Download a typical project for the improvement of a suburban area. Landscape design: how to properly organize space

A ready-made landscape project of the site allows customers to save their money and time for developing a new concept and agreeing working documentation. Ready-made projects will allow you to see how the landscape will look like on a personal plot after planting horticultural crops and plants.

If you need a turnkey landscaping solution personal plot, landscape workshop "Fantasy Garden" will offer you a wide range of interesting and original solutions:

  • for each project, plants for landscaping were selected, taking into account their decorative combination;
  • plants from the same group have excellent opportunities for co-growing;
  • a bunch of ready-made solutions will allow you to choose the best project for the improvement of your garden or suburban area;
  • options differ in decorativeness and scale;
  • such solutions make it possible to equip different areas of the adjacent territory: its borders, a place near a reservoir, a lawn.

It is not necessary to start landscape design from scratch. In many cases, it is much more appropriate to be able to use a ready-made plan that was previously developed for a site of a certain size, topography and soil.

Examples of finished landscape design projects

Examples of ready-made projects for landscape design of plots presented on our website will help you decide which of the proposed solutions will most harmoniously complement your garden plot or backyard area. Examples of hedges, groups of perennial and coniferous plants, lawn groups, decoration around a pond - our designers are ready to implement these and many other solutions on your backyard land.

I want to talk about the composition of the landscape project and the sequence of work. When we agree with the customer on the first meeting, I warn him that he must have a large margin of time, which I need in order to measure the site and take a photo. We also set ourselves tasks for future design: whether a vertical layout is needed, what functional areas will be, what plants are preferable, etc. Based on the results of the meeting, a measurement plan is drawn and sent for approval.

Next, I offer two sketches. This is a master plan diagram - a top view of the entire site, with existing and future buildings, the main paths, and the plants are indicated by the total mass.

We are discussing these two options with the customer. We decide what to exclude and what to leave. Usually the final master plan consists of two proposed sketches. Minor changes may be made during the design process. When the master plan is approved, the necessary drawings are drawn for the project to be carried out in nature. If the site is on a difficult terrain, then I draw a vertical layout. With this drawing, earthworks can begin. In parallel with this, a layout drawing is made. All paths, retaining walls, platforms and buildings are marked and measured on it.

If necessary, fragments of improvement are worked out in detail. In this case, this is a section of a raised flower bed in the entrance area.

A very important part of the project is the balance of the territory. Different areas of the site are marked with color. This scheme is accompanied by a statement, which indicates the area of ​​​​the lawn and paving, how much the parking area occupies, the length of the retaining walls, the building area and recommended finishing materials. This information is needed when calculating estimates and purchasing building materials, especially if the customer decided to do the construction himself.

So that the site does not flood, and the plants feel good, it is necessary to drain the water. In this image, the drainage scheme, trench section and retaining wall drainage.

Dendroplan. This is a drawing on which all plants planted on a given land plot are marked. For convenience, a grid is superimposed on the plan, and each plant is indicated in its adult state. For example, on this dendroplane, the grid is 5x5 meters, under the number 1 is Serbian spruce. It can be seen that the crown span of an adult tree will be approximately 3 meters. An assortment sheet is attached to the dendroplan, which indicates the serial number of the plant, its quantity, image and necessary recommendations. All plants are selected taking into account the overall design concept, biological and visual compatibility.

Usually, on the dendrological plan, I indicate large shrubs and trees, and I work out flower beds and decorative groups separately. In the diagram, a flower garden located in the entrance area. At the request of the customer, it consists of perennials that require a minimum of care, bloom throughout the summer, replacing each other.

The composition of the flower garden:
1. Tree hydrangea
2. Potentilla shrub
3.Japanese spirea
4. Soft cuff
5. Juniper Sky rocket
6.Aster bushy Blaubux
7. Alpine aster
8. Armenian Veronica
9. Carnation grass
10. Delphinium
11. Giant bow
A group of evergreen shrubs:

1. Thuja western Brabant
2. Thuja western Wareana Lutescens
3. Japanese spirea
4. Boxwood Evergreen
5. Carnation ground cover grass

As an additional decorative element, it is proposed to arrange a part of the fence with vertical gardening.

When the dendroplan is worked out, I know how to arrange landscape lamps. They not only illuminate the paths, you can also highlight a group of ornamental shrubs, or one in particular beautiful tree. The layout of the lamps looks like this:

Irrigation scheme:

When all the drawings are ready, a master plan with an explication is formed.

The composition of the landscape project includes the development of LAF - small architectural forms. In this case, it is a barbecue gazebo and a children's area.

As a rule, only the visual part, that is, sketches, is developed for the project. Additionally, you can make a top view and a cut. Usually I do not draw nodes and structural elements, but the materials that I provide can serve as a detailed specification for the contractor who will undertake to build my structure. Also, the customer can send them to different contracting companies to calculate the cost of construction and choose the one that offers the most favorable conditions.

The playground is made in modern style. I believe that non-standard spaces form creative thinking in children, and minimalism inspires.

The owner, starting to build a country house, is already thinking about home decoration, outbuildings. Experts recommend thinking through the components of your possession in advance. This can be done by having a master plan of land ownership in hand.

Landscape project will help realize your design solutions

A competent project of landscape design of the site will help to correctly distribute valuable square meters, taking into account all the features of the surface, reduce costs.

The landscape design project involves 2 main stages.

  • Training.
  • Development.

You can contact a specialist who will do the job quickly, according to the norms. But it will cost at least 10 thousand rubles, the amount depends on the size of the site.

Professionals use precision equipment, but their services are expensive

Landscaping is a complex but interesting activity, the imagination and participation of the owner have great importance, many develop independently, based on the main stages of the process, finished work professionals, their advice.

When designing, normalized distances to objects are taken into account

Project preparation includes:

  • accurate measurements of areas;
  • analysis of existing plantations, their sanitary, decorative condition;
  • study of chemical composition soil;
  • analysis of the general relief;
  • analysis of existing communications;
  • level natural light terrain;
  • degree of soil contamination.

The development of a landscape design project for a site begins with the creation of a general sketch. It should be clearly visible where which zone is located.

At the second stage, a sketch is created showing the breakdown of the site into functional zones.

The main characteristics of the site

Regardless of whether a large piece of land or a small one, there are certain criteria that are recommended to be taken into account.

Laws for the design of suburban areas

No matter how much man tries to establish his laws everywhere, this does not concern nature. Design experts advise relying on unspoken patterns.

  1. Law of a triangle (section). For example, a flower bed will look harmonious if you remove all the same elements, divide it into zones. Or when dividing the land into parts, it is recommended to allocate 2-3, all of different sizes. AT color scheme the principle is the same, one color is the main one, the rest are additional. This rule is relevant for all works: design, design.
  2. Circle law. Works well in distributing color shades. For example, if you divide it into 2 parts, divide the colors into cold and warm, this is a composition. Shades from the neighboring group can be mixed, but in minimal quantities.
  3. Square law. Relevant with a clear location of buildings on the site, planting plants. Here it is important to observe the orientation to the cardinal points. For example, it is recommended to place the pool on the south side, plant tall plants on the north side.

The ideal garden should combine all three patterns

Competent zoning

In order for a country house to be comfortable and safe, the buildings must be correctly positioned in the general project.

An example of zoning a suburban area

First zone: outbuildings(garage, sauna, barn, toilet). Clarification: if the toilet is outdoors, it is recommended to place it as far as possible from the well with drinking water.

The yard toilet is better to hide in the depths of the site

Second: decorative landscape, recreation area (gazebo, barbecue area, flower beds). It can be located in the far corner of the cottage.

Buildings made of natural stone fit perfectly into landscape design

Third: gardening, horticulture. Harvest beds or fruit-bearing shrubs are recommended to be located as close as possible to a well, a well with clean water.

An interesting solution is a compact garden in high flower beds

It is better to have the second and third zones in the illuminated corners of the cottage. On any private territory there are shady places, shade-loving plants are planted there.

In the process of landscape design, it is desirable to immediately develop a general scheme for comfortable movement around the perimeter, to think over convenient “routes” to frequently visited points. In large areas, such a scheme is more difficult to develop than in small ones.

Creating garden paths

When planning a location garden paths it is necessary to take into account the composition and topography of the earth, even in a small depression in the spring, at the time of snow melting, in the summer after rain, puddles will form, which may increase over time. Periodically it is necessary to level the ground cover. This is an option for ordinary, summer cottages.

Wooden mosaics look great, but require constant maintenance and have a limited lifespan.

If the property is planned to be used year-round, garden paths can be laid out with brick, tile, stone. Choice finishing material depends on the wishes of the owner.

Stone paths are much more durable, although much depends on the rock used.

Paths in a summer cottage can be located in different ways, intersect, branch, connect and disconnect.

Making "wrong" pieces of land

A narrow estate landscape design project is quite difficult to create. It is possible to make it convenient and functional, but the aesthetic side of the issue will be more difficult to solve. If the length is sufficient, a barn, a recreation area, a garden, a vegetable garden can be placed on the square.

If you want to arrange a cottage on your own, it is recommended to take the advice of experienced designers for working with narrow areas.

Registration of a plot of 6 acres

With a competent approach, even on 6 acres of land, several main suburban areas can be placed.

600 square meters is not so much, so you need to seriously approach the development of landscape design, use every free meter.

And on six acres you can place everything you need

Popular design style small dacha is geometric, that is, buildings and plantings form any geometric figure.

The main task of the developer is to correctly place a residential building. It should be located in such a way that the shadow does not fall on the remaining territory. Most often, this is the north side. Additionally, the building will protect plantings from the wind. Opposite it, you can place the rest of the economic structures.

The northwest corner is the most suitable place for the location of the house on a small plot

The garage is placed at the beginning of the land ownership, so that the entrance occupies as little private territory as possible.

The improvement of a summer cottage of 6 acres has its own characteristics, it is better to follow general recommendations experienced professionals.

  • Installing a fence is a designation of clear boundaries. In a small space, a feeling of constriction, tightness is created. If there is no way without a hedge, it can be decorated with living plantings, for example, lianas.
  • To create a feeling of a wide space, you should not plant plants in straight lines, it is better to distribute them around the entire perimeter.
  • Lawns will visually expand the space. They can be located in the center, or in front of the entrance to the main house.
  • Clear, straight paths will be out of place. The lines are smooth, "forcing" the eye to follow the soft line of the arc.

To make the cottage look harmonious, you need to correctly calculate the size of a residential building, a barn, a toilet, a place for a garden and a vegetable garden. Optimal size house, according to experts, 5\6 meters, you can build a small terrace. If the owner does not plan to keep animals, there may be one outbuilding in which a shower and storage will be combined. If the toilet is outdoors, so as not to be conspicuous, shrubs or trees can be planted around.

When organizing a garden, it must be remembered that it will grow over time, you should not plant a large number of seedlings in a small area, 5-6 pieces are enough.

Neatly arranged garden beds

Vegetable beds are located in a sunny place. It will not be possible to land a lot due to limited footage.

The seating area is best located near the garden. Trees will grow, throwing more and more shade. Can be built small gazebo or just set up a table and benches.

Registration of a plot of 10 acres

A summer cottage of 10 acres allows the owner to design it in any style direction, placing everything necessary and necessary. In this case, it is possible to use the help of specialists or independently develop a landscape design project.

At the beginning of the design work, you need to decide on the style. The architectural form of housing, the choice of trees and flowers for the garden, plants for the garden, decorative elements, geometric planting patterns will depend on it.

Organization of a recreation area in English style

On 10 acres, the English style harmoniously looks. Its distinguishing feature is the natural placement of elements. All vegetation: trees, flowers, shrubs, greenery, planted in tiers. But, there should be a lot of plants, due to this, the relevance of symmetry disappears. Paths, paths are winding, neat, if the relief is changeable, a natural reservoir is being built.

There is no need to select plants, almost everything will do.

Japanese style is relevant for a dacha of 10 acres. It provides for the presence of an artificial reservoir, it is allowed to install several decorative elements, stones, and lanterns are hung outside the residential building.

The beauty of the Japanese garden lies in the balance and harmony of forms.

There should not be a lot of decor, restraint is an important characteristic of the Japanese. Plants are preferably calm: juniper, dwarf pine.

The Mediterranean direction is suitable for registration of ownership. It is characterized wicker furniture, flower pots, stone-paved paths, a gazebo, "immersed" in greenery, a small fountain.

The Mediterranean style is characterized by an abundance of plants placed in flower beds, in pots and on pergolas.

For most people, the concept of "cottage" is associated with the concept of "garden". Modern design solutions do not imply the presence of traditional beds in the project, therefore, in order not to disturb the style order, experts offer alternative options.

Registration of a plot of 15 acres

If a plot of 6 or 10 acres is considered small, modest, then a property of 15 acres is already a medium-sized property, on which an individual can afford to place almost anything. The ideal shape is 30/50 meters.

Scheme of a plot of 15 acres: 1 - house, 2 - garage, 3. - hozblok, 4 - parking, 5 - terrace, 6 - barbecue area, 7 - playground, 8 - greenhouse, 9 - garden with tall trees, 10 - alcove

Landscape design of such footage includes a residential building, a garage, a barn, a recreation area, a garden, a vegetable garden, a playground.

The entire perimeter must be kept in the same style. It depends on the geometry. If this is a regular rectangle, you can safely design it in a classic, regular style. It is characterized by straight lines, everything must be accurate, symmetrical.

If the property is irregularly shaped, such as triangular, a landscape style will do. In this case, the laws of symmetry are irrelevant. But, do not think that it will be possible to do everything as you have to or succeed, a competent organization is necessary. This type of design involves the presence of an artificial reservoir, bizarre, unusual flower beds, decoration with natural materials.

Young plants are planted taking into account their growth

If the buildings and decorative elements are distributed correctly, there will be room for a pool or sports ground. It is better not to plant trees around the living quarters, over time they will block natural light, you can replace them with shrubs: jasmine, juniper, lilac. Currants, gooseberries, raspberries in the garden. An apple or plum tree is planted next to them.

A recreation area can be placed in any part of the land ownership. Someone likes it to be in the sun, others, on the contrary, relax in the shade and coolness. When installing a brazier, designers recommend taking into account the direction of the world so that the wind does not “drive” smoke into the living space.

Placement and decoration of the garden

The most beautiful gardens in China, so before you start planting your own, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of this people. It is believed that this place should look like a single organism, everything is natural, organic.

Each element of the Chinese garden occupies a certain place and has its own meaning.

Edge trees are planted in a strict straight line, in the middle there are low specimens, the paths are smooth, soft. The priority is red, blue, white, pink. In the central part, they build an arch of flowers, made by hand.

The use of sculptures in design

Garden sculptures are made of ceramic, bronze or polymer resin. Some owners make their own figurines out of wood or steel.

Sculptures will give the garden originality and originality.

They can be just a decoration of the decor, or carry some semantic load, be useful: a vase or a fountain. It is not necessary to decorate the perimeter with large specimens, miniature ones will do.

Each land holding is beautiful in its own way. Singularity and individuality are given to it by decorative ornaments: figurines, stones. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the quantity, 2-3 medium ones, or 5 small elements per hundred square meters of land, are enough.

Modern owners tend to lay out the free, ground space near the buildings with stone, tiles. Designers are advised to leave green corners, lawns. Sow them with a special lawn grass quite expensive, experienced summer residents have found a replacement - shoot-bearing bent grass. In crop production, it is considered a weed, but, as practice shows, the lawn “lays” perfectly. If you devote enough time to land registration, you can save a decent amount of money by consulting with professionals or experienced summer residents.

A perfect lawn needs good care

If all the free space is occupied by trees and plants, there is no room left for flower beds, they can be perfectly grouped with vegetables. For example, cucumbers are planted in the center, tomatoes around them, flowers around the edges. This type of planting organization is increasingly used by modern designers, arguing that in the near future it will become the main one.

Unsightly dacha items can be disguised with climbing plants. They perfectly decorate the gazebo, hedge.

Trying to make the summer cottage unusual and original, it is possible to overdo it with details or decorative elements. Therefore, in the process of work, you need to stop to rest, view the result of your work from all sides, consult with specialists, more experienced neighbors.

Video on how to draw a landscape design project yourself

50 photos of the best completed landscape design projects

The site landscape design project is a phased, comprehensive, scientifically based approach to landscaping. It allows you to competently use the features of the landscape, turn disadvantages into advantages, emphasize the individual plasticity of the relief, give a harmonious image to any territory and make it the most comfortable for people to live and work.

The landscape workshop "Garden of Fantasy" has been working in this field for more than 9 years.

Our specialists are engaged in the development and implementation of landscape projects for summer cottages and turnkey cottage settlements in the Moscow region, have experience in landscaping with different features relief, existing buildings, reservoirs and other natural and engineering objects.

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The main stages of creating a design project for a summer cottage:

  • after the client’s request, our specialist goes to the site, takes its dimensions, notes important details, and takes a series of photographs;
  • the customer tells us his ideas and ideas regarding the design and landscaping of the backyard area;
  • we will be able to realize all your wishes for the improvement of the garden, we will offer our own ideas for consideration, including design elements collected in our portfolio;
  • within 10 days we will prepare for you two sketches with a visualization of each, and you choose the option you like.
  • then designers create engineering drawings and estimates, after which the project moves into the implementation stage.

Thanks to the experience and knowledge of our architects, artists, engineers, your site will be transformed into a picturesque and comfortable environment, fully consistent with the landscape design project, created taking into account all your wishes.

working draft - Cost, rub.
General plan 100 sq. m. from 1 500
Dendroplan 100 sq. m. from 1 500
Paving concept, structural drawings sheet from 5 000
100 sq. m. from 1 000
Landscaping plan 100 sq. m. from 1 000
Assortment list set attached to Dendroplan
Basic estimate for the planned work set from 2 500
Explanatory note set from 3 000

Working project in landscape design

The working project in landscape design includes:

  • The general plan is a drawing drawn up on the basis of a sketch of the design project of the site. It reveals the shape of the projected site, all existing, planned buildings, structures, plantations, LAF, roads, sites, etc.
  • Landscaping plan- is one of the sections of the master plan of any object. This drawing indicates: road and footpath network, LAF, recreation areas, etc. with references to existing buildings and structures;
  • Landscaping plan- is also an integral part of the landscape design project of the site. It lists all projected tree and shrub plantations, flower beds with references to various baselines (house, fence...);
  • Dendroplan determines the spatial composition and artistic appearance of the designed landscape. The set includes an assortment list, which includes: the size of the designed plants, quantity, Russian and Latin names.

How to order a landscape project

Ordering a landscape project is a great way to entrust landscaping and garden design to professional specialists. Affordable prices, an extraordinary approach to solving problems and the ability to design a summer cottage, its landscaping in the most different styles make our offer particularly attractive for everyone who wants to create an atmosphere of harmony, natural beauty and elegant style in their backyard.

Every owner of a suburban area wants to equip their square meters as best as possible. To do this, you need to approach the process very competently. Ready-made projects, developments and recommendations of professionals will help you.

But, even taking into account the advice of experts, it will not be an easy task to independently implement a landscape project for the site. This process obliges to have certain knowledge and skills in engineering, architecture, horticulture, agronomy, cultural studies and even history. Therefore, in order to save time, effort and money, we offer you the following project design plan land plot.

Create a site plan

To create your dream site plan, arm yourself with graph paper or, if more convenient, with an architectural graphic landscape design program. Artistic drafting of the project is the main stage in the development of design. It is possible that not everything that you put into the plan will be implemented. But on the other hand, while you apply your ideas, you can decide for yourself exactly what you want to see on your site.

It will be interesting to design the landscape design of an empty site, because you have a blank sheet in front of you: arrange paths, gazebos and other elements as you like, graphics will help you unleash your imagination. On the other hand, this difficult task: you need to apply communications (water supply, sewerage, irrigation), but here the fantasy needs to be suspended and more engineering skills included.

Site plan with buildings

Landscaping of a site that has already been inhabited also requires engineering precision. The entire area must be walked around with a tape measure, recording measurements and distances. Draw the changes you want to make.

The standard list of zones on a personal plot, depending on the purpose:

  • Residential area - house, garage and other outbuildings;
  • Rest zone;
  • The area where the garden and garden are located;
  • Outbuildings.

If you can properly organize the space, the living area and recreation area will exactly meet their goals.

When planning the landscape design of your yard, consider the characteristics of the soil and the site, such as: relief, shape, soil type, groundwater.

Required work to be done:

  • Landscaping of a personal plot;
  • Accommodation artificial reservoirs and ponds;
  • Consider paths, paths and alleys;
  • Lighting plan;
  • Drainage.

We warn you that you will redo some details more than once, or even not twice. Because what is drawn in the plan will probably look ridiculous in real life. And vice versa. So be patient and get to work.

Basic rules of landscape design

In any business there are recommendations, rules and laws. The site clearance process is no exception. Our task is the harmony of all details and objects. In order to achieve this harmony, let's get acquainted with some of the laws that guide landscape design specialists.

Triangle Law

This law sounds like this: do not use the initial elements equally. Those. triangular shape in any object should not be equilateral and rectangular. For example, if the flower bed is divided into three zones, do not make the zones the same. Let one be large and two smaller, but also different. As for the color - one is the main one, the other two are additional. The shape of the tile when laying out the track: the main part of the tile is of one shape, the rest of the tiles are of two different forms. Such a rule of three- size, color, shape - everything is different.

law of three

color wheel law

This law will help you decide on the most harmonious combination of colors in the exterior. How does such a law work? Everything is simple. By dividing the color wheel into two parts, on the one hand you will see warm shades flowers, and on the other - cold. So, it is better to make separate compositions either in a shade of warm colors, or in a shade of cold ones. If you want to add a color element from a cold group to a group of warm colors, or vice versa, then make such an element an accent in the composition.

Choosing plants according to the law of the color wheel

square law

When deciding where to build a house or plant tall plants or trees, remember that if you place them on the south side, then the entire site will be shaded. But the pool, so that the water warms up, is just better to break in the south. The law of the square affects the location of buildings and large elements on the site.

In fact, there are many more such laws, but given at least these three, the landscape design of your site will be designed competently and beautifully.

Separate elements of the landscape

To equip landscape design, buildings, small architectural forms and vegetation are used. All these elements have different purposes, but they serve the same purpose.


On a personal plot there can be one building or more, with one floor or multi-storey. It is a residential building that is the main object in landscape design. The residential building sets the style, it is beaten with other compositions, different elements are attached.

Start of design - building design

Small architectural forms

These are elements whose task is to connect the main buildings and vegetation to each other. They also aesthetically decorate the territory and emphasize the main style. Small architectural forms have different purposes:

Decorative - their purpose is to decorate the site

  • Arbor. It is not only decorative, but also a functional element in the exterior. In the pavilions they dine and drink tea, relax, play board games.
  • Terrace. Additional extension to the house. Often access to the terrace is made directly from the kitchen or living room. On summer days, the roof and plants protect the terrace from the sun. This is a quiet place to relax. If you make the terrace closed and insulate it, then it will be possible to gather there in winter.
  • Pergola. This is a relatively new trend in landscape design. A pergola is an arched support (wooden, metal, stone, plastic) for climbing flowers and grapes. It is used as a canopy over a terrace or a separate decorative element.
  • Rotunda. It is a round structure with a dome and columns. If you have a hill on the site, then the rotunda is the place there.
  • Fountains, sculptures, bridges, statues, stairs, artificial streams and reservoirs.

Universal - their goal is practicality and comfort

  • flowerpots,
  • lanterns,
  • benches.

Game and sports - their goal is active recreation for children and adults

  • children's swings and slides,
  • football goal,
  • sandboxes.

Decorative small architectural forms in the garden

Ideas for small architectural forms (video)


It is considered by many to be the most important design element. Main groups:

Lawns and flower beds

  • Flowerbeds and front gardens. The most popular flower bed shapes are circle, rectangle and oval. For those who like to stand out, a triangle and a star shape are suitable. The border is laid out with stone or brick.
  • Traditional lawn. Neatly trimmed and well-groomed, it creates a contrast with tall trees and shrubs.
  • Moorish lawns. This is a lawn that does not require a haircut, because it decorates the site with flowering.
  • Parterre lawn. This is the so-called. an elite lawn, which is laid out in the front part of the courtyard.
  • Rose garden. Rose beds in the southern part of the site.
  • Arabesque. Unusual flowerbed, made in the form of a complex ornament or in the form of an object, animal, etc.
  • Rock garden. This is a decorative slide that combines stones and plants.
  • Rockery. This is a decorative composition that combines stones and dwarf plants.
  • Rabatka. This is a rectangular flower bed along the fence, along the perimeter of the site or lawn delimiter.

moorish lawn

Trees and shrubs

  • Green maze. This is a classic of garden art, requiring a large area and elevation, from which you can observe the beauty of winding roads.
  • Topiary. This is a spectacular decor by turning deciduous bushes into a variety of shapes.
  • Live fence, border, decoration of flower beds.

Green maze: beautiful, interesting, but voluminous

Styles in the landscaping

For many years, the design and decoration of gardens and parks has been of great importance. And therefore, the owners of suburban areas spare no expense to invite a specialist in this field to decorate their territory. We can safely say that landscape design is an art that requires a qualitative combination of the beauty of nature and the strict lines of buildings. It is not surprising that certain styles have developed over time, including specific concepts and ideas that reflect the culture of the nation and era.

Modern specialists are constantly looking for new ideas and analyze existing experience. It's no surprise that styles mix in search of something fresh. But for such a combination to be successful, you need to know the principles of the basic styles.

Regular (formal, geometric, French) style

This style was most popular in Europe in the 17th-18th centuries during the Baroque era. The most striking example of the regular style can be called the Versailles Gardens. A garden or park decorated in this style is outlined with clear lines. The design of this style is distinguished by symmetry and the geometric correctness of the location of all objects. The space is divided by hedges. Planning and designing a site in this style begins with the definition of the main line, which is the central element (usually a reservoir). The decoration is characterized by balustrades, stone benches, terraces, fountains and smooth alleys. For flower beds and flower beds, plants of the same color are used.

Versailles garden

English (landscape, irregular, landscape) style

This style developed in England in the 18th century as a contrast to the regular style. Compared to it, the plot, decorated in the English style, is completely devoid of symmetry. On the contrary, it is characterized by a free layout and sinuous smooth lines. The main task of this style is to imitate the natural landscape: longline plantations of trees and shrubs, picturesque ponds. Walking in the garden, decorated in this style, you will be on paving stones and stone.

Chinese style

This style has evolved over the past three thousand years. landscape design in this style is completely subordinate to Eastern philosophy and sacred beliefs. Plants are selected with symbolic meaning. The decoration is carried out in restrained colors.

Chinese style

Japanese style

This style was formed in Japan in the VIII-XVIII centuries. The foundations and rules for the design of Japanese gardens were laid by Buddhist monks and pilgrims. As in Chinese style gardens, Japanese gardens everything has its meaning and purpose. Mandatory elements of garden design in Japanese style there should be stones, bridges, arches, lanterns.

Muslim (Oriental, Moorish) style (video)

This style reflects the culture of Persia, Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, Central Asia. Oriental slowness and at the same time a bright cheerful atmosphere - this is what reflects in itself East style in the landscape. The design is characterized by geometry, Muslim ornaments, fountains.

It has long been established that the harmony and beauty of nature has a positive effect on the physical and emotional condition person. Therefore, it is very important that the design of the infield is thought out to the smallest detail. Do not be discouraged, not only specialists can think through these little things. Follow the recommendations of this article, use special programs and you can create the garden of your dreams outside your window!