Marble wallpaper. Rules for the use of marble in the interior of different styles

"Marble in the interior" - this phrase in the majority evokes associations with the solemn Stalinist empire style, the Moscow metro or prim classics. Perhaps it was once so. Modern marble, with a competent approach, is a much more democratic material than is commonly thought.

Today, marble in the interior is used not only for facing floors, fireplace portals and walls. This material is ideal for facing countertops and kitchen aprons. Marble has high decorative properties, wear resistance and significant strength characteristics. Thanks to this, marble can be used to create decorative mosaics and panels, Wall panels, behind which a customizable backlight system is hidden. Due to the fact that marble is easy to color, as well as due to the existence of a large number of types and types of marble, it will not be difficult to choose the option that will look most organically in the selected space.

    Marble goes well with metal and glass, which allows you to significantly expand its use in modern interiors.

    Most varieties of marble are quite porous. So that they do not absorb moisture, a water- and oil-repellent impregnation is applied to the surface, which does not leave a film on the surface, but simply fills the pores, preventing any other substances from penetrating into them.

    The veins of colored marble are cracks filled with natural cements. Thanks to them, each cut has its own original pattern.

    Marble is a strong and durable material. In white marbles, the first signs of aging appear only after 100 - 150 years.

    Marble is unaffected high temperatures, which allows it to be used for finishing fireplaces.

    In construction practice, marble is called metamorphic rocks of medium hardness, which are polished; these include: marble, marbled limestone, dense dolomite, carbonate breccias and carbonate conglomerates.

    The pattern is determined not only by the structure of the marble, but also by the direction in which the stone is cut. The color and pattern of marble appear after it is polished.

    To keep marble longer decorative properties, marble floors are protected with special coatings (usually wax-based). Ecologically safe means on the basis of natural and artificial waxes provide mechanical protection and give additional shine to the surface.

Any owner wants to give his home individuality. He wants his house to be different from others, and the interior to be distinguished by sophistication and unique charm, but, for all that, reflect the character and tastes of the owner.

Along with popular and long-proven finishing materials, such as paints, various wallpapers, PVC and MDF panels, new finishing elements have recently appeared - stone wallpapers. They are also called "flexible wallpaper".

We will talk about the types of material, its advantages and disadvantages, methods of finishing. We will provide a photo of the most advantageous interior options using this imitation for wall cladding.

Interest in natural stone never faded. The power, reliability, beauty of this material have been used in home decoration for centuries. But in modern apartments, the use of heavy, bulky stone is not always appropriate. What to do if there is a desire to insert natural stone into the interior (see What kind of stone decoration can be in the interior), but there is no way?

An alternative to the design with natural stone trim is the use of its imitation. Modern technologies make it possible to produce materials that, in terms of technical and operational characteristics, differ from natural ones, except perhaps in weight and thickness.

The market offers stone imitation in two forms:

  • Rectangular or elongated tiles with a length of 0.2 to 0.4 m and a width of 0.04 to 0.18 m. The thickness of the tiles varies between 6–16 mm. The weight of 1 m2 does not exceed 10 kg, for comparison, 1 m2 of natural stone weighs more than 30 kg.

  • Cloth with dimensions in length from 0.6 m to 2.7 m, in width from 0.3 m to 0.95 m and thickness from 1 to 3 mm. The weight of 1 m2 of the card is 1.3 kg.

The choice of material texture is very diverse, the wallpaper can be imitated under different kinds natural stone:

clay brick


wild stone





Moreover, the imitation is so natural that it is difficult to determine at a glance that this is not a real stone in front of you. The difference is revealed only when touched: the flexible wallpaper is warm to the touch, and the surface resembles a woven fabric. By the way, natural stone almost always remains cold, touching it causes discomfort.

The method of making stone wallpaper is different, let's look at what and how they are made different types material.

Decorative tiles with stone imitation

Its production is based on ordinary gypsum, which in itself is already a natural material.

Its advantages have long been known to everyone:

  • High plasticity allows you to create products of various shapes and purposes.
  • Low thermal conductivity gives gypsum excellent thermal insulation properties.
  • Fire safety - the material is completely non-combustible.
  • Environmental friendliness.

Gypsum-based stone wallpaper can be used to finish not only flat surfaces, but also complex structures, such as arches (see Decorating an arch with decorative stone - basic rules and requirements), fireplaces, niches, boxes, and more.

Some disadvantages, such as brittleness and moisture absorption, are eliminated by introducing cement and polymer additives (for example, polypropylene) into the gypsum mixture, which provide the tile with the following important parameters:

  • Strength.
  • Heat resistance.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Durability.
  • Wear resistance.

The color palette is very wide (over 300 shades), colorants are added to the base mixture during production, this provides a uniform color and high color fastness to ultraviolet radiation.

Important! For additional protection of the surface, giving it clarity or gloss, the laid tiles are covered with a matte or glossy wear-resistant varnish for 2 layers.

Some manufacturers of stone wallpapers, for example, Ecostone (Ekostone), also practice manual coloring of each element after casting. Thus, the artist brings the artificial stone as close as possible to its natural counterpart, making each tile unique and individual. But at the same time, the overall pattern and style of the collection is preserved.

The price of such tiles, of course, is much higher, but in this case, the collections produced by the company correspond to it, as they satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers. In general, we must pay tribute to the manufacturers, the cost of stone wallpaper does not exceed the price of ordinary ceramic tiles (with the exception of exclusive, elite collections) and is available to any wallet.

it facing material with imitation of natural stone. In its production, a thin cut of sandstone or pressed stone chips (marble, granite, quartz) is used, securely connected to an elastic substrate with an acrylic binder.

The result is a canvas of a certain size with a unique pattern, strong and flexible, which can be rolled up as ordinary wallpaper.

Another feature of flexible wallpaper is its high light transmission. If a gypsum stone absorbs light to some extent and does not respond to light rays, then sandstone, on the contrary, in combination with various lights or other sources, plays with all its colors. This allows you to benefit from both natural and artificial lighting in the interior.

Due to the elasticity of the material, the area of ​​​​use of flexible wallpaper is quite wide, they are used for the following decorative works:

Cladding of walls, ceilings.

Facing complex surfaces (arches, columns, domes).

Finishing fireplaces.

Invoicing steps and window sills.

Decoration of furniture facades and countertops.

Floor covering.

Production of blinds for windows.

In addition, flexible wallpapers are readily used by artists and other creative people. Amazing pictures, frescoes, portraits printed or even painted on a stone canvas serve as an unexpected, extraordinary interior decoration. And the alternation or contrast arrangement of different, but similar in tone, textures and shades helps to create individual, unusual collages or panels.

The main thing is that all this can be done with your own hands, moreover, flexible wallpapers with their beauty and originality do not limit the flight of fantasy, and often help to awaken the hidden creative possibilities of the owners.

Important positive features of flexible wallpaper are:

  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Ease.
  • Strength.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes.
  • Fire safety.
  • Wear resistance.
  • weather resistance.
  • Wide palette of colors.
  • Variety of textures.

All this makes flexible wallpaper a universal, indispensable material for any type of decoration, implementation of the most daring design ideas.

Some technical details

Let's talk about the distinctive properties of these materials, which make them indispensable elements in the interior of apartments and the design of facades.


  1. Due to its lightness, stone wallpaper does not load walls or partitions and is compatible with almost any flat surfaces, it could be:
  • Concrete.
  • Drywall.
  • Gypsum fiber.
  • Plaster.
  • Wood.
  1. Due to their special flexibility, they can be pasted over walls of complex shape, having niches, boxes, decorative ledges, and so on.

  1. The strength and water resistance of stone wallpapers allows them to be used for cladding facades, rooms with high humidity, terraces, pools, fireplaces and chimneys.
  2. The material is perfectly cut with construction scissors or a hacksaw for metal, it is easy to grind and adjust.
  3. The following types of adhesives are suitable for mounting tiles on a wall:
  • Mineral.
  • Superpolymer.
  • Adhesives for tiles.
  • "Liquid Nails".
  1. Flexible wallpapers are perfectly fastened with glue for heavy paper sheets and glued using the same technology.

Important! For an even and high-quality sticker of flexible wallpaper on complex surfaces, a building hair dryer is used. The canvas heated in this way takes the desired shape and is firmly glued to the base.

  1. Wallpaper is laid under the stone using the same technology as ceramic tile, the difference is only in the ways of joining the tiles, which are of several types:
  • In the joint, that is, almost seamless installation.

  • With jointing, when a gap is left between the tiles, which is subsequently filled with jointing mixture.

  • Overlap, where the next tile overlaps slightly with the edge of the previous one, creating a more voluminous arrangement.

The instructions on the packaging will tell you more about each.

  1. It must be remembered that each row of tiles should go with an offset relative to the previous one so that the vertical seams are not located on top of each other.
  2. After gluing, the wallpaper has a durable surface that is resistant to mechanical, and some varieties even to chemical influences.
  3. But when installing stone wallpaper, care must be taken, since the material itself is quite fragile.
  4. Caring for them does not require special measures, dirt is washed off with a damp sponge. You can use any detergent.

Interior options

Designers believe that completely decorating a room with flexible wallpaper is ugly. Do not overload the interior with stone elements. It will be correct to use them as a decor or partial decoration along with ordinary wallpaper, then the artificial stone will look advantageous and original.

We bring to your attention the most in our opinion interesting options interiors with the use of stone and flexible wallpaper:

  1. Emphasizing the central wall with brick-like stone wallpaper against the background of the rest of the walls, painted in neutral tones, does not overload the interior. Grey colour does not look boring, and the not quite clear female portrait adds lightness and depth to the space.

  1. Light imitation of natural slate blends harmoniously with beige wallpaper and adds space to the room. Even a small zoning partition does not interfere with the penetration of light into all corners of the room.

  1. Wallpaper and stone - a good combination of colors framed by arched openings and mirrors in the hallway. Thin, graceful frames made of natural stone give the room a touch of antiquity, and textured matching wallpaper serves as an organic continuation of the wall.

  1. Here, artificial slate is intensively used only in one corner of the veranda, but the main background is light, it successfully highlights decorative trim in rustic style.

  1. The light variegation of the central wall is in harmony with the decor and furniture of the country-style kitchen. The variety of colors does not tire, but charges with mood and energy.

  1. Flexible wallpaper imitating sandstone is used as a decorative element that highlights a niche in the wall. The light background of the rest of the walls and additional lighting emphasize the beauty of the finish and highlight the texture in relief. Flexible stone and wallpaper are a winning combination for any interior.

  1. The drawing on the flexible wallpaper visually expands the Mediterranean-style terrace and decorates it incredibly. Soft beige tones add volume and make you remember the sunrise on the shores of the warm sea.

  1. A loft-style studio apartment requires space and a minimum of decoration. In this version, artificial stone walls are the best way to emphasize the height of the ceilings, the rough processing of the beams, metal decor items - everything that is so inherent in the industrial direction in the interior.

  1. Brutal living room in classical style does not look gloomy, thanks to white walls and decorative elements that dilute the darkness of the central wall and black furniture. Gray stone on a light background looks expensive and luxurious.

  1. Stone wallpaper imitating brickwork white color, give the room in scandinavian style special chic and some touch of noble antiquity. In addition, colored decorative elements look advantageous on a white background, which are not so many in this style.

  1. The combination of stone wallpaper and natural stone (in this case, brick is used) in the interior looks unusual, but this design is rather difficult to perceive, although it also happens.

  1. Two types of flexible wallpaper with different textures are used here. But this combination looks completely different from the previous photo. In our opinion, it is much neater and more modern, more civilized or something. Although, here you can argue, everyone has different tastes.


Creating a custom design for your own apartment is not easy, and if you decide to update the interior or radically change it, then wallpaper and stone are a win-win option for finishing in any style. This correctly chosen combination can turn your home into a masterpiece of design art, and the wrong one - into a dark and gloomy basement.

Therefore, take the choice of colors, textures, the size of the stone-like wallpaper elements, as well as the selection of shades of related wallpapers very seriously. Watch the video in this article, which also talks about artificial stone.

“Like behind a stone wall” - everyone knows this expression. How about there? Certainly cozy and quiet. The use of stone in the interior is connected precisely with the feeling of calmness and reliability that it gives to it.

In addition, the stone is beautiful, elegant and diverse. Finishing with a stone or "under the stone" is able to satisfy the most demanding taste and make any home unique.


It is quite difficult to use natural stone in modern apartments. This is a heavy, bulky material: 1 square meter of natural stone weighs from 15 to 40 kilograms. In addition, finishing with natural stone is not a cheap pleasure.

On the market of finishing materials, we will find stone imitation in the form of tiles and the so-called stone wallpaper or flexible wallpaper. Stone-like tiles are made in various sizes and shapes and completely repeat the color, texture and curves of natural stone. Gypsum tiles are made, weight 1 square meter does not exceed 10 kg.

Working with tiles requires certain skills, but almost anyone can stick wallpaper. That is why our article is devoted to this modern, practical and beautiful material - wallpaper under the stone.

What are these wallpapers and why are they unique? This finishing material, made on the basis of sandstone, stone chips or gypsum, has gained immense popularity among designers over the past three years.

Stone wallpaper is a durable and flexible fabric with a length of 0.5 to 3 meters and a width of 30 cm to 1 meter. The weight of 1 square meter is not more than 1.3 kg. The textile base provides ease of pasting and reliable fastening of wallpaper on the walls.

You can roll wallpaper under a stone in the same way as ordinary ones - into a roll.

Such wallpapers can serve as a spectacular replacement for natural stone in decoration. They will give the interior originality, a special charm and comfort. The possibilities of modern technologies are wide - today it is possible to imitate a stone with such accuracy that at first glance it will not work to distinguish the finishing material from the natural one.

You can only do this by weight and thickness - the imitation is much lighter and thinner. Most finishing materials "under the stone" are strong and durable. When you touch the stone wallpaper, you will not feel cold - to the touch it is a pleasant, "warm" material, reminiscent of textiles.

There is one more important feature flexible stone wallpaper made of sandstone and stone chips - this is light transmission.

If gypsum wallpaper does not “respond” to light rays and even absorb light, then sandstone and stone chips play with all shades both with artificial and with natural light. If backlights are used in the interior, then such wallpapers will also look very advantageous.

Stone wallpaper is very decorative, therefore, before proceeding with the repair and pasting, it is necessary to think over the decoration of the walls and prepare in advance- get acquainted with photographs, recommendations, think over compositional solutions.

Do not be afraid to experiment - in most cases the composition can be corrected even after pasting, and also remember that it is always better to buy a little more (10-15 percent) of materials of this type than you need.

If you're hanging wallpaper yourself, you'll need tools such as a roller, primer, brush, tape measure, level, glue, and a hacksaw. Before sticking the composition on the wall, repeat it on the floor, so you will see all the important little things like inconsistencies in seams or unsuccessful color transitions.

For stone wallpaper is most often used mineral glue. It's okay if, when spreading, you take a little more glue, and it protrudes slightly along the edges of the element, you can remove the excess with a clerical knife. If the decor suggests the presence of seams, be sure to rusticate or “trowel” the seams after the stone wallpaper has dried.

If you are alternating stone materials or pairing them with other materials, be sure to use a level.


Today in the market of finishing and building materials presented wallpaper, imitating the most diverse texture or relief:

  • Textured brick, suitable for loft or modern interiors.
  • Textured with geometric patterns or traditional ornaments, creating an atmosphere of classic restraint.

  • Embossed under the stone, represented by a wide variety of options that can be successfully used in almost any interior. They are used both for decorating large spaces and for separate zones.

  • With imitation plaster for classic interiors.
  • Adhesive wallpaper. Modern adhesive wallpaper is high quality and beautiful Decoration Materials having different texture and texture. Today in stores we can find adhesive wallpaper made of cork wood or coated with the smallest quartz - eco-friendly and spectacular, there is a large selection of adhesive wallpaper that imitates stone and brickwork. The undoubted advantage of this material is their use for finishing and updating furniture, as well as a very affordable price.

Combination options

Stone wallpapers are wonderfully combined with a variety of materials:

  • Furniture made of wood or metal, gratings and fireplace decorations, decorative interior items made of glass or wood - all this will look completely special if stone finishes are used in the design.
  • Textured wallpaper under the stone can emphasize the aesthetics and elegance of the room, especially if they are combined with conventional coatings or plaster. Yes, imitation brickwork can decorate the whole wall, but it will look great as decoration decorative fireplace or arches.

  • Brick wallpaper looks great in the kitchen and can replace a tile backsplash, as well as separate the dining area from the cooking area.
  • Even if ordinary wallpaper with a pattern is pasted in your bedroom, this is not at all a reason to refuse stone inserts - they can highlight a separate area (ledges and niches), decorate the bedside space. An excellent option for combining stone-like gypsum wallpaper and plastered walls is their design. doorways, it will give your home a special touch.

Remember that the richer the shades of the wallpaper and the brighter the texture is (for example, an imitation of a rocky wall), the more carefully you need to be careful when creating a design with these coatings. Dark shades and pronounced texture can visually reduce the room or give it a gloomy look.

Use wallpaper with a rocky or other well-defined texture, along with light-colored wallpaper or light-colored stucco, as an accent that gives originality.

Advantages and disadvantages

Flexible wallpapers are not only durable and strong, but also have heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties. They are fireproof(gypsum and sandstone are not combustible materials) and eco-friendly.

The plasticity of gypsum allows you to give the surface of the wallpaper a variety of textures, and such shortcomings as fragility and moisture absorption have been successfully eliminated. modern technologies: polymer mixtures and cement are added to gypsum, providing moisture resistance, wear resistance, heat resistance, durability. This finish will serve you for decades.

The surface of the wallpaper imitates various stones - granite, sandstone, marble. There are wallpapers "under the brick", "rocks", "semi-precious finishing stone". An important advantage of stone wallpaper is that they can be used in the decoration of niches, fireplaces, arches.

The color of stone wallpaper is so diverse that you can easily choose the right shade among a wide palette. Most stone wallpapers are made in the natural colors of the stone they imitate. Stone wallpapers have a special color fastness to ultraviolet, so you can safely use them even where direct sunlight falls.

However, if you want to paint the walls yourself in some original color, then this is also possible - there is a white stone wallpaper (gypsum-based) on sale. Most often, these are materials that imitate various options brickwork. They can be painted and repainted, the paint keeps well on them. This feature will allow you to change and update the interior when necessary.

Some people refuse to use stone wallpaper, as they consider it expensive pleasure. This is not true! The combination of price and quality is an important plus when deciding on the use of stone wallpaper in the interior, because the cost of stone wallpaper is not higher than the price of the simplest ceramic tile.

In addition, the small weight of stone wallpaper will allow you to paste them yourself, without the cost of specialist services.

Design Ideas

There are many design ideas using materials that mimic brick or masonry. Stone wallpaper is a unique material that gives space for creativity and allows you to emphasize any interior style. thanks to its natural beauty and the possibility of combination:

  • You do not have the opportunity to equip a real fireplace or a niche in the room? In this case, you can lay out cut wallpaper in the form of bricks or tiles, creating a thematic drawing: this way you can bring your ideas to life and create a completely unique design.

  • A protective apron with imitation of stone or brick looks great, so necessary in the kitchen, this idea is an undoubted alternative to traditional tiles. You can also use brick or spray wallpaper for all the walls in the kitchen, especially if your kitchen design is designed in a loft style.
  • Where in the apartment is the simplest and most concise interior? Perhaps this is a corridor or hall leading to the main housing. Most often, there are no windows in the corridors, so this room sometimes seems dark and narrow. For the design of such spaces, light stone plain wallpaper coated with sandstone or quartz chips is suitable, and tiles with imitation stone can be glued around the doors. Thanks to such bold decisions even a laconic interior will turn into a modern and stylish one.

  • Recently fashionable eco-style, focusing on natural materials and simple harmonious lines, will be emphasized by wallpaper with the addition of slate - natural beauty and soft color transitions will be appropriate in bedrooms and living rooms.
  • Natural marble or granite finish looks good in the kitchen and bathroom. In large spaces, the marble pattern is used with great care so as not to create a feeling of a "cold" space.

Stone wallpaper suitable for both modern interiors, and for interiors with antique furniture and antiques.

Using very embossed and multi-colored finishing materials, combined with antique furniture and numerous knick-knacks, we risk turning the room into the cave of the mountain king. To prevent this from happening, you must remember that the more complex and refined your furniture, the simpler and more concise the walls should be.

Marble began to be used to create architectural and sculptural masterpieces during the era of Greek and Roman civilizations. This natural stone not only renowned for its strength, durability and versatility, but also for the royal elegance it brings to any space.

Marble is composed of calcite (i.e. calcium carbonate), but it also contains various impurities that give this stunning material its unique characteristics and color. It was usually mined on the surface of rocks in the form of large slabs. Then it was divided into smaller pieces, which later became plates. You will never find 2 identical tiles according to the pattern. They can only be similar. Therefore, in the interior, marble always looks exclusive and unusual. Since it lends itself well to polishing, you will be able to keep it smooth and shiny without much effort. In this article, we will look at the main parts of the house where marble can be used.


The entrance to the house or hallway is the first place where guests make an impression of you and your home. So why not make a spectacular hallway with marble? For example, in this photo, marble has been used throughout the floors and stairs, and the dark, beige tones add to the appeal of the beautiful stone. Notice how the natural light pouring in from everywhere enhances the sheen of the marble surfaces.

Living room

Your living room is the place where you communicate with guests, gather with friends and family, watch TV or relax with an interesting book. The use of marble in the living room means that you are satisfied with life and have excellent taste. It is suitable for both a large room and a small living room, making a tangible contribution to the interior of the room in any case. In this photo, we can see that luxurious gray marble is used for the fireplace, making it stand out from the crowd. Thanks to this, the fireplace has not only a practical function, but also an aesthetic one.


Surely, every morning you drag yourself to the bathroom to clean yourself up. This can be avoided by using marble in the interior of this room. In such a bathroom it is pleasant to fulfill all your needs, you will be happy to enter there. In this photo we see the decoration of the room with light marble. It gives the room more light, lightness, peace and comfort. Marble here creates a luxurious environment to relax, soak in the bath. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse such an interior.


Stairs don't just connect floors in a house. It also speaks about your taste, attitude to details, aesthetics. When the staircase is artistically finished in marble, it transforms your humble home into a celebrity mansion. Look at the stairs shown in this photo. The high quality steps and the wrought iron railing complement each other perfectly, creating a delight. The last two steps are rounded to soften the effect of the stone's coldness and hardness. A magical atmosphere is also created with the help of floor lamps.


If you are in love with marble, then decorate the walls with this material. Marble tiles can be laid out on walls from floor to ceiling. For walls, it is better to take a more dense type of marble, as it has fewer pores, which means it will have a more resistant color. Walls are treated silicone sealant on the water based to make the material more stable. He will be protected from chemical substances, soap stains and other factors depending on the type of room. The walls in the bathroom, especially near the shower, are covered with sealant 2 times a year, as it evaporates over time. If you take care of the marble walls properly, then their shine will last for a long time.


Floors are exactly the place where you can show all the beauty of marble well. With the right lighting, marble will simply look amazing and delight with its irresistible appearance. Show all creativity and creativity when choosing a marble shade and pattern. You will definitely be able to find marble tiles that will match your style. Only on such a floor you can’t walk in heels, spill drinks, otherwise stains and scratches will appear. When using dark marble, as in this photo, it is worth remembering that the room in this case must be well lit, otherwise the impression of a narrow and small space will be created. Sources of both natural and artificial light are needed.

Thus, you have learned everything you need to know about marble for interior applications. Remember that such beauty as marble does not come cheap, the cost of its installation will depend on the quality of the tile and its size. Polished or brushed marble can be very slippery, so care must be taken. Feel free to use this material in your interior, but do not forget to discuss it with. He will help the best way introduce marble into your home and think of a great project.

The unique pattern on the stones always attracts professional designers; marble is often used in the interior.

He is perfect in every style decision, and a variety of colors provides great opportunities for creativity.

marble properties

Marble was used in Ancient Rome, many sculptures are made from it, which have become cult works of art. Castles and palaces were also decorated with marble.

AT modern world mainly used in the creation of the interiors of subway stations. The popularity of ecological materials is growing, so more and more different stones are used in exterior and interior decoration.

Let's analyze the advantages of marble:

  • environmental friendliness and naturalness;
  • luxurious decorative qualities;
  • well processed (polishing, grinding);
  • high density makes it possible to make various shapes;
  • resistance to moisture and temperatures;
  • practicality and durability.

Interesting design solutions

WC or bathroom

Bathroom - the best place for luxury marble. Glitter and intricate patterns on the surface will fill the room with an aura of aesthetics, relaxation and comfort.

White and delicate bluish tones with unusual splashes will perfectly fit into the English and old Venetian styles. The floor is covered with marble, it will be beautiful on the walls. Light-colored furniture is better, light colors of the stone will visually make the bathroom space larger.

Moroccan or Indian styles have shades of gold, so it is better to choose yellowish or brown stone colors. Plumbing and decor elements should also be with gilding, oriental elements.

For ethno style, brown and light gray shades of marble tiles with natural furniture in dark colors.

For Art Nouveau, you need an abundance of original lamps, unusual mirror shapes. Marble in pastel colors, pieces of furniture can be with a glossy or matte surface. Bright light will be effectively reflected, the play of light and glare will create a special mood for the whole design.

Marble in the kitchen

The classic kitchen is light wood furniture. Marble is better to choose the color, this is the floor and countertop, you can make a marble apron or the table itself. Simplicity with great taste.

The country kitchen is characterized by pastel colors, marble here is only for work surfaces. Wicker and traditional light furniture are suitable to emphasize style.

Inimitable high-tech requires an abundance of metal, various glass and futuristic forms. Marble is ideal white, one color in the design will be the main one, the other is a calm background.

Art Deco in the kitchen is expensive elements: marble, semi-precious spectacular stones in everything, precious metals. Countertops, bar counters, even sinks are pretentiously chic. The color palette is ideal: blue, gold, scarlet or white paint.

Marble in the hall

In the hall, in addition to the floor or walls, you can decorate a fireplace and other decorative elements with marble. In the classics, luxury is needed in simple traditional forms, in addition to the floor and the fireplace, you can make figurines, make one marble wall an accent.

In the elegant luxury of the Baroque, marble is also indispensable. Lots of golden surfaces, semi-precious stones in the interior design.

These are light colors: columns, an ornament on the floor, tables are possible. In color, the predominance of gold, white, cream and brown. Arches, mosaics will fit beautifully.

Living room in a provincial Provence suggests delicate shades and romance. Pale blue, sand, soft pink tones reign here. The furniture is aged, with cozy things: a blanket, pillows.

The floor can be made of snow-white marble. Textile self made finish the image. Be sure to have a lot of plants and wild flowers, homemade baskets, photographs, antique candlesticks, etc.

In each style, you can effectively and in a characteristic manner competently enter objects or finishes made of beautiful marble.

We bring to your attention a gallery of photos of marble in the interior.

Photo ideas for decorating marble in the interior