Sergei Zheleznyak lost weight. The daughters of the ironworker MP are not going to return from the UK

Sergei Vladimirovich Zheleznyak is a parliamentarian, deputy chairman of the State Duma, one of the leaders of United Russia, whom many call her main reformer.

He is the author and co-author of many legislative initiatives that caused a public outcry - on the indexation of pensions, the protection of personal data, the ban on the adoption of children by Americans, the taxation of bloggers, the blocking of sites with pirated content (movies, music, books), and the tougher penalties for participating in unauthorized actions and others.

Childhood and family of Sergei Zheleznyak

The future politician was born on July 30, 1970 in the city on the Neva. From childhood, he dreamed of the sea and military service, so at the age of 14 he entered the Nakhimov School, and then became a student at a military university - the Kyiv Morpolitan. In 1991, after graduating from college, Sergei Zheleznyak received the specialized specialty of a political worker and was sent as an officer to the Baltic Fleet, to Liepaja.

However, he did not stay long as a Soviet midshipman. In 1992, Sergei Vladimirovich accepted, in his words, the most difficult decision in his life - to leave the service, associated with the collapse of the USSR, downsizing and the disbandment of military units, and moved to Moscow. His parents then only moved to the capital (due to a change in his father's job - transfer to the Moscow division), and his younger brother studied at the Plekhanov University of Economics.

Once in civilian life, the young man only knew how to command the personnel and form his stable moral and psychological state. But the further successful development of its labor activity the case helped - a meeting in the classroom for future parents (his wife was just in a position) with Alexei Yurov, who introduced him to the "advertising terminator" Arnold Uvarov. Taking into account that at the school Sergey received a solid amount of knowledge and skills in the field of visual agitation, propaganda and counter-propaganda, he was taken into a team that decided to take on an outdoor advertising project.

Career of Sergei Zheleznyak

Very soon, their agency APR-group, where he was first the head of the department, then (since 1995) the executive director, took one of the leading positions in the country's advertising market. They worked in 94 cities, their customers were such companies as Marlboro, Adidas, Sony, Toshiba, Techno-Service, Doka-Invest, and by the end of 1993 the company's turnover reached 8 million dollars.

Later Sergey Vladimirovich headed the National Association outdoor advertising and information, was a member of the advertising collegiate body of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Council of Media Industry Associations. Since 2001, he has worked in the management of News Outdoor Russia, which was owned by the world's most famous media mogul, Rupert Murdoch. In five years, the turnover of their company grew by an order of magnitude, reaching $ 250 million by 2006. At the same time, he entered one of the best business schools in Europe, the Institute for Management Development IMD, in Lausanne, and in 2007 became its graduate.

Sergei Zheleznyak recalls the last Russian film he watched

Election to the lower house of parliament (in the same year) began his political career. In the State Duma, he joined the commission on entrepreneurship and economic policy, oversaw the Caucasus, then Siberia. The draft law proposed by him on the placement of advertising structures was not adopted (according to some reports, it aroused the suspicions of parliamentarians that the deputy was lobbying for the interests of News Outdoor).

Personal life of Sergei Zheleznyak

Sergey Zheleznyak is married, he is a father of many children. With his chosen one, Catherine, the politician met back in 1992. She is a Muscovite, 4 years younger than her husband, an economist by profession. The couple has four daughters. The head of the family usually attends public events alone, apparently guarding the peace of his private life.

Fellow deputies (in particular, Yuriy Savenko) characterize him as an intelligent person who does not suffer from arrogance and disdain for others. The activity shown by him in the legislative field allows us to recognize his diligence, responsibility, desire and desire to high level defend the interests of citizens and the development of domestic developers of progressive IT technologies.

For 2013, he declared an income in the amount of three million rubles and notified tax authorities about the next real estate- two apartments (about 126 sqm each) and two Harley-Davidson FLSTF/FLSTFI motorcycles, which bikers call Fat Boy.

In 2014, Australia, the European Union, the United States, Canada and Switzerland included him in the list of persons against whom they imposed sanctions due to Russia's annexation of Ukrainian Crimea.

Sergey Zheleznyak today

In 2011, the politician was elected to the lower house of parliament for a second term. This time he headed the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, IT and Communications. The following summer, he took the post of vice speaker and deputy head of the United Russia faction.

Sergei Zheleznyak raised the issue of the ethics of D. Gudkov's speech in the US Senate building, was the initiator of a whole block of controversial and important bills. Among them - a legislative act on "foreign agents", on the protection of national cinema, on prohibitive measures on the publication in the media of information products containing obscene expressions and offers in the field of sexual services.

Sergei Zheleznyak on freedom of speech in the West

Sergei Vladimirovich is an opponent of foreign adoptions, an increase in the retirement age, and the treatment of drug addicted Russians with methadone (as a substitution therapy accepted abroad).

In 2012, Russian government opposition leader Alexei Navalny criticized Zheleznyak's supposedly hypocritical patriotic stance, accusing him of discrepancies in actions and words. United Russia has repeatedly spoken out in the press about the importance of a highly patriotic upbringing of youth, but sent three of its own children to live in the West. Moreover, in 2011, he paid more than 4 million rubles for the education of children, 5.5 million rubles for the unique Chrysler Prowler, and about 3 million rubles for the Lexus, while he earned three and a half million rubles (according to the income statement), that is much less than the actual cost.

Alexei Navalny on the patriotism of Sergei Zheleznyak

The Deputy Chairman of the State Duma explained both the origin of these funds and the reason why his daughters left for London and Vienna. It turned out that Lisa chose to live and study in the capital of the United Kingdom, Nastya - at Queen Mary University of London, Katya - at the elite American school The American School in Switzerland, and getting an education outside the country, in his opinion, is not a sign of dislike for Motherland.

He earned money at the News Outdoor company, even before joining the State Duma. Separately, the politician stressed that he has no property and accounts abroad. Although Navalny's associate Georgy Alburov published in 2014 the politician's accusation of hiding his income of one and a half million dollars in the "Liechtenstein offshore" from the sale of a stake in Dream Yacht Complex Limited, which was allegedly co-founded by a parliamentarian.

Last week with new force a discussion flared up about the forcible "return" of the children of officials from abroad. There was supposedly some kind of rumor, so many sources confirmed that just about all officials, up to employees of state corporations, would be forced to withdraw their offspring from studying abroad and transfer them all to Russian schools and universities.

I then did not even begin to speak on the topic for lack of sense to comment on anything. The scheme “I steal, I earn here, I spend there” has taken root in the system of values ​​of a modern official so much that it cannot be eradicated by any decrees. This is what the real United Russia "spiritual bond" is.

But I have one debt to you, so to speak. I have written many times that it is especially interesting to watch the heroes of our investigations “in development”, and this is what we will do now.

Four years ago, we published an investigation under the timeless title "patriotic mattress Zheleznyak". Remember this? It was about the fact that the daughters of the most patriotic of the patriotic deputies Zheleznyak are studying and living in Switzerland and England.

Zheleznyak himself reacted to the investigation quickly and profusely. I wrote a post on Facebook, gave out a bunch of interviews and comments, the essence of which boiled down to one thing - nothing threatens patriotism, my daughters will finish their studies in enemy Europe and return to live and work in Russia.

Perhaps they won’t even finish their studies and will arrive earlier, ”said Zheleznyak.

Therefore, my daughters will also finish their studies, return and will live here, work, benefit the country and society. And if, let’s say, they are limited to travel somewhere with me, then they will return earlier and finish their studies here.
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At the same time, when they say “Horror-horror”, in fact, they say that they sent the family somewhere there, as it were ... No. Just a family, as it were, here. They are there to study. Moreover, they are happy to come here for the holidays, because here is the house.

4 years have passed. At this point, I sigh sadly and meaningfully.

NATURALLY nobody came back anywhere. NATURALLY trained in excellent schools and universities, the daughters of deputy Zheleznyak never dream of returning to Russia. NATURALLY Zheleznyak deceived and fooled everyone with his stories about the inevitable return of children to their homeland.

But as is usually the case with crooked swindlers and rogues, fate played a cruel joke on Zheleznyak. While dad-Zheleznyak, foaming at the mouth and convulsing, speaks on TV on patriotic topics, the circumstances and life of his own daughters have developed not only according to plan, but in general in such a way that you can’t imagine it on purpose.

Many of my regular readers will remember this girl.

Fragment of a post dated 12/25/2012
This is Anastasia Zheleznyak, the eldest of the four daughters of Sergei Zheleznyak. At the time of writing 4 years ago, she was just starting her studies at Queen Mary University in London.

She graduated in 2014. We were already expecting to see her in Moscow, but contrary to the patriotic instructions of her father, Anastasia did not start packing her bags for Russia. And she entered the master's program at another prestigious London university, King's College.

In parallel with her studies, which undoubtedly commands respect, Anastasia Zheleznyak began to work. And, as I assume from the statements of Zheleznyak, dad should have become ill from the career chosen by his daughter.

She got a job in the very enemy lair, the stronghold of anti-Russian propaganda, - the BBC channel. For several years she worked there as an assistant producer. Surprisingly ironic, isn't it? Considering that all this time her dad came to Vladimir Solovyov’s studio like clockwork and talked about the vile West, which is about to rot us.

For example, deputy Zheleznyak resolutely declares that there is, of course, no freedom of speech in Great Britain.

In 2015, Anastasia also completed her master's degree. Her name can be found in the list of alumni and make sure that she graduated with honors from the university.

Time to pack again, we all thought, but again no. If the story of working for the “enemy” BBC seemed to you a bizarre twist of fate, read on.

Literally immediately after graduating from the magistracy, Anastasia Zheleznyak got married. For his BBC colleague, a young Scottish guy with a real Scottish surname McClymont and even a kilt!

Anastasia changed not only her place of residence, but also her last name. She is now Anastasia McClimont. I run the risk of completely bringing the old Zheleznyak down, but soon Anastasia McClymont will also be entitled to a British passport.

I think it makes no sense to talk about any return to Russia after studying. We put an end to this story and never again believe a single word of Deputy Zheleznyak.

Anastasia's sister, Elizabeth (second from the left in the family photo), by the way, also lives and works in London. Graduated from an English school: Draws cool and beautiful Pictures making videos with her older sister.

Let's wrap up with stories about daughters, I think everything is clear. The daughters of the most patriotic of the deputies are not going to return to any homeland. Everything that Zheleznyak wove about “they will finish their studies, return and be useful to the country” is complete bullshit. They will not return, at least as long as their dad and his accomplices sit in the State Duma. They have already escaped forever from the realities of Russia occupied by United Russia and there is no point in plunging into it. They combine work with study, do not hesitate to become an assistant, do not consider the British to be NATO hirelings, and even create families with them.

I do not urge the daughters of Zheleznyak to do anything. But the most patriotic mattress I insistently ask for one thing. I want him to say a small disclaimer every time before spitting saliva at the studios of patriotic TV shows: “I, United Russia deputy Sergei Zheleznyak, sent my family to Europe for permanent residence, my son-in-law is a Scot, but I condemn all this, all these rotten Western values, all these Bandera and the junta - they are all leeches, and Navalny is a national traitor. Well, it will be great.

"I will not return to Raska": children and grandchildren of the most patriotic Russian officials who have long been living abroad

The price of all the appeals of the Russian authorities to the patriotism of the population turned out to be more than obvious against the background of the actions of the children of those in power themselves.

18 year old Elizabeth Peskova, daughter of a press secretary Russian President Dmitry Peskov, published a lengthy post on her Instagram, in which she stated that she would return to Russia not going, and she described the Kremlin’s attempts to force officials to return their descendants to their homeland with the words “you won’t be forced to be nice.”

This statement is already long time living in Paris daughter of the presidential press secretary was made amid news that the top leadership of the Russian Federation demanded that officials if they want to continue their careers brought home their children and other relatives who prefer to live, work and study in the countries of the European Union or the USA. Apparently, this did not at all arouse enthusiasm among the latter, and they preferred well-fed and quiet life in civilized states.

- "Last week, information was circulated that students and relatives of officials living abroad were recommended to return to Russia," she recalled. Elizabeth Peskova on your Instagram. - In this regard, I would like to express my opinion on this topic. Firstly, I am an adult and have the right to decide where to live and study. Secondly, it seems to me that those who believe that patriots should study only in their own country are either not very familiar with history, or the personality of Peter the Great is not authoritative for them. It was this king who realized the importance of education abroad for the development of the state. As a result, he began to carry out reforms, paying special attention to focusing on Europe, for which thousands of young people went to study abroad to train specialists in different areas(and, by the way, he started with himself). Yes, someone did not return back to Russia, preferring to connect their lives with another country. The same is happening in our time. But this does not mean at all that everyone who went abroad to get an education will certainly not return from there. It is necessary to strive to ensure that people want to live in their country, and not to keep them by force. As the saying goes, you can't force yourself to be nice. Dissatisfaction with those who work and study outside of Russia does not make people patriots."

It is worth recalling that the daughters of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin also live by no means in Russia, but in Holland where they successfully married and made a career. And, for example, the daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov lives in the United States, where she has already received both education and citizenship. Curious rumors are also circulating about the son of the scandalous State Duma deputy from United Russia Elena Mizulina: he chose the Netherlands as his place of residence and even entered into a same-sex marriage there, with which his mother consistently struggles in her homeland.

Nikolai Mizulin

Son of a State Duma deputy Elena Mizulina Nikolai married a man in the USA last year and is not going to return to Russia because same-sex marriage is prohibited here. According to the Sofa Hundred, he was legally married in Seattle with the son of the former Minister of Education of Russia, Andrei Fursenko. Interestingly, Mizulina spoke out against the 2x2 TV channel, accusing TV people of showing cartoons that promote homosexuality. “On the May holidays, I made sure that my grandchildren - they are 3 and 6 years old - did not watch the 2x2 channel, there are cartoons that cause rejection in adults, this is 18+ - it’s impossible to watch, but they show around the clock, ”Mizulina was quoted as saying MASS MEDIA.

Ekaterina Lavrova

Daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Lavrov was born in New York. She graduated from high school in Manhattan and Columbia University. After graduation, the girl left for an internship in London. There Catherine met her son pharmaceutical magnate, a graduate of Cambridge Alexander Vinokurov. In 2008, the couple got married, and in 2010 Katya gave birth to a son. Now the son-in-law of the minister holds the position of president of the Summa Group holding and is a member of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port OJSC.

Sergei and Alexander Lebedev

grandchildren Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Sergey and Alexander, according to media reports, are studying at the swiss school. Their parents make considerable donations to the educational institution so that the offspring live well. According to information in open Internet sources, the cost of studying at TASIS in Switzerland for the last academic year was 71.8 thousand Swiss francs (about 2.9 million rubles). This is the cost of full board, which includes tuition, accommodation, meals, laundry, linens, basic health insurance, taxes, textbooks, laboratory practice, activities, winter skiing, school trips. The cost of not a boarding house, but a day school depends on the class in which the children are studying: for the 6th grade - 39 thousand, grades 7-8 - 42 thousand, 9-12 and after-school education - 44 thousand Swiss francs.

Anastasia, Elizabeth, Catherine

Daughters of one of the most patriotic United Russia members Sergei Zheleznyak live abroad. Despite the promises made by a State Duma deputy in 2012 that his children, after studying abroad, “will come home and be useful to the country,” of his three daughters who studied abroad at that time, at least two are still abroad, and Anastasia McClimont, nee Zheleznyak, will soon be eligible for British citizenship. Zheleznyak's eldest daughter Anastasia, having graduated from Queen Mary University in London in 2014, entered a master's program at another prestigious London university, King's College, and managed to work at BBC News as an assistant producer.

In 2015 Anastasia Zheleznyak She graduated from her master's degree, but did not return to Russia again, but married in London to her colleague at the BBC, a Scot named McClimont. The photographs posted on social networks showed the whole family, except for Sergei Zheleznyak.

Another daughter of Zheleznyak, Elizabeth, lives and works in London. She graduated from an English school and works as an illustrator.

Alena Minkovskaya

Alena is an American journalist of Russian origin, daughter of a Soviet figure skater Irina Rodnina and Russian businessman Jewish origin Leonid Minkovsky. Her mother is a true patriot - a Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion, Russian public and statesman, deputy of the State Duma of the V-VI convocations. Alena rarely visits Russia and even don't think about moving here live.

In a word, the Kremlin's initiative to return home the children of high-ranking officials has practically no chance of being implemented - most likely, there will be no such idiots among those who left.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser in the Carter administration, and during the Clinton presidency the author of the concept of NATO expansion to the East, once said:

“I do not see a single case in which Russia could use its nuclear potential while $500 billion belonging to the Russian elite is in American banks. You will figure out whose elite it is - yours or already ours.

These words were uttered during a conversation with Russian scientists on the issue of missile defense. Brzezinski ended his tirade with a rhetorical question: How are the Putinites going to respond to what they see as the American challenge to Russia?”

Children of the Elite

Where do the children of officials and deputies live

Deputies will be forced to get rid of accounts in foreign banks

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"LiveJournal" United Russia deputy Sergei Zheleznyak, who was one of the authors of laws on censorship on the Internet and about foreign agents. The blogger convicts Zheleznyak of hypocrisy and reveals information about his finances and luxurious style life, incidentally citing the "patriotic statements" of the deputy. According to them, in particular, "it is important that value orientations, love for the motherland, patriotism be formed from childhood and be an integral part of the process of educating and becoming a citizen."

“Unfortunately, this is not a cozy striped mattress. Much worse,” Navalny begins his post with such a caption under a photograph of Zheleznyak in a striped suit. He calls the deputy "Deputy Secretary of the United Russia General Council, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma and one of the main speakers from the Party of Crooks and Thieves." The blogger recalls that Zheleznyak also actively advocated the adoption of a law according to which protesters can now be fined in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

The deputy has an uncompromising credo: "Born in Russia! Study in Russia! Keep money in Russia! Rest in Russia!", but it did not stop him from sending three of his four daughters to study abroad - to the UK and Switzerland. As proof, the blogger points to the official website of the Swiss school "for elite children", where Yekaterina Zheleznyak studies, and provides a link to a photograph, which, in particular, depicts her craft.

Education at this school is almost 2.4 million rubles a year from grades 6 to 12 and about 1 million rubles from grades 1 to 5. In general, the cost of educating a child results in 21.8 million rubles.

“By the way, Ekaterina’s Type B Swiss Residence Permit visa ended on September 30, 2012. I hope the patriotic dad didn’t forget and issued a new one in a timely manner. While it’s possible, the Magnitsky law is not yet in effect,” Navalny quipped.

Further, the blogger draws the readers' attention to Zheleznyak's second daughter, Anastasia, who is studying in London. She graduated from the same school, which means that a similar amount has already been spent on her education, and entered the university, where the tuition fee is about 630 thousand rubles a year. For three years, the amount is equal to approximately 1.89 million rubles.

“I am sure that an official cannot be bound by economic obligations with other states, since then he becomes dependent not on the interests of Russian citizens, but on the expectations of the leadership of other states,” Navalny quotes the deputy. And then he complains that the children of United Russia members live "badly" in Switzerland: "In the school cafeteria in Kapotnya, maybe the food is worse, but then the walls are dear and this ... the interests of foreign governments are less felt."

To the following quote by Zheleznyak (“I am sure that patriotism should be a matter of our national strategy and all social and political manifestations today must be viewed through the concepts of unity and love for the Motherland”), the blogger gives a link to the VKontakte page of the third daughter, Liza. And he quotes her entry "Hello, dear London! Farewell, good old Moscow! I will try never to give up and not regret anything) Sincere thanks." Below, Navalny mockingly adds: "Patriotism should become a priority in instilling a sense of citizenship in the country's young generation," Papa Zheleznyak somehow answers her.

Luxurious United Russia car

"Let's move towards the property of Mr. Zheleznyak," the blogger continues. "Judging by his declaration, he is the owner of a very beautiful, rare Chrysler Prowler car." The first concept Chrysler Prowler, leads brief reference Navalny appeared at the New York Auto Show in 1993.

Cars are assembled by hand. Over 11,000 wealthy American collectors have purchased this car for their collections. The latest and most unique Chrysler Prowler, specially created in a single copy by order of the public historical organization National Multiple Sclerosis Society, was sold at the New York branch of the world-famous Christie's auction for 175 thousand dollars. "Patriotic!" - concludes the blogger.

In addition, the deputy has a second car - "an unfortunate Lexus RX 350 for only 2.8 million rubles", and he also owns two apartments with total area 437.6 sq. meters, Navalny points out and gives the following appropriate quote from Zheleznyak: "An official who has property and savings abroad, already in his decisions begins to look back at the position of the leadership of those countries where he keeps his wealth."

At the end of his angry entry, the blogger points out that Zheleznyak's official income in 2011 amounted to 3.5 million rubles, of which he spent 4.3 million on the education of his daughters, bought an elite Chrysler Prowler collection car for 5.5 million and "regular" Lexus for 2.8 million rubles.

Note that at the moment, two of the three girls Navalny wrote about have deleted their pages from the social networks VKontakte and Facebook. Meanwhile, Navalny, in updating his entry, urged readers not to write offensive comments on the pages of the deputy's daughters, since they are not to blame for the fact that their father advocates censoring the Internet and jailing people for peaceful rallies.

Sergei Zheleznyak has been a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth and sixth convocations from the United Russia party since 2007, and since March 2011 he has been the chairman of the Information Policy Committee. He also heads the Guild of outdoor advertising and information and acts as a co-chairman of the Russian Consumers Union.

Zheleznyak replied: this is a sloppy compromising evidence

Sergei Zheleznyak replied to blogger Alexei Navalny also through the blog - or rather,

In 2012, that his children, after studying abroad, "will come home and be useful to the country", of his three daughters who studied abroad at that time, at least two are still abroad, and Anastasia McClimont, nee Zheleznyak, will soon be eligible for British citizenship. This is stated in the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, published on the website in connection with the rumor about the recommendation of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation to officials to return the children to Russia.

The investigation was conducted on open data - from public posts and profiles in social networks. Zheleznyak's eldest daughter Anastasia, as follows from her profile on LinkedIn, after graduating from Queen Mary University in London in 2014, she entered a master's program at another prestigious London university, King's College, and managed to work at BBC News as an assistant producer.

In 2015, Anastasia Zheleznyak graduated from her master's program, but did not return to Russia again, but married in London to her BBC colleague, a Scot named McClimont. The photographs posted on social networks showed the whole family, except for Sergei Zheleznyak. The authors of the FBK investigation explained the reason with words from speeches Zheleznyak-father: "I did not succeed in working with foreigners, not because I am so conflicted, but because they believed that they had the right to tell our country how to live."

Another daughter of Zheleznyak, Elizabeth, lives and works in London. She graduated from an English school and works as an illustrator.

In 2012 Zheleznyak spoke "Echo of Moscow": "Just the family, as it were, is here. They are studying there." In an interview with Kommersant-FM, Zheleznyak promised: “My daughters ... will finish their studies, return and live here, work, benefit the country and society. And if, let’s say, they are limited to travel somewhere with me, then It means that they will return earlier and finish their studies here.”

"The daughters of the most patriotic of the deputies are not going to return to any homeland," concludes the FBK. his accomplices sit in the State Duma. They have already escaped forever from the realities of Russia occupied by United Russia, and there is no point in immersing themselves in it. They combine work with study, are not embarrassed by the position of an assistant, do not consider the British to be NATO hirelings and even create families with them."

Note that Zheleznyak mentioned four of his daughters, of whom three studied abroad. The fate of the other two in the FBK investigation is not reported.

On September 18, 2016, Sergei Zheleznyak was elected to the State Duma of the VII convocation, he is the Deputy Secretary of the General Council of United Russia and a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

FBK founder Alexei Navalny emphasizes that he leaves Zheleznyak’s children the right to privacy: “They really are not to blame that their dad is a United Russia swindler and talker. They bear no responsibility for dad’s pseudo-patriotism and, as I sincerely believe, they can live, do, think what they want and where they want.

Another employee of the FBK investigation department, Nikita Kulachenkov, is wondering if one of the photos of Zheleznyak's daughter, posted on the social network, will turn out to be excessively frivolous from the point of view of Senator Elena Mizulina, who constantly fights for morality.

By the way, in 2013 It revealed that the son of Mizulina herself lives and works in Belgium. He is married to a Spanish citizen, two grandchildren Mizulina live in Brussels.