Network marketing - how to make money? The essence of network marketing. The real way to make money in mlm online

So it is with the use of new technologies - Internet business. In this article, we will talk about promoting this business on the Internet.

Due to the fact that most people are dissatisfied with their work (they are not satisfied with the salary or they simply do not like the job), they begin to ask the question “How to make money?”. Those people whose free time is very limited very often ask themselves the question "How to make money on the Internet?". Working on the Internet in a system such as network marketing allows you to create your own home-based business from scratch. Not every person can boast that he is very well versed in computers, can create websites and promote them. The law “the simpler the better” works in the MLM system. Simply put, if you work hard, then few people can repeat such actions, so your business will develop with a creak. When creating your business on the Internet, you need to take this into account. Also, work on the Internet involves contact with strangers. You will be called and written. You need to be prepared for this. Why am I talking about this!? Yes, because many people are afraid to look unprofessional, because, as on initial stage your online business, you won't own the information, and that's okay. In order to be effective, even at the initial stage of business development, you just need to learn how to use those tools that will tell about your business without you. So now I propose to still talk about the system and actions.

When choosing an MLM company, you will need to pay special attention to the possibility of registering on the Internet. If this is not possible, then it will greatly hinder the promotion of your business.

Working from home involves, first of all, the presence of constant access to the Internet. If you are far from creating sites, are not interested in this and do not understand this, the easiest way in your case will be to refer to the official website of your company in your ads. If you don't mind figuring it out, with a little effort you can create a tool that will talk about you and your offer. You can create a website both on a free hosting and on a paid one. You can create a website for free on Google or Ukoz. How to do this, you can see detailed tutorials on Youtube. Having created and filled the site, you can proceed to the next step.

After the site is ready, we proceed to posting ads on various boards on the Internet, job sites, thematic forums (dedicated to MLM, work, etc.), in Vkontakte groups (dedicated to MLM, work, etc.).

Be sure to register on all sites where you are going to place your ads. This is necessary in order to be able to manage your ads (update, edit, delete, view attendance). In order for your ads to give results, it is necessary to place 20-30 ads daily on a large number of sites (recommendation) to update your ads at least once every three days. You can independently find bulletin boards in search engines in your region, as well as throughout Ukraine. If your sponsor also works on the Internet, ask them for a list of message boards.

Place ads in the following sections:

  • MLM, network marketing
  • Cooperation
  • Managers
  • Sales Representatives
  • Agents
  • Business
  • Leaders
  • Miscellaneous
  • Regional representatives
  • Trade
  • Sales Managers
  • and similar sections

Create a file with several different ads to save your time (copy, paste). You can also ask your sponsor for templates.

Pay close attention to ad headings and discuss with your sponsor.

It is important to accumulate a large number of active ads!!! And the more of them there are, the more often people will contact you, and accordingly your Internet business will grow faster.

Good day, my dear readers! Many people interested in the network marketing industry always have one question at the very beginning: “What is network marketing really? What is the job of a networker? I will tell you about this right now.

From this article you will learn:

Three simple steps that a network manager performs

Building a customer base

But what does it mean to build a customer base? Doesn't this mean that you need to distribute some products? Unfortunately, most people have this idea of ​​​​network marketing: running around the porches with bags and trying to sell a product. Let's find out right now so that no one else can mislead us.

  • First difference. What is the difference between a real networker and a distributor? The task of the distributor is to find a client in any way and try to sell him the maximum amount of goods. The easiest way to find clients is to go door-to-door. The algorithm is simple: sold goods - received money.

A networker does not have to physically sell a product or service to a client. A networker sells a person a new quality of life, which the client will achieve by purchasing a product or service of the company.

  • Second difference. Distributors mainly sell durable goods. For example, a vacuum cleaner. How often do you buy vacuum cleaners? Infrequently. What about electric kettles, frying pans, screwdrivers and so on? We do not buy these goods as often as, for example, cosmetics, vitamins or washing powder. Therefore, you will not see the person who sold you the goods for a long time, and after a while you will forget about him. And if this seller does not come to you anymore, why would he sell you a high-quality and expensive product? It is much more profitable to buy a cheap low-quality product and sell it to you at a higher price, keeping the difference for yourself. But then he will have to look for a new client again. Network companies sell goods that tend to run out quickly so that every month customers repeat the turnover, for example, cosmetics, dietary supplements, cleaning products. detergents etc.

It is unprofitable for a network marketing distributor to talk about low-quality products, because the next month the client will refuse low-quality goods, so all network marketing products are of high quality.

Unless, of course, the company thinks about its future. Distributors do not have to look for new customers all the time, but it is enough to have 5-6 regular customers and not look for anyone else. Moreover, a distributor of a network company can use an Internet site in its work, which will inform visitors about new products and services of your company 24 hours a day. This is called intelligent distribution. It is fundamentally different from the physical, which is handled by the distributor.

  • The next, third, important difference is appearance . The distributor always walks with large bags in which he carries goods for sale. The distributor works in business or just neat clothes, with a briefcase or folder in which he carries documents, a history album, a catalog and other tools.

A network distributor looks elegant, he does not need to carry bags with goods at all.

So, we found out the first task of a networker: with the help of his mentor, information sponsor, find his first customers and provide them with fresh information about the company's products and services. Where and how to find your first clients? This is the least of the problems. In each network marketing company, there are several ways to quickly find 5-10 clients, including personal meetings and group meetings, as well as an Internet site that works for you all 24 hours a day.

It is worth remembering that a novice distributor never works alone. At the initial stage, he is helped by his mentor - an information sponsor. The sponsor simultaneously teaches the newcomer all the skills of doing business and holds the first meetings with his acquaintances, showing how it should be done. He and the higher sponsors are interested in the success of the newcomer, so they are ready to reveal all their achievements and secrets.

Only in this business can you hear from the leader: “Dear colleague, how can I help you to become more successful in our business?” Therefore, a beginner is always supported and provided with all training materials, as well as effective tools to start this business. Everything is very simple.

Creation of a distribution network

The main networker is a commission from the company. What does this mean? You, as usual, tell your friends and acquaintances about new and high-quality goods and services of the company. Some of your acquaintances begin to use the services of the company and buy its products.

Let's take a simple example. Imagine that a company pays you only $10 for each purchase, let only five of your acquaintances want to buy something for themselves in this company. This means your commission will be $50. A little. Now imagine that your friends will repeat you and tell the same thing to five friends, and this is already 25 people. In this case, your reward will be $250. Calculate further for yourself how much you will earn every month if these 25 people each tell five more of their friends. The number of buyers will increase to 125 people, and your commission will be $1,250.

The good news is that no one limits you in the number of invited people, and you can plan your income yourself. People will start using the services and products of the company without your participation. Moreover, many of them will not even know you by sight.

This means that once you do business, you will constantly receive your fee as a percentage of the total number of sales of all customers attracted to your distribution network.

To make it easier for you to work, the company and its leaders organize special meetings and group presentations at which successful networkers will tell your acquaintances about all the benefits of this business. Also, you have the opportunity to use special tools: for example, and many other tools. Now we have figured out the second task of a networker: to build a network of distributors who will talk about the services and products of your company, and the company will reward them and you with cash payments. This means that you enable people to earn money by doing what they always do: share new information with friends and make recommendations. What's wrong with that?


Self-training and training of their newcomers. The knowledge that you receive from your mentors, you will pass on to your newcomers. There is nothing simpler: your mentors, information sponsors, periodically hold various seminars, schools, trainings. This is where you will invite your newcomers. Today it is very convenient to teach beginners using the Internet. One has only to connect to the system and learn in real time from their mentors.

So, the third task of a networker is to learn and pass this knowledge on to his newcomers, because you and your sponsors are interested in the success of any newcomer. Work in network marketing is teamwork, where everyone supports each other. Success in network marketing is achieved together.

Now you know what a networker does during his working days. But a job in network marketing would not be so attractive if it were only working days. You deserve much more than a routine banal job, so a whole system of rewards has been invented specifically to make the networker feel comfortable and enjoy his work.

This means that distributors receive recognition for their work. These are special gifts from a gold badge to an apartment or a car, these are insignia, this is promotion career ladder, it's a trip to different countries, as well as exclusive training from world leaders in this business. In a word, the lifestyle of a networker can truly be called a dream, but do not forget that the company rewards conscientious distributors, those who really work. All in fairness. Merit award.

How long does this business take?

You and I have the right to say that we have little time, that we don’t even have time to do household chores, sometimes it seems to us that we don’t even have time to relax, we don’t have time to do this business. Of course, but if you and I continue to live like this, then time will definitely not increase. Think, all people have the same amount of time of day, and all people achieve different successes. Someone can't make ends meet, and someone manages to do a lot in less time. What's the secret?

This is the great advantage of network marketing business. It frees up your time: once you create a working business system or, in other words, a network of regular customers or distributors, you receive royalties no matter what you are currently doing. This is where free time comes in, but for this to happen, you need to set aside a couple of hours a day now to start building your future.

Many successful networkers started this business, combining it with their work, devoting only a couple of hours a day to it. This is exactly the time that you and I spend in front of the TV, but watching TV will not change your life for the better and will not feed your children.

So maybe it's better to use this time to create a business that will bring you income in the future, even when you are relaxing or doing what you love? Time is a resource that you can just spend, and then it becomes less and less like money, but it can be wisely invested in creating a working business structure that brings you profit and gives you more free time, because the distribution network you created will grow and multiply and bring you an increasing income. This, in turn, will allow you to choose what is worth devoting more of your time to.

How much money does it take to start a network marketing business?

Someone may say: “I don’t have any money for this at all.” Here it is necessary to understand that money is required to start any business. Another question: "How much?" You and I are used to thinking that setting up a business requires substantial investments, and there are no guarantees at all that things will go well and we will be able to get our money back. And this is a true statement, but not for network marketing. One of the advantages of working in network marketing is that you can start it with whatever money you probably have.

You do not need to purchase expensive equipment, you do not need to hire staff and pay them a salary, you will not have the cost of production, packaging and transportation, you will not need to pay for the work of an accountant. The company will do all this for you, and, moreover, completely free of charge, you do not need to invest tens of thousands of dollars in organizing this business.

100-200 dollars is enough to get a turnkey business system + a set of goods or a company service for yourself and your family. For example, to start working with Avon, you do not need investments at all.

The benefit is that you can't go bankrupt in this business. You will never lose your invested money, because already at the first stage for your money you get high-quality goods at a significant discount, which you can either sell and make a profit, or keep and use them like a regular privileged client. You can no longer be called a deceived investor, but plus you get your mentor and a whole business system that has already made many people in your company successful.

Therefore, there are only two outcomes of this case, and both are beneficial for you: either your business will begin to grow and bring you increasing income, or you will receive an exclusive product or service of the company at a deep discount and become a preferred customer.

Let's look at this situation from the other side: if you are offered to buy a new Audi or Porsche car for only a thousand dollars, provided that the money is due tomorrow, will you take this opportunity? Certainly! And a $100-$200 business will bring you much more than a new car. People who say they don't have the money for this business have simply failed to see this greatest opportunity in the history of mankind and this unique system that has made so many people around the world successful and free.

When will I start receiving money and how much?

You need to understand that there are several sources of income in network marketing. We will tell you about two universal ones that are in any network company that operates legally.

  • The first source is the profit from customers who will not want and will constantly purchase products from you without a discount. You ask: “Why don't they want to register? After all, it is profitable!” Yes, but not everyone understands it. Moreover, a distributor buys products in small bulk, for example, for $200, and a customer may need to spend $100 to provide himself with products for a month, and today he has no desire to spend more than this amount, although the benefit is obvious. If he spent $200, he would get a significant discount. This means that there will always be people who will purchase the company's products for one hundred percent of the cost. This will provide you with a small but fast cash flow. Some distributors, using only this source of income, earn from 400 to 2000 dollars a month.
  • The second source is the income from the turnover of the distribution network you have built. This source of income is the most attractive because it gives you the opportunity to receive passive income. The downside is that in the first months of your work you will not see big profits, but the upside is that by creating passive income for yourself, you will free up your time and will receive money no matter what you do. The network is built and lives its own life.

This is how your business can become international, because many of your distributors have friends and relatives abroad, and you will be able to say: "I am doing international business." But be prepared for the fact that at first you will find a small profit, but the more people join your team, the faster your income will begin to multiply.

This can be visualized: the lake is completely overgrown with lilies in 30 days, every day one lily gives offspring in the form of another lily, and if only a lily grew today, tomorrow there will be two, the day after tomorrow - 4, then - 8. And here's what's interesting : on the 29th day, the lake will only be overgrown by half, and in just one, 30th day, another half of the lake will be overgrown. This is how the distribution network grows, which at the very beginning does not bring great results.

But there will come a time when doubling the network will bring you significant income. Imagine that you can invite only one person per month to this business and teach him to do the same, that is, invite only one person per month to this business. Let's calculate how many people will be in your network in 1 year. First month: you invite one of your friends, now there are two of you. Second month: You invite another one and your friend will do the same. Now there are four of you. Third month: all four will invite one at a time, and there will be eight of you. It is easy to calculate that in the fourth month your network will consist of 16 people, in the fifth month - of 32 people, in the sixth - of 64. At this moment, it may seem to us that the network is developing poorly and will not bring much money, but be patient, because in the seventh month your network will already have 128 people.

And this is only subject to the invitation of only one person per month. Even if we are lazy, and half of our network is also not active, your network will still consist of two thousand people, even if only half of them buy something, you will receive commissions from 1000 people, and these are not bad money. Provided that from each purchase you will be credited with 10 dollars, your monthly income will be 10,000 dollars, even if these people work twice as bad, then your income will still be a decent amount. Agree, this is a good increase to your salary!

But I can hear from you a legitimate question: “I don’t have so many acquaintances, where can I get so many people?” This is one of the benefits of a network marketing business. You just need to invite only five people to this business, and they, in turn, will bring an entire army, repeating you. So your network can grow exponentially. Moreover, it is not necessary to build a network within your city. Having friends and relatives in other cities, your distributors will take this business out of your place of residence, expanding its boundaries.

So, if you decide to go into this business, what lies ahead for you?

  • Your environment and personal growth. What does it mean? The fact is that your life largely depends on the people who surround you, and if you are always surrounded by poor or sick people, then most likely you will be the same. Working in network marketing, you will be surrounded by positive people who are set for success, you will be trained successful people, which means that after a while you will become the same.

Working in network marketing provides you with unlimited passive income. This means that by doing the work once, you will receive income for the rest of your life.

  • It can be compared to plumbing. You can go to the well for water every day, or you can spend 2-3 years building a water supply system, and the water will flow into your house by itself. You will only need to open the faucet.
  • Recognition and travel. Each network marketing company rewards its distributors not only with money, but also with career opportunities. And the higher your status in the company, the more bonuses and gifts you will receive.

Many companies encourage their distributors with new cars or apartments, as well as travel to exotic places on our planet.

  • One of the most compelling benefits of network marketing is the freedom to. Freedom from bosses. You will not have a boss, but you will have a mentor who is interested in your success. Freedom of choice. You will choose who you work with, when and where. Freedom from the alarm. You don't have to wake up every day with an alarm clock at seven o'clock in the morning. You yourself will plan your work schedule. Freedom to choose your income. Now no one will be able to limit your income, you yourself will set any bar that is comfortable for you.

Too good to be true? Yes, we have heard a lot of bad things about this industry, but think about whether a person who does not work in this business can give any advice, is it possible to judge what we do not understand and you and I can choose who to learn from and whom to listen to: the successful or the poor and sick. All this sounds good, but what are the pitfalls? After all, it can’t be that everything was fine?

Yes, we must tell you about the disadvantages of this business, and the main one is failures. In ordinary life, we are not used to getting rejected, but in this business, 8 out of 10 people will say: “No.” It's frustrating, but you and I understand that these are the people who failed to see the greatest opportunity in this business. They say, "No!" not to you, they say: "No!" themselves, they deprive themselves of a good future, deprive themselves of travel and a free life, they say to themselves: “No!”. But two out of ten will say: “Yes!”. They were able to see in this proposal all the advantages for themselves, for solving their problems. It is with these people that you will succeed together, using network marketing as the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind, and then everything will be fine in your life!

There were times when network marketing companies had a rather unhealthy reputation and people shunned this type of activity. Times have changed and the niche has been well cleaned. Today, many of the most successful companies in the world work precisely on the principle of direct sales (multi-level marketing). And if we add to this the advantages of Internet promotion, then it seems not so surprising that many people have started running a network business on the Internet.

In a business like network marketing, you often get 2 main incomes: percentage of sales for promoting the manufacturer's products and percentage of sales of people who you recruited into the company. The more people you recruit, the larger your structure and customer network becomes, and therefore the more money you can earn.

Long before the advent of the Internet, many companies network marketing was focused on attracting new distributors, for which a fixed premium was paid. No one paid attention to product sales. In the end, these companies had to leave the market due to insufficient sales, and it turned out that only those who were at the top of the structure made money, and this business principle was regarded as illegal.

I started this topic in order to answer all your concerns, and to let you know that if you suddenly find a network company whose products you yourself will be interested in, then this is an incredible opportunity to start earning absolutely legally and with interest. In fact, you probably already know many companies. For example, cosmetics company Mary Kay is a great example of running a direct selling business. You can also highlight the coffee company Organo Gold, and many other names. And all this business can be done entirely on the Internet.

Many MLM or network companies have already explored the potential of online promotion, and you can even find plenty of prebuilt platforms and websites that you can use for your own personal use. In addition to training materials and products, the company also provides you with a website and tells you how to use it. Although the mere presence of this site does not necessarily guarantee you success.

How to make money on direct sales in network marketing?

In many cases, the person who recruited you to the company can tell you how to drive traffic that is interested in the topic. But here are a few things you can do to boost your sales and get more recruits on your own:

Start your own blog: if your site is not equipped with an additional blog - and in most cases it will be so - then it would be nice for you to acquire one yourself. You can tell readers about different business secrets, give various recommendations for using products, and use the blog to attract new people interested in starting a business. Many networkers create separate blocks - some to attract customers, others to attract business partners. The benefit of having a blog is that it helps you keep in touch with your readers and generate a stronger community, which will then help you build a permanent market and a stronger partner structure.

Use social networks: Facebook and Twitter are the must-have tools of our era. All people hang out on social networks. Create your own account or fan page to keep in touch with people. If you're in an online business, then focus on finding people who might be interested in either using the products or partnering with the company you work for. You can also local potential consumers, especially if you often hold parties with product testing or tasting.

Create a mailing list: once you have a blog or website, it means it's time to build your mailing list. Since you are paid for new recruits and for product sales, therefore, it is better for you to create two separate mailing lists so that you can provide people with only the information they are interested in. It often happens that a person who is a potential partner of the company is himself interested in registering with the company, but this is not always the case. It may happen that visiting your site, he will not find the support he needs, and will go to a competing structure. Once you get such a person's email address, you can add them to a mailing list to supply them with breaking news, as well as talk about company news.

To independently explore the opportunities that the Internet can give you in network companies, you can simply use the search engine by entering the relevant key phrases. You will see thousands of results. Some will be more successful than others, but there are still benefits to working online. Making money in network marketing with the help of the Internet is a fairly secure way to earn money that will allow you to create an entire online direct selling empire.

What do you think about this? Tell us in the comments about your own experience!

What is network marketing and how can you make money in network marketing? Best Tips. Helpful video. Real Examples from life.

Have you noticed that when you open a newspaper with job search ads, in almost every text you will see the phrase: “Do not offer intimacy and network marketing!”

With intimacy, everything is clear, but why are people so scared of network marketing?

What is network marketing And is it possible to make a profit doing this business?

Now let's try to figure it out...

What is network marketing?

Behind the abbreviation MLM is the concept of multi-level marketing, which can literally be translated as multi-level, that is, network marketing.

Its essence lies in the fact that the seller of the product (which is not available in ordinary stores - bioadditives, cosmetics, kitchen appliances, electrical goods, etc.) is not only trying to sell it, but also to involve other sellers in the business.

His benefit is that every person he brought to the network will bring him income.

Those, in turn, also attract sellers, and thus a kind of pyramid is formed.

The biggest income in it are those who are closest to the top!

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with the described method, but for some reason most people try to avoid such activities and do not believe that it is possible.

But millionaires are sure that this is one of the simplest and most quick ways raise capital.

On one of the American talk shows, a very rich man was asked: What would he do if he lost his money?

The answer stunned those present: “I would go to work in network marketing!”

How to make money in network marketing: what is needed for this?

Network marketing, like any other job, requires certain knowledge and abilities. A person who does not know the multiplication table is unlikely to be able to work as an accountant.

Same here.

Successes in this matter are achieved by:

  • sociable people who are not afraid to turn to a stranger;
  • people who can and convincingly convey their point of view to others;
  • those who have many acquaintances or work in organizations with a large staff;
  • active and fast-learning men and women who can easily learn the entire range of goods.

If at least one of these points is a description of your merits, then you will be able and well make money in network marketing.

If not, then do something else instead.

What is network marketing: 3 real examples

Whether or not to choose this way of earning is up to you.

No one will give you a guarantee that in a couple of months this activity will be able to bring you good income.

I have both successful and sad examples from real life.

    “I did everything!”

    Network Marketing is a perfect business because it allows you to change intellectually, emotionally and physically over time. (Robert Kiyosaki)

    A friend of mine 10 years ago became one of the agents of a company that distributes household chemicals and cosmetics.

    This brand makes a fairly high-quality product, I myself bought it several times.

    The prices, however, are quite biting, but the main advantage of the products is that they last for a very long time.

    And here's a friend, decided to join the network.

    No one believed in the success of his venture.

    However, he gradually acquired a permanent clientele (the Internet helped him in this, by the way) and brought several dozen people into the business.

    Not all of them, of course, remained to work, but he has a stable income from the rest.

    He claims that his monthly salary is about UAH 10,000.

    "I don't aim for the stars..."

    My colleague has been a distributor of a well-known cosmetic company from Sweden for 3 years now. The brand is inexpensive, and the quality is quite good.

    The team is predominantly female, the authorities do not forbid the girls to sometimes flip through catalogs with products.

    A colleague never aspired to form her own network, network marketing for her is an opportunity to buy cosmetics for herself at a discount and receive gifts if the girls at work order a lot.

    She earns little, but she doesn’t need to invest anything: 4.50 UAH for a catalog and 12 UAH. - for shipping.

    But, nevertheless, she is happy with everything, and her colleagues are glad that there is an opportunity to buy products almost at home.

    Deceivers! What should I do now?!

    And here last example rather sad, but the man himself is to blame.

    My distant relative decided to make money by selling dishes.

    She registered as an agent, lent a large sum money, because you had to pay for the product first in order to be able to sell it.

    The dishes may be of high quality, but they cost so much that even a person with an average income is unlikely to afford them, especially when the shops are simply littered with all kinds of pans.

    She could not sell anything, but the loan must be repaid!

    She rushed to the office with a desire to return the goods and collect the money, and there she said: “So, they say, and so, dear: you yourself agreed with our conditions, so - excuse me.”

    On the one hand, I feel sorry for the relative, but on the other hand, no one got into her pocket.

    The company did nothing illegal.

    She offered the terms of cooperation, to which the potential employee agreed.

    The fact that they violated the laws of morality, promising mountains of gold, is another matter ...

Network marketing or scam?

The most difficult thing in network marketing is not the essence of the work, but the need to choose a company.

If you are invited to work for some well-known brand, then both on the Internet and among your acquaintances you will find enough information to make the right decision.

If the company is new, then in order to avoid meeting with scammers, pay attention to:

    A product that you will have to distribute.

    First, the item must be in stock.

    And secondly, the more harmonious the combination of price and product quality, the higher your chances of successfully selling it.

    Promises made by management.

    If you are promised fabulous profits the very next day, then your potential manager is either a fool or a scammer!

    They require you to invest money (my most “favorite” item!)

    It’s one thing to buy a product catalog or a few samples for a couple of hryvnias, but it’s quite another if you are called to purchase goods for several thousand.

    The likelihood that you can at least get your money back is REDUCED TO "0"!

    And we are not talking about making millions at all! Think!

Be sure to check out this helpful video!

Advice from successful multimillionaire Peter Daniels on how to

how to make money in network marketing!

P.S... I think it will open the eyes of many...

And the last thing you need to remember: any work requires time and effort.

If you think what is network marketing- this is nonsense compared to the profession of an accountant, then you are mistaken.

With this approach, you'd be better off doing something else.

Only 10% succeed in this business and it is up to you whether you join the favorites of this race or the outsiders.

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How to make money in MLM? A logical question that every newbie asks himself at the beginning of his journey

But let's first look at the root and first we will figure out whether it is possible and realistic to make money in the network business and in particular through the Internet.

Is it possible to make money in network marketing

Why the Internet, you ask? Yes, because today it is a trend and demand is growing more and more every day

Here is a small example:

You see two pictures. One picture shows that 2,526,370 people every month search the Internet for information related to online business. This screenshot was taken about half a year ago.

And the second picture was taken today, and you see growth for six months amounted to as much as 28%!

And this means that there are more and more people who want to open their online business every day.

I think not building a network business on the Internet today is just a crime.

From all of the above, we can draw an obvious conclusion. There is a demand and it is growing every day

And as you well know, demand always creates supply! And here is the question. Or it will be your MLM business proposal or someone else's, or even another business, it doesn't matter

Only one thing matters. People want their online business and are willing to pay for it

Therefore, it is obvious that in network marketing it is real, I would even say reinforced concrete, you can earn money via the Internet

Where such confidence?

Yes, because my team and I have already proved it! We got results that we could only dream of.

By the way, you can get free access to my new book on the right or immediately below this article and learn in great detail about the unique system that we successfully use in our business.

How to make money in MLM business

You must understand the golden rule: money makes money!

I think it's a big mistake today to connect business partners for free

Imagine you are opening a restaurant with a partner. You have invested all the money, and your partner has nothing. I think you will not take such a partner, since it is obvious that your motivation will go off scale at a time when your partner will not be particularly worried

Yes, and you spent money, time, energy and did not earn anything at the same time ... Doesn't this seem strange to you?

Money makes money! The client, the partner has paid - you have received your percentage. The more and more often they pay, the more and more often you earn

Therefore, the first thing you need to do to successfully make money in network marketing is to determine the cost of entering your business.

And here I will give you a useful life hack. This is one sales technique that works great is called " Choice without choice»

When you offer a candidate one option to join you in the business, he chooses between joining or not joining. But if you offer 3 switching options, starting with the most expensive one, then he already switches and chooses between options

Thus, the percentage of connections will be much higher! Make good use of this moment

Second important point, This payment frequency

According to statistics, it is 7 times easier to sell an existing client than to attract a new one! This means that if your partners make regular monthly purchases, then you will consistently earn many times more in network marketing.

To do this, you can apply additional stimulation. For example, organize training only for those people who make purchases for a certain amount every month

The third equally important point is increase in the average check

I see one big mistake in many places. Everyone pays the same, from beginners who do not earn anything, to leaders who already have a decent check. I think this is fundamentally wrong.

It is important to create a partner's path that he will follow, earn more and naturally pay more. Of course it doesn't have to look like a pyramid. There should be real value behind a higher payment, and you can very well create it, again organizing additional training, as an option.

So, as a result, we get the following:

Payment amount * Number of payments * Average check growth rate * Your percentage of sales * Number of partners = $$$

With the help of it, you can see on real numbers how important those points that I told you about above are.

Put zero in at least one place (which is often done by networkers who do not understand) and you will have zero at the output