The color of the rooms in the apartment. How to choose the color of the floor: general recommendations for choosing the color of the floor in the apartment

In whatever style the room is decorated, the walls carry the central color load. With them, in fact, the drawing of the interior begins. The walls are responsible for psychological comfort, and for the degree of illumination, and for the harmonious combination of all elements of the interior. What is it, the right palette of paints for walls, what are its secrets and what should be taken into account so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

Wall paint: individual color features

The basis of the spectrum, which is familiar to human vision, is the well-known rainbow. A delightful natural phenomenon, consisting of seven starting sectors of color. The desire of any of them to lightness leads to the appearance of white, going into darkness gives black. At each of these stages, new shades are born, widely used by man in his home. There is even a whole science, colorimetry, which studies color. But we will not dive into complex scientific research and consider the palette of colors more sublimely, using the practice of Feng Shui.

Since the rainbow is the spectral middle, their properties also extend to the shades of colors. Here are the explanations given by Feng Shui:

  • Red(coral, burgundy) - this is the energy of life. It stimulates and excites, attracts the eye and enhances passion. In his positive - revival, dynamism, creation and gratitude. Negativity is expressed in destruction, cruelty, violence, stubbornness and shamelessness. The interior is easily perceived by energetic people leading an active lifestyle.
  • Orange (tangerine, honey, amber) is the color of optimism, good nature, sociability and freedom. Positive is expressed in mercy, tolerance, generosity. A great option for rooms where people often communicate. It promotes openness and goodwill.
  • Yellow(cream, fawn, lemon) is laughter, joy, rebirth and love. It has a positive effect on the mental abilities of a person, helps to concentrate. Ideal for decorating a school or student's room. The main thing is not to overdo it with saturation, otherwise negative signs will come out in the form of talkativeness, critical views, absent-mindedness.
  • Green(mint, light green, pistachio) is an absolute harmony. Symbolizes life, freshness, peace, balance. Versatile for any space.
  • Blue(sea wave, azure, lavender) - associated with cold, but also brings peace, wisdom, balance. In the negative complacency and superstition. Shown for the interior of bedrooms and lounges.
  • Blue(indigo, electric, aquamarine) - the color of independence, justice and devotion. Organic as color accents, when saturated causes depressing feelings. Gives the interior seriousness and respectability.
  • Purple(purple, heliotrope, lilac) is a power that raises kindness, wisdom and love to their highest manifestations. We love creative people, prone to mysticism. Often used in the interior of bedrooms and personal cabinets.

Select correct color wall paint is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to rely not only on the feeling of comfort of a particular color, but also on many other circumstances, including the compatibility of colors, the size and purpose of the room. Below we will understand in more detail the nuances of choosing paint colors.

A bit of color theory

There are three types of colors: primary, secondary, and secondary. The primary colors are red, yellow and blue. Composite colors are (for example, pink). Achromatic colors are called additional: black, gray and white.

Contrast is a sharp contrast of colors, expressed in noticeable combinations. When two contrasting colors are side by side, they emphasize and enhance each other. Examples of significant contrasts are red-green or blue-orange combinations. There are special tables that indicate the contrast of colors in relation to each other.

Color theory table

Colors are warm (yellow, green, red) and cold (cyan, magenta). Warm tones are associated with summer warmth, fire and sun, and cold tones are associated with cold, gray skies and depth. However, such a division is rather arbitrary, since it is largely based on the emotional perception of a particular person.

General rules

When choosing a color, you should follow a number of unfalse rules:

  1. First of all, you need to correlate the chosen color with a specific room. It is especially important to consider the strength and nature of the lighting, since light can significantly distort the color of the coating.
  2. The maximum number of flowers in a room is three. If you exceed this rate, the room will seem too colorful. It should be noted that shades are not included in the specified standard, and black, white, chrome colors will look organic in any color scheme, since they do not look like independent colors, but rather like their absence.
  3. You should decide on the main color that will dominate the gamut.
  4. Bright colors are usually not worth using for painting large areas. Brightness is more suitable for highlighting fine details.
  5. You can make a plain surface more diverse not only with multi-colored paints, but also with texture. For example, if you process the same paint with different types of rollers, you get an interesting patterned coating.
  6. Adjacent rooms will be perceived as a continuation of each other if they have at least one identical design element. If a molding equally colored on both sides is placed between multi-colored rooms, adjacent rooms will be more harmoniously combined with each other.

  1. The color scheme should not be discordant with the ceiling. The best way- painting the ceiling with the same paint that is used for the walls, however, in a lighter tone.
  2. You should not choose a color based on the fact that the room is empty. Out of touch with furniture, carpets, textiles and decorative elements right choice impossible to do.
  3. It is difficult to make the right choice while in the store. The shelving will probably be illuminated by fluorescent lights, which will distort the true tone of the paint.
  4. The same paint composition will look different on different surfaces. For example, on a smooth surface the paint will appear lighter, on a rough surface it will appear darker, and on a matte surface it will appear warmer. Moreover, the matte surface is able to give warmth even to cold tones. Polished finishes convey freshness even to hot colors (eg red).
  5. To give the room brightness, you can paint adjacent walls in sharply contrasting colors.
  6. Usually the walls serve only as a background for interior items. However, you can go the other way, making walls the main design element, and furniture and other elements just an addition to the main theme.

Note! During sunset and dawn, the light is significantly different in spectrum. Between natural and artificial lighting, the difference is even more pronounced. For example, a fluorescent lamp gives a yellow tint, and dawn lighting a soft pink.

Color perception

To decide what color to paint the walls in, you need to understand that each color carries an emotional component and unconsciously causes a certain reaction in a person.

For example:

  1. White color makes the room feel more spacious and voluminous. However, the significant presence of white creates a sense of its complete dominance. In addition, large-scale white surfaces do not correspond to the concept of comfort, are rather boring and create an atmosphere of a state-owned, for example, office space.
  2. Red is the color of aggression, passion, anxiety. Red surfaces have been proven to increase metabolism in humans and also stimulate sexual arousal. You can’t overdo it with red, otherwise a person will quickly get tired in such a room.
  3. Blue and green colors look very natural as they resemble water, leaves and sky. The abundance of such tones gives a calming and relaxing effect. Green and blue are perfect for decorating the bathroom. Separately, it is worth noting that, despite the relaxing effect, the green color helps to focus.
  4. Yellow tones are a great option for a living room or dining room. They have the same origin as sunlight and give a sense of security without having a soporific effect.
  5. Gray and brown allow you to focus. The brown palette looks noble, expensive and elegant.
  6. If the color scheme of paints contains orange, the body receives a positive emotional charge. However, if you overdo it with orange, a person falls into a drowsy state.
  7. Purple promotes mental work while relaxing nervous system. The color is considered especially suitable for decorating children's rooms.
  8. Black color can be perceived as a source of danger and depression, but being moderately dosed, it gives the room solidity and solemnity.

If there is a need for a comfortable relaxed atmosphere, it is better to prefer warm neutral tones: peach, cream, yellow, milk coffee, lilac, etc. If the goal is to create an interior that gives vivacity, it is recommended to choose more energetic colors: green, red, orange, bright blue or pink. Cold colors, such as blue, white, emerald, will bring coolness to the interior.

Room dimensions

With the right selection of colors, you can correct the perception of the actual size of the room.

Basic Rules:

  1. For a small room (for example, a kitchen), it is advisable to choose light colors and bright artificial lighting- this will visually increase the space.
  2. If the ceiling is too low, you can paint it white to make it appear higher. Ceiling light skirting boards will help enhance the effect.
  3. High ceilings in many people also create a feeling of discomfort. A dark ceiling combined with light walls will help correct the situation. Moreover, this can achieve a double effect: the ceiling will appear lower, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is larger. You can further enhance the desired effect with the help of appropriate lighting.
  4. Best of all, cool colors help to visually expand the room: green and blue. Pale blue tone is especially effective in creating the impression of a higher ceiling.
  5. The wall will appear higher if the ceiling moldings are painted the same color as it.
  6. In small rooms, too contrasting solutions should be avoided.
  7. If the room is too small, do not paint the walls or decorate them with conspicuous elements, as this will only emphasize the crampedness of the room.
  8. In large rooms, it is recommended to use deep and dark tones.
  9. If you need to visually reduce the space, apply yellow, red or orange colors.

Additional factors when choosing a color

Before deciding what color to paint the walls, you should ask yourself a number of questions:

  1. How often do you travel? Perhaps something from what you see during the trip will inspire you to create a certain color palette.
  2. Do you have any hobbies? Using a background associated with passion (green golf course, white snow on the ski slope) will add extra comfort to the room.
  3. Do you like to spend your leisure time in an apartment or house? If yes, then perhaps you should think about calm, pastel colors.
  4. How much time do you spend at work? Keep in mind that white walls are easily soiled and require careful maintenance.
  5. Is work often stressful? Screaming bright colors do not contribute to peace of mind.
  6. Do you have small children? Calm midtones appeal to children and do not stimulate their psyche.

Choice of color depending on the room

  1. Living room. If you like to watch movies, it is recommended to use deep tones - they will help create the feeling of a cozy cinema. If the room is often used for games, you can add a wow factor, i.e. use elements that attract special attention (for example, an accent wall or decorative painting). Deep red or orange tonality is conducive to conversation.
  2. Dining room. To give the room a solemn atmosphere, gilded moldings are suitable, but this is more true for a dining room with banquet functions. For a family atmosphere, neutral, muted tones are more suitable.
  3. Bedroom. Most often, the greatest comfort can be achieved with pastel colors.
  4. Bathroom. As mentioned above, best colors for this room - green and blue. However, women applying make-up in the bathroom should be aware that green color interferes with the perception of complexion when displayed in a mirror.
  5. Kitchen. On light walls, traces of dirt are more visible. The blue tone reduces the feeling of hunger.

The tips above will help you figure out the right color selection. The most important recommendation is not to rush when choosing a color palette, not to succumb to a momentary mood and approach the choice systematically, taking into account all possible factors.

You can completely update the look of your home. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to make a complete repair - it is enough to change the textiles in the rooms: curtains, sofa cushions, rugs. This is especially easy to do if the color of the walls in your apartment is neutral - white, gray or beige. In the event that the walls or furniture (or both) are bright, active colors, you will have to put more effort into creating a harmonious range.

Let's look at each of the colors individually. What is good, what are the disadvantages? Where is it better to apply this or that shade in the interior of the home?

White color in the interior

White is associated with purity and freshness. It reflects light rays, increasing the illumination of the room and thereby visually expanding the space. Therefore, white is a lifesaver for small spaces where there is little light, such as a bathroom or a room on the north side.

The only drawback of white (as, indeed, of all light colors) is soiledness. Therefore, if you are not ready to take your carpet to dry cleaning every six months, it is better not to buy it!

Black color in the interior

If you really like black, then designers recommend combining it with a mirror surface - for example, use shiny panels or glossy tiles in the decoration. By absorbing light, it reduces space.

Grey colour in the interior

The perfect backdrop for expensive interior items. Gray is calm and neutral, but individually a little boring, so you should not make it dominant in the interior of the room. But the gray background, especially light colors - perfect solution for those who like changes in the interior. After all, you can add a variety of color spots of warm tones to it, thereby completely changing the look of your home.

Red color in the interior

As the main color is too active. Yes, it is associated with wealth, luxury and beauty. If you choose the right shades, you can perfectly decorate the hall, living room or kitchen. (Red, by the way, increases appetite.) Use it carefully in the nursery and bedroom, as the color scheme of these rooms should be soothing. If the interior is designed in cold colors, then a little red color in the decoration will give it comfort.

Be careful with red in the room where the elderly live: this color has the ability to increase blood pressure.

Yellow color in the interior

If the room is located on the north side, then this is a great option. Yellow stimulates the process of cognition and develops the intellect, so it is also good for a child's room. A stencil painting looks great on a yellow wall, and a funny drawing can make your baby very happy.

Orange color in the interior

No less active than red. You should not decorate the walls of the room in a bright orange color - very soon they will bother you so much that you will have to do unplanned redecorating. But in addition to other, calmer tones - why not? This color is conducive to communication, creates a trusting atmosphere and contributes to the harmonization of relationships. Use it in places where the family gathers most often, such as in the living room or dining room.

Brown color in the interior

Neutral color, but its light tones are more favorable for perception than dark ones.

Brown color in the interior is best suited for furniture. Noble classic! Beige, peach and coffee with milk are perfectly combined with it, especially if you add darker details to the design.

Blue color in the interior

Designers love to use soft blues and blues in the bedroom design: this color is relaxing and creates a feeling of peace. Visually lighter shades of blue can make a space appear larger, which is why designers often choose them in small spaces.

But in the kitchen, the dominant in the form of blue or light blue is undesirable: these colors reduce appetite.

Purple color in the interior

Most mysterious color. It has many shades that act on people in very different ways.

There is one general rule for purple: in residential areas it is better to use its light Tones, as too dark shades of this color are tiring.

Green color in the interior

This natural color is good for the eyes and soul, it is associated with warmth, with summer walks in the forest or garden. But you should know that shades of green can be both warm and cold, and this creates a completely different mood! It is believed that the green color helps to concentrate attention, so it is often used in the design of the office and children's room. Some designers consider pistachio and lime color the best for decorating the bedroom.

But with the selection of accessories for this color, you should be careful: experts say that the green color is best combined with shades of ... green.

➣ Helpful advice. It is undesirable to use more than five colors in the interior of the room.

The principle of color matching

The combination of colors is a whole science. To simplify your life, you need to remember the main thing: bright, juicy colors Goes well with black, white and grey. That is, if you want a bright detail in the interior, use a neutral background for it.

Another win-win option is to combine related colors. Combine different shades of the same color: for example, brown - from beige to chocolate. In a green interior, the color range can be from marsh greens to the color of a young lettuce.

Dynamics of contrasts

If you like to experiment, then you will definitely be interested in color contrasts. It is believed that they make the interior dynamic?" mimic, give it a certain tension.

Classics of the genre" - White and black. To take off the touch of tradition and formality, enliven these “chess” with some bright, lively color. For example, solar-colored curtains.

White color goes well with blue and red. The patriotic tricolor is a very stylish color unity.

Gray great in company with pale lilac, purple and crimson.

Friends of blue- yellow, sand and orange.

Yellow irresistible with green, blue and purple.

An interesting color confrontation is dark green with brown and beige.

very ladylike

A mirror, a dressing table, a stool or an ottoman - that's all you need to organize your personal area in the bedroom. This, in fact, can already be considered a boudoir - a ladies' office.

If there is a lot of space, it is better to replace the mirror with a trellis and complement the “boudoir” with an armchair and a floor lamp. In a trellis, you can see yourself from all sides, and with the help of an armchair and additional lighting, you will get another place to relax.

In addition, the ladies' corner will add a little bit of aristocratic chic to your home.

With windows to the north

If the room faces north and there is almost no light in it, then use white or very light wallpaper for its decoration.

A palette of yellow, soft orange or beige-pink is suitable here. Designers advise: using pastel colors, try to include bright splashes of colors in this range. For example, add orange to sand or white. Or red - pure and deep.

The floor should also be light. Parquet is preferably golden yellow, with a sheen.

If linoleum, choose very light - cream, light yellow, with a carpet or marble pattern.

Do you prefer carpet? There will be a cover of frankly hot colors “in the theme” - appreciate the juicy orange, dark red, burgundy brown, brick red colors.

And the furniture is desirable light. And in small quantities, so as not to clutter up the space.

Lighting in such a room must be organized in such a way that the light is distributed evenly. That is, a single central chandelier is not suitable here. Light up the room with small wall sconces- even in the daytime. It is good if these are matte white balls: the light will turn out soft, natural.

Or use the backlight around the upper perimeter of the room (the same option when it is hidden under ceiling plinth and small lamps directed to the ceiling).

Another option is a lamp with a fabric shade. Choose fabrics that are warm in color (shades of orange, red, yellow) to add coziness.

How to arrange furniture

There are five main types of color combinations upholstered furniture, wallpaper and things in the room.

Monochrome. The sofa in such a room has the same color as the walls, but differs in shade. For example, such options: the walls are pale blue, and the sofa is blue. Or the wallpaper is beige and the furniture is brown.

Neutral. Both the walls and the sofa have a neutral, but different color scheme. For example, to beige walls you can put gray sofa, and to white - black.

Neutral sofa and colorful interior. If the walls are colored and bright enough, a discreet color of the sofa will strike a balance. Neutral sofas are white, black, gray and various shades of beige. These sofas will fit into the interior of any color.

Colored sofa and neutral interior. Here it's the other way around. A colorful sofa becomes the only bright accent in a "colorless" interior. For example, a room can be painted in white and gray tones, and only a red sofa will dilute this color silence. The color of the sofa in the interior can also be supported by other things: match the colors of curtains, lamp shades or floor vases.

Combined. This is an interior for the most daring, a colored sofa in this case is introduced into a room of a different color. This is the case when, for example, a blue sofa can stand against the background of red walls, and an orange sofa against the background of green ones.

The main companions of the sofa - soft chairs. Their union can also be interesting to beat with the help of color.

Accent. The sofa is neutral and the chairs are bright. The walls of the room are usually also neutral. If, for example, the walls are beige, you can put a sand sofa, and next to it - red, green or blue chairs. This combination looks spectacular.

Neutral. Chairs in a neutral color complement a sofa in another neutral color. For example, the sofa is black and the chairs are white.

Neutral armchairs and colored sofa. Unlike the first option, here the sofa has a bright upholstery, and the chairs are neutral. This combination is chosen in the event that the furniture does not seem clumsy. If to bright large sofa add the same chairs, it may turn out to be a bust with color. Neutral seats allow you to avoid this.

colorful. In a neutral interior, there may be bright accents of not one, but two colors: one of these accents will be a sofa, and the other will be an armchair. For example, in a gray living room, the sofa might be green and the chairs might be yellow.

How to visually make a long room square

Space zoning. With flooring such as laminate different colors or combinations of different coatings, you can "break" a long room.

Furnishings. No need to put furniture along the walls. This makes the room look even longer. Try to zone the room with furniture by installing a rack or a small sofa perpendicular to the wall, but so that you can move freely around the room.

Wall and ceiling decor. The walls and ceiling in such rooms should be painted in light colors.

Textile. Long, floor-length curtains on a cornice fixed just under the ceiling will make the room shorter and the ceiling higher.

Lighting. A traditional chandelier in the center of the ceiling is not suitable here. Use local lighting of different areas with the help of floor lamps, sconces, table lamps.

How to choose the color of fabric for curtains

Which one to choose - plain or printed? It seems to be desirable with a drawing, but will it get bored in a week or two? Natural or synthetic? It seems that you want cotton or linen, but wash and iron ...

Designers draw your attention primarily to plain fabrics.


they increase the space of the room, while printed fabrics (especially with a large pattern) narrow it;

it is easier to pick up accessories for them (for example, pickups) and other decor items (pillows, napkins, blankets);

they are more economical (no need to join the pattern, which means less fabric is needed).

As for curtain material, the best choice there will be a blended fabric that contains natural fibers and is the most practical to care for.

Windows: light and color

Properly selected colors of window decoration will help visually expand the space, make the room more comfortable and bright, or, conversely, cope with excess sunlight.

The easiest way is to focus on neutral shades of curtains (sand, cream or beige), which are always in fashion. In this case, it will be quite easy to change the style and mood of the room without changing the curtains.

Window decoration with curtains of neutral restrained shades will suit adult solid interiors (bedrooms, living rooms), and experiments with brighter colors will suit children's and youth rooms.

If you want to draw attention to the window and look away from other, not the most successful components of your interior, choose bright curtains: better not plain, but striped, plaid or printed. Combine with these

bright curtains other interior components: make a tablecloth, napkins, covers for decorative sofa cushions, floor lamp shade, etc. Or buy other accessories in the same color and with the same ornament as the curtains.

If there are a large number of colors in the interior, you can rest your eyes by choosing not very bright plain curtains to match the color of all walls or only one wall (in the event that a combination of shades was used in the decoration).

And if you want to create a monochrome interior, made in one color, it is not necessary to choose curtains, the shade of which exactly matches the shade of the walls and bedspreads, furniture upholstery and other textiles. Choose curtains that are not identical but close in color, or choose two-tone curtains so that the window stands out, not blends in.

Color design plays an important role in modern interior. The color of the walls is much more important than the arrangement of furniture or the design of individual items in the room. At the same time, walls can be easily repainted or wallpapered, and furniture is bought for several years...

Wall color combinations in the interior

Sometimes colors don't match just at first glance. Connecting warm shades with cold, you can achieve interesting effects. Contrast causes colors to mutually reinforce each other. Strong contrasts should be avoided in small rooms, because in this way we optically reduce them.

How do wall colors affect the psyche?

  • White color creates a feeling of spaciousness, but if there is a lot of white color, then the room will be boring and uncomfortable.

  • Red - revitalizes, activates, excites the senses.

  • Yellow - tones, strengthens the nervous system, gives strength.

  • Blue - calms, increases concentration.

  • Green - tunes in a lyrical mood.

  • Orange - restores, warms, awakens vitality organism.

  • Violet - inspires, calms the nerves, promotes mental work.

Wall color - test painting is a must!

The same paint looks different on different surfaces: on smooth it looks lighter, on rough - darker, on matte - warm, on polished - colder. If you're not completely sure about the chosen color, paint a small section of the wall for testing.

Tired of walls of the same color? Take paint in a contrasting color and paint one wall with it. This simple change will make your home look summery!

The color of the walls does not have to be a calm background for the interior. It is becoming more and more fashionable to paint one wall in such a way that it differs from the rest - for example, it would be a contrasting color.

The contrast method of wall painting has many advantages. You give the room the new kind while saving time and money. And if the color gets tired, you can quickly change it to another.

Adjusting the size of the room using the color of the walls

By choosing the right color, you can visually adjust the proportions of the rooms - expand, narrow, make them higher or lower and highlight zones.

Long rooms can be reduced optically by painting the shorter wall with dark paint; small rooms can be enlarged using light pastel colors, and to give intimacy and comfort, choose dark saturated shades.

The color of the walls, or rather their coloring, helps to hide the imperfections of the wall, masking bumps, cracks and stains. Paints of soft unsaturated shades are best suited for this. When choosing a color, consider the intensity of sunlight.

For rooms facing east or south, intense shades are better, and for rooms facing north, light ones. Do not forget that not only the walls are important, but also the floor, furniture and other interior details: they should be a color unity.

Consider the texture of the wall. Textured plaster makes the color of the wall darker. This effect can be explained by the fact that an uneven surface darkens the shades and creates a grayish shadow.

The final color will be revealed after drying.

The saturation and hue of a larger range of paints will appear only after absolute drying. Even under ideal conditions, water-based paint dries within 5 hours. However, it is better to wait a few days to see the final result.

White wall color

White is a versatile background and goes well with other colors. If until now it has prevailed in your apartment, feel free to “dilute” it with all the colors of a bright palette!

pink wall color

Skillfully applying paint, you can simulate the architecture of the apartment - for example, divide an elongated room into zones (dining room and recreation area). It is enough to paint one of the walls with a bright color.

If you have a large room dominated by light colors, don't be afraid to use rich colors that, when combined with neutrals, will give an excellent effect.

Wall Color Matching: Pair creamy carpeting and light furniture with a fuchsia wall. Choose accessories in the same colors to complement the interior.

Orange wall color

Harmony is achieved through colors of the same intensity. Their skillful combination arranges the space: in a wide room it seems that the wall, painted in orange, brings the remote part of the room closer.

Wall Color Compatibility: A rich orange wall hue will go well with green. flooring or carpet. You can pick up elements of yellow-green, white or cream shades for this composition.

Blue wall color

This color scheme will create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Cool colors, such as blues and grays, have a calming effect on the nervous system, balance thoughts and feelings, and induce sleep.

Wall color compatibility: if you sleep in a bright room with big window, to paint one wall (such as the headboard), choose a rich blue color that works well with the blues and grays of the rest of the walls and floor.

Spicy wall color

If you have a desire to create a truly exotic project in warm colors, you can advise using bright colors of oriental spices. Soft, unobtrusive tones of turmeric, pungent cinnamon and cardamom form a wonderful combination in a room that is reminiscent of the interiors of North African homes.

Wall color compatibility: in the spice palette, you can vary many other delicate tones.

earthy wall color

Earthy tones echo the natural colors of our environment and can be combined and mixed with ease. They are often successful, due to the naturalness and softness.

Wall Color Matching: The warmth of textured wood is combined with muted tones of brown and sand, which in turn create a natural, soothing color scheme that is pleasing to the eye.

Elegant warm wall color

The warm, soft tone of the plastered walls - milky, baked milk, pale pink is sure to be an excellent starting point when decorating a living room.

Wall Color Matching: A perfect combination with a navy blue curtain and a dressy tan chair will look like never before!

Neutral color

The most reliable and common is the use of pastel desaturated shades. If there is already some kind of decoration or furniture in the room, be guided by their shade. If the tile or carpet in the room is not colored, neutral tones will look great on the walls in the room.

Decorating the color of the walls in the interior. A photo

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 6 minutes

So, the issue of repair was on the agenda. It does not matter whether we are talking about a newly purchased apartment in a new building or updating the interior of a family nest that has become boring over the years. How to make your home cozy and comfortable? What color to paint the walls of the apartment? Is it worth choosing one color scheme for all rooms or is it better to diversify the design of the rooms as much as possible? Let's try to answer these questions.

Options for color compositions

The idea of ​​a common color scheme in the apartment does not require the use of only one color in all rooms. Color solutions for decoration can be:

  • monophonic (one main color, combined with several of its shades);
  • polar (using only two contrasting tones);
  • two-color (two well-matched colors are used);
  • multicolor (a combination of three or more colors).

The whole point of a single color scheme is not to limit the number of shades used, but that in each room the selected combination is duplicated at least approximately.

Let's look at examples:

  • If you choose one specific color, such as green, each room will be decorated in shades of green, and in one room the walls can be olive, in another - light green, in the third - emerald.
  • With a polar range, for example, with a combination of blue and yellow, the selected combination is used in each room. For example, walls in all rooms can be painted in yellow, and decor items and furniture are selected in shades of blue. It will be interesting if one room is blue with yellow elements, and the second is yellow with blue accessories.
  • A two-color or multi-color color scheme in this case is not the use of different colors in the rooms, but the repetition of a certain combination in each room. For example, you like the combination of brown, green and white. Then this color scheme will be traced in the kitchen, and in the bedroom, and in the living room.

When painting walls or wallpapering in rooms for recreation or mental work, it is better to choose color solutions without sharp contrasts and variegation.

Features of different colors

When deciding what color to paint the walls, you should think about psychological features colors, as well as their "behavior" in the interior.

  • Black is not usually used as the main color, but can become part of the overall color scheme. It goes well with mirror and glossy surfaces, but at the same time absorbs light and narrows the space around.
  • Gray is neutral. Well suited as a backdrop for expensive furnishings. The gray color in the interior is suitable for those who often change the look of the premises. It is easy to pick up interior items of other shades for it, but with an illiterate approach, it can look gloomy and boring.

If the walls of the apartment are painted in one neutral, discreet color, to change the color scheme of the interior it will be enough to change the accessories: curtains, furniture upholstery, cushions on sofas.

  • White color in the interior enjoys increased attention of designers. Associated with the sun, purity. Indispensable for small spaces that need to be visually enlarged. White color in the interior has only one drawback - increased pollution.
  • Red color has many shades, the correct selection of which allows you to effectively decorate the living room or kitchen. For example, the coral color in the interior unambiguously screams about luxury and wealth, cold shades of red give the room comfort. However, you need to remember that it quickly causes fatigue, makes the situation heavier, so using red as the main color of the apartment is not the best solution.
  • Yellow and orange colors have a positive effect on a person. Ideal for children's rooms and rooms facing north. They may well become the basis of the overall range.
  • Blue is a very popular color among designers when it comes to painting bedroom walls. It has a relaxing effect, creates the illusion of peace, but it is worth considering whether it is worth making the whole apartment blue. Light blue shades are used to visually expand small spaces.
  • One of the most controversial colors in the range is purple. It has many shades, each of which has a different effect on the human psyche. The lilac shade with long exposure reduces activity, depresses. Violet color in the interior of the living room is used quite rarely, because it visually reduces the space and contributes to fatigue. If you love purple, use it in combination with other colors like white or green.
  • Brown color, in particular its dark shades, also visually narrows the room. But unlike purple or lilac, designers often use brown for their ideas. It creates an even and unfussy mood, soothes, goes well with most colors.
  • Green color helps to concentrate, has a positive effect on performance. Painting the entire apartment in different shades of green can be considered a perfectly acceptable option.

If you find it difficult to choose a color or are afraid that the chosen shade will quickly get bored, stop at white or beige. White color in the interior is universal.

Style features of color design

Each direction in interior design tends to use certain shades of color.

  • Classicism tends to light pastel colors.
  • Selection of shades for retro and allows for any contrasts. The most incredible combinations are possible: pink and green, purple and orange.
  • Minimalism implies a light scale with the use of white, gray and black tones, symbolizing restraint and conciseness.
  • - a range of brown and golden shades with a transition into each other. Combinations of cream and cream colors are also possible.
  • Mediterranean style - a selection of shades of green, (pistachio, emerald, olive), white, blue, blue, amber and terracotta.

Rules for choosing a common color scheme for decorating an apartment

When choosing a color scheme, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • It is necessary to select the general color plan of the apartment, taking into account its light orientation and natural light. If most of the windows face south and east, cold tones will do. In rooms located on the north side, it is better to use the warm part of the color scheme.

Warm tones create comfort and coziness in the room, cold tones demonstrate restraint and respectability.

  • The general rule for interior design is that the darkest shades of the base color should be at the bottom, the lighter ones should be at eye level. The lightest ones are under the ceiling, which is done in neutral colors.
  • A very popular option is to paint one wall of the room in more saturated colors, and the rest in calm and muted ones.

If the goal is to focus attention on certain pieces of furniture (for example, paintings, tapestries, antique furniture), it is worth choosing more restrained tones for the walls.