Kabbalistic symbols. Red thread - amulet and human protection

Recently one of the leading figures of the International Kabbalah Center Yehuda Berg came to Moscow. He arrived along with his wards - Hollywood star Demi Moore and her young friend actor Ashton Kutcher, supporters and active propagandists of Kabbalah. And he presented his new book on Kabbalah in the Russian capital. It becomes fashionable, especially among show business figures. We talked with Yehuda Berg, as well as with the head of the Kabbalah Center in Moscow, David Mats, and tried to understand what Kabbalah is and why do we need it? And how to treat her?

All for Madonna

The rise of celebrity craze for Kabbalah is attributed by many to Madonna. 13 years ago, she plunged into this teaching and is now its energetic popularizer. At her concerts, an Israeli singer performs a song in Hebrew written by a famous Kabbalist, Madonna projects Kabbalist symbols on the screen, sings the song "Isaac" to the sounds of an ancient instrument that sounds in the synagogue, wears a Kabbalist red ribbon on her wrist. Madonna published an article in the Israeli newspaper I Found the Answer. She now goes to synagogue and observes Shabbat (does not schedule performances on Saturdays).

Following Madonna, Hollywood stars Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher became adherents of Kabbalah. David Beckham (wears a red thread on his hand), Naomi Campbell, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Elizabeth Taylor, Winona Ryder, Barbra Streisand, Mick Jagger, and many other world stars are also known as Kabbalists.

Figures of show business of the CIS, trying to stay in the "mainstream", also began to catch up. Although few of them admit to Kabbalah publicly, like Madonna. But some of the performers are already wearing a red ribbon around their wrists. Most likely, not so much a fan of Kabbalah, but rather trying to imitate the "great ones".

Mysterious Kirkorov

With a red ribbon, ex-VIA Gra Vera Brezhneva was recently seen, about which the beau monde talked for a long time. They say they saw a ribbon on Andrei Makarevich's hand.

During the last visit of Guru Berg to Moscow, they say that Stas Namin, Viktor Erofeev, Kirill Serebrennikov, Vladimir Solovyov, as well as well-known people in business were at a meeting with him.

Singer Sergei Lazarev "signed up" for Yehuda Berg's last lecture at the pretentious Lotte Hotel in December, but did not come. But Lolita came, sat in the front row next to the head of the International Kabbalah Center, Yehuda Berg. Also, young Vlad Sokolovsky from the BiS group, a graduate of the Star Factory, was seen.

Philip Kirkorov also confirmed to the organizers his desire to listen to Yehuda Berg in Lotte, but did not appear in public. He arrived at the end of the lecture, but did not enter the hall, he was led into a closed room, where he waited for the teacher's audience.

What is it about?

Kabbalah is a mystical direction in Judaism, Hebrew wisdom, incorporated in the ancient book of Zohar. It is believed that Kabbalah carries knowledge about the Creator, about the world order, reveals the secret meaning of the Torah, which seems to contain a deep mystical code. Proponents of "true Kabbalah" believe that this wisdom is revealed only to the elect - Jews with a religious education over 40 years old.

The “populist Kabbalah” that the stars are fond of promises to rid them of narcissism, as well as give the key to complete perfection, comprehension of the secrets of the world and to true greatness. Perhaps this is what attracts the beau monde. However, Orthodox Jewish Kabbalists are extremely nervous about pop Kabbalah, which is spreading among people of all nations and nationalities, and argue that it is dangerous for the "uninitiated" to dive into it.

What was confirmed to “KP” by an expert in religious issues, member of the Russian Public Chamber Maxim SHEVCHENKO:

Pop Kabbalah, which we are now witnessing in Russia, is a very dangerous thing. Kabbalah is connected with mysticism, with the world of spirits, with metaphysics. I would not advise our people to engage in Kabbalah in a poppy way. Because the mind can be damaged. It is impossible to indulge in mystical practices and teachings. This is a Jewish teaching, which cannot have anything to do with the life of the Orthodox.

Nevertheless, Kabbalah in the CIS is gaining momentum, despite the semantic associations with the Russian word "bondage" - heavy, unbearable, slavish dependence.

Why do they need Russia

The head of the Kabbalah Center in Moscow, Israeli David Mats, whom I met at a lecture by Yehuda Berg, told me:

We decided to try to open a center in Moscow in 2006. And it worked.

Why do you need Russia? I asked Mr. Mats directly.

Our mission as an organization is to make the knowledge, wisdom, tools of Kabbalah available in all languages ​​and to all people of the world. Russia has always interested us, because it is one of the largest countries, 140 million people, but the presence of Kabbalah in Russia in Soviet times was unthinkable. But we always wanted to come to Russia. Just like in China. And we are already starting to work in China.

How many adherents of Kabbalah are there in Russia now?

Over the past four years of our work in Russia, 5,000 people have passed through the Kabbalah Center. But not everyone who came continues to study Kabbalah. It's like in sports - not everyone trains for the Olympics. There are people who just want to learn a little about Kabbalah, just like a person just learns to swim, not for the Olympics. But 300 people go to classes all the time.

How many of them are famous people? After all, they say that you primarily work with the elite.

We have never made such lists, because our doors are open to everyone, not only the successful ones.

And what is the attitude of various regulatory bodies, the police, towards the Kabbalah Center in Moscow? Do they come with checks?

The policemen come to us to study.

Yah! Does that mean that Kabbalah has a green light in Russia?

But we do not carry anything but five thousand years of wisdom, which invites people of different faiths and political views to become better.

But is it possible to find spiritual fulfillment in the Orthodox Church? Have you ever talked to Orthodox priests?

I have never met Orthodox priests. But many of our students are Orthodox people who go to Orthodox churches. And after they began to study Kabbalah, they became more Orthodox than they were before. Muslims come to us too.

What's the price

International Kabbalah centers were organized by the Berg family - father and sons, one of whom, Yehuda Berg, "patronizes" the center in Moscow. Most orthodox Kabbalists believe that the Bergs' Kabbalah is a business project, the purpose of which is to make a profit.

There is evidence that Madonna donated about $ 3 million to the Kabbalah, and also invested 3.7 million pounds in the Kabbalists' office in London.

In America, Kabbalistic water for cancer was sold for a lot of money (which, as BBC journalists found out, turned out to be just water).

Opponents of the Bergs believe that they work with Kabbalah according to the methods of network marketing, like Herbalife distributors.

How much does it cost to learn Kabbalah in Moscow? A course of 10 lectures - about $300.

A set of books on Kabbalah - almost $350.

Red ribbons are on sale - about $30, Kabbalistic amulets, which are worth $2,000.

In the classes at the center, they read and interpret the Torah, unravel Hebrew symbols, letters, and numbers. One of the principles of Kabbalah says: “True inner changes are achieved by the genetic power of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet”, “according to the Kabbalistic teaching, 72 unique combinations of Hebrew letters create a spiritual vibration...”

The path to happiness

I had the opportunity to talk with Madonna and Demi Moore's guru, one of the leaders of the International Kabbalah Center (USA) Yehuda BERG.

Do you give preference to people of a certain religion or nationality, because in order to unravel the meanings of Kabbalah, you need to get acquainted with Jewish books, Hebrew letters, which means you have to be a Jew, a Jew?

No, 90% of those who study with us are Christians, Berg assured.

But Orthodox priests do not accept Kabbalah.

Many Orthodox priests often do not know deeply what it is. Kabbalah does not threaten Orthodoxy.

There are many famous people among the adherents of Kabbalah. Are you on the top in its promotion?

No, it's not. In five days in Moscow, I attended two weddings of ordinary people who study Kabbalah... In the States, everyone says: "Madonna, Madonna, Madonna." But hundreds of thousands of ordinary people study at the Kabbalah Center, striving to become happy.

How do you work with Madonna, Demi Moore and other stars?

They are ordinary people, they have the same problems that you and I have. Mostly I just talk to them about life. Just like with any other person.

Do these students have star disease?

These people have fame, their influence in the world is great, and their ego is bigger than other people. It is in this respect that we work with them. One of the requirements of Kabbalah is to give up your ego.

You often visit Moscow. And how do you like the Russian capital?

Two years ago, I really didn't like it here. There seemed to be a heavy energy here. Maybe it was due to the crisis. I was looking forward to leaving. And now I feel that I am a part of this city.

The Lord does not hide wisdom

And later we talked about Kabbalah with the rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church at MGIMO, Archpriest Father Igor FOMIN:

Kabbalah pays a lot of attention to magic, astrology, but the Old Testament had a negative attitude towards these things, it even provided for stoning, - said the priest. - Kabbalah as a teaching is called upon for the benefit of the Jewish religion. There is a trend in it that spreads Kabbalah throughout the world. But this is eyewash. In fact, to study Kabbalah, one must be inside Judaism.

Why did she become fashionable?

Everything mysterious has always attracted a person, removing the feeling of fear of the unknown. But a person, in contact with magical manifestations, can damage the soul. Kabbalah tries to explore the magical meanings in the thoughts of the Lord. But the Lord does not hide anything, there is no need for a parent to hide wisdom from his children.

Does the Orthodox Church express its attitude towards Kabbalah?

We express our opinion, but the church does not interfere in the affairs of the state. However, Russia was formed as a state under the leadership of Christianity. At one time, the ROC simply shouted about the dangers of Scientology. We were accused of being orthodox. But 15 years passed, and the state in Russia closed the center of Scientology. The same with the Jehovists. We warned that there could be serious problems, but they were registered, they created a problem. Now they are trying to solve it. Still, the voice of the Orthodox Church should be heeded...


Kabbalah and Christianity are incompatible

I asked the rector of the Russian Orthodox Institute, Pyotr EREMEEV, for his opinion on Kabbalah:

Modern man, driven by the search for something unusual, secret, is often fascinated by various mystical teachings. Someone is fond of astrology, someone, having decided that the secrets of the world will reveal numbers, is engaged in numerology, while others are looking for meetings with the beings of the spiritual world through magic. Kabbalah is attractive because it contains elements of magic, astrology, and various esoteric teachings. Modern Kabbalist preachers have made it more accessible to the layman. That is why Kabbalah has now become a fashionable teaching. But even a simple reading of Kabbalistic literature that contradicts Holy Scripture, the Christian teaching about God and the universe, is harmful for Orthodox believers. All the more spiritually unsafe is the practical passion for Kabbalah. Kabbalah gives a person fundamentally different than Christianity, guidelines in earthly life, sets a different vector of spiritual development. It is impossible to get carried away with Kabbalah and remain a Christian at the same time. Of course, each person has the right to choose his religion, hobbies, interests. The church can only warn people about whether this or that doctrine is in agreement with the gospel. The attitude of Orthodox theologians to the Kabbalistic teaching, as well as to other similar esoteric teachings and practices, is negative.

Photo by Gennady USOEV, Mila Strizh, Vladimir VELENGURIN, AP.

Every year more and more show business stars become adherents of Kabbalah. Kabbalah is one of the branches of Judaism, which has its own rules, opens up the opportunity to comprehend the meaning of life and find harmony with oneself and the world around.

The first of the media people who were carried away by Kabbalah was the singer Madonna. Everyone knows that she strictly observes Shabbat, wears Kabbalistic talismans, and during her speeches she propagates this religious teaching.

From Madonna, the fashion for Kabbalah in show business began. Following her, Britney Spears, David and Victoria Beckham, Demi Moore, Paris Hilton and other stars became adherents of this doctrine.

Fashion swept through the Russian show business with lightning speed. Now Philip Kirkorov, Vera Brezhneva and Andrei Makarevich believe in Kabbalah. Recognizing Kabbalists is not so difficult: on their left hand they wear a red thread, a symbol of this teaching.

A new surge of this trend in Russia occurred after the arrival of the well-known figure of the Kabbalah Center Yehuda Berg. He gave a lecture to a large number of people who gathered that day in one of the hotels in the capital. This event was attended not only by representatives of show business, but also by well-known businessmen.

Before you understand why this teaching is necessary for the stars of show business, you need to at least superficially know what principles a Kabbalist should live by and what is the meaning of this teaching. Kabbalah requires its adherents to completely renounce their desires and vices. This is the path to perfection and comprehension of all things and oneself.

As you can see, none of the listed followers of Kabbalah lives by the rules of this teaching. Most likely, show business stars are chasing fashion and want to be in a group of "initiates".

One of the Russian adherents of Kabbalah, Lolita Milyavskaya, told reporters about what this teaching really gives her. According to her, she did not renounce Orthodoxy at all and treats it with some indifference. Lolita discovered a new world for herself by joining Kabbalah. This faith gives her peace and a lot of energy for new achievements. Lolita said that after becoming a Kabbalist, she began to understand her inner state and the people around her more.

In addition, the singer does not deny that Kabbalah gives her the opportunity to show her psychic abilities. She previously claimed to have the gift of clairvoyance. This Jewish teaching helps her discover new milestones in esotericism.

Lolita provided herself with all the attributes of Kabbalah. There are a lot of Kabbalistic symbols and talismans in her house. In addition, the singer always tries to wear a charm that attracts good luck. She claims that her new faith has helped her recover from many hardships in her life.

Kabbalistic signs are mystical signs firmly associated with the occult tradition. With the help of these symbols, magicians create and charge talismans, enhance the effect of amulets, conduct sessions of spiritualism and call spirits in order to control them. Find out what they are, why they are important and what things are applied to.

In the article:

History of Kabbalistic signs

Kabbalah- a set of ancient knowledge about the formation of the spirit. It is believed that this knowledge contains the answer to the secrets of the Universe, the key to all physical and mental doors. This system is effective, works and is aimed at helping a person in understanding his life path, higher purpose, finding happiness and peace of mind. Roughly speaking, Kabbalah is a search for the meaning of life, and not an escape from it through meditation and detachment, as Buddhist teachings do.

Many prominent people have studied Kabbalah to better understand the metaphysical aspects of their own existence. Among these scientists are the famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras, the test physicist Isaac Newton, the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, as well as Leibniz and many others. Understanding this mystical teaching helps to better capture minor things, events, which help to establish cause-and-effect relationships, make it easier to understand the connectedness of all events. Knowledge of the laws of the spiritual world, their influence on the material universe strengthens the spirit of man and makes him resistant to the blows of fate.

The very name "Kabbalah" came to us from the Aramaic language meaning "getting something." There are no restrictions on the field, faith, nationality, age of adherents who want to accept this teaching - Kabbalah accepts everyone, because people have the same goals. This is the desire for happiness for yourself and loved ones. Mutual love, peace of mind, successful self-realization, indestructible well-being, good health.

The things that Kabbalah strives for cannot be touched, held, or seen. They are invisible, their nature is non-material, but clear and existence is not questioned. And these desires, their satisfaction in the teachings of Kabbalah are called "Light". When it comes to receiving something, and no matter what, then this means receiving this Light. Its manifestations are the same for everyone, but purely individual for each person.

Michael Laitman saw in this teaching the science of comprehending the secrets of the universe, which is fundamentally at odds with the opinion of other adherents of Kabbalah. Both magicians and witches tend to agree with Michael. They actively use each symbol to create amulets and other amulets.

Signs of Kabbalah and their meaning


The main symbol of Kabbalah - hexagram (tetragram), otherwise referred to as the Masonic seal, or. It depicts a hexagonal star with the top up, which means the opposite of the devil - God. She is a powerful tool of white magic. Many practitioners of the occult use the hexagram to call into its center evil and powerful spiritual entities that are inside it, but are not able to harm the performer of the ritual.

Kabbalistic tetragram - a subspecies or variation of the hexagram, which is not so widespread. It is also called the great state seal of the worldwide Masonic lodge. Inside the six-pointed star, the Number of the Beast is inscribed - six hundred and sixty-six: the star consists of two equal and equilateral triangles, the sixes are depicted at three corners of each of them.

The signs of the Kabbalah and their meaning have a close connection with the Masonic lodge. The next sign is also related to Freemasonry: the seal of the Jewish King Solomon. Among the Freemasons themselves, branches of the lodge (occultists, spiritualists, theosophists and many others), it is simply called the seal of King Solomon, the biblical God-chosen king. It consists of two equilateral triangles of white and black color that make up a six-pointed star. They are marked with two symbols - Alpha, which is translated from Greek as "First", and Omega - "Last".

Significant symbols of Kabbalah include the Tetragrammaton, the pentacle and the Tree of Life.

The first one is Tetragrammaton - denotes the name of God, since no one knows His true name and cannot pronounce it. It is an abbreviation, because it consists of four Jewish letters: "yod", "heh", "vav", again "heh". The first means the element of Fire, furious and indomitable, the second - Water, smooth and at the same time dangerous, the third - the element of Air, intangible and incorporeal, and the last is the Earth, people would not live without it. Fire symbolizes the creative paternal energy of God, Water - maternal power, sensual component, Air - a son, a thought that flies like the wind, Earth - a daughter, a perfect action.

Pentacle of Solomon.

Kabbalah signs are closely connected with the Jewish tradition of magic, which means a connection with the Bible. Pentacle of Solomon they call a powerful symbol, with the help of which magicians protect themselves from outside influences, call for good luck, wealth. It protects the owner from failure, suffering, disasters. The great king Solomon was chosen by God for the successful administration of the state of Israel. When Solomon received a magical artifact from his father David - a ring with a pentagram and strange signs, an angel descended from heaven and taught the chosen one the mysteries of magic, controlling the power of the symbol given to him, the language of animals and birds. It was believed that Solomon became a magician, that is, he owned the name of God, could address him directly, receive blessings and other benefits.

The Pentacle of Solomon is also called and this creates confusion. But there is not much difference between them: the pentacle and the pentagram have the same power and meaning. It symbolizes the power of the earthly rulers, as well as the Earth itself. The seven symbols inscribed in the pentacle represent the seven known planets, from the Moon to Saturn.

To create a charm-talisman to attract good luck and wealth through a pentacle, the Kabbalistic tradition advises to perform the ritual on a sunny day - Sunday. On the growing moon. The amulet is made of noble metal - gold. When a talisman is created for a one-time action, it is made up of a fragile material - golden paper and paint. The creation itself is done on Sunday and also on the rise of the moon.

The talisman is also cleansed of extraneous energy - fumigated with the aromatic smoke of incense. Sprinkled with spring water. Simple or church practices are not suitable for this practice. After purification, they stand facing the east - the sun rises there, raise the pentacle above their heads and make a request to the Universe. State your own name or the name of the person you are asking for.

At the end, with the ring finger of the right hand, aromatic oil is applied to the talisman in a clockwise direction. When there is none, they take sunflower, since sunflower flowers are also a symbol of the heavenly body. Breathe on the pentacle and say three times:

As the moon grows, let wealth grow for me (name). May it be so!

Tree of Life.

The last of the known signs of Kabbalah - Tree, or Tree of Life. It is a schematic representation of the world structure. Consists of ten spheres, or Sephiroth. Name " Sephiroth comes from the Hebrew word for calculus. The Tree of Life is the basis of the teachings of Kabbalah, an attempt by the founders of this teaching, using numbers and various terms, to decompose the proposed system of the universe with the participation of science and mathematics. A human attempt to grasp the immensity, to touch the secrets of creation.

It also personifies the superman, created in the image and likeness of the Creator. And ten Sefirot are ten manifestations of the presence of the deity. Sometimes they are interpreted as archetypal states of the human body and consciousness, of which there are also ten. Each of them corresponds to its own figure, a celestial body, a specific concept, an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe human body.

Kabbalistic rings - personal and paired talismans

Jewelry-amulets depicting the mystical symbols of Kabbalah are often worn by people as ordinary jewelry: earrings, necklaces, bracelets on legs and arms, rings. The latter occupy a separate place in the mythology and symbolism of mankind - there is a ring infinity symbol.

Kabbalistic wedding rings.

Kabbalistic rings are also a reminder of the first one, from which the tradition of making jewelry with similar symbols began, -. And today it is a symbol of strong power, a sharp mind, insight. The bearer of such a jewelry-amulet exacerbates leadership qualities, becomes stronger character, stronger and more honest intuition.

The followers of the teaching have a tradition at the wedding to put on each other's wedding rings - Kabbalistic. These are both symbols of matrimony, and talismans-amulets from adversity on the path of life. Such rings are inscribed with the pentagram or pentacle of Solomon, the names of protective angels and patron archangels, and many other symbols of the ancient teachings of Kabbalah, which bring protection and help to the human race. Spouses wearing such rings protect themselves from treason, betrayal, lies, quarrels and omissions, slander and the evil eye.

Red thread Kabbalah bracelet

There is in Kabbalah. She went from the biblical story that the tomb foremother Rachel, or Rachel, the greatest woman, the matriarch of the Jewish race, is tied with a red thread. In ancient times, people again wrapped this thread around the tomb of the foremother, and then cut off a part of it to tie around the wrist.

Such a talisman had tremendous power - it protected from an unkind look, the evil eye.
The Kabbalah bracelet is worn on the left wrist, where the heart is located. Powerful energy passes through it, which protects from the evil eye.

The thread is important to tie correctly. When a person does this for himself, it will not protect him from the effects of the evil eye. Tying up is accompanied by a special ritual. a person binds with love in his heart and without evil thoughts. Then it acquires true strength and prevents the entry of negative energy flows into the body.

The thread must be taken from natural wool, no matter what. Seven knots are tied on it - according to the number of spiritual dimensions. Do not tie tightly so as not to squeeze the veins. And also it is given as a gift, not bought with one's own money. The original thread can be bought in the Jewish city of Netivot.

The person who ties the "bracelet" reads a special one - "Ben Porat". With a pure heart, thoughts aimed at good, protection, compassion for one's neighbor. When all conditions are met, the amulet takes effect and protects the person with all its strength.

Kabbalah and its signs are aimed at protecting and preserving human life and health. After studying them, you can create your own amulets and charms on your own or with the help of an experienced practicing magician that will protect you on the way. The number of directions of magic is huge, but the Kabbalistic teaching is one of the most ancient and respected. He should be trusted.

In contact with

Star of David and its meaning

The history of the symbol - Hexagram in antiquity- The six-pointed star as a magical symbol - The six-pointed star in Christianity - The six-pointed star in Islam - Kabbalah and the Star of David - The six-pointed star in Freemasonry - The "Star of David" as a symbol of the Jews - Legends of the origin of the Star of David as a Jewish symbol - The symbolic meaning of the Star of David - Christian interpretation Stars of David

Probably one of the most mysterious symbols, shrouded in many incredible legends, is the hexagram, the six-pointed "Star of David" - a symbol of the Jewish people, the Jewish Kabbalah, Freemasons, occultists and magicians. The origin of the Star of David is unknown. Over the millennia of the existence of this graphic symbol, it has received a wide variety of interpretations. However, any rational explanations are lost behind a heap of myths. Where did the “star of David” come from, what kind of symbol is it, why exactly is it now identified with the Jewish people.

Symbol history

Six pointed star (hexagram)- one of the oldest and most significant symbols of mankind. It is formed by the superimposition of two equilateral triangles on top of each other, one of which has a normal position, and the other is overturned. Often (usually) depicted as an interweaving of through triangles.

Most often, the hexagram is associated with Judaism under the name "Star of David". However, it was not originally a specifically Jewish symbol.and up to the XVIII century. had nothing to do with the Jewish religion.The hexagram appeared long before the advent of both Masons and the Talmud. It is found many centuries BC in India, Mesopotamia, Britain and other countries.

Hexagonal star wide used as an element of ornament because, for reasons of a purely mathematical nature, it is possible to cover the plane with identical polygons only if they have three, four or six sides (that is, triangles, squares and hexagons). Any conceivable ornament can only be a variation and complication of these original forms. The first and natural complication of the hexagon is the six-pointed star, which is why it has been found in decorative art since ancient times. She met already on the rock paintings of the Alpine region. Among the ancient Jews, this emblem also did not carry much meaning at first, although it was found on various items of their utensils, seals and lamps. Its image can be found in old Muslim cemeteries, and as a temple ornament in Christianity. At the beginning of the XIV century. it was minted on coins and seals of the Golden Horde. The hexagram is found in the archaeological sites of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Among the ancient Slavs, the hexagram with the image of the beast inside was a symbol of a successful hunt. But still, the main region of distribution of the hexagram is India, as well as ancient Egypt and Greece.

The meaning of the symbol in various cultures

In our time, many associate the hexagram with Judaism under the name "Star of David". However, it is used in many other teachings and religions - for example, in Islam, in Christianity, in Eastern religions, in the occult and among Freemasons. In addition, hexagrams are found in modern New Age culture.

At different times in various teachings, religions and secret societies, the hexagram was given completely different interpretations.

In the 4th millennium BC. This was symbol of the Sumerian goddess of love and power Ishtar (Astarte), and even earlier this symbol was used in India, where the hexagram was revered as symbol of connection between Kali(triangle upside down) and Shiva(triangle point up), generating and destroying the world.

In tantric teaching the hexagram was known as Anahata or Anahata Chakra and meant harmony of two worlds: matter(triangle pointing up) and spirit(a triangle pointing down).

Anahata Chakra

It is also believed that the hexagram means unity of masculine and feminine(two triangles superimposed on each other) - a downward-pointing triangle symbolizes the feminine, a triangle with an upward angle symbolizes the masculine.

Medieval European alchemists interpreted the hexagram as symbol of all possible combinations of two elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air), of which there are six. The upper end denoted the combination of Fire and Air, then clockwise went: Fire and Water, Water and Air, Earth and Water, Earth and Air, Earth and Fire. Perhaps one of the very first planetary images of the hexagram is found on the title page of the book Opus Medico-Chymicum by the alchemist Johann Daniel Milius, published in 1618 in Frankfurt. There are two Latin phrases around the hexagram: "The secret will become clear and vice versa" and "Water and Fire will redeem everything."

In the XVIII century, the planetary hexagram is already a generally accepted esoteric symbol. For example, her images are found in the famous treatise "The Secret Figures of the Rosicrucians."

There are also, occult-theosophical interpretation, according to which the hexagram symbolizes the perfection of the universe, since it is the product of the feminine number 2 (two triangles) and the masculine number 3 (three corners for each figure). So the hexagram is located in the center emblems of the Theosophical Society, which included Helena Blavatsky, author of The Secret Doctrine.

Also, this emblem includes several of the most ancient symbols of humanity and the motto "There is no religion higher than truth."

Exists "eschatological" interpretation: the hexagram was associated with the number of the beast 666 and the antichrist- 6 corners - 6 small triangles in a circle, 6 sides of the inner hexagon.

In the 18th century, the hexagram began to be actively used in Freemasonry. For example, it is depicted as a crossing of "two Great Lights" - a compass and a square, which thus form a "flaming star". (The pentagram was also used as a "flaming star" in Freemasonry).

In Christianity hexagram is associated with 6 days of the creation of the world, as well as with the Star of Bethlehem, which, according to the Bible, had the shape of a six-pointed star.

According to other legends the hexagram was engraved on the magic ring-seal of King Solomon who, thanks to her, commanded the spirits. Hence its other name - Solomon's seal.

Hexagram in various teachings and religions

Consider the use of the hexagram in various teachings and religions in more detail.

Magic symbol

Starting from the Bronze Age (late 4th - early 1st millennium BC), the hexagram, like the pentagram, was quite widely used as magic symbol among many peoples, from the Semites of Mesopotamia to the Celts of Britain.

The six-pointed star is often found as a "powerful" magical symbol in witchcraft (and medieval heretical) books dedicated to alchemy.

It is used in all kinds of occult because it contains the satanic number '666' (6 ends, 6 small triangles inside and 6 sides of the inner 6-gon). This is the most powerful symbol of Satan.

"Star of David"- an ancient symbol, an emblem in the form of a six-pointed star (hexagram), in which two equilateral triangles are superimposed on each other: the upper one is apex up, the lower one is apex down, forming a structure of six equilateral triangles attached to the sides of the hexagon.

In Hebrew "Star of David" is called "Magen David", which literally translates as "David's shield". However, this term is not mentioned in the Bible. According to legend, this symbol was depicted on the shields of the soldiers of King David. Its other variant, the five-pointed star, the pentagram, is known as the Solomon Seal. However, the connection of this symbol with the name of King David, as well as the five-pointed star with the name of King Solomon, is most likely a fabrication of the late Middle Ages. The names "Shield of David" (Magen David) or "Seal of Solomon" (sigillum Solomonis) are arbitrary. The connection of the hexagram with these two great kings of biblical history cannot be traced in any way. In the Talmudic literature, the "shield of David" was also never mentioned.

"Star of David" as a symbol of the Jews

Flag of Israel

Today, the six-pointed "Star of David" is a universally recognized symbol of the Jews. The number 6 - (Hebrew שש‎) symbolizes the Jewish people.

The Star of David is depicted on the flag of the State of Israel and is one of its main symbols. However, Gershom Scholem, an expert in Jewish mysticism and one of the founders of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, published an article shortly after the decision was made to include the six-pointed star on the national flag of Israel, in which he wrote: "The hexagram is not a Jewish symbol, and certainly not a symbol of Judaism."

Up to the XVIII century. the hexagram was not a special symbol among the Jews and was in no way associated with the Jewish religion. The Star of David became a Jewish national sign only in the 19th century, and quite by accident. She was a symbol of the Prague Jewish community. It was in Prague that arose at the beginning of the 19th century. Zionist movement, which aimed at the resettlement of Jews in Palestine. The Zionists simply chose the symbol of the Prague Jews as the emblem of their movement. Since then, the hexagram has become associated with the Jewish people. Finally, this meaning was fixed by the image of the hexagram on the flag of Israel during the proclamation of this state. And if Zionism arose not in Prague, but in another city, the sign on the flag of Israel could be completely different ...

It was in the XIX century. the six-pointed star was adopted by virtually all communities in the Jewish world. It has become a common symbol on the buildings of synagogues and Jewish institutions, on monuments and tombstones, on seals and letterheads, on household and religious items, including curtains covering cupboards in which Torah scrolls are kept in synagogues.

The six-pointed star was used in Judea as early as Roman times, it was found in the decorations of synagogues, but only as an ornament.In the era of the second Jerusalem Temple, the hexagram, along with the pentagram, was widespread not only among Jews, but also among other peoples. However, even then it most likely had only a decorative character: among the ancient Jews, this emblem also did not carry much meaning at first, although it was found on various items of their utensils, seals and lamps.


menorah- a temple lamp (seven candlestick), which, according to the Bible, was in the Tabernacle of the Assembly during the wanderings of the Jews in the wilderness, and then in the Jerusalem Temple, until the destruction of the Second Temple.


Six-pointed star in Christianity

The hexagram is also present on early Christian amulets. In the Middle Ages, it was even more common in Christian churches than in synagogues. Moreover, Christianity has put its own Idea into this symbol, which is in no way connected with the previous ones. In general, a star in Christian symbolism most often means God, sometimes the Church. The six-ray star in Christianity, on the one hand, symbolizes 6 days of creation (in the figure, a reference to God the Father - note that the lower beam is hidden, referring us to the 5-ray star of God the Son), and on the other hand, it is the Star of Bethlehem, symbolizing birth Christ (Messiah).

For reference: seven rays symbolize the seven gifts of the holy spirit (most often seven-ray stars symbolize the church / angels), eight rays - the star of the Virgin is a combination of the cross and the first letter of the name of Christ, this is a sign of the triumph of Christianity, the twelve-pointed star is the twelve apostles, if the star has 10 rays then these are the 10 apostles who did not deny God. The four-pointed star is the union of a cross and a star.

six pointed star in islam

The hexagonal star was also used in Muslim mosques. In particular, in Egypt, Morocco and Lebanon, you can find it woven into lines from the Holy Quran. Four-pointed, six-pointed and eight-pointed stars appeared in Egypt during the reign of the Mamluks. They were used in architecture, ornamentation, etc. And in Mecca, the main Muslim shrine - the black stone of the Kaaba - from century to century is traditionally covered with a silk veil, which depicts hexagonal stars.

Despite the fact that Christians and Muslims already at the beginning of the 20th century began to abandon the six-pointed star, its place in the history and culture of these peoples remains the same.

Most often, the idea of ​​interaction (interpenetration) of two principles is embedded in this symbol, each of which symbolizes one of the two triangles that make up the star. It can be heavenly and earthly, male and female, physical or spiritual. Those. the hexagram reflects the principle of balance of the Universe. Upper and lower, masculine and feminine balance each other, which is schematically reflected by the six-pointed star.

But there are other interpretations.

Kabbalah and the Star of David

Since the end of the 17th century, the hexagram has been used by Kabbalists.

Each symbol has 77 MEANINGS according to the Jewish Kabbalah, of which 76 are FALSE and only ONE is TRUE. True, these false meanings work for international Zion in one way or another (V. Emelyanov, "Desionization", p. 43). The final and only true meaning of the Star of David is revealed in the interpretation of the Talmud, which is closed to the goyim. The Judaic star is built from two triangles, one of which is located with the top up and the other with the top down. THE FIRST OF THE TRIANGLES SYMBOLIZES THE JEWS, AND THE SECOND - THE GOYIM. In this star lies the idea of ​​the world domination of the Jews over all the gentiles of the world.

THE SYMBOLIS OF MAGENDOVID REDUCES TO THE FOLLOWING: there are few Jews on Earth, but their mind is high, and matter and energy are quantitatively small. Judaism raises the spirit (will) of the Jew to a height, forms in the Jews all the fighting qualities necessary for survival. There are far more Aryans than Jews. The Aryans have a very large mass of matter and energy. But a person without a developed spirit (will) is a pseudo-human. So, IT IS NECESSARY TO TURN THE GOYAN TRIANGLE WITH THE TOP DOWN TO TAKE OFF THEIR WILL, SPIRIT, TO MAKE PRIMITIVE HUMAN-LIKE BEINGS FROM THEM, TO TAKE THE ARyan Pagan RELIGIONS THAT EDUCATE THEIR SPIRIT FROM THEM.

THE PENTAGONAL STAR OF THE MASONS IS ONLY A VARIANT OF MAGENDOVID WITH THE CUT-OFF GOI MIND. Goy-Masons voluntarily cut off their spirit, going to servile to their kosher masters. This symbol is called the Star of Solomon or Magenshlomo. Freemasons and cabalists also call it a pentagram.

At the end of the XVII century. Jewish cabalists interpreted the hexagram as "the shield of the son of David", that is, Mashiach.

In cabalistic circles, the "shield of David" was interpreted as the "shield of the son of David", that is, the Messiah. So, the followers of the false messiah Shabtai Zvi (late 17th century) saw in him a symbol of imminent deliverance.

In Kabbalah, the two triangles symbolize the duality inherent in man: good versus evil, spiritual versus physical, and so on. The upward pointing triangle symbolizes our good deeds, which ascend to heaven and cause a stream of grace to descend back into this world (which is symbolized by the downward triangle). Sometimes the Star of David is called the Star of the Creator and each of its six ends is associated with one of the days of the week, and the center with Saturday.

Hebrew word "mashiach" translated into Russian as "anointed". Translated into Greek - "Christ". During the process of inauguration, the ancient Jews smeared the king and the high priest with myrrh, and they were called Mashiach (once even the Persian king Cyrus, who released the Jews from Babylonian captivity, was named so). In the Tanakh (Old Testament) Mashiach is mentioned 38 times.

The Romans took away sovereignty from the Jews, and with it the Mashiach kings back in the 1st century AD. Since then, the Jews have been waiting for the King, Mashiach, with the advent of which they associate the onset of the golden age. Mashiach is the Messiah.

Mashiach is the one whose appearance was promised by the Creator, and his appearance means the beginning of a new era. Rambam (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, aka Maimonides, a Jewish philosopher and scientist who lived in 1135-1204) believes that the Messiah will restore the power of the house of David, build the Jerusalem Temple and gather the Jews scattered across the earth. He will also restore the observance of the commandments of the Torah. Rambam wrote a whole treatise on how to recognize the true Mashiach - "Laws regarding the King Mashiach" (Heb. Chilchos Melech Ha-Mashiach). He argued that one who did not succeed or was killed cannot be Mashiach. Based on this, most Jews do not consider Jesus Christ the Mashiach (did not succeed in restoring the kingdom) or Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, the seventh and last Lubavitcher Rebbe (for the same reason).

There is an opinion that the coming of the Messiah from the lineage of David (Mashiach ben David) will be preceded by the appearance of the forerunner from the lineage of Joseph (Mashiach ben Yosef). The basis for this opinion is the prophecy of Yechezkel: “I take the staff of Yosef, which is in the hand of Ephraim and the tribes of Israel that united with him; and I will put it on the staff of Yehuda, and I will make them one staff, and they will become one in my hand.” The Talmud says that Mashiach ben Yosef will be killed, and Rashi (rabeinu Shlomo Yitzhaki, lived in 1040-1105) specifies that this will happen during the war between Gog and Magog (two mythical peoples personifying evil).

Followers of Judaism believe that the exact time of the coming of the Messiah was determined by the Creator at the beginning of creation and is not known to man. The Creator can hasten the coming of the Messiah if the Jews deserve it.

In Kabbalah, for example, the hexagram displays the seven lower Sephiroth - six rays and a central hexagon.

Six-pointed star in Freemasonry

In the 18th century, the hexagram was actively used in Freemasonry. For example, it is depicted as a crossing of "two Great Lights" - a compass and a square, which thus form a "flaming star". (The pentagram was also used as a "flaming star" in Freemasonry).

In no political, religious system do symbols play such a colossal and decisive role as in Freemasonry.Freemasonry as a political corporation has long sought not to use written documents and orders to its members, but tries, without leaving written and clear traces of its activities, to resort to symbolic signs and hints that are understandable only to the initiated. Hence a large number of various objects to which Masons attach symbolic meaning and which receive from them their own, Masonic, symbolic interpretation. That is why Masonic symbolism exists as an independent system, although much of it is connected logically and historically with the pan-European classical symbolism. Masonic symbolism is also closely related to the church symbolism of Christianity, but at the same time deviated from it in the interpretation of a number of symbols.

As an occult secret society, Freemasonry widely uses the language of the symbols of the secret Jewish black magic science of Kabbalah, introduced into Judaism through the Babylonian astrologer magicians (Chaldean Sabeans) during the conquest of the Jewish people by King Nebuchadnezzar. The religious rites of all the Illuminati, as well as the secret symbols of all other Masonic societies, are borrowed from the Jewish Kabbalah.

One of the main Masonic symbols is the six-pointed star (hexagram), which is enclosed in a vicious circle from the Gnostic snake Ouroboros, biting its own tail.

Ouroboros(dr. Greek “devouring [its] tail”) - a snake curled up in a ring, biting its own tail. It is one of the oldest symbols known to mankind, the exact origin of which cannot be established. Despite the fact that the symbol has many different meanings, the most common interpretation describes it as a representation of eternity and infinity, in particular the cyclical nature of life: the alternation of creation and destruction, life and death, constant rebirth and death. The Ouroboros symbol has a rich history of use in religion, magic, alchemy, mythology, and psychology.

Depiction of ouroboros in an alchemical treatise from 1478

Freemasons and their offshoots of all kinds: theosophists, spiritualists, occultists, and many others. etc., this symbol is most often referred to as "Seal of Solomon". (I draw attention to the DIFFERENCE (!): "Seal of Solomon" is a six-pointed star (hexagram), while "Star of Solomon" is a five-pointed star (pentagram, pentacle).)

The upper triangle symbolizes God (Holy Trinity), the lower triangle - the devil opposing Him. With such symbolism, the devil blasphemously likens himself to God (creature to the Creator). The circle around the star means the eternity of this confrontation (sometimes not drawn). The six ends of the star symbolize the initial creation during the fall of Lucifer from God (before the creation of man), created in 6 days (the Seventh day of creation is now lasting, after the Last Judgment the 8th day will come, Eternal Life). Since the angles in an equilateral triangle are equal to 60 o, then each triangle contains the "number of the beast" or Antichrist - 666 (with these numbers at the ends of the star, the great state seal of world Freemasonry is depicted). There are 6 letters in the name of the devil - repeated three times, they replace the Holy Trinity (the Antichrist will replace Christ with himself for the people). In general, the hexagram symbolizes Satan (there is an assumption that this particular form will have the seal of the Antichrist). The two triangles that form the hexagram have another secret meaning: the dominance of intelligent Jews (symbolized by the upper triangle) over the unreasonable "gentiles" (lower triangle).

The six-pointed star is also the sign of the Antichrist. It encodes the "number of the beast" - 666: 6 sides, 6 corners, 6 peaks. In a numerological projection on history, the number 7 means the present age, 8 - the kingdom of the Holy Spirit, and 6 - the Old Testament, pre-Christian time. Therefore, 6 expresses the alleged triumph of Judaism, built on the denial of the historical mission of Christ.


It should be noted that the Menorah, a temple lamp, has always been a truly Jewish symbol. Long before the hexagram acquired the status of a Jewish symbol, this role was played by menorah- a temple lamp (seven candlestick), which, according to the Bible, was in the Tabernacle of the Assembly during the wanderings of the Jews in the wilderness, and then in the Jerusalem Temple, until the destruction of the Second Temple.


From the 2nd century A.D. e. the menorah became an attribute of the design of synagogues. At the same time, there are modern theories that connect the six-pointed star as a symbol precisely with the shape of the menorah candlesticks.

Legends of the origin of the Star of David as a Jewish symbol

Star of David and lily

The origin of the Star of David as a Jewish symbol is not known for certain. Nevertheless, the researcher of Jewish and Jewish symbols, Uri Ophir, put forward a version that the origin of the Star of David is associated with the temple menorah. Under each of her seven lamps was a flower: “And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold; beaten, let a lamp be made; its thigh and its stalk, its calyxes, its ovaries, and its flowers shall be from it.”(Ex. 25:31). Uri Ofir believes that it was a white lily flower, which resembles Magen David in shape. In support of this theory, he cites the ancient translation of the Onkelos Bible into Aramaic, where the word פרח (flower) is translated as "lily". The petals of the white lily, as shown by Ophir, are symmetrically arranged and, when opened, form a regular six-pointed star, now known as the Star of David.

The lamp was located in the center of the flower, so that the priest lit the fire as if in the center of a six-pointed star.Thus, according to Ophir, the Star of David, along with the menorah, should be considered one of the oldest and most important Jewish symbols.

Shield of the Great King David

In addition to this version, there is another version that connects the modern name of the symbol directly with King David. According to this version, David used the six-pointed star as his personal symbol, since in ancient Hebrew the name David consisted of three letters: Dalet, Vav, Dalet. Those. in his name there were two letters "dalet" (the letter Dalet was depicted as a triangle). The middle letter Vav means six - a six-pointed star. Thus, two superimposed triangles, forming a six-pointed star, could serve as a kind of monogram for him. At the same time, according to some sources, David's personal seal did not contain an image of a star, but of a shepherd's crook and bag.

According to legend, Magen David was depicted on the shields of King David's soldiers as a sign of God.

The symbolic meaning of the Star of David

Over the millennia of the existence of this graphic symbol, it has received a wide variety of interpretations.There are numerous interpretations of the symbolic meaning of the Star of David:

  1. The hexagram is interpreted as a connection and combination of two principles: masculine (triangle with “broad shoulders”, pointing down) and feminine (triangle pointing upwards).
  2. In ancient times, it was believed that Magen David personifies all four fundamental principles: the upward-facing triangle symbolizes fire and air, while the other downward-facing triangle symbolizes water and earth. According to another version, the upper corner of the upward facing triangle symbolizes fire, the other two (left and right) symbolize water and air. The corners of another triangle, one of the corners facing down, respectively: mercy, peace (peace) and grace.
  3. According to another interpretation, the six-pointed Star of David symbolizes the Divine control of the whole world: earth, sky and four cardinal points - north, south, east and west.
  4. Magen David is also interpreted as a combination of the heavenly principle (macrocosm), which tends to the earth, and the earthly principle (microcosm), tending to heaven.
  5. According to Kabbalah, Magen David reflects the seven lower Sephiroth. Each of the six triangles and the six-pointed center symbolizes one of the Sephiroth: the triangles, starting from the top, clockwise, symbolize the Sephiroth of Tiferet, Chesed, Netzach, Malchut, Hod and Gevurah, and the center is Yesod.
  6. According to the interpretation of Rabbi Eliyahu Essas, this sign symbolizes the 6 days of creation and reflects the model of the universe. Two triangles - two directions. A triangle pointing upwards: the upper point indicates the Almighty and that He is one. Further, the divergence of this point to the left and to the right indicates the opposites that appeared in the process of creation - Good and Evil. The tip of the second triangle of the Star of David is directed downwards. From two vertices distant from each other, the lines converge to one - lower, third. Essas considers the second triangle as a symbol of the purpose of human existence in uniting the ideas of the "right" and "left" sides of the created world.
  7. There is a tradition to decorate Magen David with a sukkah - a special hut in which Jews live during the days of Sukkot. The six ends of the star hung in the sukkah correspond to the six "distinguished guests" (ushpizin) who visit the Jewish sukkah on the first six days of the Sukkot holiday: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron and Joseph. The seventh "guest" unites them all - King David himself.
  8. Magen David has 12 ribs, which corresponds to the 12 tribes of Israel. According to legend, during the years of wandering in the desert, the tents of the tribes of Israel were broken in such a way that, connecting in three, they formed a six-pointed star around the Tabernacle - the spiritual center. Thus, the Star of David is seen as a symbol of the unity of the Jewish people.
  9. The German-Jewish philosopher Franz Rosenzweig, in his main philosophical work "The Star of Salvation" in 1921, proposed the interpretation of Magen David as a symbolic expression of the relationship between God, man and the universe. The triangle at the base, in his opinion, personifies the three main subjects considered by philosophy: God, Man and the Universe. The second triangle, pointing down, represents the connections between these elements - Creation, Revelation and Salvation. The imposition of these triangles on top of each other forms the "Star of Salvation".

It is interesting to remember that the Rothschild family, having received a title of nobility, included Magen David in their family coat of arms in 1822.

State symbols of the United States, for example, the Great Seal of the United States (in its first version), contain a six-pointed star in various modifications.

The hexagram is also used in Islam, in Eastern religions and in the occult.

Similar hexagrams are found in modern New Age culture, and under other names: the Star of David, the Star of Goliath, the Seal of Solomon.

In Tantrism, the hexagram means the harmony of two worlds: matter (a triangle with an upward pointing point) and spirit (a triangle, the point of which is directed downward).

Six-pointed star (hexagram) in Christianity

The hexagram has an ancient relation to Christianity too... If this symbol had not been related to Christianity, it would not have been used on crosses and in temples....

Hexagram- (shield or star of David) a six-pointed star, composed of two equilateral triangles having a common center. Found as a temple ornament.

Not mentioned in the Bible. The name "Shield of David" is conditional. The connection of the hexagram with these kings has not been recorded in biblical history.
There is an explanation of the hexagram as a symbol of the union in Christ of divine and human nature, a graphic representation of the words of St. Irenaeus of Lyons: "God became a man (a triangle descending down) so that a man becomes a god" (a triangle with the top up).
The use of this or that ornament in occult teachings does not interfere with its use in Orthodoxy with its own meaning, as, for example, the same letters can be used in words that carry a diametrically opposite meaning.

A thousand years ago, the hexagonal star was an international sign. She was found on early Christian amulets and in Muslim ornaments under the name "seal of Solomon." In Christian churches, the hexagram is even more common than in synagogues. In addition, the hexagram is found on the flags of the Muslim states of Karaman and Kandara.

Until a certain time, this symbol had only a decorative meaning. The earliest mention of the name "Magen David" probably dates back to the era of the Babylonian Gaons (early Middle Ages). It is mentioned as the legendary "shield of King David" in a text interpreting the magical "alphabet of the angel Metatron". However, the earliest reliable source of this name is the book "Eshkol a-Kofer" by the Karaite sage Yehuda ben Eliyahu Hadasi (XII century). In it, he criticizes those who turned this symbol into an object of worship. From this we can conclude that at that time the Star of David began to be used as a mystical sign on amulets.

False Messiah David Alroy, who attempted a military campaign against Jerusalem in order to recapture the city from the crusaders who ruled there at that time, was considered a sorcerer and was probably from areas that were still under the rule of the Khazars in the XII century. There is a version according to which he was the one who turned the magical symbol of Solomon's seal into the symbol of Magen David (named so, perhaps in honor of himself), making it a family symbol of his kind.

In the XIII-XIV centuries, the Star of David began to decorate amulets and mezuzahs, and in the late Middle Ages, Jewish texts on Kabbalah. The grandson of Ramban (XIV century) wrote about the hexagonal "shield of David" in his work on Kabbalah. It was alleged that the warriors of the victorious army of King David used a shield of a similar shape.

The six-pointed star (hexagram, star of David, seal of Solomon) is a very ancient symbol, the emblem of Egyptian occultism. This form, according to the interpretation of the Bible, was the star of Bethlehem, shining over the house in which Jesus was born.

In Christianity, the six-pointed star symbolizes the six days of creation. It is also interpreted as a symbol of the struggle between God and the devil (God is the upper triangle, the devil is the lower one).

The occult-theosophical interpretation of this image says that the hexagram expresses the perfection of the universe, since it is the product of the female number 2 (two triangles) and the male number 3 (three corners of each figure). There is also an "eschatological" interpretation: since the hexagram is the product of 6, 6, 6, 6 angles, 6 small triangles, 6 sides of the inner hexagon), it was associated with the number of the beast and the Antichrist.

Researchers discovered this sign in India, where it was used, apparently, long before it appeared in the Middle East and Europe. Initially, the hexagram was not a specifically Jewish symbol and had nothing to do with Judaism. In the Middle and Near East, she was a symbol of the cult of the goddess Astarte. Starting from the Bronze Age (the end of the fourth - the beginning of the first millennium BC), the hexagram, like the pentagram, was quite widely used for decorative and magical purposes among many peoples that were so geographically distant from each other, such as, for example, the Semites of Mesopotamia and Celts of Britain. It is worth noting that the pentagram was used as a magic symbol much more often than the hexagram. However, both geometric figures can be found among the illustrations on the pages of many medieval books on alchemy, magic and sorcery.

In connection with Jewishness, the image of a six-pointed star was first discovered on a Jewish seal of the 7th century BC. e., owned by a certain Joshua ben Yeshayahu and found in Sidon. Similar stars were also adorned in many ancient synagogues from the Second Temple period. As an example, we can note the synagogue in Kfar Nahum (Capernaum) (II-III century AD), in the ornament of which five- and six-pointed stars alternate, as well as figures resembling a swastika. Thus, the six-pointed star in this period was not yet given a certain value. In addition, it is known that in the Hellenistic period this symbol was not associated with the Jews.

It should be noted that the Menorah, a temple lamp, has always been a truly Jewish symbol. For this reason, it is also a kind of identification mark. If an image of the Menorah is found on an ancient burial, this clearly indicates that the burial is Jewish.

Why are six-pointed stars (12 pieces on each cross) depicted on the crosses of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior? After all, they can be mistaken for the stars of David, i.e. Jewish symbol?

Hexagram (Greek hex - six; gramma - line, line) - a six-pointed star, composed of two equilateral triangles with a common center. It is not a special symbol of Judaism. The hexagram is found many centuries before Christ in India, Mesopotamia, Britain and other countries. It was widely used as a decorative element in the Middle Ages in the Arab countries. Its image can be found in the old Muslim cemeteries. Until the end of the 18th century, representatives of Judaism only occasionally addressed the hexagram. Only from the beginning of the 19th century did Jews begin to accept it as a national emblem. In the last two centuries, she has often been depicted on synagogues, in Jewish publications, and on tombstones. With the formation of Jewish statehood, a six-pointed star is depicted on the Israeli flag. The choice of this sign has no support in the religious or historical tradition of Judaism. The names "Shield of David" (Magen David) and "Seal of Solomon" (sigillum Solomonis) are arbitrary. The connection of the hexagram with these two great kings of biblical history cannot be traced in any way. The Hebrew warriors had two types of shield: a large oblong one to protect the whole body (Hebrew tsinna) and a small round one (Hebrew magen). There is no evidence that David did not have a round shield, but a six-pronged one. It is unlikely that King Solomon could have a hexagram mark. Sinai law forbade making an image of "what is in the sky above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth" (Ex. 29:4). The Jews understood this injunction very broadly. The six-pointed star could be perceived as an image of "what is in the sky above."

Sometimes they refer to the fact that Kabbalists used the hexagram from the end of the 17th century. To this we must resolutely say that there is not a single geometric figure that has not been the subject of philosophical-cosmological and occult-mystical speculations over the long human history. If we, rejecting various false teachings, do not perceive their symbolic interpretations, they will be for us only geometric forms taken from the nature created by God. We must not absolutize signs in order to prevent the elements of magism from entering our consciousness.

In the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the hexagram is present for decorative and aesthetic purposes.

Christian interpretation of the Star of David

Christianity has its own interpretation of the Star of David. So, the six rays of the star symbolize the days of creation, and the two triangles that form the hexagram - as an indication of the confrontation between God and the devil. Russian neo-pagans call the symbol we are considering the “star of Veles”.

There is an explanation of the hexagram as a symbol of the union in Christ of divine and human nature, a graphic representation of the words of St. Irenaeus of Lyon: "God became a man (a triangle descending down) so that a man becomes a god" (triangle pointing up).

The use of this or that ornament in occult teachings does not interfere with its use in Orthodoxy with its own meaning, as, for example, the same letters can be used in words that carry a diametrically opposite meaning.

There is another version of the meaning of the six-pointed star. This version is held by some Christians. Here is what priest Oleg Molenko says about this: “There has been a substitution with the Star of David, as with many other cult things. For the holy king himself, it meant and symbolized the six basic aspirations or feelings of a person. Chief among them was man's longing for his God and Creator. This desire was expressed by the upper end of the star. When this desire is absent, the upper end disappears and a five-pointed star remains, called a pentagram, when depicted by intersecting lines, or a pentacle, when depicted only along the contour. This star symbolizes that a person has completely rushed to the earthly and this world and belongs to the prince of this world - Satan. In demonic religion, the location of this star matters. When it is located with two ends up, it means Satan, and when one - the Antichrist of the Beast. It is interesting to note here that when a band of Bolsheviks seized power in Russia, their servants at the beginning wore a star on their headdresses, symbolizing Satan, whom they strenuously evoked with their hymn: "Get up, branded with a curse." After strengthening their power, Satanists began to build the kingdom of the antichrist-beast (communism) in a single country, although they did not stop making attempts to incite a worldwide satanic revolution. By order of the leaders, the star on headdresses was completely and quickly deployed in the meaning of the Antichrist-beast, i.e. one end up, which can still be observed on the towers of the Moscow Kremlin.

But it is not enough for the prince of this world that people belong to him only through their predilection for earthly things. He desires their conscious and voluntary submission to himself. For this, he has been preparing a substitution for millennia: instead of God - himself, instead of Christ - the Antichrist, instead of the Cross of Chrysitov - the mark of the beast.

There is a circulation of the concept of "seal of the Antichrist." But Scripture does not tell us about the seal, but about the mark of the beast:

"16 And he will cause all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,
17 and that no one shall be allowed to buy or sell, except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Rev. 14:9...11: "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: whoever worships the beast and his image, and receives the mark on his forehead, or on his hand, ... and the smoke of their torment will ascend into forever and ever, and they shall have no rest, day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name."

Rev.15:2: "And I saw, as it were, a sea of ​​glass mingled with fire; and those who had overcome the beast, and his image, and his mark, and the number of his name, stood on this sea of ​​glass, holding the harp of God."

Revelation 16:2: "The first angel went and poured out his cup on the ground: and cruel and disgusting festering wounds appeared on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image."

Rev.19:20: "And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet, who worked miracles before him, with which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image: both were thrown alive into the lake of fire, burning with brimstone."

Revelation 20:4: "And I saw thrones, and those who sat on them, to whom it was given to judge, and the souls of those who were beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, who did not worship the beast or his image, and did not receive the mark on their foreheads and on your hand."

The word "printing" refers to the way in which an image is applied to a surface by means of an impression. This word is used in the book of Revelation in a positive sense:

"1 And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book written within and without, sealed with seven seals.
2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open this book and break its seals?
5 And one of the elders said to me: Do not weep; behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has overcome, and is able to open this book and break its seven seals."

"2And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the seal of the living God.
3 Do no harm to the earth, or the sea, or the trees, until we have sealed the foreheads of the servants of our God.
4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed: there were one hundred and forty and four thousand sealed out of all the tribes of the children of Israel."

Revelation 9:4: "And she was told not to harm the grass of the earth, and no greenery, and no tree, but only to one people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads."

We see that we can talk about a kind of opposition between the seal of God and the mark of the beast. The word "drawing" comes from the root "line" ("draw") and indicates a way of drawing an image on some surface by drawing a pattern consisting of lines. Understanding this makes it possible for us to assert that the mark of the beast will be based on the image of a star drawn with lines. It would seem that the basis of the mark of the beast should be a pentagram depicted with one end up. But it's not. The outline will be based on a six-pointed star, consisting of two intertwining equilateral triangles.

In this case, is it possible to say that the seal of David in the form of a hexagon will be taken as a basis? Yes, it is the seal, not the inscription! No you can not. This is where the time has come to reveal the secret of replacing the Star of David with a very similar hexagram. And this secret lies in the fact that Satan, who desired to reign over the human race, inspired his tools to quietly replace the hated six-pointed seal-star of David with the six-pointed mark of a star, symbolizing his struggle with God and supposedly victory in this struggle. This hexagram became, along with the pentagram, the beloved star of Satan and his servants. In it, the sixth end upward symbolizes the reign of Satan in this world and over mankind instead of God.

Since this accession will take place through the antichrist-beast, then the hexagram, symbolizing the power of Satan, will be the basis of its outline.

So in Judaism, by means of substitution, the star of David was replaced by the mark of Satan, and faith in the one God was replaced by faith in Satan. For deception, the image of the Star of David and talk about God the Creator are allowed. Many simple Jews, due to their spiritual blindness, do not see the difference between the hexagram and the star of David, which was depicted only along the contour and was the basis of his royal seal. It was in imitation of this seal that some Russian princes and tsars took the Star of David as the basis of their seals.

It remains to note that the mark of the coming beast will include the name of the beast, written in letters at the ends of the hexagram and in its middle, as well as the number of the name of the beast. That is why it is rightly called both the mark of the beast and the mark of the name of the beast. And the name of the beast will consist of seven letters.

Today, it is better not to wear the Star of David, as it has become inextricably associated with Talmudic Judaism. Moreover, one cannot wear a hexagram that directly indicates Satanism.

So, according to this version, the Star of David is a six-pointed star, which was depicted in its entirety, without intersections and lines (that is, not like on the flag of the modern state of Israel). Its meaning was that it reflected the five basic feelings of a person (symbolized by five ends, except for the upper one), which should all obey the sixth most important sense - striving and obedience to the Living God. Such an image, which is sometimes found even on ancient icons, is quite tolerable.

From the time the Jews fell away from God and the true faith (after the sin of the murder of God), there has been a substitution in their symbolism. The six-pointed Star of David was retained (as an indication of Jewish origin), but at the same time changed by depicting it in the form of two equilateral triangles. In the interpretation of Freemasons and God-fighters, such an image - a hexagram - marks the struggle of two principles: God and Satan, depicted in the form of triangles (sometimes in the form of black and white triangular old men who fight among themselves). Moreover, Satan, according to their symbolism, allegedly gains the upper hand over God.

In fact, all ancient symbols are perceived incorrectly by modern people and often vice versa, inside out, as, say, the same swastika privatized by the Nazis. There are many examples of this. There is not a single geometric figure that has not been the subject of philosophical-cosmological and occult-mystical speculations for a long human history. We must not absolutize signs in order to prevent the elements of magism from entering our consciousness. For many, the Star of David is associated only with Freemasons and Jews. But the Star of David appeared long before the advent of both the Masons and the Talmud. So, if you suddenly see the Star of David on the utensils, icons, walls of the temple - you do not need to look for the "Masonic trace". It is not there (or almost not, because Masons also use the cross widely).

Man wants to live happily. This may be the first law of life. And the second - a person is afraid of loneliness. But how can these aspirations be fulfilled? The first way is to change the habitat for the better and find a creature close in spirit and mind. The second is to change yourself for the better and, again, get away from loneliness. As in the economy - an extensive path and an intensive one. Civilization invented countless routes along these paths. As in a vinaigrette, a person in pursuit of the blue bird of happiness mixes all possible methods - rational and irrational, earthly and astral, majestic and funny. You can, for example, organize an interplanetary dating club and directly turn to brothers in mind, who, as you believe, will save you from oppressive loneliness. This is what Ukrainian astronomers did, calling on colleagues from other countries as partners. You can do otherwise - try to improve yourself to such an extent that spiritual merits will allow you to catch up with His Majesty the Creator. Such a recipe is professed by Kabbalists who study the ancient and secret Kabbalah. Has a person come even a jot closer to happiness, has he left loneliness? As the great sage Kant said, there are two things incomprehensible: the starry sky above us and the moral law within us. About these eternal riddles - our today's strip. Kabbalah is one of the most mysterious magical teachings. There are many legends about ancient Kabbalah. Where is the truth and where is the speculation? Michael Laitman, head of the worldwide school of Kabbalists, arrived in Moscow. He is a student of Baruch Ashlag, the son of the most famous Kabbalist of the 20th century, Judah Ashlag, known as Baal HaSulam. Kabbalists believe that it was in Baal HaSulam that the soul that lived first in Moses and then in Abraham moved in. In whom the soul of the Old Testament prophets now resides, one can guess. Rav Laitman is the heir of a chain of famous Kabbalists of the past, and now he is the only one who is allowed to conduct public teaching. In Moscow, he gave a lecture at the Russian State Library. The night before the lecture, Rav Michael Laitman spoke with Izvestia columnist Sergei Leskov. - If you, Rav Laitman, had to give a brief definition of Kabbalah, how would you formulate it? - Did the Great Soviet Encyclopedia have this definition? - It was. There was no chapter about love, but there was about Kabbalah. - Something stupid. Kabbalah is a method of revealing the full universe to a person. A person has five sense organs, but there is a volume of the universe that is hidden from him. And Kabbalah reveals this volume. This is a purely practical method available to everyone. Although very difficult - you have to go through 125 steps. When a Kabbalist enters into the sensation of a higher world, the usual notions of time and space disappear. The world appears in the fullness of cause-and-effect relationships. A person on another level of existence acquires qualities that allow him to see what is good and what is harm. The boundary between life and death disappears, and a person begins to identify himself with eternity. - Do such abilities imply a special morality? We are not talking about this category. Can a technique have morality? It's just that a person has a new sense organ, which leads to a different level of perception of the universe. - And all sorts of Tarot cards, cryptograms, manipulations with numbers? - Nonsense and fairy tales! Kabbalah is the science of the sixth sense organ. I could say that this is the science of the soul, if everyone did not put their own meaning into the concept of "soul". - Such prominent personalities as Jan Potocki, Borges, Thornton Wilder wrote about Kabbalah. Is there any truth in their writings? I haven't read any of this, though I've heard it. I only read books by Kabbalists. - If Kabbalah is a science, then it must have strict signs of science - the repeatability of the result, its predictability, the change in methodology when new knowledge is accumulated. - A Kabbalist writes down his condition in strict quantitative terms. Kabbalah textbooks are diagrams, tables, formulas. Following the calculated path, the Kabbalist comes to the right point, where another Kabbalist will come in exactly the same way. It's like a city guide. - Last year, the Russian Philosophical Society, which operates within the framework of the Academy of Sciences, created a section on the theory and history of Kabbalah, and defended the first dissertation in Russia on this issue. But for well-known reasons, scientists have a cautious, distrustful attitude towards philosophy. - The fundamental achievements of natural science coincide with what was written in books on Kabbalah many centuries ago. Physicists repeat what the Kabbalists have revealed in the spiritual world. This concerns, for example, the origin of the Universe as a result of the Big Bang. In Kabbalah there has never been any doubt about the heliocentric system of the world. In the books of Ari, written in the 16th century, a detailed description of human anatomy, the cardiovascular system is given, and the importance of the bone marrow is mentioned. The number 137 itself, one of the basic constants of the Universe (Planck's constant multiplied by the speed of light divided by the square of the charge of an electron), is the encrypted meaning of the word "Kabbalah". “But if Kabbalah knows everything, then can’t it help science? - Why? - So that scientists do not suffer. And so that a person would rather take advantage of the fruits of the teaching. - Something is not visible that progress has added happiness. The Kabbalist Baal HaSulam burned most of his books so that the students themselves would reach the truths they needed. Where the soul is, there is God. I don't feel like talking on the bench about breakfasts with Kant and proofs of the existence of God, but... - I prefer not to talk about the Creator for the same reason that I avoid mentioning the soul. The Creator is nothing more than the general law of the entire universe. - How are your relations with world religions? - Jewish orthodoxies persecute us. Kabbalah is hostile to any religion because it deprives it of a piece of bread. In Kabbalah, you don't have to believe in anything. It is only necessary to ask one childish question - what is the meaning of life? - Kabbalah has always been a closed area. But you, Rav Laitman, give lectures, you have a website on the Internet. Has something changed in the world? How many Kabbalists are there now? - Many books say that at the end of the 20th century the development of the world will reach such a height that people will strive to know the meaning of life. Not all people, of course, but there will be a critical mass. And we see how people's aspirations change. For a person there are several levels. The first is food, sex, family. The second is wealth and money. The third is honor and glory. The fourth is knowledge. And only in the 20th century did a mass desire to comprehend the meaning of life appear. The time has come to reveal to the world the Kabbalah, which consists in the search for the meaning of life. Previously, a person was not ready for this, and Kabbalah was the lot of the elect. And now in the USA about 12 thousand people are engaged in Kabbalah, in Israel - 3 thousand. The East is completely immune to Kabbalah. - What is the social status of Kabbalists? Is it the rich or the poor? - Among my students there are both billionaires and the unemployed. What does the contents of the purse matter if the soul equally feels emptiness? - And the place of Russia? Russia always has a special place. Especially when it comes to the soul. - Russia has a central role. In this country, unlike the frozen West, spirituality has always played a special role. The sensual fullness of a Russian person makes him disposed towards comprehending Kabbalah. The structure of the Russian soul is such that here it is easy for teaching to find the right response. I think it may be that Russia will attract the highest society and abundance will arise here, excellent relations will develop between people. - It's nice, but still Kabbalah is a Jewish teaching. - Who are the Jews? There is no such nation. Genetically, they are no different from other peoples. The Jews are the group that has been chosen to preserve knowledge until the time comes to reveal it to the whole world. In ancient books, the year 1975 is exactly indicated when you can start studying, which was written about, for example, in the 16th century by the Kabbalist Gaon from Vilna. - Since we are about to become Kabbalists, it is interesting to know if this teaching imposes any restrictions? - None. Not in food, not in clothes, not in lifestyle. The main thing is to enjoy. Pleasure - the central category of Kabbalah is achieved in merging with nature and the universe. But if pleasure is associated with the satisfaction of only one's own desires, then it is quickly exhausted. Egoism is self-hostile and meaningless. It is necessary to separate in time and space pleasure and the desire for it. That is, one must strive for the pleasure of another person. This is the state of the Creator, his highest pleasure is not in receiving, but in bestowing. Why are we born selfish? The Creator could immediately do something better. - That is, create yourself? Man himself must come to a higher law. This is the purpose of the Creator. - Apparently, he also suffers from loneliness. At what age can one learn Kabbalah? - You can start learning as soon as a person begins to ask himself the question: "What do I live for?" That is, at any age. - Do men and women perceive Kabbalah differently? - Men are more inclined to give, women - to receive. Therefore, the teaching methods are different. The most enlightened Kabbalists are necessarily men. - A Kabbalist, like a monk, should not think about women? - Why? On the contrary, a Kabbalist radiates so much energy that he begins to attract people. The Kabbalist, like an eternal boy, ceases to grow old, he longs to know everything in this world in order to better understand the upper world. A Kabbalist becomes a more active person. - Does this activity also concern female Kabbalists? - I do not know. A woman in this regard, after all, does not have bodily needs, but more spiritual ones. - If a Kabbalist becomes wiser, does this help him achieve generally accepted success? He can, for example, become a consultant to the oligarchs... - That is, "let's do something"? Hardly. Kabbalah leads one to the upper world, raises one above the desires that lead to ordinary success in life. When you think about your soul, you inevitably begin to worry less about money. I always warn my billionaire students not to forget about business, to surround themselves with dedicated assistants. Perhaps, Kabbalah can only have utilitarian significance in the upbringing of children and in art. Actively engaged in Kabbalah, for example, Madonna. - Kabbalists cognize the upper world, but how do they relate to the real world? Are they trying to turn it over? - A Kabbalist is loyal to the authorities and leads an ordinary life. But to some extent, he cannot but lose interest in the real world, which no longer has the same value. - Do you have children? - Three. The son lives in Canada. One daughter in Israel is writing a dissertation in biology. The youngest is in the army. - Are you afraid of war? Wars in the real world... - Man is ready for self-destruction. I believe that only Kabbalah can save the world. Nothing else, it's already clear, can't save the world. Marxism-Leninism Prepared Us for Kabbalah Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Piama Gaidenko: In the 16th century, during the Renaissance, an interest in Kabbalah suddenly arose, many books were translated into European languages, they were read in society. Are there any parallels with today? Historians and sociologists should think about this. In principle, a person can become better through occult knowledge. Why not? It seems to me that today the rise of interest in secret teachings is natural: when the old firm guidelines are lost and a person does not know who he is, where he comes from and where he is going, the search for support outside the rational field begins. In a traditional society with a solid, well-established way of life, occult knowledge usually does not receive distribution. In the era of the triumph of Marxism-Leninism, occult knowledge was persecuted, people were brought up in the spirit of worshiping rational knowledge. Although, you see, Marxism-Leninism itself is difficult to rank as rational knowledge. In a word, in all directions in Russia the ground for Kabbalah is well prepared. Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Evgeny Balagushkin: Kabbalists should have come to Russia. Traditional religious currents are less and less consistent with the psychology of modern man. They are built on a fundamental gap between Heaven and Earth, on the assertion that Man is a fallen being and must humble his desires. But a modern person in real life sees his power, he believes in his own strength and does not understand why it is necessary to refuse what is bestowed by Nature and knowingly put himself in a downtrodden, dependent position. He cannot understand why his God-created body is sinful and only the soul is capable of bearing the highest meaning. Hence many of the neuroses and complexes of our contemporary. In the sacred space, a modern person is looking for a teaching that will allow him to feel like a collaborator, a comrade-in-arms of the Creator. The following construction is becoming more and more widespread: God cries alone, and only relying on the help of Man, they together, God and Man, can save the world. Rapprochement of Earth and Heaven, Man and God - this line genetically leads to atheism. By the way, Bolshevism with its figure of a leader is one of the latest manifestations of secular religiosity. In Russia, the God-seeking hunger is felt especially sharply. Look how many Western preachers have appeared in the Russian provinces! And Kabbalah, which is practiced by hundreds of thousands of people in the United States, can certainly spread even more widely in our country. In the ideas of Kabbalah with its sacralization of hedonistic happiness, one can find much in common with what Plato expressed, and he was, you see, not the last thinker. Kabbalah, among other things, is attractive to modern man also because it does not burden him with the burden of sinfulness. This, it seems to me, makes Kabbalah related to Buddhism and Krishnaism. Is this why Kabbalah cannot find its niche in the East? Kabbalah (in Hebrew - tradition) is part of Judaic theology, the doctrine of the knowledge of God. It is believed that God endowed Moses with Kabbalah during the last 40 days of their meetings on Mount Sinai. Kabbalah means secret traditions, or unwritten law, and, according to the ancient rabbis, was transmitted to man so that he could understand the universe around him and the universe within him (so writes the expert on the occult teachings Manly Hall). Those who penetrated into Kabbalah are believed to discover a logical and comprehensive doctrine of the world order and master the methods of influencing Nature. Kabbalah came to Europe in the 13th century thanks to the Spanish Jews. Among Christians, it became especially popular during the Renaissance. The influence of Kabbalah was experienced by Agrippa, Paracelsus, Hegel, V. Solovyov, Berdyaev, Jung, Buber. Like any mystical teaching, it contains intellectual and ritual components. Kabbalah is considered the key to later Masonic esotericism.