The history of ancient Russia briefly. In the history of ancient Russia, in short, there are a lot of controversial and completely unexplored moments, which makes it of particular interest to study it.

Alexander Prozorov

The war against Russia has been going on for a very long time and very, very successfully. Of course, not on the battlefields, where we have always beaten everyone and very painfully, but where the West has always won and continues to win - in information wars. The main goal is to prove to the inhabitants of our country that they are stupid, brainless cattle, not even second-rate, but somewhere around 6-7 ranks, without past and future. And he has already practically proved that even the authors of many patriotic articles agree with this approach entirely.

Examples? You are welcome!

Example 1. We recently celebrated the 1000th anniversary of Russia. When did she actually show up? The first capital (only the capital of a large country!), the city of Slovensk, was founded in 2409 BC (3099 from the creation of the world); the source of information is the chronicle of the Kholopye Monastery on the Mologa River, the chronograph of Academician M. N. Tikhomirov, S. Herberstein’s “Notes on Muscovy”, “The Tale of Slovenia and Rus”, which is ubiquitous and recorded by many ethnographers. Since it is believed that Novgorod was built on the site of Slovensk, I pestered the archaeologists leading the excavation, as far as it is plausible. Literally, they answered me like this: “But hell knows. We have already dug up the Paleolithic sites there.”

Example 2. It is generally accepted that somewhere in the 8th century, wild brainless and good-for-nothing Slavs, wandering in herds through the forests, called the Viking Rurik to them and said: “Own control of us, oh great European superman, otherwise we, idiots, are nothing can not". (A free presentation of a history textbook). In fact, Rurik is the grandson of the Novgorod prince Gostomysl, the son of his daughter Umila and one of the neighboring princes of a lower rank. He was called along with his brothers, since all 4 sons of Gostomysl died or perished in wars. He was accepted by agreement with the elders, and worked hard to earn respect in Russia. Source: Joachim Chronicle, Russian history according to Tatishchev, Brockhaus and Efron, etc.

Example 3. The opinion is being spread everywhere that almost the only civilization of the past was the Roman Empire, a model of legality and morality. In general, that the gladiator fights of Rome, that the modern indulgence of marauders in Iraq is one field of berries. The morality of the Western world has not changed much, and still causes disgust among "savages" like Russians, Chinese and Dagestanis.

Official history: the great, beautiful and mighty Roman civilization fell under the blows of smelly shaggy savages. In fact, the geeks, fed up with everything (as the Americans are now), were subjected to sanitation by more decent neighbors. Bare-assed and bare-footed, poorly armed Roman infantry (open the textbook on the history of the ancient world, and admire the legionnaires) was trampled down by steel-clad from the tops to the horse's hooves cataphracts. The main source of information is "Cataphracts and their role in the history of military art" by A.M. Khazanov. (I don’t remember the rest, but those who wish can rummage through the auto search themselves. There is a lot of material - they just don’t let him into schools. “Harmful”).

The most interesting thing is where did the Huns come from to “clean up” Rome? Ob, Ugra, the Volga region, the Urals, the Azov region ... Graves with partial armament of cataphracts were also found in Dagestan. Have you, comrade patriots, looked at the map for a long time? So where did the Huns go to Rome? Why was "wild Russia" in Europe called Gardarik - the Land of Cities? Now it doesn't matter, because we are celebrating 1000 years of Russia with joyful faces, we consider Rurik the owner who came from Norway, founded Russia, and even, it seems, we are proud of such a story.

4 millennia were sent down the drain, impudently fucked up, as uninteresting - and not a single dog even yelped.

1:0 in favor of the West.

The second goal against Russian fools. In the 8th century, one of the Russian princes nailed a shield to the gates of Constantinople, and it is difficult to argue that Russia did not exist even then. Therefore, in the coming centuries, long-term slavery was planned for Russia. The invasion of the Mongol-Tatars and the 3rd century of humility and humility. What marked this era in reality? We will not deny the Mongol yoke due to our laziness, but ... As soon as Russia became aware of the existence of the Golden Horde, young guys immediately went there to ... rob the Mongols who had come from rich China to Russia. The Russian raids of the 14th century are best described (if anyone has forgotten, the period from the 14th to the 15th century is considered the yoke).

In 1360, the Novgorod lads fought along the Volga to the Kama mouth, and then stormed the large Tatar city of Zhukotin (Dzhuketau near the modern city of Chistopol). Having seized untold riches, the ushkuyniki returned back and began to “drink zipuns on drink” in the city of Kostroma. From 1360 to 1375, the Russians made eight large campaigns on the middle Volga, not counting small raids. In 1374, the Novgorodians took the city of Bolgar (not far from Kazan) for the third time, then went down and took Saray itself, the capital of the Great Khan.

In 1375, the Smolensk guys in seventy boats under the command of the governor Prokop and Smolyanin moved down the Volga. Already by tradition, they paid a "visit" to the cities of Bolgar and Sarai. Moreover, the rulers of Bolgar, taught by bitter experience, paid off with a large tribute, but the Khan's capital Saray was taken by storm and plundered. In 1392, the Ushkuiniki again took Zhukotin and Kazan. In 1409, the governor Anfal led 250 ears to the Volga and Kama. And in general, to beat the Tatars in Russia was considered not a feat, but a trade.

During the Tatar “yoke”, the Russians went to the Tatars every 2-3 years, Saray was fired dozens of times, Tatars were sold to Europe by the hundreds. What did the Tatars do in response? Wrote complaints! To Moscow, to Novgorod. The complaints persisted. There was nothing more the “enslavers” could do. The source of information on the mentioned campaigns - you will laugh, but this is a monograph by a Tatar historian Alfred Khasanovich Khalikov.

They still cannot forgive us these visits! And at school they still tell how Russian gray-pawed men cried and gave their girls into slavery - because they are submissive cattle. And you, their descendants, also penetrate this thought. Does anyone doubt the reality of the yoke?

2:0 in favor of the West.

Ivan the Terrible came to power in the 16th century. During his reign in Russia:

Jury trial introduced;

Free primary education (church schools);

Medical quarantine at the borders;

Local elected self-government, instead of governors;

For the first time, a regular army appeared (and the first military uniform in the world - among the archers);

Stopped Tatar raids;

Equality was established between all segments of the population (do you know that serfdom did not exist at that time in Russia at all? The peasant was obliged to sit on the land until he paid for its rent, and nothing more. And his children were considered free from birth, in any case !).

Slave labor is prohibited (source - Ivan the Terrible's lawsuit);

The state monopoly on the fur trade introduced by Grozny was abolished only 10 ( ten!) years ago.

The territory of the country is increased by 30 times!

The emigration of the population from Europe exceeded 30,000 families (those who settled along the Zasechnaya line were paid a raise of 5 rubles per family. Account books have been preserved).

The growth in the welfare of the population (and taxes paid) during the reign amounted to several thousand (!) Percent.

For all the time of the reign was not no one executed without trial or investigation, the total number of "repressed" ranged from three to four thousand. (And the times were dashing - remember St. Bartholomew's night).

Now remember what you were told about Grozny at school? That he is a bloody tyrant and lost the Livonian War, and Russia was shaking in horror?

3:0 in favor of the West.

By the way, about the stupid Americans as a result of propaganda. Already in the 16th century in Europe there were many brochures for every brainless layman. It was written there that the Russian tsar was a drunkard and a debauchee, and all his subjects were the same wild freaks. And in instructions to ambassadors it was pointed out that the king was a teetotaler, unpleasantly smart, he categorically cannot stand drunk people, and even banned the drinking of alcohol in Moscow, as a result of which you can “get drunk” only outside the city, in the so-called “liquor” (the place where they pour it). Source - study "Ivan the Terrible" by Kazimir Valishevsky, France. Now guess three times - which of the two versions is presented in the textbooks?

In general, our textbooks proceed from the principle that everything that is said about vile Russia is true. Everything that is said good or intelligible is a lie.

One example. In 1569 Grozny arrived in Novgorod, which had, approximately, 40 000 population. An epidemic was raging there, and it also smelled of a riot. According to the results of the stay of the sovereign, the commemorative lists completely preserved in the synodics mark 2800 dead. But Jerome Horsey in "Notes on Russia" indicates that the guardsmen massacred in Novgorod 700 000 (seven hundred thousand (?)) people.

Guess which of the two numbers is considered historically accurate?

4:0 in favor of the West.

Wild Russians cry and moan. And they are constantly stolen and driven into slavery by dashing Crimean infidels. And the Russians are crying and paying tribute. Almost all historians point a finger at the stupidity, weakness and cowardice of the Russian rulers, who could not cope even with the shabby Crimea. And for some reason they "forget" that no Crimean Khanate existed- was one of the provinces of the Ottoman Empire, in which the Turkish garrisons stood and the Ottoman governor sat. Does anyone have the desire to reproach Castro for not being able to capture a tiny American base on his island?

The Ottoman Empire, by this time, was actively expanding in all directions, conquering all the Mediterranean lands, stretching from Iran (Persia) and advancing on Europe, approaching Venice and laying siege to Vienna. In 1572, the Sultan decided to conquer, at the same time, the wild Muscovy, as the European brochures assured. From the Crimea to the north moved 120 thousand troops, supported by 20,000 Janissaries and 200 cannons.

near the village juveniles the Ottomans faced the 50,000th detachment of the governor Mikhaila Vorotynsky. And the Turkish army was... No, not stopped - cut out completely!!!

From that moment on, the offensive of the Ottomans on the neighbors stopped - and try to engage in conquests if your army was almost halved! God forbid to fight off the neighbors yourself. What do you know about this battle? Nothing? Here's something! Wait, in 20 years, about the participation of Russians in the Second World War, they will also begin to “forget” in textbooks. After all, all "progressive mankind" has long and firmly known - Hitler was defeated by the Americans. And it's time to correct Russian textbooks that are "wrong" in this area.

Information about the Battle of Molodi can generally be classified as closed. God forbid, the Russian cattle learns that it can also be proud of the deeds of its ancestors in the Middle Ages! He will develop an incorrect self-consciousness, love for the Motherland, for its deeds. And this is wrong. So, it is difficult to find data about the Battle of Moldody, but it is possible - in specialized reference books. For example, in the "Encyclopedia of weapons" of Kosmet three lines are written.

So, 5:0 in favor of the West.

Stupid Russian bums. Remembering the Mongol invasion, I always wonder - where did they manage to get so many sabers? After all sabers were forged only starting from the 14th century, and only in Moscow and Dagestan, in Kubachi. Such a strange fork - forever we are unexpectedly the same with the Dagestanis. Although, in all textbooks, there are always a couple of hostile states between us. Nowhere else in the world have they learned how to forge sabers This is a much more complex art than it might seem.

But there was progress, 17th century. The saber gave way to other weapons. Before the birth of Peter 1, there was very little left. What was Russia like? If you believe the textbooks, approximately the same as in Tolstoy's novel "Peter the Great" - patriarchal, ignorant, wild, drunk, inert ...

And do you know that it was Russia that armed the whole of Europe advanced weapons? Every year, Russian monasteries and foundries sold hundreds of cannons, thousands of muskets, edged weapons there. Source - here is a quote from the Encyclopedia of Arms:

“It is interesting that in the 16th-17th centuries artillery guns were produced not only by the sovereign Pushkar courts, but also by monasteries. For example, a fairly large-scale production of cannons was carried out in the Solovetsky Monastery and in the Kirillovo-Belozersky Monastery. They owned cannons and used them very successfully by the Don and Zaporozhye Cossacks. The first mention of the use of cannons by Zaporozhye Cossacks dates back to 1516. In the 19th-20th centuries, in Russia and abroad, there was an opinion that pre-Petrine artillery was technically backward. But here are the facts: in 1646, the Tula-Kamensky factories delivered more than 600 guns to Holland, and in 1647, 360 guns of 4.6 and 8 pounds caliber. In 1675, the Tula-Kamensky factories shipped abroad 116 cast-iron cannons, 43892 cannonballs, 2934 grenades, 2356 musket barrels, 2700 swords and 9687 pounds of iron ".

Here you have the wild backward Russia, about which they say at school.

6:0 in favor of the West.

By the way, from time to time, I meet Russophobes who claim that all of the above cannot be, since even the highly progressive and developed England and France learned to cast iron only in the 19th century. In such cases, I bet on a bottle of cognac and take a person to the Artillery Museum in St. Petersburg. One of the iron cannons cast in 1600, there cheekily lying on a stand for all to see. I have already accumulated 3 bottles of cognac in the bar, but they still don’t believe me. People do not believe that Russia throughout its history and in all respects overtook Europe by about two centuries. But...

Loser's conclusions. Starting from school years, we are told that our whole history is like a huge cesspool, in which there is not a single bright spot, not a single decent ruler. There were either no military victories at all, or they led to something bad (the victory over the Ottomans is hidden like nuclear launch codes, and the victory over Napoleon is duplicated by the slogan Alexander - the gendarme of Europe). Everything that was invented by the ancestors is either brought to us from Europe, or just a baseless myth. The Russian people did not make any discoveries, they did not free anyone, and if someone turned to us for help, it was enslavement.

And now everyone around has the historical right of Russians to kill, rob, rape. If you kill a Russian person, this is not banditry, but a desire for freedom. And the destiny of all Russians is to repent, repent and repent.

A little more than a hundred years of information warfare - and a sense of our own inferiority has already been sown in all of us. We are more, like our ancestors, not sure of our own rightness. See what's happening with our politicians: they always make excuses. No one is demanding that Lord Judd be brought to justice for promoting terrorism and collaborating with bandits - he is being persuaded that he is not quite right.

We threaten Georgia - and do not carry out threats. Denmark spits in our face - and even sanctions are not imposed against it. The Baltic countries have established an apartheid regime - politicians shamefacedly turn away. People demand to allow the sale of weapons for self-defense - they are openly called useless cretins who, out of stupidity, will immediately kill each other.

Why should Russia justify itself? After all, she is always right! No one else dares to say it.

You think - just the current politicians are so indecisive, but instead of them, just about, others will come. But that won't happen NEVER. Because the feeling of inferiority is laid not on a post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It begins to be systematically brought up from childhood, when the child is told: our grandfathers were very stupid, stupid people, incapable of the most elementary decisions. But a kind and smart uncle Rurik came to them from Europe, began to master them and teach them. He created for them the state of Russia, in which we live.

Poison, drop by drop, pours into the soul, and when a person leaves school, he already gets used to looking at the West as a kind master, more intelligent and developed. And at the words "democracy" begins to reflexively stand on its hind legs.

What the Western world knows best is to wage an information war. The blow was inflicted on the place that no one thought of defending - according to the educational program. And the West won. It remains to show a little patience - and our children themselves will crawl on their knees in that direction and humbly ask permission to lick their owners' shoes. They are already crawling - a couple of days ago I managed to see a piece of the program “Why does Russia need its own currency?” Correctly. Then it will be: "Why do we need an army?". Then: “Why do we need statehood?”

The West has won. The consignment.

What to do?

If you do not want children to be made into slaves, you should not shout that we will fight when the hour comes, but save them right now. The hour has already come, the war is almost over due to the overwhelming advantage of the enemy. We urgently need to break the course of teaching history, changing the focus of teaching to the positive. My girls are still 4 and 5 years old, but when they go to school, I foresee difficult days. Lawsuits for poor-quality teaching are guaranteed. If a historian does not teach children who such an important person in history as Rurik was or does not know about the Battle of Molodino, then he must pay fines out of his own pocket.

And even better - sue to the Ministry of Education about dissemination of knowingly false information. Hire a good lawyer and kick them painfully, let them itch. But I don't have money for a "good" one. Is it weak to chip in in the name of saving the honorable name of the ancestors?

The second way to at least slightly strengthen positions on the fronts of the information war is to demand that the procurators initiate a criminal case on the fact of inciting ethnic hatred, by teaching false historical information. Examples - mass. Let's remember the Tatar yoke. We are told that the Tatars oppressed the Russians, but they do not say that the Russians robbed the Tatars no less famously. As a result, Russians have a resentment towards their fellow citizens on a racial basis. Moreover, the insult is wrong. We are all good, and behaved exactly the same.

Or, for example, last year in Kazan they celebrated (or tried to celebrate) the day of memory of the Tatars who defended the city from Russian troops. There is a clear confrontation on a national basis. Although, in fact, the city was taken not by Russians, but by Russian-Tatar (!) Troops. The cavalry of Shig-Alei provided cover for the archery detachments - and if he is German, then I am ready to recognize myself as the pope. Russian-Tatar troops took Kazan, eliminating the influence of Istanbul on the Volga, and protecting civilians from robber raids, freed tens of thousands of slaves. It is enough to recognize the participation of the Tatars in this noble cause - and the national question loses its sharpness.

But I'm not a lawyer, and I don't know how to roll up a statement in such a way that they don't dismiss it and send it to hell.

By the way, the Dallas plan to incite national hatred has been mentioned here more than once. And no one paid attention to how it is being implemented. Also at school. Good teachers diligently sow discord between the largest national groups - Russians and Tatars. The whole course of history is peppered with pearls about how the Tatars attacked, how the Russians went to the Tatars, etc. But nowhere is it indicated that the Tatars are our symbiote, partner people. Tatar units always were part of the Russian troops, participated in all Russian wars - both internecine and in battles with an external enemy. It can be said that Tatars are just Russian light cavalry. Or Russians - Tatar forged army. The Tatars fought against Mamai on the Kulikovo field along with the Moscow army, the Tatars were the first to attack the enemy in the Swedish and Livonian wars; in 1410, near Grunwald, the combined Polish-Russian-Tatar army utterly defeated the crusaders, breaking the back of the Teutonic Order - moreover, it was the Tatars who took the first blow.

Sometimes people ask me why I don't mention Lithuanians. So I mention - Russians. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was a Russian state, with a Russian population who spoke Russian, and even office work was conducted in Russian. Did you think that a small racist country on the Baltic coast was once a great state?

7:0 in favor of the West.

We have lived side by side with the Tatars for four thousand years. They fought, they made friends, they made friends. They smashed the Romans, the Crusaders, the Ottomans, the Poles, the French, the Germans ... And now, our children open the textbook, and it drips from every page: enemies, enemies, enemies ... Legally, this is called inciting ethnic hatred. And in fact - conventional information war.

The war continues...

Current page: 1 (total book has 8 pages) [available reading excerpt: 2 pages]


100% +

Dmitry Emets
Ancient Russia. History in stories for schoolchildren

Published with the financial support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia (2012–2018)".

Sleep, Vesey, sleep!

And the clearings, Drevlyans, northerners, Radimichi, Vyatichi and Croats lived among themselves in the world ... There were many of them: they sat ... to the sea, and their cities have survived to this day; and the Greeks called them "Great Scythia".

Sitting on the banks of the Dnieper, the white-headed girl Vesya. The wreath is weaving. A calf is grazing nearby. His muzzle reaches for the wreath, he wants to eat it. Laughs, repels his muzzle Vesey.

A good day. Summer, sunny. Light clouds are moving across the sky. Boats are sailing along the Dnieper. There are all sorts of ships here, there are also punts that float in the sea and along the rivers. But most of all are light one-tree rooks. Such a boat can pass everywhere, enter any small channel or rivulet, moor everywhere. And where it won’t pass in any way, they unload it and drag it along the shore.

At the boats that are turning towards the shore, Vesey looks cautiously, does not come close to them. Many times her parents told her to be careful. Like a merchant-looking boat. But during the day a merchant, and at night - a dashing fellow. Few people miss the chance to kidnap a girl, especially if no one sees it.

It’s good, if only the girl is kidnapped, the women will cry and give birth to a new one. Otherwise, hidden Varangian warriors may jump out of the boat. They will lay down at the sides, get ready. Like they don't exist. And when they jump out, they start robbing, killing. Before the men gathered to repulse them, they were already on the boat and set sail. Look for the wind in the field.

Vesey is sitting, weaving a wreath. Vesey does not know what century it is now, what year from the creation of the world. Knows nothing. She has not heard about the overseas lands, she does not know about Christ who was crucified, she does not know about the Apostle Andrew, who once walked through these lands and stood on these hills.

Vesey is still small. All she knows is that she has a father and mother, there are two older brothers, Bagonya and Ryuma, and a younger sister, Lyubomil. Vesey also heard that she was born in the forest, in an earthen hole. The Khazars came that year. Everything was burned and looted. Beautiful girls and strong men were taken away in full. Then they seized two of Vesein’s uncles, bound them with iron, and as they began to drive, the grandfather, who was hiding in the barn, ran up from behind, stuck an iron prong into the back of the head of the Khazar warrior. Yes, only other Khazars flew in here. They fired arrows. They cut grandfather with sabers.

The Khazars are gone. Stole full. They overlaid glades, northerners, Vyatichi tribute - a coin and a squirrel from the smoke. Smoke is a hearth, a detached dwelling.

Slavic lands suffer from the Khazars. They steal full, sell slaves to distant lands. Selling to everyone who pays. Women are being kidnapped. Men. Even old people with children, although they go to a third of the price. Slave traders especially appreciate that there are many artisans in Russia: tanners, blacksmiths, gunsmiths, carpenters. They give a good price for them in the slave markets.

Many Slavic tribes - large and small. Everyone has their own customs, laws, traditions, and each has its own disposition. Someone settles in impenetrable forests, someone - on the plains, but more often along the rivers. The river is like a road. You can swim everywhere along the rivers.

They build fortified wooden settlements on the hills and take refuge in them when the enemy comes. All tribes are divided. Even between separate genera there are many grievances. As soon as the enemy appears, the soldiers do not have time to agree and gather together, they do not trust each other. So they sit quietly while they beat their neighbor - if only to survive themselves. But do not take courage! The elk is overcome, the boar. They go to the bear alone with a thick short spear - a horn. And when the enemy comes, they cannot fight back. So they are forced to either flee to the forests, or pay tribute.

Vesey is from the Glade tribe. In addition to the glades, there are also Drevlyans, Slovenes, Polochans, northerners, Buzhans, Volynians, Croats. These people speak a language understandable, Slavonic. They know that they are from the same root. There are other tribes in the surrounding lands: Chud, Merya, Vesy, Muroma, Cheremis, Mordovians, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kors, Narova, Livs - they all speak their own languages. All this will someday become one whole, but so far everything is fractional, everything is separate. The Russian land does not know its strength.

Vesey is sitting on the Dnieper bank, and then she hears someone calling her from afar:

- Vesey! Vesey!

Yeah, so the father returned from the field, and with him the older brothers. Vesey runs home. They have dinner, they go to bed. Vesey lies on the bench, hears the whisper of his mother. Laying down the disobedient mother Lubomila.

- Sleep, Lyubomila, sleep! If you don't sleep, a black kozarin will come, grab you, put you in a sack! Sleep, Lyubomila, sleep! And you, Vesey, sleep!

Molchan Girya

And the Khazars found them sitting on these mountains in the forests and said: "Pay tribute to us."

Tale of Bygone Years

The wiry blacksmith Molchan Girya. Do not occupy him with strength. The blacksmith's hammer in his hands is like a toy. As he begins to swing the hammer, the muscles roll like balls. Molchan can forge everything - a nail, a plow, and a bolt. But the blacksmith is peaceful. Since childhood, no one can piss him off. Teasing - he smiles. He does not go to games, in battles wall to wall does not converge. Afraid - as if someone accidentally cripple.

There was even a case - the boys heated the handles of iron tongs. They hid behind the door. They think if Molchan gets burned, he gets angry. They see: Molchan took the pincers, they hissed in his hands, burned the skin to the meat. The boys squealed in fear. Molchan heard them. He threw away the tongs, stepped towards the door, grabbed the boys by the scruff of the neck like kittens. They closed their eyes. They think it's over. Molchan has a terrible face. Crease on the forehead like a crack.

- Oh, uncle, do not touch! Dont kill! - the boys squeal.

- I won't touch you! And you never do that again!

Molchan lives peacefully, works peacefully. But one day the Khazars broke into the village. The houses were burned, and the people were rounded up and taken to full. They also took Molchan Girya to full.

Molchan Girya is walking along with everyone else. Quietly goes, does not complain. Those who are tired on the way are helped so that the Khazars do not finish off the weakened ones. The Khazars are angry, they rush the captives. They themselves are all mounted, and the prisoners are driven on foot. They knocked people's legs to the blood. They rubbed their necks with stocks. Silent Molchan, thinks a thought. This is a slow thought. Like iron balls, thoughts are rolling in Molchan's head.

“Oh, if all together, at the same time! No way would we be beaten! But will everyone agree to live under one head? Everyone strives to snatch his own. That is why the people accept bloody flour!

We walked for a long time, ate poorly on the way, slept in the rain. Half of the captives perished along the way. Some were thrown into the river, some into the forest to the wolves. No time to bury. The rest, partly on foot, partly on boats, reached Itil, a Khazar city. Here they are divided. Some of the slaves were driven to the market, and Molchan and a few others were taken to a long stone barn, where they were locked up. Molchan lies on the straw.

The next morning he hears footsteps and the jingle of keys. The door swung open and the sunlight hit from outside. A merchant enters the barn, a Slavic interpreter and two soldiers with them. They go around everyone in turn, look. The merchant grimaces - not that, everything is not that. Then he approaches Molchan. Looks at him for a long time. He asks for something. Girya is silent, does not understand.

The merchant turns to the interpreter and repeats his question. The interpreter pushes the Kettlebell with his foot, translates:

- Hey you, get up! Honorable Ali asks you: how old are you?

- Thirty.

The merchant rejoices: a good age. The slave will work for a long time. Again, something murmurs in its own way.

- What kind of work can you do? Farmer? Fisherman? the interpreter asks.

- I'm a blacksmith!

The merchant's eyes sparkled with greed. A big benefit is to buy a good blacksmith cheaply. There is no price for a good blacksmith.

- Open your mouth! Honorable Ali wants to see your teeth! - requires the interpreter.

- Now! Molchan says. - Just get up!

He stood up to his full height. Tighten your hands. They unbent, the shackles broke on them.

- Bad job! Molchan says. “Your blacksmiths don’t know how to rivet chains!”

The merchant trembled. Backed away. Molchan wound the chain around his fist, hit the merchant under the chin. Honorable Ali's vertebrae cracked. He fell down and didn't move. A warrior with a saber rushed at Molchan. Molchan grabbed him by the hand and hacked another warrior with his saber. After and with the first warrior managed. There was one pusher left.

- Now translate! Molchan says to the interpreter.

- To whom to translate? - the interpreter trembles.

- Translate for yourself! You can't work for the enemy! Don't serve the enemy!

He raised the interpreter above the ground, threw him on the floor, knocked the breath out of him. He looked back at the other prisoners.

“Well,” Molchan says, “come with me!”

Slaves shake their heads. Fear.

- They'll kill us! - they answer.

- Oh you! Molchan says. - That's why they kill you, because you are afraid! ..

Molchan wanted to take the saber with him. Touched her. No, not that blacksmith's work! He then turned the gate column. A good pole - just hit the arm. Turned it with a whistle. Here it is in our opinion.

Molchan Girya is walking down the street. They scream around. The boys from the roofs with pots and shards are throwing Molchan Girya.

The slave has escaped! Catch it, grab it! Beat him so that others would be disrespectful!

Khazars rush to Molchan Girya. Allarisii rush, the kagan's guard. They have shields, they have chain mail, spears, and Molchan has nothing but a log. Yes, only a log whistles - like a match flies in powerful hands.

- This is for the girls! This is for the kids! This is for old people! And this is for the fact that they climbed onto our land!

Crack like melons, Khazar heads. Sabers and spears break. Molchan has already received several wounds, but everything goes on, it breaks through.

The enemies of Molchan cannot be taken. The street is empty. Khazar warriors are lying on the street. Someone is dead, and someone is moving. Molchan Girya almost reached the pier. He wants to break the bolts, release all the Slavic captives.

But not released, not broken.

Someone contrived, ran in the backyard, shot Molchan Gire an arrow in the back of the head. Molchan died. The Khazars remembered Molchan for a long time. Reported to the kagan himself.

Kagan said:

- No one should know about this, especially from the slaves! .. A bad example! If everyone in Russia were like that, no one would take prisoners from them. They would bypass such land in three day's marches.

Pasley Vein

500 Christian virgins, who were taken to the Hagan, voluntarily drowned themselves in the Atel (Volga).

Armenian writer Mkhitar Ayrivank

Zhaden merchant Pasley Zhila. He walks around the market - he looks around with his eyes. He accepts payment for the goods - he will try every coin for a tooth. He examines each skin, almost sniffs it. You need to sleep at night, but he still walks around the yard. Doesn't trust the guards. Each bolt touches three times. The dogs in his yard are the most furious. As soon as they are released from the chain, Zhila himself is afraid of them.

There is no merchant richer than Pasley in those parts, but everything is not enough for him. Pasley has long wanted to trade with the Khazars, to go to their lands with goods himself. Yes, everyone doubts. The hour is not even, they will still rob on the way, you will lose everything.

But still decided Pasley. He went to the Khazar Tudun. Tudun is the governor of the Khazar Khagan in the lands that pay tribute to him. He monitors the payment of tribute, ensures that the interests of the Khazars are respected.

Pasley Zhila did not go empty-handed. Carried a walrus tusk with a thin pattern on the bone. This is a curiosity in the Russian lands, a curiosity in the Khazars. Thick Tudun. He barely turns his neck. Nevertheless, Pasley's gift was discerned. He was delighted, nodded to the slave to take away the tusk.

Tudun asks Pasley what he wants from him.

Pasley says:

- I am a poor man, I want to trade with Khazaria in order to improve my affairs. And I'm dying of hunger.

Tudun nods. He looks at Pasley's belly, which is no less than that of a tudun. Only the neck turns better: I'm used to locks and following the goods.

“I,” says Tudun, “I myself am a poor man, and I respect you, a poor man!” I will give you a safe-conduct on behalf of our kagan! Strong kagan! All Rus pays tribute to the kagan!

The sly Pasley nods. Happy for the kagan. Happy for Tudun.

Tudun continues:

- Many lands trade with Khazaria! And you trade, poor man! Climb up the Don to Belaya Vezha. There, drag to the Volga, and then sail along the Volga to Itil, the capital of the Khazars!

- What kind of goods to take with you? Pasley asks.

“Furs, honey, wax…” Tudun answers. - All this in Khazaria at a great price. And when you swim back, buy precious stones, necklaces, rings, plaques to decorate clothes and horse harness. Take silk and woolen fabrics. Take wine, spices! Here you sell all this - you will become five times richer!

Pasley rejoices, rubs his hands.

Tudun looks at him and asks:

– Do you, poor man, have a wife, children?

I have a smart wife and a beautiful daughter. And there is no one else! Pasley answers.

Tudun nods. He closes his eyes. Pretends to doze off. Pasley understands that it's time to say goodbye. He bows low, says goodbye, and as he walks across the yard, the tudun shouts to him:

“Wait, poor man!” Come back!

Pasley Zhila returns.

- Do me a favour! Take ten of my slaves with you to sell! Tudon says.

Pasley is embarrassed.

- And what kind of slaves?

- Slaves and slaves. Your slaves are Slavic, - Tudun answers. - They could not pay tribute to the kagan. I took pity on them, paid from my own pocket. I'm kind, right?

Clever Pasley nods, agrees.

– And now I’m selling debtors to the Khazar lands. Whom he himself took with his head, and whom he took pity on: he took his children. Although I am a good person, but should I compensate for the loss? And they will give birth to new children.

Pasley does not want to take slaves into his boat.

“There won’t be room,” he says, “in my boat!” A lot of goods. They will run away again, what good, and then answer.

Take it, poor man! - Tudun persuades. - Put them somewhere behind the barrels, under the deck flooring. They are chained, they will not run away. My warriors will guard them - no trouble for you. If a couple dies from stuffiness, it’s not a pity.

Zhila doubts.

- Yes, how? Others will find out that I sell my fellow tribesmen into slavery. Shame on me! One thing is the Varangians, the Khazars, and here I am, my own brother!

“No one will know,” the Tudun assures. - At the turn of the river, anchor until nightfall. And at night my soldiers will bring you slaves. And for the transportation of slaves, I will pay you in advance.

Seduced by Pasley Zhila. I took money from Tudun. And as he left, the Tudun called several Khazar warriors and whispered something to them for a long time.

Equipped Pasley Lived a boat. Loaded it with various goods. I loaded honey, grain, flax, hemp, skins. I said goodbye to my smart wife, my beautiful daughter, promised to bring them gifts and set off. He swam to the bend of the river, anchored. The night is waiting.

The night has come. Walks on deck Pasley. He hears a whistle from the shore. A long boat sails out of the reeds. Loading the Zhile of slaves. A lot of them. Not even ten, but twelve - a whole dozen. It's dark, Pasley doesn't see a single face. All slaves are shackled, bags are thrown over their heads, a gag is in their mouths so that they do not scream.

Pasley arranges them for barrels and immediately jumps out of there as soon as possible. He does not even give a voice so that his captives do not hear. Ashamed of him. Three Khazar warriors remain with the captives. Few, but the captives are chained, they cannot escape.

The boat rises to Belaya Vezha. They drag her to the Volga. She sails to Itil, the capital of the Khazars. Satisfied with Pasley Zhila. He counts the profits. He estimates how much he earns. Only he doesn’t go behind the barrels, he doesn’t want to see the prisoners. And he does not order his servants to go, so that no one will spill the beans later. And the Khazar warriors feed and water the slaves.

The boat is getting closer to Itil. It's hard to swim here. All the time the Khazar boats go towards them. Some with goods, others with warriors. There are also Norman rooks. Zhila looks around, admires. The Volga has many tributaries. Plenty of fish. The land is fertile, fat. Countless cattle graze. Fruit trees, vineyards, orchards. All orchards and vineyards are irrigated from rivers. The Khazar nobility and merchants live richly. They are guarded by detachments of hired Muslim guards.

“Here,” Pasley Zhila thinks, “where the tribute goes from all lands!”

Sailed Zhila to Itil. Landed, dropped anchor. The inspectors immediately climbed onto the boat Veins. They asked what luck. They found out everything, examined the goods and demanded from Zhila a tenth of the goods or their value as a tax to the kagan. Nothing to do. Gilles had to fork out.

“Nothing,” he reassures himself, “I’ll return mine later.”

Went ashore, went to the market, began to trade. Trade is going well. Even before evening, Pasley Zhila sold honey, grain, flax, and hemp to local merchants. Successfully sold, at a profit. I received dirhems of local minting for them. Zhila examined them for a long time, tried them on the tooth, doubted. They look like Arabic dirhems, but instead of the inscription "Muhammad - the messenger of God" they have "Moses - the messenger of God". Zhila does not know the letters, but he still sees - the coins are different.

He walks through the market, makes his way to the pier. He estimates: I will spend the night on the boat, and in the morning I will buy goods myself, load them on the boat.

Suddenly he sees: one part of the market is fenced off with a palisade. Pasley makes his way there, and there, along the walls, hundreds of captives stand, sit and lie. Some in stocks, others in chains. Still others are only tied with ropes, and small children are not tied at all. Where will they go from their mothers? Merchants walk between them, looking closely ... For someone they give five coins, for someone they give one, and for someone they give ten.

Zhila understands that he got to a place where slaves are sold. There are slaves from different lands. Wants Pasley Zhila to slip to the pier as soon as possible and suddenly hears: a familiar female voice calls out to him.

He runs to the voice, sees his wife and beautiful daughter. Their elbows are intercepted behind their backs with a rope. They cry, they rush to him, but they just do not let them in. Standing next to them are those Khazar warriors who carried the captives in the hold of his boat.

Zhila rushed towards them. Shouts:

– Let them go! My daughter and wife are mine!

And the warriors grin.

“You yourself brought your wife and daughter to the slave market!” I didn’t look into the hold myself! .. And now we can’t give them away. We sold them to this venerable merchant!

And they point to a one-eyed Khazar merchant standing nearby. The merchant chuckles, and holds a letter in his hands. Zhila looks closely and sees on the letter the familiar seal of the tudun, to whom he went for advice.

Zhila understands that nothing can be done by force. Alien land here, alien laws. They don't pity him, they just laugh at him. He was fooled by the damned tudun. He ordered to seize his wife and daughter when the boat set sail, and secretly loaded onto his own boat at night. And this one-eyed man is in cahoots with him.

Sell ​​me my wife and daughter! I'll give you six dirhams for them! Zhila screams.

“Why do I need your six dirhams?” - says the one-eyed. - Give everything that you have, and be glad that I took pity on you! I could take myself as a slave, but who needs you so fat? Nobody will buy you.

The merchant Pasley Zhila grabbed his head. Tears his hair, but there is nothing to do. He gave all the money that he received for the goods, took his wife, took his daughter and went to the boat. Goes crying. He scolds his wife, scolds his daughter, scolds the Tudun.

And the one-eyed merchant after him mockingly shouts:

- Now you, dear, are really a poor person!

Roald and Sigurd

In the year 6370 (862). They expelled the Varangians across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and began to rule themselves, and there was no truth among them, and clan stood against clan, and they had strife, and began to fight with each other. And they said to themselves: "Let's look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right." And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia.

Tale of Bygone Years

To the north of the glades live the Chud, Sloven, Meri, Vesi and Krivichi tribes. They pay tribute not to the Khazars, but to the Varangians. The Varangians live on the shores of the Varangian (Baltic) Sea, on the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Each tribe is headed by a king. The lands of the Varangians are barren, stony. In hungry winters, the Varangians often take their children to the forest. Freeze, will not suffer. Girls are listed first. Boys are protected to the last. Boys are future warriors.

Every year the Varangians gather in squads, board high-speed boats and go on campaigns for prey, in search of wealth and glory. They walk along the rivers, along the seas. They are both merchants and warriors. They see a large, protected city that is too tough for them - they trade or are hired for service. They see a small settlement or a village - they rob. Residents are killed, robbed, sold into slavery. It’s good if they manage to pay off them, and if they don’t, they will leave one ashes from the flourishing city. In every monastery in England and France, prayers are raised: "God, deliver us from the fury of the Normans!"

The Varangians are known under different names in different countries - Normans, northern people, Vikings, Varangians, Askemans. The Varangians do not know fear, they are not afraid of either footmen or horsemen. In battle, they themselves seek death. The Vikings believe: there is nothing better for a man than to die in battle or on a sea voyage.

A ship for the Varangians is their home. Sometimes, the boats go on a campaign in two or three, but it happens that for a big campaign, three hundred or four hundred boats are assembled.

Roald and Sigurd are two young Vikings. Both are strong and broad-shouldered. Roald has a red beard. Sigurd's beard is black, but gray on one side. They poked him with a brand during a raid on a Frankish village. Expensively they got then this village. Although they suddenly attacked, and cut everyone down, they took almost no booty - only an old sword, three sacks of wheat, and a lame cow. And those did not get Sigurd. He only took a female bone comb for himself, but then lost it. And why does he need a comb? Not married yet.

Roald and Sigurd are dressed almost identically. Long shirt, short baggy pants. Only their hats are different. Roald has fur, Sigurd has felt.

Between themselves, Roald and Sigurd are mortal enemies, although they grew up side by side and played together as boys. But everything changed in one second. Roald now hates Sigurd. He also hates Sigurd Roald.

Ten winters ago, Roald's uncle hacked to death Sigurd's father with an axe, who had gouged out the eye of Roald's younger brother, who had stolen his white horse, with an arrow. This is how it's all confusing. The two families could not reconcile then. It didn’t work out and pay the monetary compensation - wergeld.

Their women shout at each other, as if somewhere near a spring they will converge.

- You are to blame! You killed our father!

“And he knocked out our brother’s eye!”

Who stole the white horse? You started first!

The white horse has long died, and the enmity continues. Already several times Roald and Sigurd rushed at each other, miraculously survived.

Roald has a long scar on his cheek. From the eye to the chin. It was Sigurd who hit him with a light, long-handled hatchet, which was good, casually. Sigurd does not have a little finger. It was Roald who cut him off. The little finger dangled on the skin, then Sigurd completely cut it off with a knife and burned the wound with coal. The little finger will not grow, why should he hang around idle?

So Roald and Sigurd would have completely killed each other from the world, but here they somehow hear a cry on the shore. They ran with the other men. They look, and these are the envoys of King Rurik who have sailed and are calling everyone to the campaign.

- Rurik is looking for brave warriors for his squad!

Sigurd thought. Roald thought. Ask:

- Is Rurik a good king?

The messengers were offended. Answer:

- There is no luckier Rurik in the whole world! He led three hundred ships to England. He plundered the entire coast, burned the monasteries. Then he went to France ... He captured so much booty, the ships almost went to the bottom. Whoever goes with Rurik will not return empty!

“Where is he going to fight now?”

- Rurik goes to the Slavic tribes. But do not fight, - the envoys answer.

– Trade? asks Sigurd.

- Do not trade. The Slavs paid tribute to the Varangians, then a lot of them gathered and drove us away. And now the Novgorodians are calling Rurik to their king. But Rurik cannot sail without a large squad. The strength of a king lies in the courage of his warriors.

Roald and Sigurd were puzzled. They cannot understand. It is not a joke to drive away the Varangians. They just won't leave. Since they left, it means that there is power in the Slavic lands. Ask:

“Why are they calling us again, since they drove us out then?”

- The lands of Novgorod are rich, they have many enemies. They need a strong king with a retinue for protection! .. But you also need to keep your ears open with the Novgorodians! As soon as the king does not like them, or the squad begins to oppress the merchants, this king is immediately driven away.

- And the salary? shouted someone from the crowd.

- Generous Rurik! Well, who will come with us? the ambassadors ask.

- I! shouted Sigurd.

- I! shouted Roald.

The envoys saw that Roald and Sigurd were strong, experienced warriors, and took them to the younger squad. And they didn’t take the senior. Rurik himself selects the senior when he sees a warrior in battle.

And here sit Roald and Sigurd in the same boat. Their warship is called "drakkar" - "dragon ship". His nose is adorned with a dragon's head. The sides are low. In a storm it overwhelms them with waves. The sail is square. The wind blows into it, the ship flies quickly. And when there is no wind, you have to take up the oars.

Many ships go to the Novgorod lands. They are drawn in a long line. King Rurik leads a large squad.

Roald and Sigurd look sideways at one another, but restrain themselves. Severe king. He does not like swarm during the campaign, he will not stand on ceremony. Kill Roald Sigurd - go to feed the fish. Kill Sigurd Roald - he will also go to the bottom.

Sigurd and Roald are bored. They examine their weapons, sharpen them.

Roald has a good spear, comfortable. So it is done that they can both chop and stab. Sigurd also has a spear. But only Sigurd loves the ax more. Well Sigurd owns an ax. They also have round shields and knives on a thin leather belt. But few of the Varangians have a sword. The sword is expensive, neither Sigurd nor Roald can afford it.

Boring and other Vikings on the boat. The wind is fair, and the current helps. It is rarely necessary to sit on the oars. The Vikings invented fun for themselves. They squat along the bench, putting their beards on it. Red beards, black, piebald, gray. As the beards are placed, they put the louse on the bench, unwind it with a feather and watch whose beard the louse chooses. In whose beard she settles, he won. The contented Varangian laughs, drinks the horn to the bottom, and others slap him on the shoulder and congratulate him:

“You are a good warrior, Snorri! A louse will not choose a bad warrior!

The Vikings sailed to the Slavic lands. Sigurd and Roald are standing in the boat, they are amazed. Beautiful land. Rivers, lakes, tall grasses. On the banks are fortified settlements. Well, everything is harmonious, strong, beautiful. Do not compare with the land of the Franks, nor the Lombards, nor the Frisians. There are only shacks along the banks and earthen holes.

- Gardarika! exclaims Sigurd.

- Country of cities! Roald agrees.

And then he grabs the belt on which the knife hangs. He remembers that up to that moment he had not spoken to Sigurd. And now, it turns out, he could not stand the character.

Drakkars moor to the shore. The Varangians are coming down. Residents of Novgorod meet Rurik and his team.

Roald and Sigurd are wandering around the city, looking closely. Peacefully they are accepted here, although with caution. Receive a salary from the king, but do not dare to rob. But all the same, the Vikings in Novgorod like it.

They are surprised that there are many of their fellow countrymen here. In different years, the Vikings sailed here and stayed. Many are married to Slavs. Many were born here at all, the language of their fathers was forgotten. And another half century will pass, and the newcomer Vikings will completely mix with the Slavs. Customs and those are mixed. You look at another idol and you will not understand whose it is - Varangian or Slavic. Perun or Od in. It seems like you look like this: Perun, and this way - Odin.

Roald and Sigurd look around. They live richly here. The houses are wooden and strong. The roofs are not peat and the logs in the houses are not dug in a circle, like the Varangians, but lie across. So much warmer, no need to close up the cracks with clay. And most importantly, they live cleanly. Lice, from which I can’t save the Varangians, are not favored here. Clothes are washed in the river and beaten with rollers.

They also have wooden log cabins - baths. They heat them strongly, undress, pour kvass on themselves and whip themselves with brooms. The red ones will come out and let's jump into the cold river. How can lice survive here?

Roald and Sigurd went to the bathhouse. And there is such a heat - they barely got out alive.

- They killed us! Sigurd wheezes.

- Cooked alive! Roald cries.

They poured them out with water. The Vikings look that they are alive. A week later we went to the banya another time, then a third. They liked it.

They did not return to Scandinavia. They gradually began to settle down in the Novgorod lands. They married Slavs and had children. They even reconciled with each other, although somehow Sigurd Roald cut off half of his ear with a knife. Well, yes, he is in the heat of the moment, after drinking. Roald forgave him. Everything happens in life.

For several centuries, Russia experienced ups and downs, but eventually became a kingdom with its capital in Moscow.

Brief periodization

The history of Russia began in 862, when the Viking Rurik arrived in Novgorod, proclaimed a prince in this city. Under his successor, the political center moved to Kyiv. With the advent of fragmentation in Russia, several cities began to argue with each other for the right to become the main one in the East Slavic lands.

This feudal period was interrupted by the invasion of the Mongol hordes and the established yoke. In extremely difficult conditions of devastation and constant wars, Moscow became the main Russian city, which finally united Russia and made it independent. In the XV-XVI centuries this name became a thing of the past. It was replaced by the word "Russia", adopted in the Byzantine manner.

In modern historiography, there are several points of view on the question of when feudal Russia went into the past. Most often, researchers believe that this happened in 1547, when Prince Ivan Vasilyevich took the title of king.

The emergence of Russia

The ancient united Russia, whose history began in the 9th century, appeared after Novgorod captured Kyiv in 882 and made this city its capital. During this era, the East Slavic tribes were divided into several tribal unions (Polan, Dregovichi, Krivichi, etc.). Some of them were at enmity with each other. The inhabitants of the steppes also paid tribute to the Khazars, hostile foreigners.

Unification of Russia

Northeastern or great Russia became the center of the struggle against the Mongols. This confrontation was led by the princes of small Moscow. At first they were able to obtain the right to collect taxes from all Russian lands. Thus, part of the money settled in the Moscow treasury. When enough strength had gathered, Dmitry Donskoy found himself in open confrontation with the Golden Horde khans. In 1380, his army defeated Mamai.

But even despite this success, for another century, Moscow rulers periodically paid tribute. Only after in 1480 the yoke was finally thrown off. At the same time, under Ivan III, almost all Russian lands, including Novgorod, were united around Moscow. In 1547, his grandson Ivan the Terrible assumed the title of tsar, which was the end of the history of princely Russia and the beginning of a new tsarist Russia.

I understand that such an article can break the fan, so I will try to avoid sharp corners. I write more for my own pleasure, most of the facts will be from the category taught in school, but nevertheless I will gladly accept criticism and corrections, if there are facts. So:

Ancient Russia.

It is assumed that Russia appeared as a result of the merger of a number of East Slavic, Finno-Ugric and Baltic tribes. The first mentions of us are found in the 830s. First, in the region of 813g. (very controversial dating) some Rosas successfully ran into the city of Amastrida (modern Amasra, Turkey) in Byzantine Palfagonia. Secondly, the ambassadors of the "Kagan Rosov" as part of the Byzantine embassy came to the last emperor of the Frankish state, Louis I the Pious (a good question, however, who they really were). Thirdly, the same Dews ran into Constantinople in 860, without much success (there is an assumption that the famous Askold and Dir commanded the parade).

The history of serious Russian statehood begins, according to the most official version, in 862, when a certain Rurik appears on the scene.


In fact, we have a rather poor idea of ​​who he was and whether he was at all. The official version is based on the "Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor, who, in turn, used the sources available to him. There is a theory (quite similar to the truth) that Rurik was known as Rorik of Jutland, from the Skjoldung dynasty (a descendant of Skjold, King of the Danes, mentioned already in Beowulf). I repeat that the theory is not the only one.

Where did this character come from in Russia (specifically, in Novgorod), is also an interesting question, I personally am closest to the theory that he was originally a hired military administrator, moreover, in Ladoga, and he brought the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba hereditary transfer of power with him from Scandinavia, where it just came into fashion. And he came to power completely by himself by seizing it during a conflict with another military leader of the same kind.

However, in the PVL it is written that the Varangians were still called upon by three tribes of Slavs, unable to resolve the disputed issues themselves. Where did it come from?

Option one- from the source that Nestor read (well, you yourself understand, it would be enough for those who wanted to do fascinating editing from among the Rurikovichs at their leisure. Princess Olga could also do this, in the midst of a conflict with the Drevlyans, who for some reason still did not understand what to break the prince in half and offer a replacement, as always in their memory and done in such cases - a bad idea).

Option two- Nestor could have been asked to write this by Vladimir Monomakh, who was just called by the people of Kiev, and who really did not want to prove the legitimacy of his reign to everyone who was older than him in the family. In any case, somewhere from Rurik, the well-known idea of ​​a Slavic state appears. "Somewhere" because it was not Rurik who took real steps in building such a state, but his successor, Oleg.


Called "prophetic", Oleg took over the reins of Novgorod Rus in 879. Probably (according to PVL), he was a relative of Rurik (possibly brother-in-law). Some identify Oleg with Odd Orvar (Arrow), the hero of several Scandinavian sagas.

All the same PVL claims that Oleg was the guardian of the real heir, the son of Rurik Igor, something like a regent. In general, in a good way, the power of the Rurikovichs for a very long time was transferred to the "eldest in the family", so that Oleg could be a full-fledged ruler not only in practice, but also formally.

Actually, what Oleg did during his reign - he made Russia. In 882 he gathered an army and in turn subjugated Smolensk, Lyubech and Kyiv. According to the history of the capture of Kyiv, we, as a rule, remember Askold and Dir (I won’t speak for Dir, but the name “Askold” seems to me very Scandinavian. I won’t lie). PVL believes that they were Varangians, but had nothing to do with Rurik (I believe, because I heard somewhere that not only did they have - Rurik sent them along the Dnieper with the task "capture everything that is badly worth "). The annals also describe how Oleg defeated his compatriots - he hid military paraphernalia from the boats, so that they looked like trade ones, and somehow lured both governors there (according to the official version from the Nikon Chronicle, he let them know that he was there .but he said to the sick, and on the ships he showed them the young Igor and killed them.But, perhaps, they simply inspected the incoming merchants, not suspecting that an ambush was waiting for them on board).

Having seized power in Kyiv, Oleg appreciated the convenience of its location in relation to the eastern and southern (as far as I understand) lands compared to Novgorod and Ladoga, and said that his capital would be here. He spent the next 25 years "swearing in" the surrounding Slavic tribes, repelling some of them (Northerners and Radimichi) from the Khazars.

In 907 Oleg undertakes a military campaign in Byzantium. When 200 (according to PVL) boats with 40 soldiers on board each appeared in sight of Constantinople, Emperor Leo IV the Philosopher ordered to block the harbor of the city with stretched chains - perhaps in the expectation that the savages would be satisfied with the robbery of the suburbs and go home. "Savage" Oleg showed ingenuity and put the ships on wheels. The infantry, under the cover of sailing tanks, caused confusion in the walls of the city, and Leo IV hastily paid off. According to the legend, along the way, an attempt was made to slip wine and hemlock into the prince during the negotiations, but Oleg somehow felt the moment and pretended to be a teetotaler (for which, in fact, he was called "Prophetic" upon his return). The ransom was a lot of money, tribute and an agreement under which our merchants were exempt from taxes and had the right to live in Constantinople for up to a year at the expense of the crown. In 911, however, the agreement was renegotiated without exempting merchants from duties.

Some historians, not finding a description of the campaign in Byzantine sources, consider it a legend, but recognize the existence of the treaty of 911 (perhaps there was a campaign, otherwise why would the Eastern Romans bend like that, but without the episode with "tanks" and Constantinople).

Oleg leaves the stage in connection with his death in 912. Why and where exactly is a very good question, the legend tells about the skull of a horse and a poisonous snake (interestingly, the same happened with the legendary Odd Orvar). The circular buckets, foaming, hissed, Oleg left, but Russia remained.

Generally speaking, this article should be brief, so I will try to summarize my thoughts further.

Igor (r. 912-945). The son of Rurik, took over the reign of Kiev after Oleg (Igor was governor in Kyiv during the war with Byzantium in 907). He conquered the Drevlyans, tried to fight with Byzantium (however, the memory of Oleg was enough, the war did not work out), concluded an agreement with her in 943 or 944 similar to that concluded by Oleg (but less profitable), and in 945 unsuccessfully went for the second time to take tribute all from the same Drevlyans (it is believed that Igor perfectly understood how all this could end, but he could not cope with his own squad, which at that time was not particularly surprising). Husband of Princess Olga, father of the future Prince Svyatoslav.

Olga (r. 945-964)- Igor's widow. She burned the Drevlyansky Iskorosten, thereby demonstrating the sacralization of the figure of the prince (the Drevlyans offered her to marry their own prince Mal, and 50 years before that this could seriously work). She carried out the first positive tax reform in the history of Russia, setting specific deadlines for collecting tribute (lessons) and creating fortified yards for receiving it and standing collectors (graveyards). She laid the foundation for stone construction in Russia.

Interestingly, from the point of view of our chronicles, Olga never officially ruled, since the death of Igor, his son, Svyatoslav, ruled.

The Byzantines were not allowed such subtleties, and in their sources Olga is mentioned as the archontissa (ruler) of Russia.

Svyatoslav (964 - 972) Igorevich. Generally speaking, 964 is rather the year of the beginning of his independent reign, since formally he was considered the prince of Kiev from 945. But in practice, until 969, his mother, Princess Olga, ruled for him, until the prince got out of the saddle. From PVL "When Svyatoslav grew up and matured, he began to gather many brave warriors, and he was fast, like a pardus, and fought a lot. On campaigns, he did not carry carts or boilers with him, did not cook meat, but, thinly slicing horse meat, or beast, or beef, and roasted on coals, so he ate, he did not have a tent, but slept, spreading a sweatshirt with a saddle in his head, - all the rest of his soldiers were the same. .. I'm going to you!" In fact, he destroyed the Khazar Khaganate (to the joy of Byzantium), imposed a tribute to the Vyatichi (to his own joy), conquered the First Bulgarian Kingdom on the Danube, built Pereyaslavets on the Danube (where he wanted to move the capital), frightened the Pechenegs and, on the basis of the Bulgarians, quarreled with Byzantium, the Bulgarians fought against she is on the side of Russia - the vicissitudes of wars are vicissitudes). In the spring of 970, he put up a free army of 30,000 of his own, Bulgarians, Pechenegs and Hungarians against Byzantium, but lost (possibly) the battle of Arcadiopol, and, taking a retreat, left the territory of Byzantium. In 971, the Byzantines already besieged Dorostol, where Svyatoslav organized his headquarters, and after a three-month siege and another battle, they convinced Svyatoslav to take another retreat and go home. Svyatoslav did not get back home - first he got stuck in the winter at the mouth of the Dnieper, and then ran into the Pecheneg prince Kurya, in a battle with whom he died. Byzantium received Bulgaria as a province and minus one dangerous rival, so it seems to me that Kurya was stuck on the doorsteps all winter for a reason. However, there is no evidence for this.

By the way. Svyatoslav was never baptized, despite repeated proposals and the possible breakdown of the engagement with the Byzantine princess - he himself explained this by the fact that the squad would not specifically understand such a maneuver, which he could not allow.

The first prince who gave reigns to more than one son. Perhaps this led to the first strife in Russia, when, after the death of their father, the sons fought for the throne of Kyiv.

Yaropolk (972-978) and Oleg (prince of the Drevlyans 970-977) Svyatoslavichi- two of the three sons of Svyatoslav. Legitimate sons, unlike Vladimir, the son of Svyatoslav and the housekeeper Malusha (although it’s still a good question how much such a trifle played a role in Russia in the middle of the 10th century. There is also an opinion that Malusha is the daughter of the same Drevlyansky prince Mal, who executed Igor) .

Yaropolk had diplomatic relations with the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. In 977, during the strife, opposing the brothers, he attacked Oleg's possessions in the land of the Drevlyans. Oleg died during the retreat (according to the chronicle - Yaropolk lamented). In fact, after the death of Oleg and the flight of Vladimir, he became the sole ruler of Russia somewhere "over the sea". In 980 Vladimir returned with a squad of Varangians, began to take the city, Yaropolk left Kyiv with a better fortified Roden, Vladimir laid siege to it, famine began in the city and Yaropolk was forced to negotiate. In place, instead of or in addition to Vladimir, there were two Varangians who did their job.

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The chronicle of the ancient Slavic state was almost forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history and aimed to rejuvenate the history of Russia, to show that the Slavic peoples were allegedly pristine, not tainted by the deeds of the Russians, Antes, barbarians, vandals and Scythians, whom the whole world remembered very well . The goal is to tear Russia away from the Scythian past. On the basis of the works of German professors, a national historical school arose. All history textbooks teach us that before the baptism in Russia lived wild tribes - pagans.

This is a big lie, because history has been repeatedly rewritten to please the existing ruling system - starting with the first Romanovs, i.e. history is interpreted as beneficial to the ruling class at the moment. Among the Slavs, their past is called Heritage or Chronicle, and not History (the word “Summer” preceded the concept of “year” introduced by Peter the Great in 7208 from S.M.Z.Kh., when instead of the Slavic chronology they introduced 1700 from supposedly Christmas). S.M.Z.H. - this is the Creation / signing / of the World with the Arims / Chinese / in the summer, called the Star Temple - after the end of the Great World War (something like May 9, 1945, but more significant for the Slavs).

Therefore, is it worth trusting textbooks, which even in our memory have been copied more than once? And is it worth trusting textbooks that contradict many facts that indicate that before baptism - in Russia there was a huge state with many cities and towns (Country of cities), a developed economy and crafts, with its own original Culture (Culture = Culture = Cult of Ra = Cult of Light). Our ancestors who lived in those days possessed vital Wisdom and a worldview that helped them always act according to their Conscience and live in harmony with the world around them. This attitude to the World is now called the Old Faith ("old" - means "pre-Christian", and earlier it was simply called - Faith - Knowledge of Ra - Knowledge of Light - Knowledge of the Shining Truth of the Most High). Faith is primary, and Religion (for example, Christian) is secondary. The word "Religion" comes from "Re" - repetition, "League" - connection, association. Faith is always one (there is either a connection with God or it is not), and there are many religions - as many as the people of the Gods have or how many mediators (popes, patriarchs, priests, rabbis, mullahs, etc.) come up with to establish with them connection.

Since the connection with God, established through third parties - intermediaries, for example - priests, is artificial, then, in order not to lose the flock, each religion claims to be "Truth in the first instance." Because of this, many bloody religious wars have been and are being waged.

Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov fought against the German professorship alone, arguing that the history of the Slavs is rooted in antiquity.
The ancient Slavic state RUSKOLAN occupied the lands from the Danube and the Carpathians to the Crimea, the North Caucasus and the Volga, and the subject lands seized the steppes of the Volga and South Urals.
The Scandinavian name of Russia sounds like Gardarika - the country of cities. Arab historians also write about the same, numbering hundreds of Russian cities. At the same time, he claims that there are only five cities in Byzantium, while the rest are “fortified fortresses”. In ancient documents, the state of the Slavs is referred to, among other things, as Scythia and Ruskolan. In his works, Academician B.A. Rybakov, the author of the books “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs” 1981, “Paganism of Ancient Russia” 1987, and many others, writes that the state of Ruskolan was the bearer of the Chernyakhov archaeological culture and experienced a flourishing period in the Troyan centuries (I-IV centuries AD). ). To show what level of scientists were engaged in the study of ancient Slavic history, we will cite who Academician B.A. Rybakov.
Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov headed the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 40 years; M. V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honorary Doctor of Krakow Jagiellonian University.

The word "Ruskolan" has the syllable "lan", present in the words "hand", "valley" and meaning: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable "lan" was transformed into the European land - country. Sergey Lesnoy in his book “Where are you from, Rus?” says the following: “With regard to the word “Ruskolun”, it should be noted that there is also a variant “Ruskolun”. If the latter option is more correct, then you can understand the word differently: “Russian doe”. Lan - field. The whole expression: "Russian field". In addition, Lesnoy makes an assumption that there was a word "cleaver", which probably meant some kind of space. It also occurs in other contexts. Also, historians and linguists believe that the name of the state "Ruskolan" could come from the two words "Rus" and "Alan" after the names of the Rus and Alans, who lived in a single state.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was of the same opinion, who wrote:

“The Alans and Roxolans are of the same tribe from many places of ancient historians and geographers, and the difference lies in the fact that the Alans are the common name of the whole people, and the Roksolani is a saying composed from their place of residence, which is not without reason produced from the river Ra, as among ancient writers reputed to be the Volga (Volga)."
The ancient historian and scientist Pliny - Alans and Roxolans together has. The Roksolanes of the ancient scientist and geographer Ptolemy are called alanorsi by portable addition. Strabo's names Aorsi and Roksane or Rossane - "the exact unity of the Ross and Alans is confirmed, to which the reliability is multiplied, that they were wallpaper of the Slavic generation, then that the Sarmatians were of the same tribe from ancient writers and therefore with the Varangians-Rosses of the same root."

We also note that Lomonosov also refers the Varangians to the Russians, which once again shows the fraud of the German professors, who deliberately called the Varangians a foreign, and not a Slavic people. This juggling and the born legend about calling a foreign tribe to reign in Russia had political overtones so that once again the “enlightened” West could point out to the “wild” Slavs their denseness, and that it was thanks to the Europeans that the Slavic state was created. Modern historians, in addition to adherents of the Norman theory, also agree that the Varangians are precisely a Slavic tribe.

Lomonosov writes:
"According to Gelmold's testimony, the Alans were mixed with the Kurlandians, who were of the same tribe as the Varangians-Russians."

Lomonosov writes - the Varangians-Russians, and not the Varangians-Scandinavians, or the Varangians-Goths. In all documents of the pre-Christian period, the Varangians were classified as Slavs.

Further, Lomonosov writes:
“The Rugen Slavs were abbreviated as wounds, that is, from the Ra (Volga) River, and Rossans. This, by their resettlement to the Varangian shores, as follows, will be more detailed. Weissel from Bohemia suggests that Amakosovia, Alans, Vendi came from the east to Prussia.

Lomonosov writes about Rugen Slavs. It is known that on the island of Rügen in the city of Arkona there was the last Slavic pagan temple, destroyed in 1168. Now there is a Slavic museum.
Lomonosov writes that it was from the east that the Slavic tribes came to Prussia and the island of Rügen and adds:

“Such a resettlement of the Volga Alans, that is, the Russians or Ross, to the Baltic Sea took place, as can be seen from the above authors’ testimonies, not once and not in a short time, which, according to the traces that have remained to this day, it is clear that the names of cities and rivers are honored must"

But back to the Slavic state.
The capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, was located in the Caucasus, in the Elbrus region near the modern villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi. Sometimes it was also called Kiyar Antsky, after the name of the Slavic tribe Antes. The results of the expeditions to the site of the ancient Slavic city will be written at the end. Descriptions of this Slavic city can be found in ancient documents.

"Avesta" in one of the places tells about the main city of the Scythians in the Caucasus near one of the highest mountains in the world. And As you know, Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in the Caucasus, but also in Europe in general. "Rig Veda" tells about the main city of the Rus all on the same Elbrus.
Kiyar is mentioned in the Book of Veles. Judging by the text, Kiyar, or the city of Kiy the Old, was founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani (368 AD), i.e. in the ninth century BC.

The ancient Greek geographer Strabo, who lived in the 1st century. BC. - beginning of the 1st c. AD writes about the temple of the Sun and the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece in the sacred city of the Ross, in the Elbrus region, on the top of Mount Tuzuluk.
On the mountain, our contemporaries discovered the foundation of an ancient structure. Its height is about 40 meters, and the diameter of the base is 150 meters: the ratio is the same as that of the Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings of antiquity. There are many obvious and not at all random patterns in the parameters of the mountain and the temple. The observatory-temple was created according to a "standard" project and, like other cyclopean structures - Stonehenge and Arkaim - was intended for astrological observations.
In the legends of many peoples there is evidence of the construction on the sacred mountain Alatyr (modern name - Elbrus) of this majestic structure, revered by all ancient peoples. There are mentions of him in the national epic of the Greeks, Arabs, and European peoples. According to Zoroastrian legends, this temple was captured by Rus (Rustam) in Usen (Kavi Useinas) in the second millennium BC. Archaeologists officially note at this time the emergence of the Koban culture in the Caucasus and the appearance of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes.

Mentions the temple of the Sun and the geographer Strabo, placing in it the sanctuary of the golden fleece and the oracle of Eeta. There are detailed descriptions of this temple and evidence that astronomical observations were made there.
The Temple of the Sun was a true paleoastronomical observatory of antiquity. The priests, who possessed certain knowledge, created such observatory temples and studied stellar science. There, not only dates for agriculture were calculated, but, most importantly, the most important milestones in world and spiritual history were determined.

The Arab historian Al Masudi described the temple of the Sun on Elbrus as follows: “In the Slavic regions there were buildings revered by them. Between others they had a building on a mountain, about which philosophers wrote that it was one of the highest mountains in the world. There is a story about this building: about the quality of its construction, about the location of its heterogeneous stones and their different colors, about the holes made in its upper part, about what was built in these holes to watch the sunrise, about the precious stones placed there and signs marked in it, which indicate future events and warn against incidents before their implementation, about the sounds heard in its upper part and about what comprehends them when they hear these sounds.
In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the Elder Edda, in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient German sources, in the Book of Veles. According to the legends, near the city of Kiyar (Kiev) was the sacred mountain Alatyr - archaeologists believe that it was Elbrus. Next to it was the Iriysky, or the Garden of Eden, and the Smorodina River, which separated the earthly world and the afterlife, and connected Yav and Nav (that Light) Kalinov Bridge.
This is how they talk about two wars between the Goths (an ancient Germanic tribe) and the Slavs, the invasion of the Goths into the ancient Slavic state, the Gothic historian of the 4th century Jordan in his book “The History of the Goths” and “The Book of Veles”. In the middle of the 4th century, the Goth king Germanareh led his people to conquer the world. This was a great commander. According to Jordanes, he was compared with Alexander the Great. The same was written about Germanarekh and Lomonosov:

"Ermanarik, the king of the Ostrogoths, for his courage in conquering many northern peoples was compared by some with Alensander the Great."

Judging by the testimonies of Jordan, the Elder Edda and the Book of Veles, Germanareh, after long wars, captured almost all of Eastern Europe. He fought along the Volga to the Caspian, then fought on the Terek River, crossed the Caucasus, then went along the Black Sea coast and reached Azov.

According to the “Book of Veles”, Germanareh first made peace with the Slavs (“drank wine for friendship”), and only then “went with a sword against us”.

The peace treaty between the Slavs and the Goths was sealed by the dynastic marriage of the sister of the Slavic prince-king Bus - Swans and Germanarekh. This was a payment for peace, for Germanarekh was then many years old (he died at 110 years old, but the marriage was concluded shortly before that). According to Edda, the son of Germanareh Randver wooed Swan-Sva, and he took her to his father. And then Jarl Bikki, adviser to Germanarekh, told them that it would be better if Randver got the Swan, since both of them are young, and Germanarekh is an old man. These words pleased Swans-Sva and Randver, and Jordan adds that Swans-Sva fled from Germanarekh. And then Germanarekh executed his son and Swan. And this murder was the cause of the Slavic-Gothic war. Having treacherously violated the "peace treaty", Germanarekh defeated the Slavs in the first battles. But then, when Germanarekh moved into the heart of Ruskolani, the Ants stepped in to Germanarekh. Germanareh was defeated. According to Jordan, he was struck with a sword in the side by the Rossomons (Ruskolans) - Sar (king) and Ammius (brother). The Slavic prince Bus and his brother Zlatogor inflicted a mortal wound on Germanarekh, and he soon died. Here is how Jordan, the Book of Veles, and later Lomonosov wrote about it.

“The Book of Veles”: “And Ruskolan was defeated by the Goths of Germanarekh. And he took a wife from our generation and killed her. And then our leaders flowed against him and Germanarekh was defeated.

Jordan. “History is ready”: “The unfaithful family of Rosomones (Ruskolan) ... took advantage of the following opportunity ... After all, after the king, driven by rage, ordered a certain woman named Sunhilda (Swan) from the named family for the insidious departure from her husband to break, tying to ferocious horses and prompting the horses to run in different directions, her brothers Sar (King Bus) and Ammii (Gold), avenging the death of their sister, struck Germanarekh in the side with a sword.

M. Lomonosov: “Sonilda, a noble Roxolan woman, Yermanarik ordered to be torn apart by horses for her husband's escape. Her brothers Sar and Ammius, avenging the death of their sister, Ermanarik was pierced in the side; died of a wound a hundred and ten years"

A few years later, a descendant of Germanarekh, Amal Vinitary, invaded the lands of the Slavic tribe of Ants. In the first battle, he was defeated, but then "began to act more decisively", and the Goths, led by Amal Vinitar, defeated the Slavs. The Slavic prince Busa and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths. This happened on the night of March 20-21, 368 AD. On the same night that Bus was crucified, there was a total lunar eclipse. A monstrous earthquake also shook the earth (the entire Black Sea coast shook, destruction was in Constantinople and Nicaea (ancient historians testify to this. Later, the Slavs gathered their strength and defeated the Goths. But the former powerful Slavic state was no longer restored.

“The Book of Veles”: “And then Russia was again defeated. And Busa and seventy other princes were crucified on crosses. And there was great turmoil in Russia from Amala Vend. And then Sloven gathered Russia and led it. And at that time the Goths were defeated. And we didn't let the Sting go anywhere. And everything got better. And our grandfather Dazhbog rejoiced, and welcomed the soldiers - many of our fathers who won victories. And there were no troubles and worries of many, and so the land of the Gothic became ours. And so it will be until the end"

Jordan. "History is ready": Amal Vinitary ... moved the army into the borders of the Ants. And when he came to them, he was defeated in the first skirmish, then he behaved more bravely and crucified their king, named Boz, with his sons and 70 noble people, so that the corpses of the hanged would double the fear of the conquered.

The Bulgarian chronicle “Baradj Tarihy”: “Once in the land of the Anchians, the Galidjians (Galicians) attacked Bus and killed him along with all 70 princes.”

The Slavic prince Busa and 70 princes were crucified by the Goths in the eastern Carpathians at the sources of Seret and Prut, on the current border of Wallachia and Transylvania. In those days, these lands belonged to Ruskolani, or Scythia. Much later, under the famous Vlad Dracul, it was at the place of the crucifixion of Bus that mass executions and crucifixions were held. They removed the bodies of Bus and other princes from the crosses on Friday and took them to the Elbrus region, to the Etoka (a tributary of the Podkumka). According to Caucasian legend, the body of Bus and other princes was brought by eight pairs of oxen. Busa's wife ordered a mound to be built over their grave on the banks of the Etoko River (a tributary of the Podkumka River) and, in order to perpetuate the memory of Busa, ordered the Altud River to be renamed Baksan (Busa River).
Caucasian legend says:

“Baksan (Bus) was killed by the Goth king with all his brothers and eighty noble Narts. Hearing this, the people gave way to despair: the men beat their breasts, and the women tore their hair on their heads, saying: “Dauov’s eight sons are killed, killed!”

Those who carefully read "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" remember that it mentions the "gone Time of Busovo" long ago.

The year 368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. According to Slavic astrology, this is a milestone. On the night of March 20-21, 368 moves, the Aries era ended and the Pisces era began.

It was after the story of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, which became known in the ancient world, that the story of the crucifixion of Christ appeared (was stolen) in Christianity.
The canonical gospels nowhere say that Christ was crucified on the cross. Instead of the word "cross" (kryst), the word "stavros" (stavros) is used there, which means a pillar, and it does not talk about crucifixion, but about pillaring. Therefore, there are no early Christian images of the crucifixion.
The Christian Acts 10:39 says that Christ was "hanged on a tree." The plot with the crucifixion first appeared only after 400!!! years after the execution of Christ, translated from Greek. The question is why, if Christ was crucified, and not hanged, Christians for four hundred years wrote in holy books that Christ was amused? Somehow illogical! It was the Slavic-Scythian tradition that influenced the distortion of the original texts during translation, and then the iconography (for there are no early Christian images of crucifixes).

The meaning of the original Greek text was well known in Greece itself (Byzantium), but after the corresponding reforms in the modern Greek language, in contrast to the former custom, the word "stavros" took on the meaning of "pillar" and also the meaning of "cross".
In addition to the direct source of the execution - the canonical Gospels, others are also known. In the closest to the Christian, in the Jewish tradition, the tradition of the hanging of Jesus is also affirmed. There is a Jewish “Tale of the Hanged Man” written in the first centuries of our era, which describes in detail the execution of Jesus precisely by hanging. And in the Talmud there are two stories about the execution of Christ. According to the first, Jesus was stoned, and not in Jerusalem, but in Lud. According to the second story, because Jesus was of a royal family, the execution by stones was also replaced by hanging. And this was the official version of Christians for 400 years!!!

Even throughout the Muslim world, it is generally accepted that Christ was not crucified, but hanged. The Koran, based on early Christian traditions, curses Christians who claim that Jesus was not hanged, but crucified, and those who claim that Jesus was Allah (God) himself, and not a prophet and the Messiah, and also denies the crucifixion itself. Therefore, Muslims, respecting Jesus, do not reject either the Ascension or the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, but reject the symbol of the cross, as they rely on early Christian texts that talk about hanging, not crucifixion.

Moreover, the natural phenomena described in the Bible simply could not take place in Jerusalem on the day of the crucifixion of Christ.
In the Gospel of Mark and in the Gospel of Matthew it is said that Christ endured passionate agony on the spring full moon from Good Thursday to Good Friday, and that there was an eclipse from the sixth to the ninth hour. The event, which they call an "eclipse," occurred at a time when, for objective astronomical reasons, it simply could not occur. Christ was executed during the Jewish Passover, and it always falls on a full moon.

First, there are no solar eclipses on a full moon. During a full moon, the Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth, so there is no way the Moon can cover the Earth's sunlight.

Secondly, solar eclipses, unlike lunar eclipses, do not last three hours, as it is written in the Bible. Maybe the Judeo-Christians had in mind a lunar eclipse, but the whole world did not understand them? ...
But solar and lunar eclipses are very easy to calculate. Any astronomer will say that there were no lunar eclipses in the year of the execution of Christ and even in the years close to this event.

The nearest eclipse accurately indicates only one date - on the night of March 20-21, 368 AD. This is an absolutely accurate astronomical calculation. Namely, on this night from Thursday to Friday, March 20/21, 368, Prince Bus and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths. On the night of March 20-21, a total lunar eclipse occurred, which lasted from midnight to three hours on March 21, 368. This date was calculated by astronomers, including the director of the Pulkovo Observatory, N. Morozov.

Why did Christians write from the 33rd move that Christ was hanged, and after the 368th move they rewrote the “holy” scripture and began to claim that Christ was crucified? Obviously, the plot with the crucifixion seemed to them more interesting and they once again engaged in religious plagiarism - i.e. simply by stealing... That's where the information appeared in the Bible that Christ was crucified, that he endured torment from Thursday to Friday, that there was an eclipse. Having stolen the plot with the crucifixion, the Judeo-Christians decided to supply the Bible with the details of the execution of the Slavic prince, not thinking that people in the future would pay attention to the natural phenomena described, which could not have been in the year of the execution of Christ in the place where he was executed.

And this is far from the only example of the theft of materials by the Judeo-Christians. Speaking of the Slavs, the myth of the father of Aria, who received a covenant from Dazhbog on Mount Alatyr (Elbrus), is recalled, and in the Bible, Arius and Alatyr miraculously turned into Moses and Sinai ...
Or the Judeo-Christian rite of baptism. The Christian rite of baptism is one third of the Slavic pagan rite, which included: naming, fiery baptism and water bathing. In Judeo-Christianity, only the water bath remained.
We can recall examples from other traditions. Mitra - born on December 25th!!! 600 years before the birth of Jesus!!! December 25 - the day after 600 years, Jesus was born. Mitra was born a virgin in a barn, a star rose, the magi came!!! Everything is one to one, as with Christ, only 600 years earlier. The cult of Mithras included: baptism with water, holy water, faith in immortality, faith in Mithra as a savior god, the concepts of Paradise and Hell. Mitra died and resurrected in order to become an intermediary between God the Father and man! Plagiarism (theft) of Christians is 100%.

More examples. Immaculately conceived: Gautama Buddha - India 600 BC; Indra - Tibet 700 BC; Dionysus - Greece; Quirinus is a Roman; Adonis - Babylon all in the period from 400-200 years BC; Krishna - India 1200 B.C.; Zarathustra - 1500 BC In a word, whoever read the originals knows where the Judeo-Christians took materials for their writing.

So modern neo-Christians, who are trying in vain to find some kind of mythical Russian roots in the native Jew Yeshua - Jesus and his mother, need to stop doing stupid things and start worshiping Bus, nicknamed the Cross, i.e. Busu Cross or what would be completely clear to them - Busu Christ. After all, this is the real Hero from whom the Judeo-Christians wrote off their New Testament, and the one invented by them - the Judeo-Christian Jesus Christ - turns out to be some kind of charlatan and rogue, to say the least ... After all, the New Testament is just a romantic comedy in the spirit of Jewish fiction, allegedly written by the so-called. "Apostle" Paul (in the world - Saul), and even then, it turns out - it was not written by him himself, but by unknown /!? / disciples of the disciples. Well, they had fun though ...

But back to the Slavic chronicle. The discovery of an ancient Slavic city in the Caucasus no longer looks so surprising. In recent decades, several ancient Slavic cities have been discovered on the territory of Russia and Ukraine.
The most famous today is the famous Arkaim, whose age is more than 5000 thousand years.

In 1987, in the South Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, during the construction of a hydroelectric power station, a fortified settlement of the early city type, dating back to the Bronze Age, was discovered. to the time of the ancient Aryans. Arkaim is older than the famous Troy by five hundred to six hundred years even older than the Egyptian pyramids.

The discovered settlement is a city-observatory. In the course of its study, it was established that the monument was a city fortified by two circles of walls, ramparts and ditches inscribed in each other. The dwellings in it had a trapezoidal shape, tightly adjoined each other and arranged in a circle in such a way that the wide end wall of each dwelling was part of the defensive wall. Every home has a bronze casting oven! But in Greece, according to traditional academic knowledge, bronze came only in the second millennium BC. Later, the settlement turned out to be an integral part of the most ancient Aryan civilization - the "Country of Cities" of the Southern Trans-Urals. Scientists have discovered a whole complex of monuments belonging to this amazing culture.

Despite their small size, fortified centers can be called proto-cities. The use of the term “city” to the fortified settlements of the Arkaim-Sintashta type is, of course, conditional. However, they cannot be called simply settlements, since the Arkaim “cities” are distinguished by powerful defensive structures, monumental architecture, and complex communication systems. The entire territory of the fortified center is extremely saturated with planning details, it is very compact and carefully thought out. From the point of view of the organization of space in front of us is not even a city, but a kind of super-city.

The fortified centers of the Southern Urals are five or six centuries older than Homer's Troy. They are contemporaries of the first dynasty of Babylon, the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and the Cretan-Mycenaean culture of the Mediterranean. The time of their existence corresponds to the last centuries of the famous civilization of India - Mahenjo-Daro and Harappa.

In Ukraine, in Trypillya, the remains of the city were discovered, the age of which is the same as that of Arkaim, more than five thousand years. It is five hundred years older than the civilization of Mesopotamia - the Sumerian!

At the end of the 90s, not far from Rostov-on-Don, in the town of Tanais, settlement cities were found, the age of which even scientists find it difficult to name ... The age varies from ten to thirty thousand years. The traveler of the last century, Thor Heyerdahl, believed that from there, from Tanais, the entire pantheon of the Scandinavian Gods, led by Odin, came to Scandinavia.

Slabs with inscriptions in Sanskrit, which are 20,000 years old, have been found on the Kola Peninsula. And only Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, as well as the Baltic languages ​​coincide with Sanskrit. Draw your own conclusions.

The results of the expedition to the site of the capital of the ancient Slavic city of Kiyara in the Elbrus region.
Five expeditions were carried out: in 1851,1881,1914, 2001 and 2002.
In 2001, the expedition was led by A. Alekseev, and in 2002 the expedition was carried out under the patronage of the Shtenberg State Astronomical Institute (GAISh), which was supervised by the director of the institute, Anatoly Mikhailovich Cherepashchuk.
Based on the data obtained as a result of topographic, geodetic studies of the area, fixing astronomical events, the participants of the expedition made preliminary conclusions that are fully consistent with the results of the expedition of 2001, following the results of which, in March 2002, a report was made at a meeting of the Astronomical Society at the State Astronomical Institute in the presence of members of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, members of the International Astronomical Society and the State Historical Museum.
A report was also made at a conference on the problems of early civilizations in St. Petersburg.

What exactly did the researchers find?
Near Mount Karakaya, in the Rocky Range at an altitude of 3,646 meters above sea level between the villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi on the eastern side of Elbrus, traces of the capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, were found, which existed long before the birth of Christ, which is mentioned in many legends and epics of different peoples of the world, as well as the oldest astronomical observatory - the Temple of the Sun, described by the ancient historian Al Masudi in his books as the Temple of the Sun.

The location of the found city exactly matches the indications from ancient sources, and later the Turkish traveler of the 17th century, Evliya Celebi, confirmed the location of the city.

On Mount Karakaya, the remains of an ancient temple, caves and graves were found. An incredible number of settlements, ruins of temples have been discovered, and a lot of them have been preserved quite well. Menhirs were found in the valley near the foot of the Karakaya mountain, on the Bechesyn plateau - high man-made stones similar to wooden pagan idols.
On one of the stone pillars, the face of a knight is carved, looking straight to the east. And behind the menhir is a bell-shaped hill. This is Tuzuluk ("Treasury of the Sun"). At its top, the ruins of the ancient sanctuary of the Sun are really visible. At the top of the hill is a tour that marks the highest point. Then three large rocks that have undergone manual processing. Once a gap was cut in them, directed from north to south. Stones were also found laid out like sectors in the zodiac calendar. Each sector is exactly 30 degrees.

Each part of the temple complex was intended for calendar and astrological calculations. In this it is similar to the South Ural city-temple Arkaim, which has the same zodiac structure, the same division into 12 sectors. It is also similar to Stonehenge in the UK. It is closer to Stonehenge, firstly, by the fact that the axis of the temple is also oriented from north to south, and secondly, one of the most important distinguishing features of Stonehenge is the presence of the so-called “Heel Stone” at a distance from the sanctuary. But after all, at the sanctuary of the Sun on Tuzuluk, a landmark-menhir was installed.

There is evidence that at the turn of our era the temple was plundered by the Bosporus king Farnak. The temple was finally destroyed in IV AD. Goths and Huns. Even the dimensions of the temple are known; 60 cubits (about 20 meters) in length, 20 (6-8 meters) in width and 15 (up to 10 meters) in height, as well as the number of windows and doors - 12 according to the number of signs of the Zodiac.

As a result of the work of the first expedition, there is every reason to believe that the stones on the top of Mount Tuzluk served as the foundation of the Temple of the Sun. Mount Tuzluk is a regular grassy cone about 40 meters high. The slopes rise to the top at an angle of 45 degrees, which actually corresponds to the latitude of the place, and, therefore, looking along it, you can see the North Star. The axis of the foundation of the temple is 30 degrees with the direction to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The same 30 degrees is the distance between the axis of the temple and the direction to the menhir, and the direction to the menhir and the Shaukam pass. Considering that 30 degrees - 1/12 of a circle - corresponds to a calendar month, this is no coincidence. The azimuths of sunrise and sunset on the days of the summer and winter solstices differ by only 1.5 degrees from the directions to the peaks of Kanjal, the "gate" of two hills in the depths of the pastures, Mount Dzhaurgen and Mount Tashly-Syrt. There is an assumption that the menhir served as a heel stone in the temple of the Sun, by analogy with Stonehenge, and helped predict solar and lunar eclipses. Thus, Mount Tuzluk is tied to four natural landmarks by the Sun and is tied to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The height of the mountain is only about 40 meters, the diameter of the base is about 150 meters. These are dimensions comparable to those of the Egyptian pyramids and other places of worship.

In addition, two square tower-like tours were found on the Kayaesik pass. One of them lies strictly on the axis of the temple. Here, on the pass, there are the foundations of structures, ramparts.
In addition, in the central part of the Caucasus, at the northern foot of Elbrus, in the late 70s and early 80s of the XX century, an ancient center of metallurgical production, the remains of smelting furnaces, settlements, burial grounds were discovered.

Summing up the results of the work of the expeditions of the 1980s and 2001, which discovered the concentration of traces of ancient metallurgy, deposits of coal, silver, iron, as well as astronomical, cult and other archaeological objects within a radius of several kilometers, we can confidently assume the discovery of one of the most ancient cultural and administrative centers of the Slavs in the Elbrus region.
During the expeditions of 1851 and 1914, the archaeologist P.G. Akritas examined the ruins of the Scythian Temple of the Sun on the eastern slopes of Beshtau. The results of further archaeological excavations of this shrine were published in 1914 in the Notes of the Rostov-on-Don Historical Society. There was described a huge stone "in the form of a Scythian cap", installed on three abutments, as well as a domed grotto.
And the beginning of major excavations in Pyatigorye (Kavminvody) was laid by the famous pre-revolutionary archaeologist D.Ya. Samokvasov, who described 44 mounds in the vicinity of Pyatigorsk in 1881. Later, after the revolution, only some mounds were examined; only initial exploration work was carried out on the settlements by archaeologists E.I. Krupnov, V.A. Kuznetsov, G.E. Runich, E.P. Alekseeva, S.Ya. Baychorov, Kh.Kh. Bidzhiev and others.