Rockwool stone wool features. Rockwool slabs: characteristics, reviews, features of insulation Thermal conductivity of rockwool stone wool

Mineral wool firmly occupies the first place among heaters for construction. All thanks to the successful combination of its insulating properties and an adequate price. But judging by the reviews, not all brands of mineral wool are equally good. Therefore, we will devote our review to a series of really high-quality heaters from a reliable manufacturer Rockwool.

Mineral wool Rockwool differs from analogues in manufacturing technology, although the same long non-combustible fibers from basalt, silicates and other rocks are used for its production. But for their gluing, insoluble resole resins are used, which provide the insulation with minimal shrinkage and good tensile strength.

The insulation properties of Rockwool directly depend on the thickness and density of the boards. Also, these parameters affect their rigidity, thereby determining the scope different types insulation. Other characteristics of mineral wool are approximately the same for all Rockwool series:

  • air permeability - from 0.3 mg / m × h × Pa and above;
  • hygroscopicity - at the level of 1.5% by volume;
  • heat resistance - in the range from -180 to +500 ºС, but basalt wool can also withstand a temporary increase in temperature up to +1000 ºС;
  • service life - up to 35 years.

Another feature of Rockwool products is the mixed fiber laying structure. Instead of a longitudinal arrangement, which often causes delamination of mats, the threads of these heaters are placed randomly. This increases the rigidity of the plates without changing the volume of the air gaps.

Varieties and description

The versatility of stone wool is determined by the form of release - the more options the manufacturer offers, the easier it is to choose a complete "set" of thermal insulation for all structures. Rockwool has no problem with this. The range on the market includes all possible forms of mineral wool insulation:

1. Rolls and soft mats are used where insulation of a horizontal or inclined surface of a large area or irregular shape is required (multi-gable roofs, attic floors).

2. Plates - available in standard sizes, convenient for the "assembly" of the heat-insulating layer on any surface. When mounted on vertical walls or steep slopes mansard roof use rigid slabs of cotton wool with minimal shrinkage.

3. Cylinders are indispensable for insulating small and medium diameter pipelines.

Having dealt with the general properties of Rockwool mineral heaters, you can proceed to an overview of individual types, their characteristics and scope.

Insulation materials for building structures

Moisture-resistant, well-spring plates are lightweight and are used for insulation of auxiliary structures that do not experience high loads (partitions, balconies, etc.). When installing the floor on the logs, they can also be used as an insulating layer. To make laying by surprise more convenient, the edges of the plates are made flexible (flexed). For thermal insulation pitched roof and narrow piers where cotton wool needs to be cut to size, it is better to buy a softer version of Light Butts - Rockwool Scandic with a density of 30-40 kg / m3.

2. Rockwool Cavity Butts.

It also belongs to the light series of insulation for unloaded structures, although the prices for it at such a density are unreasonably high. The main scope of application is the layering of two-row masonry made of bricks or building blocks.

3. Rockwool Venty Butts.

Hydrophobized boards with a density of 90 kg/m3, thanks to which their thermal conductivity remains at the level of 0.035-0.04 W/m×K. For mineral wool with a strength of 20 kPa, these are more than decent technical characteristics. Rigid slabs are produced in two sizes 0.6x1.0 and 1.0x1.2 m, but they have a large selection of thicknesses from 30 to 200 mm. Also on the market there is a two-layer modification of Venti D with a rigid surface of randomly interwoven and compacted fibers. The main scope of application is the installation of warm ventilated facades.

4. Rockwool Facade.

Another representative of the Rockwool basalt family, but with a higher density of 130 kg/m3. Differs in the minimum shrinkage and excellent elastic properties. Thanks to water-repellent impregnation, mineral wool can work effectively on building facades under a layer of plaster.

This series of heaters for outdoor use has several options:

  • Facade D - with an additional compacted layer. However, it is this difference in the density of the plate, according to reviews, that most often becomes the culprit of cracking the plaster.
  • Lamela - unique plates with transversely oriented fibers located at right angles to the plane of the wall. They are used for cladding with clinker and composite panels, although the use of plaster is also allowed.

Plaster Butts boards designed for insulation have similar properties. bearing walls on the facade under the "wet" plaster finish. They are produced in 14 thicknesses from 50 to 180 mm with standard dimensions of 1x0.6 m.

Extra hard boards

Also in use among builders is mineral wool of increased rigidity, where the upper fibers are intertwined especially tightly. Its thermal conductivity is almost the same as the characteristics of conventional plates, but the resistance to stress is much higher.

1. Rockwool Floor.

The high strength of basalt wool is successfully complemented by moisture resistance, since the material is intended for thermal insulation of floors. Such characteristics make it possible to lay sheets of plywood or DSP directly on top of the insulation - to make a floating screed. In the “I” option, Rockwool Floor acquires additional soundproofing properties.

2. Rockwool Roof.

Used for roof insulation high rates rigidity. This is a kind of antipode of the Light series for roofs with good acoustic protection. Rockwool Roof slabs are available in several versions:

  • "B" - hydrophobized mineral wool.
  • "H" - increased rigidity for the formation of the lower layer of roofing thermal insulation.
  • "C" - have a combined fiber laying structure that increases their compressive strength. Used as an insulating layer for flat roofs formed by heavy slabs.
  • Extra - two-layer, with a compacted weave of fibers on one side.
  • Optima - also consist of two parts, but they no longer serve to reinforce the plates, but to regulate the thermal conductivity.

3. Rockwool Concrete Element Butts.

Rigid boards with water-repellent impregnation and a mixed arrangement of fibers. Designed for insulation of hollow concrete structures. The characteristics are similar to Rockwool Venti.

Special types

1. Rockwool Acoustic Butts.

50 mm thick insulation with high sound absorption and vibration damping. They reduce the level of noise passing through interior partitions and ceilings by 43-62 dB.

2. Rockwool Tech Mat and its analogues.

Five-meter mats with the ability to choose just light cotton wool or laminated with foil. Flexible material for external thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines for any purpose (up to gas and oil transportation lines). It is possible to buy Rockwool Wired rolls 2-7 m long and 30 to 100 mm thick with the same aluminum layer or wire mesh. They are produced specifically for insulating pipes for heating and hot water supply.

3. Rockwool shell.

Very high density hollow cylinders up to 200 kg/m3 serve the same purpose. They are available unlaminated or with a waterproof foil layer. Mineral wool in galvanized sleeves is used for chimneys. The dimensions of the molded products do not exceed 1 m, but the wall thickness can be any - from 10 to 200 mm. Heat loss through the connecting seams is prevented by special locks. However, builders in their reviews advise to insulate these places with a basalt cord for reliability on large-diameter pipes.

4. Rockwool Firebatts.

Fire-resistant basalt wool slabs are impregnated with flame retardants during production, as they are used for thermal insulation of stoves, fireplaces and chimneys. The difference between the Rockwool Firebatts Alu series heaters is a glued reflective foil layer on plates up to 50 mm thick.

The fire-fighting properties of the moisture-resistant insulation Sauna Butts are slightly lower - it can be used at temperatures up to +200 ºС. This is enough for the thermal insulation of the bath, and the choice of thickness from 50 to 100 mm allows you to choose suitable material to insulate any wall.

5. Rockwool Sandwich Butts.

Thick plates from 102 to 152 mm are used as an insulating layer of metal sandwich panels.

One of the most popular thermal insulation materials on the world market is ROCKWOOL insulation. ROCKWOOL international holding produces several types of goods for various purposes. The main direction was and remains the production of non-combustible insulation. ROCKWOOL produces thermal insulation products under the eponymous brand in 27 countries.

Low thermal conductivity of mineral wool

The main function of any heat-insulating material is to create and maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate. Which substances best meet this requirement? These are substances with low thermal conductivity. Manufacturers of heat insulators several decades ago began to produce insulation from mineral wool. Mineral wool is the thinnest fibers compressed by a binder into a web with a thickness of 50 mm to 100 mm.

Today, the market offers fiberglass insulation, which contains sand and recycled glass. Stone wool made from basalt rocks stone.

stone wool

Stone wool is one of the varieties of mineral wool.

Stone wool is produced by melting basalt volcanic rock at a temperature of about 1500 C and simultaneously drawing fibers with the addition of binder components and water-repellent compounds. As a binding element, resole resins (thermosetting) are used, which are the product of the condensation reaction of phenols with formaldehyde. In the final product, the resins pass into an infusible and insoluble state, therefore they are safe for human health.

The studies carried out on the material allowed the experts to give a positive conclusion on product safety. Rockwool was one of the first companies to receive the EcoMaterialGreen certification.

Characteristics of Rockwool insulation

Insulation pack

Production features and starting materials determine the following physical and mechanical properties of Rockwool insulation:

  • The best thermal conductivity coefficients among heaters of this class: 0.036 - 0.038 W / mK. The working thickness of the insulation is 50 mm.
  • During long-term operation there is no shrinkage of the fabric, due to the unusual structure and randomly arranged fibers. This distinguishes it from fiberglass, in which the fibers are arranged almost longitudinally. It also has a positive effect on the rigidity of the material and resistance to tearing.
  • Due to the mechanical interaction of the fibers with each other, the insulation after vertical installation does not fold under its own weight.
  • The thermal conductivity is significantly affected by the density of the material, that is, the ratio of mass to volume. The lower the density of the substance, the higher the thermal insulation properties. The density of Rockwool is about 35-37 kg/m3.
  • Processing in the production process with water-repellent oils ensures the hydrophobicity of the insulation - the ability not to absorb moisture, repel water. Therefore, there is no destruction of the material in a humid environment, which allows it to be used for thermal insulation of wet rooms.
  • Rockwool insulation has a high vapor permeability, which is more than 0.25 mg / (m x h x Pa). The insulation is able to pass through itself water vapor and air. Consequently, moisture condensate does not accumulate in structures with ROCKWOOL thermal insulators. The walls and the whole house breathe freely.
  • The insulation also works as a soundproofing material. The sound wave, passing through the rockwool layer, attenuates in it, sound absorption occurs. The overall noise level in the rooms is low.
  • The structure of the insulation is such that it has many air pores, so it is easily compressed, the compression is about 30% of the original volume.
  • The melting temperature of the insulation fibers is over 1000 C, therefore, under fire conditions, the material provides fire protection for building structures, delays the process of destruction of bearing supports.
  • No living organisms can be inside this inorganic material and feed on it. This applies to small rodents, microorganisms, bacteria.


Rockwool can be used in different rooms

Thermal insulation materials of the ROCKWOOL brand after certification studies have conclusions on compliance sanitary standards and rules. They are recommended for use in external and internal structures of any type of buildings: residential, public, including medical and children's institutions, as well as industrial facilities, including in the food industry.

Heaters are produced in the form of plates, rolls for ease of installation in various designs. For example, rigid FACADE BATTS boards are used for facade insulation, while LIGHT BATTS SCANDIC boards are used in private construction. "Vapor barrier for roofs, walls, ceilings" is produced in rolls and is used to protect load-bearing structures from the flow of water vapor.

So, ROCKWOOL products can be divided into several groups:

  • Rigid plates;
  • Light slabs;
  • Plates with additional rigidity;
  • Rolls.

There are currently a lot of heaters, and they all differ from each other in the composition of raw materials, features of production technology, quality and price. Rockwool brand insulation is not inferior to other heat-insulating materials either in its properties or ease of installation, and is one of the most popular heaters that are chosen by both professionals and people involved in construction on their own.

Video about the properties of a stone slab

Knowing the properties of a stone slab will help you understand whether it is worth buying just such a heater.

Rockwool is a well-known European brand of mineral wool. ROCKWOOL has been on the Russian construction market for over 25 years. It became popular due to its natural origin. It is based on gabbro-basalt rock of igneous stone lava. Its remelting in special furnaces at a temperature of 1500ºС turns the stone into fiery lava, which, using technological methods (blast, centrifugal-roller and centrifugal-blast), takes the form of super-thin stone-basalt filaments.

The fibers take the form of mats, plates or cylinders only after the addition of sealing materials to the fibrous raw material, and special presses and cutters give the exact shape. Water-repellent additives in the manufacture of basalt wool is a must. Rockwool natural insulation is widely used for heat and sound insulation of high-rise and one-story houses civil and industrial use. According to the requirements of the construction market and climatic conditions, Rockwool products, according to GOST and building codes meets all the requirements of industrial and residential construction.

Sanitary standards of the material are carefully studied, researched and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Rockwool is an environmentally friendly product. Its use in the thermal insulation of multi-storey buildings, suburban structures, industrial and public buildings or educational institutions was allowed only after a very strict environmental and sanitary study. The belief in its harmlessness to human health is documented. Absolute safety gives permission for its use in thermal insulation of children's institutions, hospitals, resorts and schools.

Advantage Features

Modification range of Rockwool mineral wool

In thermal insulation of canopies, ceilings, floors, facades, basements, roofs, attic space, buildings with high humidity and temperature or insulation of pipe routes requires a variety of products. Rockwool is no exception compared to other brands of mineral wool and is produced in several modifications. Technologists have put into the production process a variety of products that are used in the above areas.

The lineup Rockwool basalt wool is represented by the following insulation products:

  • Rockwool Venty Butts

    This modification is produced in plates, the structure of which corresponds to a rigid degree. Due to the coefficient of stiffness and density (90kg/cu.m.) the material is waterproof. The texture of the product plays an important role in thermal conductivity. Layers of air tightly compressed between the fibers do not let warm air flow through. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.035-0.037-0.038-0.040W / mK (λA), it depends on temperature regime indoors. Even without heating, with such thermal insulation in the rooms, the thermometer in the cold season shows from 7 to 12 degrees Celsius.

    The scope of this modification is ventilated facades. With good air circulation inside the heat-insulating "sandwich", condensation does not form. For facades, mineral wool thermal insulation is laid in 2-3 layers. Dimensional parameters of the plates 1000x600x30-200mm and 1200x1000x30-200mm and light weight allow quick installation on frame devices without the use of fasteners. Rockwool Venty Butts withstands large vertical loads, as well as strong mechanical impacts, while the material does not lose its qualities. Refers to the class of fire safety NG (does not burn).

  • Rockwool Light Butts

    The modification being made is used for thermal insulation of the interior space of the living space. For insulation of partitions, balconies, floors, attic rooms, the interior of garages and technical rooms, the Light Butts modification is also suitable in terms of thermal conductivity (from 0.035 to 0.040 W / mK (λA)), density (50 kg / m3) and vapor permeability , as well as in terms of dimensional parameters 1000x600x50mm and 1200x1000x100mm. For ease of installation, the plates are equipped with springy edges, which allow them to fit snugly against the frames without leaving cold bridges. The acidity module of the plate is also important, because the material is mounted on various types bases (cement, brick, stone, etc.).

  • Rockwool Roof Butts

    Thermal insulation of this type is available in the form of rigid plates. In terms of rigidity, they are superior to other types of mineral insulation. This product has a narrow range of applications, that is, it is used only for arranging roofs. The high density of the material (160kg/cu.m.) is a direct barrier to water. The production process in its technology provides for the use of water-repellent additives in the structure of basalt slabs, they make the material inert to water. Drops roll like "water off a duck's back", so the material is widely used in roof insulation.

    The dimensions of Rockwool Roof Butts products (1000x600x40-200mm, 1200x1000x40-200mm, 2000x1200x40-200mm and 2400x1200x40-200mm) fully satisfy the needs of any construction project. The microclimate inside the attic spaces maintains constant temperatures due to the low coefficient of thermal conductivity from 0.038 to 0.043 W / mK (λA). The sound insulation inside the attic spaces is excellent, the material absorbs all sounds coming from the outside, during a thunderstorm there is absolute silence inside. A big plus of this material is endurance to loads and safety to fires.

  • Rockwool Facade Butts

    The material is used for facade insulation. Specifications identical with Rockwool Roof Butts, except for some points, namely: in size and scope. Installed slabs in frame devices can be plastered with facade finishing materials. Mineral wool after plastering does not lose its technical characteristics and does not deform.

  • Rockwool Floor Butts

    Rockwool Floor Butts slabs are suitable in terms of density, stiffness and water absorption coefficient for thermal and sound insulation of floors. Using this material, floors of any type of structures for civil or industrial purposes increase the level of thermal background, eliminating noise when an object falls on its surface. In private houses, mineral wool slabs can be mounted directly on the ground.

  • Rockwool Acoustic Butts

    In the exclusion of any noise (mid or high frequency) during inner space structures, Rockwool Acoustic Butts plates are mounted. The products are used in frame partitions, in ceilings between floors and for insulation of ceilings. Density of 45kg/m3, incombustibility (class NG) and four points of thermal conductivity give the material optimal conditions for use as thermal insulation inside residential premises.

Forms of products

Rockwool mineral wool is produced in the form of mats, plates and cylindrical casings. Products differ not only in shape, but also in rigidity: mats have a soft texture, while casings and plates are produced only with a rigid and super-rigid structure. Casings are used for warming of pipelines and heating mains.

Areas of use

Mineral basalt wool has a wide range of uses in the field of thermal insulation. It is applied to warming of all objects of civil and industrial function. There are practically no contraindications for its use, unless the mineral wool is used for its intended purpose.

Technical details

Rockwool product modifications: Tech Butts, Wired Mat or Fire Butts are used to insulate buildings or equipment that operate at constant high temperatures. These materials are used in the insulation of stoves, chimneys, grate, fireplaces, as well as for furnace equipment such as ovens for bakeries, boiler houses, heating mains with hot water, forges and blast furnaces. Mineral wool of this level endure temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. If the temperature level exceeds the specified figure, the mineral wool melts.

Mineral wools firmly occupy a leading position in the world as heat and sound insulating materials both in terms of production volume and the number of houses insulated with their help. In Europe and Asia, the most famous and recognizable is Rockwool insulation, which has won such close attention with high quality standards and constant product line renewal, innovative products with unique properties or stand out for a strict purpose where other similar heaters cannot compete with them.

About the manufacturer

Rockwool is an international company with roots in Denmark. He has been dealing with stone wool-based heaters since the thirties of the last century. An important step towards development was the acquisition of factories in Germany and a number of other European countries, as well as the foundation of our own design office in 1957. This gave a powerful impetus to the development of both the Rockwool company itself and the insulation. Basic modifications of rolled insulation, rigid plates with different performance characteristics were created. The modern product range already includes several dozen highly specialized thermal insulation materials with optimized characteristics.

Rockwool insulation has officially appeared on our market since 1995 with the opening of a sales office. Already in 1999, the first plant was launched. In total, the market presents the products of four factories operating in Russian Federation on local raw materials and in strict accordance with the technologies and quality control of the international company Rockwool:

  • G. Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow region;
  • Vyborg, Leningrad region;
  • Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region;
  • SEZ "Alabuga" Republic of Tatarstan.

Mineral wool

The mineral wool group used for thermal insulation includes:

  • glass wool;
  • stone wool;
  • slag wool.

It is stone wool obtained by melting rocks of volcanic origin that has the best performance and safety. This served as an impetus for the technical development and improvement of stone wool, and in particular basalt wool, which made it virtually no alternative.

stone wool

Under the definition of stone wool falls any material obtained by melting rock, followed by blowing thin threads. In different parts of the world, naturally, the mineral composition of fossil resources also differs, from which the characteristics of mineral wool from manufacturers and brands may vary, as well as the actual performance properties.

Basalt wool

If we consider mineral wool produced by the Rockwool concern, then it can be fully classified as basalt. A group of gabbro-basalt rocks was recognized as the main ingredient, from which it is possible to blow high-quality fiber with excellent mechanical properties. Equally important is the qualitative combination of additional components, such as a binder, hydrophobic additives, etc.

The refinement of the technology for the production of mineral wool, as well as all the innovative achievements of the Rockwool company, since 1957 after the formation of the design office, is associated precisely with the improvement of the properties and qualities of the used basalt wool.

Product List

A distinctive feature of Rockwool products is their intended use. The product range contains highly specialized products, the purpose of which is strictly regulated by the manufacturer and the result of insulation is guaranteed precisely with the intended use of materials.

It is worth noting that the eternal dispute of consumers in various construction forums is tied to the density of a particular brand of mineral wool. This parameter is elevated to the absolute when considering efficiency, usability and durability. This is one of the reasons why Rockwool generally does not specify the density of mineral wool on many product lines.

The company's specialists thoroughly deduce ideal parameters mineral wool, the method of its manufacture, the final performance properties and characteristics in order to obtain a guaranteed result, subject to the installation rules. This is tied to a combination of a large number of parameters and properties, among which the density actually fades into the background.

Such a remark is needed to explain how important it is to know about the very availability of a wide range of Rockwool solutions, that for any task in construction and insulation you can find the best solution. First of all, in terms of predictability and immutability of the result.

Light Butts

Basic, or rather universal solution. Mineral wool boards of medium hardness, excellent for insulation frame walls, partitions, separate rooms, such as balconies, loggias, attics. Insulation of floors is allowed only along the logs. Plates are not designed for additional load.

Starting from Light Butts and beyond, almost all types of Rockwool insulation are made using flexi technology, which means that one of the sides of the plate along the edge is somewhat softer and springier. This helps to lay the material along the crate faster and better, without creating unnecessary deformations and loads on the main part of the slab. It also guarantees that the laying of mineral wool on the crate with a well-maintained step will be dense without cracks and gaps. The manufacturer also guarantees that there will be no shrinkage of the heater during the entire period of operation.

Light Butts SCANDIC

A series created for the insulation of a private house. The performance characteristics repeat exactly the properties of the conventional Light Butts, and all the innovations relate to the transport and installation features associated with the material. Light Butts Scandic is packed in sealed packages in a compressed form, when the plates take up a third less volume. This means that packages with a standard amount of insulation can easily fit into passenger vehicles or more into a truck.

The main constructive thought concerns the method of manufacturing insulation boards so that after any even prolonged deformations, the board returns to its original shape.

Facade Butts

Plate dimensions - 1200x500 (600) mm, thickness 50-180; 1000x600 mm, thickness 25-180 mm;

The purpose of the Facade Butts insulation is to create thermally insulated facades with a thin layer of plaster. The density of the plates is increased compared to conventional Light Butts. It is mounted on a surface with mechanical fastening by plastic expansion bolt shields with a wide head.

Venty Butts

A group of semi-rigid insulation boards, intended primarily for the arrangement of ventilated facades. There is no need to use wind protection for them, which reduces the cost of work and speeds up installation. Dry mechanical fastening with the help of special dowels, the number of which is determined by the construction or insulation project.

floor butts

Durable insulation boards with special impregnation with hydrophobic compounds. Designed for thermal insulation of floors and ceilings under a floating screed with a high sound absorption coefficient. Additional fastening is not required, it is enough to lay the slabs tightly over the area of ​​the insulated floor with the lining of the damping tape around the perimeter and proceed with the arrangement of the screed and floor covering.

Scheme of floor insulation with Floor Butts plates

Roof Butts

CharacteristicUnit rev.Meaning
Top layer density (15mm)kg/m3180
Density of the bottom layerkg/m3110
Thermal conductivityW/m*K0,037-0,041
Flammability groupNG (Negoryuch), KM0
Compressive strength to deformation 10%kPa40
Point load resistanceH500
Strength limitkPa10
Water absorptionkg/m2no more than 1.0
Vapor permeabilitymg/m*h*Panot less than 0.30

Designed for roof insulation, including the arrangement of an exploited roof with a cement-sand screed or paving slabs. Plates with dimensions of 1000x600, 1200x1000, 2000x1200, 2400x1200 mm are made with a thickness of 60 to 200 mm, which allows you to install the required thickness of protection in one layer. A distinctive feature of Ruf Butts is a two-layer structure. The top layer of 15 mm is made denser than the bottom layer, which significantly reduces the weight of the board and facilitates installation.

Used for fastening mechanical way dowels, clamping with a cement screed or adhesive based on polyurethane adhesive in case of installation over polymeric waterproofing membranes.

Wired Mat 80

* depending on the operating temperature, respectively, from 10 to 640 °C.

Specially designed insulation for thermal insulation of equipment, premises and pipelines with high operating temperatures. Instead of phenol-formaldehydes, a steel mesh is used as a binder and the plates are pierced throughout the entire volume with wire. Plates and mats can be fastened with knitting wire, welded pins or bandages.


Preformed hollow cylinder insulation. Designed for thermal insulation of pipelines with a diameter of 18 to 273 mm in heating, air conditioning, drainage and industrial transport pipelines.

Rockwool, with an extensive range of products developed from the middle of the last century to the present, covers the growing field of mineral wool, offering customized solutions that are unique in their properties and characteristics. When choosing the best option be sure to read the full list of products and recommendations for installation and operation.

2017-11-10 Evgeny Fomenko

Types of Rockwool insulation

Basalt rocks are used as raw materials for the manufacture of this type of insulation. They undergo primary processing, then the raw materials are loaded into furnaces, where they are exposed to a temperature of about 1450 degrees. Then the mass becomes liquid form, then it is placed in a centrifuge, where, as it cools, it breaks up into small threads with a diameter of about 14 microns and a length of no more than 4.5-5 cm.

The fibers are then treated with hydrophobic and binder formulations, followed by a pressing step to obtain the desired density and shape. Then the material goes through another cycle of heat treatment. The final stage is cutting into finished elements. Consider specific types of insulation and their technical characteristics.

Rockwool Light Butts Scandic

It is the latest development of the company Rockwool materials for building insulation. Its purpose is private housing construction. It has dimensions of 80 by 60 mm, there are two variations of the thickness of 5 and 10 cm, due to its small dimensions it can be transported by cars.

Size 120 by 60 cm, thickness 100 and 150 mm, this material is transported by trucks. Used for insulation of roofs, partitions, floors, frame walls, balconies. Vacuum packed, which makes it possible to save on transportation. For ease of installation, flexi technology has been developed, which allows one side to spring.

Due to the fact that they are laid without the formation of gaps, cold air does not penetrate into the room, but in summer, on the contrary, warm air. It is not subject to the influence and development of fungal spores, has a long service life. Belongs to the group of non-combustible materials, has a good vapor permeability.

Rockwool Light Butts

This is a kind of lightweight thermal insulation boards made of stone wool, used for insulation of external structures in a pie. Their distinguishing feature is the ability to shrink on one side (length) by 50 mm, and then, after the cessation of exposure to it from the outside, it acquires its original shape.

Thanks to this, it is very easy to fill the cells of the crate with it. If the racks of the crate are installed correctly and of the appropriate size, the formation of gaps is almost completely eliminated. ROCKWOOL insulation is produced in size 100*60 cm, thickness 5 and 10 cm. It is used for insulation of lightweight ceilings, such as: attic rooms, partitions, interfloor ceilings, for the initial layer in multilayer systems.

This heater is not designed for loads. Its density is 36 kg / m3, it belongs to non-combustible materials, maximum degree compression not more than 30%, vapor permeability index 29 mg / (mhPA), thermal conductivity 0.039 W / (m * k).

Rockwool Standard

Refers to an exclusive line of products for Leroy Merlin. One of its tasks is to improve the indoor climate at minimal cost. This type of insulation is an updated and improved Light Bass product, which makes it possible to compress the plates for installation. It is used for insulation of various elements: mansard roofs, partitions, interfloor ceilings, walls for siding, floor insulation, balconies.

One of its advantages is the convenience of transportation, since it is packed in a vacuum film. It creates the most comfortable microclimate in the room, in the summer it will keep the heat from the outside, while in the winter it will not allow the cold to penetrate from the outside. This material is not interesting for rodents and insects; due to its composition, it is not susceptible to the reproduction of bacteria and fungal spores in it. Does not shrink after years of service. The degree of vapor permeability is 0.29 mg / h * m * Pa, fireproof material.

Rockslab Acoustic

A variety of sound-absorbing boards, which are made from Rockwool mineral wool raw materials. Due to the optimal density of 50 kg per m3, the random arrangement of fibers and the uniformity of the structure of the plates, excellent sound-absorbing qualities are provided, shrinkage is eliminated throughout the entire operation time.

It is used as a middle layer of an insulating cake, suitable for ceiling soundproofing. This material fully complies with all requirements for sound-absorbing products. The degree of thermal conductivity is 0.037 W / (m * k), belongs to the group of non-combustible materials, the maximum compression load is 0.4 kPa.

Rockwool Acoustic Butts

This type of slab is specially designed to absorb sounds and, as an additional function, it is thermal insulation. Most often used for soundproofing cinemas, hotels, offices, living rooms. You can listen to music however you want and don't worry about it disturbing your neighbors or someone in the next room.

Able to reduce airborne noise up to 62 dB, this corresponds to the noise road transport. With a thickness of 50 mm, the sound absorption index is up to 0.7 and corresponds to class B, with a thickness of 100 mm to 200 mm, the index is about 1 and corresponds to class A. Its density is 35-45 kg per m3.

In addition to this model, the soundproof line includes models: ultra-thin acoustics, its distinguishing feature is the thickness, it is only 30mm. This perfect option for covering the ceiling and walls inside the room, it will give you the opportunity to isolate yourself from loud neighbors, while you will practically not lose in the volume of the room. It can be used in kindergartens and medical institutions, due to its absolute safety for human health. According to its characteristics, it is comparable to a material with a thickness of 50mm.

floor butts

This is a heat and sound insulating material, which is made of stone wool, the basis is basalt rocks. Designed to create an acoustically insulated floating floor and ground floor insulation. Their dynamic characteristics meet all international requirements for soundproofing. It has a thickness of 25 to 200 mm, belongs to the group of non-combustible materials, compressive strength of about 30 kPa.

Fireplace Butts

This is a rigid slab thermal insulation material, made of stone wool, one of the sides is covered with aluminum foil. It has a high degree of fire safety, it was designed for structures that are close to the source of fire. It is used to insulate the frame of the fireplace of furnaces, furnaces and other similar structures.

It is mounted inside the fireplace at a distance of at least 45 mm from the furnace body, the side with the foil is directed inward. Temperature range: on the foil side up to 510 degrees Celsius, on the other side up to 700 degrees Celsius.

A distinctive feature is that it is able to protect the surface of the fireplace from exposure to high temperatures, prevents excessive heating of the outer part of the fireplace, thereby increasing the heating of the room due to the movement of warm air currents. Its density is 110 kg per cubic meter. Belongs to the first group of flammability.

ROCKWOOL Venty Butts

Insulation ROCKWOOL Venty Butts has the form of rigid hydrophobized thermal insulation boards, which are made from stone wool obtained by processing rocks. It is applied to warming of the ventilated hinged facades. The insulation material is laid in one layer, or as a top layer if the insulation is laid in two layers.

This material can be used without the use of a windscreen. There are a lot of sizes - from 100 * 60 * 3 cm to 120 * 100 * 20 cm, which gives additional comfort in installation, since there is no need to cut sheets. The number of units in a pack depends on the size of the plates.

The fastening mechanism is quite simple, they are fixed with the help of dish-shaped dowels, they are buried in the base by at least 25-3 5 mm. The density of the material is 85 kg / m3, thermal conductivity is 0.035 W / (MK), it belongs to non-combustible materials, the volume of water absorption is not more than 1.45%, the acidity module is about 2.


A kind of rigid hydrophobized heat-insulating boards with a synthetic binder, made from materials of the basalt group. It has a heterogeneous structure, the upper layer is harder, it is 15 mm, the lower one is softer. Due to this, it has a light weight, which helps to simplify the installation process.

Used for insulation of reinforced concrete and metal flooring. Also often used for waterproofing coating, it can be used without creating a leveling cement-sand screed. They are insulated in one layer. Fastening takes place with dowels.

Specifications are as follows: top layer density 200 kg/m3, bottom layer 130 kg/m3. non-combustible material, water absorption, if completely immersed in liquid, will be no more than 1.6% of the total volume, the level of modular acidity is not less than 2.

Application of Rockwool insulation

A wide range of products is produced, which allows you to choose the right material for a particular location. Despite the very high level of quality, it has a fairly reasonable cost, and even if you intended to give the choice to the economy segment, you can easily afford the insulation from this manufacturer. Its main competitor is Knauf.


For thermal insulation of walls, both in the room itself, between the walls, and outside for the insulation of the facade, Rockwool heaters are used. When insulating the facade, the Butts D line, or Butts Optima, is perfect. FRONTROCK S, or FASROCK LL, Lamella is perfect for insulating the facade of a building under plaster.

The recommended thickness for walls is 25-180 mm (depending on the place of insulation). Consider some differences, for example, the Butts and Butts D series differ in density. The second option includes two layers, which makes it possible to reduce thermal conductivity, each of them can be used under plaster. Lamella has a lower density, due to which it is more elastic and suitable for laying on uneven surfaces.

If you decide to build a ventilated facade, the Venty Butts line is perfect, you can use it without ventilation protection. There are four subgroups of this line. Let's try to figure out which is better to use in a particular situation. Plaster Butts is used for plastering with reinforced mesh.

When insulating concrete surfaces, it is better to use Concrete Element, it is ideal for monolithic buildings and panel structures. For brickwork use Cavity Butts. To find out how much material is needed, you need to calculate square meters, for this you need to multiply the length of the insulated surface by the width.


You can use both single-layer and double-layer insulation (with a layer of vapor barrier or foil) Rud D, during installation it is recommended, but not necessary, to use vapor barrier film. There is also insulation that can be poured with a screed. It is made in several configurations that vary in density. The lower the density, the lower the weight per 1 m2, respectively. There is also a slight difference in thermal conductivity.

For saunas, baths

Mineral wool Sauna Butts is used, its distinguishing feature is that one of its sides is foil. This makes it possible to reflect infrared radiation and perform a windproof function. Another of the materials used is Fire Butts, used to insulate fireplaces.

Available with or without foil, able to withstand high temperatures. If you are interested in how much this material costs, the price for a pack of 8 pieces sized 100*60*3cm will cost an average of about $49.

Isolation of technical objects

These include heating pipes, air ducts, industrial furnaces. Cannot be used in the food industry. Marking of this material Those, there are 5 types, their difference lies in density, size, shape. For convenience, there are lamellar rolls, that is, there is no need to calculate how to cut the material correctly in order to fix it.

Consider the characteristics that are significant for the consumer:

  • Good level of heat transfer, it allows you to retain up to 75% of thermal energy.
  • Savings on material during the construction phase, 5 cm of insulation correspond to 20 cm of timber, or about 100 cm of brickwork.
  • Environmental friendliness and safety for a person. Does not cause allergies, can be used in preschool and medical institutions.
  • High noise absorption.
  • Durable .
  • Easy to install, because it can be cut with a construction knife.
  • In him mold and fungus does not appear.

As such, there are practically no drawbacks, however, such a material must be used with a water-repellent membrane. And not everywhere there are representative offices, which creates a certain shortage of goods.