How to make a roof on a private house yourself. Construction of the roof of a private house - preparation

In the construction of a building, the finishing chord is the arrangement of the roof. main role plays during its construction roof structure. BUT correct installation roofing affects the rigidity, strength and appearance of the roof. There are a lot of materials for overlapping today. Among the most popular are metal and soft bituminous tiles.

Roof types

The roof is the structural element that gives the house a unique, unique look. There are countless options for the construction of this structural element. And when the owners themselves undertake the construction of the roof - even more so! There are flat and pitched roofs. Let's take a closer look at these options.

Flat roof

Such a roof in our area on residential buildings is extremely rare, in contrast to southern Europe. In this case, everything depends on the weight and thickness of the snow cover in the winter. Imagine what material in our country it is necessary to build a roof so that it can withstand a multi-ton snow cap, and even with its own weight.

Unless - from reinforced concrete floors. But such floors are most often found in garages and multi-storey residential buildings built according to standard project. The difficulty lies in the fact that the construction of a flat roof must be carried out using a crane and special construction equipment.

A flat roof is lined with roofing material or its more wear-resistant relatives - rubemast or euroroofing material. A roof made of ruberoid, if properly installed, will last 15 years without overhaul. The exception is exploited flat roofs, where all kinds of green spaces and active play areas are located.

It is customary to make an exit to a flat exploited roof, as to a terrace. But it is not always possible to perform such a roof construction on your own, because too many calculations are required.

pitched roof

The construction has become more widespread in private construction pitched roofs various shapes with different angles of inclination. The simplest option is a shed roof. One supporting wall is made higher than the other by the angle of the roof, then it is laid wooden frame and roofing material. Depending on the distance between the supports, it is customary to choose the shape of the frame.

This form does not look very presentable, although it is popular in the private sector due to the low cost of building a roof. But the most common solution is a gable structure, the appearance of which changes, depending on the angle of inclination of the slopes.

It is possible to build an asymmetric version of the placement of planes, when the dimensions of the slopes and the angles of inclination are different. This form is called pincer. Depending on the number of "tongs", the roof is called single-gable and double-gable. The frame of a multi-gable roof is a rather complex structure; it will not work without deep building knowledge.

A two-gable roof can have an attic in its design, which allows you to equip a full-fledged second floor instead of an attic. This form is the most common in private cottage construction, since the creation of a frame is not particularly difficult, but the building looks solid.

Roof slope

In the construction of a roof and a roof, much depends on the level of its slope. This issue needs to be taken seriously. If frequent rainfall in your area is normal, it is better to choose a level of 45 degrees for the roof. If strong winds blow, then the roof should be made flat.

The slope depends on the material that you plan to use to create the roof. If you prefer tiles or slate, you can not make an angle less than 22 degrees, because moisture can linger at the joints during precipitation.

A standard shed roof should have an angle of 20-30, and a gable roof should have an angle of 25-45 degrees. The more you choose the angle of inclination, the more expensive the roof will be, because more material is spent on the roof at a significant angle. As you understand, the most economical - flat roof with an angle of 5 degrees.

Roof structure

Most readers know that any roof of a residential building consists of a system of rafters to which a roofing pie is attached. Such a system consists of rafters, struts, Mauerlat and battens.

Rafters according to the type of structure are divided into hanging and layered. The main figure in the system is a triangle, because it is the most rigid. The ends of the rafters rest on the walls of a residential building, and in the middle they lean against intermediate supports. hanging rafters the ends rest solely on the walls of the building or on the Mauerlat, without intermediate supports.

Mauerlat in wooden houses the upper crown of the frame protrudes. For brick walls mauerlat is a special beam that is installed flush with the inner surfaces of the walls. Up truss system install a run connecting the truss trusses to each other. On the ridge run, a roof ridge is being built in the future.

The roof is the first thing that a person pays attention to as soon as he looks at a certain a private house. A roofing cake, like a regular one, consists of the following layers: lathing, vapor barrier, insulation and roofing layer. There are more layers to such a pie, it all depends on the climate in which the house is located and the choice of roof construction technology.

The choice of roofing material

The variety of the top material must be determined at the design stage of the building, because the construction of the roof requires compliance with all the parameters, without exception, that are indicated in the project. A variety of such materials allows you to choose exactly the one that suits the composition, appearance and price category.

Profiled flooring is known as the progenitor of metal tiles and is a steel sheet that is rolled in the longitudinal direction. There is corrugated board galvanized and polymer coated. This material is most in demand in commercial construction - hangars and garages. In the private sector, it is used for the budget type of construction.

Metal tile is one of the most popular types of roofing in private cottage construction. It is made by rolling galvanized sheets with a polymer coating. This material in appearance is a bit like traditional tiles, but it is an order of magnitude lighter.

Ceramic tiles occupy an honorable place in the family of roofing materials and are considered an elite material for roof construction. There are approximately 14 types of ceramic tiles. However, it has a lot of disadvantages: big weight, which requires the creation of a powerful truss system, fragility, high cost of material and installation. However, it all pays off with more than the durability of the roof - up to 80 years.

Bituminous tiles are flexible sheets of fiberglass or fiberglass impregnated with modified bitumen. Bituminous roofing has the widest range of colors, which in turn allows you to achieve a high aesthetic effect. Such material is suitable for roofs of any shape and complexity. Besides, this species shingles are distinguished by their light weight, low percentage of waste and good soundproofing properties.

Cement-sand tiles are made by rolling semi-dry mass, which contains quartz sand, Portland cement, water and alkaline pigment. An acrylic-based composition is applied to the molded material. Such a tile is cheaper than ceramic, but almost as good as it in a number of indicators.

Seam roofing is the most famous type of metal roofing. To create it, metals are used: titanium-zinc, steel and copper. This roofing was widely used in urban construction in the last century - in the form of painted black tin or ordinary galvanized. The main disadvantage of seam roofing made of galvanized and tin is the periodic need to paint them. Such a roof is lightweight, but requires additional soundproofing.

Slate is popular due to the low cost of roof construction. Wavy asbestos-cement sheets are produced by reinforcing cement stone with asbestos fibers. It is an easy-to-install, cheap and weather-resistant material. However, slate darkens over the years, and this does not add aesthetics to the house. In addition, over time, this material becomes brittle, and leaks appear in the roof.

Euroslate in our country received the name "ondulin", although it is produced not only by the French company of the same name, but also by many other companies. Corrugated bituminous roofing sheets are lightweight and flexible. The material is quickly and easily laid, cheap to install and itself. Due to the wide colors much prettier than slate.

Keramoplast belongs to the group of new generation polymeric materials. The sheets are outwardly able to imitate any roofing covering: natural slate or tiles. This is a Russian material that has no analogues. Keramoplast has a low weight, has a strength that exceeds the strength of asbestos-cement sheets ten times.

Do-it-yourself roof installation

First of all, you need to install on bearing walls Mauerlat. It is attached to the wall with anchors. A waterproofing material is placed under it - roofing material or roofing felt. Then the rafters are laid, the cross section of which depends on the slope of the roof. The top of the rafters is overlapped between each other with overlays. The lower parts are nailed to the Mauerlat with staples, they are attached to the wall with twists.


After you have installed the truss system, you can begin installing the sheathing for the selected roofing material. The crate can be made through a step or solid. Everything depends on the material. If you chose soft roof, then for the coating you will definitely need a continuous crate of plywood.

And if you are building a roof made of metal tiles, corrugated board or ondulin, then for these materials you need to create a crate of boards with a certain step - 400-500 millimeters. The crate of a private residential building must necessarily have a small overhang made around the entire perimeter of the building. The overhang forms a cornice that will protect the house in the future from oblique downpours.

vapor barrier

If you plan to use the attic space as a full-fledged living space in the future, then lay a layer of vapor barrier under the roofing material. To do this, you can take a film yutafan or isospan. If the attic room will not be used in any way in the future, then a vapor barrier layer is desirable, but not required. After installing the vapor barrier, you can watch a video about the construction of the roof and proceed to the insulation.


A warm roof allows you to save money on heating your home. Today, almost all roofs are made to be warm. Mineral wool and plate heaters - ursa and isover are used as a heater. Pay attention to the fact that the heat-insulating material must be resistant to water, frost-resistant and does not emit harmful substances and unpleasant odors.

It is imperative to make an air space between the heat-insulating layer and the crate - at least 5 centimeters. If this is not done, then the insulation will begin to deteriorate over time due to excessive exposure to condensate and moisture. To build an air space, it is necessary to install a counter-lattice along the rafters.

Laying roofing material

It is recommended to start laying any roofing material from the bottom up - towards rainwater. The design and construction of roofs using corrugated sheets should be carried out depending on the prevailing winds in the region where the house is located - from right to left or left to right.

Roofing material must be assembled on the roof, like a constructor. Those roofing materials, the design of which does not provide for special fasteners (metal tiles, profiled flooring), have special nails in the kit, which are intended for mounting the roof of a residential building.

The color of the nails is usually combined with the color of the roof. Such nails should be fixed with rubber seal to the comb of the element. Finishing work on laying the roof is the arrangement of snow-retaining elements and the installation of overhangs.

Roof ventilation

Ventilation system roofing layer is very important, because the time of useful operation of the entire roof depends on it. The ventilation system protects the roof of the house from dampness - its main enemy and promotes air circulation under the roof. In the photo of the construction of the roof, you will notice that this can be done different ways: by means of natural draft or with the use of ventilated devices.

Particular attention should be paid to the valley, because these places are most often exposed to water, experiencing significant pressure from this. Immediately after the installation of the roof, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of periodically inspecting the roof of the house for damage. To do this, you can equip a stationary ladder on the roof.

And finally. At all stages of laying roofing material, observe the safety precautions for working at height. You should tie yourself with a rope, the second end of which you need to tie to the skate. If possible, use special mounting hardware when working. Forbidden roofing carry out in strong wind or rain!

Recently, it has been gaining popularity frame housing construction. Houses in the construction of which was used frame technology serve for a very long time. A big plus of such a house is a short construction time. Read more turnkey frame houses

Roof construction is a job that belongs to the category of complex construction processes. It is impossible to carry it out on your own, without owning the preparatory base. However, many people strive to master this business. And especially those who have personal suburban areas, with houses installed on them.

Thought to repair new roof, having completely disassembled the previous one and use on their own, often comes to the mind of the owners of country houses.

But, if dismantling, relatively, does not pose a particular problem, then subsequent work, from the construction of the frame to the laying of the upper waterproofing layer, can raise many questions.

Difficulties arise at the stage of choosing the shape of the structure configuration. If there is an existing pavement to be repaired or a small section of roof to be installed on an adjoining part of the house, the upcoming work does not raise much concern that something will go wrong.

Otherwise, when it comes to a full range of work covering the entire upper area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure, the question of how to properly make the roof of a house with your own hands immediately reveals a number of problems, most of which are due to a lack of experience in such a matter.

Fears quickly fade into the background when the figures of costs for professional craftsmen, their services and the materials provided, which specialized firms sometimes provide strictly on their own, ignoring the initiatives of customers to do it personally, appear before your eyes. In this case, the desire to gain relevant experience overpowers thoughts about the need to invite a professional team.

Even more interest awakens when viewing photos of the roofs of the house. You can do any work with your own hands, and color visual aids, as well as detailed video tutorials, confirm this. The main thing is to know where to start.

The main types of roofs

Begin construction by determining the type of roof. Upper structures country house have several distinct forms. The simplest kind- single-sided coverage is rarely chosen, only during the construction of extensions.

For the formation beautiful view preference is given to the following forms:

Gable. Its advantage is its low weight, the appearance as a result of a large attic space, which can be arranged under the attic. This design is simple, harmonious and most attractive to many.

Four-slope. This design is less popular because its construction contains many difficulties. Without serious skills, it is difficult to build such a roof. If there is an idea to build just such a structure, there should be detailed instructions: how to make a roof.

The advantages of this roofing type are aesthetics, the ability to arrange a wide attic, four-sided heating. The disadvantages include increased weight and complexity of work.

Combined. Such a roof looks very original. Like the previous type, it has its own difficulties in construction.

But for those who want to get a beautiful multi-level roof, all difficulties can be overcome. The result is a roof that harmoniously looks against the background of any protruding section of the house.

Resolving design issues

You can choose a design option without resorting to the help of specialists. But the project can only be done by a professional designer. Making roof drawings with your own hands is an unreasonable idea.

In this case, you should not regret the funds and it is best to make an individual order to the design company. There, on the basis of clarification of all necessary requests, including: configuration, volume, individual parameters, components and additional details, detailed drawings of the roof will be drawn up.

Main works

The stages of building the roof of a house provide for its construction using a certain technology. By dividing the construction into the main components of the structure, the following is obtained:

  • fastening of the foundation part - Mauerlat. It bears the pressure of the main loads. The material is wooden beams section 15x15 cm.
  • frame device. This means attaching rafters to the Mauerlat. Optimal size beams are taken with a section of 7x15 cm.
  • work to strengthen the roof. To reduce the impact of the spacer load on the Mauerlat and gain high roof strength, the rafter legs are fastened with additional beams.
  • wooden framing device. It is necessary to create a continuous roof overlap.

The main building materials will be wooden planks and bruce. Fastening is carried out with nails.

When the wooden frame is completely ready, proceed to further work. Their list includes installation of insulation, vapor barrier, installation of waterproofing layers and laying the top coat. AT this capacity often use tiles or a profile sheet.

In addition to the above works, it is imperative to remember about ventilation, installation of cornices, internal valleys, pipes, trays for draining water. In addition, drips and underlayment should be installed along the edges of the roof to protect against moisture penetration.

Do-it-yourself photo of the roof of the house

Installation of a gable roof includes enclosing elements. Bearing elements - truss system, roof foundation (Mauerlat). A gable roof includes 2 roof surfaces at a certain angle, if we refer to SNiP, then the angle must be at least 6 °.

Mounting a shed roof is the easiest option. It is used for outbuildings and residential buildings. Among the advantages are low material consumption and quick installation, minimal experience and knowledge.

The choice of roof angle is influenced by the material used and the regional climate. If the material is rolled or profiled flooring - 5-8 °. When using metal tiles or seam coating - 18-35 °.

It is worth starting the installation of a mansard roof with the choice of future material, which will affect the type of truss system used.

The greatest weight of ceramic tiles. Pay attention to additional fastening structures.

In the process of installing roofing material on hand, you must have a drawing of the roof itself. All important rafter junctions should be marked there. Consider the stages of mounting the roof with your own hands.

Rafter installation

Rafters are divided into several types:

Inclined - supports of different heights are used, beams are mounted on them at an angle. When the roof is shed, apply external walls for mounting. If a gable system- internal and external walls. It is not necessary to fasten the rafter legs, it is enough just to place them on the same plane.

Hanging - the elements form a truss truss, for the fastening of which external walls are used. This design implies the emphasis of the legs of the rafters on each other.

Installation of the structure and assembly is carried out on the ground or directly on the structure itself. If on the ground, then you will need to order a truck crane.

Houses made of timber and logs do not require mandatory strengthening of the walls for the subsequent installation of the roof. For brickwork you will need to install a reinforced belt.

In the process of casting, metal studs made of galvanized steel are installed in the reinforced belt. They are subsequently used for the installation of a Mauerlat - a bar that acts as the foundation of a future roof.

The protrusion of the studs is 2-3 centimeters in height, this length is enough to install nuts and bolts. Be sure to lay a waterproofing layer of roofing felt over the reinforced belt. Roofing material is rolled up in 2 layers. A special antiseptic prevents the wood from rotting.

The section of the rafters is influenced by several factors: the weight of the roofing material, the load from the snow, the pitch of the rafters, the size of the span and the angle of installation (degree of the roof slope).

AT middle lane RF are commonly used gable roof in the private construction sector. Most modern material considered to be metal. The pitch of the rafters is 120 cm and at 30 degrees.


A crate is nailed to the top of the rafters. The selected roof covering material will affect the battens, which can be pitched or solid.

Solid is used for soft tiles, a thin layer is used as a substrate sheet material or plywood. With a step, the crate is used for ondulin, profiled sheet and metal tiles. The width of the boards will be 20-25 cm, the thickness is 2-2.5 cm. Having installed the crate, then a solid flooring from the board is mounted. The width of the cover is 60-80 cm.

Waterproofing, thermal insulation, vapor barrier

The finished roof is like a sandwich. At self-assembly roofing material, do not forget about waterproofing, thermal insulation and vapor barrier. The vapor barrier helps prevent moisture from appearing on the thermal insulation layer due to condensation from inside premises. The vapor barrier material is mounted in a layer of insulation and finishing.

The most common material is membrane film. The roof frame is covered with a film with an overlap on the ridge of 10-15 cm. A construction stapler is used for fastening. Where there is an adjunction of the vapor barrier coating to the surface of the wall, a special adhesive tape is used.

Installation of roofing material

When the laying of all layers approaches its final stage, care should be taken to install the roofing material itself as soon as possible in order to protect wooden structures from rain and snow.

Roof installation photo

Every master who started an independent construction project understands that doing a roof with his own hands step by step is a difficult task, but still doable. In the material below, we will try to understand all the intricacies of the work and understand what the phased construction of a gable type roof looks like.

Important: in order for the assembly of the roof of a private house to be as accurate as possible, and all the material to be purchased for it with a small margin, it is better to involve professionals in the design of the roof. At the design stages, they will calculate the slope angle of the roof slopes and the amount of building material needed for it, including steam and heat insulation, as well as roofing material, and will hand it over to you finished project roofs.

To understand what a roof in a private house will look like with your own hands, you need to understand what types of roofs exist in general. Based on this, choose the type of construction.

Important: however, when designing a roof, it is always worth considering the wind and sedimentary (rain, snow) load on the ceiling, as well as the weight of the roofing material.

So, today most often they mount such roofs of a private house with their own hands:

  • Shed. Roof sloped to one side. This is the simplest option for roofing, but it is not the most reliable for a private house, since similar design there is a high load in the removal of precipitation. Basically, such a roof is mounted on auxiliary premises (verandas, extensions, sheds, etc.).
  • Double roof. A very simple and at the same time reliable option for covering the roof of a house. Two slopes evenly distribute the load on the truss system when removing water and snow.
  • Hip (four-pitched roof). It is a little more difficult, but at the same time it is an equally convenient option for overlapping. In most cases, the hip roof has four sides, two of which are made in the form of a trapezoid, and two - in the form of a triangle.
  • Broken roof. As a rule, this is a gable roof with creases on both sides. Such an overlap is convenient in that it is possible to arrange an additional attic living space under it, thereby increasing the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, especially if it has one floor.
  • Multi-gable roof. The most complex design. It is used over a large box of a private house with a complex configuration.

Important: It is worth remembering that step by step construction roofing for a house will be the more difficult, the more complex the configuration of the room. This is due to the fact that a complex structure requires a complex truss system.

Materials for work

Self-construction of the roof of a private house requires the preparation of the necessary tools and materials. In particular, you will need:

  • Bar with a section of 100x100, 100x150, 150x150, 150x200 or 200x200 mm for Mauerlat. The cross section of the beam depends entirely on the width of the masonry of the house and on the design of the roof. In our case, when installing a standard gable roof, a beam of 100x150 mm will suffice.
  • Boards with a section of 150x50 mm for rafters and crossbars. The cross section of the boards may be smaller if the load on the roof is low (depending on the roofing material). The calculation of the number of boards for rafters is done in such a way that rafters can be installed on one side of the roof in increments of 80-120 cm. That is, if the length of the wall of the house is 4 meters, then it will require 5 rafter boards with a spacing of 80 cm.

Video: how to make a roof ( step-by-step instruction for the construction of the roof with their own hands).

Important: the installation step of the rafter legs depends on the weight of the future roofing material. The heavier it is, the smaller the pitch of the rafters should be.

  • Beam with a section of 100x150 mm for racks in the roof frame.
  • Hydro and vapor barrier for roofing pie.
  • Boards and beams for crates.
  • Electric jigsaw or grinder with wood discs.
  • Brackets, angles, studs and self-tapping screws / bolts.

Important: below for a complete understanding of the work process, a detailed video is presented.

Work technique

Mauerlat device

Photo 1:

To mount the roof of a private house strong and reliable, you need to take care of fastening the mauerlat - the wooden trim of the house, which serves as a transitional boundary from the stone to the wooden part of the building. Fix it in two ways:

  • Bay reinforcing belt around the perimeter of the building and fixing the construction studs in it. The step of the studs should be from one to one and a half meters.
  • Having embedded the fixing studs in the last rows of masonry at home.

Important: the height of the elevation of the studs above the wall should be equal to the height of the beam being laid plus 3 cm. Such a calculation is necessary in order to securely fix the Mauerlat with nuts and bolts.

Cutting and installing rafters

Photo 2:

The rafter system for the roof is the most difficult part of the job. It is important not only to install the rafter legs, but also to cut them correctly. In the event of the slightest distortion, the entire roof frame will “walk”, which is not good for the roof. So, do-it-yourself roofing will be easier and faster to build if you cut out a rafter pattern from one beam in advance and form all the rest on it.

To create a pattern, it is necessary to make an internal cut in the lower part of the rafter board at a right angle. This place she will rest against the Mauerlat. The cut is made not from the very edge of the board, but stepping back from it upwards of 50 cm. These will be roof overhangs that protect the walls of the house from rain. A cutout can be made according to a bar template or simply by drawing a right angle on the board.

Now it is necessary to cut off the top edge of the board in such a way that the rafter system of two parallel legs can be joined by cut edges without voids and gaps. To do this, you need to raise the board up, lean it on the Mauerlat and raise it to the desired slope angle. A vertical line must be drawn along the center of the floor to the rafters. This will be the cutting line of the board. That is, in the upper part of the rafter leg, we will get an oblique cut.

Photo 3:

We assemble all the rafter legs cut according to the pattern on the ground, securely connecting them in the upper part (ridge) with brackets, ties and bolts.

Important: if the length of the rafter exceeds 3 meters, then it is desirable to additionally strengthen the system with crossbars - transverse beams that are mounted horizontally with respect to the triangle of rafters. The location of the crossbar should be in the first third of the upper part of the triangle.

Installation of the truss system begins with two extreme gables. They are installed, a control cord is pulled between them, and the entire skeleton of the roof is already leveled along it. All rafters are fixed to the Mauerlat with special corners and brackets.

Photo 4:

Important: you can additionally strengthen the frame with special racks that support the crossbars. And the racks, in turn, should preferably be installed on the beds (special wide boards by type of ski, which will remove the point load of the racks on the floor).

Lathing device

In continuation of the topic “how to build a roof”, it is worth noting that the next step will be the installation of the crate and the construction roofing pie. As soon as the rafter system is ready, it is necessary to lay the crate, which will become the basis for all other materials of the pie - vapor and waterproofing, as well as for insulation and roofing material.

Photo 5:

The crate on the roof can be mounted from unedged boards with a section of 100x50 mm. In this case, the spacing of the boards depends entirely on the final roofing material. The heavier it is, the smaller the step of the crate should be. In general, the check of the crate is approximately 30 cm.

Important: it is advisable to pre-lay a layer of vapor barrier under the crate. It will protect the insulation from vapors penetrating from the premises of the house. Lathing boards are already laid on top of the vapor barrier.

Now, perpendicular to the wood of the crate, a beam is laid in increments equal to the width of the plates or rolls of insulation material. A heater is laid between them, reliably driving it into the existing grooves.

Photo 6:

Everything is covered with a layer on top waterproofing material and fix it with another perpendicular crate (in this case, horizontal). And already on it the final roofing material is mounted.

Photo 7:

At the very end of the installation of the roof on cottage a drain must also be installed. It is made from cut lengthwise plastic pipes, or pre-buy ready-made drainage elements. Now it remains to sew up the gables of the roof with the selected material. It can be either wood or stone.

In the construction of a house, the calculation and installation of the roof is perhaps the most serious event. It is not enough to install the beams, having previously connected them and provided the proper enthusiasm. It is important to calculate it correctly so that during a wind load or simply under the pressure of snow, it does not fall and does not harm people's health.

As a rule, repairs in this case will cost much more than the cost of drawings and calculations.

Therefore, we advise you to take the construction of the roof very responsibly, without saving on trifles. Not only the safety of the residents, but the aesthetic and constructive components of the future home depend on how we build the roof with our own hands.

The roof is that element of the house that significantly affects the visual perception of the entire structure as a whole.

How to build a roof with your own hands

You know that all private houses always and at all times differed in roof. In connection with this property, they tried to give it not only some unique and unique look, but also to provide maximum functionality.

Building a roof with your own hands is both simple and difficult at the same time. But the main thing is interesting.

In general, roofs can be divided into two categories: flat and pitched.

In Europe, a flat roof is more common than ours. This can be partly explained by the quality and type of precipitation. However, in the last 10-15 years the situation has changed somewhat due to the introduction of innovative technologies into the production of roofing materials. This fact has simplified the construction of the roof to a large extent and the construction has become an affordable occupation for people without the appropriate qualifications.

The most common today is a roof with a gable design. Its appearance may vary and depends on the angle of inclination. Often there are asymmetric types of such roofs, in which both the slopes and their angles of inclination are different. Among roofers, such roofs are called gable. When the number of slopes is more than four, they are called multi-tweezers.

The phased process of creating a roof begins with the construction of a frame. A mauerlat is laid around the entire perimeter of the building - the basis of the truss system. It is attached to the walls and is maximally isolated from any external influences, using waterproofing.

The installation of the truss system must be carefully calculated, as will be discussed below. For it, bars or planed boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm and a moisture content of not more than 18% are selected.

It should be noted that all wooden structures (regardless of their purpose) are treated with antiseptics with a preliminary application of a primer.

When using steam and waterproofing, without fail, the entire tree is also treated with fire retardants.

The interrafter pitch is chosen, as a rule, from 60 cm to 1 m. The rafters rest against a special lock on the Mauerlat to stiffen the entire structure.

Then the crate is mounted, which serves as a support for insulation and laying various kinds insulating coatings. For greater fixation, a counter-batten is mounted simultaneously with the crate.

$ Estimated roof price

Estimated roof price, depending on the roofing material, is

  • from 140 hryvnia per square meter;
  • from 430 rubles per square meter.

Build a roof with your own hands. Video

The following video will help you cope with the task.

How to calculate the roof of a house

No matter how hard you try, you can’t do without calculations in the construction of the roof. Before you start doing this, you should carefully measure the dimensions of the box, take into account the indents, tolerances, coating materials, area. Then compare your measurements with those indicated in the project of the house and determine the height of the roof.

When calculating the roof from corrugated board, we recommend using the exact dimensions of the building box in measurements. It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the overhangs, which are usually 50-100 cm. Since the slopes can have a different geometric shape, which is calculated using the formulas for a triangle, an isosceles and equilateral trapezoid and a rectangle.

Important! When making calculations for any type of roof, consider the presence and size of such elements as: ends, valleys, cornices and gutters.

Roof, where used as a covering material, flexible tile, is the most common at present. It is widely used for the installation of mansard roofs.

This material can be laid as shingle on mansard roof, followed by trimming excess overhangs. All related elements are calculated with the standards that the manufacturer indicated in the GOST for these materials. Since the waterproofing area coincides with with total area the entire roof, then the material should be chosen based on these considerations. But the vapor barrier layer and the insulation layer depend entirely on the dimensions of the attic.

Building any roof with your own hands is a serious matter that requires a serious approach.