Do-it-yourself repair of old wooden houses Do-it-yourself repair of an old wooden house: a step-by-step process

I never thought I'd fix the old one wooden house. And that I will like it. After all, the old house has one, but a very good plus, the sedimentary processes in it are completed.
It so happened that repairs had to be done in the winter, when it reached minus 35 at night.
The house of 1951, from 24 logs, was already being renovated in the eighties and the walls were plastered from the inside. Well, with lime. This kept the log from rotting. But, it was great jarring, the difference between the lower and upper points on one wall is up to 25 centimeters. The walls are crooked. Difference on the ceiling up to 35 centimeters. Instead of insulation, there is construction debris and old foliage on the roof. The floors are rotten, with cracks in the underground. Furnaces, laid out on a brick edge, are in disrepair.

Four months, the four of us repaired. They sorted out and insulated the floors, laying them on new logs, pulled the walls together with new ceiling mats, arranged an internal frame of aged logs in each room, built a bathroom out of nothing, and so on and so forth.

It was

And so it became

It was

So it has become.

And a few more photos with satisfied faces of customers.)


The old log house does not have to be demolished. Often it can still be made comfortable and modern. It is possible that the logs are still strong, and excellent wood is hidden under the thickness of paint and protective coatings.

What parts of the building may need repair?

Repairs and restorations are often needed log houses that were built with violations. Also at risk are buildings that have stood without maintenance for a long time or are more than thirty years old. In addition to age, a huge influence on condition wooden house It also shows how much attention the owners paid to him. How the house was used during the winter, how often it was heated: regularly or from time to time.

Most often required:
  • repair the foundation

  • replace rotten lower crowns;

  • align the walls and, if necessary, replace individual parts of the logs;

  • eliminate leaks and change the geometry of the roof, arrange an attic floor;

  • remove old and install new roofing material;

  • destroy the old and put up new internal partitions;

  • decorate the house inside and out.

To repair a log house with your own hands, you will need a lot of tools:

  • jack for lifting a house (most often, several);

  • wedges for fixing;

  • chainsaw for quick dismantling of old logs;

  • hacksaw for detailed work;

  • shovel for digging the foundation;

  • nails, hammer, self-tapping screws for mounting finishing materials;

  • concrete mixer in case of foundation repair.

A large-scale reconstruction will be able to cope with 3-5 people during the summer months. For especially complex work it is better to hire professionals.

Repair of the foundation and lower rims

Every building wears out over the years. According to many experts, every year any structure loses about 1% of its original state. Therefore, all owners face the fact that it is time to carry out reconstruction work. Depreciation depends on what building materials were used when the building was erected.

Before you start changing the bottom rims of a log house yourself or hire a team of builders, you need to understand the reasons why they rot. If the waterproofing layer is damaged, the plaster layer is leaking or deformed, you should definitely seek help from professionals.

As a rule, the lower rims wear out the most. At risk are logs that are located directly under the windows and those from which the floor is made. Usually the walls are raised, after which the logs are changed one by one. When changing the lower crowns of the house, care must be taken that the walls do not completely collapse. To do this, the construction of the walls is firmly fastened with special clamps - massive beams or beams.

These clamps are usually installed at a distance of fifty centimeters from the corners, on opposite walls of the repaired wooden structure. They are fixed on the walls with nails. After that, you need to drill through holes with a diameter of at least two centimeters, in which bolts are placed and firmly fixed with nuts. So that the piers do not crumble when the lower crowns of the log house change, they must also be firmly fastened.

Sometimes just replacing the lower crowns is not enough and the foundation needs to be repaired. Soil properties can change, as can its structure. On the nearby land plot capital construction works, which can lead to significant shrinkage of the foundation. The first symptom that the foundation is starting to collapse is the appearance of small cracks on its surface. They get bigger over time.

If the old foundation has not gone into the ground and is made of durable stone, then it is advisable to repair it using reinforced concrete, having previously repaired all the cracks. To do this, they dig a trench around the perimeter of the house, clean the foundation with a metal brush.

It is advisable to replace a wooden, crumbling or gone into the ground foundation. To do this, the house is raised on jacks and put on props. A popular and relatively simple way is to install strip foundation. After the concrete has hardened, a layer of waterproofing, for example, roofing material, is laid between the foundation and the house.

Replacing logs under windows

Wooden buildings often begin to rot from the crowns under the roof, windows or at the plinth. Such logs are changed and the crowns are restored in two ways - conventional and backed.

It is necessary to focus on one more nuance of repair. When at least one log from the crown changes, you should remove window frames and door binding. If the log house is deformed, this will not entail damage to them. After replacing and returning the frame to its place, all cracks must be carefully sealed.

Repair of log house walls

Log houses can stand for a very long time, but gradually cracks appear in their walls. In addition, there is an increase in the gaps between the logs, and it is necessary to determine whether it is necessary to insulate the house. There are several ways to restore thermal insulation properties. Most in a simple way is a caulk, it will allow you to plug holes, but the insulation will not last long and you will have to do it all over again.

Old logs can be replaced with new ones. In addition, before finishing the facade, a layer of foil insulation can be laid between the logs and the finishing material. It is important to take care of waterproofing. If water gets under the finishing material, the logs will rot.

Facade restoration

Often log houses are simply painted. But cladding the facade with materials will allow you to change appearance home for the better. There are many options - lining, imitation of timber, block house, siding, soffit, corrugated board, facade thermal panels, facade bricks.

Now the simplest, most convenient and affordable type of material for exterior finish log house is a clapboard. A lopsided or slightly settled house can be visually leveled by mounting Decoration Materials on the crate.

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If you have a house in the village that needs repair, do not rush to put an end to it. We will talk about how to transform an old building, giving it modern look, as well as endow the house with comfort and practicality. Where does the renovation begin? Of course, from the roof. It is with this question that we will begin.

Roof types

First of all, the roof is a single structure, assembled from many elements, which include roofing, battens and trusses. They can have a wide variety of forms, but they are all subject to the basic rules that are inviolably observed when performing all the necessary work.

Main types (Figure 1)

  • a - single-sided;
  • b - gable;
  • in - hip;
  • g - semi-hip;
  • e, f - tent;
  • h, g - complex, multi-slope;
  • and - unequal, gable;
  • k - bulbous-dome;
  • l - complicated semi-hip;
  • m - four-slope (tent);
  • n - eight-slope;
  • o - baptized;
  • p - three-slope;
  • p - "cap" four-pitched;
  • c - groin barrel;

Explanation of elements in figure 1:

Roof elements

Figure 2. Components

But the types listed above do not represent the whole variety of options. Designs have a lot of elements that complement and transform them. To repair an old village house, you need to have a certain idea about them, see Figure 2.

  1. slope;
  2. skate;
  3. inclined edge;
  4. groove;
  5. cornice overhang;
  6. front overhang;
  7. gutter;
  8. downpipe;
  9. chimney.

For rural and other small ones, mansard-type or gable-type structures are usually used. Roofing materials can be used any, depending on the financial condition.

Traditionally, slate or tile is used. However, remember that shingles need to be reinforced with rafters so that they are able to support the weight of the structure. Roofing steel is sometimes used, but it is good for complex configurations.

Rafters and their importance

If the building is one-story, the middle wall serves as the carrier. In this case, it is recommended to use inclined rafters, in which one edge is located on outer wall, and the other on the middle wall post.

If the walls of the house are not wooden, then the fastening is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. A metal crutch is driven into the wall of the house.
  2. The rafters are attached to it by means of a wire twist.
  3. The ends are placed on a bar along the wall.
  4. Be sure to make a gap, called a fire.

The rafters must withstand a constant load and, of course, a temporary one. The mass of the rafters themselves belongs to the constant, and the mass of snow and gusts of wind belong to the temporary. The snow load is calculated and is equal to 180 kg per square meter.

Slope definition

Since the design of the upper and lower belts is ready to withstand a light roof, the trusses are additionally reinforced with internal supports. Farms are needed to create a slope that obeys certain criteria and factors.

Such as:

  1. Precipitation and its amount. In case of heavy precipitation, the slope angle should be at least 45°.
  2. View of the roof. When using roll materials, the angle should be within 5-25 °, piece - more than 22 °, for tiles - from 25 ° and above;

Note! The higher the slope, the more roofing materials are needed.

If you decide to make repairs to a village house with your own hands and start it from the roof, you must remember that the hanging truss has rafter legs, and therefore two points of support. In this case, the farm works in two directions - bending and compression. With this design, the action of the horizontal bursting load is distributed to the walls.

Types of rafter arrangement

Figure 3 shows the layout of the rafters.

Figure 3. Rafter layouts

  • brace;
  • puff single;
  • lining boards;
  • linings;
  • outer wall;
  • overlays

The section itself can be determined by the width of the span, the pitch and slope of the roof. Normally, the pitch of the rafters should not exceed 120 cm. The cross-sectional data are given in Table 1.

Experts draw attention to the fact that the installation and slope of the rafters are very important for the roof structure. The walls of the house, both external and internal, can act as supports. The installation diagram of the rafters is shown in Figure 4.

  1. brace;
  2. Mauerlat;
  3. twists;
  4. outer wall;
  5. internal wall;
  6. cutting;
  7. sill;
  8. roofing sheets.

The distance that must be left between the rafter legs is 1 m, while the roof slope must be more than 45 °. If the house is located in areas where snow falls frequently and abundantly, then the distance between the rafters is reduced to 0.6 m. All options for the distance between the rafters are presented in table No. 2.

At the top of the structure of the rafters themselves, runs are laid, for the manufacture of which logs with a large section are used. They subsequently become the basis of the roof ridge.


To increase the living space, attics are often erected, which are an additional floor instead of an attic. Figure 5 shows various options attic.

Every year, the popularity of suburban housing is growing steadily, which makes a huge number of urban residents with an average enough to buy old village houses and repair them on their own. You can easily find photo and video tutorials on the Internet for repairing a house in a village with your own hands. In this article we will try to reflect the main stages. It is worth noting that such a house is not only much cheaper than a new building, but also proper care and reconstruction is able to stand for more than one decade.

And how to do the repair of a house in the village with your own hands, photos can be easily found on the Internet.

A bit from the history of the construction and operation of wooden houses

Even our ancestors always believed that the most suitable for living is exactly wooden house. This is due to the fact that wood is a unique natural material that can pass air and at the same time perfectly retain heat inside the room itself. In addition, houses built of wood have a kind of energy that lasts for a long time and has a beneficial effect on human health.
If you return to the issue of repair, then inviting a specialist is a rather expensive event that not every person can afford, which is why you have to take up the tools yourself. It is important to note that if a man has at least the elementary ability to control a tool, then, using some advice, it will be enough for him to simply repair an old wooden house on his own.
Unlike a stone or concrete structure, a wooden house is a kind of living organism that can independently tell the owners about its condition. This is done through various squeaks and crackles that you need to learn to listen to. They arise due to the characteristics of wood, which is subject to rotting, very sensitive to moisture and temperature fluctuations. However, even a very old wooden building can be repaired on its own.

The most frequent breakdowns of such buildings are dilapidated porch, leaky roof, foundation of the house and Entrance door . That is why, before taking any action, it is necessary to carefully check the entire structure, finding places that require repair, and determining the scope of future restoration work.

What is the best way to repair the foundation of a residential wooden structure?

The most time-consuming process of the entire restoration is considered to be precisely foundation repair. If, after a thorough examination, it became clear that the house requires a complete replacement wooden base, then the first thing to do is to raise the corners by using a lift. Only after carrying out such manipulations is a further replacement of not only the foundation itself, but the entire foundation of the house. As for the latter, it is better to do it in the classical manner, that is, to fill it with concrete.

Overhaul of a wooden roof

A distinctive feature of any wooden house is roof, made under a certain slope. It can beat either tent or gable. In addition, if an attic is additionally equipped on the roof, then it is commonly called an attic. All of these features must be taken into account when overhaul at home.
The first thing to pay attention to when roof covering, so this is to ensure that the tree is necessarily dry. Otherwise, it will be displaced after the completion of the reconstruction. First of all, the extreme rafters are erected, between which intermediate ones are installed. In order for the roof to subsequently be as even and incredibly stable as possible, all the upper parts of the rafters are located strictly on the same level.
If we talk about the coating itself, then it is for a wooden house that soft tiles or ondulin are most often used, in other words, lightweight roofing. It is mounted directly after installation and fixing the rafters with special ties. It is also worth noting that the distance between the installed rafters should not exceed 60 centimeters.

The choice of roofing for a house in the countryside.

Regarding the choice soft roof, it is produced due to several factors. For example, long service life, aesthetic appearance, ease of installation and low weight. It is the combination of these characteristics that explains such a choice. In addition, even one person can handle the installation of this roof, which is also very important when making self repair. And the price of such material is acceptable.
Concerning null or onduline, then the composition of these materials, as well as slate, includes asbestos. It is thanks to the latter that the hallmark of such a roof is durability and flexibility. Also outwardly, it is very similar to the already mentioned slate. Officially, manufacturers give more than twenty years of warranty, but with proper care and proper installation, such a roof can last about fifty years.
An important element correct installation is preliminary crate which is made either from wood or metal. This is a very time-consuming process that requires appropriate qualifications and skills, which must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility.

Repair of floors, doors and windows of a house in the village.

Do-it-yourself repair of a house in the village and interior decoration, as in the photo, is done gradually and thoughtfully. Its final stage is considered to be the restoration or complete replacement of floors, doors and windows. It is worth noting that the replacement of these elements is mandatory in almost every old house. wooden building. These activities can be carried out independently. To do this, it is first necessary to determine is the box crooked? buildings. The level will help to cope with this task. If there are some violations, then they are corrected by using a mount and a nail puller. After carrying out all the necessary manipulations frames are installed in their original positions. If they are completely unusable, then it is best to order new ones. In this case, the masters will arrive, independently make all the necessary measurements and, according to them, will produce windows of the appropriate size.
If there is a need to carry out floor replacements, first of all, the floorboards are removed and the condition is checked lag. They are also leveled with a level, brick posts or wooden bars.
All rotten boards are replaced with new ones, which are pre-purchased at any construction market. This is the final stage of construction, which requires a strict approach. Keep in mind that do-it-yourself repair of a house in a village, photos and videos must be in strict accordance with the work production technology. It is also worth noting that if the house is planned to be used in the winter, then before the implementation of the new flooring, you need to insulate the floor. To do this, first a draft version is laid using cheap wood, which is carefully treated with an antiseptic, then an air cushion is left to save heat, and the boards selected for the floor are placed.

Instructional video

Unfortunately, wooden houses cannot stand forever, over time they age and deteriorate: noticeable deviations from vertical lines appear, windows and doors stop closing, walls begin to warp. At some point, it becomes obvious that it is time to start restoring the old wooden house. The review will discuss which work should be carried out first and in what sequence.

Wooden house

Since ancient times, log huts have been built in Russia. Our ancestors believed that this is the most suitable building material for the house. This is explained quite simply - wood is a unique natural material that is able to pass air and perfectly retain heat indoors. An indisputable fact is that houses built of wood have a kind of energy that persists for a long time and has a beneficial effect on human health.

A wooden house, unlike a concrete or stone structure, is a kind of living organism that is able to independently tell the owners about its condition. The fact that he needs restoration, the old wooden house will let you know through various crackles and creaks, which the owners should learn to listen to. Most often, problems arise due to the characteristics of wood: it is prone to decay and is very sensitive to temperature fluctuations and moisture. However, even the oldest can be restored with your own hands.

Most often, in such buildings, the porch, the base of the house, the roof, and the front door come into a dilapidated state. Before proceeding with the restoration and repair of old wooden houses, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of all structures, identify places that require repair, and determine the scope of future restoration work.

Tidying up steps

Restoring an old building is a rather troublesome business, but a pleasant one. It is necessary to pay attention to the protective and bearing, and only then the decorative part. First of all, a strength test should be carried out.


The degree of deterioration of the walls should not be ignored. If they have darkened over time, this still does not mean anything. Very often, under the dark surface of the log, you can see a white core. However, if there is dust there, it must be cut out in whole pieces, along with clean areas, because it makes no sense to decorate a rotten surface.

truss system


It should be carefully inspected for damage. Restoration of an old log house of a wooden house does not make sense without strengthening and strengthening the foundation. In the event that it is not strong enough, its base will receive a strong load, which will lead to a violation of the external and interior decoration.

It is recommended to take a small pick and a lantern and inspect the foundation surfaces from the outside and inside. If whole pieces of the foundation fall off during tapping, it is advisable to invite specialists to evaluate the capabilities of the supporting platform.

Foundation restoration

The most difficult and at the same time important task is the old house on your own. The foundation of the building may begin to collapse due to additional load, for example, a second floor or attic superstructure, perhaps simply from time to time, because after a certain period all materials become unusable. Repair methods directly depend on the degree of destruction and on the type of foundation. There are several options for restoration.

Strip foundation

If a residential building has a strip foundation, and its destruction occurs after a long service life, it can be restored by pouring a new reinforced concrete belt. To do this, it is required to dig a trench along the perimeter of the building, and to hollow out holes in the old foundation, into which new reinforcement will later be laid.

The new frame is connected to the reinforcing lintels, and then filled with concrete mortar. After the foundation dries, it will become a single whole and will be able to serve the house for many years.

Do-it-yourself restoration of an old wooden house is much more difficult if the destruction of the strip foundation occurs unevenly and the house settles on one side. In this case, in order to reconstruct the foundation, you will have to raise the log house. Previously, a residential building should be freed from furniture, floors, windows and doors should be dismantled in it. When all the necessary procedures have been completed, you should very carefully raise the log house to the required height with special jacks and put it on temporary supports. The affected part should be completely removed, a new formwork put in and a new concrete plinth poured. To ensure the unity of the structure, it must be connected to the old foundation.

Column Foundation

If under building columnar foundation and the pillars began to collapse, their reconstruction is carried out in the same way as during the repair of the tape. The log house is smoothly lifted with a jack from four corners, the old supports are dismantled and new posts are installed. If you find that the destruction has just begun, they can be "dressed" in a new concrete belt. This is done as follows: a formwork is installed around them and a solution is poured directly into it. After that, the structure is carefully released onto a new foundation.

Such work is quite feasible, it is only necessary to update in time (in whole or in part) external walls and roof. If the lower crowns of the building are rotten, it rises above the foundation, the damaged logs are removed and replaced with new ones. Please note: when replacing, logs should be selected that are identical to the previous ones in diameter and length.

A layer of roofing material or other waterproofing material. Only after that a whole box is installed on it.

The restoration of the walls occurs due to the formation of cracks around the perimeter of a wooden house. They should be thoroughly cleaned, treated with antiseptic compounds, covered with sealant. And only then you can proceed to the complete restoration of the house from the outside.

Grinding and elimination of defects of the old frame

In the event that you are not going to sheathe the house facade panels, and you plan to grind it, you will need a special machine equipped with nozzles. With its help, you can cope with even the most inaccessible areas. Grinding should be carried out until a layer with a light color appears.

If there are large defects that are located along the length of the crowns, they should be repaired even before grinding. This should be done with a special mixture of sawdust and asbestos, it is necessary to pre-wipe all damaged areas. Instead of asbestos, the use of wood glue or building plaster is allowed. However, such compositions are still better suited for correcting small flaws.

If there are many defects and they are too large, lining is necessary, otherwise the inevitable dampness in the cracks can cause rotting and damage to the wood. When restoring an old wooden house, it should be remembered that the wood must be treated with impregnations and various protective equipment. This procedure should be carried out before proceeding with caulking. Sealing materials should also be processed.

Between the logs, all seams should be freed from a dilapidated seal; a vacuum cleaner will do an excellent job with this task. Replace the old tow with a new sealing material.

Building coloring

After all the completed activities, you should start painting the house. Here it is necessary to observe several nuances. This procedure involves the application of several different means - tinting, varnish, azure. All of them will retain an interesting texture. natural wood. Please note: the ends of the logs cannot be subjected to either protective or decorative processing. It is in this place that a kind of capillaries of the tree are concentrated, with the help of which it “breathes”. If this condition is not met, then normal air circulation will be disturbed. In view of the fact that the processing process will seal them, soon the timber or log will undergo a rotting process.

You can learn how to sheathe a house with facade panels from the video presented.

Overhaul of a wooden roof

A distinctive feature of each wooden house is the roof, which is made under a certain slope. It can be of several types: gable, tent, in the event that it is equipped with an attic, attic. When carrying out a major renovation of the house, these features should be taken into account. What is the first thing you should pay attention to when covering the roof? To ensure that the tree is dry, otherwise it may be displaced after completion repair work. It is necessary to erect extreme rafters, and install intermediate ones between them. In order for the roof to be even and as stable as possible in the future, it is necessary that all the upper parts of the rafters be located strictly on the same level. Increasingly, roofs are covered with ondulin, soft tiles or others modern materials, but first remove the old coating.

The roof is mounted only after the installation and fixing of the rafters with special ties. Please note: the distance between the installed rafters should not be more than 60 cm.

Interior decoration

We will tell you how to repair an old wooden house. A photo of the interior decoration, or rather, one of its options, we want to present to you. First of all, you need to decide what materials you are going to finish the room inside.

It can be drywall, wall paneling or plaster, all of these types are extremely popular with the townsfolk and have a simple solution. You should also prepare the surface for the selected raw materials - drywall and wall paneling require crates, while plaster should be applied to the base with a reinforcing mesh.

Replacement of doors and windows

Usually, when restoring an old wooden house, it is necessary to replace doors and windows inside. This activity can be done on your own. But first you need to check if the box of the building is squinting, you can do this with the help of a level. In the event that such violations occur, they can be easily corrected with a mount and a nail puller. For the manufacture of new wooden frames and doors, you can contact the master, who will take measurements and complete the order in a short time.


If you are planning to repair an old wooden house with your own hands, pay special attention to the floor. It can be replaced completely or subjected to a thorough protective process. The first step is to remove the floorboards and be sure to check the condition of the lag, they must be leveled with a level, brick posts or wooden bars.