From what and how to make a cheap garage with your own hands. How to build a garage: from what, with your own hands and inexpensively The best do-it-yourself garages

G Do-it-yourself arrage, like any work done on your own, will bring a lot of trouble, a lot of pleasure and will save a lot. The cost of building a garage, like the cost of any construction, includes the cost of materials, the work of machines and the cost of the work itself, which means that deciding build a garage with your own hands, you at least significantly reduce your costs. And then, a garage with your own hands - isn't this a reason to be proud of yourself? The result may not be exactly what you would like it to be, but it will be relatively cheap and you will get a lot of experience building garages. Yes, and work performed independently will always bring a lot of different emotions, including positive ones!



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And how to build a garage yourself, and will be discussed in this article. Of course, if you didn’t hold a hammer in your hands, it’s unlikely that the best article will teach you to build a garage on your own, but to provide very, very significant support in this endeavor - as much as you like. In addition, you can always ask us any question and get a comprehensive answer. In the article, we will take a specific garage construction project and follow it. You will recognize a number useful advice, which will definitely come in handy if you decide to build a garage with your own hands: that during construction it is necessary to take into account what subtleties and secrets exist in this matter - you will learn all this from this material.

First of all, you will need to decide on the type of garage. The two most common today are metal and stone. When deciding in favor of a particular material, one must be guided by construction nuances, the prospect of operating a future garage, personal preferences, and many more considerations.

Choosing garage materials for self-construction

Let's start with the construction of a brick garage. Masonry stones in construction include not only brick, but we will limit ourselves to this word, implying the possibility of using other stone materials: cinder block blocks(cinder blocks), foam concrete(foam blocks) and others.

Aspiration to build brick garage quite justified. It not only looks much more impressive than metal, but it actually is. It is not for nothing that a garage made of bricks is called capital. Of course, the construction of such a structure is not a quick and time-consuming task, but the result is worth it. Here's what you have to do if you decide to build a garage with your own hands.

Stone, brick garage. How to build a garage from foam blocks, foam concrete, bricks, cinder blocks

The first stage of building a garage - a project

The beginning of any construction is a project. It does not have to be a pood-weight roll of drawings, but what you intend to create must first be drawn and described, even if it is on a piece of paper torn from a school notebook.

At the design stage, we first determine the following.

Tasks that is designed to tackle the garage. Will it serve only as a parking place for the car, or is it supposed to make some kind of repairs to this car? Do you need → ? →? Do not be lazy and write down all your wishes on paper (the links tell you how to make a viewing hole in the garage and cellar).

Dimensions garage in plan and height are determined: firstly, based on the size and characteristics of the site on which you plan to place the garage; and secondly, the tasks that you expect him to solve. For example, do you only need a parking space? Excellent! A garage of 3 x 5.5 m is enough for you (of course, if your car is not a Hummer). When it is also planned to place a workbench in the garage for any work, no matter what the cellar is, of course, the dimensions should be increased.

The second stage - breakdown on the ground

At this stage, what you have sketched on a piece of paper should be transferred to the real area (builders say, "located"). For this stage, you will need a dozen pegs 40 centimeters long (pieces of reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 mm are convenient); a heavy hammer, and preferably a small sledgehammer; tape measure at least five meters long (longer lengths are welcome); kapron cord thirty - forty meters.

To bind to the terrain of our garage, you need to know at least the point where one of its corners will be located. Well, and, of course, the position of the garage in space relative to this point.

In the article, we assume the most common option, which is the garage is attached to an existing line of garages. In this case, all you need to do to lay out your garage is to continue the line of the walls of the existing buildings and set aside the necessary dimensions, as shown in the picture above.

The third stage - earthworks

As a rule, earthwork during the construction of a garage is carried out manually. But this is if you are building something like a stone cover for your "swallow". And if you plan to put a couple of tubs with pickles in a good cellar, then you cannot do without an excavator. Yes and viewing hole This is a kind of cellar, only a small one.

But back to our foundations. The trench for the monolithic strip foundation of the garage should be at least 40 cm wide. The depth, depending on the depth of soil freezing in your area, is selected from 60 cm to 1.2 m. As a rule, a meter depth is enough for the eyes. Unless your garage is in the permafrost zone, but that's another story.

The bottom of the trench should not be loose, i.e., the soil should be selected up to a layer with natural density. A layer of natural density is, for example, a layer of clay that has been lying for 10,000 years and no one has ever touched it. If the clay was dug out and covered again, then its density is indicated as bulk. The walls are processed with a shovel so that they are as even and vertical as possible.

Fourth stage - foundations

There are a lot of options for foundations. Here we will focus on rubble concrete - quite simple and relatively inexpensive.

Do-it-yourself rubble-concrete foundation for a garage is done quite simply: a rubble stone is laid in rows in a neatly dug trench, and each row is spilled cement mortar until the trench is filled to the top.

An important point: the foundation is the foundation - the basis of everything. It depends on its strength how the rest of the structure will behave, how long it will last, whether it will shrink and crack. Therefore, for pouring rubble stones, we take a solution of at least grade 150. It is done as follows: cement "PC" (Portland cement) grade 400 is mixed with sand based on the calculation of two and a half buckets of sand per bucket of cement. Water is poured until the required mobility of the solution is obtained, approximately near the bucket (here, as elsewhere in the article, the capacity of the bucket does not matter; it is important that it be the same for all ingredients). You can learn more about → in another article on the site.

Stage five of the construction of the garage - basement, walls and gates

To install a plinth around the perimeter of the trench, you must install →. It is best if the boards are about 10 cm wide. The formwork must be leveled. If your site is uneven, then we take it as the basis high place, add ten centimeters to the level of the base and mark the horizon from it, as shown in the figure.

On the plinth, horizontal waterproofing is arranged from one or two layers of roofing material, laid dry. Waterproofing is necessary so that the walls do not absorb capillary moisture from the ground.

We install garage doors before we start building walls., because as the wall is erected, they will be fixed in the masonry. To increase the strength of the connection with the wall, embedded parts are welded to the door frame in the form of round rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm. When laying, these rods are sealed in the seams. According to the height of the gate, it is worth making at least four such mortgages on each side. Before installing the gate, you should →, preferably twice (the link tells how to paint metal).

The gate is installed strictly vertically, which is checked by a level or a plumb line. The vertical is checked by the gate frame on the right and left. The gate moves with a small crowbar, the desired level is fixed with metal plates or flat stones placed at the corners. We fix the exposed gates with wooden braces, as shown in the figure.

After installing the garage door, proceed to → (about brickwork described by reference) of the garage, with a wall width of 200 mm, we lay a cinder block (brick, foam concrete) with ordinary chain masonry, when the next row overlaps the seams of the previous row. We start laying from the corners. Having set the corners, we stretch a thin cord between them and put the rest of the blocks along this cord. Having laid out the row, we again raise the corners and so on. Having adapted a little, the corners can be laid out immediately on two or three blocks.

We check the verticality of the walls with a plumb line, especially paying attention to the verticality of the corners. We check the horizontality of the rows with a level.

For our garage, the ceiling is also a roof, so when installing it, you need to take care of an appropriate slope for normal rainwater runoff. To this end, the end walls of the garage are made of different heights, respectively, the upper edge of the side walls must be made with a slope. The slope is made based on the difference in height: five centimeters per meter. Thus, with a garage length of six meters (for example), the total difference will be 30 cm. In order for the slope to be even, they pull the cord along which they navigate.

For masonry you will need:

Trowel mason "trowel";
a small sledgehammer "cam" or a large one - five hundred grams - a hammer;
as well as thirty meters thick - about a millimeter - kapron thread (masons call it "lace");
to mix the solution you will need a large container, something like a trough; the ideal option is to get a small mortar mixer for a while;
several buckets for supplying mortar, dosing sand, cement, water;
shovel for loading materials.

In addition, you need to take care of the scaffolds. About → , you can find out in the article at the link. For laying walls higher than one and a half meters, you can no longer do without them. Scaffolding can be made from anything: from boards, old door panels installed on goats, etc., on the condition that they can easily withstand the weight of one person plus two or three buckets of mortar, and plus five or six building blocks - that is, a total weight of about one hundred and seventy - two hundred kilograms.

We knead the mortar for laying the walls of the garage at the rate of a bucket of cement grade 400 for four and a half buckets of sand. The solution should not be too liquid, the consistency of thick sour cream is just right. In order for the solution not to delaminate and be more plastic, it will not be superfluous to add half a bucket of lime dough or ordinary clay to it.

If you want, you can take inexpensive materials and work a little on its creation. The main thing is that the structure is convenient for storing a car.

The times when brick was popular in the construction of garages has passed, now practical owners are trying to use alternative materials that help save construction time and money:

  • Decking is a beautiful-looking and practical material;
  • Wood is a reliable option;
  • Cinder block is an inexpensive durable material.

Features of the process of building a garage

Depending on which material you choose, consider the features of the technologies for working with each of them. We will describe them in more detail, talk about construction technology.

Very fast build cheap garage do it yourself from corrugated board. To begin with, select a suitable grade of material, grades S-20 or PS with a sheet thickness of 0.5 mm are best suited. The letter C at the same time indicates the purpose of the material, this one is used in the construction of walls, the number indicates rigidity - the higher it is, the stronger the sheet.

Attention! In no case do not buy sheets of grade -8. They will cost less, but its performance leaves much to be desired. Among the shortcomings are a short shelf life, poor wind resistance, freezing of walls in winter.

Necessary materials

To create a garage you will need:

  • frame elements - metal rods, corners, beams;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fasteners for gates, other metal elements;
  • concrete and reinforcement for the plinth.

Required Tools

  • welding;
  • metal scissors;
  • screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric jigsaw.

Instructions for creating a garage from corrugated board

Before building a garage cheaply from this material, you need to study the technology, which consists of the following steps:

Install a monolithic foundation - make a trench half a meter down, fill it with sand and fill it with water. Make wells 0.5 m deep under the racks. Attach the timber formwork, install the reinforcement, fastened with wire. Install the racks, level them, fill them with M300 concrete for two to three weeks.

Attention! Wait at least two weeks for complete drying, however quickly you would like to move on to the next step. If you continue the work earlier, the foundation will soon begin to crack, which will be more difficult to fix.

Build a metal frame - when you carefully study the drawing, you can start cutting pipes. Next, weld horizontal rods to the uprights at three points.

Attention! If you prefer a wooden frame, at this stage you need to weld a special mount for the bars to the uprights. Self-tapping screws are needed to secure the frame of this type.

Adjust the sheets to size, it's good if you have friends who can help with this. Attach metal sheets with self-tapping screws.

Install the gate using the elements purchased earlier - weld the frame from the corners and sheathe it with a profiled sheet.

For the construction of a shed roof, build a frame of metal rods or wooden beams, attach lining to them.

Attention! Choose a lining based on weather conditions: the need to withstand the weight of snow, resistance to sunlight.

Wooden garages are beautiful to look at and practical to use, they are eco-friendly and easy to install. The nuances include the presence of two construction options: by installing the frame and from the block house. You can choose the one that suits you best. The first method is implemented cheaply and quickly, but the second one is more reliable.

Instructions for building a garage made of wood

The technology for building a garage from such material has the following steps:

  • Decide on the model and location - think about whether you want a garage attached to the house, or standing alone. Decide on the type of gate, methods of opening them.
  • Make a layout of the future building.
  • Prepare the site - clean and tamp the surface to make it perfectly flat.

Attention! If you don't want to see your garage skewed, take the previous point seriously.

  • Fill the foundation - dig a trench around the perimeter, install a wooden formwork. Make a pillow out of sand and gravel, alternating layers and tamping them down.

  • Install metal bars and pour M300 concrete, leave for three weeks.
  • Run the bottom trim with wood using a board 5 by 10 cm, keep an interval of about 120 cm, but no more.

Attention! Wood absorbs moisture, which can cause it to rot. Treat it with antiseptics, and then you can quickly build a garage with your own hands with minimal material costs.

  • You can install struts in the corners, then the garage will become more reliable.

Probably the most difficult stage is the pouring and construction of the frame. But if you have encountered this type of work before, it will not take much time and effort. Take boards about 2.5 * 10 cm thick or a standard lining. If you use wood, it must be sheathed and covered with a waterproofing film.

You yourself have seen that in time it will not take many hours. Now you can look at the price lists of materials and you will understand that it is also inexpensive.

The cinder block is different, for example:

  • shell rock;
  • blast furnace slag;
  • brick fight.

Their durability has been tested by time - they are even used to build houses in warm climatic regions, not to mention garages. To strengthen the plates themselves, manufacturers add polystyrene, perlite and various useful components to the composition.

The only drawback of the cinder block is its susceptibility to moisture. Therefore, for areas where groundwater flows, it does not serve for a long time, it is better to choose another material there. Unfortunately, a budget cinder block cannot even be varnished like a tree.

Attention! Not only in composition, but also in structure, the following types of this material are distinguished: full-bodied - for the foundation and hollow - for walls. The entanglement usually results in the destruction of the house.

How to build a cinder block building

The technology of building a garage cheaply with your own hands from a cinder block is in many ways reminiscent of the process of building from wood:

  • clean and level the site, while you should have a plan of the future building in your hands;
  • install a strip foundation, for which, to a depth and width of about half a meter, dig a trench around the perimeter, lay a brick-sand cushion, reinforcement and fill it with cement.
  • after waiting a month, build walls;
  • perform a coupler;
  • install the roof;
  • attach the gate.

Attention! The cinder block is laid in a manner identical to laying bricks, only faster. This is done using the spoon or poke method. Make the walls thicker - and the garage will last longer.

When erecting walls, corners are first made, cords are stretched between them, thanks to which the evenness of the structure is ensured.
The floor screed is made with about 10 cm concrete grade M200.

You just have to do the wiring for electricity and then finish the garage inside.


You have become familiar with the basic materials that are often used in order to inexpensively build a garage with your own hands in one month. You can choose the ones that are easiest to use or suit the conditions of your climate region. We wish you good luck in construction, fantasy when creating interior decoration. Remember: the cost of building a garage completely covers the risk of theft of an unattended car.

A garage is a necessary purchase for every car owner. It allows you to leave the car in the parking lot in optimal conditions, provides protection from the negative effects of the different kind, allows you to carry out maintenance and repair in a comfortable and convenient environment. Only by leaving the car in the garage, you can not worry about the fact that it can be stolen, damaged, opened and stolen valuables, etc. No one will argue with the fact that having a garage is convenient, practical and pleasant. But not all car owners can buy a garage in modern economic conditions.

In such a situation, you can try to build a garage yourself. But not all materials and types of construction provide truly significant savings. Capital construction in any case will be expensive, since the materials themselves and the technologies used require significant investments. But among modern building materials and available technologies, you can choose those that will make the construction of an inexpensive and practical garage possible. Many craftsmen have been using such buildings for more than a year. In this article, we will tell you how to build a garage cheaply and quickly with your own hands, what materials to choose for this and what technology to use. Choose what suits you and build a modern and inexpensive garage for your car!

The widest range of the modern construction market allows you to choose the best type of materials for any type of construction. You can choose from traditional options, such as brick or wood, as well as relatively new proposals, such as corrugated board, sip panels, etc. We invite you to consider materials, the best way suitable for the construction of an inexpensive, aesthetic and practical garage.

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to garage building material is brick. Indeed, most often capital garages are built from this material. Of course, the properties of this material are at their best: it is strong and beautiful, reliable and durable, and allows you to create high-quality worthy buildings. But not everyone can afford a brick garage, since its construction costs a decent amount. And the construction itself takes a lot of time. Therefore, if you want to build a garage quickly and without extra costs then pay attention to more available materials:

  • Wood. This is one of the most traditional materials for the construction of buildings for various purposes. Wood construction technologies have been honed and improved over the centuries, and today they have reached the highest level development. Among the excellent properties of this material are environmental friendliness, reliability, durability, ample opportunities for implementing architectural ideas, etc. In the premises built of wood, a special atmosphere reigns, a pleasant microclimate is maintained, optimal humidity. Building from modern wooden materials is a pleasure! You can order at the manufacturer's factory a ready-made set of wooden elements according to your project with ready-made fasteners and connections. You just have to put the parts together to get a beautiful, reliable and high-quality garage. In some respects, wood even surpasses brick, and first of all, in terms of construction costs. The tree provides ample opportunities for the construction of cheap and high-quality buildings;
  • cinder blocks. This material has gained wide popularity relatively recently. The main advantage of cinder blocks is low cost and ease of use. Perhaps this material is not able to provide sufficient quality for the construction of a residential building, but its properties are optimal for a garage. Among strengths cinder blocks can be noted for a long service life, a high degree of reliability. And for a garage, these properties are the most important. Therefore, you can safely choose this material for building a garage;
  • Decking. Universal option who found widest application when solving various problems. Roofs are covered with it, fences and fences are built from it, and household buildings are erected, including garages. You can build a garage from corrugated board on a finished base in a matter of days without outside help. The building is neat, tidy, reliable and practical.

These materials can be called the most suitable for independent budget construction of a garage. Next, we will talk about how to build a garage cheaply and quickly with your own hands, a video tutorial will help you understand the basic principles of working with each of these materials.

Choosing wood as the main material for building a garage, you make a choice in favor of an aesthetic appearance, absolute safety for humans and environment, affordable cost, ease of processing and application. Wood makes excellent garages, but when planning such a construction, you should also be aware of the special nuances that distinguish working with wood.

For the construction of a garage, two are optimally suited modern technologies wood construction. In the first case, an affordable rounded log is used, and in the second, frame technology is used. Buildings made of round logs are distinguished by a high degree of reliability. They are strong and beautiful. But the construction of frame technology- more affordable. In this situation, you need to correlate your preferences, goals and objectives with the characteristics and features of a particular technology. This will help you choose the best option that suits you.

Features of building a wooden garage

Construction work always begins with a preparatory stage. It is very important to analyze your capabilities and requirements, correctly choose a place for construction, and think over a project for a future building. And it is also necessary to decide whether your garage will stand separately or be attached to the house, there will be an inspection hole, a cellar and other elements in it. And also immediately you need to decide on the type of gate and think through all other aspects to the smallest detail. This is necessary so that in the future the work is carried out according to a clear, well-thought-out plan, quickly and efficiently.

When you draw up a project and think over the sequence of work, it is necessary to prepare the selected site for construction work. It needs to be leveled and compacted. The evenness of the site affects the quality of the future structure.

On the prepared site, a solid and high-quality foundation for the garage is created. You will need to prepare trenches around the perimeter of the planned building, form the formwork, fill in and compact the pillow of gravel and sand.

The most important step is to strengthen the base. For this, metal rods are used, which are laid on top of the sand and gravel cushion. After that, the base can be poured with a solution. The foundation is gaining strength for about three weeks. After this period, you can proceed to perform other work. The first thing that needs to be built is the lower reinforcing belt from a 50x100 mm beam.

Keep in mind that untreated wood has no protection against moisture, fungus and pests. Therefore, before construction, all wooden elements must be treated with antiseptic compounds.

To frame the frame, you will need a beam, which is convenient to make racks and gate leaves, as well as boards 50x100 mm, suitable for all other parts of the building. On the lower harness, the step should be no more than 120 cm.

Corner struts that will support the harness will additionally strengthen and strengthen the structure. As a result, the foundation of the building will turn out to be strong, stable, reliable. It is important from the very beginning to carry out all the work as accurately as possible, since errors on early stages will certainly make themselves known later.

In wood construction technology, the most costly and complex stages are the construction of the foundation and the creation of the frame. The frame requires both better material, and more time and maximum accuracy. And you can even perform sheathing from an ordinary board or lining. It will not take much time and will not require any special skills from you. Finishing a wooden garage can be done using almost any material. Do not forget about the need for high-quality performance of hydro and vapor barrier. To do this, you can use polypropylene or polyethylene film.

There is nothing difficult in the construction of a wooden garage. You will need a little patience and basic knowledge in the field of construction.

Cinder block garages are quite common today. If you decide to build such a garage, then you need to know that cinder blocks are different:

  • Domain cinder block. Has good properties long term services;
  • From the brick fight;
  • Shell rock.

Sometimes cinder blocks are made with the addition of polystyrene, perlite and other components that can improve the performance properties of this material.

For the construction of a garage, cinder blocks could be called an excellent material, if not for one of its drawbacks - moisture absorption. Due to the penetration of water into the material, it quickly collapses and loses its properties. Therefore, it is best to choose cinder blocks for construction on dry ground. In such conditions, buildings made of cinder blocks can last up to 50 years, retaining their properties. If groundwater is found on the territory of future construction, then it is better to refuse to use cinder blocks, since there is no treatment or other reliable way to prevent water penetration.

Do not forget to also take into account the classification of cinder blocks by configuration. They are full-bodied and hollow. The first type is for building walls. The second can be used for building foundations. If you use the blocks for other purposes, then your building may turn out to be of poor quality and unreliable.

Features of construction from cinder blocks

Just as in the case of the construction of a wooden garage, cinder block construction begins with preparation: the area is cleaned, leveled, tamped, and a project and a detailed work plan are developed.

wooden building requires a poured foundation, while cinder blocks do not need such a solid foundation. For a cinder block garage the best option will become . For its device, it is necessary to remove the upper layers of the earth and prepare a trench. Its depth should reach 50 cm, and its width - 45 cm. After that, a layer of sand and broken bricks is laid out at the bottom of the trench. After that, the foundation is poured with mortar.

There is another way to build a strip foundation. After preparing the trench, it is laid out with a layer of moistened sand. This layer makes the base stronger and more resistant to temperature extremes, moisture and other negative influences. Then he performs the strengthening of the structure and its filling.

It takes about a month for the tape base to gain strength. After that, you can proceed to the construction of walls. But there is another way to make a strip foundation. This is the simplest technology, which differs in that instead of sand, the trench is laid out with rubble stone and immediately after that it is poured with mortar, grades 150 m higher.

When the base is ready, it is necessary to put hydro and vapor barrier materials on it. The optimal choice for solving this problem is roofing material, an affordable and time-tested material.

After that, the work is carried out in the following order:

  • Wall construction;
  • floor device;
  • Roof device;
  • Gate installation.

It is necessary to lay cinder blocks according to the same principle as brick. But in this case, the work will be carried out much faster and easier. There are two types of masonry - the spoon method, in half a stone, and the poke method, in one stone. Use masonry in two and one and a half stones. You should focus on your own skills and capabilities, choosing one or another type of masonry. Do not forget that the features of the masonry are reflected in the characteristics of the finished structure, its strength, resistance to negative factors, and durability. For example, a garage built of one stone will freeze at low temperatures, even if it is heated from the inside with several heaters. And the design, laid in one and a half stones, will turn out to be quite warm and comfortable.

Wall laying starts from the corners. After that, a string is stretched between them, and the masonry continues along its level.

The finishing work in the construction of a cinder block garage is to carry out the necessary communications and finish the building from the inside.

Decking is a practical versatile material. Fences and various outbuildings. Garages made of corrugated board are durable and reliable, have a pleasant appearance and good performance. But, when planning the construction of garages from corrugated board, it is important to choose the right material. Do you want to build an inexpensive but reliable garage? Then choose corrugated board, grade C or PS.

To do right choice, it is necessary to understand the labeling of the material. It is carried out by means of letter and number designation. The material marked with the letter "C" is intended for walls. The number marked on the material indicates its rigidity. The larger the number, the higher the rigidity of the sheet. For the construction of a garage, we recommend that you stop at the material marked "C-20".

Some sellers may recommend that you replace C-20 with C-10 or C-8. We do not recommend making such a choice, because a garage made of this material, although it will cost less, will turn out to be short-lived and unreliable. In winter, thin sheets will quickly freeze, and it will be quite difficult to warm them up. And also this material does not cope well with wind loads. These are all unsuitable properties for a good garage. Therefore, for the construction you need to take only twenty. As for the thickness of the sheet, the optimal choice is 0.5 mm.

Features of building a garage from corrugated board

To build such a garage, you need to purchase:

  • Concrete for the base and reinforcement for its reinforcement;
  • Frame details: timber, metal rods, corner;
  • Gate elements;
  • Fasteners.

As for the tool, for the construction of corrugated board you will need:

  • Welding machine;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Electric jigsaw.

The first stage of work on the construction of a garage from corrugated board is the foundation. For such a building best solution will make a monolithic base. To do this, the upper layers of the earth are removed. Moistened sand is poured into the resulting pit. For frame racks, it is necessary to provide special wells, which will also play the role of foundation racks. Wells must be driven into the ground to a depth of half a meter.

Thanks to these elements, the foundation will turn out to be stronger and more durable. It will cope well with ground movements.

After that, work is carried out according to the standard scheme. A formwork is installed along the perimeter of the pit, reinforcing rods are attached to it, interconnected by wire. After that, frame racks are installed in the prepared wells.

Before this, the lower parts of the racks are treated with bitumen to prevent moisture penetration and reduce other harmful effects.

During the installation of racks, you must carefully monitor their level. They must be strictly vertical. This should be regularly checked by the building level. After installing the racks, the base is poured with M300 concrete. For the construction of a garage from corrugated board, this choice will be optimal.

It is recommended to allow the foundation to gain strength within three weeks. Although some masters believe that it is possible to proceed to further work in a couple of days after pouring the base. But such a rush can lead to cracking of the foundation, which will completely disable it. So it’s better not to rush and wait for the allotted time so as not to negate all efforts.

After the foundation has gained strength, you can mount metal carcass. First you need to prepare pipes according to the dimensions corresponding to the project. You can cut them with a grinder, a jigsaw, connect them with welding. If you have previously had experience with welding, then you will need less than three days to mount the frame. If you are just learning this equipment, you can assemble the frame in a week. Be sure to check the dimensions of the material with the project to avoid annoying mistakes.

Horizontal elements are welded to the installed racks. Welding is carried out at three points. If you plan to make a wooden frame, then special fasteners must be welded to the racks. Between themselves, the bars are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Sheets of corrugated board are also attached to self-tapping screws with a special rubber gasket. You can cut the material with a jigsaw. For this stage of work, it is advisable to enlist the help of two or three people. It is much easier for a team to perform sheathing with corrugated board.

After assembling the frame, you need to consider installing the gate. This part of the construction is very important, since any inaccuracy can lead to the fact that the garage doors simply will not open. You can weld the gate frame from metal corners, and use sheets of corrugated board as sheathing.

The best option for a roof for an inexpensive garage is a shed. The material for the frame will be the crossbars made of wood or metal, and the lining is suitable for the crate. When choosing materials for your roof, be sure to consider the climate in your area. For southern places, you can use a light crate. For colder areas, you need to pay more attention to the creation of the roof, because it must be designed for strong winds, precipitation, snow, etc.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to quickly and inexpensively build a garage. Choose the option that suits you and get started! We wish you good luck!

Many people dream of a good and inexpensive garage, especially residents of big cities. Men perceive the garage as their personal place, a refuge, a shelter. So what is the best way to do it? Let's figure it out.

About preparation

First, I would like to say that it is cheaper to build your own garage than to buy one. Sometimes prices go up to the sky for old and rotten boxes, especially in cities with a population of over one million, where there are sorely not enough places even for parking.

  1. Before building it is necessary notify the administration of your locality that you are going to build a garage. Be prepared that the authorities may demand money, that's how everything is arranged.
  2. To get started you need choose a seat. A dry place on a small hillock is perfect so that excess moisture evaporates quickly and puddles do not form. Otherwise, in cold weather, you will literally have to make your way to the entrance.
  3. Do not be shy attach your own to another garage, but only with the permission of the owner. It is desirable that the foundation of the future garage be sandy or clay for subsequent excavation of a place for a basement.
  4. When the place is chosen it is worth starting the construction of the basement first. Dig with an excavator (if it’s completely tight with money, then you can do it yourself) the entrance to the basement of a meter and a half to two, and then proceed to level the basement directly of any shape and size that you prefer. After put concrete walls(recommend concrete because wood and others wooden materials rot quickly), floor and ceiling. The basement is ready.

Garage construction

Now let's move on to the ground part. Start building walls. Can be used:

  • concrete plates;
  • strong bricks (white);
  • expanded clay blocks;
  • profile pipe (for the frame);
  • aerated concrete;
  • cinder block;
  • wood;
  • sandwich panels.

Advice! Don't forget to make a small hole in the wall to allow excess moisture to escape from the garage in the spring and fall.

Roof, gate and floor

Then you will need to install strong iron gates, which you can buy or make yourself. After erecting the walls and gates, you will need to take care of the roof. The roof can be made flat (the easiest option). To do this, lay concrete slabs on the wall by hiring specialized equipment.

It is not forbidden to build a sloping roof. What is more often not recommended, because it is inconvenient in operation, applied to garage structures.

After the walls and roof are erected, the floor is to be made. To do this, lay out boards along the perimeter of the entrance to the basement, as if fencing it off. Fill the remaining space with concrete (of course, not in the basement) to the level of the door. After the concrete has hardened, you will get a garage, or rather “under-garage”.

The most important part: electrical

To turn your creation into a full-fledged garage, you should conduct electricity into it. If the neighbors also do not have electricity, then you can negotiate with them in order to “throw off” money for the supply of an electric cable.

This procedure is not exactly cheap, and if the neighbors have electricity, then just bring electricity to you, of course, warning the administration. Without a meter, the room will not be approved, so you need to take care of the meter during the connection process.

More specifically about the choice of materials

Here is what material is now used to make car houses:

Pros: With reliable assembly, a fairly durable design.

Minuses: lifting equipment is needed, whose hourly payment depends on the ingenuity of the customer.

  1. Brick frame. This beautiful, expensive and durable material. Usually under garages it is customary to purchase broken brick or low grade material. Well, for a private house, where everything should be “from the needle”, they buy an additional facing type of brick.

Buildings placed separately require additional insulation. Therefore, the wall will be at least 2 bricks (25 cm thick or more).

The difficulty is as follows: the need for a strong foundation. Exactly under brick wall pour a monolith with reinforced meshes.

Pros: no need for interior decoration. The original look is already a modern classic.

  1. and expanded clay blocks. The latest materials cement-based, better than brick. It's not just about the price. After all, according to the characteristics they perfectly retain heat. The construction process itself does not take much time. Why is that? Both types of building materials are large in size and relatively light in weight.

The design feature is only in the reinforced belt, which is necessary for the base of any garage roof.

With a foundation it's easier: rather shallow tape type. From which blocks specifically to choose - it is better to decide at the construction site.

Pros: not inferior to brick, much lighter total weight, consumable at low cost. Big efforts are not needed.

An exception to the rule is flame retardant impregnation. Will give refractory properties to any tree. And if the building is planned to be multifunctional (there is also a pantry, a workshop or even a bathhouse to the garage), then it is the treated wood that is best suited. On the site or in the country - that's it.

  1. Profile pipe and plastic panels. These are materials for express construction. Applies here as well. Sandwich panel garage profile pipe the price will be very cheap, but going in less than a day. The longest time to mess with the base is a concrete platform for a regular box for a car (it’s faster to bring and lay an ordinary old concrete slab or several). Using modern inexpensive materials, car owners receive unheated containers for personal cars.

But everything is solvable, and such a design can be easily insulated mineral wool, and the interior of the garage will be created by asbestos-cement sheets or OSB (foam based).

The cons are the following: needed welding machine and experience with it.

Pros: there are many ready-made plastic structures on sale that can be delivered to the place or assembled by the hands of installers.

  1. Metal carcass. It's about sheet steel. A garage without welding experience cannot be done with your own hands, but a good friend will do everything beautifully for a modest price. For your information, a car box made of iron is much cheaper than brick or concrete.

Minuses: thermal conductivity of metal. Without insulation and heating devices, it is impossible to create comfortable conditions even for a car.

Budget insulation

If you are going to be in the garage for a long time, then insulate the walls with glass wool and surround it with chipboard sheets, and also install the stove, having previously made a hole in the ceiling for the pipe.

This approach only applies to variants of refractory materials. Wood and plastic are a separate situation, and such materials need to be insulated in several stages.

Suppose a tree (beam or timber) is well not desirable to be sheathed from the inside with glass wool. Natural material for building a garage loves clay, less toxic heaters. Inexpensive to sheathe the same board.

For plastic panels special sheets are sold with a front part treated with stainless steel.

Let's walk on the roof

In other words, on the roof. There are two types:

Both options are the most budget types, although even in the garage it is possible to come up with something unusual (dovecote, guard house and much more).

  1. For the base, a concrete slab is ideal for all time. It is placed on the walls at a slight angle, otherwise there will be no water during the off-season.

During the installation process, there are always joints between the plates, it is easy to smear them with cement mortar, and then foam them from the inside.

Outside, several layers of roofing material, overlapped by a burner, will suffice.

Pros: Compared to a double-sided one, it is 20 percent more profitable.

  1. Go to work: timber, empty concrete slabs (voids). Plywood or lining is enough for the inside of the ceiling. On the truss system enough boards from 4 cm thick. The cheapest way to make a crate is from an unedged board with a wane removed. Under the roof, nothing better has yet been invented than asbestos cement slate sheets.

Pros: ceiling insulation. The garage can easily be covered with sawdust, slag, and earth from above.

Results of construction and selection of materials

Which one is better to build a garage, of course, is not for us to decide. But the calculations are as follows:

  1. The fastest option for a garage- this is a sandwich panel with insulation.
  2. Cheap, easy and practical- foam blocks with reinforcement under the roof.
  3. Acceptable and heavy, but aesthetically pleasing This is a building made of treated wood.
  4. Expensive, long, but for life- a brick garage with a thick wall and a concrete floor.
  5. Prefabricated options, like already assembled boxes, are not suitable everywhere, because they have a minimum of reliability.

The garage will be thought out in great detail, if possible without adjusting to the materials available from the main construction site.

Important! Let the frame be even from the oldest, ugliest, but workable brick. Such an approach, specifically to protect a private house, saved more than one family in case of a fire.

Budget garage from improvised materials

The video below has garnered the most views in its category. Not surprising. The author shows how to build a garage from pallets. The construction took 2 months, improvised materials were used for construction.

A garage made of wood in many regions of our country is the most optimal construction option, due to the affordable cost of materials, ease of installation and beautiful appearance finished structure. In this article, we will show you how to do wooden garage with our own hands, what materials to build it from, as well as show diagrams, photo and video instructions.

The choice of construction technology

The main thing is to choose the optimal construction technology and complete all the stages in strict accordance with the chosen type of construction.

The most common are two technologies for building garages made of wood: using frame technology and from logs.

It is necessary to give preference to the construction of a box for a car using log technology if the main building, house or cottage, is built from a similar material. The frame structure will be cheaper, it is easier to pick up materials for it, and the time for construction will be significantly reduced. In addition, the garage wooden frame the outside can be finished with any suitable for the style of a country house facade materials immediately after the construction of the building or after a certain period of time.

Preparatory work

Maximum speed and ease of work are the main advantages of frame technology. But, despite the simplicity, the construction frame garage requires preliminary preparation, development of a project, with the help of which it will be possible to calculate the required amount of materials and components. The project is calculated independently, with the involvement of experienced specialists or downloaded from specialized Internet resources. The dimensions of the building should take into account the number of cars, the presence of an open carport for summer storage of cars and the attic floor, which many motorists arrange above the garage.

At the preparatory stage, the location of the future garage and the type of building are established: detached, attached to the main task, the type of gate opening and alignment with the common entrance area to the site. The selected site is thoroughly cleaned, leveled and, if necessary, rammed.

Foundation works

A high-quality and reliable foundation is the basis of any structure. The choice of technology for the construction of the foundation depends on many different factors: the constructive solution of the structure, the characteristics of the soil, the financial capabilities of the owner, etc.

Basically, for the construction of a garage, the base is a concrete slab, poured using monolithic technology.

The concrete slab will serve as a subfloor, which can then be revetted with any finishing materials. Being a kind of "floating" foundation, the concrete slab perceives uniformly high loads, helping to avoid deformation of the structure during its operation.

For arrangement monolithic foundation along the perimeter of the planned development, they dig a shallow trench and install the formwork. First, they make a pillow of sand and gravel, tamp it down. Then the base is reinforced with two meshes of metal rods, preparing the site, and it is poured with concrete. After this, the foundation must be allowed to stand for about 3 weeks.

Assembling the frame from boards and timber

The lower harness is made of a wooden board 100x50 mm, pre-treated with an antiseptic. For racks at the corners of the garage and in gate leaves use a beam of 100x100 mm, for other parts of the structure - rafters and floor blocks - 100x50 mm. In the lower trim between the posts, a step of no more than 1200 mm is maintained.

To give the frame greater strength, struts should be installed in the corners of the building.

If the garage is planned in width over 4 m, it is better to make ceiling beams from a more durable and reliable board 50x100 mm. Longitudinal elements are made of timber not less than 50x50 mm.

Roof and walls

For the arrangement of the roof, a board of 100x25 mm is used, which is sheathed with a pre-selected roofing material. Metal tile or slate can be mounted directly on a wooden crate, while not forgetting to equip a hydro and vapor barrier system to organize a comfortable microclimate in the garage.

Outside, on the roofing system, a spillway must be installed, which can be made independently from plastic pipe, cut in two.

For cladding outside the building, you can use a special facade lining or one-piece wooden board pre-treated with impregnation to protect against moisture. From the inside, the garage is insulated with mineral wool, it is necessary to lay a layer of vapor barrier and sew it up with clapboard.

Wooden garage 6×4

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the principle of building a garage, the size of which is 6 × 4 m with a ceiling height of 3 m. A gate with a size of 2.8 × 2.5 m will be installed in it, the foundation is made of reinforced concrete slabs, and the frame is made of wooden beams 100 × 100 mm. As for the exterior finish, it will be made of corrugated board or other similar material.

The first thing to do is to clean construction site. At the site of the future structure, remove the soil up to 10 cm deep. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand, leveled and rammed.

Lay boards for formwork 1.5 × 0.5 cm along the perimeter, and 15 cm high. The base is reinforced with wire Ø 12 mm. The cells must be made 20 × 20 cm. The resulting mesh should be in the middle of the formwork. After that, concrete is poured. Although it may seem that such a foundation is unreliable, it is important not to forget that the weight of the 6 × 4 m garage frame structure is relatively small.

The principle of building a frame is already described in this article. Here the difference lies in the fact that it is important to respect the dimensions of the garage. So, a frame is being built from beams 3 m long. The assembly starts from the bottom crown. You fix the corner drains on it and the upper crown is already on them.

In order for the racks to have a secure fixation, they should be temporarily fixed with the help of rails or boards.

The resulting structure will have a sufficiently high strength. If necessary, the frame is reinforced with jumpers for greater rigidity. As for the opening, a beam is laid horizontally on top of the racks. It must also be securely fastened.

In our case, we will build gable roof garage. The ridge beam will be attached to two supports, the cross section of which is 10 × 10 cm. These supports will rest on the gables. For the manufacture of rafters and a ridge, a board 40 × 100 mm is used.

Rafters are installed close to each other. This will allow the roof to remain stable under strong wind loads. Between themselves, they are tightened with puffs. This technology will unload the skate. The boards themselves should not be fastened to the crossbar with an overlap, but under the ridge on top of the puffs. At the end, the structure is sheathed with USB or plywood.

The floor in the garage can be made using different technologies. For example, you can make it wooden, concrete, or use self-leveling floor technology. The walls can be treated with construction paper, and hardboard is attached on top of it. But you can use other Decoration Materials. As mentioned at the beginning of this description, outside we propose to install corrugated board on the facade. To do this, you need to make a small crate from a bar 40 × 40 mm. The ceiling can be hemmed with wooden boards.

So that the roof does not sag under the weight of snow, it is recommended to fix the filly to the rafters from the side of the walls. It will also allow you to make the filing of the cornice and the overhang of the roof more attractive.

For wall cladding, it is better to use sheets of 3 m. So, the design will be airtight without unnecessary joints. In conclusion, it remains to make metal gates.

Following such a simple technology, you can make a wooden garage, 6 × 4 m in size.


The process of building a frame garage in video format:

A photo

In the provided photo gallery, you can see various options construction of a wooden garage:

Schemes and drawings

If you decide to build a wooden garage yourself, then first study the diagrams and drawings: