Welfare from the cradle: how to teach a child financial literacy. How to save up for a bike using social networks How to save money for a bike in a month

In the article we will consider the intricacies of accumulating money. In it I will share tips and secrets on how to save money quickly for an apartment or a car. Information is useful in life, but first, let's get acquainted with the main idea.

According to experts, in order to save a certain amount, you need to save money, make lists of upcoming purchases and take a number of other measures. In fact, such an approach brings one closer to poverty, and it is impossible to achieve the cherished goal without a new source of income.

Perfect option when income exceeds expenses. At the same time, neither impulse purchases, nor habits with whims, nor the lack of the ability to save will be able to prevent the accumulation of money. No wonder, since the income is enough to meet the needs and accumulate extra money.

Budget planning and saving tools help in life. But often such techniques demotivate and drive into a dead corner. As a result, the financial situation is getting worse.

I present 10 tips with which to save money quickly, but I warn you, without looking for additional sources of income, they do not work.

  1. Set aside a certain fixed amount each month. It should bring you closer to the goal without compromising the quality of life.
  2. Install an application on your computer or mobile phone that will help you record income and expenses. Analyzing financial flows, you can correctly allocate expenses. If you are not friends with computer technology, keep a diary. The result will not change.
  3. Think about what to save on to reduce spending. If you often buy things that are useless, but bring joy, reduce spending on them, but do not completely eliminate them. Reward yourself for reaching your goal.
  4. Don't set unrealistic goals. If you do not have the skills to save money and decide to buy an apartment, the attempt will fail. First, focus on achieving small goals, and only then switch to large ones.
  5. The deferred funds should work. Option - bank deposit.
  6. Don't lend money. If a person turned to you for help, and not to a credit institution, he doubts his ability to repay the loan. Some borrow from a private person so as not to overpay.
  7. Pay bills at the last minute. As a result, the money at the disposal will remain as long as possible and bring profit.
  8. Plan your expenses. Distribute them over time so that they do not overlap and do not drive them into difficult situations.
  9. Stop using credit cards, especially if you can't control yourself. Some, having issued a credit card, immediately empty it. As a result, in addition to the amount spent, you have to pay interest. It won't help fundraising.
  10. Actively look for sources of income. This item is mandatory. If you provide an influx of funds, you can ignore the listed tips.

Here are some simple and effective tips for saving money. Set a goal and move on. But there are many situations in life that are out of our control. Such situations are considered force majeure, and not a pattern.

How to save money as a teenager

Some people think money is trash. However, the role of money in life is decisive, this is a fact. It is believed that only independent cells of society are provided with sufficient money. I do not agree with this, as teenagers also have requests.

Teenagers get more pleasure for less money than adults. Each of us was once a teenager and dreamed of buying some little thing. Over the years, the priorities of young people have changed, but this does not change the essence of the matter. Therefore, I offer a number of tips that will help a teenager save money.

  1. I do not recommend a teenager to scatter money without important reasons. In an effort to acquire something worthwhile, set aside funds, albeit small ones.
  2. Plan a savings plan. Take a piece of paper and use a pencil to record the planned infusions and outflows of money.
  3. Limit the purchase of sweets, trinkets and spending on bad habits. Instead of visiting a computer club or a movie theater, go for a walk in the park.
  4. I advise you to store funds in a place from which it is problematic to get them. The piggy bank is a great option. Make your own piggy bank. This will help to realize fantasy in practice, demonstrate talents and save money.
  5. Typically, a teenager's income is limited to pocket money. Therefore, to quickly achieve the goal of income, try to increase. I advise you to get a job as a waiter in a cafe. Such establishments are happy to employ minors without work experience.
  6. Many companies hire couriers - another way for a teenager to make money. With a small time investment, such employment brings good money.
  7. Try yourself as a newspaper distributor or a newspaper editor. To do this, you need to know your native language, analyze information and communicate with people.

Video tips

Agree, in the execution of the above points there is nothing complicated and supernatural. This scheme works. The term for achieving the goal depends on the desire, income, expenses and the amount that you plan to collect.

How to save money as an adult

Not everyone likes to live paycheck to paycheck. Only a person who has a stash can afford a large purchase or vacation abroad. This will require the ability to collect money.

After reading the material on the accumulation of funds, you will master this art. As a result, you do not have to run from one bank to another in search of a profitable consumer loan.

  • Get your priorities right . You may want to buy a fur coat, change a car and go to the sea at the same time. Trying to save money for everything, you risk being left without savings. That is why it is important to determine the main goal and move towards it, and after its implementation, switch to other dreams.
  • Assess Opportunities Correctly . If you earn 25,00 rubles a month, it makes no sense to save money to buy a home in Miami. To get started, improve your skills, get a new job, and only after that save money to purchase housing.
  • Determine the amount you can save . Indulge in small joys and trifles. Otherwise, you will break loose and spend the accumulated funds. Experts recommend saving no more than ten percent of your monthly income. This approach is suitable for ordinary people. If earning more than the average person in the region, increase the figure up to 50%. The main thing is that the lifestyle does not suffer.
  • Keep savings where it is impossible to quickly withdraw . An option is a bank deposit with a good interest rate and the possibility of replenishment. Usually, when withdrawing money early, the client loses the accumulated interest. I think few people will agree to lose profits that were practically in their hands. Don't keep savings under your mattress or on a deposit card. Unable to cope with the temptation and breaking loose, freely destroy the stash.
  • Reward yourself constantly . Having accumulated a certain part of the planned amount, give yourself a gift: buy a watch or go to a restaurant. There are other ways to please yourself. Unscheduled day off, meeting with friends, watching TV. The main thing is to take a break from business and relax. Having accumulated the next part, again please yourself with a trifle. Having collected the entire amount, set aside at least a couple of rubles. The result will be the basis for the next accumulation.

Do not think that it is impossible to cope with the task. In reality, the opposite is true. Set a goal and systematically go to it. Remember, the key to success is understanding where the money goes. Before reducing costs, consider whether giving up this or that thing will damage your life. Useless spending moves away from the result, but you should not give up everything.

Not every young man was endowed with living space or the inheritance of a wealthy grandfather. For young families, buying a home is a priority life goal. Do not think that it is unrealistic for a young family to purchase housing.

Price one-room apartment in Russia is several million rubles. Even if you set aside twenty thousand a month, you will have to wait at least fifteen years for the cherished moment. This is provided that housing does not rise in price. There is a mortgage loan, but this is not an option.

Let's imagine that the family will increase. As a result, a one-room apartment will not be enough, and the maintenance of the child will not allow you to save a lot. Don't forget about financial crises and voracious inflation. As a result, the old-fashioned method of accumulating funds is ineffective.

  1. Decide on the cost of housing and consider the approximate time of purchase. The Internet, street ads and printed editions.
  2. Using a computer or pencil and paper, analyze your income and expenses. During the quarter, record what and how much money is spent on. Reduce the amount of unnecessary expenses immediately to the maximum, but without compromising life. Set aside the rest of the money.
  3. Based on the information received, determine the period of time during which you will have to save money. Take into account the growth in the value of real estate, the crisis and inflation.
  4. The grandfather's method is ineffective. Moving towards the goal, use modern financial instruments.
  5. Stock market. This group is represented by medium-yield financial instruments. It helps to increase savings by a third in a year. The method is risky.
  6. Cumulative insurance is a tool that provides for the conclusion of an agreement with insurers for various programs. Remember, the group saves from the crisis and inflation, but does not determine the amount of income.
  7. Investments. Investments in mutual funds, mutual funds, investment programs. Profitability reaches 100% per annum. The group is risky, I do not advise you to use such tools without skills.
  8. Bank deposit - the opposite of a loan agreement. The simplest and most popular financial instrument. Choose the right banking organization, characterized by high reliability. Set aside a certain amount every month and, using suitable financial instruments, increase it. Having chosen the right path, buy an apartment in a few years.

Video instructions

How to save money for a car

Personal transport is not a luxury, but a necessity. Price good car numbering in the hundreds of thousands. It is not surprising that not everyone can afford the purchase of such a vehicle.

If there is a desire, it is possible to achieve the goal. Enlisting the support of relatives and choosing creativity, move forward. A little time will pass, and a good car will appear in the garage.

  • Decide on the brand, model of the car and the period after which the purchase will take place. This will help you know the amount to be collected.
  • Decide how much you can save each month. Do some simple math by dividing the cost of the car by the number of months.
  • Objectively evaluate financial opportunities. According to economists, the amount that can be painlessly set aside every month is 10-15% of income.
  • Open an account at the bank. Contact the management of the company in which you work, with a request to transfer part of the salary to the account every month. This will help automate the process of accumulating money.
  • If you have savings, open a replenishable deposit. As a result, protect money from inflation, and banking organization take care of the safety of funds.
  • When raising money for a car, forgo or cut back on big expenses. Wait until the key moment arrives with major purchases and trips abroad. You can also have a good rest in the summer in Russia.
  • Define a list of mandatory costs. This will help identify costs that can be cut. We are talking about entertainment and visits to entertainment venues. Walk to work if the office is nearby.

If you don’t want to collect money for a car for years, use a car loan. So almost instantly become the owner of an iron horse. Only in this case the above recommendations are useless.

How not to save money

The knowledge gained in the article is enough to become an expert in the field of accumulating funds. However, it is useful to read the material on the negative ways of accumulation.

  1. Do not steal under any circumstances. Staying in a not so remote place will not lead to anything good, but will only ruin life.
  2. Trying to accumulate money faster, do not become a swindler, as such activity is punishable. And not all victims try to take revenge with the help of the law, preferring physical violence, which will not bring any health benefits.
  3. Some craftsmen are so deeply immersed in dreams that they are ready to stand with an outstretched hand in order to achieve the goal.
  4. Don't trade organs. They will come in handy. A person can get by with one kidney, but this is not life, and the money earned will still remain in the pharmacy.
  5. Debt and credit the best solution. Any of the methods will allow you to take someone else's for a while, but in the future you will have to part forever with something of your own, adding interest to the loan.
  6. The Internet is full of books that describe the technology of gaining wealth. Such literature helps only the author to get rich.
  7. Without knowledge and experience, do not experiment with stock exchanges.
  8. Avoid gambling. The essence of the gambling business is that the casino will always win.

That ended the article in which I presented tips for the rapid accumulation of money. Even if there are no savings, they will help correct the situation. Remember, there have been cases in the world when a person from poverty climbed the highest level, having no innate talents and hidden skills. He just wanted to live differently.

Greetings! One of the most popular search queries in 2016 was the phrase “how to save a million in a year.” So I wonder who are all these people who, in all seriousness, are looking for an answer to such a question on the Internet?

If a family earns 10,000 rubles a month, is the goal of a million rubles a year realistic for her? By the way, another popular request last year was the phrase "how to live on 10,000 rubles a month." Sometimes, even with specification: “in Moscow” or “in St. Petersburg”! No words...

In general, today's post will be about how important it is to realistically assess your financial situation. And try never to go to extremes.

You can paint miracles for a long time. But the fact remains: if your income level does not allow you to save a little more than 80,000 rubles every month, a million will not appear at the end of the year.

Where does the figure of 80,000 rubles come from? Any accumulative online calculator will show it. Initial parameters: zero down payment, monthly and yield of 5% per annum (real interest in the bank).

Too low yield? No question, we can do without a bank and raise the yield to 10% per annum (). Now every month it will be necessary to invest 79.5 thousand rubles.

100% per annum? Let us suppose. Forex, ... Monthly "deductions" to decrease to 51.6 thousand rubles.

Got the idea? Yes, a million rubles can be accumulated in a year. But only if your income allows it!

Now I'm not saying that a million is an unrealistic goal in principle. The question is timing. Let's say, in order to accumulate 1,000,000 rubles in five years, taking into account investments at 10% per annum, you need to save about 13,000 rubles every month. Agree, for many this is not such a fabulous figure.

Well, of course, you need to simultaneously increase the volume of cash receipts from various sources: work, business, one-time services,. Earning little, it is impossible to become a millionaire! For some reason, almost all the authors of blogs on the topic “How to become rich” forget about this.

It is clear that it is possible and necessary in any case. But not every saving is justified! Sometimes there are absolutely wild recommendations. I decided to compile a selection of the most nightmarish tips on saving the family budget.

Top 10 stupid ways to save money

1. “In restaurants and cafes, take a couple of free bags of sugar and salt with you. Additionally, you can save if you take home free paper napkins and rewind a couple of meters of toilet paper. Aerobatics!

2. “You can dry shoes in the cold season with cat litter from a pet store. You just need to fill it up at night in shoes or boots - and voila! In the morning the shoes are completely dry. In such a simple way, the young lady saves on electric dryers and new shoes.

3. "Tiny" remnant "can be softened and stuck to a new piece!" As they say, cheap and cheerful. Such a soap will surely become a real decoration of the bathroom.

4. "Instead of air freshener in the toilet, you can just burn a couple of matches." And mind you, no chemicals!

5. “Always eat at home - in cafes and restaurants you will be skinned like sticky. They will also feed it is not clear what. ” Yes, but the author of this recommendation forgets that dinner in a cafe or restaurant is not a banal meal. This is one of hundreds of ways to spend time away from home and socialize in a comfortable environment.

6. “The number eight is a symbol of infinity. The more banknotes with the number eight in the house, the less money is spent. Banknotes with an "infinite" number at the beginning or end of the number are especially valuable. Or if there are more than three eights in the number. Such banknotes should not be spent, but stored separately. Well, I won't even comment here.

7. "Pick up even the smallest coins from the ground and put them in a box." On the Web, they often cite as an example the mythical married couple from the UK, who in this way collected 360 pounds in 12 years. Hard to believe, to be honest. Yes, and the method itself looks somehow unappetizing ...

8. "Charge mobile phones at work." Another illustration of the proverb “a penny saves a ruble”.

9. “We wash in the shower for exactly two minutes on the timer.” Managed - did not have time, your problems. The recommendation is given by one of the participants of the video project "Extreme Ways to Save". Yes, and of course, if you want to save a million in a year, you will have to forget about the bathroom. This is insane waste!

10. “You can dress well in second-hand clothes. European quality at ridiculous prices. Yes, and also constantly thinking about being dressed from head to toe in other people's cast-offs ...

Have you ever set a goal to save a million in a year?

Most people are sure that they do not have the opportunity to save a million. In fact, it is quite possible to do this if we take into service several simple tips on daily savings.

According to financial experts, the recipe for enrichment is simple: you need more. However, it is very difficult to put it into practice. Every month the same thing is repeated: the money earned is melting day by day, and it is not possible to save it. Everything will change when you start following the simple daily rules that can make anyone a millionaire.

1. Write down all your expenses

An ordinary Australian family, Jeremy Jacobson and Winnie Zeng, managed to become famous on their continent due to the fact that, by following a simple rule of saving, they were able to save a tidy sum. Now, having “retired” at the age of 30, they live for their own pleasure and travel.

For this, Jeremy and Vinnie did nothing special. They grew up in poor families; they were allowed to get an education. But from the moment the couple started working, they began to save. First of all, they reduced the most costly items of expenditure, which included transport (car), housing, food and entertainment.

After selling their car and house, Jeremy and Vinnie moved into a small, cheap apartment within walking distance of work and shops. They moved around the city only on foot or by bicycle, ate food cooked at home.

As their account grew due to lifestyle changes, they turned to investing. Spouses consider this skill extremely valuable, and claim that it is to him that they owe theirs.

In 10 years, Jeremy and Vinnie have kept over 70% of their income. If you want to achieve the same results, start by recording all your expenses and analyzing them. Control your spending, and you will surely find an article in them that you can significantly reduce, or you will catch yourself buying unnecessary things.

2. Buy food on a full stomach

Our next role model is Daniel Wagasky from the USA. The financial crisis that erupted in 2008 forced many American families to rethink their approach to spending. This problem also affected the Wagaski family. To cut costs, Danielle decided to give up fast food and started cooking herself. Her husband and children began to repair furniture themselves and even create some interior items with their own hands. And most importantly, the family began to use cash for purchases more often than credit cards.

For five years of such a life, the Vagaski learned to spend 14 thousand a year on all needs almost without prejudice to the quality of life (in the United States, families living below the poverty line spend that much). Only food expenses were halved - from $800 to $400 per month!

The main rule of Wagaska is not to buy food on an empty stomach. Some may consider this a trifle, however, when shopping hungry, you can spend much more. All the goods on the shelves seem more attractive to a hungry person, and he, without realizing it, puts a lot of excess in the basket. Try to grab a bite to eat before you go to the supermarket so you don't succumb to processed food cravings while shopping.

3. Shop for groceries less frequently but in larger quantities

The secret rule of supermarkets is: the more time a customer spends in the store, the more money he will leave it there. Daniel Wagasky, in his book How to Live Beautifully and Save, advises you to remember your last trip to the store to buy a few little things. Did you really only buy what you planned, or did you spend more? Do you buy something just because the discount seems too good for you to refuse? This happens to almost everyone. But if you visit the store less often, then there will be fewer temptations.

Wagaski does grocery shopping once a month. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to immediately change your shopping habits. Daniel advises to start small. For example, if you usually go to the store three times a week, try to fit into one visit starting this week. Over time, you will also be able to visit the grocery store once a month.

4. Automate your payments

If we talk about Russian realities, then today, in case of late payment of housing and communal services or delay in loan payments, you will have to spend money on penalties. You can avoid this with the help of online payments, which, fortunately, are provided today for most types of services. By automating some payments, you can significantly ease your life, and spend the saved time and energy on more productive activities. However, we advise you to check the status of the account from time to time, because machines can also make mistakes.

5. Try to use only cash

Experts have long proven that, without seeing money live, people spend much more. Of course, credit cards are a convenient, but very costly tool. Try this experiment: having decided to buy a thing that seems expensive enough to you, withdraw from the card the amount that is necessary to make this purchase. You will see that parting with so much cash will be much more difficult for you than paying with a card.

We share with you another life hack related to cash. Having determined how much you need, for example, for a week, remove it from the card, and pay all expenses only with this money. When they run out, stop spending until a new week starts and you can withdraw the planned amount of cash again. According to Ramit Sethi, author of the blog I'll Teach You to Be Rich, by doing so, you're preventing yourself from using your credit card recklessly without wondering if it's worth it. You make an informed decision before making a purchase, and you don’t realize it is necessary or unnecessary when you receive a bill, and it’s too late to think about the expediency.

6. Have free days

Try one day a week not to spend anything at all. This will help you make them more aware and understand how easily society can force a person to spend money. According to Ramit Sethi, without even opening your wallet, you are already spending – on rent, insurance, etc. You just don’t think about these expenses on a daily basis. Spending like this is another reason to take a "day off" for the money in your wallet, since you have the ability to actively control it.

7. Learn to enjoy modest spending

It is clear that those who live modestly spend less. For example, when Darrow Kirkpatrick retired at the age of 50, he had a net worth of $1 million. In an interview, he said that most people's budgets are undermined by large purchases such as houses and cars. Julie Raines, who became a millionaire at the age of 40, admitted that, having chosen life in small house and without expensive cars, she made the best decision. It is necessary to achieve the maximum reduction of such fixed costs.

In a word, millionaires are not those who have luxury cars and apartments, and those who know how to save money correctly. Try to follow our advice and see for yourself!

Asked by: Olya

Hello! I am 13 years old, turning 14 in July. I need to save 10,000 for a speed bike. But we have problems in the family with money. Tell me where you can quickly and earn a lot?

Expert answer:


You can look at our website. And in general, check out our section. You may find a suitable idea there.

But it should be noted right away that you will not earn much quickly and much anywhere. That's for sure!

But you can try to distribute leaflets or other summer work for teenagers. You can also, for example, work on various exchanges for copywriters. Put likes, reviews, reposts for money. If you create several left pages, then it will quite bring income.

At your age, you can start working on a long-term project. Take and create a VK group, website, blog or video blog. Of course, you can't buy a bike now. But with the right approach, in a few years you will have a solid project that will be profitable.

Therefore, you should look at the information we have already provided on our website. You can also think about own business online. And do not believe the offers, where they offer to earn quickly and a lot. It's all deception.

The answer will be published in the "Your questions" section. Write normal questions! Snippets of phrases like "3a34km I want to become an ldrppit blogger" are not accepted!

14.08.18 15 140 18

How to save up for iPhone X in a month

Without crime and prostitution

Dmitry Sharov

A month ago, I drowned the Meizu phone. Patience and rice did not help, I had to buy a new one. I have long wanted an iPhone, and now the X hour has come - the hour of the iPhone X.

The price of a phone with 64 GB of memory is 70,499 R. I didn't have that kind of money. I set a goal: to earn the required amount in a month. Here's how I did it.

Optimize costs

I cycled to work and back and saved 4000 R on gasoline. For 2550 R cheaper than business lunches, homemade dinners came out. Going to the store with a list of products reduced costs by another 2600 R. I temporarily canceled subscriptions to paid services: Yandex Music, Maybook, Netflix. They brought another 1059 R to the piggy bank. Before that, I bought coffee to go on average 7 times a month. Refusal from it saved another 1400 R.

Total: 11 609 R.

Deal with bad habits

I tried several times to quit smoking, and this month was decisive. Giving up cigarettes brought me closer to the goal of 3600 R. Alcohol is more difficult, but I invited friends home twice instead of going to a bar. So I saved 2000 R.

Total: 5600 R.

Get rid of unnecessary

Even if you do not set a goal to save up for something serious, getting rid of unnecessary things is good for the interior and wallet. I put an Olympus camera on Avito for 9000 R, which I didn’t pick up for two years, and crutches from last year’s fracture for 2000 R. An unnecessary demi-season jacket and a pair of sweatshirts were taken away for 5000 R.

I used to be into tourism. The remaining equipment took up space on the mezzanine. A tent, foam and two sleeping bags left for another 6500 R. Broken equipment is bought for spare parts. A recessed phone and an old laptop brought another 3000 R.

Total: 25 500 R.


You have to set aside every month. We know this, but we don't do it regularly. Having received the salary for June, I immediately transferred 10% to a separate account.

Total: 5000 R.

Find part-time jobs

If you need money urgently, find additional sources of income. Where to get time? It is possible during the main work, if you have time to cope with the duties. It is possible on weekends or in the evening - it all depends on the specifics of skills and aspirations.

Total: 27 000 R.

How I saved up for an iPhone in a month

Total74 709 Р
Moved to bike4000 R
Refused business lunches2550 R
Went to the store with a list2600 R
Didn't buy coffee to go1059 R
Unsubscribed from paid apps1400 R
Quit smoking3600 R
Stopped going to bars2000 R
Sold unwanted items25 500 R
Set aside 10% of salary5000 R
Taxoval4000 R
Worked as a contextual advertising specialist8000 R
Worked as a sms worker5000 R
Wrote this article10 000 R

Moved to bike

4000 R

Refused business lunches

2550 R

Went to the store with a list

2600 R

Didn't buy coffee to go -

1059 R

Unsubscribed from paid apps

1400 R

Quit smoking

3600 R

Stopped going to bars

2000 R

Sold unwanted items

25 500 R

Set aside 10% of salary