Rubber seal for doors: felt and grooved for interior doorways. Seals for interior doors Sealing tape for interior doors

In any room, it is important to always keep warm, especially in cold seasons. Therefore, it is advisable to insulate not only windows, but also doors through which cold, wind and dust penetrate into the room no less, if not more. For this purpose, a variety of door seals are produced, which take care of the maximum preservation of heat in a house, apartment, office, public institution.


Door seals are designed to eliminate cracks and gaps, due to which cold air and winds enter the room. It is impossible to do without them in a private house with doors facing directly onto the street. The door structure (especially if it is wooden or made of similar material) tends to dry out or, on the contrary, absorbs a large amount of moisture during rains and dampness. Deformation of door frames creates conditions where the door cannot fit snugly against the jamb. It must either be replaced, which, of course, is not always possible, or use a saving inexpensive option in the form of a good sealant, which will extend the life of the door and help keep the heat in a residential or work space.

In addition, there is another function of the seal - cushioning, which is not directly related to the heat-saving function, but provides a softer contact between the door and the jamb, preventing loud blows and unnecessary creaking.


Of course, in order to perform its main function, the seal must certainly be good quality.

Therefore, it must have the following properties:

  • durable materials of manufacture - it is on them that the service life of the sealing tape depends. If the tape is not of very good quality, it will quickly fall behind the door and will simply be unusable;
  • good insulation must be sealed to surrounding surfaces. This provides an obstacle to the penetration of cold air, winds and street dust into the room;
  • resistance to constant mechanical stress - also required quality, because when opening and closing doors, as well as under the influence of any external factors, materials of poor quality will undergo rapid wear;
  • the material should not only be durable, but also be able to bend well, not tear when trying to close door gaps and crevices with it, be as soft as possible in order to minimize the sound of the door hitting its box.


All types of door seals are produced in the form of a tape, which has a different length, width, thickness and color depending on the size of the cracks and gaps, as well as the color of a particular door in order to preserve aesthetics. Types of seal profile may be different. A profile is a form of insulation that can have a cavity inside the material, the task of which is to eliminate gaps and seal cracks of various sizes and shapes. Compressing, a good insulation does not acquire any damage. This property is possessed by high-quality polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyurethane. Profile shapes can be in the form of letters of the English alphabet: P, V, C, E, O and other configurations.

Sealing tape made of foam rubber - the most popular and inexpensive type. A self-adhesive film is attached to the foam, its thickness may vary. The methods of fastening the foam tape are different depending on the material from which the door frame is made. If it is wooden, the foam rubber is fixed on it with wallpaper nails, and if entrance structure metal, you can use a strong adhesive that is suitable for working with metal with it. Of the minuses of the foam rubber tape, it should be noted that it does not differ in wear resistance and it does not last long. Also, foam rubber, due to its porosity (especially when it comes to tapes of large width), tends to let cold air through, so it is best to use it as a heater not inlet, but interior doors.

Tubular seal It is a thick dense tourniquet, inside of which there is a rather large cavity. It is thanks to the strength of the material in combination with the internal cavity that the door adheres to the jamb without cracks and unnecessary gaps. The tubular seal is made of rubber, which has a porous structure, which provides heat saving and sound insulation. Often it is self-adhesive, which makes it easy to install. Of course, any "self-adhesive" will simply fall over time, but usually it lasts from one to several seasons, and then it can also be easily replaced with another one. Most often, rubber is used for doors facing the street.

Groove seals are made specifically for plastic doors of various designs and are a softer rubber product than a thick tubular seal. Installation of such a product is more than simple: you just need to gently insert it into the door grooves. The groove method ensures minimal impact of external factors on the seal itself and lasts much longer, withstanding bad weather and sudden changes in temperature. This type of insulation can only be used for plastic doors. Unfortunately, it will not work for other door designs. By the way, interesting fact, which should be taken into account by all owners of plastic doors is that each manufacturer, in addition to selling and installing doors, is also engaged in the manufacture of seals, which can be immediately purchased as an additional and useful accessory.

glass seal is also a separate type of seals, designed specifically for glass elements of doors of different sizes. Their profile has an individual section, and the material of manufacture is flexible and soft silicone. It is enough just to moisten such material in water, and then immediately install the door in the right place. This type of silicone is different in that after soaking, after a certain amount of time, it adheres firmly to glass surfaces and does not “stick off”, unlike simple self-adhesive seals.

Magnetic seals are made in the form of a frame, repeating door contours with an accuracy of a millimeter. They are used for metal doors and are recommended by experts as the highest quality and durable. Each of them has two components: an insert with a magnet and a soft material. Such a seal is not cheap, and certain rules must be observed when installing it, however, wear resistance and high quality can contribute to its acquisition.

Magnetic products have a high degree of tightness and shock absorption, so the door will not make noise when opening and closing, and the attraction of the door to the jamb will ensure the complete absence of cracks and gaps. The only drawback may be that, due to the magnetic attraction, additional physical effort will sometimes have to be applied to open the door. A special place among the seals is occupied by the threshold, the purpose of which is not only insulation at the bottom of the doors, but also the increased load that the dense rubber or rubber from which it is made can withstand. When purchasing such an idea, you need to pay special attention to the quality of rubber.

contour seal good for its ease of use: it is attached to the door along its perimeter. If there is a special groove, it can be inserted there, or you can simply lay it along the edge if there is no gap or groove. Contour heaters are often made of rubber and foam rubber. For rooms with an increased fire hazard, a thermally expanding type of insulation is often used. Visually, it looks like the most common, but with a sharp increase in temperature during fire and smoke, it tends to immediately expand and foam. Thus, air does not enter the room, and the flame can quickly go out.

Also for fire doors, a triple, or three-layer seal providing additional sound and noise insulation effect. The seal, consisting of three layers (or contours), can be used in both apartments and offices for optimal comfort and safety. Additional rigid ribs make the door leaf much thicker and increase its weight, so it is important to ensure that the door frame and its fittings are as strong as possible. Such a heater, perhaps, retains heat best of all when used for front doors.

Liquid insulation option used for metal entrance doors and requires certain conditions of use. It is produced in metal cylinders and applied to the required places by spraying. In fact, it is a liquid foam rubber, which, when applied under gas pressure, quickly hardens, providing good thermal insulation properties. Its peculiarity is that it does not like places with a high level of humidity. Also, when spraying, a certain skill is required in order to apply it as accurately as possible so that the door does not acquire unnecessary cosmetic defects.

Liquid heaters are made from neutralized chemical compounds and are absolutely safe for the human body and animals.

Pile or fleecy species heaters are known to many people since childhood, mainly because their main representative to this day is felt. At the present stage, there are also synthetic analogues of fleecy insulation, but since felt is made from pure wool, despite its certain features (in particular, it is not so easy to attach it to doors), it is still his undeniable advantage. There are different types of felt that have a certain designation, but any option is suitable for doors, the main thing is to cut the material correctly, having made the necessary measurements before that.

Of synthetic pile materials, it is often popular thin pile tape on an adhesive basis. Its task is to keep dust out of the room. It is rarely used as a door seal, but it is often used for installation on wardrobe doors.

There is still the most expensive, but at the same time reliable TEP seal in the production of which thermoplastic elastomers are used. These materials have high wear resistance, and therefore manufacturers claim that they can last from 15 to 20 years without replacement. High-tech flexible plastic is able to withstand extremely low temperatures and provides excellent thermal insulation even in temperatures below 50 degrees. In addition to the high cost, such a seal is notable for a certain complexity during its installation, but subject to all conditions, its price will justify itself very quickly.


Seals come in different sizes: thin, thick, wide. Dimensions are selected based on the size of the gap or gap. With a slot width of 1-4 mm, a rectangular profile is used, and the material can be PVC, foam rubber or polyethylene. For smaller gaps - up to 3 mm, a C-profile seal is suitable, as well as K or E. P- and V-profile products cover holes from 3 to 5 mm. Seals with wide cavities inside O and D are mainly designed for entrance doors and are installed in the gap between the door and the jamb, the dimensions of which can be up to 7 mm.

These products are usually produced in large rolls. The footage may be different, depending on the manufacturer and the type of sealing material. When buying, you should be guided by the fact that one front door it is necessary to purchase from 5 to 6 meters of insulation. A little less can go to interior doors, but it’s better to always take it with a small margin: it will never be superfluous on the farm, and if suddenly any part of the sealing tape wears out, it can always be replaced.

If you need to seal the gap between door leaf and jamb, the size of the gap can be removed very simply: you need to insert a piece of plasticine wrapped in plastic wrap between them. You will get an impression, which will help to correctly determine the desired width of the seal.


Foam rubber seal is one of the most popular and simple. It has a self-adhesive base with which it can be easily attached to the door. The thickness and texture of the tape can be different. Foam rubber is nailed to wooden door structures with wallpaper nails, and if the front door is made of metal, you can fix the foam rubber with special glue, which is also designed to work with metal. The advantage of foam rubber has always been in its low cost and availability for everyone, however, it is known that its service life ends very quickly: often foam insulation is barely enough for one season, and under especially adverse weather conditions it can wear out much earlier. Of course, you can always buy it with a margin, but these features should be taken into account when buying.

Rubber insulation is rightfully called universal, because it is used to eliminate slotted gaps both in interior and exterior doors. You can work with it, insulating doors made of wood, chipboard and any metal. It can be of two types: either on an adhesive basis, or designed for installation in a door profile specially prepared for it. As you know, there are door models that are already produced with inserts designed to install a future seal.

The undoubted advantage of rubber seals is in their wide range: they are available in the form of bundles different diameter or tubular products with a cavity inside. Along with low cost, rubber has excellent sealing properties. When buying, it is very important to pay attention to its expiration date, as rubber loses its elasticity over time.

Silicone is similar to rubber, but it is softer, more ductile, quickly torn and abraded due to constant mechanical stress. In addition, after a while it acquires unnecessary stickiness, which is also an inconvenience. However, it also has its obvious advantages: silicone is very light and aesthetically pleasing. appearance, and in addition, it is considered environmentally safe material. Therefore, it is it that is most often used for insulating doors in kindergartens, schools, hospitals and clinics, and ease of use always ensures that there are no serious technical problems if it needs to be replaced.

Felt sealant is certainly familiar to everyone. Along with foam rubber, it is the most popular and well-known material that was widely used in the Soviet era. Felt is no less popular in use today, and even against the background of modern high-tech materials, it still has its obvious advantages. Felt is now easy to install and affordable compared to TPE seals.

The main advantage of felt is high wear resistance during operation. This natural and strong material is able to withstand harsh weather conditions and not wear out over a long period of time, especially if the installation was done correctly and conscientiously. Due to the fact that real felt is still made from pure wool, its internal structure does not collapse over time, unlike synthetic types of seals, and it can last for years without losing its original qualities. Felt is very dense, it perfectly absorbs sounds, perfectly retains heat and, contrary to popular belief, is a fireproof material precisely because of the density of its structure.

Previously, felt was widely used to insulate any doors and even windows. However, it has several features, due to which many consumers still prefer more modern species materials. Since it is still made from natural wool, following centuries-old traditions using complex technologies, its price is often quite high. In addition, the process of mounting felt on the door is not easy, and the master should have certain skills in order to do everything as correctly and accurately as possible. First of all, you will need to cut felt strips from sheet material, while other types of seals are already sold in finished form and are mortise, which do not require special preparation.


At the present stage, you can choose for every taste and color not only a window or a door, but also a heater for it. The color range of seals made of silicone, PVC and rubber is not limited: a white seal is ideal for plastic doors of the same color, and black rubber material will become a reliable protector from the cold and extraneous sounds if you fix it on the front door. Classic black and white colors have their own specific scope: it is clear that black seals are better suited for massive doors made of iron or any other metal, while white seals can hide cosmetic defects and gaps in interior doors.

For colored metal-plastic doors multi-colored seals are provided, which, as already mentioned, can always be purchased from the same manufacturing companies that produce doors. Transparent silicone types are suitable for those door owners who want the material used to be as inconspicuous as possible on the surface and at the same time perform its main functions.


The leading manufacturer of expensive but reliable seals is Gasket LLC is a Russian company specializing specifically in thermoplastic elastomers. The assortment includes not only ready-made seals: at the request of the customer, measurements can be taken and the product of any non-standard dimensions can be provided, taking into account the characteristics of a particular door structure.

Volzhsky RTI plant Since the Soviet era, it has been producing rubber products on an organosilicon basis. Now this plant produces rubber door heaters of various sizes and profiles, intended for general consumption. The quality of rubber is high, such materials serve for a long time, and their price is very moderate.

LLC PKF "Kazpolimer"- an enterprise located in Kazan and engaged in the production of all types of PVC and plastic seals. The assortment includes heaters for both entrance and interior doors, as well as materials with which you can eliminate gaps not only in doors, but also in furniture, both new and old.

Firm "Bars-profile" from St. Petersburg has long been engaged in the production of various seals made of wear-resistant PVC materials for doors of any type. The company mainly specializes in European-style insulation for both doors and windows, producing products of virtually any color and profile, already prepared for doors different types. This company works in full compliance with the quality requirements in accordance with GOST.

Kazan firm "Polynor" specializes in paints and varnishes and construction products, but it is she who produces high-quality liquid sealant for entrance metal doors with the same name. It is environmentally friendly and easy to use: in order to correctly apply it to the right place, it will be enough to carefully read the instructions.

Which to choose?

Before buying, it does not hurt to test the seal yourself for its quality. To do this, you just need to slightly press on it. If the quality is good, then the material returns to its previous shape after a few seconds, and if it is bad, it will remain in a “compressed” position or straighten out, but with signs of obvious deformation. It is not recommended to purchase such a sealant, and you should not look at the fact that it can be cheap: it will wear out or tear very quickly when in contact with the door structure, unable to withstand constant mechanical stress.

For the front door, as a rule, dense rubber seals are used, which have both tubular and rectangular shapes, depending on the size of the slots and the "age" of the door. If we are talking about a metal one-piece structure of the door frame, it can be insulated liquid material by gently spraying it from the can. For steel and iron doors magnetic heaters are ideal - they will provide the most tight closing, but will somewhat make the already weighty structure heavier. Magnetic heaters, as well as TEP options, will serve for a long time, being fixed on movable pendulum structures.

External and street doors can be insulated with felt, of course, by inviting an experienced craftsman for this and taking into account all the necessary costs associated with the material and the work process itself. Also, magnetic insulation (if we are talking about external metal doors) will be an excellent and less energy-consuming option. It should be borne in mind that felt can be used to insulate door porches, its dimensions, due to the specifics of the material, can be “customized” in the course of work.

AT log house special care should be taken about fire safety, so for any wooden door (made of oak or other woody material), a good alternative would be to use an intumescent insulation, which in the event of a fire hazard will prevent oxygen from entering the room, which can prevent the rapid spread of flames.

As for interior doors in general (including sliding and compartment doors), in this case, you can use more aesthetic seals made of soft silicone or plastic of the appropriate color. Since we are talking about moving structures, it would be better, in addition to the adhesive base that the seals have, to additionally fix it with glue on wood or chipboard, depending on the material from which the door is made.

By the way, to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt in the sliding structures of cassette-type doors, self-adhesive fleece tape, which is not very popular among door seals, is ideal, which is used to eliminate small gaps in wardrobes, chests of drawers and other furniture.

For a balcony door, a narrow adhesive-based rubber insulation is usually used, and if you still want to save money, you can also use foam rubber. If the balcony door is part of a double-glazed window, it will not be difficult to install any plastic seal on it. If the balcony door is old, wooden, with many cracks and gaps, wide strips of felt can be fixed around the perimeter of the door, following the size of the gaps, and small gaps can be eliminated using specially cut felt pads.

Nowadays, it is often necessary to use a sealant for wooden doors. It helps to cope with the problem of drafts, the room becomes warmer. The seal must be installed when dust enters through the cracks in the door. Foreign smells from the street penetrate into the room. It is very rare for a door to fit snugly against its frame. After installation, there are gaps. Before buying a seal for wooden doors, you should understand its types and understand what functions it performs.


The main function of doors is to isolate occupants, and wooden door panels are no exception. The better the insulation, the calmer the person feels in the living room. With the addition of a seal at the door, new characteristics appear:

  1. When the door closes, when two surfaces come into contact, a blow is obtained. The seal in this case will take the blow on itself, softening it. With it, the doors will last longer.
  2. Reduces the risk of chipping. With a heater there will be no deformation of the door, it will not be able to “squint” to the side.
  3. Thermal insulation appears, since the gasket from the seal closes the gaps between the door frame and the door itself. This keeps the heat in the room.
  4. With insulation, sound insulation increases. The door fits tighter, the likelihood of hearing extraneous noise is reduced.
  5. and doors reliably protects from dust.
  6. Drafts stop getting into the house through cracks.

What are sealants? Classification by purpose

A seal for wooden doors can be considered according to its purpose, as well as based on the material and method of its fastening. Each specific type of filler is used on different types doors.

The seal for the front door is a thick rubber tube that is resistant to various influences. Due to its structure, rubber ensures the preservation of heat in the room. The seal for the entrance wooden doors can have a different configuration.

Interior doors are in favorable conditions, they are not affected by weather factors. The seal for them can be made of rubber or silicone. Some use plastic. Installation is carried out most often with glue.

For wardrobes made of wood, a special self-adhesive tape is used as a sealant. It has a special pile that prevents dust from entering the cabinet.

How are seals classified by material?

The material used as a sealant is chosen taking into account the place where the door stands:

  1. The rubber seal is made from rubber. Silicate fillers are added to it. The material becomes resistant to external factors. It can withstand temperatures from -50 degrees to +120, while its properties remain unchanged. A rubber seal for wooden doors will last more than one year, often the service life is from seven to nine years. Usually used on the front door. Available in white, black, also brown.
  2. Plastic seals are considered one of the most durable, the service life can be up to 30 years. They are unchanged in all weather conditions, they are not afraid of frost. Another advantage of this type of sealant is the ability to restore shape even after mechanical damage. You can purchase this type in any color.
  3. The most popular on the market today are silicone seals. They have many advantages. They are not afraid of water, as well as direct sunlight. Such a sealant easily comes into shape after compression. It can last up to ten years. If the top layer becomes sticky to the touch, then it's time to change it. Over time, the material loses its strength.
  4. Polyurethane sealant is considered the most resistant to deformation. It protects sliding interior doors from impacts.
  5. It is believed that foam rubber has the shortest service life. If it is exposed to water or sunlight, it may crumble. With sudden changes in temperature, foam rubber loses its qualities. Many people buy it because of the low price.

What are the fastening methods?

An important point is how the seal is attached. He can be:

  1. Self-adhesive, have a sticky layer, which is covered with a protective film. This type is easy to install. To do this, you need to properly prepare the surface. The disadvantage of this type is that the tape often peels off.
  2. The sealant on the glue is quite difficult to install. Need to know how to apply glue with my own hands. It is necessary to choose a quality composition to ensure reliable adhesion to the surface. The method is reliable.
  3. The groove seal for wooden doors is used in the presence of a certain configuration. This method allows installation without additional elements. Plus - in his speed. Parts are easy to replace if needed. Grooved wooden door seals can be purchased at any hardware store. They are inexpensive.
  4. Mortise seal for wooden doors is mounted on specially prepared self-tapping screws. After fixing, it is recommended to fill the cracks with liquid sealant.
  5. Magnetic ones are not used on wooden door panels.

How to choose the right sealant?

In this case, do not rush and do not take the first seal found in the hardware store. Pre-required:

  1. Find out what the perimeter of the door is. Then it will be easy to understand what length of tape is worth buying. For a standard door leaf, six meters of tape are required.
  2. Do not neglect the instructions on the boxes. From it you can get all the necessary information about the product. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date of the glue. If it has expired, then the adhesive has lost its properties. It will "fly off" or even not stick to anything.
  3. You can put a little pressure on the tape, if it fully recovers in the shortest possible time, then the material is of good quality.
  4. If there is a tape that does not have an adhesive layer, then a sealant can be used.
  5. Plastic doors are suitable for the inner door. The main function of the seal is to protect the apartment from drafts.
  6. If you need to insulate a wooden balcony door, then it is better to choose an adhesive-based rubber seal. If there are small gaps, then you can opt for foam rubber.

What seals are best used in a fire hazard?

If there is a risk of fire in the room, then it is better to opt for a thermally expandable filler. When the temperature reaches the maximum mark, it begins to melt. Foam appears, it seals the passage.

How to install the product on the front door made of wood?

To install a door seal for wooden doors you need:

  1. Find out the perimeter of the door frame, the length of the tape is determined.
  2. Make a mold of the gap. To do this, you can use plasticine. It must be placed in a plastic bag and clamped with a door.
  3. It is important to clean the place where the seal will be attached. The surface must be free of dirt and dust. You can degrease the workplace alcohol solution. If you have a solvent on hand, you can also use it.
  4. When using glue, remember that it is applied in a thin layer. It is evenly distributed with a spatula over the surface. The rubber layer is also covered with a layer of glue.
  5. It takes about ten minutes for the glue to dry, after which you can install the rubber tube. It must be pressed tightly against the desired surface, gently squeezing.
  6. The ends can be trimmed with a utility knife.
  7. The sealing tape is then glued around the perimeter of the door.

It must be remembered that sealing depends on the number of layers glued along the contour of the door.

How is the sealant glued to the wooden interior door?

The seal for wooden doors in the apartment is glued directly to the frame. It is advisable to pick it up in the same tone as the door itself. In this case, the latter will look more harmonious.

If the tape needs to be replaced with a new one, then you need to carefully remove the old one. Together with it, you need to remove nails from the surface, as well as traces of glue.

In order not to stain the door frame, you can close it. After that, you can stick a new tape. It is necessary to get a completely closed perimeter, the excess part of the tape can be cut off with a clerical knife. The cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees. When the job is done, you can shoot masking tape from the door frame.

If a person chooses a self-adhesive sealant, he must ideally prepare the surface for work. It should not leave any contaminants. The door leaf must be sanded. After that, the surface is degreased. When work has begun, it is better to remove the protective film gradually so that the glue does not have time to dry before the tape comes into contact with the surface.

Information in conclusion

We examined what types of sealant are and how to properly mount it. What is the best choice? As practice shows, best option is the purchase of a silicone door seal. It is not too expensive and has good features.

🚪Doors in the house play a very important role. They protect against external noise, drafts, odors, retain heat within the boundaries of a separate room. The completeness of these functions depends on the density of the door in the box. It is to ensure this property of the door structure that the sealing elements serve.

Door seals are distinguished by dimensional parameters, by the types of materials used in their manufacture, by the types of door panels and door frame designs on which they will be installed.

Types of door seals

Used to make a seal different kinds ersatz leather, foam rubber, plastic, rubber, silicone, vinyl, polystyrene.

The seal can be of various configurations - in the form of a spring, a tube, be folding or otherwise:

Tubular elements are made of vinyl and placed in a metal or plastic shell that has rings for attaching to the box;
- a tight fit of the door can be provided by a spring plate, which is attached to the door frame with glue or nails (brackets) so that the allowances of the door leaf (rebate) coincide with it. This sealant is only effective on flat surfaces;
- a folding seal is a V-shaped spring insert that is attached around the perimeter of the door leaf or to its upper parts. With its help, a tight fit of doors of a specific design (accordion) and with a complex closing mechanism to the doorway is ensured.

For each type of door structure, a specific type of seal is designed.

When choosing a seal, it is necessary to take into account the material of the door on which it will be installed. So, an elastic tubular seal is usually installed on the front door, which ensures a tight fit of the door leaf to the box. This seal is made of porous rubber on a self-adhesive basis, which maximizes the effect of thermal insulation. Such a seal is easy to install and replace.🚪The sealant for interior doors performs more simple functions, so the material for it is usually silicone or elastic rubber.

For plastic doors, a seal of a special configuration is required, which is installed in a groove located along the perimeter of the door leaf. With this method of installation, exposure to high and low temperatures is reduced, and in case of wear of the seal, it is easy to replace. This seal is universal for use on both inlet and interior doors. Its disadvantage is the impossibility of replacing it with seals from other manufacturers and other types of this door accessory.

On the glass doors usually a silicone seal with a specific profile is installed. The installation method is simple - it is enough to turn around the wet door panel with a sealant. In the process of drying, it is very strong fixation. If an aluminum profile is used in the door leaf along with glass, then the installation scheme for sealing elements is used, which is applied to plastic doors.

When buying this door accessory, do not try to save money - the cheaper the seal, the shorter its service life.

The tightness of the door, both interior and entrance, is determined by the density of contact between the leaf and the door frame. This is achieved not only due to the exact dimensions of the elements, but also due to additional devices - a contour seal for interior doors, for example.

What is a door seal

In order for the sash to move freely, especially when it comes to rooms in an apartment, it is necessary that there is a slight gap between the door leaf, frame and floor. However, such a gap reduces the heat-insulating and sound-proofing qualities of the structure. This problem is solved by finishing the sash along the contour with a material that can change volume when compressed and has good thermal insulation properties.

The seal for interior doors in the groove is this solution. Represents a narrow tape from some types of material. Such a tape can be included in the kit. Or it can be independently glued around the perimeter of the sash. A self-adhesive model, for example, does not even require the purchase of glue.

The functions of the seal are:

  • soundproofing - for doors in an apartment this is the most important requirement. Often, it is a conversation or a working TV in the next room that prevents other inhabitants of the home from falling asleep. The device is made of materials that allow you to absorb sound: silicone, rubber, foam rubber. It also helps in cases where the sash itself creaks;
  • its second function is to ensure the preservation of heat. Through the groove, cold air enters the room from an unheated corridor. Soft and porous material that fills the groove of the box allows you to keep warm;
  • odor absorption - more precisely, a contour self-adhesive or ordinary sealant does not allow odor to pass through. This option is necessary for the kitchen, and for the bathroom, and for the toilet.

The material of the product, in addition to performing the above tasks, must have sufficient wear resistance. The sash in the apartment opens very often, so there will be a lot of wear.

Door seals for interior doors

There are several types of products depending on the material.

The choice here is quite large, and regardless of the type of material, installing the fixture in the groove is very simple and accessible to a beginner.

  • Rubber - apparently, the most famous option. Rubber perfectly absorbs sounds, but when buying, you should pay attention to the softness of the product: the softer the rubber material, the better the sound insulator it is.
  • The downside of the product is that over time, the contour rubber seal loses elasticity. And in this case, the rubber material not only does not absorb sounds, but also begins to creak. Installing and replacing it is very easy.
  • Foam rubber is the most affordable option. The material is lightweight, tightly fills the gaps, does an excellent job of absorbing noise and retaining heat. However, the material has a significant drawback - fast wear resistance, the foam tape lasts no more than 5-6 months.

  • Silicone - it is used both for thermal insulation of the door, and for those cases when the sash creaks, for example. Silicone self-adhesive sealant for interior doors has a very high durability, resistance to temperature extremes. In addition, the product is available in a variety of sizes - for installation in the groove of the box, for sealing gaps in the threshold, and so on.
  • Brush - soft lightweight sealant, which, however, does not provide heat and sound insulation. The self-adhesive brush tape perfectly copes with the need to collect dust and dirt, which guarantees the ease of movement of the sash. The brush version is most often fixed in a closet or on sliding doors.

  • Foamed polyurethane - for example, Schlegel Q-lon 3072. Polyurethane has almost absolute wear resistance. At the same time, the polyurethane tape is very soft, does not change its properties with temperature fluctuations, so it can be used as a contour tape for both entrance and interior doors. In the photo - Schlegel Q-lon 3072.

Installation of interior door seals is most often done independently. To do this, just pick up a tape of the appropriate size and stick it along the contour.

If suddenly a feeling of a draft appeared in a house or apartment, or street or porch smells began to be felt, then this indicates that the door has ceased to close tightly. To resolve this issue on their own You can buy door seals.

Entrance doors often frustrate their owners by failing to cope with their main task - keeping the heat in the room. Doors from the inside can be filled with insulation, but if they do not fit snugly against the door frame, then they are ineffective and play a minimal role in maintaining the internal microclimate.

What are gaskets for?

Self-adhesive door seal. Material installation

On modern metal and plastic doors manufacturers install a special seal that can last from several months to several years, depending on the cost, the more expensive the door, the better the seal. Cheap exterior doors have low-quality plastic seals that soon become unusable.

It is not difficult to install a self-adhesive door seal for doors on your own - it is important to choose the right thickness of the material and its profile. To do this, you can apply the method used by our fathers and grandfathers: wrap a piece of plasticine in polyethylene, put it in a slot and close the door tightly. After opening the door, the approximate thickness of the future seal will be obtained with the doorway closed.

The door seal for doors is fastened quite simply: before installing the material, it is necessary to degrease the attachment point, then the protective film is gradually removed from the material from the sticky side and pressed tightly against the door fold. Some manufacturers save on glue for a sticky surface, and such a sealant soon begins to lag behind the door. To correct this situation, you can use quick-drying glue, for example, "Moment" or "Second".


Summing up all of the above, we come to the conclusion that a door seal is the tool that can save a house or apartment from the penetration of foreign sounds, smells and drafts from the outside. This is especially true for cheap doors, which are often sold without a seal or on which there is a cheap sealing material that quickly becomes unusable.

Seals are different in quality of workmanship and appearance. Each of them is designed to close door gaps of different widths. Therefore, before you should decide on his profile, so that later you do not have to reinstall it again.

Seals come from different materials A: rubber, foam rubber, plastic and so on. The most common are rubber, as they are more durable, better and more reliable. They are easy to install on doors and door jambs and just as easy to take them off. The most important thing to remember: before installing the material, it is necessary to remove debris, dust and degrease the surface where the seal will be glued with a solvent or alcohol. Otherwise, it will definitely peel off during operation, and you will have to buy a new one.

Experts also advise not to pursue colored sealants, since due to the color pigment added to the material, it loses its qualities under the influence of weather conditions.