Projects of garages for two cars with an attic - stages of creation. Two-car frame garage (walls) Two-car frame garages dimensions drawings

Garage for two cars garage today is widely in demand, both in the city and in the suburban sector. But in order for it to successfully fulfill its functions: the safety of cars from weather adversities; protection from thieves; just a parking lot - you need to meet the special requirements of its construction.

Today we will consider how to make a garage for two cars. Also on the video in this article you can find additional information you need.

Getting the job done right

We immediately make a garage project for 2 cars, this is important not only from the point of view of registration, but you can also make calculations for the construction (see). After all, the price will depend on this. The instructions below will help you build a garage.

Garage Options

2 car garage projects should be done with durability in mind. It should not only accommodate two cars, it will also be necessary to allocate a storage area here - for tools, spare parts, necessary things and equipment (see).

Therefore, when calculating its dimensions, you need to decide on this.

In accordance with existing regulations:

  • parking space for one car must be inscribed in a rectangle with sides of 2.3 m x 5.5 m; and should not be located in the area of ​​movement of people
  • distance from garage wall to car and between parking spaces - at least 0.5 m; which roughly corresponds to two standing nearby, cars with open doors
  • minimum garage height, comfortable to use, varies from 2.2 m to 2.6 m
  • in the calculations it is necessary to lay the thickness of the walls and blind areas, which defines the outer boundaries

A garage with parameters of 6 m x 8 m is considered optimal.

Good choice of location

Garage projects for two cars are made taking into account the binding to the area. After all, it will be necessary to take into account the proximity ground water and choose the right foundation. After all, the structure will be heavy and it must be made stable.

To decide on good place For the construction of a garage, several conditions must be taken into account at the same time:

  • land relief; (there should be no holes and slopes)
  • Soil properties; (humidity, flowability, freezing depth)
  • The depth of the passage of groundwater and communications
  • Ease of access

After a preliminary understanding of the size of the building; places and materials for its implementation - you can start choosing the type of foundation (see).

Attention: Finished projects for garages for 2 cars must take into account the angle of rotation of the vehicle in relation to the width of the road. Then it will be possible to determine the correct width of the gate and the entrance will be safe.

Foundation types

The choice of foundation is decisive for the quality, stability and durability of the garage. There are two options for support bases: columnar structures and tape, continuous and block type.

  • Column type foundation is a support of recessed pillars, which are installed around the perimeter of the future garage at a distance of 1.5 m to 2.5 m from each other.

The material for them can be wood, stone, brick, concrete, rubble and reinforced concrete. This type of base should be preferred in the case when there is a viscous soil containing clay on the site. This type of foundation is more convenient and economical.

Its creation is a very time-consuming process, consisting of several stages:

  1. pit preparation
  2. basement laying
  3. step-by-step concrete pouring and tamping
  4. laying rebar, stones or rubble to increase strength

This method is costly as it requires a lot of building materials.

Material selection

The most competitive material for building garage walls is brick (see). Correspondence of price and quality, the variety of its types - porous, hollow, ordinary - allows you to bring the thickness of the walls in accordance with any needs.

Attention: Perhaps the only negative is the high thermal conductivity. Therefore, the walls must be insulated and plastered with inside. Construction practice focuses on the fact that the higher the walls, the thicker they should be.

  • If strong winds prevail in the construction region (more than 15 m / s), then the thickness of the walls should be one brick; if less, then you can put the wall in half a brick
  • If the area is characterized by low temperatures in winter period(- 20 and below), then the walls should be 1.5 bricks


To obtain the desired strength of the walls, the bricks must be oriented without distortion, according to the calculations. Laying can be carried out in a free order. But if you do not have much experience in the work of a bricklayer, then it will be preferable to resort to a simple multi-row system.


  • The treasure starts from the corners of the room. Moreover, to begin with, measurements of the diagonal are made, the design must have the correct geometric shape.
  • It is necessary to observe the alternation of one tychkovy row with five or six spoon rows.
  • Using this scheme, you will get slightly less strength than using a single-row (professional), but, due to its simplicity, the final result will be at a good level, even for beginners in this field.
  • Take care of the uniformity of the thickness of the seams between the rows, it should not exceed 10 mm. For extra strength, you need to lay a layer of thin metal reinforcement in the seam, every four rows.
  • When starting to make a mortar, cement and sand should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 4. But mixtures with a similar composition, which were produced industrially, are also suitable.
  • Having achieved the required height of the walls - 2.5 m, proceed to work with the roof and windows, the construction of doors and gates.

Roof installation

The roof performs two important functions - heat conservation and protection of the building from moisture. It is more profitable to choose a roof option with a slope. When choosing a flat one, you may face the problem of constantly accumulating precipitation, which leads to dampness and leaks.

  • Before you start working on the roof, you need to install the rafters. The frame is best done with wooden beams. On them you need to nail the boards with an overlap, without gaps and gaps.
  • From above, form a canopy of roofing material, tiles, slate or profiled sheet.
  • Follow your preferences, there is an extensive range of materials in the industry.

Attention: Before starting work, the tree will need to be treated with antiseptics, this will significantly extend the service life.

Floor device

After finishing foundation works the floor is done:

  • Its creation should begin with waterproofing, which will help keep the car from corroding and prevent moisture from spoiling everything stored in the garage.
  • A layer of sand, 10 cm thick, is thrown onto the site and carefully compacted. A screed is poured onto it with a slope towards the gate.
  • When the construction of the garage is close to finish, the floor is optional. Can be painted or tiled with clinker floor tiles.


Building a garage for 2 cars requires an appropriate gate. It depends on the size of both cars. Now very common lifting Garage Doors, they save space, are formed from a solid and durable frame, prevent burglaries, and can also be automated.

They work according to the principle of transition from vertical to horizontal position. Includes shield, frame and lift-and-swivel mechanism.

To make such a gate yourself, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Take measurements
  • Choose the type of gate that suits your needs
  • Calculate Quantity the right materials, according to preliminary drawing
  • Gate Placement

Attention: If you do everything yourself, then pay attention to the perpendicularity of the installation relative to the ground. This is a pretty important point.

Entrance to the garage

Another serious moment in the construction of a garage is access roads. They must be of high quality.

The materials used may vary:

  • Reinforced concrete slabs
  • Asphalted pavements
  • Special tiles for paving sidewalks

The main thing is their high strength, easy entry, wear resistance.

You also need free space to be able to maneuver the car around a 90-degree turn.


A significant disadvantage of closed garage buildings is the lack natural light. Even the presence of small barred windows does not increase the overall level of illumination.

  • The most convenient for this purpose is general lighting, which is evenly distributed throughout the garage space, making it easier to park the car.
  • When choosing light sources, it is necessary to take into account their efficiency. In this regard, there is no better alternative than energy-saving lamps. There are also common and fluorescent lamps, and LED sources.

Attention: When laying the cable, never use twists. It is not safe. Use terminal blocks and this will ensure a reliable connection.


To maintain the conditions of the desired microclimate, you can not do without ventilation of the supply and exhaust type. It will help to avoid the accumulation of harmful exhaust gases and provide good level air exchange, which contributes to the rapid drying of the machine.

You have to choose one of the types of ventilation: natural, forced or mechanical, combined.

  • The first and most popular is the natural type. It is quite simple and does not require large cash outlays.
  • Inlet grilles are placed at the bottom of the gate, due to which the exhausted, less dense air is displaced.
  • Make sure that the sections of the supply and exhaust systems do not match, the first should be half the second, otherwise condensation may form in the garage.
  • One of the disadvantages of this method is the dependence of its effectiveness on natural weather factors.
  • But by placing a fan in the garage, you can partially solve this problem. This is a combined method.
  • With the mechanical type, such difficulties do not arise. When air enters the system, filtration and heating occurs.
  • Before entering the room, it passes through the air distributor. Further, it is awaiting removal with the help of an exhaust fan.


There are two types of heating - autonomous and shared with the house. It is very convenient if the construction of the garage is carried out simultaneously with the construction of the house, then you can limit yourself to laying the pipeline and installing radiators.

  • If the garage is built separately, then you need to stick to the offline method. Using appropriate equipment, which is usually gas or electricity powered.
  • For example - heat guns, they are able to create the desired conditions in the garage in the shortest possible time, as they have great power.

You can make a garage for 2 cars with high quality if you calculate everything correctly. Be sure to take into account the free space for movement. Look at the photo and choose the desired design option.

To build a garage for 2 cars - in modern construction, this is no longer a surplus, but a need. In a private house or in a garage cooperative, in all these cases, a properly completed project will help you get best option for several cars in a small area. Here it is necessary to take into account the possibilities and needs of the owners and the features of the site under construction.

Let us analyze in more detail what is important to consider when drafting a garage for 2 cars.

Information you need when planning to build a 2 car garage

For compiling project documentation it is necessary to know several points on which the convenience and safety of using boxing depends.

Types of garage boxes

Garage for 2 cars can be built in 2 types:

  1. built-in. This view is intended for the construction of a building together with car installation sites. They can be equipped in the basement or on the 1st floor. But when arranging a box below ground level, it is important to take into account the depth and convenience of the arrival of cars. To do this, you will need to ensure the optimal angle of inclination of the arrival and the length of the access road. When drawing up a project and a building scheme, the maximum dimensions of the car should be taken into account, no one knows what kind of car will appear in your family. It is recommended to make a building with a canopy or a workshop.
  2. Detached building. The project of a garage for 2 cars standing separately from the main building on the site or during construction in a garage cooperative also takes into account the features of the site for construction and the size of the cars. If the box is being built on a courtyard, it can be connected to the main building with a warm transition or just a separate frame garage for 2 cars can be made.

What to consider when drawing up a plan

When determining the shape and type of structure, several points must be taken into account:

  • external and internal dimensions of the box;
  • power and type of foundation cushion;
  • thickness and material of future walls and ceilings;
  • how many and what sizes will be the gates in the garage for 2 cars;
  • the scheme should take into account the type and material of the roof structure;
  • for convenience, the layout should take into account the places for supplying communications.

The layout should take into account the ventilation system, noise insulation of the gates and the material of the walls and gates. If car repairs are done by hand, it is necessary to equip the room with a lift or viewing hole. Here you should make a room with a workshop and convenient places to store tools and accessories. If it is planned to build below ground level, the angle of inclination and the length of the access roads are taken into account.

Building dimensions

  1. Vehicle dimensions and sizing by width. To determine the overall minimum width, you will need to add a minimum of 500 mm on each side to the size of each car. This size will allow you to freely open the doors, and feel confident when parking. If you plan to install racks or install a locksmith's workbench, this size should be taken into account when determining the width of the box.
  2. The dimensions of the garage for 2 cars along the length will help to calculate the knowledge of the basic formula - a minimum of 1500 mm is added to the size of your car. This clear distance will allow you to freely open the trunk and hood and walk around the car. Planning for the installation of garage furniture, or if the side will be with a canopy, should be taken into account when drawing up the drawing.
  3. The required height depends on the height of the tallest member of the family and the dimensions of the car. 500 mm is added to a person’s height, and when determining the dimensions, depending on the brand of the car, the height of the body or the size from the floor level to the upper edge of the open trunk is taken into account.

When calculating, the average size of a garage for two cars is taken into account:

  • width and length of the building - at least 7 m;
  • height - 2.5 m;
  • total usable area - 50 m2.

These are the internal optimal dimensions of the building. When calculating the external dimensions, the minimum thickness of building materials and finishes is taken into account. If the building is made of brick, the minimum size increases by 100 mm, and block size by 200 mm. The thermal insulation layer will require an addition of 70 mm. Plastering finished surfaces increases the contours of the building by 15 mm, and drywall - up to 50-70 mm. When calculating a frame garage, the thickness of the frame, finishing and heat-insulating plate materials should be taken into account.

Gate size

Garage for 2 passenger car can be equipped with one gate, but such a design will require taking care of the margin of safety and it will be necessary to increase the mass of the loot and sash construction. There is a high risk of structural sagging over time and unpleasant situations in the future. Therefore, the best option is a building with 2 separate gates. In addition to the width, it is important to consider the dimensions in height. They must exceed the maximum possible height of the car by 500 mm, and add at least 200 mm to the width dimensions.

When designing, it is important to immediately take into account the type and design of the valves. Some models require additional space for arranging the receiving box. It is customary to make the second sash the same size as the first, regardless of the type and brand of car.

Designing additional space

A frame garage for 2 cars can be made with your own hands and completed with a canopy, but this will require you to foresee and plan the dimensions of the outer walls on the site. This addition will prevent rain or snow from entering and protect interior spaces from exposure to sunlight. Additional arrangement of boxing with utility rooms is possible.

This solution is especially acceptable when designing a residential building with a built-in box. Such garage projects for 2 cars are best done at the design stage of the entire residential complex. Having equipped the box of the boiler room, laundry room or bathhouse, you get the opportunity to save the usable area of ​​the main house. For convenient and long-term storage stocks for the winter will have to equip the room with a deep basement.

In conclusion, we note.

Only some of the data necessary for the design and the dimensions of the garage for 2 cars are given. Such buildings will require knowledge of specific data, regardless of whether they will be with a canopy or with outbuildings. Therefore, it is better to entrust the preparation of a plan and estimates for construction to professionals who will calculate the loads, select optimal size and the type of foundation, and the total number of building materials.

Something I have deprived men of my attention! But they also want to have their own shelter, a cave in the country and the best option than building a garage - a workshop, I do not see. So, men do not like long introductions, so let's get straight to the plans. On the first floor we see a two-storey garage with a studio room. Comfortable, one might even say, perfect! Dimensions are in feet and inches, use calculator to convert to cm.

Simple small beautiful garage for your country house

Garages in summer cottages are usually built separately from the house, as space allows. See how beautiful stylish project I found a garage! Small, compact, beautiful! There is even a canopy with a bench for relaxing.

Garage for two cars with attic

This is a real male nook, with living quarters on the second floor. The garage itself is for two cars. If the space of the site allows, then such a garage can be considered the standard of a male home.

All dimensions are in feet and inches. Convert to centimeters on special services on the network - it's not difficult.

Neat garage project 3 by 8 meters with living space on the second floor. A feature of this option is a balcony.

The stairs to the second floor of the garage are located on the street, on the side. In the garage itself there is a hozblok. On the second floor there is a living room with a kitchen, as well as a bedroom and a bathroom with a bathtub. In fact, this is a complete house for a bachelor! or a secluded place for a man who wants to relax.

Well, a few views of the second floor:

Cons of a warm garage in winter

By the way, there is an opinion that a car rots in a warm garage. This is true, so it is better not to do heating in the lower room. A warm home garage can cause a car to age in winter, since it is in winter that roads are everywhere sprinkled with salt and other chemical elements.

This is because in a closed and heated room, the machine starts to thaw. Splashes and salt residues thaw and the body quickly corrodes.

A car protected from the weather with only one roof or the walls of a free-standing cold garage will be used much longer. You should not build a warm garage just because the car will start faster in the heat.

In this case, it is easier to install an electric heating system in the car. This will save both nerves and finances. If you already have a built-in garage, then it is better to make a guest room or a gym out of it.

Scheme of a simple garage made of foam blocks

If you need a simple foam block garage, then here are the standard sizes for you. There is nothing special to paint here, the plan is extremely simple.

More beautiful option foam block garage

A worthy project of a foam block garage for one car. Practical roof construction, two windows, a small sitting room also with a window.

Video from the masonry master - a cinder block garage in 2 days

In addition to the plan of the foam block garage, I recommend that you get acquainted with the video in which the masonry master shows and tells how they built a garage for a friend in two days. The video is lively, interesting, the construction process is shown with humor and obscenity.

Construction of a cold garage

When building a cold garage, special attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the room. Indeed, if warm air enters the cold surface of the garage walls, moisture will begin to condense and drain to the floor.

The gates will also be covered with droplets of water that will fall into locks or thresholds, and this, in winter conditions, can lead to the fact that the garage simply does not open in the morning. Constantly wet metal elements will quickly begin to rust.

The project of a two-story garage 8 by 8 for 2 cars

This option is more strict, unlike the first one, which, in my opinion, is more beautiful for women. Men, I know, all these decorations are useless, however, since we are talking about a garage at the house, then women's opinion should also be taken into account. This project is a 2 car garage with a residential second floor.

How to improve the thermal insulation properties of the garage

The walls of the box are made of foam blocks. The roof should also be insulated. The garage door should also be insulated with sheet foam, the thickness of which is 4 - 6 cm, then upholstered with plywood or wooden clapboard. It will be easier to insulate the garage from the inside with full sheathing OSB boards thickness 16 - 22 mm.

The project of a two-story garage 4 by 8 meters for 1 car

Here is a simpler project for a two-story one-car garage. I'm even envious - so pretty functional houses- on the second floor there is a shower room where you can wash off the dirt, a kitchenette and a relaxation room where you can sit with friends and cheer for your favorite sports team.

Video - garage workshop with attic

An interesting video from Forumhouse about how a man built himself a garage - a workshop with an attic. Finding nothing suitable in the search, he decided to build according to an individual plan. See the story and description of the construction of this structure from the author.


With the help of supply and exhaust holes we make natural ventilation garage. Holes should also have the main structures of the garage - ceilings, walls, partitions, doors.

These holes are best placed diagonally from each other. Supply openings should be located 20 - 25 cm above the floor, and exhaust 10 - 15 cm below the ceiling. All holes should not exceed 0.3% of the total area of ​​​​the garage in area, otherwise it will be bad to pull.

The project of a budget two-story garage

This project is designed for one car, as well as a free layout of the second floor. With a budget execution on the second floor, a single space for a closet, or a full-fledged recreation area for a man, can be organized.

Shed instead of garage

If you decide to limit yourself to only a canopy for your car, then you should remember that you must ensure the proper strength of the support legs. This is especially important during winter snowfalls, when the roof must withstand significant loads.

The project of a one-story garage 8 by 8 meters for 2 cars

And this is already a project on one floor, but for two cars, or one, but with a large space for a workshop. I repeat that all dimensions in feet and inches, you can convert to centimeters yourself.

Video review of the garage

If you are wondering how to optimize the space of your garage, I advise you to watch a video from Eugene, who built himself a garage with an attic with his own hands. The author tells and shows his garage for diagnostics and work with customers' cars. that is, it is a truly professional car repair shop.

By the way, I was interested in the project of a garage with a bathhouse. I don’t know about you guys, but it already seems like a bit of a bust to me. You have enough shower cabin, and make a bath for the whole family 🙂

Today, almost every second family living in urban or suburban housing has its own car. Therefore, it is not surprising that garages are very popular. And lately special demand began to use garages for 2 cars. They allow you to reliably protect cars from all weather conditions and thieves.

However, it must be borne in mind that during their construction, a number of requirements and features must be observed.


Nice garage It's quite difficult to build for 2 cars. You can safely compare it with building a house. Indeed, when designing it, it is necessary to comply with all standards and norms, plus there are also peculiar nuances. A garage for several cars will be especially relevant for owners of country cottages.

Despite the significant costs of building a double parking lot, many people will like it. After all, it will allow not only the owners of the house to use the garage, but also their guests. This is especially true in not too good weather.

A two-car garage has some advantages over a regular garage:

  • firstly, it requires less building materials than the construction of two separate garages;
  • secondly, communications are carried out once;
  • thirdly, if there are two cars in the family, then both of them are protected.

When designing a double garage, strength must be taken into account. After all, the building will not only accommodate two cars. It will still need to allocate space for storing spare parts, tools, equipment and other things. It is necessary to think in advance whether it will be equipped with a jib crane, or whether it will contain various cylinders, flammable and explosive gases.

And also, before starting the design, one should clearly understand how the garage is planned to be used, how the structure can be improved in the future, for example, expanded or an attic added. When building a garage in a garage cooperative, it is imperative to collect information about neighboring buildings, in particular, what their foundations are made of.

Be sure to have a viewing hole with stationary lamps in the garage. Standard size pits - 0.9x4 meters. This size of the pit will allow you to conveniently and safely carry out car repairs. It should be borne in mind that in the garage for two cars viewing hole it is better to move relative to the gate. You can make a garage, in which the access to the basement will be made separately, so that it would be more convenient to store gasoline, tires, and so on.

It is important that the building has good air exchange through forced or natural ventilation. supply and exhaust ventilation. It is best to opt for an axial fan with a power of 80-100 watts. You should also take care of the presence of check valves in the fan.

Quality Foundation in the garage is very important. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the climate of the area and the characteristics of the soil. The walls are erected only after the complete shrinkage of the foundation occurs.. The roof of the garage must be chosen so that it reliably protects from any vagaries of the weather.

It would be useful to think in advance about what equipment will be in the garage. After all, some devices are powered by 380 V, which means you will need to install a transformer. More important take care of the lighting in the garage, which should be both ceiling and wall.

Garage for 2 cars can be equipped with one or two gates. Especially important point in this matter is correct installation gate. Otherwise, they will be skewed, and difficulties will arise during use.

And also the garage can be equipped with heating, so that in the cold season it would be more comfortable to repair the car. Often used heating system or in common with the house. The type of heating is selected based on the location of the garage relative to the house.

The place for the building for storing cars is chosen based on:

  • from the depth of the passage of groundwater and communications;
  • moisture and flowability of the soil, its depth of freezing;
  • land relief (preferably flat terrain);
  • accessibility convenience.

Construction materials

Often a two-car garage is built in a capital or frame way. For capital construction, concrete or brick is used. This method is characterized by high labor intensity, the use of heavy equipment and individual skill. Recently, however, frame garages, as well as buildings made of aerated concrete and foam blocks, are gaining more and more popularity.

To better understand which material is still better to choose, it is worth considering in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


For frame construction, standard components and parts are used. Basically, during frame construction, assembly work is performed. Of the advantages of frame garages, first of all, it is worth noting their low weight, since they do not have a concrete foundation. And most of the work can be done independently.

For a frame garage, floating or columnar foundation, less often - tape with a depth of about 40 centimeters.

The advantages of a frame building also include the use of mostly natural eco-friendly materials, the simplicity and speed of construction, the ability to perform work at any time of the year.


Brick garages are one of the most popular at present. Of course, the main disadvantage of such a garage is its big weight. For brick structures, a strip foundation with a depth of 0.6 to 1.2 meters is necessarily used. Moreover, its width should be at least 0.4 meters. To give the foundation greater strength, reinforcement or rubble stone is additionally used.

It should be borne in mind that it takes about three weeks for the concrete mixture to completely harden. To speed up the drying process, special additives can be added. To avoid the appearance of cracks, the foundation should be periodically moistened and covered with a tarpaulin. Moreover, the base of the foundation needs insulation and waterproofing.

The thickness of the masonry walls is chosen, as a rule, one and a half bricks. Steel reinforcing bars are used to reinforce the wall at every fourth or fifth row of bricks. They are laid in horizontal seams. To strengthen the corners with ledges, vertical reinforcement is used.

From foam blocks

Foam block garages retain heat perfectly, are quickly and easily built, they do not need a heavy foundation. At the same time, the walls, despite their low weight, have good sound insulation, increased frost resistance and are fire and moisture resistant. Foam blocks are biostable material and are environmentally friendly. Among the advantages of this material, its low cost should also be noted.

Despite the large number of advantages, this material has a number of disadvantages. The most basic of them is the fragility of the foam blocks, they are easily chipped. In second place is the likely shrinkage of the walls if a lot of moisture penetrates inside. And also the walls of foam blocks need finishing. BUT In order to hang something on such a wall, you will need special fasteners.

From aerated concrete

Garages made of aerated concrete blocks are lightweight, which allows you not to use a massive foundation. And also such blocks are durable, environmentally friendly, heat and sound insulation. In addition, aerated concrete is resistant to high temperatures and is fireproof. It is quite easy to build from aerated concrete, as well as to operate it later.

Like every material, aerated concrete has some disadvantages. For example, leaving the building without exterior finish, then inside it will be very raw. This is due to the high hygroscopicity of gas blocks. Aerated concrete blocks require special plaster, not cement with sand. The main disadvantages also include the fragility of the blocks and the need to use special fasteners for placing heavy things on the walls.


When designing a garage for two places, you should first look at the standards. According to them, the dimensions of a parking space for one car should be as follows:

  • length- from 5.5 meters;
  • width- from 2.3 meters;
  • height- from 2.2 meters, but it is worth considering the height of the car.

When choosing a minimum building size for 2 cars, it should be noted that the distance from the side surfaces must be at least 50 centimeters.

When calculating the height of the garage, you need to consider how comfortable it will be in it. In order for the height to be as comfortable as possible, it is worth taking the height of the tall man in the family and add another 0.5 meters to it. When calculating the size of a garage for two cars, it is also important to take into account that a car with other dimensions will be purchased in the future. And also in the calculations it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the walls and blind areas. This is also necessary to determine the external boundaries of the structure.

Garage for two cars the length of the entrance should be about 5.5 meters. For example, the average sedan is 1.7 meters wide and 4.5 meters long. Thus, the width of the building for two cars will be at least 3.4 meters. When calculating, it is worth considering how the space around the car will be organized so that it is convenient for passengers and the driver to get in or out of it.

The reserve space for a car with open doors is about ten to fifteen centimeters. To measure the length, you should take a margin of one to one and a half meters.

When planning a garage project, it is worth considering what else will be done with it, for example, a workshop, an attic. In this case, the dimensions should be significantly increased. But it will also be useful to take into account the need for storage space for spare parts and tools. The optimal area is considered to be a garage for two cars equal to 50 m².


The garage construction project will clarify many issues. Especially it is necessary for a garage for two cars. When creating a project, a construction plan is drawn up, its cost is estimated.

It is worth noting that careful planning and design will allow you to build a garage building at minimal cost. In addition, the garage project will make it possible to reasonably distribute work if the construction is not done by hand.

As for the options for projects of modern garages, there are many of them. Starting from typical one-story garages with a viewing hole, basement or shed and ending with two-story options with a second residential floor. And also the garage building can be equipped with workshops, storages, rest rooms, guest rooms, billiard rooms and other additional premises.

Designing a garage for two cars can be done both independently and using a ready-made option. Among the projects, you can choose both typical, which are offered in a huge number, and individual from the architect.


The desired zones should be laid in the project in advance. After all, the garage space is often not limited to parking for cars. A small but very important landing area should be provided.

Often there is a workshop area in the garage. By itself, it should at least represent a place reserved for storing tools and spare parts. Often, for ease of use, the garage is equipped not only with a viewing hole, but also with a lift. All this must be foreseen in the course of planning.

If there is a utility block during the construction, then its zone should also be taken into account. Having thought in advance how the entrance to it will be organized (from the garage or from the street). The residential floor in the garage is most often made the second, and it is also worth providing a convenient entrance to it. Recreation areas are also quite often provided in advance.

Thus, if you take care of zoning the garage space in advance, you can get not only a functional, but also a cozy and pleasant space.

Building examples

Among the examples of garage buildings there are quite interesting modern options worthy of attention.

  • Garage for two cars from foam blocks size 6x11 meters with utility block. For this building, a monolithic slab was chosen as the foundation, and foam blocks for the walls. The roof of the garage is made of roof trusses, and metal tiles are chosen as the roof. The walls of the garage are faced with brick. As for the gate, they are made automatic sectional. The utility block is made in the same style as the garage. The only thing that makes it stand out is its height. The entrance to the hozblok is made from the street and from the garage, which makes it even more convenient to use.

  • Garage for two cars 7x13 meters with a residential floor and utility block. For this building, a monolithic foundation and walls made of foam blocks 2 centimeters thick were used. And the walls are insulated. The roof is made gable with a slope angle of 25 degrees. Metal roofing is used as a roof. The walls are finished with imitation timber, which makes them more comfortable. The gates in this garage are made automatic roller. In this project, the garage occupies a smaller area than the residential floor with the household unit. It is made compactly with a convenient check-in. There is no entrance to the household directly from the garage. However, since outside it is covered by a canopy hanging over the first floor, where the utility part is actually located. The residential floor is made the second.

This layout is ideal for a small suburban area where there is no desire or opportunity to build a large residential building. Everything you need for life is conveniently combined with a garage and does not take up much space.

  • Garage for two cars frame 6x10 meters with an attic is also interesting option. A monolithic slab is used as the foundation. The frame walls are sheathed on one side with OSB. Leads from the garage to the attic wooden staircase. The flexible tile acts as a garage roof.

As for the exterior finish of the building, it is represented by siding and decorative stone. The garage windows are glazed with plastic double-glazed windows.

The gates in this project are made by automatic rolling. Appearance such a garage is very simple, but at the same time it is spacious inside, and there is a place not only for storing and repairing the car, but also for relaxing. This option will become great solution both for the suburban area and for the garage community.

Garage construction

  • Brick garage - from 16,000 rubles / m2
  • Foam-Gas-concrete garage - from 11,000 rubles / m2
  • Frame garage - from 8000 rubles / m2
  • Garage from profiled timber - from 12,000 rubles / m2
  • Glued laminated timber garage - from 16,000 rubles / m2
  • Garage made of logs - from 13,000 rubles / m2
  • Garage from reinforced concrete slabs - from 24,000 rubles / m2
  • Metal garage (LSTK / Decking) - from 5,500 rubles / m2

Canopy construction

  • Carport made of polycarbonate on iron poles - from 3300 rub/m2
  • Cantilever carport - from 4700 rub/m2
  • Forged carport - from 5100 rub/m2
  • Canopy for a car made of corrugated board - from 4000 rubles / m2
  • Carport made of metal tiles - from 4100 rub/m2
  • Wooden carport - Custom


truss system from 300.00 rub. m2
crate from 150.00 rub. m2
Sewing gables edged board from 150.00 rub. m2
Sewing gables with siding, block house, clapboard, etc. from 300.00 rub. m2
Laying under-roof waterproofing from 100.00 rub. m2
Roofing felt laying from 100.00 rub. m2
Laying Ondulin from 250.00 rub. m2
Laying metal tiles from 300.00 rub. m2
Laying shingles from 400.00 rub. m2
OSB laying - plywood from 200.00 rub. m2
Insulation of roof slopes from 150.00 rub. m2
Mounting drainage system from 250.00 rub. p.m.

garage foundation prices

  • Strip foundation(height 60cm - thickness 30cm) - from 3000 rub/m.p.
  • Strip foundation (height 80cm - thickness 40cm) - from 4350 rub/m.p.
  • Monolithic slab(height 20cm) - from 3500 rub/m2
  • Monolithic slab (height 30cm) - from 4360 rub/m2

The cost of one screw pile with screwing and concreting

  • pile thickness 89 mm. + height 1.5m - 3,000 rubles.
  • pile thickness 89 mm. + height 2.5m - 3,200 rubles.
  • pile thickness 89 mm. + height 3m - 3 300 rubles.
  • pile thickness 108 mm. + height 1.5m - 3,100 rubles.
  • pile thickness 108 mm. + height 2.5m - 3,400 rubles.
  • pile thickness 108 mm. + height 3m - 3 500 rubles.

Electric installation work

Assembly, installation and installation of electrical panels Unit rev. Price
Outdoor installation electrical panel PCS. from 800 rub.
Installing a hidden electrical panel PCS. from 1500 rub.
Installation of an electrical panel without an electric energy meter PCS. from 2000 rub.
Installation of an electrical panel with an electric energy meter PCS. from 2500 rub.
Installation and disconnection of junction boxes 3 Unit rev. Price
Up to 4 cables for open wiring on soft material (wood) PCS. 350 rub.
Up to 4 cables for open wiring on solid material (brick / foam concrete / concrete) PCS. 400/450/500 rub.
Up to 4 cables for wiring under drywall PCS. 350 rub.
Up to 4 cables for hidden electrical wiring in foam concrete/brick/concrete PCS. 500/550/600 rub.
From 5 cables for open wiring on soft material (wood) PCS. 450 rub.
From 5 cables for open wiring on solid material (brick / foam concrete / concrete) PCS. 500/550/600 rub.
From 5 cables for electrical wiring under drywall PCS. 450 rub.
From 5 cables for hidden electrical wiring in foam concrete / brick / concrete PCS. 600/650/700 rub.
Installation (laying) of power cable up to 4 mm2:2 Unit rev. Price
Opened directly on the wall with staples m/n. 50 rub.
Open in corrugated pipe on soft material (wood) m/n. 100 rub.
Open in corrugated pipe on solid material (brick/foam concrete/concrete) m/n. 150/150/150 rub.
Open in cable duct on soft material (wood) m/n. 100 rub.
Open in cable duct on solid material (brick/foam concrete/concrete) m/n. 200/200/200 rub.
Hidden in foam concrete m/n. 300 rub.
Hidden in a brick m/n. 350 rub.
Hidden in concrete m/n. 400 rub.
Installation of a new electric point (socket/switch)1 Unit rev. Price
Open wiring on soft material (wood) PCS. 200 rub.
Exposed electrical wiring on solid material (brick / foam concrete / concrete) PCS. 250/250/250 rub.
Wiring for drywall PCS. 250 rub.
Hidden electrical wiring in foam concrete PCS. 300 rub.
Hidden electrical wiring in brick PCS. 350 rub.
Hidden wiring in concrete PCS. 400 rub.

Finishing work

  • Installing an electrical kit inside the garage - from 10,000 rubles.
  • Production of garage concrete floors - from 25,000 rubles.
  • Replacement. Production of wooden floors - from 20,000 rubles.
  • Interior decoration garage dry lining - 800 rubles. per m2
  • Manufacturing metal gate with a gate, painting - from 30,000 rubles.
  • Set overhead sectional doors+ installation - from 45,000 rubles.
  • Redecorating inside the garage - from 1500 rubles. per m2