Do-it-yourself swing supports. Do-it-yourself garden swing (45 photos): choosing a place on the site, material and type of construction

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

It's nice to sit on a bench after a long day at work. It is also much more pleasant to relax on a garden swing, which will give light swaying and soothing coolness. Buy, unfortunately, such a design is not always possible. After all, the cost of such a swing is high, often sky-high. Therefore, let's talk about how to build gardens in order to enjoy a pleasant stay on fresh air.

Beautiful garden swing in the country

Undeniable advantages of a garden swing. Varieties

At the cottage or in the yard country house garden swing is an indispensable attribute landscape design. In addition to a great place to relax, they perform many functions:

  1. resting on them, you can easily gather your strength;
  2. calm the nervous system;
  3. beautiful decoration helps to transform the entire yard;
  4. a comfortable place to work at a laptop or to read books;
  5. you can nap on them during the day (especially for children);
  6. suitable for a pleasant tea party and conversations with a glass of wine;
  7. children are helped to train and develop the vestibular apparatus.

As you can see, the benefits are really huge. Therefore, it is logical that their popularity is so high among the population. The design, in fact, is not very complicated, so even a beginner in the construction business will be able to build such a swing at home.

Another advantage of own construction is the full compliance with your desires. You can decorate or decorate it yourself, choose a special shape and size. The main thing is to follow the instructions during construction, then everything will definitely work out.

Before you start making a garden swing, you need to consider what they are. For example, for the purpose:

  • for kids;
  • for adults;
  • for the whole family.

Depending on the location there are:

  • stationary swing;
  • mobile swing. Convenient in that you do not need to be tied to a specific place. You can easily and quickly move it to another area.

If we talk about the main materials used, then the swing is:

  • from wood;
  • from metal.

The design can also be very different.


This option is simple. All that is needed to create such a swing is a crossbar, a high strength rope and a seat (it is better to choose with a back).

Hanging garden swing


Often used for children. They are strong and stable and easily moved. So at any time you can move the swing to the shade or another place you like.

Frame garden swing

Crafting on wood requires crafting a seat. Everything else is easy. After all, it is not necessary to make a frame in this case. After the construction of the structure, it must be fixed to a tree (make sure that the branch used is strong) or a beam. For fixing, a cross-twist rope with a diameter of at least 24 mm is suitable (especially for swings on which children will ride).

You can replace the rope with a chain suspension. So you make the whole structure much stronger. So that the chain links do not harm children (fingers can get into the links), you need to place it in a suitable size plastic pipe. Alternatively, you can take a chain canopy with a small caliber. It is worth noting that to install a frame garden swing, you should choose the right place on the site, avoiding trees and various kinds of fences.

Correct choice of support

A swing support is not just a structural element, but its main component. The safety of being on a swing and the permissible amount of swing will depend on its strength. Most often, the material that is used to make the support is wooden beams, metal pipes and corners. For a summer residence, a support in the shape of the letter A is often enough. For this, a frame is built from two supporting elements. Between themselves, they are connected by a transverse beam, which is installed horizontally. Its placement occurs at the level of one third of the column above ground level.

The crossbar itself, on which the seat is then hung, must be mounted to the uprights, which are vertical. Use screws for fastening.

Important: metal swings must be fixed in the soil. Because in the process of rocking the "leg" of the pipes loosens and twists out of the ground. To prevent this, support frames are created. Alternatively, concreting into a trench can be done.

But for a more durable fixing of the wooden structure, you need to bury the "legs" of the garden swing to a considerable depth (at least one meter). It can also be filled with concrete. But before concreting it is necessary to make preparatory work. Apply to the support bituminous mastic so that the "legs" are well saturated. This will protect the wood from decay processes. A brick is laid at the bottom of the pit.

Video: do-it-yourself garden swing made of metal

Do-it-yourself construction of a garden swing made of metal

Metal is a durable material and heavy enough to make the entire structure of the garden swing strong and stable. This choice is ideal for building a swing that teenagers and adults will ride on. Also, the metal base will be more wear-resistant to heavy loads.

Metal garden swing

Be sure to use the drawing so that the entire installation is done correctly. Therefore, further step-by-step instruction so that you can build a garden swing with your own hands from metal (drawings and dimensions, photos will be indicated below) in your country house. Of course, the options are selected individually. And in the photo we show only one of the possible.

Drawing of a metal garden swing

The construction of this installation begins with the preparation of materials:

  1. pipes cut in accordance with the required dimensions;
  2. burrs and sharp protrusions should be removed with sandpaper.
  1. Form a base. To do this, the supporting elements must be fastened at an angle of 45 degrees. Then install the crossbar. It should be strictly perpendicular to the uprights themselves. On the this stage you should use a welding machine to connect all the elements as firmly as possible.
  2. It is necessary to make recesses to secure the support. Pour sand to the bottom, which must be well compacted. Then install the support and pour concrete over it. The entire structure is left for at least a week so that the solution dries well and sets.
  3. As soon as the filling dries, you can proceed to fixing the seat. Before installing it, you need to weld special hooks using a welding machine. The seat itself is hung on ropes (high strength) or on metal beams.
  4. The final step is to paint all the elements of the garden swing. This measure is necessary not only to give the structure an attractive appearance. By painting it, you will protect your creations from rust and corrosion. It is also possible to decorate according to your taste and imagination.

Finished metal garden swing

If you feel that this option is beyond your power, then you can stop at a simpler copy of it. In this case, you need to stock up on a regular metal profile (diameter 50 mm).

Drawing a simple model of a metal swing

On the drain (transversely), attach special metal brackets. To do this, use bearings and a welding machine.
Install the seat on suspensions and attach to the structure itself. Most often, metal rods or chains can be found as suspensions.

A simple version of a metal swing

The creation of exclusive models looks original and attracts the attention of others. It can be forged products or a swing made from channels, or rather from their scraps. The swing benches made by yourself look interesting.

Wrought iron garden swing

Wooden swing

They are especially popular. After all, wood has always been popular as a building material. Building a garden swing with your own hands from wood is as easy as from metal. Drawings and dimensions, photos from the Internet to help you. It is only necessary to use suitable projects, then you will get the perfect result, and the photo of the homework is proof of this.

DIY wooden garden swing

Such structures have their advantages:

  1. naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  2. presentable and original appearance;
  3. strength (in case of impregnation with specialized solutions and substances).

Drawing of a garden swing made of wood

The most suitable tree species are birch, spruce or pine. For construction you will need:

  • wooden pole - 2 pcs.;
  • crossbar;
  • rope - about six meters;
  • hooks or suitable hangers;
  • elements for fastening the structure ( perfect option use of bolts).

If you have a wooden beam, then building a swing on four poles would be a great option. But this design requires some attention and effort.

  1. Initially, you need to make a support. Two parts of the bars need to be assembled in the shape of the letter A, as shown in the photo.
  2. After that, you need to fix the crossbar.
  3. In order for the installation to be as strong and reliable as possible, you need to use short bars.
  4. From the same bars you need or a seat. And don't forget the backrest for maximum comfort.

Beautiful garden swing

Construction of a children's garden swing

The process of building a swing for children is similar to the construction of an adult version. Need detailed diagram structures, drawing dimensions and locations of elements for fastening. When using blueprints for adults, be sure to optimize it for children.

  1. Racks need to be made. They must be the same size.
  2. The racks are installed at a distance that directly depends on the width of the future seat.
  3. Connect both supports with a crossbar.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the reliability of connections. To do this, you need to measure as accurately as possible the angle at which the elements of the racks, which are located vertically, will be connected.
  5. You also need to ensure that the crossbar itself is equally removed from ground level.
  6. Before installation, you need to dig a trench. It creates a special pillow of gravel. That's where the supports are placed. After installation, everything is poured with concrete mortar.
  7. There is a grinding of the entire structure, it is also necessary to round the corners. This is necessary in order to make the swing safe for children.

Children's swing

Your dacha will sparkle with new colors when such a swing appears in the yard, made on your own. It is not only useful, but also incredibly beautiful.

Fixing system

Exist various systems fastenings on garden swings, namely:

  • carabiner - made from the following types: with a rectangular section (intended for beams) and with round section(for bars);
  • anchor - the type of fastening passes through;
  • staples and hooks - designed for children's models;
  • clamps - needed for fixing in case of hanging the swing on cables.

Therefore, carefully study the features of each system. After all right choice fasteners allows you to make the swing not only durable, but also reliable.

Rope swing

The most classic models are rope and log swings. This option is considered the easiest to manufacture. To implement such an idea, it will be enough for you to make four holes. Use a wide log as a base. A rope must be passed through the holes made.

Rope garden swing

Using the same ropes, you need to put on a board for the seat. But you need to be careful. This option is not entirely sustainable. To prevent the seat from flipping over, make four holes on the side and thread the ropes through them.

The ends of the rope must be tightened well and tied with strong knots. And the swing is ready to use.

Today, DIY garden swings make a chic and unforgettable impression. It just takes a little patience and attention. What will the swing be like? Frame made of metal or mobile made of wood? It's up to you, but the swing must be fun. And all the most interesting about the independent construction of a garden swing, see the video below.

Video: wooden swing

2014-08-08 113


Any caring parents strive to ensure that the pastime of their children is as rich and interesting as possible. How can you diversify your child's leisure time while relaxing in the country? The easiest and easiest option is to make a children's swing with your own hands. Moreover, it is not at all difficult if you are smart.

How to choose the material for making a swing

Of course, in order to make a country swing yourself, you need to have not only certain construction tools, but also the skills to work with them. Therefore, before deciding to build, sensibly evaluate your strengths. A swing for a summer residence made of metal is, of course, a fundamental building.

But in order to build it, you must know how the metal behaves in certain conditions and you need to know welding machine, grinder, hacksaw.
If you do not feel confident enough to implement such a global project, then perhaps a wooden swing for a summer residence is more suitable for you.

Wood is a material that is easier to process, and even non-professionals will be able to cope with the construction. Just choose a fairly durable type of wood for construction. Suitable spruce, cedar, birch, oak. And make sure that there are no defects on it - knots, holes, etc.: after all, not only comfort, but also the safety of your baby depends on this. Of course, plastic can also be used as a material for manufacturing.

However, its only advantage is its cheapness. It is not environmentally clean materials. In addition, if you want your garden swing to withstand not only kids, but also adults, plastic is definitely not for you. However, often a swing in the country can be built literally from what is at hand - you will see for yourself.

>Easy DIY Swing Ideas

The wooden pallet you left behind construction works, can be an excellent basis for a swing. You will also need a strong rope and a tree strong enough to place the swing on. If there is no suitable tree, it will be possible to dig in support pillars.
In the very simple form you can tritely strengthen the rope on the pallet and tie it to the support. If you wish, you can complicate the concept by connecting several pallets together, building a back at the swing, painting them beautifully.

2. Swing from a snowboard or skateboard

The snowboard broke, but the board was left of it? It can be a great base outdoor swing for giving. Despite the seeming fragility, the snowboard is very durable and can withstand heavy loads, so it is ideal for the role of a swing seat. The main thing is to securely attach it to the ropes and hang it on a support.
If the roller mechanism remains on the skateboard, this makes making a swing with your own hands an even easier task. It will be enough for you to build loops from the ropes and thread a skateboard into them: the wheels will fix the ropes and keep them from slipping.

This type of swing can be attributed to the classics of the genre. Construction still begins with the erection of support bars - wooden or metal, and a transverse beam between them. Bolts with rings are screwed into the upper beam. One end of the ropes is attached directly to the tire, and the other end is threaded into the rings. You can use chains instead of ropes.

The same tree can serve as a support, which significantly speeds up the process of erecting a country swing with your own hands. This option resembles, rather, a bungee, and does not claim to be particularly aesthetic.
In general, if there is no particular desire to start a global construction, anything can fit as a handy material for making a children's swing for a summer residence:

  • logs;

  • bars;

  • boards;

  • even a seat from a chair or armchair.

The main thing is to give free rein to creativity.

Photos of various swings for giving

What do children do in their free time on the street? Run and play, build a house out of sand, ride a bike, kick a ball. And many kids enjoy spending time on the swings. They are very fond of rising and falling sharply. Such a swing can be made with your own hands, using improvised material for this.

For several centuries, swings have remained a popular attraction, not only for children, but also for adults. Not a single folk festival in Ancient Russia could not do without "flights" on these devices. At times Russian Empire they were both among the poor and the rich. Naturally, they looked different: the poor were swinging on ordinary wooden planks, tied with ropes to poles, and the swings of the rich were decorated with decorative elements, pillows, bows and ruffles. In our time, interest in them does not fade away, they can also be seen on courtyard grounds, in many children's organizations, in country "residences".

What material is suitable for the manufacture of yard swings

You can make a swing with your own hands, using almost everything that is at hand for this.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of different materials

Material type Advantages Flaws
  1. Strength.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. Long service life.
  4. Non-slip seats.
  5. No dependence of their surface temperature on weather conditions.
  1. Susceptibility to decay if not properly treated.
  2. Increased risk of splinters and minor injuries.
  1. High reliability. Such swings are able to withstand significant loads (up to 150 kg).
  2. The possibility of decorating with different details.
  1. Susceptibility to corrosion.
  2. The high thermal conductivity of the metal, which interferes with the comfortable use of the swing (in the heat they are very hot, and in the cold too cold).
  1. Extensive range of shapes and colors.
  2. Ease of installation (due to the low weight of the structures).
  3. No need for special care.
  4. Harmony of presence both on suburban areas and in massive complexes for children's entertainment.
  1. Low reliability of the design compared to products made from other materials.
  2. Cannot be used outdoors.
  3. Susceptibility to the influence of severe frosts, temperature extremes, high humidity.
  4. Can only be used by younger children.
  5. Not all plastic structures withstand severe frosts, temperature extremes and high humidity.

Photo gallery: types of swing by material

Wooden swings require careful antiseptic treatment and surface grinding
The strength and reliability of metal structures no one disputes
Plastic children's designs can be purchased ready-made, but they are only suitable for babies.

Use of non-standard materials

Some craftsmen can make a swing from other materials, using car tires for this, plastic pipes, wooden pallets, etc. Even snowboard boards, skateboards and other non-standard materials, such as an old basin, can be used.

Photo gallery: creative seats

Creating a hanging swing will not take much time
In skillful hands, even a snowboard can become a useful element of a children's swing.
Older children like non-standard solutions, for example, tire swings
The role of the seat can be performed by an old roomy basin

swing designs

By design features swings are:

  • frame;
  • suspended;
  • floor;
  • transformers;
  • electronic type.

Age preferences for frame-type swings are children from 3 to 10 years old. Such structures have a great advantage - mobility. They can be placed in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage or playground. They are strong enough to support the weight of primary school children.

Suspended swings are attached to the beam-beam. To do this, you can use chains, ropes, ropes. Their reliability increases with the use of a strong crossbar and subject to proper fastening.

Floor structures can be used by children under 5 years old. Most often, when creating them, plastic and metal parts are combined.

For very young children, you can make a rocking chair-transformer, which combines several elements at once:

  • Chair for babies;
  • mini chair;
  • swing directly.

The modern world cannot be imagined without electronics. There are swings equipped special system which may include:

  • timer;
  • "music Center";
  • a device for setting the rhythm of swing movements.

They should be purchased only if your family has a newborn child.

Photo gallery: different swing designs

Frame swing 0 common type of structures
The design of the floor swing provides for their transfer to any suitable place
Good and comfortable for children in a hanging swing with a back
Electronic swing suitable even for crumbs

What functions can a swing perform

Swings, despite similar functions, may differ slightly from each other. This is due to the design of these structures, and their principles of operation.

Which adult does not remember such rides as boats? This type of swing can be used to entertain both children and their parents.

There are several types of children's structures, designated by one concept - a swing-balancer. Such devices include swings:

  • "scales";
  • "pendulum";
  • "rocker".

Such fun fun is suitable even for small children. With the support of an adult, a one-year-old baby can also ride on a swing.

In our time, manufacturers of children's structures offer a rich variety of spring devices for swinging with balancing.

Of course, swings can be purchased at the store, but it’s better to work hard and build the swing yourself. Years will pass, but your child, who has already matured, will definitely remember the minutes of “ups” and “falls” on the swing that you made with your own hands.

Photo gallery: spring designs for kids

"On the seas, on the waves" - the motto of the design for children in the form of a boat
Sitting on the plane, you can feel like a real pilot
Such a ladybug will not take your child to heaven, but it will help to have fun
Springing, sitting in a helicopter, will appeal to all the kids

Preparatory work

If you decide to build a children's swing yourself, then you should do the preparatory work:

  • determine the type of future design;
  • specify parameters;
  • draw a drawing;
  • purchase the necessary materials;
  • get all the tools you need.

Material selection

The simplest swing design is suspended. You can make them completely wooden or combine different materials. For hanging elements, metal chains, ropes, a strong cord, parachute lines or a rope are most often used.

As a seat, it is best to use a polished board, because it is comfortable, does not crack in the cold, and will not cause discomfort to the child in heat and cold. You can use improvised means - old seats from chairs, armchairs, etc.

If you have more than one child or guests with children often come to you, then you can make a balancer for two. They are made from different materials. The advantages of metal swings are in their strength, but for an independent construction of such a design, you will need a good welder. Wooden swings are easier to make and less dangerous to use.

Material calculation

It is easiest to make a hanging swing with a metal support and a wooden swing-balancer.

The materials you will need are:

  • 2 iron pipes for supporting pillars (d=74 cm);
  • 2 bearings;
  • 1 metal pipe (for the crossbar) 50 cm long (d = 150 mm);
  • ready-made mortar for concreting;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • 2 metal plates no longer than 7 cm.

For the swing-balancer, prepare:

  • any wooden material(average length - 2.5 meters). You can take an ordinary thin log, timber (thickness 40–50 mm) or a board about 25 cm wide.
  • boards for seats (width - 30-40 cm, length - 45-60 cm) with a thickness of at least 30 mm.
  • metal rod for support.
  • hardware.
  • paint or primer.
  • 2 wooden handles (they can be made from a wooden rod with a diameter of 25 mm, about 60 cm long).

Schemes of street swings

You can facilitate the work of making a swing by drawing up a design diagram. Drawings are made independently (for individual parameters) or are taken ready-made from various sources.

Photo gallery: examples of drawings

The design of the swing must be very stable
Based on the drawn up scheme, you can build a frame swing made of wood
Be sure to indicate the dimensions of each part on the diagram.

Tool preparation

Depending on which design you prefer, you need to prepare:

  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • shovel or hand drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinder;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • plane.

Step-by-step instructions for making a hanging swing with a chain and a wooden seat

Having prepared everything you need, you can get to work:

There is another reliable way to fasten the supports and the crossbar - by welding a special design (this option is very suitable for connecting wooden structural elements).

In the central part of the crossbar, bearings are attached using metal plates. The bearings must ensure the movement of the swing in the forward / backward direction. The next steps are:

The condition of the swing should be carefully monitored. It is necessary to regularly lubricate the bearings with machine oil and tint shabby parts.

Before you invite the kids to ride, try the swing yourself.

Video: how to make a swing from a profile pipe in the country with your own hands

How to make a do-it-yourself wooden swing-balancer for a child

Based on the drawings made and armed necessary materials, a tool, you can start assembling a wooden swing-balancer. The work is carried out in 4 stages:

  • base installation;
  • manufacture of rocker-balancer;
  • assembly;
  • product painting.

The base is the basis for the reliability of the design for children. This swing element can be built from wooden beam(10x15 cm), logs (20 cm), boards (not thinner than 3 cm), fixing them in the intended place of the future swing. A lower frame about 1 m long is constructed from wood and vertical supports or racks are attached to it (using self-tapping screws) at an angle.

The rocker-balancer is easiest to make from a bar or a thick board.

For the entire length of the balancer (up to 2.5–3 m), 2 beams are laid parallel to each other, shorter beams (up to 1 m) are placed between them (on both sides). The entire structure obtained is fixed with screws or waterproof glue (for carpentry). You can use one board.

At the edges of the rocker, seats with handles are made, in its central part there is a hole for profile pipe.

Pens like everyone else wooden details should be perfectly smooth so that the child does not drive a splinter into the skin.

The assembly of the rocker arm and the base is carried out using two pipes: a support pipe and a segment mounted in the center of the swing. They are combined, a steel rod is inserted into pre-drilled holes on both pipes.

Video: how to make a tire product

Decorating process

After the swing is mounted, you need to take care of them appearance. The easiest way to paint them with oil paint. This method is suitable for both wooden and metal structures. You can dream up and make the swing especially attractive for kids.

Do not neglect the rules for using a children's swing, which will help to avoid injuries. It is forbidden:

  1. Getting too close to them while they are being used by other children.
  2. Swing while standing, resting your feet on the seat.
  3. Twist ropes, chains or other hanging elements.
  4. Get off the swing before it comes to a complete stop.
  5. Sit on the same seat for several children at once.

Before operating the swing, it is necessary to carefully inspect all nodes and connections for their integrity and functionality. Regularly lubricate the swing, preventing the appearance of rust and creaking. Make sure that there are no sharp objects, protruding bolts, unsanded wood sections in the structure.

Making a swing with your own hands is easy. The main thing is to adhere to the manufacturing technology of the product and the recommendations of specialists.

Do-it-yourself garden swing in the country can be made from improvised materials using a photo or diagrams from the internet. Construction will require time and skills from the master, but the result will delight children, family and guests. In addition, ready-made factory swings will cost three times more. When starting to choose a model for a future design, listen to the wishes of the household and involve them in the creation process.

Where to start?

Builders are advised to start the construction of the structure from the choice of its location. In the country, it is installed in a place of rest, so that it does not interfere and has enough space for swinging. In the case when on suburban area there is little space for installation, consider the improvement of the street area. If you plan to install a stationary structure, then you will need a concrete foundation for installation. If the rocking chair is portable, then reliable fasteners will be needed. Use pins that drive into the ground and attach legs to them. Mobile swings can be on hanging hooks, in which case they can be easily carried from home to garden, fixing them on a suitable support.

How to determine size?

The size of the building depends on the category for which it is intended. Depending on your preferences and family conditions, the swing can be for adults. They are made in the form of a comfortable bench or rocking sofa, equipped with a canopy, decorated with soft pillows. Guests of the older generation, swaying slightly in a comfortable sofa, will be happy to have a conversation over a cup of tea.

Children's swings are made small, strengthened with straps, providing for a large swing amplitude. In this case, the main thing is safety. Therefore, during construction, sharp corners are removed, the surface is made as smooth as possible. For a children's model, an important element is the color scheme and the comfort of sitting. It is painted in different colors involving the child in this activity.

The building for the whole family is large in size. It is designed for mom, baby and dad to ride at the same time. Its weight is calculated at 250 kg and above. The supports are made solid, dug into the ground and poured with concrete. The structure is intended for year-round use, so it is painted, equipped with a roof and not decorated with textile elements. Small pads or a blanket are laid immediately before use.

On a note. The canopy protects not only those who ride from rain or the scorching sun, but also protects the structure from fading and corrosion.

Common types of country swings

You can adapt for skiing materials that have already been in use, but still quite durable. For example, a car tire, construction pallets, canvas, an old skateboard or wooden box. For them, they buy chains and fasteners, carabiners or hooks and hang them in the garden on a strong branch. Using building and improvised materials, these types of swings are made:

Singles consist of a seat and suspensions that are mounted on a support. Their weight and size is designed for children.

Hammocks are portable. They are a convenient hammock, which is suspended by one or two suspensions to any crossbar. He is in the spirit of those who like to read in the fresh air. For manufacturing, strong fabrics and strong ropes, as well as carbines are selected. A durable hammock can withstand the weight of an adult male.

Sun loungers- these are frame models, shaped like a sunbed floating in the air. Used as supports metal carcass. In execution, such a model is complex, it is easier to buy it in a store and assemble it on the spot.

Suspended There are different modifications, widths and lengths. common feature- This is a seat with chains attached to the side.

Advice. For a homemade country swing, it is not necessary to build strong supports. More often they are hung on a suitable branch of a garden tree. But it is safer to install poles with a fixed crossbar.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a suspended wooden model

To make a swing for a large company, use the design scheme in the form of a hanging bench with a back. The main material is high-quality inexpensive wood. To create a model, they buy boards and bars in a hardware store, they also take bolts, hooks and chains for attaching a bench to a support. The master selects the dimensions at his discretion, choosing a comfortable back height, seat width, bench length.

Required Tools

For work, a standard set of tools for wood processing is useful:

  • jigsaw and circular saw for sawing boards;
  • drill for preparing holes at the joints of parts;
  • screwdriver for tightening fasteners;
  • planer and Sander to remove irregularities on the surface of the tree;
  • marker (a slate pencil will do);
  • building corner or long ruler;
  • building level for even installation of supports.

Basic materials

Main construction material- soft but durable wood. For example, spruce or pine. Birch lumber has excellent quality characteristics, it is durable and inexpensive. For construction, you will need 15 bars 2.5 m long (25 mm by 100 mm), 1 crossbar 2.5 m long (50 mm by 150 mm), glued slats 1.5 - 2 m long.

Additional materials:

  • Galvanized screws (with rings for fastenings) 2 pairs;
  • Self-tapping screws for wood No. 3.5 and No. 5 - 200 pcs;
  • Chain from 5 m (length is selected according to the dimensions of the structure)
  • Fastening carabiners - 6 pcs;
  • Lacquer, wax, stain for applying a protective layer 3 l;
  • Flat brushes for coloring - 2 pcs.


First, make a bench for sitting. Having determined its length (from one and a half meters), boards are harvested right size and drill holes in them for fasteners. According to the scheme, the frame is assembled and the slats are attached to it, equipping the back and seat. If you have sufficient carpentry skills, make a seat with a figured back by cutting out the details according to the template. Armrests are attached to the finished seat (one side to the back, the other to the seat). All details are cut out clearly in size, give them a curly shape and grind. The finished rocking chair is varnished in several layers, allowing each to dry. After that, screws with rings are attached to the underside of the armrest on the left and right and chains with carabiners at the ends are inserted into them. A cozy bench for friends is ready. It is hung from a strong tree century and rolled around.

Instructions for creating a metal model

The metal construction is strong and reliable. To create it, you will need special skills in working with welding, cutting metal, kneading concrete. The metal model has a long service life, meets safety requirements and can withstand weight up to 250 kg. In order to assemble it, you will need the following materials:

  • metal hollow pipe with a diameter of 50 m with a total length of 12.5 m;
  • rod reinforcement with a diameter of 18 mm and a length of 8 m;
  • pine board 5 m (50 mm by 20 mm);
  • metal screws, bolts, nuts,
  • concrete (water, cement, sand and gravel);
  • paint enamel 3 l and flat brushes.

To cut, weld and strengthen pipes, you will need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • file and sandpaper;
  • welding machine;
  • bath for mixing concrete;
  • spade shovel and bayonet.


Metal swings are made stationary. Therefore, a place is carefully selected for them. Having cut the pipes for the support according to the selected drawing (for example, side posts and a crossbar of 2 m each and pipes for the base of a suitable size), they are welded and the joints are ground.

The finished structure is dug into the ground by at least 70 cm. To do this, 4 holes are dug, the legs of the swing are placed there and poured with concrete. For its manufacture, cement and sand are mixed one to two, adding one part of crushed stone. Having stirred the composition well, water is poured into it and the mixture of sour cream density is kneaded. After pouring a homogeneous mixture into the pits, it is allowed to harden for 7 days. When the support becomes stable, hooks are welded to the crossbar for which the seat will be attached. It is assembled from rebar. A frame is welded for a base of convenient sizes, attaching two handrails to it. Their ends are bent in the form of rings and hung on the hooks of the upper beam. For sitting, prepare boards according to the size of the base and attach them with self-tapping screws.

On a note: the edges of the boards should be free of knots and torn edges. They are sanded and coated. protective layer varnish or paint.


Installing a swing at their summer cottage, they select a convenient and safe place. Nearby there should be no debris, broken glass, wire sticking out of the ground. The structure itself and the area under it are made comfortable for skiing, and the possibility of falling is taken into account. That is, if the child jumps inaccurately, he will rest his feet on the green lawn or sand, and not on concrete screed. The safety of the child comes first and decorative look facilities and its sports and gaming direction on the second. If you have free space in your summer cottage for the location of gaming or sports equipment, it is installed next to the swing. It is also made by hand and painted in a bright color.

Swings for adults are equipped with an approach path and an equipped playground. Often, a brazier is placed next to them for a pleasant pastime with friends. In this case, consider lighting the site in the evening.

48 photos of garden swing ideas:

How can you diversify your vacation in the country, make it easy, fun and enjoyable? There are many ways, and one of them is to install a swing in the garden or on a specially provided playground. Whether it will be a separate building or a device in the gaming complex - it does not matter, the main thing is that it brings a lot of joy and positive. To save money, and at the same time to please your loved ones, you can build a garden swing with your own hands: they will compare favorably with purchased models with originality of the idea and exclusive finish.

Before you start sketching, you need to answer two questions: where will the structure be installed and for whom is it intended? Depending on the answers, they make an estimate, prepare a drawing of a garden swing, select tools and material.

Swings located on the street are often equipped with a canopy, which serves as protection from the sun (rain) and at the same time is an interesting decor.

One of the simplest structures is a swing on A-shaped supports with a bar seat

There are a lot of solutions, so for convenience, all products can be divided into three categories:

  • For the whole family. This is a large structure, often in the form of a bench with a high back, which can accommodate several people. The product is suspended from a strong U-shaped frame using chains. A small canopy on the cross beam allows you to use the swing in almost any weather.
  • Baby. A rather diverse group: here are frameless products, consisting only of a suspension and a seat, and strong structures with a seat in the form of an armchair, and large structures boat type. Wireframe models are safer. On swings of any type for the smallest children, fixation belts should be provided.
  • Portable. Mobile swings of this type are usually hung indoors: in the house, on the veranda, in the gazebo. They can be removed at any time and installed in another place.

Each of these types has its own advantages and can be used in the country for recreation and entertainment.

Bench swing: step by step instructions

Swinging alone is certainly boring, so we present an option for a fun company - a swing in the form of a wide bench that can accommodate several people.

The proposed parameters can be changed - for example, make the seat wider or narrower, the height of the back a little more or less. The main thing is that you can sit comfortably and relax. This swing is designed for a garden or recreation area, both children and adults can use it.

Taking the seat-bench as a basis, you can invent various design options for the swing as a whole.

The swing sofa is suitable both for relaxing with a book and for a fun conversation with friends.

Country swings can be hung from a large horizontal branch, but it is better to install two poles with a cross beam specifically for them.

Preparation of materials and tools

If construction has recently been carried out at the dacha, there will be no questions in the search for materials - after all, everything you need is already at hand. Wood is the best material for making, it is soft and pliable to work with, but strong enough to support the weight of several people. Birch, spruce or pine are perfect both in terms of characteristics and cost.

Boards - a suitable and inexpensive material for the construction of a swing

So, the list of materials:

  • pine boards (100 mm x 25 mm) 2500 mm long - 15 pieces;
  • board (150 mm x 50 mm) 2500 mm - 1 piece;
  • self-tapping screws (80 x 4.5) - 30-40 pieces;
  • self-tapping screws (51x3.5) - 180-200 pieces;
  • carbines - 6 pieces;
  • welded chain (5 mm) - according to the height of the swing;
  • galvanized screws with rings - 4 pieces (a pair of 12x100 and a pair of 12x80).

Metal parts and screws can be combined in color with wood or, conversely, be contrasting (for example, black).

For the construction of garden swings made of wood, traditional tools for processing this material are suitable: a drill with various drills, a circular saw, a hammer, a jigsaw or a hacksaw, a planer. A square, tape measure and pencil are useful for measuring workpieces.


From the boards should be sawn off pieces one and a half meters long. The corners of the workpieces must be straight.

Thanks to the precise marking, the swing will be smooth and beautiful

The thickness of the finished strips should not be less than 20 mm. The load on the back will be much less, so a thickness of 12-13 mm is enough. The approximate number of slats for the seat (500 mm) is 17 pieces, for the backrest (450 mm) - 15 pieces.

To protect the wood from cracking, holes for self-tapping screws are drilled with a drill, choosing a thin drill. The depth of the hole for the self-tapping screw is 2-2.5 mm.

Holes for self-tapping screws help save wood

To make the seat and back comfortable, it is better to make the details of the base on which the planks are attached not straight, but figured. For their manufacture, you will need the thickest board (150 mm x 50 mm). Thus, you get six curly parts for the frame.

The contours of the future part, applied to the workpiece with a pencil or marker, will help to cut it accurately

Having chosen the required angle of connection of the back and seat, you should combine the parts into a frame and fix the slats one by one, making the same intervals between them. First, the ends of the parts are attached, then the middle.

Having nailed the central bar first, it is easier to align the rest of the elements.

The armrests are made of two bars of arbitrary width, then fixed with one end - on the seat, the other - on the back frame.

Finished swing must be varnished or painted

The best place to attach a screw with a ring is Bottom part armrest stands.

Washers must be used to prevent the nuts from fully embedding in the wood. Similar rings are screwed to the upper beam, on which the swing will hang. The chain is attached to the rings with the help of carabiners - the place of rest and entertainment is ready!

Simple swing with various seating options

simple and universal option– side racks for swings, on which you can hang different kinds seats. Let us dwell in more detail on the installation of the holding structure.

Part of the chain can be replaced with cylindrical wooden blocks

The material and tools for construction are the same as in the previous description.

One of the seat options is a sofa designed for 2-3 people

Externally, the design looks like this: two racks in the form of the letter "A", connected by the upper crossbar. To begin with, it is important to calculate the angle of connection of vertically standing parts. The greater the width of the intended seat, the wider the racks should be placed. The bars (or poles) are fastened in the upper part with bolts - for reliability.

Racks for the supporting structure

So that the vertical elements do not diverge, they are fixed with crossbars at a height of 1/3 from the ground. When installed, the crossbars will be parallel to each other. Best mounts for them - corners planted on self-tapping screws.

Fixing the carrier beam with additional elements

Usually one pair of crossbars is enough for the screed, but sometimes they make a second one - in the upper part of the structure. Together with them, they reinforce the attachment point of the upper crossbar - with inside mount metal or wooden lining in the form of a trapezoid.

Cross bars increase the stability of the supporting structure

A support is attached to the finished side racks. cross beam and then install the structure in the ground. To do this, they dig two pairs of holes (at least 70-80 cm deep - for greater stability), at the bottom of which crushed stone pillows (20 cm) are arranged, racks are inserted and poured with concrete. To check for even horizontal arrangement the upper beams use the building level.

For the smallest summer residents, an armchair with insurance is suitable

The upper crossbar can be equipped with fasteners installed at different widths, as a result we get a structure on which you can hang various swings - from simple rope swings to a family sofa.

It may also be useful material on how to make hanging chair do it yourself:

When installing a children's swing, it should be remembered that safety comes first, so all the details should be carefully sanded with sandpaper. For the same reason, wooden elements must be "no hitch, no hitch" - defective wood is not suitable for load-bearing structures. Sharp corners must be smoothed out with a file.

For quick processing of wood using a grinder

It is also worth taking care of the swings themselves. Treatment with impregnation, finishing with paint or varnish will prolong the existence of the structure, and galvanized fasteners will avoid the destruction of wood from the inside.

Photo gallery of original ideas

Since you will make the swing yourself, you can dream up and give them some originality. Of course, decorating a product is a purely individual decision, but some ideas can be borrowed from ready-made designs.