Balcony frame from a profile pipe: diagram. How to attach a balcony on the second floor: useful recommendations and instructions Corner balcony furniture

The need for independent construction of a balcony often arises among the owners of private houses or residents of apartments in which the presence of such a room was not initially provided for by the design.

You can handle the work of erecting and finishing a balcony on their own. Read the instructions in this guide and get started.

Construction Options

There are 2 main options for building a balcony, namely:

If the structure is attached to the second and higher floors, it must have additional supports. It is forbidden to fix the building exclusively to the wall - it will not stand.

The function of the supports is most often performed by columns. They fit well into the environment and complement the architecture of the house.

Before starting work, draw up or order a balcony project with a detailed diagram from a specialized organization.

Building a balcony on a foundation

If the balcony is attached to the first floor, a simple strip base will suffice. In the case of arranging an extension on the higher floors, build.

In general, the order of arrangement concrete foundations remains almost the same. The following is an instruction for the construction of a tape- column foundation. By removing recommendations for installing poles from the manual, you will receive ready-made instructions for installing the strip base.

First step. Mark the future foundation on the ground. For marking, use pegs and a cord.

Second step. Get rid of the top layer of soil. Dig a trench to the required depth (determined according to local soil conditions) and post holes.

Third step. Drive in (screw in) the supporting piles. Also, supports can be made independently from pipes, concrete pillars or other suitable materials. To ensure additional strength of the installation, before installing the pillars, the bottom of the pits can be poured with a 20-30 cm layer of concrete. The empty space between the walls of the pits and the pillars after their installation is also filled with mortar.

Fourth step. Remember the bottom of the trench, pour it with a 10-centimeter layer of gravel and a 15-20-centimeter layer of sand. Tamp each layer of backfill carefully.

Fifth step. Assemble the formwork from durable boards.

Sixth step. Lay the reinforcing frame. Use rebar with a diameter of 10-14 mm. As a result, you should get a reinforcing mesh with a mesh size of no more than 150x150 mm.

Seventh step. Pour concrete and give it a month to set. The formwork is recommended to be dismantled after the concrete has completely cured.

Eighth step. Cover the frozen foundation waterproofing material(bitumen, roofing material).

Ninth step. Fill all voids with earth.

Tenth step. Tie the posts along the upper edges with a channel. The height of the foundations of the balcony must match.

Balcony design

First step. Lay a wooden or reinforced concrete slab on the finished base.

Second step. Using a perforator, create an opening in the wall to install the balcony block.

Third step. Install Balcony block. After installation, level the slopes with cement mortar and seal the existing gaps with foam.

Fourth step. . For this, it is best to use building blocks, for example, from foam concrete. They have a relatively small weight and will exert a noticeably lower load on the foundation compared to the same brick.

The thickness of the walls should be at least 25-30 cm. Bring the walls to the upper ceiling.

In the process of building walls, perform reinforcement every 3 rows.

In conclusion, it remains to equip the roof. The roofing structure should be made with a certain slope in the direction of the house.

To equip the roof, it is enough to lay wooden logs or mount metal carcass and then lay the finishing roofing material.

Works great with support columns wooden beam square section. Select the parameters of the beam individually. Most often, supports with a side of 100 mm are sufficient. Instead of a beam, you can use another suitable material at your discretion.

The columns must be installed strictly vertically, otherwise there will be no question of the reliability of the balcony structure. To ensure verticality, support the columns with temporary braces while the foundation dries.


Lay a planed board 4 cm thick on the floor. Pre-treat the material with an antiseptic and fire retardant.

Lay the boards across the support beams. Leave a 2-3 mm gap between the boards to divert precipitation.

Use self-tapping screws to fasten the boards. Fastener heads should be slightly sunk into the material.


And the last structural element of the balcony is the railing. The choice of material of manufacture, design features and appearance of the railing is at the discretion of the owner. If you wish, you can do without them altogether by making fences of suitable sizes from concrete slabs.


For you can use wooden frames or metal-plastic structures. At this point, everything also remains at the discretion of the owner.

The insulation of the balcony

Necessarily . Start from the floor.


Styrofoam boards are well suited for the floor. The material is characterized by high thermal insulation properties and normally tolerates different kind loads.

Align the base and glue the foam boards to it using a binder specially designed for this purpose. Provide additional fixation of the plates using plastic dowels.

On top of the insulation, lay the mounting grid on the glue, and then fill the entire structure with a self-leveling mixture.

Instead, you can make a wooden crate on the base, fill its voids with thermal insulation, and stuff plywood or boards on top.

Linoleum is well suited as a finishing floor covering for a balcony. You can also use waterproof laminate and other materials with similar properties.


Attach a frame of wooden slats to the walls. Determine the mounting step of the rails according to the width of the insulation.

Cover the frame with waterproofing film. Use a construction stapler to attach the film. Be sure to glue the joints of the waterproofing material with adhesive tape.

Fill the cells of the crate with the selected one. Lay a vapor barrier over the insulation. Perform the material mounting with the use of a construction stapler.

On top of the finished insulating cake, fill the second crate, perpendicular to the first, for mounting the finishing material.


The ceiling can be insulated with mineral wool.

Nail a crate of boards with a thickness of 10 mm to the ceiling. Fix the boards with the edge down.

Fill the gaps between the boards with insulation.

Cover the insulation with waterproofing material and nail additional cross rails to the boards. They will retain heat and moisture insulation, as well as provide the necessary ventilation gap between the insulating cake and the finishing material.

Prices for popular types of heaters


Lining is well suited for a balcony. The material has excellent properties and is easily attached to the crate with the help of clamps.

The exterior decoration of the structure is most often performed using siding. This material is characterized by high reliability and excellent performance, has an attractive appearance and is easy to install without the involvement of third-party installers.

In general, when choosing a finish, focus on your personal preferences and an affordable budget.

Successful work!

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Wall panels

Video - How to make a balcony with your own hands

September 16, 2016
Specialization: facade decoration, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

If you decide to equip a private house or even an apartment with a balcony, you need to complete the frame, which is the basis of the design. You can make it yourself, even without the help of specialists, but for this you need to familiarize yourself with the theory. Therefore, next I will introduce you to the most Important nuances this work.

Frame structures

If the balcony was provided at the construction stage and has a base in the form of a slab or floor beams emerging from the wall, then it will not be difficult to weld the frame on the balcony, since its task is only to enclose the space. But how to make a frame if you need to attach a balcony to an already built building, for example, a country cottage?

There are two ways to solve this problem:

Below we will consider how to make a frame of both types with your own hands.

Suspension frame

The process of manufacturing a frame, regardless of the type of its design, can be divided into several stages:

Below are more detailed to get acquainted with all the nuances of work at each of these stages.

Drawing preparation

So, first of all, a do-it-yourself frame scheme for a balcony is created. The only thing you need to do first is to decide on the following points:

  • the dimensions of the balcony - its length, width, etc .;
  • design - can be open or closed.

The suspension frame consists of several main components:

  • sub -strokes - are triangular brackets, which serve as the basis for the balcony;
  • Lower dressing - connects the struts among themselves, as a result of which the floor site is formed;
  • racks - serve as supports for and fencing;
  • fences with filling - the name of this element speaks for itself.
  • top dressing - serves as the basis for the roof.

According to existing building codes, the height of the fence should be at least 100 cm.

I must say that the frame diagram can be depicted even by hand. The main thing is that all structural elements and their dimensions in millimeters are displayed in detail on it. Thanks to this, you will simplify further work and will be able to avoid errors in the process of assembling the structure.

Preparation of materials and tools

As a rule, the frame for the balcony is made of profile pipe section 50x50 mm and a thickness of at least 5 mm. It is used for racks, lower dressing and fencing.

Struts can be made from corners with a section of 50x50 mm. In addition, you will need to use smaller pipes to fill the fence, make a cornice and some other details.

Since the frame will be metal, for work we should prepare tools for metal:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder;
  • electric drill;
  • roulette and pencil;
  • metal files and sandpaper.

Fabrication and assembly of the frame

Now that all the materials and tools are ready, you can start making a frame with your own hands with a drawing, simultaneously mounting it on the wall.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. you should start with the manufacture of all parts, according to the drawing. In fact, this procedure consists in cutting a profile pipe and a corner into segments of the required length;
  2. next, you need to make struts, which are triangles from the corners. One side of the triangle, which is attached to the wall, should protrude 5 cm above and below. The side perpendicular to the wall, which determines the width of the balcony, usually has a length of about 80 cm. It is not worth making a balcony wider, as this will lead to an increase in the load on the wall.
    The number of struts depends on the length, while the step of them should be no more than 100 mm;
  3. next, you need to mark the location of the struts on the wall. The most important thing is to align them in a horizontal plane, as well as relative to the window block;

  1. then it is necessary to fix the struts on the wall with anchors. To do this, it is necessary to drill holes in the struts for them in increments of about 10-15 cm. On our portal you can find detailed information on how the anchors are installed;
  2. Now the struts need to be connected into a single structure using the lower harness, which is mounted around the perimeter of the site of the future balcony. The long side of the harness adjacent to the wall must also be secured with anchors;
  3. to increase the strength of the structure between the long sides of the lower harness, you can install stiffeners made of corners or a profile pipe. The distance between them should be about 40 cm. If the floor of the balcony is planked, then these ribs will serve as its basis;
  4. four racks should be welded to the resulting base of the balcony. The rear pillars should be 20-25 centimeters higher than the front ones, which will ensure the slope of the visor. In addition, they also need to be fixed to the wall with anchors;
  5. at a distance of about a meter from the base of the rack, it should be tied with a crossbar, which will serve as a fence;
  6. the upper part of the racks should be connected with the upper trim, as shown in the diagram above;
  7. at the end of the work, it is necessary to complete the filling of the fence. To do this, use vertical and horizontal strips. You can also arrange the slats diagonally;
  8. after the frame is made, the welds should be cleaned and the structure painted.

In a cottage made of wood, you can make a similar frame from a bar. For its fastening, use the same anchors. Regarding the connection wooden parts between themselves, then it is carried out using metal corners.

This completes the frame assembly process. Now it remains only to sheathe it and, if desired, glaze it.

The frame on the supports

The design of the frame on the supports has a number of advantages over the described above. The main one is that the width of the balcony can be any. At the same time, under the balcony you can perform a parking lot for a car or even outbuilding.

The process of manufacturing such a frame is largely resembled by the manufacture of a hinged structure. Including, almost the same materials are used for this. However, there are some nuances, which I will discuss below.

So the instruction looks like this:

  1. as in the previous case, work should begin with the preparation of the scheme;
  2. then you need to mark the area under the balcony;
  3. the next step is to install the piles. If the balcony will partially rest on the wall, then two piles will be needed, otherwise four piles must be installed.
    As the latter, profiled pipes are usually used with a cross section of 10x10 cm. Their length should be such that the piles can be buried by 50-60 cm, while their upper end should reach the floor between the floors, i.e. floor level of the future balcony.
    The bottom of the pits under the piles should be covered with crushed stone by 15-20 cm, after which a pole is installed in each of the pits and leveled.
    The holes are then filled with concrete. In this case, the piles must be fixed so that in the process of concrete hardening they do not deviate from the vertical;
  4. when it hardens, it is necessary to connect the upper ends of the pillars with a corner of 50x50 cm. If the construction is carried out on two supports, a beam from a similar corner must be fixed with anchors on the wall;

  1. now the beam connecting the racks must be combined with a beam fixed to the wall with the help of jumpers, as a result of which a rectangle should be obtained, located strictly in a horizontal plane;
  2. All further work is carried out in the same way as in the manufacture of a hinged frame.

Here, perhaps, is all the basic information regarding the manufacture of frames for a balcony. If you are unable to work with welding machine you can ask any welder for help. Of course, the price of manufacturing the frame in this case will increase, however, you can save by preparing all the details for further assembly yourself, in addition, some components can be connected even using bolts.


The process of making a frame for a balcony and its installation is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, especially if you know how to work with metal and a welding machine. The main thing is to use sufficiently strong materials for this and make all connections with high quality.

For more information, see the video in this article. If you have any questions regarding the manufacture of a frame for a balcony, ask them in the comments, and I will answer you as soon as possible.

September 16, 2016

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If you have planned the repair and glazing of the balcony, then it's time to think about increasing its usable area by moving it out. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  1. Increasing the floor area along the slab (usually up to 50 cm).
  2. Carrying out the removal along the windowsill (usually up to 40-50 cm). In this case, the installed glazing frame is carried out this distance outside the balcony.
  3. Simultaneous increase in the area of ​​the floor and the execution of the seizure on the windowsill.

Having certain knowledge and skills, it is quite possible to equip a balcony with removal with your own hands.

Advantages of balconies with takeaway

  1. A significant expansion of the space of the balcony by increasing the area of ​​the existing floor.
  2. Obtaining a wide window sill, not to the detriment of the original area of ​​the balcony.
  3. Giving an original and unique look.
  4. Ensuring good illumination due to the large area of ​​glazing.
  5. Strengthening the load-bearing structures of the balcony.

Work procedure

Project preparation

At this stage, production necessary calculations, all space-planning decisions are determined and design features balconies with takeaway:

  • dimensions;
  • floor and roof construction;
  • the number and type of window blocks;
  • Ways of insulation;
  • lighting and heating solutions (if necessary);
  • ways interior decoration.


The main purpose this stage- Creation and strengthening of the frame. For the first floors, the removal of the balcony is much easier. At the same time, piles are being installed to strengthen the reconstructed balcony. For the upper floors, with the help of welding and special additional metal structures, it is necessary to transfer the weight of the balcony slab to the supporting (bearing) wall of the house. This is done with the help of additional reinforcement fixed in carrying wall at home.

To obtain a reliable and durable construction, the welding work of the frame of the reconstructed balcony should be entrusted to professional welders. You should also take care of the anti-corrosion protection of metal structures.

The next step is to install the roof in accordance with the design decisions. It is preferable to use more "quiet roofing materials" - such as shingles. This will allow, taking into account the significant increase in the roof area, to avoid excessive noise produced by raindrops. Otherwise, for example, when using metal tiles, in addition to roof insulation, you will have to solve the issues of its sound insulation.

Glazing performance

During glazing, custom-made windows are installed with the installation of additional elements: a visor and a low tide. The use of a canopy installed at an angle from the outside allows you to protect the space above the window from moisture. The tide is mounted outside at the bottom of the window and performs a similar function.

The most popular solution is the use of metal-plastic windows. Sliding windows can be installed if necessary.

The use of multi-chamber profiles (for example, 5 chamber) and two-chamber double-glazed windows will reduce noise, reduce heat loss and get the so-called “warm glazing”.

Warming and ventilation

After completing the installation of windows, you can begin to seal and insulate the balcony. It is important to provide ventilation. Thermal insulation of the balcony allows you to improve the microclimate and turn it into an additional room. Depending on preferences, foam or mineral wool is usually used as a heater.

In order for the balcony to be used all year round, it is necessary to provide for the presence of heating. In connection with the prohibition in many countries of the removal of radiators to the balconies central heating(according to building codes), you will have to install an electric radiator or underfloor heating.

Floor making

Creating a warm and secure floor is an important element in creating a comfortable atmosphere on your balcony. If you decide to install a "warm floor" system, you will need to consult with a specialist in order to choose the right implementation option: cable heating, heating mats or infrared film floors.

Selected flooring should be easy to maintain and harmoniously combined with all other design elements.

Interior decoration

At the stage of interior decoration, installation of electrical wiring and selected fixtures is carried out, as well as installation electrical switches and sockets (if necessary). In addition, the walls are finished in accordance with colors which you have preferred.

A well-implemented reconstruction of a balcony with an extension will allow you not only to significantly increase the area, but also to make it more functional, comfortable and aesthetic. The selection of high-quality materials and adherence to the technology of their application will help extend the useful life of your balcony until the next repair.


Below you can see instructions for self-manufacturing removal of the balcony:

A photo

The balcony is not only a decorative element, but also a place where you can relax, sit with friends or even work! But if for a city apartment this is really a multifunctional area, then in a private house a balcony is no longer so popular.

The relevance of the balcony in a private house

Even at the stage of designing a house, it is advisable to decide whether a balcony is needed, and if so, how much. Most often, balconies are loved by city dwellers who are not yet accustomed to their own garden. After all, the advantages of a balcony are undeniable:

  • aesthetics - a house with terraces and loggias looks much more spectacular;
  • convenience - lovers of smoking before going to bed will definitely appreciate going out under the open sky;
  • functionality - a balcony can become a roof for a veranda or a porch under it;
  • additional space - for a small area it is much more profitable to make a wide balcony, under which you can arrange a flower garden.

But there are many drawbacks to the balcony in a private house. So, for morning coffee it is much more convenient to go to the terrace, and not to go up to the second floor back to the room. Gatherings with friends are also transferred to the gazebo, making the balcony an exclusively decorative part of the facade. And the financial side of the issue does not speak in favor of balconies - such a house will cost much more.

What design of a balcony to choose?

Having decided on the construction of a balcony, it is worth considering its design and location well. It can be a cantilever (hanging in the air), attached, or a balcony located in the attic, based on the walls of the house (options 1,2 and 3 in the photo). Structural solutions differ in the way of fixing balcony slabs:

  1. A slab pinched in a wall is suitable for concrete and brick houses, but is contraindicated for aerated concrete buildings due to its weight.
  2. A slab lying on beams pinched in the wall is suitable for any house, depending on the material chosen.
  3. Slab based on brackets - triangular supports can be attached to an already finished building, and a variety of options will allow you to fit a balcony into any design.
  4. A stove with support at one end is a variant of the plate console-and-cooked in the wall, but, thanks to additional supports, you can make any width and even for houses made of aerated concrete.
  5. The balcony on four supports - in fact, this is a high extension on its own foundation and independent of the rest of the building, which can be built after the construction of the house.

The cantilevered plate is used only for balconies up to 1 meter wide. A balcony on beams can be a little wider - up to 1.2 m, and on brackets a width of 1.5 m is acceptable. But using supports, you can not limit yourself and build a whole terrace.

In this case, it is desirable to immediately install a visor that will protect from the sun and rain. It should protrude beyond the perimeter of the balcony area by at least 10 cm in front and 20 cm on the sides. If this is the windward side, then the visor must be at least doubled to protect against oblique rain.

On the balcony without a visor will come in handy Garden swing with awning roof. It is desirable to choose folding models with coasters for drinks. In winter, the swings simply fold up and stow away in the house, and in summer it is a great place to relax, where you can even sleep.

Installation of a balcony on cantilever beams with supports

If you need professional calculations to install a balcony slab on beams, then using additional supports, you can confidently build a balcony with your own hands. Stages of construction of a wooden balcony:

  1. Choice of supports. This can be both wooden poles with a section of 14x14 cm, and concrete supports. The foundation for the supports can be shared with the house or separate. The first option is suitable for arranging a terrace under a balcony. In the latter case, the depth of the foundation should be below the freezing of the soil. The wood must be resistant to decay - larch and oak are excellent for supports.
  2. Digging or drilling holes. They should be at least 10 cm more than future pillars.
  3. Wooden poles are treated with antiseptics, and the lower part is covered with bitumen so that the waterproofing of the ground part is at a height of 15 cm. A pillow of sand and gravel is placed under the wooden pole, and the lower part is concreted. After the mortar has hardened, the pillars are covered with soil and rammed.
  4. Concrete or brick supports require a full-fledged columnar foundation. So that the heavy balcony does not “leave” into the ground, lower part the foundation is made wider than the top by 10 cm, for which the formwork is installed in the form of a truncated cone.
  5. Laying on supports longitudinal beams with a section of at least 5x25 cm. The bars are placed on the edge and fastened to wooden supports with self-tapping screws, and to brick or concrete - with dowels. Between themselves, the beams can be connected overlay with metal brackets or clamps.
  6. After that, cantilever beams are inserted into the holes left in advance with a step of 0.7-2 m, which are based on the longitudinal ones. The tree is treated with antiseptics, and the ends entering the wall are wrapped with roofing material.
  7. Walls wooden house sealed with membrane wind-proofing. Holes in brick wall filled with concrete, and the joints must be sealed with sealant.
  8. Lathing beams with a section of 5x10 cm are laid on the cantilever beams, and on top - wooden flooring. It is advisable to choose boards that are resistant to moisture or cover them annually with waterproof paint or varnish.

The balcony railing is made at least 1.1 m high. If it is planned to be solid, a gap must be left between the railing and the balcony slab for water to drain. Even at the stage of erecting the supports, the installation of the balcony should be planned with a slope of 2% towards the drain - otherwise the water will linger on the floor.

The principle of construction of a concrete balcony is the same, only channels are used instead of wooden beams, and a small groove - a “teardrop” should be made along the entire edge of the underside of the slab. It protects the walls of the house from drops of water that can flow from the balcony and reach the junction of the balcony with the house. Without such a groove, any waterproofing will be ineffective, and with heavy slanting rain, the places where the channels enter the wall will get wet.

Features of the extension of the balcony on supports to the finished house

If the house is built and already inhabited, and the balcony is very necessary, you can simply attach it! You can bring it up as strip foundation, and on the columnar. The depth of the foundation is standard - below the freezing of the soil.

A device of a deformation seam or a rigid connection?

A lighter foundation adjacent to the main building cannot be connected “tightly”, but only with the help of an expansion joint. Otherwise, with inevitable shrinkage, one of the foundations will inevitably be destroyed.

To do this, after installing the formwork, any elastic material is laid close to the old foundation - rigid mineral wool or polystyrene foam 1-2 cm thick and concrete is poured. After the new foundation has hardened, the joint is filled with an elastic sealant.

The formwork in this case is placed close to the building and filled with a cement-sand mixture.

If there is no confidence in the stability of the soil, it is rational to apply a compromise that combines an elastic and rigid connection. To do this, steel ruffs are fixed in the foundation with a layer of glue, which will provide the necessary mobility without destroying the concrete. A construction sealant is applied to the entire surface, and the free ends of the ruffs are closed with plastic bushings.

How to connect a balcony to a wall?

How to make an "additional" balloon? There are two mounting methods:

  • with fastening the beam, on which the logs of the balcony will rest, on the wall of the house;
  • With the installation of the second row of supports close to the wall of the house.

In the first case, the principle of construction is practically the same as a balcony on cantilever beams. Unless these beams are based not on the walls of the house, but on the base board. Such a balcony will not be able to withstand heavy loads, so it is not recommended to install furniture on it.

If you use the slopes - wooden brackets with an additional cross bar, the reliability of the design increases. The tree itself is quite plastic, so you don’t have to worry about different shrinkage and deformation of the walls.

In order not to rent heavy equipment to lift the finished concrete slab, you can make a formwork and pour the slab yourself:

  1. 100 mm metal corners are laid on the supports - for internal and external brickwork.
  2. Masonry is done to the level of the future balcony slab. It is important not to forget - so that water does not flow into the room, the floor on the balcony should be slightly lower.
  3. The formwork for the slab is also made of chipboard, supported by beams on the underside, and the top is covered with a film to protect it from moisture.
  4. First, the outer belt is poured, and only after it is filled - the plate. To prevent the balcony from “moving away”, ruffs fixed with elastic glue are driven into the wall, the wall itself is covered with insulation, and the free ends of the ruffs in plastic bushings are poured along with the stove.
  5. The joint after the concrete has hardened is filled with building sealant.
  6. On the concrete screed it is imperative to lay waterproofing with at least 15 cm on the wall of the house. You can put outdoor tiles on the floor - it is resistant to temperature extremes and does not require special care.

You should not make a solid wall on an open balcony - rain and melt water will stagnate, it will have to be removed manually each time. Forged railings look much more impressive.

If you want to make a small hinged balcony, the video describes the basic principles of the device reinforcing mesh and its attachment to the wall:

The balcony is very comfortable place storage and recreation. This is an additional place for work, plants, gym. If a balcony is not provided, and you live on the first two floors, then you can do it.
But the most difficult part, perhaps, is the preparation of documents.

If this is not done, they can completely demolish your building or be fined. After all, building without a permit is illegal.
Be sure to provide the following papers:

  • apartment layout
  • ownership
  • permission from housing and communal services
  • consent from residents of nearby apartments
  • future building project
  • permission from utilities and architects

The easiest way is to contact notaries, they will quickly collect all the necessary documents, not forgetting about the little things.

The extension will not only make life easier, but also increase the value of the apartment for sale. After all, many first of all pay attention to the presence of a balcony.

How to create a project

Without a project, you will not get a single construction. First of all, draw a sketch of the future extension. It is already possible to calculate materials on it. It is important to enter the design so as not to disfigure the appearance of the building and take into account all the needs. It is better if you contact an architect or builder, since mistakes in this matter can be quite expensive, both in terms of materials and time. But now there are excellent programs that give an idea of ​​the building in its entirety. The appearance, the strength of the selected materials, and well-chosen dimensions are important.

Balcony Options

Balcony fixing methods:

  • Most suitable option For multi -storey buildings, it is a console -hidden plate.
  • In cottages, console beams are most often acquired.
  • Brackets are good for high loads.
  • Attached balconies are typical for the first floors, when the building is simply attached to the house.

If you decide to build a balcony yourself, it is best to use extensions or brackets.

Create a structure:

  • making a frame (you need to make a base from metal corners in the shape of an isosceles triangle; anchor bolts this design is attached to the wall; a metal frame is welded onto the triangles)
  • the parapet is strengthened
  • the window is dismantled, the doorway is formed
  • a metal sheet is placed on the floor to protect against fire and burglary
  • carry out flooring and its insulation
  • sheathe the balcony often with sheets of corrugated board
  • the balcony is insulated and glazed

There are ready-made and made frames of balconies, it is enough to weld them to the wall. Be sure to decorate the balcony with aesthetic decorative elements.

You can make a foundation under an attached balcony, this can really expand the area (the design is safer than a suspended one).

To begin with, the foundation itself is being erected. A pit is dug under it, in which blocks for the foundation will then be installed. The depth of the pit is best calculated by a professional, it is important to calculate the level of soil freezing. The depth of the foundation itself should not exceed this parameter. The height of the foundation and the future balcony must match. From a decorative point of view, you need to combine the balcony and the building.

Then brickwork is erected, which will be the main walls of the extension. Try to do this as tightly to the facade. The extension must comply with waterproofing standards. It is better to carry out double waterproofing. It is important to protect the extension from ground water and high levels of humidity. The roof usually matches the slab top floor or become independent.
The entire structure must be insulated and glazed. It is very fashionable now to use panoramic glazing. Cold and warm glazing is suitable for such a balcony; for additional comfort, you can install radiators or electric heaters.
Do not forget to externally put the balcony in order. Think over the design and additional elements.

Balcony window

This is a new trend in design, quite attractive and simple. This design provides several provisions. For example, an ordinary-looking window can be easily converted into a small balcony with handrails. Good for country house. Can be used as an emergency exit.

But, unfortunately, this Danish development has not yet taken root with us.

