Replacing electrical wiring in a one-room apartment with your own hands. How to replace the wiring in the apartment

How to properly repair residential electrical wiring.

In our long-suffering country, people do not have enough money to buy a new home. Secondary apartment market, i.e. B.U. apartments is becoming more and more popular. The first thing new settlers do after buying is getting ready for the renovation. But it is necessary to repair not only the walls, floor, and ceiling, but also the wiring.

The fact is that in the last century, when this housing was built, they counted on the energy consumption of an apartment of 1-2 kW, and now it can easily reach up to 10 kW. Almost everyone has a washing machine, microwave oven, iron, hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, electric toaster, electric grill, etc. Most of these devices easily consume 1-2 kW, and yet they can be turned on at the same time! Even have to change. A modern electric meter is designed for a current of at least 50 A.

But how do you get started electrical wiring repair? There are certain rules for this. They will help you save time, money and health.

Rule One

Repair electrical wiring start with a project. Decide what appliances will be in each room. What kind of lighting will there be, where will they be. At what height should they be installed? Previously, it was generally accepted to install sockets at a height of 80-90 cm, and switches 150-160 cm from the floor.

Now another fashion has come: sockets at a height of 30-40 cm, and switches 80-90 cm. The exception is, where they are placed at a height of 10 cm from the level of the countertop. Do not save on sockets, it is better to put them at a distance of no more than 3 m from each other.

Rule Two

Change the wiring during the repair, you need to immediately and entirely . Firstly, because aluminum wires were previously used, but they are short-lived and have a lot of very significant drawbacks. Secondly, when repairing electrical wiring, aluminum wires and copper wires cannot be connected. Thirdly, the work associated with chasing walls. It is better to make it in an unfurnished apartment, because. there will be a lot of dirt and inconvenience.

Rule Three

Before replacing the wiring, calculate the consumption. Add up the power of electrical appliances that will be powered from one line (one machine). It is assumed that no more than 5 outlets were connected from one machine. The total power of the loads of these sockets should not exceed 5 kW. The cross section of the wire for sockets is 2.5 squares. The machine is set to a current of not more than 25 A. The cross section of the wire for lighting is at least 1.5 squares. The power of lighting devices is not more than 3 kW. The machine is set to a current of not more than 16 A.

Rule Four

Don't skimp on materials. It is better to take the cable VVGng 3x2.5, VVGng 3x1.5 or VVP 3x2.5 cable. Choose sockets, boxes and switches price category. The evaluation criterion should be the quality of contact connections (preferably chrome-plated or nickel-plated contacts), thermostable base (preferably ceramics).

As a rule, every 3-5 years we renovate the rooms in our apartment. In the vast majority of cases, repairs are cosmetic in nature and include: replacement of ceiling, wall and floor covering, as well as replacement: skirting boards, cornices, lighting and sockets. If you decide to make repairs in the entire apartment or move to a new one, we recommend that you replace the wiring. About how to properly lay the wiring, we will try to tell in detail in this article.
The content of the article:

Why you need to change the wiring

Some are interested in the question of why you need to change the wiring if the old one works quite well. In order to answer this question, it is enough to give a similar example with water pipes. Metal pipes are often replaced with plastic ones, as they are much more reliable and durable, and besides, they are not clogged with grin that occurs in metal pipes, and therefore, the throughput of plastic pipes and the pressure in them will always be good. The same, by and large, applies to electrical wiring.
Firstly, the wiring itself in houses that were built in the last century is not designed for how we operate it now. When designing houses and apartments, electrical engineers did not know that in a few years every apartment, in addition to a refrigerator, TV, washing machine and light bulbs, would also have a computer, air conditioning, a powerful electric kettle, an iron and other electrical equipment. It turns out that the bandwidth of the old wiring is lower than the power consumption of all our electrical appliances.
Secondly, in addition to the mismatch in the bandwidth of the wiring, in most old houses it was aluminum, and aluminum is not the best. best material for this, having a large number of shortcomings. In addition, the service life of aluminum wiring is 30 years, but it is worth replacing it even without waiting for this period in order to ensure a stable voltage supply in the apartment and extend the life of electrical appliances.

Wiring selection and installation plan for sockets and switches

Before proceeding to the description of the practical steps for installing the wiring, a few words should be mentioned about the wiring itself.

What new wiring is better to lay

Of course, the best cable for wiring in an apartment is a copper multicore cable. The main advantage of copper cable over aluminum is its strength. Probably, each of you has encountered such a problem when the aluminum core of the cable, when connecting a switch or socket, simply breaks off, and this is a very unpleasant situation, such a problem is not terrible with a copper stranded cable. In addition, copper cable has better bandwidth and more long term operation.
To connect sockets, it is recommended to use a stranded copper cable of 2.5 squares, and for lighting - 1.5 squares. We recommend choosing a cable with double insulated. If you have grounding in your house or you plan to do it yourself in the future, then buy a triple cable with a special conductor for grounding.

Installation plan for sockets and switches

First of all, before the work installation work, you need to think over the plan and interior of the rooms after the repair, since on its basis the wiring of the apartment wiring will be carried out in order to know where and what cable to lay, and most importantly, how. Therefore, having such a plan, you will know where to place switches and sockets.
For example, knowing the place where the computer will be installed, we will lay a separate cable there to power all computer devices that have a high total power consumption. The same applies to other powerful techniques. In places where energy-intensive equipment will be located, it is better to lay a separate cable with a single socket: electric oven, air conditioner, water tank, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. For the rest of the equipment, we carry out a “common” cable and sockets.
In the hall, we recommend installing 5 sockets with one frame, for connecting a home theater (TV, DVD player, digital receiver and audio system), a double socket near the soft corner, and a single socket in those places where you need them.
As for the bedroom, next to the bed, desk and the TV is better to do on a double outlet. In other places - as needed.
In the corridor, it is enough to install one double socket, and if necessary, additional ones.
In the bathroom, the availability of sockets depends on what electrical appliances you will use in it. If there is no washing machine there, and your family members do not use electrical appliances, then it was not possible to make an outlet in the bathroom.
If you have a technically functional kitchen, then in the place where the cutting table will be located, we recommend making from three to five outlets in one frame, depending on the number of simultaneously used appliances. Typically 5 outlets best option to connect: extractor hood, microwave oven and Electric kettle, leaving two outlets free to connect: food processor, bread maker, coffee maker and more. Try to think over the number of sockets in such a way that stationary equipment that will not be folded into a box after use has its own socket for connection, so as not to stick out the plug of one equipment from the socket each time to connect another. Then we calculate the required number of outlets, as well as how much power and how many devices will work at the same time, in order to know whether to run one cable or several.
Also, we make sockets and in other places where it is necessary.

Installation of sockets

By established standards, sockets are installed at a distance of 30 cm from the floor, and switches are installed at 85 cm. Up to five sockets can be connected to one cable with a cross section of 2.5 squares to power non-energy-intensive devices, preferably one for energy-intensive ones. From the meter to the junction boxes, it is recommended to use a cable with a cross section of 4 squares.

How to dismantle old wiring

So, when you know where and what socket you should have according to the plan, we proceed to dismantle the old wiring. The dismantling procedure entirely depends on how the old wiring was laid: laid in special channels inside the wall or embedded in the wall, but first things first.
Before carrying out all electrical installation and dismantling work, it is necessary to disconnect all apartment wiring coming from the meter, and directly power the extension cord for temporary power supply from the meter.
If the wiring was laid in the channels, then its dismantling and installation of a new one is carried out simultaneously. That is, we wind a new one to one end of the old cable, and pull out the second end of the old wiring - this way you will not need to beat the walls to dismantle the old wiring and experience difficulties with laying a new one. But if the plan for the new wiring does not coincide with the plan for laying the existing one, then strobes will need to be punched in the walls.
In the event that your apartment wiring was embedded in the wall, then first of all you need to determine where it is laid, and only then dismantle it and lay a new one. You can also find the wiring in the wall visually by seeing embedded strobes on the wall surface, or by using a special device.

How to wire correctly

Installation of new wiring is carried out as follows: we make markings on the wall where the new wiring will go. After that, with the help of a grinder and a puncher, we make strobes - the most The best way for the walls of a panel house. We recommend laying the wiring in the corrugation, as this is an additional safety, and the next time its replacement will not be so difficult, since the new cable can be laid by pulling out the old one.

When the strobes for the cable are made, first of all we run the cable from the meter to the junction boxes. We place the cable in the corrugation and lay it in these strobes, fixing it to the wall with alabaster, every 1-1.5 m. Next, from the junction boxes we lay the cable (also in the corrugation) to sockets, switches and lighting fixtures. The release of the cable for the socket and for the switch must be at least 15 cm. The next stage of work is the connection of the cable branchings to the trunk in junction boxes. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the cable is connected using a special terminal block, and not using twists. Such a connection will be better and safer. When all work in the junction boxes has been completed, we proceed to the apartment power supply input.
The final stage of work is the connection of the apartment wiring to the meter. If you have an old counter and old machines, it is better to replace them. Perfect option- invite electricians to run a new cable from the switchboard of your entrance to the meter, and also replace the meter itself. We recommend installing the meter in a special metal shield, where electric machines are also installed. As for the machines, we recommend installing a two-phase one. How many amperes should be in the machine - determine based on what equipment will work for you at the same time. The power consumption of these devices is added up and divided by 220, thus, we get the amperage of the machine. After all the work with laying a new cable into the apartment, replacing the meter (sealing) and installing the machine is completed, at the very least we connect the apartment wiring to the machine and then turn on the machines. If the machine did not knock out, then everything is connected correctly, we check all sockets and switches for operability.
Materials that are needed to replace the wiring in the apartment:
  • Cable;

  • Sockets and switches (frames);

  • Boxes for sockets;

  • distribution boxes;

  • Corrugation;

  • Terminal blocks;

  • Electric machine;

How much does it cost to change the wiring in the apartment

If you decide to replace the wiring, using the services of special companies for this, then as a rule, one point, according to average estimates, will cost you around 500 rubles. That is, to install 2 sockets and 2 switches - it will cost 2000 rubles, not counting the materials: box, cable, socket or switch. To this must be added the cost of laying the cable from the shield to the junction box and the cost of materials. Thus, the replacement of wiring in a one-room apartment will cost you from 7,000 rubles.
The cost of replacing wiring with your own hands will be several times cheaper, since for this you only need to buy necessary material, and also have: a grinder with a disc for concrete, a puncher with nozzles for chasing, alabaster and ancillary tools.

Most often, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchanging the wiring in an apartment arises when planning overhaul. Moreover, the replacement of wiring is one of the most difficult and expensive work. The features of the replacement of wiring and the difficulties that lie in this path will be discussed in the article.

Purpose of rewiring

Replacing old wiring in an apartment or house is based on three circumstances:

  1. Removing aluminum wires and laying copper. Aluminum wires were widely used several decades ago due to the low cost and environmental safety of the material. However, later it became clear that aluminum is not the best material for wires, because over time, under the influence of loads, it loses its qualities, becoming brittle. In addition, aluminum wires are destroyed due to electrocorrosion, soldering this metal is difficult, and aluminum twists quickly weaken.
  2. Changing the power supply circuit (from a solidly grounded neutral to a protective ground).
  3. Rejection of the scheme, which provides for branching of wires, in favor of creating groups with dedicated branches. The old wire branching scheme is a forced decision since the early Soviet times, when there was a shortage of non-ferrous metals, if necessary, to quickly electrify the country. In the 90s of the last century, a new electrical supply standard, TN-C-S, was adopted to ensure greater consumer safety.

Stages of wiring installation

Replacing the wiring in the apartment is carried out in several stages:

  1. Creation of an electrical supply scheme.
  2. Development of a wiring plan, its approval.
  3. Arrangement of repair time.
  4. Wiring.
  5. Installation of elements (machines, switches, devices protective shutdown) and stationary electrical appliances.

The figure above shows a single line diagram of the electrical supply, where kWA is the electricity meter. The slashes crossing the wires indicate the nearby phase (L) and zero (N) wires. The protective conductor (PE) is not crossed out, as it is routed separately. If we are talking about a three-phase system, then there will be three dashes on the diagram.

Note! Drawing up a diagram requires qualification: it is not easy to do this work on your own, so it is better to entrust the plan to a specialist.

Power planning

When laying electrical wires, it is necessary to proceed from the power consumption. For cottage settlements, the consumption limit is usually from 10 to 20 kW per house, however, for housing in apartment building these numbers are unrealistic. With such a power, constant knocking out of the machine or even failure of house wiring cannot be avoided, since the maximum limit per residential unit rarely exceeds 2 kW.

However, it should be borne in mind that the total power of household appliances in a dwelling can significantly exceed the actual consumption at the moment. This is due to the fact that at the same time all household appliances almost never work.

For an apartment with a size of 50 - 100 square meters should be based on the following data:

  1. Main machine for 25-32A. The recommended safety factor is 1.3 - 1.5.
  2. Residual current device - 50A.
  3. The kitchen requires two branches of wires (section - 4 square millimeters for each). For both branches, a 25-ampere automatic machine and a 30-ampere RCD are used. The bathroom is powered by wires coming from the kitchen.
  4. Air conditioning: a branch of wires with a cross section of 2.5 square millimeters, an automatic machine - 16A, an RCD - 20A.
  5. Outlet circuits and lighting circuits: one for each room (except bathroom and toilet). The cross section of the wires is 2.5 square millimeters. There is no need for an RCD, since a general apartment device is used.

Circuit drawing

As a base, you can take the wiring diagram shown in the figure above. The upper part of it can be left unchanged, but you need to change the numbers in accordance with specific tasks. The model of the residual current device is not fundamental - you can put any. The designations can be found in the reference books (appendix to the PUE) and GOST (in this case we are talking about GOST 2.755-87).

Note! When creating a drawing, the dimensions must be observed symbols elements because they cannot be scaled.

Plan preparation

The figure above shows the electrical wiring plan.

Explanations for the plan:

  1. In all rooms, at least a pair of wire branches (lighting and sockets) should be sent from the electric meter.
  2. Since there is only one bathroom in a standard apartment, there is no need for an additional potential equalization system. This branch of wires is indicated by a dotted line.
  3. In the bathroom, you need to specify only a waterproof ceiling lamp and a boiler.
  4. Branches of wires to connection points and stationary electrical appliances should be defined. Stationary devices are understood as devices that are rigidly mounted in supporting structures or powered through permanent connections.
  5. You should not overload the circuit with trifles such as LED ceiling lighting.
  6. Branches of wires leading to a balcony or loggia are not allowed - this is against the regulations of the PUE.
  1. We take a plan of a dwelling in the DEZ or BTI.
  2. We scan the resulting plan.
  3. In Photoshop, we remove the old designations of electrical wiring, stationary appliances and connection points. After that, we apply new designations, based on the drawn up wiring diagram.
  4. We print out the resulting scheme.

Electrical equipment of premises

In order to correctly draw up a power supply plan, it is necessary to set in advance the number of connection points and the composition of stationary equipment located in the house.


The bathroom is typical high humidity air and spattered floor, which makes it necessary to provide special electrical safety measures. In addition, steamed in hot water body resistance to electricity is drastically reduced: the circuit current in this case can exceed 5A, which is deadly. The strength of the electric shock depends on the time of contact and the RCD will not help in this case.

At the same time, there are powerful consumers of electricity in the bathroom, including a washing machine and a water heater. The rules for the operation of electrical installations allow the installation of sockets in the bathroom using an isolating transformer or RCD, however, to ensure complete safety, it is recommended to take the following steps:

  1. The electrical wires from the water heater and the fan must be replaced with longer ones. The length of the cords should be enough for them to pass through the hole in the wall and reach the outlets of the adjacent room (most often the kitchen). A cord is not attached to the boiler, and in the case of a fan, re-equipping the device threatens only with a loss of warranty, which is insignificant due to its low cost. The wires must contain three cores and a protective conductor.
  2. Buy an extension cord without a cord, but with a three-socket ground electrode. The extension cord is equipped with a three-wire cord.
  3. Wires from household appliances are supplied with European standard plugs. Cords are placed in a PVC case.
  4. The plug of the water heater is connected to the outlet on a permanent basis.
  5. The extension cord is fixed in the bathroom with self-tapping screws.
  6. The washing machine is connected via an extension cord on a permanent basis. The remaining sockets can be used for local lighting, a hair dryer and other small household appliances.
  7. The extension plug in the adjacent room is switched on as needed.

So, with such simple actions, you can avoid the presence of bare ends of the wires in the bathroom, which will significantly increase the safety of residents.


Like the bathroom, the toilet only needs a branch of lighting wires to the lighting fixture. Bathroom and toilet lamps can be connected in series to a single branch. In this case, there will be no claims from electricians.


Based on the foregoing, the kitchen needs a couple of wire branches: from the bathroom and your own. Wire section - 4 mm. You will need a circuit breaker. For your own branch of wires in the kitchen, you need not one, but two triple sockets. They can be connected Dishwasher, oven, shallow kitchen appliances, lighting.

The extension cord coming from the bathroom plugs into a separate outlet. The refrigerator works through the outlet of an additional group, which is installed on the opposite wall. It is recommended to mount the sockets of the main group and the bathroom behind kitchen furniture- just below the countertop, but as far as possible from the sink.

Hallway and corridor

Here you will need a couple of branches of wires: for an outlet and for lighting fixtures. In a long corridor, at least two lighting points are needed. The closest point to the outlet can be made in the form of a sconce and power from it. The distant point will be a ceiling light powered by a branch.

Children's room

Regulations on children's rooms require the location of outlets at a height of at least 180 centimeters from the floor. This requirement applies only to specialized children's institutions, therefore, in a private home, this rule is advisory in nature. If desired, the socket can be equipped with a protective disk or other similar device.

Living spaces

For living rooms, the 2N+1 scheme is used, where N indicates the number of rooms. As an example, consider a two-room apartment:

  1. Living room - 1 branch of wires for the main group of sockets, 1 - additional, 1 - for lighting devices.
  2. Bedroom - 1 main branch of wires, the other - lighting. The additional group is connected to the additional group of the living room.
  3. An additional kitchen group can be connected to an additional bedroom group.

In 2 - 3-room housing, 10 - 15 branches of wires can be used, including for an air conditioner. The branch of wires for the air conditioner ends with a socket, despite its stationarity.

Height of outlets

The ideal height for the location of outlets is 25 - 40 centimeters from the floor. In this case, it is convenient to turn them on, they do not spoil the interior and do not interfere with the installation of furniture.

The outlet for the air conditioner should be located higher, since the equipment is under the ceiling, and the cord should not damage appearance walls.

Note! Excessive number of outlets reduces the reliability of the wiring.

Tools and materials

To replace the wiring, you need the following tools:

  • perforator equipped with a drill for concrete, a core drill, a chisel and a set of drills;
  • grinder with a stone circle;
  • soldering iron;
  • indicator with phase indicator;
  • multimeter;
  • pliers;
  • screwdrivers;
  • lamp;
  • level and cord;
  • putty knife;
  • electric portable lamp.

You will need a certain set of materials:

  1. Terminal blocks. This option for replacing wiring in an apartment does not provide for any twisting or soldering. Wiring is water resistant. Wire connections are made in the inlet board at the terminal blocks and termination points. Terminal blocks can be purchased section by section - 5 pairs with 10 contacts. You need 3 - 5 sections.
  2. Socket boxes. The boxes must contain ledges so that they can be fixed with alabaster.
  3. Cable. The best way- Russian brands VVG or PUNP. These cables can even be used in wet concrete. Both types of cable are single-core, which saves money when laying them.
  4. Channels for wires. Old pipes must be removed and metal corrugations used instead.
  5. Entry shield. It is selected based on the need to place 4 automata, 4 residual current devices and 4 terminal blocks.
  6. Insulating tape.
  7. conductive paste.
  8. Alabaster.

Wiring Replacement Instructions

The work is carried out in several stages.

Creating a makeshift

First you need to provide electricity to the working tool. We install a socket and a 16-amp machine with a wire with a cross section of 4 square millimeters on a piece of board or plastic. Also, you will need an extension cord.

After we turn off the electricity in the home. To do this, take out the plugs and turn off the machine. We remove the dose and let out the wires from the electric meter. We connect a temporary hut to the wires through a tight twist. We thoroughly isolate the butt sections with a wire and fasten the temporary hut to the wall. We connect the power supply in the apartment and start the installation.

Creation of strobes and installation of socket boxes

Channels must be straight, horizontal or vertical. We lay horizontal strobes 50 centimeters from the ceiling.

For convenience, you can use a stand (for example, a stepladder) with a reliable support. First, we use a grinder for gating, and then a chisel (for greater depth). We make niches for socket boxes with a crown (if we are talking about concrete - only with a chisel).

Wire laying

We cut off suitable pieces of corrugation and wires. We lay the wire in the corrugation. After that, we install in niches and fix the socket boxes with alabaster. Next, we install the corrugation in the strobes, and put the ends of the wires in the sockets. We start the introductory part of the corrugation into the junction box, apply a conductive paste. With the help of a tin clamp and a screw, we create a connection with the shield grounding terminal block. We turn off the electricity and the temporary hut. We start the wires in the shield from the electric meter.

Wire color

For the neutral, blue or blue is used, for the protective wire - yellow with a green stripe. Phase wires can be white, brown, red or black.

Connection of wires of only one color is allowed. It is impossible to transfer phase to zero or phase to phase, the switching of the switch with a zero break is excluded.

Now you need to apply a layer of plaster near the sockets and glue the wallpaper (or other decorative material).

End of work

After applying the plaster and wallpapering, you need to restore access to the sockets. To do this, we cut the sockets along the contour. After removing excess plaster, you can proceed with the installation of sockets, switches, lighting devices, and a water heater.

When the sockets are installed, we proceed to the assembly of the electricity supply circuit on the terminal blocks of the input shield. However, the input from the electric meter is still left unconnected.

Note! Before sending to the terminal block, we test all branches of wires with the device for a short circuit.

We temporarily connect the power supply and use the indicator to find the phase and zero on the wires coming from the electric meter.

We turn off the power supply, we bring the phase and zero wires to separate terminal blocks. Again we check them for a short circuit with the machines running.


Replacing the wiring in an apartment with your own hands is an extremely difficult task for a non-professional. Before embarking on such work, you should soberly assess your knowledge and practical skills.

If confidence is not enough, it is best to invite specialists, since unqualified wiring replacement can be much more expensive, and not only in a financial sense.

Replacing wiring in an apartment is a fairly common event. The need for this process is most often due to the fact that old cables include an aluminum core that is not adapted to modern capacities. Such systems are not always able to withstand the loads exerted on them. large quantity electrical appliances. Before replacing the wiring, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the sequence of work and recommendations for each item.

In what cases is it necessary to replace the electrical wiring in the apartment?

Most often, this operation is performed if the electrical system does not comply with modern requirements. Today, the load on the network has increased several times, since almost every family uses powerful electrical appliances ( washing machine, boiler, etc.).

Until recently, cables in electrical systems included aluminum cores. Although this metal is a good conductor, it has many disadvantages. For example, it has poor corrosion resistance. And also in the process of operation, changes occur in the very structure of aluminum. Metal wear increases the likelihood of a fire as a result of a short circuit.

The service life of aluminum wiring does not exceed 15 years, while copper cables can be in operation for up to 30 years. From a safety point of view, copper wires are the most acceptable. The most common problems of old electrical networks made of aluminum:

  • neutrals have deaf grounding (instead of protective);
  • outdated version of cabling by branching;
  • lack of automatic switches;
  • minimum number of sockets.

It is necessary to think about replacing the electrics in the apartment when the old system has been in operation for more than 20 years, as well as when signs of deterioration of the network are identified. Among these criteria, one can single out those that are easiest to detect. For example, sparkling rosettes are a warning that you should not turn a blind eye to.

Note! The problem can be solved in two ways. The first of these is a partial replacement of electrical wiring. However, this option is recommended only when it is necessary to eliminate a break in the network. In other situations, experts advise a complete replacement of the system.

Other signs that signal a system malfunction are all kinds of breakdowns of sockets and switches. Often, when electrical appliances fail, you can smell the burnt insulating material. In this case, it is also necessary to replace the wiring.

How much does it cost to change the wiring in the apartment? The cost of replacing an electrical system primarily depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space. The following factors are also very important: the number of rooms, the layout, the number of electrical appliances that will be used after the repair. The minimum cost of replacing electrical wiring for one-room apartments is 15,000 rubles. For two-room dwellings, the price is slightly higher - 20,000 rubles.

How to conduct wiring in the apartment: two popular ways

To date, electricians use two methods of laying electrical wiring in a room: external and internal. All subsequent work depends on the choice of the desired option, so you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods.

The internal method of laying electrical wiring is also called hidden. It involves the location of cables and other elements of the electrical network in special channels (gates). For their organization, a perforator is used. The main advantage of this laying option is that the usable area of ​​​​the apartment is saved. And also the mounted system does not affect the appearance of the room.

Another plus of hidden wiring in a house or apartment is the absence of the need to protect cables from mechanical damage. The location of the wires inside the walls allows you to increase the degree of tolerance for load and overload of the system.

However, this method of laying cables has its drawbacks. First of all, it is worth noting that the hidden method involves carrying out large amounts of work. The complexity of this option leads to the fact that with self-laying, the open method is more often chosen. Cabling problems in walls are more difficult to diagnose. Repair of individual elements of the electrical network in this case is a rather complicated undertaking.

An open do-it-yourself wiring method consists in pulling cables in skirting boards or installing special external boxes (channels). There are other options for laying the electrical network outside the walls, however, for private construction, their use is not appropriate.

The main advantage of the external method lies in the relatively simple implementation of installation tasks. Also (unlike a hidden network), an open system is easier to diagnose, which makes it easy to identify the problem and fix it as soon as possible. Thus, the repair of electricians in the apartment is simplified if it is done outside the walls and other surfaces.

Helpful information! Among other things, the wiring carried out in an open way allows you to make changes to it as needed. For example, if desired, it will not be difficult to extend an additional line for new equipment.

This method also has some disadvantages. Cable channels laid on the surface can serve as an obstacle when installing furniture. Another disadvantage of this option for laying wires is the restrictions on their number during baseboard installation. Boxes occupy a useful area of ​​​​the apartment and do not always look appropriate in the interior of the premises.

For open wiring, experts recommend paying special attention to protecting cables from mechanical damage. It's also important to follow the rules. fire safety and make sure that each wire is provided with reliable insulation.

How to draw up a wiring diagram in an apartment

Before proceeding to replace the wiring in the room, it is necessary to choose the most suitable electrical circuit. This document is compiled taking into account the location of all network elements. It indicates the sockets, switches, lighting fixtures located in each room. The scheme must necessarily contain paths (lines) corresponding to the places where cables are laid.

When drawing up the wiring diagram of the apartment, you will need to calculate the following parameters:

  • required power (for each room separately);
  • power reserve (for each room);
  • power of household electrical appliances.

The scheme is the most important document when installing a new electrician in a home. When it comes to writing, every little detail counts. Therefore, experts advise to be careful when creating this drawing.

The diagram should include information on the number of sockets and switches, as well as their location. The places where important electrical appliances will be installed must be marked on the drawing without fail. Installation points are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the apartment or private house.

The location of the fixtures and their number is also indicated when drawing up the electrical wiring diagram of a house or apartment. It is important to remember that the shortcomings made during the creation of this document lead to a lack of necessary electrical network elements or, conversely, their overabundance. And the most unfavorable outcome in this case is a faulty system.

The location of all individual elements of the electrical network, as well as the placement of household appliances, should be selected as competently as possible. Sockets, switches and devices that produce light must not interfere with other interior components (for example, furniture).

The choice of the type of wiring is made depending on the individual characteristics of the room. This is influenced by the following factors: the number of rooms, the layout, the number and power of household electrical appliances. For the most powerful equipment, as a rule, installation of a separate line is provided.

Features of drawing up a wiring diagram

It is recommended to pay special attention to drawing up a bathroom layout. Electrical appliances in this situation are located in close proximity to the water source, so you need to be careful and follow safety rules. The placement of sockets in this case is carried out taking into account that the distance to the water source is at least 100 cm.

For each group of wiring, a separate power cable is laid, coming directly from the electrical panel

Note! It is important to remember that for the convenience of drawing up a diagram, it is recommended to divide all the electrics in the home into separate groups (for example, wiring leading to lighting devices or household appliances). This will allow you to draw up a diagram as competently and concisely as possible and avoid confusion when installing electricians in the house with your own hands.

For each of the groups, a separate power cable is laid, coming directly from the electrical panel. This installation option allows you to properly distribute the load throughout the apartment. In addition to the lighting and electrical group, it is traditionally customary to lay separate branches for the bathroom and kitchen.

Each individual group, as a rule, has different power ratings. Therefore, to connect the bath and toilet, a cable with a cross section that differs from the size of the wire intended for household appliances can be used. The division of wiring into groups has the following advantages: cost savings (due to the selection optimal size cables for each line) and the independence of one branch from another. Such autonomy allows, in case of failure of one group, to use others without any harm to the system as a whole.

Replacing the wiring in the apartment with your own hands: necessary tools

Before starting work on dismantling the old wiring, it is necessary to calculate the materials that will be required to organize the system and purchase them. And also it is necessary to prepare tools for performing all types of work. Let us consider in more detail what tools will be needed to replace electricity in a home.

Related article:

Drawing up a wiring diagram. Installation of electrical appliances and cables. Programs for drawing up a diagram.

First of all, you need to prepare a perforator. This device is needed to dismantle old wiring and organize new channels (if necessary). For work, you will need to purchase several nozzles for chasing concrete walls with a cross section of 16-20 mm, a drill in the form of a crown of 90-100 mm and a chisel of 25-30 mm.

To connect the wires, you need to prepare soldering equipment. The power of the device in this case must be at least 40 watts. For the installation of wiring in the home will need tools: a grinder with a stone circle, pliers, side cutters, a set of screwdrivers, a building level, a cord, a lantern and a knife. For finishing you need to buy a spatula. In addition, you should acquire such devices for checking the readings of the electrical circuit, such as a multitester and a phase indicator.

Replacing the wiring in the apartment: calculation of materials

The calculation of the wires is quite simple. The most common way to determine the exact amount of cable required to connect an electrical element is to measure the distance to it from the shield. To do this, you need to use a regular tape measure. It is important to remember that during manual measurements, all surface irregularities, protrusions and recesses are taken into account.

After calculating the wiring in an apartment or a private house, it is advisable to add another 10-15% of the cable to the resulting figure. The stock is needed to meet installation needs, since a certain amount of damaged material is always present during operation.

Note! Cable laying is carried out only at right angles. Thus, the wires are mounted horizontally or vertically. Diagonal arrangement of lines is not recommended, as it is much more difficult to arrange. Knowing how to do the wiring in the house with your own hands, it is much easier to make a plan for future work.

There is another option for calculating the materials needed to organize an electrical network in a home. It is simpler, but at the same time less accurate, because the calculation uses generalized values. To carry out such a calculation, you need to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment and multiply this figure by 2. The resulting number is approximate, but this calculation is used quite often. Two thirds of the wires in this case will go to laying outlet lines, and one third to connecting lighting fixtures.

After calculating the amount of cable, other elements of the electrical system should be calculated. To install the network, you will need to buy at least 3 sections of terminal blocks, and they must include 10 contacts each. Experts do not recommend buying parts with a polyethylene case. This is due to the fact that this material does not have high technical specifications and the required degree of protection.

In order to answer the question of how to conduct wiring in the house, it is recommended to watch instructional videos that can be easily found on the Internet. It is important to determine how and how the cables will be fixed in the system. The option of fixing the wires depends on the personal preferences of the master. Experts note that it is more convenient and reliable in this case to use clamping plates. In turn, screw fasteners are less functional.

When choosing socket boxes, you need to pay attention to whether these elements are equipped with external protrusions that allow you to increase adhesion to the alabaster. For wiring, VVG and PUNP cables are best suited. You will also need to buy an inlet shield, corrugated pipes and insulating material.

Replacing the wiring in the house with your own hands: dismantling of the old line

Before you start laying new wiring, you will need to dismantle the old system. This work is done with safety in mind, so rubber gloves should be purchased as a precaution. The first thing to do to dismantle the electrical network is to de-energize the house or apartment.

Then all wires are checked using a phase indicator. If the device did not register the voltage, you can proceed directly to the dismantling of the line. Most often, it is in old-style buildings that the wiring is replaced. In Khrushchev, old wiring diagrams cannot cope with the current level of voltage. This is not only fraught with power outages, but also poses a direct threat to the lives of residents, as a fire can occur in a faulty system.

Helpful information! Each element of the system is first checked by a phase indicator - and only after that it is allowed to proceed with its removal.

First, the sockets and switches are dismantled. Old cables can not be removed at all, leaving them in the walls, but in this case you need to disconnect them from the network. If you still decide to remove the old wiring from the walls, then you will need to buy a tester. This device is used to detect old cables. Then the places in which they are laid are ditched, followed by the removal of wires.

How to change the wiring in the apartment: flush-mounted features

As mentioned above, the installation of a hidden system is carried out inside the walls. If necessary, the cables can be placed in the floor or covered with plasterboard boxes. To date, the option that involves hiding cables behind a stretch ceiling is very popular.

The most difficult way is the organization of channels in the walls. The amount of "dirty" work in this case increases several times. Laying wiring in an apartment on the floor has some advantages. For example, this option allows you not to go around the walls. However, the installation of electrical cables in the floor requires the dismantling of the old coating and its complete replacement with a new one. Before self-laying wiring experts recommend familiarizing yourself with step by step instructions for carrying out work.

First of all, you will need to make channels in the walls into which the electrical wiring will fit. To do this, it is customary to use a special tool - a wall chaser. In its absence, a conventional puncher will do. As a result of such work, a lot of dust rises in the room, so it is necessary to take protective measures wearing goggles and a respirator.

When choosing the optimal depth for the channels, one thing should be remembered important rule: The thickness of the plaster applied over them must not exceed 10 mm. As for the width of the strobe, there are no restrictions in this case. If it is possible to stretch the wiring in the house with your own hands in the ceilings, then this method should be preferred. This will simplify the process of installing a new network.

At the second stage, it is necessary to prepare holes for sockets. In this case, a perforator is used. To work, you will need to equip it with a crown-shaped nozzle. With it, niches for junction boxes are made. Next, cables are laid in pre-prepared strobes. During this process, you must strictly follow the scheme drawn up before starting the installation of the electrical network.

Then you need to join the wires in the junction boxes. For this purpose, connecting clamps (PPE) are used, which also perform an insulating function. Then switches and sockets are mounted. After the installation of electrical appliances, wires are connected to their contacts. On the this stage the wiring in the apartment ends. The control of the performed work is carried out using a special tester.

The final stage includes two points: the activation of the electricity supply from the shield and the termination of the channels with cables. If the wiring was laid in drywall constructions, then it must be protected with the help of corrugated tubes, which are attached to the surfaces by means of clips.

Installation of electrical wiring in the house: public method

An open way of wiring electricians in a home involves the use of special plastic boxes. This method is less complicated, so it is often used for self-installation of electricity. In order to answer the question of how to make wiring in a house in an open way, you should familiarize yourself with the algorithm of actions in more detail.

First you need to fix the skirting boards. If the voids of these elements are used as a wiring box, then they must be indicated in the diagram before starting direct work. At the second stage, it is required to lay boxes from the baseboards to electrical appliances (sockets, switches). Next, the cables are pulled through them.

Replacing wiring in panel house or Khrushchev is produced in the same way. It should be remembered that the boxes must have sufficient physical properties to resist mechanical stress.

Note! Low-quality channels are not always able to protect the wires from damage, which is fraught with an emergency in the room.

Then you need to install the outdoor junction boxes and connect the cables inside them. Docking of wires, as in the case of closed lines, is carried out using PPE. Next, you need to mount sockets and switches and connect cables to them. At the final stage, all elements of the network are checked by means of a tester.

Thus, there are several signs by which you can easily determine whether your electrical wiring needs to be replaced. Self-assembly This system will save you money. However, it is not recommended to conduct it if you do not have special knowledge and skills in this area.

Fire statistics show that most real estate fires are due to the inappropriate condition of electrical wiring. In houses and apartments built in the last century, the calculated load on the electric cable did not provide for such a number of household electrical appliances (dishwashers and washing machines, refrigerators, electric kettles, electric stoves, microwave ovens, air conditioners).

Constantly exceeding the rated power of the electrical appliances used leads to a decrease in the life of the home electrical network. The wire insulation starts to break down. The aluminum wire used in past years for apartment wiring loses its flexibility and becomes brittle. The safety of using electricity is reduced. Damage to electrical wiring often occurs in places that are difficult to detect. To restore the connection, you have to open the wall.

The deterioration of electrical wiring makes it unpredictable in terms of reliability, and often simply dangerous. Only the replacement of the entire distribution system, connection elements, switches and protective devices. Works carried out with the expectation of the future, in the future will allow you to expand the possibilities of using modern household devices.

If, during the repair of an apartment, it is necessary to move it to other places or install additional sockets and switches, it is more practical to replace all electrical wiring. There will be no unnecessary extensions and connections in your wiring.

A professional approach is required to determine the cross-section of wires corresponding to the load on them, to select devices with the necessary characteristics, as well as to install high-quality electrical wiring.

Calculation of the required cable section

These calculations are made using the well-known Ohm's law. The power consumption of all appliances and devices in the apartment is summed up. Also take into account household appliances that you plan to use. Divide the result by 220 and multiply by a correction factor of 0.75. The amendment takes into account that not all devices work at the same time. For the average consumer, the resulting value does not exceed 16A.

  • If the number you get is less than this, use 1.6 sq. mm.
  • If the result is greater, you will have to draw several lines and install a residual current device (RCD) on each. In this case, calculations are made for each group.

There are many formulas and tables to accurately calculate the appropriate cable section. But in a simplified version, the cross-sectional value in mm 2 corresponds to a load in amperes that is 10 times greater than this value. For example, with a load of 15 A, a 1.5 mm 2 cable is required. The required cable length is calculated after drawing up a diagram of the future electrical wiring.

Making a plan

Before starting work on replacing electrical wiring, it is necessary to draw up a diagram of the planned location of sockets, switches, illuminators, junction boxes. Sockets must be placed in such a way that there is no need to use extension cords and tees.

If you are not an electrician, it is better to coordinate the electrical wiring diagram and other nuances of the equipment location with a professional. To make changes to the existing scheme, permission from the Energy Supervision Authority is also required, since they are considered redevelopment.

It is more practical to break down the elements of electricity consumption into groups: lighting, electric stove, bathroom. It is better to lay a separate cable for each group. This will reduce the number of connections in the junction boxes. In addition, damage to the wiring of one of the groups will not prevent the rest from working.

Bathroom and toilet is better to connect separate group. High indoor humidity increases the electrical hazard. The line of this group must be equipped with its own RCD (residual current device) or difavtomat.

Removing old wires

If it is visually impossible to determine the line of the laid wiring, use a device that shows the location of the wires in the wall. In the price lists, it is referred to as a detector, seeker, signaling device, etc.

First of all, the apartment is de-energized by turning off the batch switch in the switchboard. Disconnect the cable going to the apartment and connect the carrier for the duration of the work. When the apartment is de-energized, make sure that there is no voltage at the sockets.

Dismantling of wires begins with junction boxes. The easiest way to replace old wires with new ones is to use the existing cable ducts. To the end of the old wire in the box, a new one is hooked and pulled out from the next junction.

But this method does not always work successfully and is not suitable when changing the home electrical plan. If the old wiring does not run in channels, corrugated or plastic pipes, and plastered in strobes, they can be reopened or new channels cut in parallel.

Installation work

Slicing strobe

Before cutting the strobes on the structures, the lines for laying wires and the installation sites of sockets, switches and lighting devices are marked. Strobs for new lines are laid using a disk tool or a puncher.

The gates are hollowed out only in a parallel or perpendicular position relative to the floor. In the future, this will help not to damage the wiring when attaching interior items to the wall.

Shtrobleniye of concrete and capital walls is made by a perforator with a shovel nozzle. Grooves are punched along the edges of the future strobe, then the middle part is knocked out.

In foam concrete and brick walls, side grooves are cut with a grinder with a stone disk. The middle is also removed with a perforator. The wall is pre-moistened to reduce dust formation.

Cable routing

Replacing wiring starts from the hallway. For apartment wiring, wires of the VVG brand are more often used, as well as a wire with non-combustible insulation VVG NG. In the strobe, you can first fix the corrugated hose or pvc pipe and already in them to stretch the cable.

In places where the cable is laid through the wall, it must be protected by a metal sleeve.

When laying cables in channels, they are fixed every meter using alabaster. In switches and sockets leave a supply of wire from 15 cm.

New distribution boxes, sockets and switches are installed in recesses, drilled using special crowns and finished with a chisel. There are no standards for the location of these contact elements. The height of their installation is determined based on the convenience of use by residents. It is recommended to install at least 20 cm from the floor.

Modern apartments are equipped with grounding lines. Sockets and the wires connected to them must be suitable for a three-core wiring system (zero, phase, protective earth). The cross section of the wire is not less than 2.5 mm 2. Up to five single sockets can be connected to one cable. Lighting devices are powered by a two-wire wire with a cross section of 1.5 mm 2.

For equipment such as air conditioning, washing machine, computer, it is recommended to lay a separate cable. Own cable is brought to the electric furnace and hot water tank, but the circuit breaker is used. When installing lighting elements, either only the phase wire is connected to the switch, or together with the zero wire, making an opening on the phase wire. Then the wires are led directly to the chandelier.

Connect the wires in the following ways: soldering, twisting, using terminals. The soldering method is more reliable, but requires more time and the use of a special tool. This method is used for mounting cables with a large cross section. The use of terminals for connecting cores is the most practical. To create a contact, terminal blocks, spring terminals and branch clamps (“nuts”) are used.

Do not twist old aluminum wires with copper wires during installation. Differences chemical properties of these metals contribute to the oxidation process that destroys the contact. To connect the wires, a bolt with a nut and washers is used as an improvised means. The reliability of clamping wires between washers is not inferior to fastening in terminal blocks, but it takes up a lot of space in junction boxes and requires good insulation.

Sometimes cables are laid through channels in reinforced concrete slabs ceiling. To do this, holes are drilled at the ends of the channel and steel wire is pushed along it. But this hard work, requiring skills and a separate description. Also, the process of laying cables and installing sockets and switches in plasterboard walls has another specificity.

Installation of lines for low-voltage sockets can be carried out in common channels. Television and Internet cables can be combined into a common storey or low-voltage apartment shield.

Tools and materials

For the production of work on the replacement of electrical wiring, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • perforator with pobedit drills and nozzles;
  • grinder (with a stone disk);
  • multimeter, phase indicator;
  • building cord and level;
  • copper wires, switches, sockets, installation and junction boxes;
  • spatula, pliers, side cutters, screwdrivers, soldering iron;
  • circuit breakers;
  • electrical tape, insulating caps, putty.

Power shield installation

In the modern wiring diagram of the apartment, circuit breakers and other protective shutdown devices are used. If the load on the wiring is exceeded, they de-energize the system. It is recommended to install a separate protection device for each group of consumer devices. For example, for three outlet lines and two lighting lines, six automatic machines of the corresponding ratings are mounted. The sixth circuit breaker is set as a backup.

  • For socket groups, a 25 A automatic machine is usually installed, with a load of up to 5.5 kW.
  • If the total power of consumers is up to 3 kW, a 16 A device is enough.
  • For the lighting group - 10 A.
  • For apartment wiring, general-purpose type "B" machines are used.

Advice. To replace the electric meter, you need to call a specialist from Energonadzor. Along the way, we advise you to replace the cable from the access shield to the meter.

Upon completion of the wiring, the new network is checked for short circuits. Usually a combined instrument (tester) is used for this. After applying voltage by the same device or a phase indicator, the presence of power at the sockets and outputs to the lighting devices is checked. After making sure that the system is working, the strobes are sealed with plaster.

Do not save on materials and devices related to electricity. All elements of electrical wiring from machines, cables and sockets to other little things must be of proper quality. The quality of devices does not mean design frills, but the functionality and reliability of products.

Independent installation of the power supply system of the apartment is impossible without basic knowledge in electrical engineering and the principles of installation of household electrical equipment. If you are not confident in your abilities, you need to work under the guidance of a professional. In any case, compliance with electrical safety measures is the main condition.