Ceiling soundproofing boards without frame. Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling: how to properly equip soundproofing

The increased noise level in the premises has a bad effect on a person: it distracts from business, does not allow concentration, and often leads to nervous breakdowns. Its influence is especially strong during a stay at home, where everyone wants to relax after hard work, relieve stress, enjoy coziness and comfort.

Soundproofing for the ceiling, walls and floor can help deal with the problem. Consider what coatings are used to protect ceilings - thin materials are of particular interest.

Types of noise, standard requirements

Noises in residential premises can penetrate from the outside, or arise directly in buildings.

Here's what might be causing the noise:

  • operation of household electrical appliances;
  • transport;
  • music;
  • sounds reproduced by a person (from a whisper to a scream);
  • natural phenomena (rain, thunder);
  • repair work;
  • even the rustle of leaves outside the window, etc.

There are four types of noise:

  • Air e. Their transmission occurs through the air. Such noises include conversations, music, the rumble of passing vehicles.
  • Drums. Noise is transmitted from the walls and floors of the building. For example, sounds from falling objects, moving furniture, construction tools, footsteps, knocking on a radiator.
  • Acoustic. They arise and propagate as a result of reflection from the surfaces of the room. An example is the echo created by footsteps in an empty room.
  • Structural. They are formed as a result of vibration from elevators, pumps, power tools, transmitted throughout the building.

Attention should be paid to the propagation of airborne and impact types of noise.

Basically, the problem of poor sound insulation is faced by residents of multi-storey buildings, of which panel buildings with good sound transmission are the least protected. Currently, when designing soundproofing of buildings, SP 23-103-2003 is used.

The norms of permissible noise in the premises in accordance with SP 51.13330.2011 are shown in the photo:

To understand noise levels from various sources take a look at the picture:

You can reduce the noise level by taking some actions:

  1. lowering the level directly at its source;
  2. barrier device

In order to effectively reduce the noise in the room, it is necessary to perform a complete soundproofing of the room. We will pay attention to one of the stages of this work - the protection of the ceiling.

The rooms in many residential buildings do not differ, so the thickness of the installed protective coatings has great importance. Consider what types of thin materials are on the market.

To protect against airborne noise in the house, materials with an insulation index Rw are used. From impact noise, sound insulation with the Lnw index will help.

Important! A higher Rw index means the degree of sound insulation of the material, but, on the contrary, best performance exhibit coatings with lower impact sound insulation Lnw.

Types of thin coatings, installation technology

Requirements for soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials are established by GOST 23499-2009. Two types of coatings are produced: absorbing, scattering sound waves and reflecting them.

Important! Despite the assurances of manufacturers, the use of one type of insulation gives little effect. Those who did the soundproofing of the ceiling know that the best effect is given by a combination of different types of materials - absorbing and reflecting waves.

If you wish, you can study this issue in more detail by watching the video in this article.

The following subtle types are used to protect human health.

Green Glue Liquid Compound

This material is an elastic composition based on a latex polymer.

The composition can be sprayed between two sheets of any building materials, or from the wrong side of the finish. When frozen, it reflects sound waves.

The tests carried out showed that when using the compound in the following construction: gypsum board 80 mm + GVL sheet 12.5 mm + GKL sheet with Green Glue material, there was an increase in sound insulation by 15 dB.

The use of a liquid composition when installing a suspended structure helps to increase the sound insulation efficiency by 90%. The compound is applied with a layer of 0.5 - 1 mm.

The material is applied with a gun. When the sheets are compressed, it is distributed over the entire surface.

The cost of the compound is 34 thousand for a bucket of 18.9 liters (this amount is enough to process 34 sq.m).

Soundproof membrane Tecsound

Tecsound is a fireproof and environmentally friendly material, resistant to moisture and temperatures, its service life is not limited. The membrane is made from aragonite, polyolefins and plasticizers.

For fastening to surfaces (any) special glue is used. Also in the line are self-adhesive models. The sheets are fastened together with glue or by heating.

For soundproofing ceilings, 7 types of membranes are used. Their thickness: from 1.7 mm to 14 mm. They provide an isolation factor Rw equal to 25 - 28 dB.

Membrane price: 8.5 ... 12.5 thousand rubles. per roll 5.5 m long.


The bark of the cork tree is often used for soundproofing. The material is elastic, environmentally friendly, low thermal conductivity, resistant to moisture, it does not attract dust. Besides appearance coating allows in some interiors to leave it without finishing.

Cork has good sound absorption (especially impact noise). The material is produced in the form of rolls or plates. The thickness of the coating can reach up to 3 cm.

More often, cork agglomerate is used to improve sound insulation. It is produced by sintering granules of cork tree bark at a temperature of 360 degrees. The mass pressed into blocks is cut into plates of the required sizes.

The material can be covered with natural cork veneer, and also have a lock connection. The greatest effect is the use of agglomerate in suspension systems.

The price of one soundproofing panel measuring 1 x 0.5 x 0.01 m is 280 rubles.

Rockwool Acoustic

  • This material has found application in soundproofing as an additional protection against airborne noise. The sound-absorbing effect (especially of medium and high frequencies) is provided by randomly located basalt fibers.
  • Panels from stone wool are characterized by incombustibility and environmental safety, good thermal insulation ability, moisture resistance, vapor permeability and excellent durability. They are only 27 mm thick. Installation of panels can be done by hand.
  • The most popular use of plates in the installation of suspended ceiling structures as a middle layer. They are installed between floor slabs and directly suspended ceilings. It is possible to use such sound insulation with.

Mounting methods for Rockwool Acoustic boards:

  • on adhesive compositions (the instructions on its packaging will help you choose the right glue);
  • fastening with dowels to floor slabs;
  • laying for the design of the suspension system.

The cost of a package containing 12 panels measuring 1x0.6x0.027 m is in the range of 800 - 850 rubles.


  • Many people use styrofoam for noise protection. But the sound insulation of the ceiling with foam plastic does not make much sense (sometimes it leads to the exact opposite result).
  • Impact noise decreases with increasing density of the materials through which they pass, which is not the case with the use of such an insulator. Therefore, the most effective will be the use of foam when creating a floor screed.
  • True, in this way you will protect the neighbors below from the noise produced in your apartment. Airborne noise is also not reduced with foam, as it has poor sound absorption.

Noise isolation on the ceiling in some cases is simply necessary. After all, the psychological and physical health of a person largely depends on the comfort of staying indoors. When choosing a method for protecting a room from noise, it should be taken into account that only combinations of sound-absorbing and reflective materials will bring the desired effect.

As well as complex finishing of the premises, including the device for insulating walls, ceilings, floors and high-quality processing of joints. With well-made calculations, the choice of materials and their installation, you are provided with comfort and peace in the house.

It is possible to make the most exquisite renovation in an apartment, furnish it with expensive furniture and cutting-edge equipment, but it is problematic to create a cozy and comfortable environment in it without solving the issues of noise isolation. This measure is necessary not only to block the rumbling and buzzing cacophony of modern city streets, but also to prevent the penetration of unwanted sounds coming from neighboring apartments. What kind of rest after a busy working day can we talk about if the neighbors from above rattle at full power, the music center takes place with raised voices or heavy objects fall on the floor when you really want peace and tranquility ?!

To protect yourself from negative emotions, you should take care of soundproofing not only window and wall openings, but also the ceiling. Let's try to figure out which materials will most effectively help solve this important issue.

Methods used for soundproofing ceilings

The main methods that are used in our time to provide sound insulation involve the use of:

  • plates with high soundproofing performance;
  • effective thermal insulation compounds;
  • special suspended structural structures.

Each of these methods has both positive and negative sides. To reach best result should be subject to the following restrictions:

  • strict adherence to competent installation technology;
  • the optimal choice of effective soundproofing materials;
  • selection right ways contact between the soundproofing structure and the ceiling.

Basic principles for choosing materials

It's important to know: The effective choice depends on several factors - the nature of the occurrence of noise and the method of their transmission, the structural materials from which the building is made. For example, in the case of airborne noise(loud voices, music) it should be borne in mind that they penetrate even through microscopic cracks and to protect against them, it is enough just to repair them well. For protection against structural noise arising from mechanical influences (furniture moves, a nail is hammered, a heavy object falls) requires a slightly different approach, since they propagate through a solid floor-ceiling system and do it many times faster and farther than air ones.

As for the construction of houses: for panel houses with high sound transmission capacity, the only salvation is to provide complete and comprehensive sound insulation; apartments in brick buildings can be soundproofed by installing false ceilings made of sound-absorbing slabs. The problem is solved somewhat differently in monolithic buildings.

The above factors affect the selection criteria for materials, namely, which issue should they solve in the first place - sound absorption or their isolation? In the first method, materials that have a fibrous structure that absorb sound and no longer let it through are more suitable. An example would be felt, mineral wool. Isolation, on the other hand, involves the effective reflection of a sound wave - here more suitable brick, concrete, drywall.

For your information: Best Option is an combined ceiling structure that solves both problems at the same time. True, it will cost a little more.

will be discussed in a separate review.

Sound absorption coefficient

This important parameter characterizing the degree of effectiveness of sound-absorbing materials depends on their rigidity.

Noise level and harm from it

So, soft products made from mineral wool have an indicator of 70 percent (k = 0.7), and sometimes even higher.

Using semi-solid materials from compressed glass fiber having a cellular structure, the coefficient is in the range of 0.5-0.8.

For tough suspended or granular materials, the efficiency is not very high and is about 50 percent.

Combined sandwich systems have the highest soundproofing qualities, in some cases reaching the highest mark of k = 1.0! It is these products that are in the greatest demand today, optimally combining the price-quality ratio.

An overview of the best materials for soundproofing

The practical implementation consists in laying a special soundproof fiber separating the main and installed structures.

The most popular material is drywall. It not only provides excellent sound insulation, but also has numerous filling materials (basalt wool, foamed glass, staple fiberglass, cork, peat insulation boards and others), is durable, easy to install, and, most importantly, has an affordable price. The only serious drawback is its considerable thickness, which visually reduces the height of the room.

Soundproofing plasterboard ceiling

Sound and heat insulation boards Isoplat. The material for their manufacture is the wood of coniferous trees without any additives. From the inside, they have a rough, wavy surface, due to which sound, regardless of its nature, is effectively dissipated. Outside, the surface is smooth - it can be used for every taste: paint, plaster, wallpaper. Two varieties are produced: with a thickness of 12 and 25 mm.

Plates Isoplat

Plates are somewhat different from them Isotex. With the same parameters and similar sound insulation coefficient, they are covered aluminum foil, reducing heat loss through the ceiling structure. To fix such plates, liquid nails are used tightly joined together, excluding the presence of cracks.

ISOTEX ceiling panels

No acoustic sound. It is a soundproofing membrane 5 mm thick, protected on both sides with paper. Perfectly insulates plasterboard ceilings, can be decorated with wallpaper.

Ecoacoustic. Considered a representative of the latest generation of environmentally friendly iso-materials based on polyester fibers. Fastening is made by a thermal method - without adhesive materials. Standard sizes 0.6m and 1.25m with a thickness of 50 mm. Colors - white, green, grey.

Ecowool SoundGuard EcoAcoustic

Zvukanet-eco silence. It differs from the previous material only in thickness - it is 10 mm less.

Acoustic stop it is produced in the form of polyurethane pyramids of three different thickness levels (35, 50, 70 mm) and with two standard sizes - square, with a side of 1 m and rectangular, with sides of 2 m and 1 m. The sound absorption coefficient of this high-tech material can reach one! It is most suitable for studio-type rooms.

Hydro Acoustic "Stop Sound"

The material is also of excellent quality. green-glu. Sound waves and vibration are completely absorbed by it. Applied in frame houses, is located between the GKL (GVL) sheets.

Membrane recognized as one of the best innovative developments Texound. Due to its viscoelastic properties, it provides excellent protection against high frequency noise. The material is quite heavy and voluminous with dimensions of 5 by 1.22 meters and a thickness of 3.7 mm.

Panels "Comfort" are "sandwiches" of soft fiber board, foamed extruded polystyrene foam and reinforced mesh fiberglass. In addition to soundproofing, it has excellent insulating properties. Also available in two sizes with a thickness of 22, 29, 32 mm.

Shumanet-BM is a sound-absorbing mineral slab of basalt. In its manufacture, the most advanced technologies are used. It fills the gap of load-bearing structures - cladding, and having a low specific gravity (47 kg per cubic meter), provides small loads and does not require the use of special equipment. Absorbs sounds by almost 90 percent.

Minplita Shumanet-BM

Acoustic metal slick- two-layer (foamed polyethylene and lead plate) membrane measuring 3 by 1 meter. When applied, there is no need for a supporting frame, it has a high density, isolates almost the entire sound frequency range, has high strength and long term use.

Acoustic Metal Slick Soundproofing Membrane

Annoying noise from upstairs neighbors is a common complaint among tenants in apartment buildings. This problem can be solved by soundproofing the ceiling. How and in what way to protect your apartment from the noise of neighbors from above, read in our article.

For soundproofing the ceiling, it is better to choose lightweight materials that will not overload the frame and peel off under the influence of its own weight.

  • MaxForteSound Pro– Roll soundproofing of new generation. Created taking into account theoretical developments in the field of building acoustics. With a thickness of 12 mm, it provides effective protection against impact and airborne sound. Maximum class "A" for sound absorption. Ideal for small apartments where every centimeter counts. Without glue in the composition and chemistry. The material is completely non-flammable.

Suitable for soundproofing ceilings, walls and floors. It can be used in frame and frameless schemes. Rolls are not afraid of moisture, do not attract insects and rodents.

  • MaxForte EcoSlab– Basalt slabs of volcanic rock, have excellent acoustic properties. Without smell. There are no impurities of slag and blast-furnace waste in the material. It is used for soundproofing at the most complex objects: cinemas, recording studios, restaurants. High sound absorption coefficient α W at all frequencies (including low ones). Completely non-combustible material.

  • MaxForte EcoAcoustic– Polyester boards (acoustic synthetic winterizer). For maximum sound absorption, aerodynamic fiber laying is used in the production. Material from homogeneous raw materials, does not emit harmful substances, without glue in the composition. During installation, they do not crumble, do not dust and do not prick. To work with the material does not require overalls, gloves and a respirator. Suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. Not afraid of moisture.

  • Vibrostop Pro– Vibration-isolating mount, to eliminate impact noise. Allows to reduce vibrations passing to the profile and provide additional sound insulation of the ceiling and walls at the level of 21 dB.

  • Sealant MaxForte– Used for sealing seams, joints and openings. Keeps out sound and vibration. High waterproofing properties. Contains fungus and mold inhibitors. High adhesion to all types of surfaces.

  • soundproof membranes.

  • Sound-absorbing boards made of synthetic fibres.

  • ZIPS panels.

From Supplies you will need:

  • Vibration-isolating ceiling suspensions.
  • Vibration isolation pad.
  • Metallic profile.
  • Dowel screws.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Glue.
  • Stucco mixture.
  • Vibration sealant.

Depending on the selected installation method, the list of consumables may vary.

Ways to soundproof the ceiling

There are several ways to install soundproofing on the ceiling. Basically, the choice depends on the stage of apartment renovation and financial capabilities. For example, if you have just started overhaul rooms, it will not be difficult to soundproof the ceiling by making the frame and installing plasterboard sheets on it. If the need for soundproofing arose after the repair was completed, then you can use the method of gluing plates or membranes to the ceiling in order to avoid the “dirty” installation stage.

Installation of soundproofing on the frame

Soundproofing the ceiling with a frame method is carried out at the very beginning of the repair. For fast and high-quality work, you will need the help of a partner. Installation of insulation is carried out as follows:

  1. Remove the old coating from the ceiling (lime, emulsion, decorative tiles, etc.)
  2. Seal all cracks between walls and floor slabs with cement mortar.
  3. Treat the ceiling with adhesive.
  4. Glue the soundproofing membrane over the entire surface of the ceiling.
  5. Make markings on the ceiling for the frame guides. Place the guides at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from each other.
  6. Based on the markings, install the hangers for the guides. Fix the hangers to the ceiling with dowel screws, having previously treated the screw and the junction with a vibration-isolating sealer.
  7. Using screws, install the rails on the hangers. During installation, using a level, check the correct horizon of the guides.
  8. Install on rails, fasteners for insulation. For the manufacture of fasteners, you can use a metal tape for suspensions.
  9. Place the sound deadening material between the frame rails.
  10. Install sheets of soundproof drywall or other finishing panels on the frame.
  11. Seal the seams between the sheets and apply the finish coat.

During the installation of soundproofing, do not forget to timely bring all the wires for lighting to the right points and make holes for lamps or a chandelier.

Soundproofing ceiling without frame

Soundproofing the ceiling without making a frame is best done using ZIPS panels. This type of sound insulation is a sandwich panel consisting of a sound-absorbing layer, sheets of weighted drywall and vibration-isolating fasteners.
Installation of a soundproof panel system consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare the surface of the ceiling: remove the old coating, cover all cracks, even out uneven surfaces.
  2. Along the perimeter of the ceiling, glue strips of insulation on the wall, with a width exceeding the thickness of the panel by 1-2 centimeters.
  3. Start the installation from the corner of the room and with the help of a partner, attach the panel to the ceiling.
  4. Through the holes in the panel, make markings for the screws of the fasteners.
  5. Lay the panel down and drill holes in the ceiling for the fixing screws.
  6. Mount the panel to the ceiling using special vibration-proof mounts supplied with the panels.
  7. Thus, install the panels over the entire surface of the ceiling.
  8. After installing all panels, do or .

In addition to using ZIPS panels, for soundproofing without a frame, mineral and synthetic fiber slabs are also used, which are installed on the ceiling with glue or plastic umbrella dowels.

How to silence an apartment? How is soundproofing installed?

Life in the city in a high-rise building is always associated with big amount a variety of noises that affect human hearing around the clock. The design of the house and apartment serves as protection from some of the sounds from the street. However, here sounds are added inside the house itself. The inability to get adequate rest due to exposure to noise from neighbors often leads to serious health problems.

For this reason, many try to isolate their apartment from external interference. To do this, soundproofing of individual parts or all rooms is arranged completely.

Soundproofing ceilings in an apartment is usually required in cases where sounds from a higher room interfere. To perform it correctly and get the expected result, some knowledge in the field of soundproofing materials and the technology of their application is required.

What is soundproofing in an apartment, and why is it needed

Noise isolation in rooms is necessary to solve two main problems. The first is sound isolation from external noise. The second is the absorption of noise in the room itself.

  • How noisy it will be in your apartment largely depends on the materials from which the house is built, as well as compliance with the technology of its construction. The thinner the walls and ceilings, the better the audibility in the rooms.
  • A significant role in the noise level is played by the presence of cracks in the joints of walls and ceilings, technical openings, heating and water risers.
  • To reduce the load, the ceiling, walls and floor are soundproofed, the soundproofing properties of windows and doors are improved. Moreover, apartments located in houses of various designs require different levels of sound insulation.
  • The hardest thing to do if you live in panel house. Brick houses have thicker walls, which means that the apartment will require less structural insulation.

But everything also depends on the specific conditions in the room, and individual requirements for the noise level in it.

Soundproofing parameters set by the regulations

Norms by levels different kind noise in residential premises, established by the Code of Rules 51.13330.2011 "Protection from noise". This is an updated version of SNiP 23-03-2003. And also GOST 27296-2012 “Buildings and structures. Methods for measuring the sound insulation of enclosing structures.

All types of noise are divided into air or acoustic, and shock or vibration. According to the name, airborne noises are transmitted by vibrations, and vibrational noises are transmitted through the solid material of walls and ceilings.

Sound level is measured in decibels - dB. In the daytime, the most comfortable sounds will be in the range from 35 dB to 45 dB, the critical indicator is 110 dB.

Before you make the soundproofing of the ceiling in the apartment, you need to decide on the parameters of the soundproofing of the room. You can do this yourself by identifying the main sources of disturbing sounds. As an option - to invite acoustic specialists.

The main routes of sound penetration into a room are:

  • Walls- the level of conduction of sound waves depends on the thickness of the structure and the material from which the walls are made.
  • Windows and doors These are the main sources of noise from the street.
  • Ceiling and floor are good conductors of sounds that occur in apartments that adjoin yours from above and below.
  • Joints in walls and ceilings. If the construction of the house was carried out with violations of technology, then in these places there may be a serious problem with sound insulation.
  • Technical holes- ventilation ducts, for electrical wiring and plumbing engineering systems can also be sources of extraneous sounds.
  • Pipes for heating and water supply.

To assess the noise level in the room, the following parameters are used: airborne sound insulation index Rw - the higher this parameter for the floor, the better sound insulation it has. Impact sound insulation index Lnw - the lower it is, the higher the sound insulation of the floor.

Normative Insulation Indexes

So, an ordinary reinforced concrete floor slab with a thickness of 220 mm and a density of 2800 kg / m3 has the corresponding indices: Rw - 55 dB, Lnw - 73 dB.

Varieties of soundproofing materials

  • If the ceiling is well and qualitatively painted, then such a coating does not require additional measures before the soundproofing device. The paint acts as a primer, it does not need to be treated against mold. But if there is damage to the paint layer, it must be removed completely or partially.
  • If interfloor ceilings in the apartment are made of reinforced concrete slabs, then on initial stage do not be too lazy to close up all the cracks and crevices, as well as the joints with the walls. Even small gaps can reduce the level of sound absorption of the floor.

  • Everything technical openings on the ceiling should be cleaned of debris and carefully filled with non-combustible soundproofing materials, for example, mineral wool. From above, the hole can be sealed with a quick-setting mixture. The space around the heating pipes must also be insulated. For this, heat-resistant sealants are used, they fill the gaps between the pipes and the floor concrete.
  • The entire surface of the ceiling must be treated with a primer. Walls are also processed at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from the junction with the ceiling. It is better to do this in two or three layers, each next layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. It is advisable to use primers with antiseptic properties.

If possible, it will not hurt to treat the surface of the ceiling with a special soundproof paint. After the ceiling is completely dry, you can proceed to further work on the soundproofing device.

Frameless method of fastening soundproofing materials

Without a frame structure, rolled sound insulators and decorative acoustic panels can be fixed on the ceiling surface.

  • Rolled soundproofing materials are the simplest and cheapest way to reduce noise levels. They are glued to the surface of the prepared ceiling in the same way as wallpaper. But their effectiveness is not very great.
  • Most often they are used in conjunction with other soundproofing materials. When using the Texound sound insulator, after fixing it on the ceiling, it is required to weld the seams using a building hair dryer or a gas burner.

  • Decorative soundproofing panels can be attached directly to floor slabs using glue or liquid nails. This option is suitable in the case of a flat and smooth ceiling surface. If the ceiling has drops, there are significant defects on the plates, then the frame method of fastening the panels is used.

To perform frameless ceiling insulation, as finishing materials you can use foam or cork tiles; reed or bamboo panels, to the name of which the prefix "eco" is added; as well as ceiling modules made of wood or MDF, mounted on glue.

Noise insulation for the ceiling of an apartment, made in a frameless way, takes up much less usable space in the room.

Frame method of soundproofing the ceiling

The most common and effective way ceiling soundproofing device in the apartment is the use of frame systems.

If it is planned to finish the ceiling with drywall, then first a vibration substrate, for example, a jute cloth, is fixed directly to the floor slab. Wooden blocks are laid on the substrate - a crate is made with a step of 40 cm, to which soundproofing plates are attached.

It is desirable that a small gap remains between the substrate and the soundproofing material. Next, the ceiling is sheathed with plasterboard. But there are other options as well.

The frame is made of a special metal profile or wooden bars.

  • First, using a building or laser level, markings are made for attaching the frame guides.
  • Next, metal profiles or wooden bars are cut.
  • It is recommended to place rubber or polyurethane gaskets under metal fasteners, or stick a soundproof tape on the profile. This will eliminate the penetration of noise through the metal.

You can also arrange it on special vibration suspensions. Such a measure will eliminate the decrease in the effectiveness of sound insulation.

  • The profiles are fixed according to the markings on the wall using self-tapping screws or dowels with a step of their location of 10 - 15 cm.

  • Then preparatory work is carried out.

Important! The electrical cable must be securely fastened. It is unacceptable to sag.

  • Further, soundproof mats, slabs or other soundproofing material are laid in the free space between the frame. The main thing is that it should be laid very tightly, without the formation of gaps between the joints.

Installation of soundproofing materials can be carried out in several ways:

  • Fixing directly to the ceiling surface with glue. You can use gypsum or cement-based mounting adhesive, as well as a special composition in the form of a spray.
  • In the case of battens, soundproofing boards or mats are tightly laid between the rails.
  • It is also possible to mount to the ceiling using special dowels with a wide head.

Often combined methods of fastening are used, for example, glue and dowels.

Then the whole structure is sheathed with drywall, decorative panels or finished in other ways. Drywall sheets, soundproofing decorative panels fastened to a metal profile or a wooden crate.

A significant disadvantage of the frame method of soundproofing is the reduction in ceiling height. This point should be taken into account in rooms with initially low ceilings. In addition, working with drywall is quite dusty.

Soundproofing under suspended ceilings

The option of finishing with stretch ceilings is becoming more and more popular. This is an opportunity to obtain ideal even and smooth, as well as very diverse ceiling surfaces.

This finish allows you to perform under the stretch fabric and soundproofing.

Soundproofing the ceiling with your own hands using a tensile structure is a difficult task. Especially if you haven't experienced this before. In this case, to obtain the desired effect, it is worth using the services of professionals.

The easiest way is to use a special acoustic fabric.

It is made of a finely perforated structure capable of absorbing sound vibrations. But without the use of additional soundproofing materials, such a fabric will not greatly affect the noise level in the apartment.

The technology of work on the soundproofing device under stretch ceiling is no different from the wireframe method. But at the final stage, it is not the sheathing of the entire structure that is made, but the direct installation of the acoustic fabric.

The design of the stretch ceiling allows you to use the most different types soundproofing materials, including their combination.

acoustic systems

To obtain a greater effect on the sound insulation of the ceiling, special acoustic systems are often used.

They are a combination of several types of soundproofing materials. Soundproofing for the ceiling of an apartment, made in this way, allows not only to significantly reduce the noise level. It also absorbs the sounds generated in your apartment to a large extent.

The most affordable and quite effective on this moment is acoustic foam. It perfectly scatters sound waves and absorbs vibrations due to the porous structure of the material.

Decorative acoustic foam - photo

  • Such material can be used for sound insulation purposes both independently and in combination with other insulators. It has a long service life and is easy to install.
  • Foam rubber elements are fixed on double-sided tape or with simple silicone. It can not be finished on top with other materials, as there is a large selection of colors on sale.
  • But in this case, a layer of dust quickly forms on the surface of the ceiling. Foam rubber plates are produced in thickness from 25 mm to 100 mm. They may have a different shape relief.

When deciding how to soundproof a ceiling, special attention should be paid to the quality of soundproofing materials. Often the use of cheap products turns into a waste of money.

High-quality sound insulators will not only effectively solve the problem of extraneous noise, but will quickly pay off with your peace of mind and silence in the apartment. What else is the sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment - the video in this article will provide additional information.

Silence in the apartment is a guarantee healthy sleep and shattered nerves. But to achieve complete silence in modern apartment building, very difficult. To get rid of noise, you need to carry out a set of works on partial or complete soundproofing of your apartment, and this requires significant financial costs and time. But if the desire to live in silence is more expensive for you, then we advise you to read our article, from which you will learn how to isolate your apartment from extraneous noise and what materials to use.

Before proceeding with the soundproofing of an apartment, let's look at the types and sources of annoying noise. Indeed, in order to get rid of noise, sometimes it is enough to isolate a certain element of the apartment’s design and not spend money on complete soundproofing.

Noise is of two types:

  • Wave noise - transmitted through the air, from the source to the eardrums, using sound waves. Wave noise includes loud music, raised voices, barking dogs, and so on.
  • vibration noise- transmitted by vibrations along the walls emanating from the source. Vibration noise includes - hitting a wall with a sledgehammer, the operation of a puncher or a washing machine.

Now let's deal with the sources of noise:

  • Noise from the street - comes mainly through the windows. The sound of squealing brakes, the voices of screaming children and grandmothers, the hum of a flying plane - all this is noise coming from the street. You can get rid of street noise by installing high-quality triple-glazed windows. An additional soundproofing element can be curtains made of dense material.
  • Noise from the entrance - enters through the front door. In order not to hear the sounds of a working elevator or neighbors cursing on the landing, it is enough to make soundproofing front door. In addition to upholstery of the door with sound-absorbing materials, it is necessary to install seals between the leaf and the frame, otherwise the noise isolation will be ineffective.
  • Noise from adjoining apartments- enters through walls, through sockets and gaps between floor slabs. Noise from neighbors is the most common cause desire to soundproof the apartment. If there is only one source of constant annoying noise, then it is enough to soundproof the walls adjacent to the source. If you are unlucky, and noisy neighbors surround you from all sides, then in this case, you will have to do a complete soundproofing of the apartment.
  • Noise from your apartment- comes to the neighbors in the ways listed above and annoys them. If you often have noisy companies, if you are a musician rehearsing at home, if you have children who love to jump and have fun loudly, then in order to maintain good relations with your neighbors, it is better for you to soundproof the walls, ceiling and floor without waiting for the visit of the district police officer.

Soundproofing methods

Sound insulation of walls, ceiling and floor is carried out in three ways:

    • Frame - this method involves the installation of rails on the wall, for installation facing panels. Between the guides, sound-absorbing material is placed, after that, sound-reflecting panels are installed. In some cases, such as in recording studios, panels have a non-reflective surface, but an absorbent surface.
      The advantage of this method is the high quality of sound insulation, and the disadvantages are the high cost of work and the reduction in the usable space of the room.

    • Installation of plates and membranes- in this method, the soundproofing material is installed or glued directly to the wall, floor or ceiling. After that, the plates and membranes are plastered or covered with thin panels.
      With proper observance of the technology for installing plates or membranes, the quality of sound insulation is not inferior to the frame method, and the financial costs are much less.

  • “Floating” - this method is used only for soundproofing the floor. The insulating material is spread on the floor and covered with a waterproofing layer. A reinforced screed is made on top and installed flooring. The advantage of this method is the absence of rigid fasteners, which contributes to a significant reduction in vibration noise.

Soundproofing materials

Soundproof materials are of the following types:

soft insulation

Soft sound insulation includes materials from different types of fibers sold in rolls:

    • Soundproof membranes- there are self-adhesive and ordinary, made from synthetic and natural fibers. Used for walls, ceilings and floors. Separately, for floor insulation, membranes are produced from bituminous polymers with a layer of polyester felt.

    • Needle Punched Fiberglass Material- Used for walls and ceilings. Good insulation for frame structures.

    • Polyester backing- made specifically for the "floating" floor, great as a substrate under the laminate.

  • Mineral wool- a simple and affordable heat and sound insulating material used in the frame insulation method.

MaxForte SoundPro

New generation material based on theoretical developments in the field of building acoustics and practical experience installation work. With a minimum thickness of 12 mm, the material provides maximum protection against airborne and impact sound and is indispensable in small apartments, where every centimeter counts! Completely environmentally safe: does not contain adhesives and other chemicals. MaxForte-SoundPRO is ideal for any premises: apartments, kindergartens, schools. Also, the material acts as a fire protection (completely non-combustible) and thermal insulation!

MaxForte EcoSlab 60

Material MaxForte-ECOplate is made of 100% volcanic rock (without impurities, slag and blast-furnace waste). MaxForte-ECOplate has excellent acoustic properties, which allows this product to be successfully used for soundproofing the most acoustically difficult objects: multiplex cinemas, recording studios, listening rooms, home theaters, etc.

MaxForte EcoAcoustic

It is made from 100% polyester (polyester fibers) without the addition of adhesives. For shaping, an innovative thermal bonding technology is used (melting the polyester fibers themselves). The material is produced on modern SIMA equipment (Italy), only primary raw materials are used in the production. EcoAcoustic is completely safe for human health: the plates do not emit and do not contain harmful substances!

Sealant MaxForte

Sealant MaxForte is intended for sealing seams, joints, holes in the soundproofing of walls and ceilings, as well as in the construction of "floating" floors and floors on logs. Due to the low modulus of elasticity, the sealant has excellent vibroacoustic properties and provides a significant reduction in vibration load between building structures acting as a damping layer.

VibroStop Pro

Vibration-isolating mount designed to combat impact noise penetrating through floor slabs and walls. The use of VibroStop PRO allows you to significantly reduce the vibration load on the profile and provide additional sound insulation of the ceiling and walls at a level of 21 dB.

MaxForte Shumoizol

The rolls are spread with the soft side on the floor, the edges lead to the walls. After work, any excess can be easily cut off. The joints between the rolls are coated with MaxForte Hydrostop liquid rubber.


  1. Impact noise reduction 27 dB.
  2. The material does not tear and does not crack during laying, due to the addition of imported plasticizers to the composition.
  3. It can be used as waterproofing, the material is waterproof.
  4. The material can be used for dry screed and under the laminate.

MaxForte SoundPro

Installation is carried out by analogy with Shumoizol, the edges lead to the walls, the rolls themselves are overlapped by 5 cm, and the joints between them are coated with MaxForte Hydrostop liquid rubber. Next, a building film is laid, this is done so that the screed solution does not penetrate the sound insulation layer.


  1. Impact noise reduction 34 dB.
  2. Airborne noise reduction 10 dB.
  3. Rolls are resistant to moisture. Not subject to decay.
  4. It belongs to the sound absorption class "A" out of five possible.
  5. The material does not attract rodents.

MaxForte EcoSlab 110 kg/m 3

To begin with, the MaxForte tape is laid around the perimeter in two layers. The plates are placed on the floor close to each other and covered with construction film.


  1. It belongs to the sound absorption class "A" out of five possible.
  2. Completely non-combustible material.
  3. Does not contain phenol resins.
  4. Due to the optimally selected density of 110 kg / m3, the screed does not spring and does not burst over time.
  5. Sound insulation at the level of 36-38 dB.

If it turned out that the apartment already has a screed, or it is an old housing stock, where the ceiling simply cannot withstand the heavy weight of the screed, an effective option is the floor on the logs.

solid insulation

The type of solid sound insulation includes simple slabs and combined panels made of sound-absorbing materials:

    • Combined panels- represent a design of two sheets and an interlayer. Sheets are made from chipboard, cork or synthetic materials. Quartz sand and mineral wool are often used as an interlayer.

    • Basalt slabs- made from basalt fiber. Additionally, the boards can be treated with a water-repellent compound.

    • Polyester fiber boards– synthetic soundproofing, easy to cut the right size widely used in frame construction.

    • Staple woven fiberglass boards- designed to fill the inter-profile space, insulate suspended ceilings and frames installed on the walls.

    • Cork slabs are made from cork fiber. Wall panels and cork laminate can be installed without additional soundproofing materials.

  • foam boards- the cheapest and most widely known material for soundproofing. Styrofoam boards are inferior in sound insulation quality to more than modern materials but thanks to affordable price, remain a popular option for budget repairs.

Handy soundproofing

Few people know that some interior items can serve as good sound absorbers and reduce noise levels by 20-30 percent:

    • A large carpet - laid on the floor or hung on the wall - can significantly reduce the level of incoming or outgoing noise.

    • furniture wall- installed along a common wall with neighbors, will save you from loud noise, turning it into a soft hum.

  • Thick material curtains- able to muffle the sounds coming from the street.

Soundproofing walls, ceilings and floors

Soundproofing technologies for floors, walls and ceilings are different from each other, therefore, we will consider each process separately.

Floor soundproofing

Floor soundproofing is done to block noise coming from the apartment located on the floor below, or vice versa, so that the noise produced in your apartment does not annoy the neighbors downstairs. To isolate the floor, you can use the "floating" floor method, or make a frame from a log.

In the first option, you need to spread soundproofing material over the entire surface of the floor, then make concrete screed. After that, a laminate, or other type of flooring, is laid on the screed. In the frame method, it is necessary to make a crate of wooden bars (lag). Insulating material is laid between the lags, the field of this crate is closed with chipboard or boards. To reduce vibration noise, it is recommended to place special vibration-damping pads under the logs.
Detailed article.

Wall soundproofing

You can block the sounds coming from the apartments of your neighbors on the floor by soundproofing the walls adjacent to them. Please note that it makes no sense to isolate all the walls in the apartment, including internal partitions.
For wall insulation, you can use self-adhesive soundproofing membranes, combined panels or boards installed in a special frame. Keep in mind that the thicker the sound insulation layer is, the less usable area of ​​​​your apartment will remain.
Another important factor in the soundproofing of walls are through sockets, in order to block sounds coming through them, it is necessary to fill the empty space between your and the neighboring socket with soundproofing material, such as mounting foam.
Detailed .

Ceiling soundproofing

For soundproofing the ceiling, it is better to choose lightweight materials that will not peel off due to their own weight or heavily load the ceiling frame.
If you have already installed suspended ceiling, then you just need to remove the panels and install the insulation on the main ceiling, then install the panels in place.

Remember the "golden" rule - soundproofing is much easier and cheaper to do before finishing works than after the completion of the repair!