Dispatching engineering systems of buildings. Automation and dispatching of engineering systems

On the basis of OWEN equipment, a set of works was carried out to automate and dispatch engineering systems of the building of the Administrative and Business Center of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow.

The project provided for the automation and dispatching of the following engineering systems:

1. Ventilation systems

2. Thermal curtains

3. Refrigeration system

4. Drainage pumps

5. Gas control

6. Pumping station drinking water pumps

7. ITP (individual heating point)

The principle of building control systems and structure

ARIES equipment was used to automate the engineering equipment of buildings. The system is made on a two-level principle. At the local level of automation, freely programmable communicative controllers OWEN PLC154 are used, located in control and automation panels. To expand the discrete and analog inputs/outputs, the OVEN MB110, MU110 input/output modules are used, which are connected to the controller via the RS-485 (Modbus RTU) interface. Communication between the controllers, as well as with the control room, is carried out by means of data transfer via the Modbus TCP protocol based on Ethernet technology.

To control the engineering systems of the building, control panels have been developed that are located close to the controlled units. In addition to automation, the boards house ballasts, switching and lighting equipment, relay automation elements, secondary power supplies and controllers.

At the basic level of automation (the level of controllers), direct (without the participation of the dispatch system computer) continuous control is provided technological equipment, automatic maintenance of the set values ​​of the parameters of technological systems.

At the top level, interaction is carried out between the personnel (operators, dispatchers, etc.) and the system through a human-machine interface, which is a specialized server and a SCADA system.

To view and change the control parameters, it is possible to connect a control panel that provides convenient access to the controller parameters in the form of a system of Russian-language menus. The project provides for power supply, protection and control of equipment in both automatic and manual control modes.

The main functionality of top-level control systems:

  • control of the main parameters of life support, the state of equipment and subsystems of information and engineering support from the central control room of the facility;
  • visualization of information about the state of equipment, parameters, facilities and life support subsystems;
  • operational indication, registration, signaling of deviations in equipment operation from permissible values;
  • archiving, documentation and printing of the necessary information;
  • damage alarm analysis;
  • logging of equipment operation and personnel actions;
  • automatic call for service personnel in case of emergency situations.

This section is dedicated to projects systems of dispatching and automation of engineering systems of buildings. Here are the software and hardware that InSAT supplies for such systems, as well as the services that InSAT can provide for their development and implementation.

To create systems automation and dispatching of engineering systems of buildings InSAT offers MasterSCADA- one of the leading products on the Russian market. This is a vertically integrated and object-oriented software package for the development of control and dispatching systems.

MasterSCADA has a number of specialized tools for building automation:

  • for ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) - WSE specialized library
  • for building resource accounting systems - a set of drivers for common metering devices

Below are examples of projects implemented on MasterSCADA. The set of examples is not exhaustive. The list of MasterSCADA implementations already includes many thousands of systems that successfully operate in the CIS. Detailed description MasterSCADA presented in the section Software .

InSAT supplies a wide range of equipment for automation and dispatching of engineering systems of buildings. Most of the examples below use hardware supplied by InSAT. Detailed information on the range and cost of the equipment we offer for dispatching and energy metering systems can be obtained in the section Equipment .

Engineering in the field of dispatching and building automation

The InSAT company has rich experience in designing and implementing such systems, accumulated complex solutions, finished projects of metering units, control cabinets air handling units etc. We can perform the whole range of works on the development and implementation of building management and dispatching systems. The list of services provided can be found in the section Engineering .

Examples of building automation projects implemented on MasterSCADA

To date, MasterSCADA is used in a huge number of automation and dispatching projects for building engineering systems. Here are just a few examples of such projects.

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Obion performs design and installation of automation systems in Moscow and Moscow Region. We offer effective solutions for industrial enterprises, offices, residential complexes and country cottages. High-quality automation allows you to solve such problems:

  • Quality control over the operation of all engineering systems and their individual elements is provided with minimal investment.
  • Effective diagnostics of network elements and timely notification of the need for Maintenance.
  • Energy consumption is optimized by taking into account the time of day, climatic conditions, the number of people in the building and many other aspects.
  • Reducing the risk of accidents at the facility and ensuring high level safety for people and property.

Types of automation

Automation and control systems for engineering systems are used to create a common mechanism for controlling the technical processes occurring in the building. Modern developments and ideas of scientists are being actively implemented, making it possible to make multifunctional facilities more productive and reduce production costs. The result can be achieved with the help of automated control of a complex of systems.

Ventilation, air conditioning, fire extinguishing, video surveillance, heating - all networks and communications of the facility are taken under unified control using the management and dispatching of engineering systems. Automation and dispatching of engineering systems is aimed at replacing manual labor and eliminating the human factor in work. Most tasks are handled by automation. As a result, productivity is improved, costs are reduced and the speed of response to possible changes or emergencies (for example, in the event of a fire) in the building increases. Dispatching of engineering systems - modern solution on optimization of technical processes.

What tasks do automated systems solve?

The use of automated systems solves the following tasks:

  • financial savings on the maintenance of the building;
  • ensuring an adequate level of security for people in the building;
  • unified control over the work of communications;
  • prompt response to emergencies;
  • prevention of extreme situations;
  • reduction of the staff of the working personnel;
  • transparency of operational processes.

As a result of competent design and high-quality installation of automated systems, resource consumption is reduced from 30% to 50% for each subsystem. Comfort in the room is provided in accordance with the set parameters (temperature, humidity). The staff is reduced, and the costs of the enterprise are reduced.

Before starting the project installation
We check it according to 3 criteria:

  1. Operability of all systems
  2. Compliance with SP, PUE, GOST R
  3. Opportunity for optimization

Automation and dispatching systems: types and features

Depending on the task, an intelligent building can be automated both partially and fully. Following the needs of the customer, technologists will offer an appropriate solution.

The project should be thought out even before the start of the construction of the building: this will provide an understanding of the entire range of work and a vision of the final result. Automation of the finished building will take large quantity time and resources.

Dispatching engineering systems of the building will ensure the automation of all processes and communications:

  • power supply;
  • lighting;
  • water supply;
  • heating;
  • air conditioning and ventilation;
  • firefighting;
  • motorized blinds;
  • security alarm;
  • access control;
  • communication networks;
  • IP-monitoring of the object;
  • building mechanization.

Benefits of a building automation and control system

Automation and dispatching of facilities takes care of all the routine work, which required a whole staff of personnel. The introduction of equipment allows to increase the level of comfort, safety and quality of work of employees.

Devices save time, provide efficient work subsystems, regulate the microclimate, protect equipment from loads. The capabilities of smart buildings depend on customer requirements − modern technologies allow you to implement a variety of ideas.

The main advantage of automation is in achieving increased efficiency of the building systems, its increased productivity and resource savings.

Automation of engineering systems can be implemented in every industrial sector. In already finished projects this will entail a complete reworking of production lines and serious costs, but the payback of the project will not be long in coming.

Engineering systems dispatching design

The design of automation and dispatching, entrusted to professionals, can minimize the cost of maintaining the facility in the future. Automated systems provide constant monitoring of the correct operation of equipment in real time.

The system is a certain hierarchy and includes three levels.

  1. Actuators, connections and sensors, which carry out control, collect data on the state and parameters of the equipment, transmit information to control devices.
  2. Control devices- controllers, input and output modules that ensure the interaction of all resources and monitor the operation. With their help, the operator can adjust certain operating parameters (for example, the performance of the hood or temperature regime). Some devices do not allow you to set manual adjustment and operate automatically (such as voltage stabilizers).
  3. Monitoring(the highest level of the hierarchy) - a computer control center in which control over individual communications is exercised. A technological system is created on the basis of a computer and controls the operation of each element, both individually and in combination.

The design of automation of engineering systems is necessary for objects whose communication networks are distributed over large areas and located in hard-to-reach places. For example, industrial complexes, entertainment and shopping centers, administrative buildings.

How is the automation of building engineering systems carried out?

The process of implementing automation and dispatching management includes the following steps:

  • inspection of the object;
  • project development;
  • coordination with the customer and definition of technical specifications;
  • finding a rational technical solution;
  • drawing up installation schemes for the implemented equipment;
  • development of individual projects for automation and dispatching of building engineering systems;
  • integration of the dispatching project with the work of utility networks;
  • software development;
  • supply of equipment;
  • development of budget documentation.

Automation of control and dispatching of engineering systems minimizes the cost of the production part and the work of personnel, makes being in the room comfortable, increases efficiency and helps to complete tasks in a short time.

Automation and dispatching of engineering systems with Obion

The specialists of our company are ready to assist you in creating a single intelligent system for managing technological processes at your enterprise. We will help develop a project in accordance with your needs, carry out installation and select everything necessary materials. Obion specialists have extensive experience in this field, which allows us to guarantee the high quality of the work performed.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or write to us on the website - we will be happy to answer all your questions.

The main purpose of automation is the optimization of energy consumption. Suitable for power supply, heating, water supply, air conditioning systems

To simplify the process of operation of modern complex life support complexes, automation of engineering systems at residential and industrial facilities is carried out.

This is a civilized approach to optimizing the operation of constituent elements and networks in general to ensure comfortable indoor conditions. for various purposes. The main goal is to reduce operating costs.

It seems possible to automate any subsystem (power supply, heating, water supply, air conditioning). At the same time, a reduction in the magnitude of power consumption is achieved, and the consumption of energy resources is optimized.

Automation types

  • complex - this is when human participation in the process of ensuring the continuous and rational functioning of water supply, air conditioning, sewerage, electricity, gas, heat supply is minimized (design, installation, commissioning);
  • semi-automated (automated), if control action produced by man.

When the engineering system is partially subjected to this, then we are talking about scheduling.

Advantages of automation of engineering systems of buildings and structures

  • Contributes to the reliability and uninterrupted operation of all components of the overall system of engineering communications. This is achieved by constant automatic monitoring of the state using special sensors and devices. With this approach, signs of malfunctions and failures are detected on the very early stage to avoid serious damage.
  • By linking the entire complex of threat alerts to a common control panel, the highest degree of security is achieved. For this, fire, security alarm devices, sensors that control the leakage of gas, heat, and water are used.
  • Comfort for service personnel, as they receive comprehensive information about the operation of all life support systems. There is no need to waste time resources on manual calculations.
  • With integrated automation, maximum savings are achieved. There is a real opportunity to reduce the number of workers who are employed in the field of equipment maintenance. In addition, energy saving is increased, which also helps to reduce costs.
  • After the installation of a high-tech automated control complex, engineering communications increase the prestige of the facility.

Specialists and employees of the company have the ability to conduct qualified modern automation both individual subsystems and the entire