Sale of violets how to organize a business. Home business: growing and selling violets

And growing houseplants. At all times, even with a total shortage, our grandmothers and mothers created comfort with the help of crochet hooks and pots of flowers. Fashion is changeable, including flower fashion. Pots of ficuses and oleanders replace pots of geraniums and begonias, indoor lemons and Tradescantia are being replaced by Dieffenbachia and Monstera, but if one day the violet of uzambar (saintpaulia) conquered you, be sure that it will never let you go.

I don't know of a single houseplant, except for the violet, which could be turned into a colony in three or four months. the most beautiful flowers. The amazing ability of saintpaulia to bloom 9 months a year, unpretentiousness, a variety of sizes, shapes and colors, a large number of collectors and violet lovers, puts this flower in first place for those who want to start their business from scratch. Incredible species diversity (there are currently about 8 thousand varieties of Saintpaulia in the world) does not reduce the number of people who want to engage in the selection of this flower. Moreover, if you have experience in growing and caring for your variety, any fan of violets can breed - an example of this is the numerous exhibitions organized by enthusiasts of Saintpaulia breeding.

For an enterprising lady, this data alone is enough to rush in search of planting material these amazing flowers. In the 90s, it was from violets that my neighbor received her first money after she was fired due to a reduction in staff. Since the article is not devoted to the industrial cultivation of flowers in specialized greenhouses, but to those who wish to do this "at home", then the first steps will be described for beginners. Detailed Instructions and advice from knowledgeable flower growers on growing violets can be found on the vast Internet, here we will dwell on the main points needed in order to start selling.

Why do I need it and where can I get planting material?

I am a pensioner, I have a lot of free time and an increase in my pension would not hurt. I am a housewife, my circle of occupations is still limited to the house, but I really want to send my emotions somewhere and realize creative impulses, and every woman needs money “for pins”. I have always been fond of indoor flowers, I have a lot of experience in growing them, it's time to earn money to move to a new level. It so happened that after an illness, I am very limited in opportunities, I want to find a business to which I can give my soul and have additional income. I am a teenager, I constantly need pocket money for every little thing, a great opportunity not to beg for it from my parents. And so on ... You can, and should, earn money on your own and someone else's hobby!

Since Saintpaulia reproduces beautifully with leaves, rosettes (depending on the variety), we take them wherever it lies badly, you can stealthily pinch off a leaf from friends (of course, without harming the appearance and health of the entire bush), or ask for a leaf or rosette (often given), you can you can take a “tortured” plant in the office and disassemble it into leaves, you can ask your friends grannies (many have very rare specimens). Well, and finally, buy a uterine bush in a flower shop. Remember often unsightly appearance plants are the result of poor or improper care. Ugly violets do not exist!

Planting and soil, climate and watering

For planting, the edge of the leaf is cut off and slightly dried in the air. The soil for the “mother liquor” is chosen poor: a mixture of sand and peat 1x1, so that the leaves and roots of the future plant form faster (the necessary nutrition will be given to them by the mother leaf), which will appear in about a month. Under the nursery, elongated plastic containers can be reused. The plants are then transplanted into individual pots. The composition of the soil there will be different: coarse sand 1 part x sod land 1 part x peat (or soil from under coniferous trees) 1 part.

For the cultivation of saintpaulias for the purpose of business on indoor plants, it is necessary to allocate a special room for them or equip a part of the room with an area of ​​12-15 square meters. I say right away that a standard loggia will not work because of the temperature and light conditions. Violets do not like direct sunlight, but a darkened room is not for them. Violets do not tolerate drafts. The room should be equipped with shelves or racks to accommodate as many plants as possible. The temperature should be between 20 - 25 degrees, in winter time 2 - 3 degrees lower, if you have intensive heating in winter, adjust the humidity of the air, you can put bowls or basins of water under the racks or purchase an air humidifier. Their daylight hours are about 10 hours, which means that in winter they will have to be illuminated.

After proper fit The most important part of the daily care of saintpaulias is their watering. NEVER! Do not water the flowers except in the pan. If you read somewhere that you need to spray them with a spray bottle, throw away the magazine, delete the page. The presentation of your flower directly depends on how beautiful the flowers and leaves look. If drops of water get on the leaves or you “bathed” it once, the leaves and flowers will remain grayish, faded until you remove it. Flower growers keep violets in perfect cleanliness, often even behind the glass doors of the racks, as in an aquarium. Fallen dust particles look very unattractive on fluffy leaves. There is one trick to save space on watering. Buy plastic racks (ordinary canteens), make racks according to their size, then water by pouring water into the racks, so you water several plants at once at the same time, and they will drink exactly as much as they need.

Realization of grown indoor flowers

Can you grow violets? all year round, for sale to offer flower shops, stalls, gift shops by March 8 ( home business ideas), acquaintance with florists will not hurt, you can offer them flowers for decorating the interiors of cafes, offices, children's institutions and clinics (these flowers are not allergenic). Do not bypass the possibilities of the local press, let's advertise in a special section. Create your pages on social networks, declare yourself. Even the most modest young saintpaulias are sold from 150 rubles per pot, but if you are the owner of a rare specimen, then your sales will be much higher). Look for customers among those who want to decorate their private greenhouses and winter gardens. Create your own catalog of uzambara violets and offer cuttings for exchange online.

The success of your business is to take into account and eliminate the mistakes and shortcomings of large greenhouses for growing flowers, and accordingly earn money on them. For example, offer to purchase additional substrate for violets from you. Whatever manufacturers write on packages like: “special soil for Saintpaulia ...”, in fact it turns out that there is mainly peat. A flower cannot exist for a long time in such soil. Prepare the soil yourself, pack it in bags per kilogram and offer it through the same channels. Here is a good time-tested composition of soil suitable for violets:

1 part coarse sand (wash thoroughly)

1 part of sheet soil (steam in the oven at 80 degrees for about an hour),

1 part of coniferous soil (process, as well as sheet).

All subsequent feeding of plants should be carried out with watering. Before planting violets, my mother put a small piece of salted herring in each pot after drainage, I have no idea why, she said that her mother did the same, but the flowers in our house were always surprising.

You can create “greenhouse conditions”, as they said, from scratch, or you can spend a little money and immediately move forward significantly. The most expensive will be the purchase of phytolamps (from 200 to 500 rubles apiece), depending on the area and configuration of the racks, you need to calculate the required number, you can purchase portable ones with suction cups and move them to the right place. Racks or shelves can also be of very different prices (about 5 thousand rubles), add a humidifier here (the simplest is about 1.5 thousand rubles), I often turn on an ionizer for my flowers (1.5 thousand rubles). Naturally, you will need plastic containers, growth and rooting stimulants, as well as trace elements for top dressing. Keep within 10-15 thousand rubles, but this is already a frank luxury).

And finally, you can grow any indoor flowers for sale, including in summer season in the country . Following Saintpaulia, try gloxinia, fuchsia, campanulla, etc. All "grandmother's" flowers are in fashion trend today more than ever.

Video about violets

In the proposed video, once again I invite you to admire the eternal beauty of magnificent violets

Breeding uzambar violets (saintpaulia) is not only a beauty, but also a great idea for a home business. This type plants have long been of great interest to flower growers.

If you go to a flower shop, you will notice that the price of flowering potted plants is quite high, in addition, most of them are stuffed with various chemicals, as a result, after flowering, the plant simply dies.

Therefore, the uzambar violet is one of the few plants that does not require much trouble.

Let's look at all the benefits of this unpretentious houseplant:

1. Beautiful flowers, featuring a variety of shapes and shades. The size of the flowers varies from 8 to 10 cm.
2. Bouquet flowering - perfect solution for a gift.
3. Bloom within a month or throughout the year, depending on the variety.
4. Bloom at any time of the year.
5. Quite unpretentious in care.
6. Quick and easy propagation (6 months from cutting to flower).
7. Often acts as a collectible.
8. Varieties are constantly updated.

Thus, violet is ideal for business.

You can see the whole variety of varieties in special catalogs of breeders and collectors. There you can also order the first batch for breeding or find a private collector in your city.

The cost of purchasing the first batch will be about $ 200 at the rate of $ 1.5 per piece. You can use used lamps, and make racks from improvised materials.

The process of breeding uzambar violets:

1. Transplant the babies into larger pots.

2. Tear off the petals from them for 2 months (violet propagates by cuttings) and plant in a new place.
The seedlings you bought will bloom in about 1.5-2 months and can be sold, and with the proceeds you can buy pots, soil and moss, the cost of which will be less than $ 1.

Torn off leaves will bloom in 4-5 months and will give 3-6 babies each. Young plants can be made to bloom faster if exposed to light (1-2 months). By March 8, it is quite possible to grow and sell more than 1000 pieces, $ 5 per plant. Total: profit from the sale - $ 5000 and this is only during the holidays.

It is best to arrange sales of goods in flower shops in your city, they are happy to buy plants, especially on the eve of the holidays. Uzambara violets bloom much longer than the Dutch consumer goods. Therefore, problems with the implementation should not arise.

At first, you can run a household at home, allocating a separate room for breeding violets, later you can rent a small basement.

As already mentioned, violets do not require laborious care (planting - 1 day a month, watering - 3 hours a week), moreover, the time and effort expended are more than compensated by the contemplation of the fruits of their labor.

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Breeding and selling violets is quite an interesting business. And not too costly. In addition, they can be engaged in addition to the main work.

Why it's worth doing
People have always loved flowers and tried to grow them at home. In luxury flower shops provided wide choose green pets, however, not everyone can afford to buy a lush hydrangea, curly azaleas or capricious alocasia. They are demanding to care for, and they cost a lot of money. Yes, and potted flowers do not take root well at the buyer's house - not such watering, not that humidity, not that light. But violets are very familiar flowers. They are extremely unpretentious, everyone knows how to take care of them, and if suddenly the flower is “naughty”, you can always ask your friend “how she heals”.

At the same time, Russian, Ukrainian and foreign breeders have bred varieties that will overshadow any rose in beauty, surpass the most magnificent begonia in size and volume, and the combination of colors will enchant anyone. In a small pot, a whole bouquet constantly flaunts. Now flower growers bring out violets not only with magnificent flowers, but also with beautiful foliage. There are violets with dark green leaves, along the edges of which there is a white border, with tricolor leaves, with variegated ones. The choice is great. And the names of breeding violets simply cannot let go of themselves. "Bride's Bouquet", "Beloved Son", "Dear Friend"...

The prices for these plants are very high. Any woman or man can afford such a purchase. Violet propagates easily - both by cuttings, and by cutting a leaf, and even by seeds. True, breeding specimens from seeds are very difficult to grow. Yes, this is not necessary. One cutting can produce from one to ten new plants.

Where to get varietal violets
Modest little white, pink or blue violets that grandmothers sell are not a problem to buy. But this is not quite the product that will be willingly snapped up. A flower should be bright, beautiful, the whole market should not be littered with such flowers, it should surprise, delight and cause a desire to buy.

Previously, there were violets on almost every window, but then flower growers considered that this was a “grandmother's” flower and interest in these prudes disappeared. But some lovers of the Gesneriaceae decided not only to revive this flower, but also to make it more beautiful. They succeeded. Now there are so many varieties that it is easy to bring new varieties to the market without fear of repetition. And lovers of violets, even having a solid collection at home, will not be able to pass by.

It is better to buy violets in online stores. In St. Petersburg, Balashikha and other cities, there are entire specialized stores that offer goods at very favorable prices. Some breeders have their own websites where you can order a flower not only of amazing beauty, but also a recently bred, exclusive one. And for buyers - collectors, such a flower is of particular value. On the websites of shops and breeders, you can calmly look at photos of the proposed flowers, choose thoughtfully and, slowly, calculate the price.

What are the expected costs

1. The product itself. It can be bought in leaflets - their cost fluctuates quite significantly, from 15 rubles to 200, 300 rubles. You can take sockets. They cost a little more, but they will be ready for sale much faster, and they will give material for further breeding (the same leaves). You can buy an already adult flower. Here the price will be even higher, but by selling it and pinching off the leaves, you can immediately restore the money spent. However, as a rule, adult plants are sold with a minimum number of leaves; at its best and it is unlikely to be sold quickly. It is better to order a rosette and a leaf of the same plant.

While your leaf takes root and grows, the rosette will already bloom and will pay off the costs. Another tip - do not choose the cheapest sheet, its quality will be excellent (violets sellers value their reputation very much), but its beauty and originality may not be the highest. In addition, the same leaf, if it has a long stalk, can be used twice, or even thrice (the leaf is dug in, gives rosettes, they grow a little and the old stalk is cut off. Then it can be planted again).

2. Pots for flowers. The smaller the pot, the faster the violet will bloom. The famous breeder Makuni for the experiment tried to grow flowers in matchbox and the plants were doing great. True, in this case, the grower himself adds trouble - such plantings have to be watered much more often. The pots should be small, it is worth buying seedling pots, and their price is low - from 1.5 rubles to 3.

3. Ground. Ready soil for violets can be bought at any flower shop. But it’s not at all difficult to make this soil yourself. Violets require loose, breathable soil, the specific composition of the soil can be easily found on the Internet.

4. Shelving (perhaps the most expensive thing in this business). Of course, on initial stage such a device may not be needed, but over time it is still worth acquiring. It is convenient to place a large number of plants on the shelves, it is easy to bring lighting to it (there may not be enough space for everyone on the windowsill, but in another place, in winter, there will not be enough light).

5. Other. This includes sphagnum moss, which is worth buying for better rooting of leaves, watering cans, top dressing ... Every flower lover has this, it is not necessary to buy it, and large investments are not required here. Here, for starters, that's all.

Who buys violets
Violets are the kind of flowers that want quite a few buyers. First of all, these are the so-called one-time buyers. That is, they saw - liked - bought. Therefore, the goods must be attractive, in brand new, better, identical pots, and the seller himself, too, must be friendly, correct and pleasant to look at. The seller must know what he is selling - give advice, draw the attention of the buyer to the best sides goods, offer related products.

The seller should take into account that each "one-time" buyer can become a regular customer. Often, when buying one pot with a flower and, after talking with a competent seller, the “one-time” buyer takes more and more. For these purposes, you need to have packages - T-shirts, for the convenience of the buyer. It also happens that the inability to take a lot of goods serves as a refusal to purchase.

There are buyers "donors", that is, those who want to give a live bouquet for some kind of celebration. For these purposes, you can have a gift box with you. She will take up little space, and add extra money.

And, of course, it is especially worth mentioning about collectors. These people are eager to buy those copies that they do not have. And they take not one or two flowers, but several at once. It is for such buyers that you should definitely stick a beautiful, neat sticker with the name of the flower, with the name of the one who brought it to the pots. For example, "E. Korshunova "Brazilian Topaz", etc. These buyers need to be handed their business cards or just phone numbers, you need to keep in touch with them.
Again, it should be said that any buyer can become a collector or a regular buyer.

Where to look for a market
You can sell violets even without leaving your home - go to any groups of violet growers (and there are quite a lot of such groups now), put photos of your flowers there and wait for buyers. However, it is worth considering that trade will go much faster if people see the product live, they can examine it in detail and immediately receive it. Therefore, along with working on the Internet, you should offer your flowers live.

Owners of flower pavilions buy violets well. They, of course, buy violets in wholesale stores, but the choice there is limited to 2-5 types (maybe more in big cities). The assortment of a private individual is beyond comparison. Of course, here you will have to cut yourself in price, but a big gain in time - you will not have to sit on the market yourself. In addition, if you organize the delivery to the pavilions, flowers can be sold even in cold weather, when the open market is no longer suitable for sales.
Most of all you can earn on the open market. Here it is easy to set your price and vary it, depending on the competition and the influx of buyers. Here you can also find buyers who will take flowers from you already under the order.

On holidays such as September 1, New Year, March 8, you can arrange your own, small exhibitions. To do this, you will need to rent a small corner in the store, at the post office, in food pavilions - in any passageway where you can agree. In this case, you will have to spend money on rent, but the profit is worth it. True, it is worth deploying if there is a lot of goods.

Advantages and disadvantages
The violet business is interesting, exciting, does not require huge expenses, it can be easily handled by both a woman, an elderly lady who needs additional income, and a young, energetic man - his capabilities will allow the business to unfold much wider, and therefore get more income. There are downsides to this as well. Having bought several leaves or rosettes at once, you cannot immediately enter the market with them, it takes time. Even if you buy ready-made plants and sell them, it will take time for new marketable material to grow.

Unless indoor or online sales are established, sales will have to be suspended until the warmer season. Perhaps that's all. But this business will bring not only profit, but also great pleasure.

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For such a business, you will need a separate room or a basement - there you will begin to plant flowers. At the initial stage, you can get by with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfree window sills. Uzambara violets do not require special care, they are extremely unpretentious. The main and only prerequisite is to water three times a week.


Of course, you should not immediately rush to plant flowers in the hope that they will bring you millions. Are there many flower growers in your city? You can go to flower shops, casually find out how many violets they sell per month. It is sometimes difficult to sell more than fifteen flowers in a month. It is easy to calculate that the revenue will be only a couple of thousand per month, because you will sell them for two hundred rubles.

Even in a big city it will be difficult to make a profit, because the most profitable places there have long been occupied. But you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time - you can earn money on violets, many have proven this from their own experience. You just need to buy once, and then plant flowers yourself. But the main rule is impressive volumes, an abundance of sales channels. Without this, it will not be possible to make a successful business out of the flower business.


The flower growers make the soil for growing Uzambara violets themselves. For him, buy a bag of soil, a glass of washed sand, a glass of sphagnum moss, a glass of foam. You will also need a spoon charcoal, dolomite flour.

For planting, take plastic pots. Do not compact the soil too much - it should absorb moisture well. From fertilizers it is better to choose Gerbasmin. But remember about fungal diseases of violets. Twice a month, water the flowers with a solution of foundationazole.

Plant the "babies" of the cuttings when they reach a height of five centimeters. Pull out the cutting directly from the ground, separate the "kids".


It is advisable to take cuttings from breeders. Let's calculate costs and benefits. The first batch will cost you about two hundred dollars. Lamps for light can be taken second-hand, and shelving is easy to make from boards on your own. Seedlings will bloom after a month and a half. The plucked leaves bloom after four to five months, giving you three to six "babies". With directional light, violets will bloom earlier. On the eve of the holidays, you can sell a very large number of violets. Example: You are selling a flower for five dollars. On the eve of March 8, you manage to sell up to a thousand pieces. As you can see, the profit will be quite tangible.

Sales locations

You can sell violets online. To do this, it is better to create your own website. You can try selling plants to flower shops. And you can open a small shop in the city. By the way, you can open a point of sale on the roar. And someone sells violets from the track - at the same time they have a very good profit.

And if things go well, you can start planting other flowers. After all, buyers are attracted by a large assortment. Sell ​​plants in beautiful pots - this will also increase demand. Do not be upset if things do not work out right away - study the market, the psychology of people. then you will be able to earn house plant good money!

Breeding uzambara violets (saintpaulia) is a great way to turn a hobby into a home business. They are hardy and easy to breed. This type of plant has long been of increased interest among flower growers. Our business plan will help you start your own small flower business.

Soil preparation

There is no special soil for sale for Uzambara violets. It's better to cook it yourself. Mix the components thoroughly. Proportions:

  • 1 package (2 l) of prepared soil (for example, "Vermione");
  • 1 glass of coarse washed sand;
  • 1-2 tsp charcoal (you can burn it yourself or buy ready-made);
  • 1 tsp dolomite flour to neutralize the acid reaction of peat;
  • 1 glass of sphagnum moss;
  • 1.5 cups perlite (you can use styrofoam chips).

Planting in pots

Most Suitable plastic pots. The ratio of the diameter of the pot to the diameter of the outlet is 1:3. Small children are planted in pots with a diameter of 4-5 cm. When planting, do not compact the ground so that it is well saturated with water.

Important! When landing in clay pots In winter, violet roots become very cold and can rot.

Fertilizers and disease prevention

Good fertilizers: Pokon (required for flowering, contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium) and Herbamine (contains nitrogen and growth stimulants for growing green mass).

Saintpaulias are prone to fungal diseases. Once every 2-3 months, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis - water the violets with a solution of foundationol. To increase resistance to stressful conditions (heat, cold, lack of light), occasionally spray the plants with an epin solution, especially before transplanting and flowering (3-4 drops per 100 ml of warm water).

Diseases of the Uzambara fialos to

seating children

After the appearance of children at the base of the cutting and reaching 4-5 cm, you can proceed to seating. We take out the stalk with the shoots, shake off part of the earth and separate the children. Sort them by size, the strongest will give best plants and bloom faster. Interestingly, in multicolor saintpaulias, the weakest children often produce the most unusual flowers.

For planting babies, prepare pots with a diameter of 3-4 cm. If there are few or no roots on them, add sphagnum moss or plant the baby in finely chopped sphagnum. Attach a label to each pot with the following information: variety, cutting date, cutting planting date, and baby planting date. Also, the numbering of children will be useful for business on violets. For example, 1/5, where 1 is the number of children in size, and 5 is the number of children from one cutting.

Important! In order for the children to take root better, do not remove the earth from the roots.

Growing Secrets: Tips for Beginners

Innovative Methods

EM technology

Scientists are sure that the essence of soil fertility lies in “feeding bacteria and other living things” that live in the soil in large numbers. Everything is very simple. You need to feed on microbes and earthworms, and they will feed your plants. Neither organics nor minerals by themselves will turn into an assimilated form.

How to use:

  • EEM-1 - basic aqueous solution;
  • EM5 - protection of plants from pests and diseases;
  • EM compost is the foundation of good harvests;
  • EM extract of fermented vegetable raw materials - top dressing and weed control.

Violets and hydroponics

Hydroponics is a new trend in crop production. During the experiments, it was found that this method is suitable for growing violets. Main advantages: ease of cultivation and no need for watering. That is, you planted a plant and for a long time forget that you need to take care of it. As a substrate, you can use perlite, expanded clay, vermiculite, basalt fiber or mineral wool. Any inert materials are suitable for home hydroponics.

Financial plan

Buy cuttings from breeders. The cost of purchasing the first batch will be 200$ at the rate of $ 1.5 per piece. You can use used lamps, and make racks from improvised materials.

Sale of cuttings

The seedlings you bought will bloom in about 1.5-2 months and can be implemented. With the proceeds received, you can buy pots, soil and moss, the cost of which will be less than $ 1.

Cost of cuttings - from 1.5-2 dollars(depending on the variety of violets).

How much can you earn from flowers?

Torn off leaves will bloom in 4-5 months and will give 3-6 babies each. Young plants can be made to bloom faster if exposed to light (1-2 months). By March 8, it is quite possible to grow and sell more than 1000 pcs. The cost of each unit is $5. Total: profit from the sale - $ 5,000 (this is only during the holidays).

Implementation Methods

Internet sales

The main ways: creating your own website, promoting the group in social networks. networks or sale on thematic forums. It is better to blog, write articles about growing, share experiences, add photos. Sending plants is carried out by any postal service.

Packing for shipping

  1. Cut off a suitable cutting on the day you send the parcel.
  2. Wrap it in wet cotton wool (100% cotton).
  3. Wrap a damp cotton pad in cling film to retain moisture for a long time.
  4. Put the prepared stalk in a bag. Wrap with paper towel for better preservation.
  5. Put it in a mailbox and send the parcel. The stalk is stored up to 5 days.

Negotiate with flower shop owners

The trade dress of the flower plays an important role. If you will be selling adult violets, plant them in presentable pots.

Open up your little dot

Think, in your city there is a shop that specializes exclusively in breeding uzambara violets? Most likely no. But true lovers of these flowers would prefer to shop in a specialized store. Grab a niche!

How to expand the flower business?

Should I open a flower shop?

Naturally, yes. But keep in mind, they "live" at the expense of the holidays. In this case, the main successful place (for example, the city center or near the registry office) and a professional florist. Costs and payback depend on the scale of the business.

We grow roses