Script investor personal account ico. Integrated software solutions for the financial market

When creating a site, one of the key points is the presence of all kinds of functions, as well as the presence of such irreplaceable functionality as an ICO investor's office. After all, a lot really depends on it, first of all, the maximum simplification of all activities as a whole.

Professional creation of an ICO investor cabinet

Our company specializes in various areas of programming and organization of various functionalities. Therefore, we are trusted by both entrepreneurs, individuals and owners of large enterprises. Since we are ready to provide a range of services for professional level Full construction. And if you need a personal account, then you have come to the right address.

Our well-known company has been specializing in the professional level in the field of programming for a long period of time. We have chosen competent and trained programmers who are ready to take on and lead any project from A to Z. After that, any client receives the desired result promptly, efficiently and the first time. Therefore, we are ready to provide an opportunity for any interested person to implement the desired into reality, and to simplify work activities as much as possible.

The indispensable role of LC ICO

It is known that the key function of the personal account of an ICO investor is considered to be significant simplicity in the process of crowdsale management and not only. A personal account is necessary for investors and is considered almost indispensable for potential organizers. It has long been no secret that for investors, the most important stage of trust is considered to be a quick and correct transfer of funds, as well as receiving all kinds of used cryptocurrencies in the personal account. For organizers, no less relevant is the autonomy of work, as well as specialized settings for bonus accruals performed automatically, and the like. Therefore, this process needs a professional approach. If you are interested in carrying out the above actions, then our specialists will be happy to help you.

Optimal cost of services

We have provided an opportunity for any interested person to receive ideally suited services at a favorable cost. Because we appreciate and respect the individual wishes of our clients. And we provide the opportunity to provide a favorable price-quality ratio. By contacting us, you will be able to see for yourself that we value and respect every interested person. And we provide an opportunity online to order ideally suitable services by type, class and other parameters.

Internet technologies have long and firmly entered our lives. If a before the system type of personal account was a unique offer on the market, today it is an integral part of the provision of financial services to investment companies. It's no secret that customers choose companies with a convenient, functional and secure personal account.

The investor's personal account is a web application for the website of an investment company. It helps to organize the system of interaction between the client and the company. In fact, this is an operational electronic document management system that allows Clients to receive reliable investment reports.

At any point the globe, where there is the Internet, the client can go to his personal account and instantly find out the status of the account and each investment portfolio.

The application allows the client to fully manage his account, provides an opportunity to receive up-to-date information in a short time, and also improves the work of the back-office divisions of brokerage companies, managers or banks.

One of the unique implementation options is a functionality that allows the client to request information about any security traded on the MICEX / RTS floors and transfer this information directly to the client's back office.

We created a software product taking into account our own many years of experience and the possibility of diverse and individual goals and objectives for the company. That is why the application is very easy to use. It is possible to independently customize the menu, change the design and content of pages, manage users.

Specialized technical requirements for the product are as follows: to implement the application, you need Windows hosting, IIS 7.5, ASP.Net MVC 3.0 platform and MS SQL Server DBMS.

The investor's cabinet is your personal online space for quick access to the investment resources of our club. It contains only verified and effective information for a profitable investment process.

With access to the Golden island cabinet, you get:

  • Up-to-date information. Full information support in all relevant and profitable investment offers of the club. Explanation of the nuances and features of an investment proposal, latest news and effective advice.
  • Ready investment portfolio. Carefully balanced and investment portfolio, designed for any amount of investment funds. The simplest access to all investment projects, as well as minimal risks.
  • Profit report. A timely and visual report on existing and potential investment proposals. You will be aware of where and how your funds work, as well as what this or that offer can give you.
  • Operative informing about all changes. Instant notification of all investors and existing changes / improvements in the regulations and investment processes in all relevant areas of your investment portfolio.
  • Free training and consultations . 24/7 access to free consultation and training financial literacy, investment rules and features of these areas. Priority for all current members of the Golden island club.

To get access to your personal account Golden island, contact the current partner of the club who recommended this site to you. This is the only way to get membership in our club.

The borrower wins the contract and places a loan application.
Investors analyze proposals and decide how much and to whom to lend.
The borrower receives money from a large number of investors and collects the required amount.
The company fulfills the contract and returns the debt to investors with interest.

Borrower analysis

We disclose detailed information for each loan: company details, contract description and documentation
to him, the credit history of the borrower
and its shareholders, the history of the execution of such contracts, the history of work
on our site.

Investment protection

Relations between investors and borrowers are governed by model agreements that protect the rights of all participants.

At the same time, you take on all the risks of non-repayment of the loan - do not give a lot of money to one company, distribute
own portfolio for 50-100 borrowers.

All processes - online

You register on the site
and get access to your personal account.
You do all operations there: choose projects, replenish your account and withdraw money, sign contracts, issue loans and get money back
with interest. Here you have access to the entire history of operations and analytics
on investment. No need to come anywhere to meet with the borrower.

We offer performance loans
short government contracts

The borrower has passed a serious selection

You give a loan to companies that have won government tenders and received a bank guarantee for the performance of the contract.
We additionally analyze the reliability of the company and its founders, as well as the experience of executing similar contracts.

It is clear how the borrower will repay the debt

The loan is tied to a contract that fixes specific terms and amounts. We select simple contracts - the risk of default on them is always lower. The borrower fulfills the contract, gets paid, and pays you back.

Short investment term - less risk

You give loans for a period not exceeding 6 months. This reduces the risks
that something will go wrong with the borrower over time. you too
do not freeze your money for a long time, in case you urgently need it or the ruble starts to decline.

Oleg Laguta,
Co-owner and one of the founders
JSC CB "Modulbank"

How to make money on a loan

First register on the site - it will take
less than 5 minutes.


Register on the ModulMoney platform and get an investor's personal account. Registration - directly on the site, you
no need to waste time traveling to us.


Top up your personal account with a simple transfer. Select a project on site
and invest in it. To make an investment, it is enough to sign a simple SMS contract.

Get income

We control the timing of loan repayment and do our best to ensure that borrowers repay the money on time. You can withdraw the received money or invest again.


  • How does it work in a nutshell?

    Companies win government tenders and need money to fulfill the contract. They register on our site and place an application for a loan. We analyze the application and provide detailed information about the borrower and the contract.

    Many investors are registered on our site. They study the applications of borrowers and invest in the projects they like. Everyone gives a little bit, and as a result, the amount necessary for the company is collected. We transfer the collected money to the borrower's account.

    The company executes the contract and receives money from it. The borrower transfers the received money to our platform for loan repayment. We distribute money among investors. The investor gets back the invested money and interest: they can be withdrawn or invested in new projects.

  • How to start using the site?

    To register a personal account, it is enough to indicate only a phone number, to do this, click the "Register" / "Login" button and the system will prompt you for further steps. After registering your personal account, you will be able to see projects for investment and site analytics. To invest, it is enough to indicate the person from whom you plan to invest money and replenish the account.

  • Who can be an investor?

    Investors can be individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

  • How much can you invest?

    You can invest any amount, even one ruble. The maximum amount of investment is also not limited, but we advise you not to invest a lot of money in one project. It is better to break your investment portfolio into 50-100 projects.

  • How to deposit and withdraw money?

    For each person from whom you invest, we open a personal account. This is the same as a personal account with a mobile or Internet operator. You can replenish your personal account with a simple transfer from any of your bank accounts. To replenish your account, click "Deposit", then "Transfer from a bank account", select from whom you want to invest and the details for replenishment will be displayed on the screen.

    It is important to indicate the purpose of the payment in full accordance with the specified details. Money is credited to the account, as a rule, within two to four hours, but some banks send money within one day. Some banks charge a fee for transferring money to the account of the site.

    To withdraw money, click "Withdraw money", enter your bank account details and confirm the operation via SMS. We will transfer the money to you immediately. How quickly you get the money depends on the bank where you have an account.

    Important! You can replenish the account of the site and withdraw money only from bank accounts that belong to you. Also top up individual on the site only from a bank account of an individual, an account of an individual entrepreneur from a bank account of an individual entrepreneur and a company account from a bank account of a company.

    The site does not charge any commissions for replenishment and withdrawal of money from the account.

  • How much can I earn?

    Interest rates on loans from 25 to 35% per annum. On a specific example, it is easier to understand how much you earn. You gave 100,000 rubles. for 90 days at 30% per annum. After 90 days, you will earn an amount equal to 100,000x0.3x90/365. This is 7,397 rubles 26 kopecks. You will need to pay tax on this income (you can also read more about taxes in the Frequently Asked Questions section).

    Do not forget about the risk of non-repayment of loans issued, which you fully assume. We advise you not to invest a lot of money in one project. It is better to break your portfolio into 50-100 projects.

  • What about taxes?
  • How is a loan issued?

    Everything is done online, you do not need to come anywhere, you confirm all transactions by SMS.

    You choose a project and invest in it, while the money is reserved in your account. The borrower for each project sets a deadline for collecting money, during this period he can at any time refuse a loan or take the collected money.

    If the borrower refused the loan, then the money will simply be returned to your personal account. When the borrower accepts the collected amount, your money is automatically transferred to the borrower's current account - the loan is issued.

  • Is there a guarantee and a pledge?

    We do not take collateral or surety. Small businesses rarely have liquid collateral. Yes, and it takes a lot of time to issue a pledge or guarantee, and this requires paperwork, because the subject of pledge is one, and there are several loan agreements - with each investor. At the same time, experience shows that the presence of a pledge or guarantee does not greatly affect the return of money in a small business.

    The main collateral for loans on our site is the money owed to the borrower under the contract.

  • How do you rate the borrower and what are the money back guarantees?

    Our task is to minimize the risk of non-return.

    We have chosen a segment of borrowers for which there is a lot of objective information for making a decision.

    We analyzed the borrower and his project for you:

    Contract Information

    Credit history of the borrower and its founders

    Borrower experience in contract execution

    Protected your legal risks: the standard loan agreement of our platform does not allow the borrower to include “negative” conditions for investors in it.

    At the same time, you fully assume the risk of non-return of investments in the project. Do not invest a lot in one project, it is better to spread the money over 50-100 projects.

  • What happens if the money is not returned?
  • Can I contact the borrower, ask a question?

    We do not give investors the borrower's contact. Imagine if 100 investors want to talk to him in 1 day to clarify information on the project. At the same time, we provide you with the most detailed information about the project and the borrower to make an investment decision.

  • How is a loan agreement signed?

    The loan agreement consists of the General Conditions, the Offer that the borrower makes, and the application by which you join it. The offer defines the main terms of the loan: amount, term, interest rate, etc.

    You sign the contract online via SMS code. Just like any internet or mobile banking works.

  • How is the loan repaid?

    After issuing a loan, you will be able to see all the information about it in your personal account: amount, interest, repayment period, etc. To repay the loan, the borrower replenishes his personal account on the site. On the maturity date, we will automatically transfer from the borrower's account to all investors the money they have invested and the interest earned.

The technical infrastructure of the ICO project, thought out and logically built, is an important part of building investor confidence in the entire project. The structure of the project must withstand the attacks of numerous hackers, offer convenient ways control of investors' funds, display information about the project without failures and lags.

Platform for placing an ICO project

To bring a startup to the crypto market, it is necessary, first of all, to find a suitable blockchain platform. On it, you can create a token with all the characteristics from scratch, or you can use a ready-made technical solution. Ethereum is considered the most popular platform in the world. Here you can create smart contracts or tokens, but you will have to use the help of an experienced programmer. There is another option: recently there are more and more sites where, following simple recommendations, you can create a token yourself without programming skills.

Waves is a Russian project that has already launched dozens of ICOs. This platform issues its own tokens, which can be used to pay a commission for network services.

NEM is a Japanese brainchild that runs on its own blockchain platform. For transactions, not nodes with the highest computing power are used here, but nodes that are of great importance in the network.

NXT is a Dutch platform that also functions as an exchange. Here, the parameters of tokens can be configured to change: for example, make it possible to mine them and set its difficulty or prohibit their sale.

Website protection from hackers

Attracting investments through ICO projects has become a tasty morsel for hackers. In the short history of ICOs, millions of dollars have already been stolen. The investor is already exposed to a high risk of not returning his own money if the project fails. Therefore, if the author of the idea does not ensure the safety of the ICO from hackers, the level of trust in him will be reduced. First of all, you should take care of the security of the code, because it has potential control over millions of dollars. Threat monitoring should be carried out regularly, and during the project launch period, you need to prepare for a massive bot attack on the site.

Often, unprepared sites crash in the first hours after the opening of the token sale due to DDOS attacks. This will prevent really interested investors from purchasing your tokens and undermine the credibility of the company itself. Employees should be trained to deal with such situations, and the security team should check them for involvement in cybercrime. If unplanned situations do arise, inform your investors about the problems and assure that everything will be resolved soon - this way you will free the support team from repetitive requests. Well-built protection against hackers will help your project avoid the fate of Matchpool, an online dating application whose startup money of about $ 6 million was stolen by hackers.

ICO investor personal account

The investor's personal account is an advantage of the ICO site, which can take you ahead in the competition for investments. This is the section of the site where all the important information about the project and its progress. It allows you to achieve complete transparency of the project, which only plays into the hands of the author, as it increases the loyalty of contributors. Buying tokens in your personal account is greatly simplified, which attracts beginners in the cryptosphere to the project. Through the office, you can interact with other project participants. The development of a personal account on the ICO website is considered challenging task that takes time and money. Therefore, the presence of an investor's personal account automatically raises the prestige of the project in the eyes of potential investors. For normal functioning An ICO site will require a team of professional programmers.