
  • Built-in shelves;
  • Visual expansion of space;
  • Convenience;
  • Multifunctionality.

The presence of a circular niche greatly increases the space. The built-in design allows you to place many additional shelves and make it multifunctional. Lushly decorated niche visually enlarges the space and allows you to make the room beautiful. With its help, you can hide many defects and shortcomings.

A convenient and practical solution is to divide the space with color using a drywall niche. It can be equipped with additional light elements, which will make it a source of illumination.

Stylish drywall designs in the living room (video)

Drywall constructions are convenient and appropriate in the interior of any modern apartment. From this material, you can create many decorative elements and visually expand the space of the room. Sheathing the ceiling, walls and creating multifunctional niches is within the power of every person. The main thing is to think over a clear plan of action.