What can cause bruising on the legs. Bruises on the legs in women for no reason: why and how to treat? Subjective causes of bruising

Bruises on the legs that appear for no apparent reason are usually alarming, and, of course, a person wants to know their cause. Bruises can appear anywhere on the body and their location can be a symptom of an illness. Various factors can lead to bruising, but a timely examination can save a life.

On the legs, bruises appear as discolored skin, blue, black, or a combination of the two. Damaged blood vessels in the legs cause blood to rise to the surface, which is a bruise. Hematomas usually heal within 2-4 weeks. As the bruise heals, various color changes occur, ranging from yellowish-green, brown, reddish-blue to blue-black.

Causes of bruising on the legs

  1. Physical activity or injury

Seemingly minor injuries can lead to bruises and bruises. It can take several days for a bruise to form, which is not uncommonly a cause for concern. Intense exercise can damage small blood vessels. Then the blood seeps out and forms a bruise on the leg or other part of the body.

  1. Sun

Solar UV radiation damages the skin and blood vessels, which leads to bruising, especially in older people.

  1. Side effects of medicines

Various medications can affect the ability of the blood to clot. Platelet function of blood cells is impaired by many anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin and ibuprofen affect platelet function. Other drugs that cause inflammation in the tissues and blood vessels can also leak blood, causing the legs to turn blue. Examples are contraceptives and corticosteroids.

  1. Aging

Fabrics lose their elasticity with age, and even minor minor injuries can lead to bruising on the legs for no apparent reason.

  1. vitamin deficiency

Vitamins are important factors in various body processes. Deficiencies in vitamins B12, C, K, and folic acid can lead to internal tissue damage or weakened blood vessels, resulting in bruising on the legs.

  1. Fat reduction

Body fat is the natural damping of the body. Thin people or people who are prone to rapid weight loss are more prone to unreasonable bruising on various parts of the body, including the legs.

  1. Diabetes

The presence of a disease such as diabetes leads to vascular disease and can cause easy bruising. Black acanthosis is a dark bruise that appears in the folds of the body and on the neck. Many believe that the presence of this color in a bruise is a warning sign of the impending development of diabetes.

  1. Blood diseases

Various blood diseases can lead to bruising for no apparent reason. These diseases include: sepsis, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, and platelet dysfunction. Blood cancer can cause either an excess or deficiency of certain blood cells, which can also lead to bruising, fatigue, weight loss, and weakness. Any suspicion of one of these types of diseases requires immediate medical attention as they can be deadly.

  1. Graves' disease

Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland leads to global changes in the physiology of the body. People with Graves' disease lose weight quickly, which is often accompanied by the development of small bruises in the form of cobwebs.

  1. Other reasons

Home remedies for bruising

Cold Compress. Under the influence of cold, damaged blood vessels shrink, which stops bleeding and reduces inflammation. Try putting an ice pack on the affected area for 15 minutes three times a day.

Warm Compress. Warm compresses can be applied 48 hours after the injury. You can apply a warm towel or heating pad to a bruise that appears for no reason for 10 minutes three times a day to speed up resorption.

Raising the legs. Large bruises on the legs are not uncommon due to swelling. Elevating the legs can help reduce the hematoma and relieve swelling.

OTC drugs. Acetaminophen is the best choice for relieving the pain of unexplained bruising of the legs. You should avoid medications such as aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs, which can interfere with blood clotting and lead to an increase in bruising.

A problem such as bruising on the legs for no reason in women may indicate health complications that are within the competence of a hematologist, gynecologist, hepatologist or other doctors. To understand who to turn to, you need to analyze all the disturbing factors.

Why do bruises appear on the legs for no reason?

Having discovered a new hematoma, women may wonder why bruises appear on their legs and try to identify the factor that causes this problem. The fact that bruises on the legs of women appear for no reason is fundamentally wrong, there is a culprit factor, only it is not so obvious as to immediately notice and realize it. The problem should be taken especially seriously if hematomas occur frequently and there are many of them. The main factors for the appearance of bruising on the legs for no apparent reason:

  • fragility or excessive permeability of blood vessels;
  • reduced blood viscosity due to a decrease in the amount - this phenomenon is often found in women in the premenstrual period.

The appearance of hematomas on the legs in women for no apparent reason can be explained by:

  • old age - in people in the process of aging, the vascular system suffers first, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels decreases, bruises often appear;
  • colds - with a viral infection, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels increases, bruising appears;
  • taking certain medications - drugs that thin the blood (Heparin, Thrombo ASS, Aspirin), increase the fragility of blood vessels (Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Diclofenac, some corticosteroids, antidepressants, anti-asthma drugs).

Bruises on the legs - skin features

One of the factors when bruises appear on the legs for no reason is the special structure of the skin. Women often have thin skin with closely spaced capillaries underneath. Any, even an insignificant touch, can cause hematomas, and a woman may not even remember that she hit. With thin skin with fragile superficial capillaries, bruises on the legs for no reason in women can appear after:

  • massage, especially anti-cellulite;
  • depilation or;
  • strong sunburn;
  • unsuccessful pressing or scratching.

Bruises on the legs when losing weight

Ugly bruises on the legs are not at all the changes that a woman on a strict diet wants to see. But such an outcome is quite possible if a lady who wants to lose weight limits her diet too much and there is a lack of vitamins A, C, P and K, which are responsible for the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Malnutrition can also be the root cause of the lack of important elements - selenium, cobalt, which are also responsible for the health of blood vessels.

Bruising on legs after running

Sometimes in women during the run or after it, the vessels on the legs burst and bruises appear. This is a consequence of increased load on the lower extremities, weakness of the capillary walls or reduced blood viscosity. If a woman’s blood and vessels are generally in order, she may have taken on too high a load for herself, for example, too long a distance, or her weight is too high for running.

Bruises on the legs during pregnancy

During pregnancy, bruising on the legs often appears, this phenomenon can be due to several serious reasons:

  • increased load on the legs due to increased weight;
  • lack of necessary substances that the child "takes";
  • changes in hormonal balance (the same cause causes bruising on the legs for no reason in women in menopause).

Bruises on the legs - a sign of what disease?

The cases described above, when bruises on the legs appear on their own, occur due to a non-systemic failure and after corrective actions are taken, the situation is corrected. In some cases, the etiology of the appearance of hematomas on the legs is more serious - it can be a serious illness, internal pathology, or genetic "inheritance". More often than other diseases, the appearance of hematomas for no reason cause blood diseases and diseases affecting the vascular system:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Bruises on the legs with varicose veins

Varicose veins are one of the diseases in which bruises appear on the legs, the reasons for this are weakening of the veins and chronic stagnation of blood. Among women, varicose veins are more common, as ladies are often addicted to walking in high heels, which provokes tension in the legs and stagnation of blood in the veins. In some cases, brownish spots taken for bruises can be a complication of varicose veins - dangerous trophic ulcers.

Bruises on the legs with hepatitis

Often a hematoma on the leg can be a sign of a serious illness - hepatitis. With this disease, the production of platelets is disrupted, due to which there is a decrease in blood clotting, a consequence of this is the manifestation of bruises on the legs. In severe cases of hepatitis and other severe liver diseases, bruising begins to appear all over the body, and the skin becomes yellowish.

Bruises on the legs with diabetes

Elevated blood sugar causes many complications and failures in the body, one of which is that bruises on the legs do not go away in a person. Violation of metabolism in diabetes mellitus leads to damage to small vessels, resulting in bruising. For bruises with this disease, dark spots caused by various dermatitis can also be taken. Skin diseases in this case occur due to impaired blood supply in the epidermis.

Bruises on the legs with leukemia

Blood disease leukemia is another of the cases when bruises appear on the legs for no reason. With leukemia, malignant changes occur in the blood, the cellular structure of platelets is disturbed, and the number of red blood cells is significantly reduced. Bruising during the disease occurs on any part of the body, but mainly on the limbs. In addition to the usual bruises with leukemia, petechiae appear on the skin - specific small bruises that look like a rash.

Bruising on the legs with HIV

Anyone who wonders why bruises appear on their own is unlikely to know that this is one of the symptoms of HIV. This virus very often causes thrombocytopenia, a low platelet count, because the infection can damage the red bone marrow and the megakaryocytes that make platelets. Sometimes the immune system of a person infected with HIV itself begins to fight platelets.

Bruises on the legs - what to do?

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of bruises on the legs, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to exclude serious diseases, and if they are found, start treatment of the underlying pathology in a timely manner. Medical consultation is necessary if:

  • the appearance of bruises is accompanied by other severe symptoms - pain, fever;
  • hematomas appear with frightening regularity;
  • bruises form one after another;
  • at the site of the hematoma, a seal is observed and the temperature rises.

If a bruise appears, in the first hours to reduce subcutaneous bleeding, you can:

  1. Raise your leg to reduce blood flow in it.
  2. Bandage the leg so that squeezing stops the flow of blood from the damaged capillary.
  3. Apply an ice pack to constrict the blood vessels.
  4. If several bruises appear, stop taking blood-thinning drugs.

For the speedy resorption of bruises in a pharmacy, you can purchase drugs intended for this. Effectively get rid of hematomas and preparations with badyaga - Badyaga forte, Badyaga 911. These products based on plant extracts perfectly relieve swelling and inflammation, improve blood circulation in the damaged area. In addition, badyaga helps strengthen blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of new bruises. Apply funds with badyaga 3-4 times a day until the hematoma disappears.

Are in high demand for the treatment of bruises and preparations with arnica - Arnica, Arnigel, Vitateka. These drugs effectively relieve inflammation, reduce pain. In addition, arnica products accelerate wound healing, fight pathogens. These funds are applied 2-4 times a day until the hematoma disappears. Preparations with arnica are contraindicated for pregnant, lactating women suffering from skin diseases.

Effective ointment for bruises and hematomas - Heparin. The main active ingredient of this ointment is heparin. It accelerates metabolic processes in the area of ​​application, reduces pain, thins the blood and promotes the dissolution of formed clots. Heparin ointment is rubbed into the area of ​​hematoma formation 3 times a day until the bruise disappears. Heparin also contains other medications - Lavenum, Trombless gel.

Well help from bruises and folk remedies:

  • crushed aloe leaf - bandaged to a bruise for 8 hours;
  • grated raw potatoes - a compress with this remedy is done at night;
  • cabbage leaf - it is bandaged to the damaged area;
  • iodine mesh - it is drawn until the bruise disappears;
  • black or blue clay - it is diluted to a creamy consistency and applied to a bruise, then washed off.

Urgently run to the doctor. Such manifestations often indicate serious pathologies that can affect both the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

Why do bruises appear on the legs: determine the cause

Usually, bruises on the legs appear as a result of mechanical damage to the skin of the lower extremities, for example, when struck or bruised. The appearance of a cyanotic skin color is caused by squeezing and rupture of blood vessels at the site of impact, resulting in the formation of a subcutaneous hematoma, which appears on the skin as a bruise.

The appearance of bruises on the legs without a reason cannot occur. The reason for this may be hidden in the internal processes occurring in the body. Most often, such symptoms occur when there is a violation of blood circulation, depletion of the walls of the arteries or internal hemorrhages.

This can happen due to a lack or excess in the blood of substances such as selenium, cobalt or calcium. In some cases, bruises can form as a result of the development of sepsis, asphyxia, or frostbite of the skin.

In addition, the formation of blue spots on the legs can provoke the intake of certain medications, which contain substances that slow down blood clotting. And if the capillary walls are too thin, when they break, internal hemorrhages occur, which lead to bruising. These substances include acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and naproxen.

It is also worth noting that bruising on the legs can occur due to deficiency in the body. Since it is he who is involved in the process of strengthening the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries. You can replenish it very easily. To do this, after each meal, drink a little lemon juice diluted with water.

But for people who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the stomach and duodenum, this method of replenishing vitamin C in the body is not suitable, as it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. In this case, vitamin complexes are required, which will also contribute to the replenishment of vitamin K, the deficiency of which can also lead to bruising on the legs and other parts of the body. This chemical element, like vitamin C, is responsible for blood clotting.

The appearance of bruises on the legs cannot just happen. Quite often, the reason for this is malnutrition or vitamin deficiency. Sudden changes in body weight, frequent stress, overwork - all this can lead to disruption of the nervous system, which also affects blood circulation. Therefore, because of this, bruises on the legs can also form.

In addition, this disease is often seen in nursing mothers and people suffering from liver pathologies.

In some cases, the “culprit” of bruising on the legs may be thin skin and the proximity of capillaries to it. In this case, even minor blows can lead to the formation of blue spots on the lower extremities.

Pathological causes of bruising on the legs

If you have bruises on your legs for no reason, then you may have some kind of disease that contributes to the destruction of capillaries and the deterioration of blood clotting. Let's talk in detail about each of the possible reasons.

Diseases of the veins

Various diseases of the legs can also provoke the appearance of bruises on the legs. Moreover, in addition to them, “asterisks” and nodules may appear on the lower extremities. As a rule, such diseases are accompanied by severe pain in the legs, which intensifies in the evening.

Vein diseases require urgent treatment. It is not worth taking any measures on your own in this case, as this can lead to various complications. If the above symptoms occur, you should contact a phlebologist.

It is possible to reveal the fact of the presence of complications by passing an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the legs. If the disease is detected, then the doctor prescribes individual treatment, which may include:

  • wearing compression stockings;
  • taking drugs that increase the tone of the veins;
  • sclerotherapy, during which intravenous administration of special drugs that promote gluing of blood vessels takes place.

Unfortunately, sclerotherapy does not help to get rid of the disease. It only helps to eliminate symptoms, that is, bruises and "stars".

Operative methods can also be used to treat venous diseases. But resort to them, as a rule, only in severe cases.

Fragility of blood vessels

When a bruise on the leg appeared on its own, this is an alarming sign indicating thinning of the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which they become brittle and fragile. Most often, this problem occurs during periods of beriberi, when the body begins to experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin complexes should be taken according to the attached instructions. After all, an overabundance of vitamins and minerals can also lead to various health problems.

It should be noted that the fragility of blood vessels is often observed precisely with a deficiency of selenium, cobalt and calcium in the body. Therefore, you should review your diet well and include more fresh fruits and vegetables in it. This will help reduce the risk of bruising on the body in the future.

Blood diseases

These pathologies are quite rare, but still they can also provoke bruising on the legs and body. If you have undergone a complete medical examination, which did not reveal varicose veins or other pathologies in you, then it is likely that the cause of bruising of the body lies precisely in such serious diseases.

As a rule, these pathologies are accompanied by poor healing of wounds and abrasions, even the smallest ones. If blood diseases are detected, a person needs to take care of his body and maintain the condition of the body with the help of special medications.

kidney failure

The liver is the most functional organ that is involved in more than 500 processes in the body, including homeostasis (blood clotting). That is why, with any violation of the functionality of this organ, blood thinning occurs and bruises occur, which we can observe in the form of bruises.

With serious pathologies of the liver, bruises can appear not only on the legs, but also on other parts of the body, even on the face. In this case, the skin acquires an unhealthy yellow tint. it is impossible to ignore such diseases, since as they develop, they can lead not only to subcutaneous hemorrhages, but also to internal ones, which in some cases ends in death.

Therefore, with the primary manifestations of symptoms of a violation of the functionality of the liver, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

All these diseases are quite serious and only a qualified doctor should deal with their treatment. It requires the use of special drugs that help strengthen the walls of the arteries and dissolve blood clots, if any. In some cases, physical therapy may also be required.

If bruises appear on your legs, while you have not received any injuries before, then in this way your body gives you a signal that some violations are occurring in it. Therefore, the best preventive method in this case is the timely diagnosis of diseases. And since most of the pathologies in the initial stages of their development do not manifest themselves in any way, one should periodically (every 6-12 months) undergo examinations in medical centers.

To protect yourself from bruising on your legs, experts advise:

  • Increase physical activity. If you regularly arrange for yourself hiking, doing light gymnastics or fitness, then you can help strengthen blood vessels. In the event that your professional activity requires a long stay in a sitting position, then you should periodically take breaks and stretch your leg muscles.
  • Get regular foot massages. This procedure is easy to perform and can be easily carried out at home. To do this, you need to apply any cream on the skin of the legs and rub it with light massage movements from the knees to the thigh and from the lower leg to the top of the foot.
  • Wear only comfortable shoes. Avoid high-heeled shoes and tight stockings that impair blood circulation.
  • Eat properly. It is important to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. They will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent bruising on the legs.
  • Do not carry heavy bags.
  • Do not engage in strenuous exercise. But do not forget about sports at all. Moderate physical activity contributes not only to strengthening muscles, but also to increasing vascular tone.
  • If you are overweight, go on a low-calorie diet that will help reduce body weight and thereby reduce the load on the body.

How to eliminate bruises on the legs: effective methods

If you already have bruises on your legs and you want to get rid of them as soon as possible, then modern topical pharmaceuticals that help dissolve hematomas can come to your aid. They are applied to the skin, usually 2-3 times a day.

When bruises appear on the legs for no reason, then you should take contrast baths regularly. They contribute to the hardening of the skin, making them more resistant to various kinds of influences. At the same time, the walls of the capillaries are strengthened and cease to be fragile and brittle.

For this procedure, you will need cold and hot water. Since we are talking about the problem of the legs, it is better to use the shower jet. Rinse with cold water first, then hot. So alternate exposure to changeable temperatures for 5-10 minutes.

This procedure should be carried out daily until the problem ceases to bother you. It will be good if after a contrast bath you will do a foot massage.

Folk remedies for bruising

To speed up the healing of existing bruises, you can use traditional medicine.

To do this, you can take an aloe leaf, cut it lengthwise and attach it to the bruise. For convenience, it can be fixed with a bandage or a wide plaster, since aloe should be kept for several hours. And for the best effect, it is better to leave it on all night.

Ordinary potatoes also help to cope well with bruises. Take a couple of small potatoes and boil them until tender without peeling. Then mash the cooked potatoes and add a few tablespoons of honey and wheat flour to it.

Blind a cake from the resulting mass. And while it has not completely cooled down, attach it to the damaged area. It is recommended to keep such a compress from 6 to 10 hours.

Remember that bruises on the legs cannot appear without a reason. With their frequent occurrence, you should contact a specialist, since in some cases such a symptom can also manifest itself as oncological diseases and other serious pathologies.

Often, hip bruises, even with the appearance of hematomas, are mistakenly considered a minor injury. However, it is in the area of ​​​​the legs and the hip joint that the developed fatty tissue and a massive group of muscles are located. Outwardly, such an injury may not be noticeable: the skin most often remains intact. But subcutaneous and intramuscular hemorrhage provokes acute pain, causes muscle damage and the occurrence of extensive hematomas.

The mechanism of occurrence of hematoma

If the hip is bruised during a fall or for any other reason, the soft tissues surrounding the joints are injured. The skin of the lower extremities is quite dense and elastic, despite the strong external influence, its integrity is often not violated. Trauma provokes rupture of small blood vessels. Such subcutaneous hemorrhage leads to the appearance of an extensive internal hematoma on the thigh.

The most dangerous bruise is considered when, due to external influence due to a strong blow, a rupture of larger blood vessels occurs. The bruise in this case is much larger and darker. Such a process can provoke the development of hemarthrosis, when blood enters the cavity of the hip joint. Hemorrhage inside the joint leads to inflammation, impaired motor activity of the joint and severe swelling of the soft tissues.

Possible causes and characteristic symptoms

Among the causes that provoke the occurrence of a hip injury, the most common are:

  • falls in winter during ice or in a state of intoxication;
  • strong blows with blunt objects;
  • transport accidents;
  • potentially dangerous sports.

With a hip injury, the following symptoms develop:

  • the injured area swells and increases significantly in size, swelling occurs;
  • due to subcutaneous hemorrhage, extensive hematomas appear;
  • the thigh hurts a lot, especially when touched;
  • local body temperature rises;
  • the motor activity of the limb is impaired.

Light bruises can be accompanied by abrasions and scratches, with more serious injuries, the integrity of the skin is violated and an open wound appears.

With a severe hip injury, it is important to exclude a fracture of the femur. If the pain does not go away within one or two days, you should consult a doctor.

When to See a Doctor

Mild hip bruises can be treated at home. It is necessary to consult a doctor in more serious cases when such symptoms appear:

  • even at rest, the pain syndrome worries for more than a day;
  • an extensive hematoma has formed;
  • impaired mobility of the hip joint;
  • skin is significantly damaged.

Varicose veins can cause hematoma formation

You should definitely contact a specialist if bruises on the thighs appear in men or women for no reason. The representatives of the weaker sex are more prone to the occurrence of such a disease due to the frequent wearing of uncomfortable shoes with heels. This leads to excessive load and tension in the legs, stagnation of blood in the limbs, weakening of the vascular network and varicose veins. Women at menopause are at risk.

Trauma treatment

After a severe bruise and after a bruise has appeared on the thigh, measures must be taken to stop internal bleeding, relieve pain and prevent severe swelling. To this end, you need to do the following:

  • the victim must take a horizontal position so that the legs are on a hill;
  • an ice compress is applied to the injured area;
  • an elastic bandage is applied to the damaged area;
  • an anesthetic is administered by intramuscular injection or oral administration;
  • the victim can be given a sedative in case of anxiety, panic or hysteria;
  • see a doctor.

After examining, questioning the patient and conducting diagnostics using X-ray, MRI or CT, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Conservative treatment

Cold compress can be kept continuously for no more than 15 minutes

For the treatment of a hematoma on the thigh after a fall, a conservative method of therapy is often used. It consists in ensuring the rest of the victim and immobilization of the injured limb. Of the medicines, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

The day after the injury, ice compresses are replaced with warming procedures that are aimed at accelerating the process of resorption of the hematoma. Physiotherapy is used as additional methods of treatment: electrophoresis with novocaine and potassium iodide.

A week after the bruise and the appearance of a hematoma, a light massage of the injured area, hydromassage and baths are prescribed. The necessary physical activity and exercises are performed only under the supervision of the medical staff.

With significant damage to soft tissues, the following manipulations are performed:

  • a fixing splint is applied to the injured limb;
  • novocaine blockades are introduced;
  • an oil-balsamic bandage is applied to the damaged area.

Physiotherapy aimed at accelerating the resorption of the hematoma and restoring the motor functions of the limb are used only after the removal of the immobilizing splint.


Surgery is indicated for the treatment of extensive intramuscular hematoma of the thigh. During the operation, the doctor opens the cavity, which is filled with blood, cleanses it of blood clots and dead tissue. The outflow of exudate is carried out with the help of drainage.

After surgery for intermuscular hematoma of the thigh, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to prevent the development of an inflammatory and infectious process. It is strictly not recommended to engage in physical activity after surgery for 3-4 months.

Folk methods

For the treatment of hip bruises, various recipes of traditional medicine are widely used. Among them:

  1. Potato compress. Finely chopped raw potatoes are applied to the injured area for several hours. This procedure reduces pain and speeds up healing.
  2. Vodka compress. Alcohol tincture is made on the basis of nettle, oak bark or St. John's wort leaves. Two tablespoons of chopped grass is poured with 400 grams of vodka. The compress is applied to the damaged area for a maximum of an hour.
  3. Garlic tincture. The head of garlic is poured with apple cider vinegar and infused in a dark place. The resulting tincture is rubbed into the bruised area 3-4 times a day.
  4. Burdock ointment. Washed and dried burdock roots are poured with 200 g of vegetable oil. The mixture is infused for a day. After that, the resulting mass is brought to a boil over low heat, filtered. The finished ointment is applied to the injured area several times a day.
  5. Wormwood compress. Fresh crushed leaves of the plant are used. Grass is applied to the site of injury and fixed with a tight bandage.
  6. Cabbage leaf compress. The sheet is washed, beaten off and applied to the injured area, tightly fixed with a bandage. The bandage is changed every 4-6 hours.

Traditional medicine recipes are allowed to be used only if the integrity of the skin is not violated.

Possible post-traumatic complications

In the case of independent or illiterately selected treatment, an internal hematoma on the thigh can lead to such negative consequences:

  1. Suppuration. A hematoma is an extensive hemorrhage under the skin and into muscle tissue. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, blood clots will begin to form and accumulate in the cavity. This process often leads to the development of infection and internal suppuration of the injury.
  2. Case syndrome. Occurs with pronounced edema of 3 and 4 degrees of severity. In this case, the muscles in the fascial beds are pinched and there is severe pain and numbness. Treatment of the case syndrome is possible only through surgical intervention.
  3. Ossification of muscle tissue. Progressive muscle hematomas lead to ossification of muscle fibers. In this case, stiffness of the joint occurs, and the motor functions of the injured limb are disturbed.
  4. Morel-Lavalle disease. When this pathology occurs, exfoliation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue occurs, and the area of ​​​​exfoliation is filled with blood clots.
  5. Arthrosis. This complication most often appears much later than the injury. Its cause is numerous and repeated bruises of the thigh area. At risk are professional athletes, women and the elderly.

The occurrence of the above complications is minimized with timely access to a doctor and the appointment of the correct treatment.

Bruising on legs for no reason

Good summer day, dear readers! Today I will tell you about the appearance of bruises on the legs and on the body for no reason and without blows - why they form and how to treat them. The problem is especially relevant for women. You can often hear complaints from them that a bruise appeared on their legs for no reason at all. It seems that she didn’t fight, she didn’t hit anything, but there is a bruise.

Bruising on legs without bumps

For most women, they appear from time to time. This is also delicate skin, when it really accidentally touched something, it didn’t even hit, but just pressed a little - and now the skin turned noticeably blue.

This kind of bruising appears primarily on the legs, since there is the weakest blood flow in the veins. Imagine how much effort it takes for the heart to pump heavy venous blood from the bottom up from the lower extremities.

Blue legs can occur in women of all builds - both overweight and thin. This indicator does not affect the formation of bruises.

Causes of bruising on the legs

Nothing happens without a reason, and even more so in the body. And if a woman at one fine moment discovers a semblance of a bruise on her leg, then, realizing that she did not hit, she speaks of the causelessness of his appearance. However, there are reasons. Only they are not on the surface (strike), but inside (lack of any substances or their excess).

For example, the well-known aspirin slows down the processes of blood clotting, thereby contributing to hemorrhages under the skin. Especially if you have fragile capillaries on your legs. All types of analgesics also contribute to the fact that you can find a bruise on your leg. This also includes Naproxen and Ibuprofen.

People who take aspirin to reduce the risk of blood clots or heart attacks may also experience bruising. In this case, you need to consult with the doctor who prescribed this drug.

Another reason may be a lack or excess of vitamin C, which is precisely responsible for the strength of our blood vessels. The juice of half a lemon, diluted with water and drunk, for example, after dinner, can compensate for the lack of a vitamin. Drink this elixir daily and many health problems will bypass you.

However, keep in mind that too much vitamin C can aggravate the problem with bruising on the legs! Note that mostly bruises appear in the summer, when women eat more berries, just containing a lot of ascorbic acids.

Also, vitamin K deficiency can cause bruising problems that appear out of nowhere. I advise you to add Brussels sprouts or broccoli to your diet.

How to treat such bruises on the legs

Rubbing vitamin K ointment into the legs over the entire area helps well. Rub into the legs twice a day to prevent bruising. If there is already blue, then it can be processed three times. Vitamin K improves blood clotting, prevents the capillaries in the legs from bursting, because it is through such micro-ruptures that blood seeps into the subcutaneous tissues, causing blue.

Taking Bromelain

This is an enzyme extracted from pineapples that promotes the breakdown of proteins responsible for tissue inflammation and swelling. To prevent bruising, take 150 mg of the drug between meals.

Homeopathy: Arnica

Arnica should be taken as a preventive measure in one dose, as recommended on the package. In the beginning, you can take three days twice, with a break of four hours.

Heparin ointment for bruises on the legs

One of the effective remedies in the fight against bruises on the legs. Contains a component of heparin, which dissolves bruises, thins the blood at the site of blueing.

Contrast baths strengthen the skin of the legs

This technique hardens the skin, making it more resistant to various kinds of influences. The capillaries also train, gradually becoming stronger and stronger. Alternate between cold and hot water while standing in the bath and pouring your feet all over the area. Do this procedure daily, in the evenings. Hardening is carried out in combination with the intake of vitamins and ointments.

Related video - why bruises appear for no reason and without a blow


I did not consider serious problems in the body, in which, it happens, bruises also appear on the legs. But these are not so common cases. Most often, blueing occurs precisely from a lack of vitamins, an excess of aspirin and similar complex analgesics. In any case, if the methods I have given do not eliminate the bruises, then go to the doctor and take blood tests.