A calm and modest life brings. Einstein believed that this rule could make anyone happy.

Image copyright AFP Image caption These two notes were sold at an auction in Jerusalem for $1.56 million and $240,000, well above their original valuation.

Albert Einstein's note containing the recipe for a happy life sold at an auction in Jerusalem for $1.56 million.

In 1922, Einstein gave this note to a Tokyo hotel courier instead of a tip.

The scientist has just learned about the award to him Nobel Prize in physics and told the courier that, with any luck, the note would be much more valuable than the tip.

Einstein wrote in it that achieving a long-awaited goal does not guarantee happiness.

When a courier with a package knocked on his door, Einstein did not have money for a tip.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption In 1922, Albert Einstein gave a Tokyo hotel courier two notes instead of a tip (photo from 1950)

Instead, he gave the courier a notepad with the logo of the Imperial Hotel Tokyo.

On the piece of paper, the famous physicist wrote in German: "A calm and modest life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant anxiety that accompanies it."

A second note, written by Einstein at the same time, reads: "Where there is a will, there is a way." It was sold for $240,000, Winners auction house said.

The final price of the two lots was significantly higher than expected, a Winners spokesman said. According to him, one of the notes was bought by a certain European citizen who wished to remain anonymous.

And the nephew of the courier who received them from Albert Einstein put up for sale notes.

  • To solve a problem, you need to change the train of thought that led to it.
  • The real sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.
  • We still do not know a thousandth of a percent of everything that nature has shown us.
  • When you are courting a beautiful girl, an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a hot stove, a second feels like an hour. This is relativity.

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At the end of October, a note by Albert Einstein was sold at an auction in Jerusalem. He wrote it after he learned that he had won the Nobel Prize. The note has already been dubbed the "recipe for happiness."

We are in website decided to talk about the rule, which, according to the famous physicist, will make any person happy.


Auction house Winner's held an auction on October 24, 2017. Initially, the note was valued at $ 2,000. But during the auction, its value increased rapidly. Eventually the lot was sold for $1.56 million.

Albert Einstein's second note, which was written immediately after the first, was sold for $240,000. Its starting price was $1,000.

History of notes

Einstein wrote both notes at the Imperial Hotel in Japan in 1922. The physicist gave them to a courier who brought good news: Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1921.

The first time he was nominated for an award in 1910. But for 12 years, the Nobel Committee considered the experimental evidence for Einstein's theory of relativity insufficient. And only in 1922, the physicist was awarded the prize for the theory of the photoelectric effect, which was the most indisputable and verified through many experiments.

After Japan, Einstein continued his journey as planned and did not attend the award ceremony in Stockholm.

Recipe for Happiness

Both notes were written for a courier. Einstein, giving them away, asked to keep these papers, as in the future they would be of greater value than ordinary tips. And after all, I was not mistaken!

The first note, in which the physicist's simple recipe for happiness was reflected, reads: "A calm and modest life brings more joy than the desire for success, combined with constant anxiety."

The second note dealt with the problem of willpower and reflected Einstein's view on this issue: "Whoever has the will will find the way".

Money is an attribute of the goal. As soon as you fully feel the meaning of this principle of Transurfing and start applying it in life, your financial situation will noticeably improve!

In Transurfing, we talk about the fact that money is an attribute of the goal, but very often this statement raises a huge number of questions, because not everyone fully understands its meaning. Let's dwell on this principle in more detail.

"Getting rich" is not the goal. But "Travel around the world with family, staying in best hotels' is already a goal. “Having a lot of money” is also not the goal. The question is - what's next? What will you do when you receive this money? What will you spend them on? If you have an answer, focus on it, not on the money itself. If the answer is no, you should first start looking for your true goals, and only then - attracting money.

Ask yourself the question: what do you want to have in your life? It often happens that a person actually has very few clear goals and desires. There is only one vague one - “I want a lot of money!”, But for the Universe these words mean nothing. This option doesn't work. When we crave big money it is not clear why - at the energy level, literally the following happens: we strive to accumulate energy, but this is impossible, therefore it “leaks through our fingers”. Energy must always be in circulation: we receive and give, give and receive, invest in business, develop and multiply.

One often hears statements that “When I have a lot of money, then I’ll figure out what to spend it on!”. Unfortunately, with this approach, this is unlikely to happen anytime soon. We want "everything and a lot, and at once." But money is not a way, not a means and not an end. Money comes your way when you realize what you really want. And the question is not in the amount of money, but in how much you need for a full and fulfilling life for you.

“Money is not a goal or even a means to achieve it, but just an accompanying attribute. The goal is what a person wants from life. Here are examples of goals. Live in your own house and grow roses. Travel the world, see distant countries. Fishing for trout in Alaska. Skiing in the Alps. Breed horses on your farm. Enjoy life on your island in the ocean. Be a pop star. Draw pictures” (Vadim Zeland, the first book about reality transurfing “Space of Variations”).


The first thing to start with is to determine your true goals and desires. Surprisingly, for many this causes the greatest difficulty. Think and be honest - how many goals can you write at a time? 5-10 pieces? Can you make a list of 50-100 items? There is even such a practice when a person takes a piece of paper and, without thinking or analyzing, writes down all his goals in a column. We invite you to complete this task right now. You may not have 100 points right away, you can add them the next day.

Second - choose from the entire list of 3-5 key goals, the most global and bold, the implementation of which will most strongly affect your life. And these should be exactly the purposes for which you need money. For example, winning a race or running a marathon has little to do with money, put those goals aside for now. But moving from an apartment to your own Vacation home or opening a creative workshop is hard to imagine without financial investments. As soon as you finish with this paragraph, you will have 5 specific goals, the attribute of which should be money. Moreover, this money can come from outside, from an absolutely unexpected source.

For money to really come to you in an ever-increasing stream, you need to be able to switch from thinking about money to your goal. Every time you “catch” yourself worrying again about the lack of money, envying more wealthy people, or looking forward to a bonus with impatience and lust, immediately consciously shift your attention to the goal. The goal should inspire you, energize you, cause a feeling of joyful anticipation.

What could be the goal? Everything that you give to the world, what you share with other people, what talents you decorate with the reality around you, what destiny you fulfill. Often the inspiring goal is professional or creative.

However, the goal can also be to buy a house, a car and any other material goods that really inspire you and that you want with your soul and mind.


An athlete who sets a goal to win the Olympics takes first place and receives a gold medal with a cash reward.

Writer who wrote a bestseller and wins a Nobel Prize.

Michelin-starred chef.

Husband who wants to move his family to Fresh air and buys a country house.

A girl who dreams of a vacation in hot countries and receives an unexpected bonus and a vacation at work.

A specialist who wants to improve his skills, and the director sends him to expensive training at the expense of the company.


Imagine two people - let's take middle-aged men as an example, let's call them Sergey and Mikhail. Let's say they both work in the office in the same positions and receive an average salary. Only Sergey is overwhelmed with energy, he has many desires and goals that he strives for: open his own online store, build big house in the country, start a family and spend every winter in Bali, surfing. And Michael is quite satisfied with everything. He doesn't know what he wants from life. After work, he comes home, turns on a movie and relaxes, sipping a beer.

What do you think will happen to these people in five years? Most likely, if Sergey remains focused on his goals, the reality around him will begin to change. He will be promoted or he will become a successful entrepreneur. The money will come by itself as he moves towards his goals. And, of course, he will need money: to build a house, to start a business, to travel and have a family. What will happen to Michael? It is unlikely that anything will change in his life. Everything will be the same: the same position, the same job, the same boring, but calm and “stable” life without goals and dreams.


Right now, remember and write down in a notebook all the situations in your life when money came to realize your goal. These are the cases when you did not specifically think about money, and they loomed somewhere in the background for you, and you completely and completely focused on your goal.

Remember as many as you can: 3, 5, 10 cases. Not only those situations when it was money that came to you are suitable - but also those when you unexpectedly received new opportunities to achieve a goal, for example, help, gifts or invitations from other people.

This list will become your mainstay in the new reality, where such stories will begin to happen to you more and more often! The money will come to the realization of every goal that pleases and inspires you, whether it is starting your own business, publishing a book, buying a car or a cruise in the Mediterranean.

When you're done writing, keep track of: how are you feeling right now? What energy are you transmitting? Immerse yourself in this state of “magic” and feel with all your consciousness that money is not the goal.

And as soon as you realize this and shift your focus to an inspiring goal, “miracles” will begin to enter your life in the form of unexpected opportunities, new perspectives, new resources and amounts of money!


In this fragment of the 1st lesson of the "Season of Money" course, Tatyana Samarina tells in detail how to apply the principle "Money is an attribute of the goal" in life. You will hear concrete examples of when money becomes an attribute of the goal, and also do a practice that will help you realize this!

Publisher: Gaya - July 28, 2019

There is nothing selfish about taking care of yourself, fighting your fears, and healing your wounds. There is nothing selfish about leaving behind the people who hurt you.

Saying it out loud is not self-absorbed or arrogant. We must repeat these words to ourselves every day, starting the morning with a cup of aromatic coffee.

I am the love of my life.

There is nothing selfish about taking care of yourself, fighting your fears, and healing your wounds.

There is nothing selfish about leaving behind the people who hurt you. In doing so, we resolutely open the doors to a future full of optimism.

If I feel good, then I can give more to this world. I will be happy myself and I will bring happiness to others.

I don't need to be better than the rest. And you don't need everything you have. It is enough for me just to be myself and the love of my life to appear before you with a calm soul and a serene heart, free from hatred and anger.

It may seem strange to you, but loving yourself with boundless and absolute love is very simple. For some reason, we are used to not only putting other people's needs first, but clinging to things that in no way define our identity: work, home, money...

Our true self is hidden under many dimensions and layers, and with each of them we lose understanding of the importance and meaning of self-care. But if a person's thoughts and emotions do not resonate with his inner harmony (self-respect), then his perception of reality is distorted. Think about it.

At some point, you may have forgotten that you are the main love of your life, because you began to put other people first. Or maybe you never knew it, because from childhood you suffered from self-doubt and were too self-critical.

But there always comes a time when you need to leave the past in the past. Someone will call it selfishness, but this is a manifestation of self-love.

Self care is not taught in school. Each of us gradually discovers this aspect of life for himself, like an unknown instrument of power, which no one has talked about before.

But why does it take so long to love yourself? Society teaches us how important it is to love and respect other people, which, of course, is also necessary. We are not used to hearing about the importance of self-love.

But loving yourself does not mean that you consider yourself better than everyone else or have more dignity and rights. We love ourselves for the sake of self-preservation and self-knowledge, so that no one can manipulate us. And also in order to know what we like and what we don't.

The desire to take care of yourself should not be oppressive. It is a tool designed to maintain a balance in which we retain the ability to empathize with other people and respect them.

stepping on life path, over time, you realize that the most important thing in life is not the number of things that you own, but your value as a person ...

So how do we start loving ourselves again?

Maintain an internal dialogue with yourself.

Analyze situations that hurt your self-esteem and that prevent you from being who you really are. You may even have to get rid of certain people or leave behind some of your relationships.

Feel sorry for yourself.

You empathize with everyone around you. You enter into their position, trying to understand their pain and needs. But what about yourself? What would you say to yourself in a similar situation?

You are authentic and unique.

Take the risk of loving yourself and give yourself what you deserve, because loving yourself doesn't mean you don't love other people. Everything is just the opposite.

Publisher: Gaya - July 28, 2019


Life is an eternal game that requires you to give in order to receive. And it's not just about gifts. You need to give your love, presence and compassion.

Zen is something that each of us should try at some point in life. Religious beliefs aside, Zen Buddhism itself is quite an interesting phenomenon, with a focus on meditation.

If you are interested in universal wisdom or just searching effective ways improve your life, the list below will help you achieve what you want and find peace and happiness.

So, the Zen rules that can radically change your life:


Sleep is an important part of our life. If we don't get enough sleep, we won't be able to function properly.


Self-compassion means forgiving yourself and seeking peace within yourself. After all, you are only human. Being compassionate, you see the good in every person, and this helps you when you do not understand the actions of others.


You can't let pride and ego determine your ability to do good in this world. To live means not only to take, but also to give.


Stop thinking too much. Do not overload your mind with thoughts, otherwise it will get too carried away, and you simply will not be able to find inner peace.

Hurry up slowly

Do not hurry. Do not hurry. If you rush, you will definitely make more mistakes.


Everything has its time. Do not rush things, because it is because of this that everything starts to go wrong, and you suffer.


Don't regret things that can't be changed. The past does not define you, but makes you stronger, smarter and better.


Meditation is good for the mind, body and soul. It helps to clear the mind and find inner peace.

The ability to give

Life is an eternal game that requires you to give in order to receive. And it's not all about gifts. You need to give your love, presence and compassion.


You must always live in the present, because the future is not promised to anyone. Enjoy every moment of your life as if it were your last. Try everything you can try so as not to regret the lost opportunities.

Rid your life of the three poisons: greed, hatred and delusion. They are responsible for much of our suffering. Without them, you can find peace and happiness.

Change yourself and you will change the world!

Publisher: Gaya - July 28, 2019


How to open up and feel joy, no matter the circumstances.

There is a simple practice that can be used at any time and in any situation. This is the practice of a good heart. It expands our vision and helps us to remember our interconnectedness. Being, in fact, a kind of tonglen, this practice also contributes to the development of the ability to rejoice.

It is carried out in this way: when faced with pain in our own lives, we breathe this pain into the heart, realizing that other people also experience similar pain; it helps us notice when we are closing and learn to open up.

Meeting with pleasure or pleasant feelings, we accept them, rejoice and then wish that others could also experience similar bright experiences.

So, the essence of the practice is this: when life is joyful, think of others, and when life is hard and unpleasant, think of others.

Even if we do only this practice, it will bring great benefits to us and everyone else. In this way, everything we encounter in life can be put on the path to awakening bodhichitta.

Even the most simple, everyday things can serve as material for this practice: a bright sunny morning, tasty food, refreshing shower. There are many such moments in our daily life, but, as a rule, we do not notice them. We have forgotten what joy they can bring us.

So the first step is to stop, notice and appreciate what is happening. This alone is a big step forward. And then we think of all those who suffer, and wish that their lives are filled with the same joy and pleasure.

At the same time, you should not neglect your own pleasure at all. For example, when we eat delicious strawberries, we don't say to ourselves, "How can I enjoy this treat when other people don't even have a crust of bread." On the contrary, we enjoy delicious berries to the fullest and then wish that Pete or Rita could experience the same.

We want to spread our joy to everyone around. Unpleasant experiences can also serve as material for practice. As we breathe in, we realize that our pain is not unique and that there are many other people on Earth who are suffering in exactly the same way as we are now. By thinking in this way, we awaken compassion for ourselves and for others.

As a result of this practice, our toothache, insomnia, divorce or fear can become a means of connecting with all of humanity.

One woman wrote to me that she started practicing in traffic jams. Her irritation and tension, her fear of being late for a meeting, now serve as a connection with those who, just like her, are sitting and nervous in cars. She has begun to feel kinship with all these people and is now looking forward to her daily practice of tonglen in traffic.

This simple practice allows us to use what we have, all our pleasures and pains, to connect with others. And this generates in us the courage that is needed to heal ourselves and our brothers and sisters throughout the planet.

Publisher: Gaya - July 28, 2019

A technique that will help you properly allocate time for visiting the Internet.

Have you ever thought about how many times a day you go to social networks, update the news feed, view email? According to GlobalWebindex, a UK research company, modern man spends more than 6 hours a day on the Internet.

Internet technologies have firmly entered our lives, simplified it, changed it and influenced important areas. But how not to get lost in this endless stream of information, but how to use it wisely?

A little about terms

In 1998, American sociologists, after research, introduced the term "paradox of the Internet." On the one hand, online communication facilitates socialization, liberates, on the other hand, it leads to loneliness, isolation, and forms low self-esteem.

Why is this happening? Very often, the need for social communication contributes to the fact that we compare ourselves with other, more successful and beautiful people in processed, filtered photographs. Succumbing to illusions, we begin to grieve, consider ourselves failures, negatively evaluate our lives.

Over time, the term “paradox of the Internet” began to be used in this sense: among the abundance of information, the ability to find the right one decreases.

The concept of "social multitasking" applied to the Internet means that switching attention from the main work to web surfing weakens the control over their actions, reduces the efficiency of the workflow.

A little about research

Every year, numerous studies are conducted on the impact of the global network on humans. Here are a few conclusions of experts obtained as a result of various observations:

  • Social rewards and punishments affect a person in the same way both in the virtual world and in the real one. With positive communication, hormones of joy and satisfaction (dopamine, serotonin) are activated in our brain. During periods of criticism, cortisol, the stress hormone, is released into the bloodstream.
  • Constant surfing on the Internet affects our brain in different ways: on the one hand, it reduces concentration, on the other hand, it trains when we learn to filter out unnecessary information in search of the right one.
  • The practice of mindfulness approach (mindfulness) contributes to the intelligent use of social networks.

Let's turn to conscious exercises to analyze the impact of our favorite sites on our emotions and well-being.

  • Take a comfortable position: straighten your back, relax your shoulders. Focus on your breath. Inhale deeply and exhale several times. Pay attention to your mental and physical state at this moment.
  • Turn on your phone or computer (laptop).
  • Think about intentions before opening your page. What sensations arise in the body and mind when you focus on the network icon?
  • What do you expect from this site? For what purpose do you want to visit it: to communicate or be distracted? How will you react to updates in the feed?
  • Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale 3 times. As you breathe, focus on your feelings.

Open your eyes and look at the screen. What did you notice first? News, photo, status? Close your eyes again.

Note how you felt. What emotions are you experiencing? Ease? Indignation? Joy? sadness? Boredom? Sympathy? What actions do you want to take - write a message to someone, read the news in the feed, or something else?

Focus on your breath, the sounds around you, the sensations in your body. Or wait, inhaling deeply and exhaling 2 times, until the emotions dissipate.

Do this practice for 3-5 minutes every day. You can do it with one or more updates in the feed.

As you master the practice, you will learn to use social networks more consciously, which means you will recognize your true experiences, properly allocate time to visit the Internet, or understand that this is not yours and there are other, more significant things.

Publisher: Gaya - July 28, 2019


There's a good reason why you haven't run a marathon, learned a couple of languages, or started your own business by now. Most often, speaking about unfulfilled dreams, people complain about the lack of time. But there are other reasons behind the “I have no time” on duty.

For example, a lack of faith in own forces. Or “fear of a clean slate” - panic at the thought of the first, even very simple step towards the dream. Do not add motivation and fears: what will others say? what if nothing works? Where to get money and energy to achieve goals?

But as soon as you take the first step, it becomes clear where to take the second. There is one golden rule: "The road will be mastered by the walking one" - and it works flawlessly.

Get Started

Another way to fulfill a dream has not yet been invented: you just need to start moving towards it. Any, even the most dizzying plan, has a source, the first stage, which does not require enormous efforts or time. Good way to start fulfilling your cherished desire - to draw up a detailed work plan. Experts advise to detail the stages as much as possible and be sure to indicate the deadlines for implementation. This is a very important psychological moment.

The ephemeral “I want to open a small cafe in a couple of years” becomes more tangible if the idea is described in detail. For example, “to find out by Wednesday what documents need to be collected”, “to show the investor a business plan in December”, “download an online course on accounting today”. Small things seem easy to do (and actually are), do not take up all your free time, but very confidently move you forward.

Surround yourself with inspiration

It is human nature to doubt, to be afraid of failure and from time to time want to quit everything and lie down on the couch. Therefore, it is so important to always have before our eyes positive examples of those who nevertheless managed to achieve their goals and did not turn off the path, despite the difficulties. Fortunately, in our online times, this can be done at any point in space and time.

Call a spade a spade

Concretize your dreams - then they will turn into goals. This advice can be given to those who like to talk abstractly about the need to change jobs or, for example, start jogging in the morning. Answer yourself honestly: perhaps there are completely different tasks behind the voiced goals - for example, you want to earn more and lose a couple of sizes. By accurately identifying your real desires, you will quickly find a way to fulfill them. It is quite possible that not jogging will help to get in shape, but a change in nutrition.

Focus on one task

The human brain can simultaneously want different things equally strongly: to become the head of a corporation, lie down in a hammock and eat a banana. But if you always rush to the simplest goals, putting off the really important ones, you risk never succeeding. Therefore, the last and most important advice- Concentrate on one global business if you really want to achieve what you want. And everything will definitely work out!

Publisher: Gaya - July 28, 2019

Life is confusing.

It misinforms you if you don't know who you are, what your values ​​are, and what you want. You may find it almost impossible to live your dreams.

Understanding what you really want is the first step. Most people will never do the inner work to get there. But once you start getting an idea of ​​what you want, you need to figure out how to get it.

There are serious forces - internal and external - that prevent you from fulfilling your dreams. For example, it takes 7.2 million pounds of thrust to propel a rocket out of the earth's atmosphere. Second space velocity (release or escape velocity) is a scientific term used to overcome the gravitational influence of a massive body such as the Earth.

In this article, I want to briefly describe what it takes to get rid of a mediocre life first. Then I'll go into detail about what it takes to achieve absolute success.

Gravity isn't going anywhere.

Going beyond the Earth's orbit will make your life a lot easier. You will be able to travel anywhere much faster. But in the end, you will find yourself on another planet.

And after a while you will need to leave this other planet. You can just get stuck there. The gravitational pull of your "wishes" can keep you from moving on to the next level. What brought you here will not lead you there.

Here is a simple breakdown of the process into steps:

Second cosmic speed! How to live your dreams

Living your dreams and being successful are vague terms that are often heard these days.

But what do they really mean?

In fact, they mean to live the way you want. This is much more difficult than it seems. The most common regret of dying people is:

"It's a pity that I didn't have the courage to live for real, and not the way others expected me to."

Living your dreams and being "successful" means living according to your own compass. It's about doing what you really want, appreciate and believe in. In an interview, Tim Ferriss defined success as follows:

“What is the ultimate quantification of success? What matters to me is not how much time you spend on what you love. It's about how little time you spend on something you hate."

Success does not depend on how much money you make. It's not about the brand of car you drive. It's not about where you live. It's not about how you look.

Success, at its core, is about being true to yourself, which includes what you believe in and value. Mahatma Gandhi once said:

“Believing in something and not living it is dishonest.”

Being dishonest with yourself is what dooms you to failure in life.

But there is one problem.

Studies have shown that people lie in almost every conversation. This is not a blatant lie, but the unspoken truth.

However, most of all we lie to ourselves. We do it every day.

We tell ourselves “Today is the day!” and then do nothing.

We set an alarm and then press the snooze button.

If we treated our friends the way we treat ourselves, we wouldn't have friends.

So, the first step towards the life of your dreams is to become radically honest with yourself.

The First Step Towards the Life of Your Dreams: Become Honest with Yourself

The following questions need to be answered:

What do I really want?

What do I really believe?

What does "success" look like to me?

What does "success" mean to me?

Regardless of what other people think, what matters to me?

What kind of life do I think is right for me?

These questions are not as difficult as they might seem. You are a conscious being. You have innate intuitive abilities.

However, answering these questions is an emotional process, not a rational one. To answer these questions honestly, you must be in touch with your deeper emotional self.

In 1922, Albert Einstein was in Tokyo, where he lectured. At the Imperial Hotel, he received a message that he had been awarded the Nobel Prize. When the messenger brought the telegram, Einstein did not have change with him to tip him. Then, instead of a tip, Einstein wrote two notes to the messenger and advised him to keep them, saying that they would eventually become much more valuable than ordinary advice or tips.

In the first note, Einstein formulated his theory of happiness:
"A quiet and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant anxiety."

In the second he wrote:
"Where there is desire, there is opportunity."

Nearly a century later, on October 24, 2017, the messenger's nephew put the notes up for sale at an auction house in Jerusalem. Bidding for the first note began with a starting price of $2,000. The value of the note began to skyrocket until an unknown European buyer purchased the item for $1.56 million. The starting price of the second note was set at just $1,000 and sold for $240,000.

Although Einstein's theory of happiness claims that a simple life is more valuable than wealth and success, auctioneer Meny Chadad said the hotel bellboy's descendants were delighted with their new wealth.
“They are very, very happy,” he said.