A practical approach to finishing the garage. Garage decoration inside and out with your own hands Cheap garage decoration

Garage is the place where the car will be stored. Most people want to make this room as comfortable and safe as possible at minimal cost. How and with what can you finish the walls in the garage? You will learn about this in this article.

An example of chipboard walls in a garage

There are several cases when it needs to be trimmed:

  1. You bought a new garage with only bare walls.
  2. It is very cold in it, and you decided to insulate it.
  3. High percentage of heat loss.
  4. Do you want to improve the conditions for storing vehicles.
  5. There is a lot of free space in the room, and you want to use it.
  6. The garage has a low fire safety percentage.
  7. General renovation of the premises.

wall insulation in the garage with min. cotton wool

Finishing Requirements

You need to process all surfaces of the room and finish the floors. The most important thing is to choose the right materials, since the room is subjected to physical and chemical effects.

So, the requirements for the materials are as follows:

  1. They must be resistant to chemicals.
  2. Be nonflammable.
  3. Do not absorb dust, odor and small debris.
  4. Be impact and scratch resistant.
  5. It is good to withstand sudden changes in temperature.
  6. Easy to use.

Treatment brick walls do it yourself

Suitable materials

There are many materials that can be used for decoration. They can be selected based on quality and price. If you need to finish the walls and ceiling, fit:

  1. Plaster.
  2. Ceramic tile.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride.
  4. Drywall.
  5. Wood chip boards.
  6. Plastic.

For the floor fit:

  1. Concrete.
  2. Ceramic tiles or asphalt.
  3. Wood.
  4. Bulk floor.


calculation formula for estimating the required amount of materials

Wall and ceiling treatment

When processing walls and ceilings, you need to choose optimal solution come down to personal preference, budget, and combination of materials. Below are the popular materials for wall and ceiling decoration, which are well known to the masters.


Contains sand and cement. The mixture protects well from fire, besides, you can save money. The walls will not absorb dust and odors, they are well resistant to temperature changes, and they are also easy to repair.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of finishing. You need to have certain skills and knowledge in order to do the job correctly.

After the plaster has dried, putty is applied to the walls in the garage. If desired, instead of it, you can simply paint the garage inside. You can paint the plaster walls in the garage with anything, but before that, use a primer.

Checking the evenness of the plaster application using a level

Ceramic tile

Very strong and reliable. Easy to decorate and repair.

Disadvantages - walls can not withstand heavy weight tiles. Besides, it is not cheap.

Applying tiles to the garage wall

Processing with PVC panels

The material is quite easy to process. It does not burn and does not pass water. But these designs are inferior in strength. In addition, they are poorly resistant to cold.

Example of joints for polyvinyl chloride material

Wood chip boards

Quite easy to install. But there are a few downsides. The material burns well and passes water. You will have to regularly buy impregnation.

wood chip boards for garage walls


Allows you to keep warm in the room. It burns badly. Very durable. The disadvantage is that this finishing method is considered the most expensive.

Finishing the walls of the garage with drywall over mineral wool

Plastic lining

Easy to mount. Under them, you can install pipes, ventilation, wiring and insulation. You can make a wall with gaps, but you can without.

This material is poorly resistant to impact and melts easily.

An example of joints of plastic lining

Metal lining

The material is very strong and durable, does not give in to combustion and is resistant to temperature changes.

But the metal is highly susceptible to corrosion and begins to rust when exposed to water.


It is durable, cheap and easy to install.

The material is also highly corrosive and rots on contact with water.

Decking for finishing internal walls garage

Floor treatment


Able to withstand heavy loads. Does not absorb dust. When treated with solutions, it can resist the absorption of odors and chemical elements. Low material cost.

But there is one drawback - the complexity in the arrangement.

pouring concrete on garage floor

Asphalt and ceramic tiles

Does not absorb odors or water.

Disadvantages - quite expensive, difficult to arrange material, and can also be damaged by impact.

Setting a single level of tiles with a mallet

self-leveling floor

Its surface is flat. It is impact resistant and equal in strength to concrete.

The disadvantages are a rather high price, and the arrangement must be accurate to the millimeters, which is very difficult for a garage.

Filling the self-leveling floor with your own hands


Environmentally friendly. Easy to arrange.

Lots of shortcomings. Highly flammable, absorbs dust, water and odors and is not durable.

An example of a finished wooden floor in a garage

What is the best option?

Of all the finishing methods listed, the best are concrete and plaster processing. If all the work was done with the highest quality, you will get a good result at the lowest price.

Finishing Tools

We will need:

  1. Grater.
  2. Falcon.
  3. Steel brush.
  4. Staple.
  5. Shovel.
  6. Scraper.
  7. Trough.
  8. Brush.
  9. roller.
  10. Bars.

Essential tools for decorating garage walls

Floor treatment instructions

So, all the materials have been purchased, and you are ready to go.

Attention! If water is constantly accumulating in the garage, tilt the floors slightly.

The flooring process consists of the following steps:

  1. Making a pillow out of sand. It is necessary to fill in crushed stone a few centimeters in height. Then - a layer of sand for several centimeters. Fill with water and level. Wait until the mixture is completely dry.
  2. Waterproof the garage walls. Polyethylene works well. 10 cm should be enough.
  3. Reinforcement. Necessary to increase the strength of concrete. For this, a wire mesh is made. The size of the cells is about 10 centimeters. Bricks are suitable as clamps. And the guideline for laying will be iron pipes or wooden boards. Using the formwork, install the gaps from the boards and fill them with insulation. This operation is necessary so that the floor is very durable and does not freeze in winter.
  4. Now the concrete can be laid. Mix a mortar of cement, water and sand in a container. When laying, use a vibrator to remove air from the mixture. Straighten it out with a rule.
  5. Now you need to wait until the concrete dries. Cover it with clingfilm and pour water over it. This will allow it to retain moisture. Fully solid construction will be in a month.
  6. Powder coat your garage.

Cutting the necessary layers for successful garage longevity

Wall and ceiling treatment

First the ceiling, then the walls.

  1. Check the surface. Remove all protrusions and cover the depressions. Before this, wet the places that you will cover up.
  2. Apply primer for good adhesion.
  3. Once the primer is dry, apply putty. It will take several layers, each centimeter. The first layer is needed for adhesion to concrete. The second is for alignment. The last one is for grouting.
  4. Excess dust and debris must be removed. Add some water or primer.
  5. Apply a final coat of putty to level the surface.
  6. Wait for the mixture to dry.
  7. Coat the walls in the garage with paint or primer.

You can also process the garage externally. Suitable for this:

  1. Plaster.
  2. Vinyl siding.
  3. Sheathe the garage with clapboard.
  4. Stone processing.


As you can see, there are many ways to finish the garage with your own hands. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. You should choose the one that is most suitable for your room.

In addition to the main construction purposes- comfortable and safe storage of the car, - the garage performs other functions.

When troubleshooting and breakdowns of the machine, the room turns into workshop with all its attributes: heavy tools, bulky mechanisms, dismantled and spare units stained with engine oil.

The constant presence of flammable fuel in the vehicle tank and in spare canisters imposes increased fire-fighting requirements on materials. interior wall finishes, their resistance to toxic chemicals.

How to finish the walls in the garage inexpensively? Today, the choice of finishing materials is so great that we will focus only on some of the most budget materials for interior wall cladding.

At the same time, we keep in mind the key requirements for garage decoration: firmly, cheap, nice.

Wooden lining

Wooden lining, the ultimate dream of a garage owner some 15-20 years ago, has long been eclipsed among modern plastic descendants.

How to finish the walls in the garage cheaply? Can tree. After all, this material is solid, durable and aesthetic. Polished panels made of precious woods adorn the interiors of palaces and the salons of expensive limousines. Traditionally, saunas and baths are sheathed with wood with low thermal conductivity - so as not to get burned on the walls.

But in the garage, where combustible substances are already in abundance, use a wooden lining, and even soaked in drying oil and varnish - extremely unreasonable. In such a room it will be dangerous not only to carry out any welding work if necessary, to install a heating stove, but even just to smoke.

Timeless technology

However, modern types plastic linings, composite polymers and metal, traditionally continue to copy wooden planks and panels, although the pattern imitates both brick and stone.

After all, such a universal, time-tested form allows you to use the best quality inherent in clapboard- it is easy to mount it on a crate made of wooden beams.

Another advantage of timeless technology - the crate allows conveniently install any insulation under the lining, hide cables, utility pipes, ventilation ducts.

All types of lining, despite the differences in materials and profiles, are similar in the principle of installation: ridges and grooves on the ends of the panels allow them to sheathe walls without gaps. Each subsequent panel hides the fasteners of the previous one.

Metal lining

Such siding has all the advantages of metal products - increased strength, durability, resistance to aggressive environments and temperature effects, incombustibility.

The disadvantages of the metal are also presented here, the main one is susceptibility to corrosion. Metal lining is made of aluminum and steel.


How to sheathe a garage inside cheaply? One of the options - durable corrugated board. These are profiled steel sheets with a protective polymer coating. Like lining, corrugated board can be fixed on a wooden crate. And the speed of installation will ensure the large size of the sheets.

Vinyl siding

Filling composition PVC panels(short for the term Polyvinyl Chloride) - non-combustible materials. The panel melts, but only smokes without the formation of an open flame. In a fire, such smoke is able to extinguish the fire that gave rise to it, displacing oxygen from the room air. But for human health, this toxic smoke dangerous.

However, garage owners are willing to buy PVC panels for finishing walls, both internal and external, not for experimenting with fire.

Great vinyl siding meets our requirements "Durable, inexpensive, beautiful".

Moreover, it is waterproof, does not rot, does not warp due to temperature changes, is resistant to contact with garage chemicals, does not require painting and maintenance, and is washed from almost any contamination.

Serves such siding for decades.

PVC panels also exclude nostalgia for the good old lining. Volumetric imitation of the texture and shades of wood on the surface of the panels is indistinguishably realistic. Except they don't smell like pine...

IMPORTANT: Price plastic siding depends on color. The brighter and richer the color palette of the panels, the more expensive they are. This is due to the high cost of high-quality polymer dyes.


Installation of almost all existing various kinds of panels for finishing the walls of the garage is carried out according to a single simple technology for attaching panels to the crate. Choice of siding type and material decorative panels not quite simple installation affects, but only your preferences and financial opportunities.

Having prepared everything necessary materials, tools and fasteners, hand-finish garage walls one day you can too. Having tightened the last nut on the unit, which you have been fiddling with since the very morning, you are comfortably located in a battered armchair and tiredly unfolding into bags with lunch captured in the garage. Any minute a friend-neighbor will come up, and a conversation will flow.

During such hours of rest, the garage performs its most pleasant function as a club for motorists.

Your friends will be surprised and happy for you when they see the new wall cladding! And you, as an authoritative expert, will tell them about the features of the choice inexpensive materials finishes, their properties and other qualities - because now you know all this.

Garage landscaping has recently become what is now called a comfortable "home". Car owners sheathe their covered parking areas not so much from the outside as from the inside. It is already difficult to recognize them as shabby, with oil on the floor, gray and dimly lit rooms, as we are used to seeing them. Everything is changing for the better: the garage today can be radically transformed using both traditional and new polymer materials.

Actually, the answer to such a question is obvious, but perhaps not for everyone. Judge for yourself, most of the fans of automotive equipment, of necessity, fiddles with it for a long time, and in short breaks they need to rest. It is impossible to think of a better option than an insulated and sheathed garage in this situation. And this is the first thing that comes to mind to ensure a minimum of comfort, but let's look at the topic more broadly.

As we said above, modern garages are not a meager miniature shell. Increasingly, two- and even three-level buildings are being built, in which you can easily realize the idea original design ordinary small apartment.

Each level of a modern garage deserves a stylish design. Perhaps there is no such motorist who would not be delighted with the sheathing of the parking lot of his iron friend with profiled sheet material, and even better wooden clapboard. The technical room can easily turn into a living room, viewing hole and the subfloor can also become an object of decoration.

The lining of the garage is of course important from a hygiene point of view, sanitary regulations, and aesthetics. However, in some cases, such as when using metal siding on wooden walls garage, will serve as additional protection against fire from the outside.

Basic finishes

The modern building materials market offers many options for garage interior cladding.

As a rule, garage owners resort to classic sheet and piece materials of biological origin. This is a long-known plywood, folding or fiberboard. At the same time, the industry has long established mass production of alternative materials: wooden and metal lining, corrugated board, polymer panels and siding. What is not a reason to do the finishing? It is only important to take into account the operating conditions of garage premises, wall material and other design features.

Along the way, we will consider options for sheathing a garage made of reinforced concrete, iron, wooden, brick and foam block walls. In this regard, the selection of the sheathing material itself is important so that it meets the necessary requirements for safe operation garage. Given the special nature of garage buildings, its future decoration must comply with the following rules:

  • Be resistant to mechanical and chemical stress;
  • Not subject to destruction from the effects of air temperature differences;
  • Be non-flammable and, if possible, not emit harmful substances;
  • It is easy to maintain and has high-quality aesthetic properties.

Clapboard finish

Wooden lining is ideal for a technical room

This technology has been used for more than a dozen years, but, perhaps, only now, it has acquired special significance. In addition to, in fact, a wooden lining, there is also its iron counterpart. In several respects, it is superior classical material- for example, in terms of impact resistance. Where most often you can use metal lining, so it is in rooms with high humidity. Wood finishes are recommended in utility rooms - for example, in a technical room located under or above the parking lot.

The technology of mounting the lining in this case will not differ in anything special. However, it is important to understand that there will be little difficulty in fixing the guides in metal walls, and the work time for drilling holes for suspensions will also increase. At the same time, for walls made of foam blocks or bricks, this option is much more preferable than finishing with plastic panels. Any drill will cope with the task of fasteners, self-tapping screws easily enter the foam block, and for brickwork there are special dowels.

profiled sheet

Sheathing with a profiled sheet is often used for industrial purposes for finishing the inside of large garages and boxes. But nothing prevents the same technology from being used in smaller garages. It is advisable to use a profiled sheet with a small wave and a wide pitch directly in the parking lots.

This method has undeniable advantage– high installation speed. In addition, the profiled sheet is unpretentious in operation, additionally protects against blowing, has rich colors and allows you to insulate the walls.

The profiled sheet is fastened with self-tapping screws to the guides like a lining and has a small weight. It is also interesting that now the profile is stylized under a different texture of wood. So if you are planning to equip a basement or technical room, think about this option. In addition, wall metal began to be equal in price to wooden lining. For walls made of bricks and foam blocks, a profiled sheet is best suited.

Use of plastic panels

Plastic panels - ideal for a modest budget

Usually, plastic panels have low impact resistance, but in terms of aesthetics they have no equal. It is not recommended to decorate walls with them in places of direct parking of cars and motor vehicles, since the material is combustible and is capable of emitting toxic gases when ignited or strongly heated.

In general, plastic panels are the most budget option. In terms of speed and complexity of installation, they are slightly inferior to the profiled sheet. The fact is that the panels have special joints, which are not always even, especially when mounted along rare guides. Alternatively, the panels can be mounted on foam if the walls of the garage are made of foam block, reinforced concrete or brick. If the walls are even, it is better to use liquid nails.

Siding for interior walls

For a material of this type, a strict practice has long been established - it is used mainly for outdoor work when finishing facades. Therefore, the arrangement of the interior space of the garage with siding is only a special case.

Yes, in terms of aesthetics, this material has a special architecture, but it is less practical for interior design. Soot, dirt and oil marks are practically not erased from vinyl. However, siding, if it is made of metal, looks good in open garage areas or spacious boxes with high ceilings.

Video: How to sheathe a garage from the inside

Sheathing the walls of the garage requires a preliminary examination of the walls, and in some cases the design of the design of the premises. The most popular materials are lining and profiled sheet, polymer panels are used a little less often due to their high fire hazard. But the final choice in any case remains with you.

Any car owner wants his car to be in a secure place. But many not only store the car in it, but often spend a lot of time in the garage themselves.

The choice of cladding will depend on the purpose: whether you use it as storage or often go there with friends. In any case, this is a non-residential premises: external…

Any car owner wants his car to be in a secure place. But many not only store the car in it, but often spend a lot of time in the garage themselves. The choice of cladding will depend on the purpose: whether you use it as storage or often go there with friends. In any case, this is a non-residential premises: appearance materials fade into the background, but practicality is at the head.

The simplest option is garage wall plastering. But we will analyze other methods in the article below.

Criteria when choosing a garage finish:

  1. impact resistance;
  2. Ease of care;
  3. moisture resistance;
  4. fire resistance;
  5. Strength;
  6. Resistant to temperature extremes.

before choosing,how to decorate the walls in the garageyou need to decide, what are the actual requirements of this room? The garage is a cold and damp place. At the same time, the presence of technical dirt can spoil any type of cladding.

The material for the walls must be chosen impact-resistant, it is better that the surface is not afraid of scratches. Often in the garage we store a lot of combustible substances, so its lining must be fireproof or at least not support combustion.

Another decisive factor is ease of maintenance. Few people want to constantly wash the walls, so the material should not be susceptible to aggressive substances and not be afraid of wet cleaning.

Before facing the garage walls are usually insulated. However, this should not be zealous. Many people think that the ideal conditions for keeping a car are the same as those of a person. Quite the opposite. The temperature in the garage in winter should not exceed five degrees. strong swings temperatures will not benefit your iron horse, but only harm.

Another one common mistake is the lack of ventilation. You do not need to clog all the holes to the last, so you prevent the car from ventilating and risk suffering yourself. In the garage, a lot of harmful gases dangerous to health and life are collected from the car. The ventilation system must be mandatory.

How can you insulate the walls in the garage:

  1. Mineral wool
  2. glass wool
  3. Styrofoam

One of the most common heaters is mineral wool. This is a breathable material, it will not create the effect of a can. The weak side of cotton wool is that it absorbs moisture, so when using it, you need to protect it with a vapor barrier.

Glass wool is one of the cheapest insulation materials. But working with her is much more difficult. You need to work carefully, in protection and gloves. It will not be possible to scratch your nose during work. Glass wool is afraid of water, so it is wrapped with foil insulation for protection. If water gets on the glass wool during operation, it can be thrown away.

The most common material for insulation is foam. It is also used in apartments, houses, garages. It is easy to work with it, it is inexpensive. It is easy to cut and weighs little. Polyfoam is not afraid of moisture, insects, decay, additional processing is not required. But he also has weak sides. Styrofoam does not pass air and burns well enough.

Maximum heat loss occurs through the garage door, so their insulation is most important. You can not even insulate only the gate. Their insulation occurs in the same way as the walls.

How to decorate the walls of the garage

In most cases, the finish is more aesthetic in nature, but you should also think about the practical side. Under some types of cladding, you can lay a heater that will save your car.

  1. Plaster
  2. Tile
  3. PVC panels
  4. clapboard
  5. Plywood or OSB


An old and simple finishing method. Hides imperfections, while not taking centimeters from the space. But such a finish, of course, will not save your walls from dirt, but you can put insulation under it. As such, you can use ordinary foam. The thickness of the sheet should be at least 5 cm. Do not take thin sheets, in our fierce winter they will simply be useless.

Treat the walls with a primer in two layers. This is necessary, since it is it that prevents the accumulation of moisture. From below, near the floor, a frame is fixed on which the plates will be located. They are attached to the wall with glue. For better adhesion, glue should be smeared around the perimeter of the entire sheet, if there is nothing, then you can apply it in drops at the edges and in the center.

After completely pasting the entire perimeter of the walls, plaster the walls. Spread the adhesive evenly on the wall with a spatula. Before it dries, install the sickle. You can fix the plates with the help of fungal dowels. Then apply plaster. The layer should be half a centimeter. After drying, go over the wall with sandpaper to get rid of imperfections. Depending on the result, you can leave it like that, go through a layer of plaster again or paint the wall.


Tiles have been and remain one of the most common types of wall decoration in rooms with high humidity and dirt. The garage is no exception. It will survive any weather conditions and will not deform. However, you should be careful with chips, you don’t need to hit the tile with tools, it is strong enough, but still it’s better not to risk it. The tile is easy to care for, so it fits well.

The wall before laying is primed and installed on the glue. For best result the adhesive is applied and smeared over the tile and a thin layer is applied to the wall. Special crosses are installed at the corners of the tiles so that the distance between the tiles is the same. After drying, the crosses are removed and the seams are overwritten. One significant disadvantage of laying tiles is the price, you will spend a lot of money.

PVC panels

Like any material, plastic panels have their strengths and weaknesses. It is better to buy plastic panels for facade work, they have better characteristics. The panels are easy to care for. They are light weight and easy to install. There are two ways of mounting: directly to the wall or on the frame.

The panels are not afraid of water and temperature changes. They will easily withstand all-weather conditions, while they do not need additional processing.

Calculating the right number of panels is easy: just measure the length of all the walls and divide by the width of one panel. Add 2-3 panels to this number in case of deformation during transportation or during work. Mounting the panels with adhesive is not particularly difficult: just apply it to the inside of the panel and attach it to the wall. But the frame installation involves more complex work.

The surface must be washed and dried before work. Mark the wall from below to install the first plank and mark the vertical lines for attaching the profile. Installation begins with the side rails, pull the ropes between them using a tape measure and a level. So the vertical guides will stand up straighter. An internal profile is installed at the corners, and a starting one from below. Fasten the bar into it until a characteristic click. Then install all the planks until the wall is completely filled.

wood finish

Clapboard lining is one of the most popular types of lining. This type of cladding in the event of a fire will only add a spark, but it looks great. To ensure safety, you can treat the tree with a special fire-fighting compound. The main thing is to pay attention to its composition, no toxic substances. This will not completely eliminate the fire of the skin, but it will significantly reduce the risk.

Many choose lining because of its convenience. It is easy to screw shelves, carnations onto a tree and in general it is easier to work with it. The material will not be damaged. For a garage, this is an important condition, so many people choose lining.

Before installation, treat the wall with an antifungal compound so that mold and fungus do not gather under the tree. Lining, like plastic panels, is mounted on a frame. The installation process is no different.

Sheathing with plywood or OSB

Another popular type of cladding. However, OSB sheets and plywood are not water resistant, so they must be treated with a water-repellent composition before installation in the garage. In terms of cost, these materials are in the middle of price category. They can be painted or tiled on top.

Expert comment

If you have a questionhow to sheathe the walls in the garage, then there will be many answers. There are several options, ideal solution no. Some materials are not susceptible to moisture, but are difficult to install, others are susceptible to fire, etc. The choice lies with the owner. Decide what is more important to you: safety, appearance or durability of the material and buy based on your preferences.

The most common finishing option is lining, plastic or wood. The appearance of the material is the most aesthetic. It is convenient to work with wood: nails are easily driven into it and do not deform the surface, which is important for a garage. To install something on plastic, you still need to try. But it does not support combustion.

The cheapest finishing option is plaster. But such a process requires at least some skills and is long in installation. Although it is convenient to work out in the garage before future repairs in the apartment. The tile is the most convenient option for maintenance. It is easy and simple to remove dirt from it, but, unfortunately, it is afraid of blows. If you accidentally hit a surface with a tool, a chip may form.

Another selection criterion is fastening. If you attach the material directly to the wall, then you will not be able to insulate the garage. But when installing the frame, you can lay thermal insulation with any convenient material. But do not forget that the garage must have a ventilation system. Completely covering the openings can be life-threatening due to carbon monoxide from the machine.

Have you built your garage yet? If the foundation is ready, you have erected a box and completed the interior of the garage, then it remains to take care of its appearance from the outside. After all, this will be the hallmark of your garage. It should look presentable and tasteful. If you are not a supporter of external beauty, then we want to assure you that the decoration of the garage outside is done not only because of the appearance. Thanks to this finish, you can protect the walls of the garage from external influences and extend its life for many years. Is it already interesting? If yes, then we suggest you find out what materials you can sheathe your garage with.

The matter is not limited to banal coloring or applying a fur coat. There are really a lot of materials for work and they all have their own characteristics. Let's look at each of them separately.

What is special about the exterior

It is important to consider this issue so that the material you have chosen does not lose its properties after a couple of months. What is the difference inner space garage from outside? There are differences. Outside, the finish will be constantly exposed to external influences. These are atmospheric precipitation, and ultraviolet rays, and constant temperature changes, mechanical and physical exercise. All this will negatively affect the finishing material, and if it is not of the proper quality and characteristics, it will not serve you for a long time. Have you ever seen wallpaper glued outside? That's funny. The same can be said about other materials.

Accordingly, the finish you choose should have the following characteristics:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays and temperature extremes;
  • high rates of frost resistance;
  • strength and durability.

All materials must be for outdoor use. Only their manufacturers endow them with such qualities. Now let's see what you can choose from.

Cheap and cheerful - painting the garage outside

It may sound trite, but wall paint is an easy and reliable way to protect them. The main advantage of paint and varnish coatings as a finish is cheapness. Materials are sold by affordable price, and even an inexperienced person can work with them. To work, you will need a minimum set of tools and materials:

  1. The paint itself.
  2. Brush, roller with a bath or spray gun.

Everything is elementary and simple. Among other advantages, I would like to note a huge range of products, colors and shades. In addition, the paint can last quite a long time (if you choose it correctly). You can paint plastered walls, wood trim, brick and concrete. The paint will protect them from moisture and external factors.

But not all paints are suitable for work. Special formulations should be used for exterior finish. It has all the positive qualities that we talked about above. What is required for outdoor painting?

  1. Prepare the surface, level it, clean and apply a primer.
  2. The paint is applied in several layers, with a break for drying. So, you will get a high-quality result and bright color.

Advice! For outdoor use, I use acrylic, water-based or silicone paint.

In the photo you can see what the garage looks like after painting in order to evaluate the coverage.

Plastering garage walls

Plastering has always been the traditional way of finishing. Its advantage is that the material is not expensive, it is easy to work with, and plastered walls can be additionally covered with other finishes. But the main task of plastering walls is to level them. And thanks to simple application methods, you can create a certain structure and pattern. For example, if it is about structural plaster(bark beetle, fur coat).

What is the technology for finishing the walls of the garage? As usual, the walls are prepared, all unnecessary is removed and moistened. Primer may not be applied. You can putty the walls along the lighthouses, which serve as a guide. The plaster mortar is made from cement and sand, in a ratio of 1:6. In addition, you can use a ready-made mixture that is available in the store. To work, you will need a rule, a trowel and a set of spatulas. The plaster is applied in at least two layers. After that, everything is ready for further cladding of the garage.

We cover the garage with siding

It is one of the most popular outdoor materials you can use. Such a garage will look rich, beautiful and neat. Indeed, the appearance of the material itself is very good. The photo shows how pleasant the garage seems.

Siding can be of several types:

  • from vinyl (most often they use it);
  • from wood (the second most popular option);
  • from metal;
  • from cement.

Vinyl products have a reasonable price, high performance and are easy to install. The material is made of polyvinyl chloride, and everyone knows that it is moisture resistant and durable.

If we talk about other positive properties, then we note the durability of the cladding for the garage, fire safety, low weight of products, and a wide range of products.

As for wooden products, they are environmentally friendly, able to serve as a kind of heat insulator and are safe for health. It's just that the prices are a bit high. It may not be practical to use such siding for a garage.

Note! Metal products are much stronger than other types, resistant to temperature fluctuations and biological microorganisms. And to protect it from corrosion, self-tapping screws are used during installation, the head of which is rubberized.

But cement products have a lot of weight. This puts additional stress on the walls and foundation.

How the garage is covered with siding, you can see from the video:

Wooden lining

Oddly enough, lining is also used for the exterior of the garage. For this purpose, a wooden lining made on the basis of coniferous and deciduous tree. The advantage of lining is that it is environmentally friendly, has an attractive appearance, keeps heat in the garage, protects walls from impacts and is able to withstand temperature fluctuations.

Note! So that the lining for the garage does not deteriorate and does not rot, it must be treated with special compounds. This is the only way to ensure the longest possible service life.

It is worth paying attention to the lining classes. There are four of them:

  • class C - the cheapest, typical large quantity knots and defects;
  • class B - slightly better processed and has fewer knots;
  • class A - a good option for minor defects and flaws;
  • "premium" class - ideal lining, but very expensive.

For a garage, you can use cash desks A or B. Due to the method of fastening the tongue into the groove, you can easily and quickly cope with its installation. To work, you need to make a wooden crate on the wall of the garage. Fixation is performed with small nails, clamps or staples. Here is a photo of a garage trimmed with clapboard on the outside.

One of the types of lining is a block house. Outwardly, it looks like a lining, but has an oval shape. Wooden panels protect the garage and decorate it from the outside. And due to special impregnations, the lining will last for many years.

Finishing the garage with corrugated board

Decking - universal option which is used for various purposes. They cover the roof, make a fence and even sheathe the walls. Metal has always been famous for its strength and durability. And thanks to the production technology of corrugated board, it looks beautiful and is reliably protected from corrosion. The polymer coating serves protective layer and determines the color of the products. You can choose any option that you like.

And what about the price? It is low, so everyone can afford such a garage finish. The corrugated board will perfectly cope with precipitation, temperature changes and the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, care for the coating is quite simple. The material can be simply washed with water from a hose. He is not afraid of moisture and aggressive substances.

Is it hard to sheathe a garage with corrugated board? No. The material has a comfortable size. You can order your measurements and sheathe the garage quickly and easily without any problems. The sheets are fastened to the crate with an overlap on one wave and are fixed with special self-tapping screws with a rubberized head.

Advice! So that the self-tapping screws are not visible externally, buy them painted in the color that you have chosen for the sheets themselves.

Finishing the garage with stone

If you want a strong, durable and reliable foundation on your garage walls, then stone is your choice. It is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes, resists mechanical damage and will serve you for many years. Yes, and natural stone looks noble and rich. It is clear that you will have to pay for such pleasure. You can choose this method of finishing with unlimited financial possibilities. In the uniqueness of your garage will not be equal.

If you save a little, then you can choose an inexpensive fake diamond. It is much more affordable, although not as high quality. But you will have a lot of choice. various kinds and material colors.

As for the installation process, there are certain difficulties. Doing the work yourself is not recommended. It is better to entrust the process to an experienced specialist, given that the material is quite different. Stones are fixed on a special adhesive solution. It must also be of high quality so that over time the stones do not fall off.

It is worth noting that the stones will make the garage much heavier. If you have made a foundation that is not able to withstand such a massive structure, then this idea should be abandoned. Otherwise, you are threatened with the destruction of the base and cracks in the walls. Such a garage will not last long. Therefore, before finishing the garage with stone, you should find out bearing capacity foundation. Will he be able to withstand such a load. Otherwise, this is a good option to make the garage both beautiful and truly reliable. Such a fortress will be hard to destroy.

Summing up

Making the garage nice and protected from the outside is not a problem. As you can see, there are many options for finishing the building. The good news is that everyone can choose the finish that they can afford, look beautiful and protect the walls of the garage. Only here is small nuance- choosing a certain type of finish, you should not buy cheap materials. They do not always differ in quality and have worse characteristics. It's better to splurge, but do everything on long term.

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Do-it-yourself garage decoration outside

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During the construction of any building, an external decorative trim, which adds aesthetics, even when it comes to a garage. You can always use the services of a specialized company, but if you need to save a budget, then you can consider options for doing the work yourself. Finishing the garage outside with your own hands is quite popular, there will be no difficulties when choosing a material. Take advantage simple advice that you will find in this article.

Features of the exterior

In most cases, garages are built from improvised materials or leftovers that formed after the construction of the house. Naturally, in this case, you should not count on a presentable appearance, as well as high thermal insulation performance. In order for the external wall decoration to be as effective as possible, experts recommend, first of all, filling the blind area with an appropriate solution. This will eliminate all the bumps that have formed due to the use different materials. After that, you can proceed to the direct decoration of the walls.

Note! When choosing a finishing material, it is necessary to pay attention to the price-quality ratio, and then get acquainted with the installation technology. This will allow everyone to rationally assess their capabilities and manage on their own.


First of all, it is worth considering the most affordable Decoration Materials, among which the best is plaster. So let's take a closer look at the technology.

As mentioned above, before proceeding with any type of decoration, the outer wall of the garage must be prepared for processing. The following sequence of work is envisaged:

  • cleansing from dirt;
  • removal of dust and small contaminants with water;
  • applying a primer (recommended deep penetration).

After complete drying, you can start applying the plaster. The prepared mortar (the ratio of cement to sand is 1:6) must be thoroughly mixed. You can also use ready-made mixtures that are sold in stores. According to the technology, 2 layers of ordinary plaster should be applied, after which you can proceed to the cladding.

Note! The service life of the finishing layer will depend on the quality of the selected plaster and compliance with the technology of the process.


An equally popular option for finishing the exterior walls of buildings is putty. The application process, unlike plaster, is several times easier, so everyone can handle it. When mixing the solution, it is important to follow exactly the proportion indicated on the package, but do not forget to control the consistency yourself. Ideal putty holds its shape well on a spatula and stretches along the wall without difficulty.

Modern manufacturers use an adhesive base to create a solution. That is why it is necessary to apply it very carefully on the walls, to monitor evenness and smoothness, since its grouting will not be possible. When performing work, professionals use exceptionally wide spatulas, which allows them to cover a large surface. It is also worth using this technique. As a result, the process will be several times accelerated, which means that finishing work will be carried out quickly.

In order to quickly achieve the effect of even and smooth walls, it is worth using a reinforced polymer mesh at the first stage. Before applying the final layer, the entire surface must be carefully primed.

Note! When choosing a putty, you should consider options designed exclusively for outdoor use.


Among the cheapest and available options exterior decoration is worth highlighting the paint. Do not think that this method is short-lived, manufacturers produce a fairly large range of high-quality paints. Before applying a layer of water-based or acrylic paint, the surface is carefully prepared, that is, puttied and leveled. To get a high-quality result, it is worth applying several layers of paint. Each of them must dry completely before the next one is applied to it.

Note! In order for the paint layer to adhere well to the plaster, it must first be primed. Due to this, paint consumption will be minimized, and adhesion will also increase.

Finishing with other materials

When considering more expensive, but no less durable materials, it is worth highlighting the siding finish. This option is used in cases where there is no time to level the walls. Siding panels are quite easy to mount on walls, besides, in this case, you can additionally use a layer of insulation. The surface of the sheets perfectly imitates natural materials: wood, natural stone, tiles. Enough in stock wide selection textures and colors.

The second common option is wall cladding with corrugated board, which is great for a private house, office building and, of course, a garage. The popularity of this material is due to the low cost, as well as the simplicity of installation work.

Note! When choosing any sheet material for facing the walls of the garage, you must first familiarize yourself with the installation technology. Do not forget that in this case you can use a heater. This will maintain the optimum temperature inside the heated room.

To finish the exterior walls of the garage, you need to choose the right material. To do this, it is necessary to correctly combine aesthetic, operational and quality characteristics. Pay attention to the nuances of surface care. In some cases, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the microclimate in the region, since not all materials endure high humidity and constant frost.

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For lovers who spend all their free time at the car, the interior lining of the garage is of particular importance. The article offers an overview of popular materials suitable for finishing a garage inside, and selection criteria for wall, floor and ceiling cladding in a garage room. After reading the article, you will be able to choose the material that is best suited for the conditions of your garage.

The garage often performs several functions.

Finishing materials: 6 operational requirements

The modern construction market is overflowing with a variety of finishing materials, with a wide range of prices and characteristics. When choosing how to finish the walls of the garage inside, it is important to remember that the garage is a technical building, therefore, the cladding is selected in accordance with the specific use. Materials intended for interior decoration must meet the following performance requirements:

    Mechanical strength. Wall and ceiling covering should be as resistant as possible to mechanical loads of any type, both to shock and to deformations (weight loads).

    Resistance to chemical agents. Garage is a place for storing and using a lot of fuels and lubricants (fuel and lubricants) intended for car repair and maintenance. Most of them (acids, oils, greases, fuels) are chemically active compounds and dirty the floor and walls more often than we would like. Chemical resistance is an important condition for choosing a material.

Garage - a place to store a variety of auto chemicals

    fire resistance. Most car maintenance products are flammable. The logical step would be to choose the most fire-resistant cladding.

    At resistance to temperature fluctuations. A particularly important parameter if the owner does not plan to install heating. In this case, the cladding will have to withstand repeated fluctuations during one season, which not all materials can do.

    Ease of maintenance. Severe pollution is not uncommon for a garage room, so the weak absorption of dirt, auto chemical products and odors, as well as the ease of maintenance of the surface of the floor and walls (and sometimes the ceiling) becomes a valuable quality.

    Ease of upgrade. It is good if it is possible to update or additionally protect the material of the walls with the help of paints and varnishes.

Finishing materials should not create problems during maintenance

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Wall decoration: choice of material

Despite the severe restrictions on cladding, the question of how best to finish the walls in the garage does not cause great difficulties. There is a considerable amount of materials that meet all of the above requirements, allowing you to design a garage not only practical, but also aesthetically attractive. Facing garage walls can be done using the following materials:

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles optimally match the operating conditions in a garage box; Among its positive qualities are the following parameters:

    Physical properties. Fire resistance, frost and water resistance.

    Strength. Tiled flooring adequately withstands high loads.

    Easy Care. Ceramics can be cleaned from dirt without problems dry and using detergents(including formulations with abrasives).


    Wide selection. The best option- clinker (especially for the floor) or porcelain stoneware, the number of varieties of which is almost inexhaustible. The choice is limited to matte (non-slip) material.

    Aesthetic appeal.

The use of ceramic tiles has its own characteristics:

    The weight. Ceramics is a fairly heavy material, so it is recommended to lay it on walls made of brick or concrete. The process of laying small piece material on a cement mortar is stretched over time.

    The price of the material and its installation. The main limiting factor when choosing the interior lining of the garage.

    Saving opportunity. High quality clinker can be used as floor covering, and for walls, choose budget ceramic tiles (or make the lower, more vulnerable layer, from clinker, and the upper one from porcelain stoneware). The walls are often tiled to an incomplete height (1.5 m), above them they are plastered and painted.

Tile in dark shades - a practical solution


When deciding how to sheathe a garage from the inside inexpensively, car owners sooner or later stop at the idea of ​​​​plastering. The method attracts with its efficiency and speed of implementation, and the surface of the walls acquires strength, fire resistance and durability. When choosing this method, the following features are taken into account:

    Walls. Best of all, plaster keeps on walls made of concrete, brick, aerated concrete.

    Base selection. Preference is given to cement-sand-based solutions.

    Coloring. After the plastered surface dries, it is painted in the chosen color. It is recommended to use facade paints - they have dirt and water repellent properties, are easy to clean and are not susceptible to chemical agents.

The limitation of the method is the need for professional skills in its implementation. Otherwise, the shortcomings of the work will appear at the first significant temperature drops (bloating, peeling and cracks on the surface).

Wall decoration with plaster

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about plaster for aerated concrete.


A popular way of interior decoration is paneling; it makes the room attractive, gives a lived-in look and is ideal if thermal insulation is needed. When you know how you will use the garage space, the choice of material is greatly simplified. If your garage will combine the functions of a service station and a workshop, you will need corrugated board with its strength and incombustibility. If you plan to carry out only simple maintenance yourself, you can opt for PVC. If the garage is a place of restoration of spiritual strength with parallel polishing on an iron friend, there are no restrictions on the choice of material. Finishing the garage is carried out by the following types of panel materials:

PVC panel cladding

Interior wall and ceiling finishes PVC panels is widespread and suitable for many owners of capital garages; Its advantages include the following qualities:

    Availability. Nice value for money.

    Physical properties. The material is moisture resistant, does not require additional processing (coloring).

Panels for every taste

    Easy installation and unpretentious care.

    light weight. Covering the gate with plastic does not increase the weight of the leaves, does not load the hinges and the frame structure.

    Using the framework for fixing panels. It can be used to insulate a building, for example, with mineral wool slabs.

    Cheap repair in case of damage. It is easy to replace one part without dismantling the entire structure.

The disadvantages of using vinyl siding as a garage trim include:

    Little mechanical strength. Upon impact, the panel is easily deformed.

    Sensitivity to temperature changes. You can purchase more reliable (and expensive) panels for facade work or special ones for the garage. Such material is designed for the fact that the garage is most often not heated, and therefore has improved characteristics.

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About a non-standard approach to the design of tiled walls in the following video:

Wooden lining

The main raw material for the production of natural lining is coniferous wood, usually pine. Such material is cheap, easy to process, safe for health. Sheathing a garage room with a clapboard will justify itself if the wood has undergone a preliminary protective treatment with an antiseptic and flame retardant. The positive qualities of wooden lining include the following properties:

    Ecological cleanliness and durability.

    Availability for a wide range of consumers.

    Simple and reliable installation. The lining is laid on a wooden crate or on a plastered wall. The parts have a notch-ridge connection system, due to which they fit snugly together.

    Strength and frost resistance.

    Resistance to mechanical stress.

    natural texture and a large selection of natural shades.

Clapboard lining

The disadvantages of wooden lining are its following features:

    High hygroscopicity.

    Bio Threat Exposure. In a room with high humidity, there is a high probability of mold and insect pests.

    combustibility. Decreases somewhat after using a flame retardant.

    Complex care. It can be difficult to clean the wall from oil stains, so it is recommended to cover the wood paneling with a layer of varnish that protects the wood from absorption.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about the decoration of the walls with clapboard in a wooden house.

Plasterboard sheathing

Thinking about how to sheathe the garage inside, many pay attention to drywall (dry plaster). For finishing the garage space, it is recommended to use a material with improved moisture and fire resistance properties. Such sheets have the designation GKLVO, a characteristic gray-green color and a red marking. The use of drywall has obvious advantages:

    Affordable price.

    light weight material. Sheets are attached to a special adhesive solution or metal carcass. The second method is convenient when the walls are uneven or insulation is needed.

Video description

About the decoration of the walls with wooden clapboard in the following video:

    Easy installation with a minimum of construction waste (compared to classic plaster).

    Use as a basis. On the material (if it was used to level the walls), ceramic tiles can be fixed or embossed plaster can be applied.

    Use as a partition. Drywall fixed to the frame is suitable if you want to allocate space in the garage for a mini-warehouse or a dressing room.

    Shape change. Drywall is suitable for forming not only a flat, but also an arched structure (after preliminary preparation).

Facing garage walls and ceilings with plasterboard, mounted on a frame, has its drawbacks:

    Unsuitable for a small room. The frame reduces the already small free space.

    Low impact resistance of walls. If cladding with a durable material (for example, ceramic tiles) is planned over drywall, the disadvantage disappears.

Sheathing with moisture resistant drywall

It might be interesting! The construction of a capital garage provides for high-quality insulation. In the article on the following link, read about how to choose a material for internal insulation.

Sheathing with OSB sheets

As an option for finishing garage walls, you can find plywood and other wood-based materials. OSB (Oriented Strand Board) sheets are well suited for the construction of insulated walls, which are made from a mixture of chopped wood and various binder additives. For sheathing garage walls (and ceilings) the best option are sheets marked OSP-3 or OSP-4. OSP-3 material is the most common choice for finishing a garage. It is characterized by good strength and medium moisture resistance, therefore it needs additional moisture protection treatment. OSB-4 is a more durable option with the following advantages:

    Long service life.

    Durability and resistance to temperature extremes.

    Good moisture protection. The material is not deformed in conditions of high humidity.

    mold resistance(the composition contains antiseptic additives).

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About the varieties of garage floor coverings in the following video:

The interior decoration of the garage with OSB panels also has disadvantages:

    The material belongs to the highest category of combustibility(D4).

    Evaporation of harmful substances. The composition of the sheets includes formaldehyde resins, the evaporation of which is harmful to health, but, with ventilation, may have an acceptable level.


One of the options for practical and cheap sheathing is corrugated board - a profiled steel sheet protected by polymer or paintwork. Like lining, it is convenient to mount it on a wooden crate. Decking has the following features:

    Durability and incombustibility.

    Resistance to temperature changes and to aggressive environments.

    Quick installation provided with large material sizes.

    Main flaw corrugated board - susceptibility to corrosion.

    Replacement bent profiled sheet will cost expensive than repairing vinyl siding (PVC panels).

Sheathing with corrugated board

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about corrugated roofing: sheet dimensions and price.

Floor and ceiling finishing

The roof for garages is usually made flat. This saves money and effort, but along the way, the likelihood of leakage increases when water after rain lingers on a horizontal surface. Therefore, the decorative sheathing of the ceiling in the garage is started after its waterproofing. One of the most common ways is plastering the ceiling with subsequent painting. Since the ceiling is not damaged, the choice is often made in favor of MDF or PVC panels. It's popular and practical option, allowing (when using a frame) to conduct insulation and hide communication systems.

Video description

About the intricacies of the self-leveling floor in the following video:

Special requirements are placed on the floor covering in the garage, it must withstand significant and regular weight loads from the car. The preferred floor coverings are:

    Painted concrete floor. Demanded option that can easily withstand the weight of the car. The concrete floor coated with a primer weakly absorbs spilled auto chemicals, does not collect dust and is resistant to abrasion. Although the process of arranging a concrete floor is not called a quick one, many motorists stop at it due to the low costs and simplicity of the technology.

    Tile. The garage floor made of ceramic tiles (or porcelain stoneware) looks neat and often original. The coating is advantageous for its durability, easy maintenance and resistance to fuels and lubricants. The limiter for the use of tiles is their high cost and the rather laborious process of creating a tiled coating (including mandatory waterproofing).

Ceramic tile flooring

    poured concrete. Impact resistant coating with perfect flat surface, which is not inferior in strength to the classical concrete floor. One of the most successful coatings for a garage space, as it has frost resistance and increased resistance to chemical environments. The disadvantage of the method is the high price of the composition, which is why the self-leveling floor cannot be called an economical option. Another subtlety - the base for pouring should be perfectly even, which is not always achievable.

    Wooden floor. The choice in favor of wooden flooring (from a floorboard) is not often made, although the subfloor for such a floor does not need to be leveled. Many people think that such a floor has more minuses than pluses - flammability, a high degree of absorbency and low strength. Proponents argue that wood decking is much more pleasant and healthier to work on; in addition, wood (unlike concrete) does not form dust.

Bulk polymer floor

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about the projects of houses with a garage.


Interior decoration is an important part of the arrangement of the garage space. Properly selected finishing materials maintain cleanliness and order, and also help to extend the life of the car.

We tried for you

A garage is a building belonging to the category of objects with an increased risk of fires and a high possibility of explosions. Determining building materials for finishing works you need to keep these factors in mind. In this room, even with the most accurate use, from time to time there is the formation of chemical vapors (evaporation of fuels and lubricants, technical oil, asphalt chemical reagents, and so on). In addition, the coating on the walls can be damaged by car maneuvers or by the imprudent use of metal tools.

Requirements for materials for interior decoration of the garage

Based on this, we can conclude that the materials for the interior decoration of the garage should be:

  • fire resistant
  • not be deformed under the influence of chemically active substances
  • do not absorb various odors
  • easy to wash
  • durable enough.

Finishing the garage inside with plaster

One of the most common and relatively cheap ways of finishing is plastering followed by painting. The plaster applied in several layers will perfectly smooth out all the irregularities of the brickwork. In addition, the plaster forms an additional layer of waterproofing against moisture and cold. Cement and lime mortars are considered fire-fighting and have the ability not to absorb odors.

Plaster can be applied to any kind of surface. But some of them make sense to prepare in advance. Preparation is as follows: cleaning the surface of unnecessary fragments of cement and other contaminants, and then moisturizing with a spray gun or brush. On the smooth surface of aerated concrete blocks or silicate bricks, notches are made with a metal brush. This procedure contributes to the best adhesion of the solution.

Plastering the walls in the garage without fail is carried out in several layers. In order for the mass to be distributed evenly in the layers, the so-called beacons are attached and the guide thread is pulled.

The most preferred materials for finishing garage walls are cement mortars. This finish will create the strongest sealed crust. Such a mixture is prepared as follows: 1:4, where 1 is the cement part, 4 is the sand part.

If you have certain financial capabilities, you can use finishing materials that contain granite or marble chips. Such mixtures are also called stone plasters.

Finishing putty for outdoor use

Knowing what kind of aggressive impact the room will be exposed to, experts advise using mixtures for painting or puttying, both inside and outside. intended for facade work. facade materials are made using special technologies that make it possible to withstand both severe frosts and high humidity.

If you want to maximize the life of the putty coating, a layer of water-repellent paint is applied on top. A layer of this particular paint will facilitate cleaning and will not cause problems with washing the walls.

Also in specialized stores you can buy organosilicon, isoprene or rubber paints. They can be applied to any type of surface: all types of putty, concrete, brick wall.

Coating the surface with these types of paints gives an excellent layer of waterproofing. The only downside to using them is the lengthy, painstaking application process. They need to be applied in several layers and each subsequent layer only after the previous one dries.

How to sheathe a garage from the inside

ceramic tiling

The method of sheathing with ceramic tiles is quite common. Caring for her is quite simple. It is refractory, very rarely deformed during mechanical damage and is not afraid of chemical compounds. If the gluing process was done strictly according to the instructions, then humidity and water are not an obstacle for it either.

clinker brick or tile

This material is produced as follows: clay is pressed and fired, so the material has a high degree of strength and fire resistance. As a coating, it can be safely used in rooms with no heating system. During the firing process, its pores are tightly closed and, as a result, they can neither absorb nor pass moisture. Clinker materials are not susceptible to the influence of low temperatures and chemical formations.

professionally styled ceramic tile with beautifully designed seams will give the room a sleek look. But there are also disadvantages here: the gluing process is even more complicated and painstaking than working with plaster, and the cost of the material itself, in relation to the price of plaster, will not please.

As for the clinker, it also has its own problems: the material is heavy and can only be placed on a concrete or brick wall.

wood paneling

This decor option is relatively cheap, making it possible to create a beautiful finish in the room in the shortest possible time and with minimal room pollution. Having certain minimal skills in working with wood, such natural beauty can be done independently without the help of professionals or helpers.

But it is worth noting the fact that wood paneling in the garage is used quite rarely. Everything is due to the fact that the tree:

  • tricky material,
  • absorbing moisture and deforming from it,
  • subject to rotting processes,
  • flammable,
  • absorbing various odors.

Those who dare to make a wooden finish in their garage will have to periodically cover the material with various protective agents and impregnations in order to protect themselves from insects, dampness, humidity and protect themselves from fire.

There is an analogue of wooden decor - these are oriented strand boards. They do not have all the disadvantages inherent in the tree. They are made from wood shavings, and fastened with a special waterproof resin. Consequently, such panels will not let moisture through, burn, and insects will not feed on them. There are no voids in the structure of such panels, so you can safely drive screws and nails into them.

plastic paneling

PVC flooring or clapboard is a good non-flammable alternative to wood. It is much easier to take care of them. Install plastic trim you need a crate, which is mounted at a certain distance from the wall. As a result: a decrease in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

It is better to use plastic intended for facade finishes. It is less susceptible to environmental influences and therefore has a longer service life.

Main disadvantage plastic material is its fragility. Careless handling will cause cracks and dents. After damage has been applied, in order to preserve the aesthetic appearance, the damaged part must be replaced.

PVC lining is rightfully considered the best option for insulating an iron box. Heat insulator sheets are placed between the crate and the wall.

When deciding how to make the sheathing of garage walls from the inside, first of all, you should pay attention to the strength of the material. It is worth remembering that every owner has a lot of useful and necessary things in the garage: various construction and garden tools, car parts, and so on. They are mainly located on the walls. Hence the conclusion: the material used for sheathing must withstand the shelves attached to it, hangers, hooks, racks with things laid on them and at the same time not crack, deform or break.

Exterior finish

When choosing a material for wall cladding, owners need to remember that cinder concrete and aerated concrete require external insulation, vapor and waterproofing. For the outer skin of such a base, sheet materials would be the best option.

It would be best to use PVC panels. They do not change color under the influence of sunlight and make the design more accurate and finished in appearance.

When the garage is built of brick or concrete and the walls have a thickness that does not require additional insulation, you can get by with grouting and plastering.

For outer skin walls natural stone or decorative brick will require not a small amount of money and a long laborious process. But on the other hand, the result will be worth it.