Sofas of different colors in the interior. How to choose sofa color

Kitchen sofas- this is only at first glance a small product group. If your imagination draws a standard kitchen corner of a discreet color for you, we will hasten to dissuade you and, perhaps, inspire you for global changes!

In this article, we have tried to collect for you the most striking examples of sofas for the kitchen. There will be no information about technical specifications models - you can get it in the article about. Rather, this is an excursion into the world of furniture fashion - here you will learn everything about the style, color and possible shape of sofas.

  • Orange
  • Beige
    • Baked milk sofa
    • Sofa colors Ivory
    • Light brown sofa
  • White
  • Blue
  • Grey
  • Green
    • light green sofa
    • Pale green sofa
  • patterned sofas
    • striped sofa
    • Floral sofa
    • Pixel drawing

"Sofa Style"

Sofas for the kitchen are rarely tied to a particular style. Manufacturers are trying to create a universal and even neutral design for them so that no one has problems with the layout.

Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 groups:

  • The most numerous includes simple rectangular sofas, with a dark or light wood body. They differ only in size - from tiny to impressive, and upholstery material - textile, leather or leatherette, they can have.

  • The second group is more elegant models of kitchen sofas, perhaps with a reference to some historical era. But here, too, the style balances on the verge of conventions - it is almost impossible to meet an exact copy of any era. But these sofas are distinguished by a more elegant shape and old-style upholstery.

  • The third group is sofas suitable for hi-tech, futurism, constructivism. These are the models in modern style, which differ in geometric, sometimes irregular shape. Traditional upholstery textiles are rare or unobtrusive.

However, playing with contrasts can give more interesting results! Try to fit a classic sofa into an ultra-modern interior or, conversely, dilute the dominance of plastic with a plush floral sofa!

"Sofa Shape"

Bay window - we have devoted a separate article to each type so that you can choose perfect option for your home.

  • Angular kitchen sofa best suited for a small kitchen, as well as for those who decide to equip the room with an extra bed.
  • A straight sofa is the most popular choice for large kitchen, often completed with chairs. Straight sofas also fit right into kitchen set to make the most of your kitchen space.
  • Bay sofas are made to order, because the size of the niche in each apartment is individual. Their shape is the most diverse - they can be semicircular and straight, have one, two or more corners. The most comfortable arrangement of sofas is when they outline a corner so that several people can sit opposite each other. This layout makes possible a deep bay window or just a small niche in the kitchen.

Another interesting option, which can be seen in several photographs - a semicircular kitchen sofa. It requires a sufficient amount of free space and, of course, a round dining table, but it looks really unusual and accommodates a large number of people.

"Sofa color"

What color sofa do you prefer in the interior of the kitchen? Neutral and least easily soiled? Or bright and uplifting? Let's take a look at a few examples so you can easily make your choice!


Orange color in the kitchen it is strongly encouraged by psychologists - it improves appetite, helps to cheer up, drives away the remnants of sleep, positive and nothing more! This is probably why orange-colored sofas are crazy popular.

  • An orange sofa makes an already sunny room even more comfortable, and so that it does not stand out from the overall picture, it is echoed by kitchen cabinets and a countertop. Now it is not the main accent in the room, but only part of a delicious color scheme. Therefore, upholstery in a perky flower as an additional decoration will not hurt him!

  • should be bright - we talked about this in the corresponding article! When sunlight pours through the window, the dark upholstery of the sofa should not delay it. On the contrary, when decorating a bay window, we have the right to the most daring choice, up to canary yellow or shamelessly pink. A rich nectarine kitchen sofa like in the photo below is a great choice for a bright kitchen where there is a lot of wooden furniture.


The beige color of the sofa is the most popular and sold. And there is nothing to be surprised, because it, like no other, is combined with any detail of the interior. Don't want to be like everyone else? Beige has many shades, you just need to find yours.

"Sofa the color of baked milk"

  • The color of baked milk, reminiscent of yellowed paper, is the color basis for a retro interior. If you are creating something in the spirit of a bygone era, a strict copy or free styling, it is unlikely that you will be able to do without the help of beige. Such a sofa will look very elegant surrounded by black and chocolate - the illustration below is an example of this. A coffee table in a similar light tone, with a marble-like top, also looks great.

"Ivory Sofa"

  • A very similar example is shown in the illustration below, where the kitchen is made in a vintage style with country elements. Such a kitchen sofa requires a pair - you can buy chairs in the same ivory shade as in the photo below. As you can see, the color of the sofa is enough to create a certain style in the room, while its shape can be absolutely any.

"Light brown sofa"

  • Beige color - for conservatives and people who prefer eternal values, decorating their homes with high-quality and expensive items designed for more than one season. If you prefer to invest in design on long years, then you will not lose by choosing a light brown sofa.


  • A white sofa is considered a rather bold choice for the kitchen - after all, the color cannot be called practical. But sometimes for a small kitchen there is no better option! Guess why? If white color prevails in the kitchen - in decoration, furniture, household appliances, then visually it will look larger. And the white kitchen sofas against the snow-white wall, as in the illustration below, seem to dissolve, creating the illusion of depth of space.

  • Sofa white color Ideal if the kitchen is already playing with some bold color scheme. For example, the kitchen in the next photo is dominated by acid green, which will not allow another bright shade to be next to it. White upholstery in this case is the perfect backdrop and has a calming effect.

  • Scandinavian minimalism, which is so popular now in the design of kitchens, is a snow-white finish, light wood floors, strict white furniture, a few bright details. If a white sofa appears in such an interior, it is immediately filled with multi-colored pillows or blankets. Therefore, if you are not indifferent to bright accessories, feel free to choose white upholstery so as not to make the room too colorful.


Blue kitchen soft sofas suitable not only for interior nautical style, because this is one of classic colors. According to statistics, blue has the most fans all over the world, so many people will like to have such a sofa in their kitchen.

  • Cornflower blue tones will look good in a light wood frame, while dark blue shades will require a white frame, as in the next photo. If you want to pick up pillows for such a sofa, let them be even white or decorated with a small blue pattern.

  • Keep in mind that Blue colour lost in the twilight, so if you want to focus on sofa upholstery - put the furniture by the window. Blue is great in the presence of orange and yellow, so look for pillows with a similar pattern on sale.


A gray sofa, like a white one, will fit into any kitchen interior. In almost every home, he will find support - it is difficult to imagine a kitchen that does not have a single metal or chrome element. A small gray kitchen sofa can be both a charismatic accent and a barely noticeable part of the interior.

"Light gray sofa"

  • The kitchen in the photo below is built on two colors - warm beige and gray. Ocher and the color of baked milk are filling, these are the paints on the walls, and the kitchen set, and the doors, and window frames. And the furniture is paired with chrome elements - a stool, chairs and sofa upholstery have a pleasant gray color.

Moreover, on the sofa we see dark gray pillows that create an additional contrast with the decor. Please note - in a pair with light gray, you should not use bleached beige, the combination will turn out to be slurred and uninteresting. But more saturated shades of camel and ocher will come in handy.

"Dark gray sofa"

  • The interior of the next kitchen, on the contrary, is entirely built on white. The sofa separates the kitchen area from the living area, for which the designers wanted to use a bright contrast. But if pure black is too "on the forehead", then graphite gray is a more interesting option.


The green color is capricious - not every kitchen can easily choose a shade. But we found two of the most universal colors sofa - light green and mint. Look at the illustrations below:

"Light green sofa"

  • Light green color is often used in the kitchen - it goes well with the usual white-gray-beige furniture, belongs to positive shades, and has a beneficial effect on appetite. However, light green sofas are a relative rarity; a cursory study of the range of stores will make it clear that this is not the most popular tone. Well, you can always buy bright removable covers for the kitchen sofa, which feature lower prices and bolder color solutions. But keep in mind that such a sofa will require updating the entire interior, only then it will look stylish.

"Pale Green Sofa"

  • But the soft mint shade is much less demanding, such a sofa is suitable for a calm interior full of elegance. Muddy green shades, from olive to pistachio, look beautiful with furniture made from custom-toned wood. It may be dominated by a reddish component, swampy or reddish shades. Just as good with faded green looks artificially aged furniture, as in the photo below.

"Patterned Sofas"

Until recently, bright patterns on furniture were considered the lot of vintage - flowered chairs and sofas were signs of philistinism, and plain furniture was recognized as the standard of style. Fortunately, times have changed, and we again got the freedom to buy strange and funny furniture - sofas in multi-colored polka dots, romantic hearts and a completely not boring cage.

"Striped Sofa"

  • The stripe does not have to be frequent and bright - pastel wide stripes in a calm color scheme, as in the photo below, will look advantageous in any neutrally designed kitchen.

"Flower sofa"

  • Floral patterns can create a light and romantic atmosphere in the room - if this mood is close to you, choose sofa upholstery with a classic print. Keep in mind that it can look aggressive in a dark color, so opt for delicate spring shades or a classic gray-beige palette.

"Pixel Drawing"

  • A small graphic print will enliven the most boring interior- if you want to bring some dynamics to the kitchen design, choose a pattern in the style of computer graphics. See how the dining area stands out because of the kitchen sofa in the photo below - in addition to non-standard upholstery, the owners also picked up contrasting green pillows.

Color matters

The sofa is the master of the living room. It is sofas and less often armchairs that become the basis of this room, because the main thing for the living room is the maximum convenience of accommodating people. And what else is so comfortable to sit on, if not on the couch? Well, except for the chairs. Therefore, the first and most important requirement for sofas and armchairs is convenience. The second is high quality. Third, the right style and color. After all, the task of the sofa and armchairs is not only to make the living room comfortable and convenient. Upholstered furniture is also the decoration of the room. Let's talk about what color to choose a sofa and armchairs so that complete harmony reigns in the living room.

Choosing the color of the sofa: basic color plans

Before choosing the color of the sofa and chairs, you need to decide on a color plan. Five main color combination plans can be distinguished upholstered furniture and other indoor surfaces.

1. Plan "Monochrome". The sofa in this regard has the same color as the walls or part of the walls, but differs in shade. For example, the walls can be pale blue, and the sofa can be blue. More options: beige walls - brown sofa; the walls are purple - the sofa is lilac, the walls are dark green - the sofa is pale green with dark colors, etc.

2. Plan "Neutral". If the walls are painted in any neutral color (black, white, gray, beige, gray-beige, brown), then the sofa can be chosen in a neutral color, but different. For example, put a gray sofa against beige walls, and black against white ones.

3. Plan "Neutral sofa in a colored interior." If the walls are colorful and bright enough, a discreet neutral sofa will strike a balance. Neutral sofas are white, black, gray and various shades of beige. These sofas will fit into the interior of any color. We recommend viewing our articles "" and "".

4. Plan "Colored sofa in a neutral interior." A bright sofa can become the only color spot in a "colorless" interior. For example, a room can be designed in white and gray colors, and only a red or, for example, a bright green sofa will dilute this color silence.

Such an inclusion in a neutral interior of one bright object makes the room very effective. This technique is suitable for and in modern styles.

The color of the sofa in the interior of the living room according to this plan can be supported by other objects. Most often, the color of the sofa is repeated in the curtains and in the lampshades of the lamps. Less often - in carpets on the floor. There are other solutions: the color of upholstered furniture can match the color of the chandelier, ceiling decoration, posters on the walls, picture frame, floor vases etc. However, it should be borne in mind that the presence of several accents of the same color reduces the effectiveness of the reception.

5. Plan "Combined". A colored sofa is introduced into the interior of a different color. This is the case when a blue sofa can stand against the background of red walls, and an orange sofa against the background of green ones.

When choosing a color plan, decide how do you want to see your interior- bright and spectacular or discreet, calm and pleasant. If you want the interior to impress, give preference to the fourth or fifth color plan. If you want something cozy, calm, balanced - choose one of the first three color plans.

The option with a combination of colors usually causes more difficulties than all other solutions. How to combine the colors of the sofa, armchairs, walls and other interior objects? Let's take a closer look at the different colors of sofas and armchairs and decide what they should be combined with.

Colored sofa in the interior of the living room: we select the ideal partners

Red upholstered furniture in the interior

For a red sofa, color plans No. 1 and No. 4 are most suitable. That is, a red sofa is better to choose for a monochrome interior or as a bright accent for a neutral interior.

Red sofa against a terracotta wall: monochrome scheme

The red sofa itself is very bright, so introducing it into the interior of a different color, you can get a heavy, oppressive combination, which can make the interior seem overly colorful and noisy.

If you still decide on a bright combination, combine red upholstered furniture with light, golden orange and golden yellow. You can combine it with muted blue, but this combination, as they say, is not for everyone.

Orange upholstered furniture in the interior

Orange sofas and armchairs are good in all forms: as a bright accent in a neutral interior, and as an element of a monochrome room, and in combination with other colors.

Orange sofa in monochrome

Orange sofa as a bright accent

An orange sofa and armchairs will look good against blue, blue, green and gray backgrounds.

Yellow upholstered furniture in the interior

Yellow upholstered furniture is great in the fourth color plan (a colored sofa in a neutral interior) if the walls are one of the shades of gray. Yellow furniture on background gray walls it burns and glows - like the sun in the middle of leaden clouds or like an electric lamp on a dark street. Effective, impressive and cheerful.

If the color plan "Combined" is chosen, green, blue and surfaces will be a suitable background for the yellow sofa of chairs.

Green upholstered furniture in the interior

The green sofa in the interior is calm and serene. He conveys these qualities to the living room. Green upholstered furniture is good in all acceptable color schemes: in monochrome, and as a bright accent, and in combination.

Green upholstered furniture in the interior as a bright accent

Green sofas in a monochrome scheme against pale green walls

A green sofa in the interior will look great against the background of various shades of purple. If it is a rich and dark enough purple, an olive or khaki sofa is more suitable, and bright green furniture will harmonize perfectly with pale lilac walls.

Suitable partners for green upholstered furniture are also yellow and pink surfaces. You can try to combine with orange.

Blue and blue upholstered furniture in the interior

The blue sofa is always relevant and versatile. As a bright accent, it is also not bad, but far from being as effective as red, green or orange.

Blue sofa as a bright accent

Blue upholstered furniture is wonderful in combination with light gray-blue shades - such monochrome interiors turn out to be cold, strict, but magnificent - like the palace of the snow queen.

Blue sofas and armchairs in the interior

In the combined plan for the blue sofa, you can include colors such as orange. With this combination, the living room can look like a tropical bungalow. The interior is sunny, summery, cheerful.

Purple upholstered furniture in the interior

A purple sofa is not bad in monochrome against a background of lilac, lavender, lilac or bluish-pink walls. This palette in purple tones can be diluted with beige, silver or delicate green.

As a juicy accent, a purple sofa is most suitable for a neutral one. However, in beige interior purple upholstered furniture looks royal.

Purple sofa in the interior

In a combined plan, a purple sofa and armchairs should be combined with khaki, golden yellow and pale green.

How to choose the color of the chairs for the sofa? The combination of colors in upholstered furniture

Armchairs can also be selected according to one of the color plans.

1. Plan "Accent". Armchairs here are bright accents with a neutral sofa. The walls are usually also neutral. If, for example, the walls are beige, you can put a sand sofa, and next to it - red, green, blue or purple chairs. Such a combination, as a rule, looks very impressive.

2. Plan "Neutral". Chairs in a neutral color complement a sofa in another neutral color. For example, the sofa is black and the chairs are white. Or the sofa is gray and the chairs are cappuccino. This plan is chosen if you want to create a contrasting or cozy, calm living room in powdery colors.

3. Plan "Neutral chairs -colored sofa. You can pick up beige chairs for a red sofa, gray chairs for a blue one, etc. The sofa usually remains the only bright spot, the main accent of the living room. This plan is chosen if the sofa is very bright or large. If you add the same chairs to it, you can get a bust with color. Neutral seats allow you to avoid this.

4. Plan "Colorful". In a neutral interior, there may be bright accents of not one, but two colors: one of these accents will be a sofa, and the other will be an armchair or several armchairs.

For example, in a gray living room, the sofa might be red and the chairs might be blue. Or the sofa is green, and the chairs are yellow. It is bold, juicy, cheerful.

5. Plan "Ornaments and drawings + uniformity." To a plain sofa, you can pick up an armchair in the same or similar color, but with a pattern or ornament. For example, for a blue sofa, purchase an armchair with white flowers on blue background or blue and yellow stripes. This solution is most often used when creating a living room in a classic style.

This plan can be combined with others. For example, neutral sofas and armchairs or sofas and armchairs can be combined in this way. different colors.

Sometimes they put unequal chairs: one of them is a link. For example, the sofa is yellow and one of the chairs is blue. The second chair can be blue and yellow striped. It will connect the sofa with the blue armchair, and the picture will turn out to be very logical and harmonious. Examples with a bunch in the photo below:

Light sofas are very popular in the modern furniture world. With their help, you can make any room unique, thanks to a large selection of models. Sofas with shades of white organically fit into the interior design of any style.

You can see the versatility of white furniture by looking at photos of light-colored sofas in different rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is foolish to deny that light-colored sofas are easily soiled and impractical. Therefore, they require more careful maintenance than dark furniture. Light-colored upholstered furniture has to be cleaned frequently. And in some cases, resort to dry cleaning services, which costs a lot of money.

But light sofas have more advantages and they completely cover this drawback.

White color is pleasant, versatile, does not irritate others, but calms. He calls positive emotions and sets you up for a pleasant pastime.

Light sofa fits into the interior different style: classic, minimalism, hi-tech, country. Any room that has white furniture looks rich and stylish.

White color increases space, unlike black. Ideal even for a small room, hiding imperfections. Any room with a light sofa seems unique and inimitable.

Nowadays it is not difficult to buy a sofa of any shape and color. The main thing is that it should be beautiful, stylish, functional and in harmony with the interior of the room.

Therefore, first you need to decide on the following parameters:

  • the size,
  • the form,
  • color shades,
  • material.

Shape and size

  • The size of the sofa directly depends on its functions - folding or not, how many people can sit at the same time, whether it will be used as a bed.
  • The size of the sofa must be compared to the space where it will be located.
  • For a small room, a compact rectangular one that folds out, or a corner one, is suitable.
  • The spacious living room looks good with a large white sofa located in the center. So it looks more impressive, stylish and rich.

The shape of this furniture depends on the style of the room where it will be located.

Classical style - strict straight forms or vice versa, sinuous and rounded, with puffs, with rounded armrests.

High-tech interior - right angles at the sofa.

Country - discreet sofas with wooden legs or airy upholstered furniture with a "skirt" and rounded armrests.

Minimalism - simple shapes with minimal additions.


White color is universal, perfectly harmonizes with different colors, both cold and warm.

Sofas in light colors will suit any room. If you take not classic white, but close in its shade, then the interior in the room will become more interesting, refined and unique.

White color has different shades:

  • beige,
  • lactic,
  • gold,
  • sand,
  • pearl,
  • alabaster,
  • Ivory.

Shade combination

If the walls of the room are in warm colors, then sofas with impurities of yellow, for example, ivory, are appropriate for it. When the room is very bright, then shades with yellowness will give the sofa an untidy look.

And against the background of dark walls and furniture, any light shade seems pure white. A white sofa looks stylish with a black table or cabinet.

Light-colored sofas are an excellent backdrop for bright accessories. In combination with white furniture, they become even brighter and more expressive. So on a white sofa, colored pillows and bedspreads with a contrasting pattern look expressive.

Together with a light sofa, you can choose upholstered furniture in a different color for the living room. To combine them into one composition, it is appropriate to use various accessories. So, if the room has a white sofa and yellow chairs, then it is recommended to put yellow pillows on the sofa, and white chairs on the chairs.

Thus, we can conclude: there is no need to make a room in bright colors where a white sofa will stand. She will be dull and dull. But the contrast will be appropriate.


The white color of the sofa is easily soiled, so it is appropriate to choose furniture with practical upholstery.

One of the best materials for him, the skin. It is much easier to care for it than fabric upholstery. Leather sofa differs in durability, elasticity. It is more resistant to dirt and mechanical stress.

Leather can be natural or artificial. Leather looks better over time, but costs a lot more. Artificial is cheaper, but not durable.

There is another upholstery option - dirt and water-repellent fabric. Due to the special impregnation, the dirt does not settle on it and the water flows down without leaving any traces.

There is a synthetic material that has the same properties.

One of the good options is removable covers. They are made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen). The covers are easy to remove and machine wash. They are convenient to use, no need to worry about stains on the sofa.

In order for a leather sofa to retain its attractive appearance for a long time, it is necessary to take care of it regularly, namely:

  • once a week, clean it with a vacuum cleaner with special nozzle for furniture;
  • wipe once or twice a week with a damp flannel cloth, paying attention to seams and folds;
  • process once a year by special means skin care;
  • do not put the sofa near the battery;
  • keep away from direct sunlight;
  • if you spill water, immediately blot with a dry soft cloth, avoiding absorption into the skin.

How to clean a light sofa

Owners of white upholstered furniture should know how to clean the sofa.

Now you can find many special preparations for cleaning sofas. But you need to pay attention to the labels of chemicals, which indicate that they are for light materials.

Here are the most famous drugs that help to quickly and efficiently clean light upholstery:

  • "Vanish" - this tool is whipped into foam and applied to the surface. The foam will absorb dirt. When it dries, you need to walk with a vacuum cleaner on the sofa;
  • Amway is a fabric shampoo. The principle of its operation is the same. Whipped foam is applied to the area, allowed to dry, the remnants are removed with a vacuum cleaner;
  • "5+" - this detergent contains bleach, and many have been convinced of the effectiveness of such a shampoo on light-colored upholstery.

Folk remedies for cleaning the sofa

An ordinary soapy solution will help remove dirt from the surface of the sofa. You can use any soap or dish detergent. Treat the surface with a solution, remove the residue with a damp white cloth and allow to dry.

A bar of laundry soap will remove coffee and tea stains. It is necessary to wet the area with water, rub with soap until a light foam, then with a brush, and leave for 10 minutes. Remove the remains with a damp sponge, soaking it in salted water.

Table salt will help get rid of wine and grease stains. Such a stain must be removed as soon as it appears.

It is necessary to blot the place with a napkin, cover it with salt and leave for 10-15 minutes so that it absorbs moisture. Then remove the salt with a brush, and remove the remaining stain with a solution of soap.


The design of modern sofas will help to make the house cozy, warm, stylish.

They combine beauty and practicality, thanks to modern materials. Wide selection models allows you to buy the right option for any category of buyers.

Photo of a light sofa

It's hard to meet someone who doesn't love warm time year, when everything is green and there is a pleasant floral aroma. But sooner or later summer will end. To keep a piece of it, many choose wallpaper or textiles with a floral pattern. Such wallpapers are pleasing to the eye and give warmth.

Floral wallpaper has always been a fashion trend. It's universal finishing material which will create a homely atmosphere of warmth and comfort. And, most importantly, for any interior you can choose your own pattern.

Beautiful flowers in purple tones

Flowers in the paintings echo the carpet

Most designers believe that you can use an unlimited number of colors and floral elements in a room. Floral fabric in interior design is universal and will always look appropriate.

Designers divide flower patterns into three categories by size: small, medium and large. Each category has its own rule regarding their application. For example, in small rooms you can safely paste wallpaper with large floral patterns.

An example of how a floral print fabric can freshen up a bathroom

Beautiful combination of solid blue walls and pale blue floral wallpaper

Secret modern design interior is that floral prints are used only as an accent. Now you can find just thousands of options various colors and forms. You will definitely choose the option that suits you.

Silk-screen wallpaper will help to give solidity to the bedroom or to complement plain furniture. If you prefer English style, give your preference to wallpapers with wild flowers. They can also be perfectly complemented by placing a vase with fresh flowers in the room.

Bright accent in the interior of the bedroom

Beautiful wall design with floral fabric

Design with floral patterns, first of all, involves various combinations of colors and materials. Decide on the main color - blue, red, pink or green. If your living room is spacious and bright, feel free to choose a bright color. In all other cases, give preference to pale pink or pale green.

Life hack: so that the floral print does not cause visual discomfort, remember the combination of wallpaper and furniture upholstery. Choose light wallpapers for dark furniture or a plain sofa for flowers on the wall.

Too colorful wallpaper can be diluted with additional elements - one wall can be in a flower, and the other three in the same colors, but with different patterns.

Headboard in floral upholstery

There are also a number of styles that, by default, involve the use of floral patterns in the interior. For example, English style, shabby chic and country.

Floral patterns are appropriate anytime, anywhere! Feel free and do not limit yourself in your desires.

Floral print fabric - looks great as bed linen

Carpet with floral motifs perfectly complements the interior of the living room

Photo: flower interior in the kitchen

Sofa in flowers - an unusual detail in the room

Floral print curtains are another way to brighten up your decor in spring.

beautiful green flowers

Curtains and a sofa in the color of the wallpaper - a rather unusual solution

Additional elements (animals, birds, leaves and plants, geometric patterns) are one of the components of wallpaper in the interior. They can be used together or separately to further decorate the walls.

Floral armchairs

Spectacular contrast in the room with throw pillows and a floral print rug

Floral wallpapers can completely change the look of a room.

To create a positive and at the same time romantic interior, you definitely cannot do without flowers. It is not for nothing that girls love flowers so much - they are very beautiful, they attract insanely much attention with their brightness and abundance of shapes and coloring.

Living room with floral print - sofa with emphasis on pillows

The first thing that catches the eye in any living room is the sofa. You can choose a simple solid color sofa and accent it with bright cushions in contrasting colors. Also, to decorate the sofa, you can choose a fabric with a floral print.

Curtains in such a room should overlap in color with the carpet. It is important that all three elements are combined in color, otherwise the color harmony of the room will be lost, and you will not achieve the desired effect.

Floral designs - choose the right wall decor

Don't forget that in modern interiors wallpaper with flowers is usually used for no more than one of the walls. Thus, you need to think in advance in what style the whole room will be made. Complete the room with ceramic vases, live orchids or table lamps. It is not necessary to buy everything in one color - add bright colors to your room.

You can achieve comfort in the room by hanging old clocks or photographs on the wall. And lovers of romance will like the shabby chic style, which we have already mentioned above - this is when flowers are not only on the wallpaper, but also on other accessories and furniture.

Delicate pink color in the interior

Romantic interior

Design classics in modern floral fabrics

Here, for example, there is a sofa or an old armchair of the beginning of the last century designed by Le Corbusier or Charlotte Perria (or their variations). Of course, they are beautiful on their own. But who will be surprised by them - now it is fashionable to revive the classics: so replace the upholstery with a crazy flower one. It will turn out boring and stylish. It is only important to observe the contrast: the design of the chair is from one hundred to fifty years old, the design of the fabric is three years at most. Fashion drawings, like in the clothing industry, become outdated very quickly.

Rose pillows

Bright pink curtains

Yellow and gray living room style - back to the seventies

Example of floral print fabric for decorative pillows

The color of the curtains echoes the print of the pillows

Choosing the right floral fabric is very important for the interior of the room.

An example of how you can combine different shades into a harmonious ensemble using a pattern

Beautiful flower pattern can refresh your living room

Large stylized drawing

The main motive of the fabric: stylized flowers and leaves with clear contours and the size of the main motive from 30 (approximately) centimeters and more. Such drawings are usually asymmetrical - which means that the motive on the scale of an armchair or sofa will be repeated infrequently, which will only benefit the overall impression. Use boldly.

Historic interior

In historical replica interiors, almost literally repeating motifs of centuries ago, floral patterns are very appropriate. It is great if the upholstery of upholstered furniture is made from a really existing fabric sample. Many European companies have such selections in their collections. And if a ready-made sofa in such upholstery turns out to be too expensive for the budget, you can try to upholster a sofa from the budget line with expensive fabric (and they are all insanely expensive). Historical fabrics are good because they do not make the room “feminine” at all. The floral print on them is rather arbitrary, and the colors are not pretentious.

The sofa has become an integral part of the interior. The soft, comfortable seat is comfortable to spend time in, and its color creates a spectacular accent in any room.

Therefore, it is so important to choose the right sofa in color and shape for the living room or another room.


The sofa can be called a decoration of a furniture set designed for a living room, bedroom or dining room. Upholstered furniture creates comfortable conditions and a harmonious environment that guests in the house can appreciate. For a royal sofa with several places to sit at the table, round and corner products, a central and honorable place in the hall is intended.

The main qualities possessed by the best samples, experts call a convenient design, high quality of all elements, a pleasing upholstery tone for the eyes.

It is also important how this large-sized piece of furniture will fit into the interior in style and color.

Colored sofas are available in a variety of shades:

  • This season, designers delighted connoisseurs with the presentation of huge, soft, with bright lacquered yellow and blue armrests, unusual and cozy sofas. Textiles, burlap upholstery and leather are on trend for the home this year.

  • Among the bright colors dominated by colorful orange, lemon and red, fuchsia, eggplant purple and turquoise, lime color. The green line is represented by products of light green, mint and pistachio shades, olive and muted sea waves. Sofas in blue with a geometric pattern are classified as classic, while beige, mustard, coffee with milk and khaki belong to the neutral range.

  • Marsala refers to the tone of Italian wine, which combines burgundy, purple and brownish red. For a sofa, a fashionable shade has become one of the most popular, as it is quite rich and catchy. Living room in soft and light gray-white colors fashionable sofa marsala color gives sophistication and creates an unusual style.

  • Elegant and festive looks like a sofa in the Baroque style, decorated with gold, strict ornament, floral print. Warm colors of furniture upholstery - peach and cream tones, classic flowered white can decorate any bright interior.

How to choose the right shade?

Designers have identified five main color plans, according to which they combine upholstered furniture and other interior items in tone. Color schemes for decorating rooms in a room are conditionally divided into the following:

  1. Monophonic. It is characterized by a combination of upholstered furniture with walls of similar tones. For example, in a cold or warm interior, both a sofa and armchairs are chosen similarly. Only the color is a little brighter or paler. For blue walls good option you can consider a set of furniture in all shades of blue, for beige - reddish-brown. It is necessary to show imagination when decorating a house so that all the shades and nuances play and look advantageous.
  2. Neutral. The concept of neutral colors includes an extensive range, starting with classic black and white. All intermediate restrained tones can be attributed to the line - brownish-beige and gray. Connecting various colors from the proposed list, we get a noble contrast. For white walls, a black or brown sofa will be an impressive spot. Against the background of a gray wall, you need a white or beige sofa.
  3. From bright to neutral, from neutral to saturated. The proposed scheme includes pairing bright panels with neutral-colored furniture. For example, orange wallpaper will suit a brown or gray, black sofa. In the case of light and muted tones on the walls, you can choose a product of any degree of brightness and not lose in entertainment. The combination of white with yellow or red looks fresh and joyful. Elite interior in a modern style it is difficult to imagine without a bright and impressive accent, which can be both a sofa and the whole set along with armchairs. The color used for the accent can be supported by a chandelier and lamps, a carpet on the floor, an elegant finish on the ceiling and frames in paintings and photos. The main thing when decorating is not to oversaturate the interior with accents, reaching the optimal number of colors and shades in it.
  4. Harmonious combination. The most difficult thing to achieve a harmonious combination is if the sofa and other parts of your interior are in different color groups. It is important to use contrasting pairs of shades, such as yellow-blue, orange-lilac, red-green. Deviations are possible for each of them - for example, for a purple sofa, a combination would be appropriate not only with yellow and gold, but also with beige, lemon and khaki, as well as light green.

Designers give helpful tips on the choice of furniture, which will greatly simplify the task of harmonious design of your interior. First of all, a large sofa is considered as an object, they approach it certain colors other items in the room:

  • Sofas can be plain and patterned. It is easier to choose the first ones in an apartment or house, having thought color combinations. When it comes to furniture with ornaments or floral prints, you will need time and serious work to choose a palette. Each drawing has its own rhythm, shape and plasticity, so they must also be taken into account.

  • If you like red, the sofa will become an exclusive dominant in the room. In this case, it would be best for you to choose the plan that will soften the impression, make the presence of the thing in the room natural. It is proposed to combine red with golden, similar in tone to orange. For those who like bold experiments, you can try using the contrast between green and all shades of red.

  • Orange color is friends with all gray and greenish shades, it is also good with yellow, blue and blue. A monochrome plan would also work. You just need to choose a darker or lighter shade of orange or golden for the walls. This is a great option for a living room and a nursery, an orange sofa is also suitable for a kitchen-dining room.

  • You can combine yellow with purple, bluish and gray-green. Against the background of gray and white, this color literally "lights up" like a flashlight. A fluorescent yellow sofa is a great option for any neutral interior with beige and black accents.

  • Green and olive are universal undertones in any interior. This means that by purchasing such a sofa, you will certainly be able to appreciate the impact of a calm and soothing color. If the furniture is a bright green shade, the walls should be lighter - yellowish or greenish. Olive blends harmoniously with dark purple and lilac. Pink and peach will create an unobtrusive and interesting contrast with the dark green upholstery of the sofa. Calm and soothing tones are used in the bedroom and office.

  • Blue and blue can be called universal for large living rooms and offices, a sofa in such colors is used in cold interiors. White walls and gray wallpaper with a pattern complement a beautiful dark blue and cornflower blue sofa. Orange, green and white details, yellow objects will help to dilute the tone and make it joyful.

If you like Snow Queen-style rooms, add white and silver, as well as blue and lilac, to the design of the room.