Changes in the way of life of people. How the Internet has changed modern society

There is no doubt that the Internet has significantly changed the world. Someone believes that these are positive changes, while others are sure that the global network has brought a lot of problems to humanity. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. In this review, we have collected facts that confirm that with the advent of the Internet, the world has become completely different.

1. Life "online"

Today, people are not “out of touch”. In the bathroom, in the subway - everything is always "online".

2. Hypochondria

People began to engage in self-diagnosis, looking for symptoms of their condition on the Web. While this raised awareness of the disease, it also greatly increased the prevalence of hypochondria.

3. Burial notebook

Phone books, floppy disks, CDs... nobody else uses those things. Even the watch industry had to adapt to the Web.

4. Special camps for Internet addicts

In China, there are special camps for Internet addicts. At the same time, the majority of Internet users in China access the Web from mobile phones, and not from PCs.

5. 6% of earthlings are internet addicts

Many researchers view internet addiction as mental disorder. Judging by the latest data, 6% of the world's population has this disorder.

6. The ubiquitous webcams

Webcams are ubiquitous these days. What almost no one knows is that the first remote camera was actually created to monitor a coffee pot at the University of Cambridge.

7. Multitasking

Today, most people "multitask". At a minimum, it is worth looking at the number of open tabs in the browser. At the same time, productivity and labor efficiency actually decreased.

8. Impatient Users

Do not forget the timeout for opening a link request. 50% of internet users close a video link if it doesn't load within 10 seconds.

9. Frame length is only 2 seconds

Reducing the level of patience (we are talking about waiting for a video to load) is not the only problem. The average frame length of a movie English language dropped from 12 seconds in 1930 to just 2 seconds in 2015.

10. 204 million emails per minute

Only the parents of those who read this article remember the postal service. Today everyone uses only e-mail. In fact, people send approximately 204 million emails every minute.

11. Total 623 sites

In 1993, there were only 623 sites on the Internet. Today, more than 100,000 domain names are registered daily.

12. Encyclopedias vs. Wikipedia

Once upon a time, encyclopedias were popular. Today they are simply not needed due to the fact that everything can be found on the Web. As for Wikipedia, public opinion about this site has changed dramatically. 10 years ago, this was the site that everyone warned about being unreliable. Today, people understand the danger of unreliability of this information, but, as a rule, its sources are checked to the maximum.

13. Only 5% of 7700 languages

Global network: the right to access the Internet.

In 2010, Finland became the first country to declare Internet access as a legal right. However, still only 37.9% of people in the world have access to the Internet at least once a year (the number of people with regular Internet access is much lower).

Topic: How the Internet has changed our lives

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Internet… What do you associate this word with? Probably, how many people have so many opinions. The range of opportunities that the Internet provides today is the widest: from weather forecasts to ordering and paying for purchases without leaving home. The invention and implementation of the World Wide Web, in terms of significance in the history of human development, is comparable to the greatest discoveries of the Renaissance, which gave impetus to further progress. How much has the Internet changed our lives and have we crossed the fine line that separates passion from addiction? The fact that with the beginning of the functioning of the worldwide system of unified computer networks our life has changed is beyond doubt. Just imagine, because earlier letters were expected for weeks, and sometimes months, to write an essay, you had to go to a library located on the other side of the city, to pay utility bills, stand in line at a savings bank. All this, of course, took a lot of time. The Internet has provided an opportunity to save our time and, consequently, resources.
Surely the creators of the ARPANET network, back in 1969, did not even suspect what kind of global network their development of a project for the US Department of Defense on a reliable system for transmitting information would result in.
To achieve such popularity as the Internet, means mass media much more time was required, for example, radio took 38-40 years, television - 13 years, and the Internet reached an audience of over 50 million users in just 5 years. On the this moment The number of users who regularly use the Internet is more than 2.5 billion people, more than a third of the world's population uses the Internet. Perhaps this is due to the fact that technology is developing at a very fast pace, and you can connect to the Internet through radio channels, cable TV, communication satellites, cellular communications, telephone, special fiber optic lines or electric wires. That is, the Internet became available. Although it is worth noting that demand always generates supply. Why is the Internet so interesting to users? What did he bring to our lives?

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Initially, the Internet was developed as a means of information exchange, mainly for strategic purposes. The information function of the Internet remains a priority until now, but it is not the only one. With the penetration of the Internet into the life of the majority of the world's population, not only the structure of society has changed, but also the ability to meet many needs.

The Internet as a learning tool began to be used not so long ago, but today a rare student can complete a task without resorting to the help of search engines. And it's not just about "ready-made homework." The Internet is used for the preparation of abstracts, reports, messages. At the same time, the functions of the library as a source of information lose a lot in terms of the degree of efficiency in processing the material.

Internet as a means of communication. Numerous social networks have become a substitute for real communication. Moreover, not only the audience has changed, which, thanks to the Internet, knows no geographical boundaries. The quality of communication has changed. A person suffering from complexes can feel completely comfortable communicating with virtual acquaintances and friends. Some virtual acquaintances can last for years, and people who have never seen each other in real life know more about the interlocutor than real friends and relatives. Virtual communication - best way brighten up loneliness. The Internet has stopped the existence of the telegraph and is ending its existence landlines. Communication is next.

E-commerce is one of the factors freeing up time and bringing the consumer closer to the manufacturer and seller. More and more buyers prefer not to be limited to the assortment offered by local retail outlets, but to look for the necessary goods at the most favorable conditions. The ability of the buyer to choose among numerous similar offers encourages the manufacturer to improve product quality in order to remain competitive in the market.

The Internet has drastically changed the entertainment industry. The opportunity to watch any film, sometimes even before its official presentation, a film from the archives, a television program in retrospective mode - all this has changed the structure of leisure time. As well as the possibility of reading novelties of literature online, previously inaccessible works have become available to numerous readers.

The Internet in the field of office work has become indispensable in coordinating the actions of various organizations and their branches. Cloud technologies used for document exchange have accelerated many routine processes, which in turn made it possible to optimize production by changing the personnel policy.

However, among all the pluses, the Internet has not escaped huge minuses. The availability of Internet technologies has freed the hands of distributors of malicious information - pornography, nationalist and openly hateful materials, unreliable and slanderous information. Thus, with the spread of the Internet, humanity faced the need to master the technologies of working with information, the ability to analyze and draw the right conclusions.

How the Internet has changed my life

Among all the discoveries that I have made in my life, there is one huge and obscure one that makes all others forget - this is the discovery of the Internet. I hardly remember when my first immersion into the virtual world of millions of computers took place, but the memory of the first page that I landed on remained in my memory. Joy - that's what I felt then and that I will never forget, I will never fully understand the reason for that joy. Maybe my old dream came true, maybe the page was very beautiful, or maybe it made me rejoice miracle, with which strange codes in some city far from me covered thousands of kilometers, passed through telephone wires and were displayed on the screen in colors, shapes, understandable to man words. Yes, there is no other way to call it. Miracle... For me then it seemed inexplicable that on the other side of the world, somewhere inside a humming machine, on a disk rotating at an incredible speed, there is an Internet page consisting of zeros and ones collected in groups and carrying the most important thing in human life - information. And these numbers are added up like a children's designer in a tiny silicon crystal, then they rush along optical bundles, but not in the form of electrical signals, but in the form of beams of light. People have turned elusive photons into messengers of information, mirrored walls of wires into stations where light changes direction, like a messenger of horses. And the most surprising thing seems to be how deftly they control signals by signals, machines by machines. Only thanks to the joint actions of thousands of computers, your letter will never get lost, it will definitely reach where it should reach, and the selected page at the behest of a mouse click, by all means, will appear on the display. And pieces of iron - microcircuits, boards, disks - changed my life once and for all. I stopped going to the library often in the cold, because it’s not worth looking for the answer to a question in hundreds of books, flipping through the crumpled pages of textbooks, just enter the right word, press the enter key and get a huge list of sites where there is sure to be an answer to any difficult question. For the first time in my life, I had my own wallet, albeit unreal, albeit electronic, but with money earned by me. Yes, the Internet exists not only to pull bills out of people. You can make money on the Web, and this does not require licenses, papers, contracts, bank accounts with gigantic numbers - everything is simple and clear here. Everyone who knows how to do something reveals to everyone his creations, for which people pay money. I got to know interesting people on the forums, and now I can ask them for advice, and they will immediately help me. My life has become more interesting. I started writing books, they advised me to read articles, I published my works on the site - they made comments in the guest book, albeit strict, sharp, but ... fair and necessary, helping me to climb the creative level. I stopped spending money on envelopes and waiting three weeks for an answer - by e-mail, a letter of any importance with a picture, music, video clip will reach a friend in a minute safe and sound. On the Internet, I found very interesting sites about Harry Potter and other books, a mine of advice for beginning writers; I subscribed to mailing lists on network business, website development, promotion of my own project, world news and novelties of the electronic store, thanks to which I stopped freezing at the book market stalls, and at home, in warmth and comfort, I order the right book, and for this I just it takes a couple of mouse clicks. I don’t even know how my life would have been without the Internet, would it have the meaning it has now. I got a chance to learn more about literature, painting, the history of Russia and the Kuban, to understand how this huge complex world in which I live works. A miracle called the Global Internet Network gave me the opportunity to become famous, gain recognition from people, earn money for myself and my parents, and help my native village. And in the universe of hundreds of millions of computers, everything is simpler than it seems: who gives more to others is more important than the rest. And you won't deceive anyone. And, besides, the Internet has changed my worldview, made me understand one little truth: if people lived as amicably as machines, if everyone fulfilled their duties, all people on Earth would be happy!

People "living on the Internet" easily believe in any nonsense published there, no matter how ridiculous it may be, Pavel Shalin, an analyst at Doctor Web, makes a diagnosis. And he adds: the lack of the habit of thinking among many Internet users is progressing every day.

This is the price of IT progress. And this account remains open. The Internet continues to actively invade our lives and change the most familiar things in unpredictable ways. As a plus, so, alas, and a minus.

Mozgov.NET For those who honestly want to learn and find useful information, The Internet gives solid pluses. But for those who do not want, unfortunately, too.

Immersed from childhood in social networks and "search engines", we remember not "how to do it", but "where to find it, how to do it". “The so-called clip thinking develops, the concentration of attention decreases,” says psychologist Alexei Nashchekin. - On the Internet, information is usually presented in accessible and short blocks, so the brain gets used to the fact that it is processed easily and in 5 minutes. Many teachers, both school and university, note a reduced concentration of attention because of this. Listening to an hour and a half lecture or solving serious problems on our own is no longer possible.”

The wide availability of information and the absence of the need to make serious efforts to find it will atrophy in some the skills of analysis and critical thinking. “The very important ability to find and compare facts, draw logical conclusions and form one’s own judgment on the issues under study has been replaced by pressing the “copy”-”paste” buttons, Pavel Shalin emphasized. “This also leads to a decrease in the threshold of criticality in the perception of information.”

Fake smiley

Another interesting observation of psychologists: on the Internet, a person strives to match his imaginary image. “All people post their best moments on social networks, which can often lead to low self-esteem, because you don’t see other people’s failures, but you know about your own,” said Alexey Nashchekin. “Again, to match your virtual ‘friends’, you might want to lie.”

According to Sergey Gorin, a psychiatrist and teacher at the Moscow Center for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, communications on the Web can in many ways be compared to the carnival culture that existed in the Middle Ages: anonymity - carnival masks and a general atmosphere of fun, which allowed any taunt to be presented as a joke, albeit an evil one.

Like the carnival, the Internet not only creates the illusion of anonymity for the user, it allows you to pretend to be anyone. “On the global Web, you are what you wrote about yourself, and besides, you can put any beautiful photo instead of his own,” Sergey Gorin noted.

The downside is that the troubles of people on the Internet are not taken seriously. People are like characters computer games Therefore, regular Internet users are much worse able to empathize, psychologists say. Thus, the development of social networks destroys the social ties that they, in theory, should have strengthened.

Fake accounts are not so bad, it turns out that when communicating on the Web, people begin to value contacts less. “On the Internet, you can always make new acquaintances if there is a misunderstanding with old friends. Hence the desire to change the environment,” Alexey Nashchekin stated.

Weekend without light

There is always something going on on the Internet. “There are a lot of acquaintances there, everyone posts their news, photos, it seems that this is very important - hence the desire to constantly check the social network - the news of friends or messages,” Alexey Nashchekin explained.

In addition, most entertainment on the Web is aimed at the mass user, which means that it is not difficult to get some kind of achievements in them (the best player, the most active user, etc.). "If in real life If there are problems, they can always be compensated by such achievements, and then it is difficult to “jump off” from this,” Nashchekin noted.

Internet addiction has the same symptoms as drug addiction or alcoholism. The need for the game is constantly growing, and a person experiences severe discomfort if he cannot sit down at a computer, smartphone or tablet. “Perhaps I would never have admitted to myself an Internet addiction if it weren’t for my child,” an employee of one of the Russian direct sales companies and network marketing Alexander Erenko. “Children copy their parents, and one day I was horrified to find out that my son could no longer eat without a laptop.”

Psychologists attribute Internet addiction to unresolved internal problems. “An emotionally immature psyche is loaded with a mass of information contained on the Internet and cannot stand it,” explains Artem Tolokonin, a professional psychologist and psychotherapist, founder of the Center for Family Psychology and Psychotherapy. - It is deformed, giving a wide variety of deviations at the output. But can the Internet and gadgets be blamed for this? The Internet makes the world information transparent and clearly demonstrates what is happening in society. And the degree of neurosis is growing in society. Only the reason for this is not gadgets and the Internet, but the frantic rhythm and lifestyle imposed on us.

The Internet gives us unlimited potential for communication and information. But that's why he's so dangerous.

What to do? Think. Do not succumb to the Internet, resist. How? For example, as Alexander Erenko: “We regularly arrange forays out of the city, turn off all electrical appliances and spend time like an Indian. I recommend that those who have faced the problem of addiction to gadgets and the Internet in their family should spend at least twice a month an unpugged weekend - a weekend without electricity.