Where to get a loan for the development of the company. How to get a loan for an organization

Before obtaining a loan, an organization needs to decide on the most optimal type of lending. Today, the market offers a wide range of credit products for business, which can be classified according to various grounds.

The first criterion may be the source of the loan. Business development is impossible without attracting additional funding, including external. It can be carried out by banks and private investors. The latter often do this in exchange for receiving a share of the profits from the project. Therefore, most companies prefer to apply to the bank to raise funds.

There are loans for legal entities and for the purpose of attracting borrowed funds. They can be directed not only to the implementation of investment projects, but also to replenish working capital (for paying salaries, rent, purchasing equipment, raw materials, etc.). In the first case, organizations seek to obtain a one-time loan from a bank, a commodity loan, in the second - a revolving line of credit or an overdraft.

The most popular loan among companies is a line of credit. It is provided for a certain period (for example, for two years), and can be repaid either in equal installments or when the required amount is credited to the account. After repayment, the credit line is renewed and borrowed funds can be used again. Such loans are issued for strictly specified purposes and it will not be possible to spend them anywhere else. Its advantage is the fact that after its repayment, the accrual of interest stops.

Investment loans are issued on more stringent conditions. The borrower is required to have a detailed business plan, as well as the availability of own funds (usually at least 30%).

From the point of view of lending conditions, a distinction is made between secured and unsecured loans. The latter became available to legal entities relatively recently, however, they differ in less favorable interest rates and often require the presence of guarantors.

Conditions for granting loans to organizations

Lending conditions largely depend on the availability of collateral and financial performance of the borrower. Most often, loans are approved in the presence of collateral. It can be company equipment, a car, real estate. Another option is the presence of guarantors, who, in case of non-payment of the debt by the borrower, will pay for it.

Also, the company must demonstrate stable financial performance, have a good credit history and not have overdue loans. Often, banks also take into account the age of the founders, the time the company has been on the market (at least six months), the presence of fixed phones, and a detailed business plan.

In order to get a loan for an organization, you must contact the bank and provide the requested package of documents. These include constituent documents, accounting and financial statements, as well as other business documentation.

LLC is the most popular organizational and legal form of managing companies operating in the small and medium-sized business market. Many banks in Moscow offer a variety of loan products for limited liability companies, allowing capital companies to solve issues related to the modernization of production processes, as well as other needs aimed at increasing profits. Both an experienced company and a start-up organization can get a loan for an LLC. The loan money received in this way can be spent on the development of the company, the purchase of special equipment, new equipment, and additional retail space.

How to receive the money?

Developing your own business is a rather costly process, so many entrepreneurs do not have enough own funds to carry it out. In this case, it is advisable to take a loan for business development for LLC and invest in the modernization and enlargement of production.

If you do not know how to get a loan for a company, we will help you choose the best loan product for you. On this page, we have collected the best offers from the capital's banks, which issue loans without collateral for business development. With our help, you can find out the terms of lending for an LLC in each of the Moscow banks, compare them and choose the best loan offer for you.

This page contains the following programs:

  • "Loan for business" from Alfa-Bank;
  • "Business advance 6 or 9 months" from Ankorbank;
  • "Trust" from Sberbank, etc.

Benefits of cooperation with us

If your firm is not yet generating a high income, you should expand and enlarge your business. If you do not have enough funds for this, you can apply for a loan through our service. You can use the funds received in this way to expand your business, which will ultimately increase the profits of your company.

By contacting us, you can take a cash loan without providing collateral and spend it on the development of your company. Our clients have the opportunity to issue loans without collateral on favorable terms for them. We cooperate with the most reliable and reputable credit organizations in the capital, which offer the most interesting and beneficial loan products for entrepreneurs.

Individual, citizen of the Russian Federation

  • Is the founder/co-founder of a legal entity
    • The share of the owner in the authorized capital is the maximum (or at least 25%) of all co-founders with a holding period of more than 6 months
  • Or registered as a sole trader
    • With a business period of at least 9 months as of the date of application for a loan
    • Age from 22 to 65 years old inclusive, on the date of application


  • The term of doing business is at least 9 months on the date of application for a loan
  • The age of the owner with the largest share in the authorized capital is from 22 to 65 years old inclusive, as of the date of application
  • The share of the owner in the authorized capital is at least 25% or is the maximum of all co-founders with a shareholding period of more than 6 months
  • Proof of intended use required

Requirements for guarantors

For an individual, a citizen of the Russian Federation

  • Guarantee of any individual aged 18 to 70 inclusive
  • Guarantee of the co-founders of the enterprise if the borrower is one of the founders of a legal entity with a share of less than 50% in the authorized capital
  • Guarantee of the spouse if the borrower is married and the loan amount is more than 3,000,000 rubles

For an individual entrepreneur

  • Guarantee of at least one natural person
  • Guarantee of the spouse, if the borrower is married and the loan amount is more than 3,000,000 rubles
  • Guarantee of a third party (not the owner of the IP)

For a legal entity

  • Guarantee of at least two individuals
  • Guarantee of the co-founders of the enterprise, if the borrower is one of the founders of a legal entity with a share of less than 50% in the authorized capital
  • The co-founder (individual), the spouse of the founder or a third party can act as the second guarantor

Fill out the forms

1. Questionnaire of an Individual
- Borrower
- Guarantor (corresponding to the number of loan guarantors who are either a co-founder of the Borrower's Enterprise, or a spouse of the Borrower, or a "real" business owner/co-owner)

Contains information about the Borrower's Enterprise - Legal Entity / Individual Entrepreneur

3. Application for a loan product
Contains information about the participants in the transaction, as well as the parameters of the requested loan

4. Application for accession to the Agreement on Comprehensive Banking Services for Individuals at ALFA-BANK JSC and the consent of the FL to the processing of personal data and receipt of a credit report from the Credit Bureau by ALFA-BANK JSC

Provide documents

Copies of the following pages are required: a spread with a photo, a page with a stamp on the current registration, marital status, information about previously issued passports


Copies of the loan agreements of the Borrower, the Guarantors and/or the Borrower's Enterprise with other creditors (only a copy of the loan repayment schedule is allowed) or a certificate from the bank confirming information on the amount of debt, the amount of the monthly payment and/or the timing of payments on the loan (if any)

Additionally, if the Borrower's Enterprise is a JSC, OJSC, CJSC (PJSC)
Extract from the register of shareholders or an extract from the register of holders of registered securities (completed no earlier than 1 month as of the date of filing an application for a Loan)

Fill out the forms

1. Application for a loan product
Contains information about the participants in the transaction, as well as the parameters of the requested loan

2. Questionnaire of the Enterprise / Questionnaire of the Individual Entrepreneur
Contains information about the Borrower LE/IP

3. Questionnaire of an Individual
Contains information about the participants in the transaction - Guarantors (corresponds to the number of guarantors for the loan)

4. Consent of the legal entity to receive JSC "ALFA-BANK" a credit report from the Credit Bureau

5. Consent of the Guarantor to the processing of personal data and the receipt of a credit report by ALFA-BANK JSC from the Credit Bureau

Provide documents

Copies of passports of participants in the transaction - individuals
Copies of the following pages are required: a spread with a photo, a page with a stamp on the current registration, marital status, information about previously issued passports


With loan agreements
Copies of loan agreements of the Borrower, Guarantors with other creditors (only a copy of the loan repayment schedule is allowed) or a certificate from the bank confirming information on the amount of debt, the amount of the monthly payment and / or the terms of payments on the loan product (if any)

Additionally for JSC, OJSC, CJSC (PJSC)
Extract from the register of shareholders or an extract from the register of holders of registered securities (completed no earlier than 1 month as of the date of filing an application for a Loan)

To start any business project, you need start-up capital. It takes time to accumulate it on your own. And this will take not 2-3 months, but at least 5-6 years. If you do not intend to wait, you will have to seek help from private investors or try to get a loan from a bank. Fortunately, it's not as difficult as it seems. Many financial institutions are ready to issue loans to small businesses from scratch today. All thanks to targeted state support and the federal program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

Borrowed funds can be an excellent launching pad for a young entrepreneur. But business lending has its own nuances that must be taken into account. First, the loan is usually issued for specific purposes. This can be business development, starting a new business, purchasing equipment, paying off tax payments, replenishing working capital, etc. You will not be able to use money in any other way. Otherwise, a conflict with bank representatives and supervisory authorities cannot be avoided.

Secondly, to get a loan to start a small business from scratch, you need to provide a business plan. As well as an official certificate confirming your status as an individual entrepreneur, and the right to establish documents for your commercial real estate and commercial equipment (if any). In addition, a third party guarantee or other guarantees of your solvency (collateral, mediation of the SME Corporation, etc.) may be required for obtaining a large loan.

Requirements for the borrower

To take a loan under a business plan, you need to meet the requirements established by the management of a banking organization. Each bank has its own internal standards, which are known only to employees of the company. But, nevertheless, there are general criteria that are more or less the same for all financial institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age - from 23 to 65 years;
  • business term - from 12 months.

Moreover, the last point does not mean that you will not be given a loan for developing a small business from scratch. Getting it is quite realistic, just for this you will need to use one of the state support programs.

Governmental support

The Government of the Russian Federation has long recognized the importance of small and medium-sized businesses. To stimulate the entrepreneurial activity of the population, various financial and information support tools are being developed. Moreover, not only the federal authorities, but also the regional administration take part in their preparation.

Stimulating lending to SMEs

The small business lending incentive program is one of the largest projects of the SME Corporation. Together with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the organization has developed a fundamentally new instrument for financing young businessmen. The corporation managed to fix the interest rate on loans from 5 million to 1 billion rubles. at the level of 10.6% (9.6% - for medium-sized enterprises). You can get a loan for small businesses from scratch on these terms in 45 Russian commercial banks, including Sberbank, Vozrozhdenie, Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, etc.

Among financed industries:

  • Agriculture;
  • production and supply of electricity, gas and water supply;
  • food production;
  • construction;
  • connection;
  • freight and passenger transportation.

A loan for the development of small businesses from scratch from the state is issued as part of concessional lending. JSC "Federal Corporation of SMEs" acts as a guarantor.

Gratuitous loan

Money for business development can also be obtained free of charge. If an entrepreneur complies with the requirements of Russian legislation and has no outstanding tax debts, he is entitled to targeted subsidies. And both federal and regional.

To apply for a subsidy, you must first choose a direction. This can be done, for example, on the website of the Innovation Promotion Fund. To start a business from scratch, the organization issues gratuitous loans up to 15 million rubles. Separately, you can get up to 300 thousand rubles. from the regional Ministry of Economic Development within the framework of the regional competition.

Nonprofit foundations

It is possible to take a loan for a small business, from scratch, without collateral and guarantors, not only from the state, but also from non-governmental organizations. For example, the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF). Under the program "Youth Business of Russia", which is supervised by the Youth Business International (YBI) foundation, you can get a loan of up to 300 thousand rubles for a period of 1 to 3 years. Interest rate - 12%, debt deferral for 6 months is possible.

All you need to apply for a loan is a ready-made business plan. The action is designed to support young businessmen, so the age of a potential borrower should not be more than 35 years old.

TOP 5 business loans

The majority of loan offers not included in the program prepared by the SME Committee are issued to entrepreneurs whose business has existed for at least 1 year. Discussion of individual conditions is possible if there is a security or guarantee from persons who enjoy the confidence of the management of a banking organization.

5th PLACE: loans from Alfa-Bank JSC

Alfa-Bank is one of the most client-oriented Russian banks. He actively cooperates with the SME Corporation and provides loans for small businesses from scratch on favorable terms. It also develops its own financial instruments for young entrepreneurs:

  • "Partner". Business development loan at 16.5% - 17.5% per annum. You can take from 300 thousand to 6 million rubles, no deposit is required. A prerequisite is the presence of a current account with Alfa-Bank JSC. Repayment period - from 13 months to 3 years;
  • "Overdraft". Money for current needs, a kind of "spare account" of the company. Issued for 12 months. The loan amount varies from 500 thousand to 6 million rubles. Interest rate from 13.5% to 18%. A pledge is not required, but the presence of a guarantee of an individual is required. A one-time fee of 1% is charged for opening an overdraft limit.

If you just started a business from scratch, then the probability of approval is very small.

4th PLACE: business loans from Rosselkhozbank JSC

Rosselkhozbank specializes in financing enterprises, one way or another connected with agriculture and the food industry. Therefore, the company has many targeted lending programs. Small business entrepreneurs may be interested in the following loans:

  • "Optimal". Non-purpose loan from 100 thousand to 7 million rubles. The repayment period is 5 years. It is issued on the security of real estate, commercial equipment, transport or special equipment. Debt repayment deferrals are not granted;
  • "Fast decision". A loan in the amount of 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. The loan term is short, only 12 months. It can be used to pay rent payments or update the material and technical base of the enterprise. Security is not required.

Rosselkhozbank's interest rates depend on the size of the loan and its maturity. And they are calculated by credit managers on an individual basis.

3rd PLACE: target loan from PJSC Russian Capital

Russian Capital has a large number of corporate lending programs. But for small businesses, the target package "Business Development" is of the greatest interest.

Under this program, entrepreneurs can borrow from 1 to 150 million rubles. at 11% per annum. The loan repayment period is up to 10 years. The money can be used to purchase equipment, upgrade real estate, or replenish working capital. Funds are issued both in the format of a one-time loan and in the form of a non-revolving line of credit with a maximum disbursement limit.

To obtain a loan, you must provide collateral and enlist the support of guarantors. The minimum life of the business is 9 months. Borrowers can be individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that are tax residents of the Russian Federation.

2nd PLACE: non-targeted business loans of Sberbank PJSC

Sberbank has been successfully lending to small businesses for a long time. You can get a loan for the development of an enterprise here according to one of three special programs:

  • "Confidence" Basic loan for up to 3 years at 16.5% - 18.5% per annum. The client can count on an amount of up to 3 million rubles, no guarantee or collateral is required;
  • "Express Overdraft" This loan also does not require collateral. The loan term has been reduced to 12 months, the interest rate is 15.5%, and the maximum amount is 2 million rubles.
  • "Business Turnover" and "Business Invest" These two arrangements are very similar, the rate is from 11.8%, the maximum loan amount is not limited, it is determined only by the solvency of the borrower and the value of the collateral. These offers are targeted loans, this is the main difference.

Loan term Business Turnover - up to 3 years, Business Invest - up to 10 years

The decision on the application is made within 3 working days, online registration is possible.

1st PLACE: loans for business development of PJSC Bank VTB 24

A distinctive feature of VTB 24 programs is a clear specialization. The bank has both investment proposals and targeted loans for the development of small businesses from scratch, the purchase of special equipment and other needs. The most popular loans are:

  • "Target". Issued in the amount of 850 thousand rubles. for the purchase of equipment and special vehicles from the bank's partners. The repayment period is up to 5 years. It is possible to defer payments on the principal debt for 6 months. Base rate - 10.9%;
  • "Investment". Can be used to implement various business processes. Amount - from 850 thousand rubles, term - up to 10 years. The rate, as in the previous case, is 10.9%. It is necessary to provide material support;
  • "Kommersant". Express loan for business development at 13% in the amount of 500 thousand to 5 million rubles. You can split monthly payments for up to 5 years. The loan is not targeted and is provided under a minimum package of documents (business plan, IP certificate, etc.).

You can apply for a loan from VTB 24 both at the bank's office and through the form on the official website.

A complete list of small business lending products www.vtb24.ru/company/credit/


Small business loan from scratch issued by both government funds and commercial companies. Financial support can also be obtained from non-governmental organizations created on the initiative of the entrepreneurs themselves. The main thing is to prepare a convincing business plan and find guarantors who will be ready to take over your financial obligations in the event of a crisis.

A loan can be obtained not only from a bank, but also from non-bank deposit and credit organizations and microfinance organizations.

Which organizations, other than banks, issue loans

A non-bank credit organization, unlike a bank, has the right to carry out only certain types of banking operations. The permissible combination of operations for them is established by the Bank of Russia (Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 2, 1990 No. 395-1 “On Banks and Banking Activities”; hereinafter - Law No. 395-1).

So, you can get a loan from non-bank deposit and credit organizations. In particular, they are allowed to place funds on their own behalf and at their own expense (for more details, see below). Clause 1.2 of Regulation No. 153-P of the Bank of Russia dated September 21, 2002 “On Peculiarities of Prudential Regulation of Activities of Non-bank Credit Institutions Carrying out Deposit and Credit Operations”, Article 5 of Federal Law No. 395-1 dated December 2, 1990 “On Banks and banking activity).

Banking operations and transactions by non-bank deposit and credit organizations can be carried out both in the currency of Russia and in foreign currency.

All operating non-bank deposit and credit organizations can be found in full list of credit institutions on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Microfinance organizations carry out activities to provide microloans - microfinance activities.

Microloans can be issued not only by legal entities with the status of a microfinance organization, but also by other organizations, including banks, credit cooperatives. However, microfinance organizations specialize specifically in microloans (Article 2 of the Federal Law of July 2, 2010 No. 151-FZ "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations", hereinafter - Law No. 151-FZ).

The activity of issuing microloans is regulated by the general rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on loans (Chapter 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), Law No. 151-FZ, as well as other regulatory legal acts (Article 3 of Law No. 151-FZ). Such other regulatory legal acts regulating the issuance of microloans by organizations that are not microfinance include: Law No. 395-1 “On Banks and Banking Activities”, Federal Law No. 190-FZ of July 18, 2009 “On Credit Cooperation” and others.

Law No. 151-FZ is of a special nature and takes precedence over the general rules on loans established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

From July 1, 2014, microfinance organizations have the right to carry out professional activities in providing consumer loans in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 21, 2013 No. 353-FZ "On Consumer Credit (Loan)" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Consumer Credit).

This provision is fixed by part 2.1 of article 3 of Law No. 151-FZ.

Under a consumer loan agreement, a microfinance organization issues funds at interest to individuals for purposes that are not related to entrepreneurial activities, subject to the condition of their return.

The consumer loan agreement consists of general and individual conditions. The general conditions of the consumer loan agreement are established by the microfinance organization unilaterally for the purpose of multiple application. Moreover, the general terms of the contract should not contain the obligation of the borrower to conclude other contracts or use the services of a lender or third parties for a fee.

If the general terms and conditions of a consumer loan agreement conflict with the individual terms and conditions, then the individual terms and conditions of the agreement shall apply.

A microfinance organization cannot require the borrower to transfer payments under a consumer loan agreement that are not specified in the individual conditions of such an agreement.

The individual terms of the consumer loan agreement are agreed upon by the borrower and the microfinance organization individually and include the following terms:

  • the amount of consumer credit (loan) or credit limit and the procedure for changing it;
  • the term of the consumer loan agreement and the term for the return of funds;
  • the currency in which the consumer loan is provided;
  • interest rate in percent per annum;
  • other conditions listed in paragraph 9 of Article 5 of the Consumer Credit Law.

If the borrower is offered additional services for a fee, including insurance of the life and health of the borrower in favor of the lender, then an application for the provision of a consumer loan must be executed, containing the consent of the borrower to provide such services to him (part 2 of article 7 of the Law on Consumer Credit) .

The borrower has the right to refuse to receive a consumer loan in whole or in part, notifying the lender about this before the expiration of the term for its provision established by the agreement. Also, within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the consumer loan, the borrower may repay the entire amount of the consumer loan ahead of schedule without prior notice, paying interest for the actual loan term (Article 11 of the Law on Consumer Credit).

On the website of the authorized state body, you can find a regularly updated State Register of Microfinance Organizations .

Money can also be obtained from small business support funds (private, municipal, regional), etc.

As for regional small business support funds, it must be borne in mind that they are established by state bodies. In this regard, their activity in providing funds to organizations has a certain specificity. Thus, the activities of one such regional fund became the subject of legal proceedings, and the court case reached the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

Example from practice: the entrepreneur was able to challenge in court the terms of the loan agreement on the payment of 53 percent per annum. The loan was issued by the regional small business support fund

Between the entrepreneur "N." (borrower) and the State Fund for Small Business Support of the Voronezh Region signed a loan agreement.

In accordance with the charter of the fund, the main goal of its activities is to support and develop small and medium-sized businesses in the Voronezh region.

In carrying out its activities, the fund has the right to perform the functions of a pledger, guarantor, guarantor for the obligations of small businesses, provide them with loans, loans, soft loans, as well as financial assistance.

Under the terms of the agreement, the fund transferred to the entrepreneur a target loan for replenishment of working capital at 53 percent per annum with the condition of monthly repayment of the loan and interest.

The entrepreneur filed a lawsuit to declare the loan agreement invalid. In his opinion, the condition of the loan agreement on the payment of 53 percent per annum does not correspond to the main goal of the fund's activity - support and development of small and medium-sized businesses and is aimed at deriving profit from lending activities.

The courts of three instances dismissed the claim. As the courts pointed out, the issuance of loans to small businesses, to which the borrower belongs, refers to the activities of the fund and complies with the law.

The entrepreneur applied to the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation with a request to review the decisions by way of supervision.

The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation found that the fund, using budgetary funds, entered into loan agreements with small and medium-sized businesses in order to make a profit instead of providing them with financial support, which is contrary to the statutory goals and objectives of the fund.

Moreover, the provision of financial support to small and medium-sized businesses can be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budget funds by providing subsidies, budget investments, state and municipal guarantees for the obligations of these entities. The reference of the courts to the calculation of the interest rate according to the methodology for selecting projects for the provision of microfinance, approved by the Fund, is untenable. The methodology does not contain an indication of the normative act according to which such a calculation is made. In addition, the interest rates determined by the methodology significantly exceeded the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the average interest rates on loans issued by banks.

In this regard, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation referred the case for review by way of supervision to the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. By the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the judicial acts were completely canceled and the case was sent for a new consideration (determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2011 No. VAS-10262/11, decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2011 No. 10262/11).

Attention! Currently, in practice there is no single approach on the question of which organizations are entitled to issue loans.

Letter No. 06-33-2/482 of February 2, 2005 of the Central Bank of Russia clarifies that Russian legislation does not classify lending activities exclusively as banking activities and does not limit the composition of the subjects of a loan agreement. Therefore, organizations that are not credit institutions are entitled to carry out such activities without a banking license (i.e., even if it is systematic).

According to the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the activity of transferring funds under a loan agreement does not require a license, only if it is not of a systematic nature (clause 4 of the information letter of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated August 10, 1994 No. C1-7 / OP-555 “On Certain recommendations adopted at meetings on judicial and arbitration practice”). That is, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation limited the right to issue loans to a certain requirement - such activities should not be systematic. However, at present, courts, as a rule, reject references to this clarification (decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court of February 9, 2011 in case No. A40-97854 / 10-133-858; left unchanged by the decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated April 2011 in case No. А40-97854/10-133-858).

As for microloans, Law No. 151-FZ allows issuing microloans without obtaining a license, but only to special microfinance organizations and other organizations that have the right to carry out microfinance activities in accordance with the law.

Thus, the activities of non-bank credit organizations in issuing loans, as well as the activities of microfinance organizations in issuing microloans, are determined by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on loans and credit, as well as special legislation.

What is the difference between receiving funds in non-bank credit organizations and microfinance organizations from a bank loan

Practice shows that there are significant differences in receiving funds from a non-bank credit institution (microfinance institution) and from a bank. Such differences are as follows:

  • faster and easier procedure for consideration of applications and receipt of funds;
  • a less formal approach to the documents submitted by the borrower;
  • by subject composition - here the borrowers are mainly representatives of small businesses and individual entrepreneurs who start entrepreneurial activities;
  • individual approach to borrowers, analysis of their personal qualities and the actual state of affairs in business;
  • more flexible payment schedules;
  • a less stringent approach to assessing the borrower's creditworthiness;
  • flexible policy regarding the provided security - a less picky attitude to the documentary security of the pledge, funds can be issued without security;
  • various types of loans and credits adapted to the individual needs of borrowers;
  • the main disadvantage of such loans is a higher interest rate compared to a bank loan.

What you need to do to get a microloan

To obtain a microloan, the borrower must submit an application to the microfinance organization.

During the consideration of such an application by a microfinance organization, the borrower also provides information and information that it requests to resolve the issue of the possibility of issuing funds and fulfilling obligations under the microloan agreement (part 2 of article 10 of Law No. 151-FZ).

Documents that may be required to obtain a loan:

  • documents confirming the legal capacity of a small business entity or individual entrepreneur (certificate of state registration, extract from the relevant state register, passport, certificate of registration with the tax authority);
  • financial documents (tax declaration, book of income and expenses, certificate from the tax office on open current accounts, certificate from the tax authority confirming the absence of debt to budgets of all levels and state non-budgetary funds, etc.).

The borrower (legal entity or individual entrepreneur) has the right to get acquainted with all the information related to the issuance of a microloan:

  • about all conditions of the microloan agreement;
  • on the procedure for changing the conditions in the microloan agreement;
  • on the procedure for granting a microloan, including the list and amount of payments related to obtaining, servicing and repaying a microloan, as well as in violation of the terms of the microloan agreement (Part 1, Article 10 of Law No. 151-FZ).

Advice: before receiving a microloan, the borrower must familiarize himself with the rules for granting microloans, which are approved by the microfinance organization.

These rules contain information:

  • on the procedure for applying for a microloan and the procedure for its consideration;
  • on the procedure for concluding a microloan agreement and the procedure for providing the borrower with a payment schedule;
  • other conditions established by the internal documents of the microfinance organization and not being the terms of the microloan agreement.

As a result of consideration of the application, the microfinance organization may refuse the applicant. Refusal to provide a microloan must be motivated (clause 2, part 1, article 9 of Law No. 151-FZ).

If a positive decision is made on the application, then the microfinance organization (lender) and the organization or individual entrepreneur (borrower) conclude a microloan agreement.

Conditions for granting a microloan

First of all, the amount of money that a borrower can receive under a microloan agreement is limited. Its maximum amount is 1 million rubles. The total amount of the borrower's obligations to the microfinance organization under all microloan agreements concluded with it also cannot exceed 1 million rubles. (Clause 8, Article 12 of Law No. 151-FZ).

Microloans can only be obtained in rubles. A microfinance organization is not entitled to issue loans in foreign currency.

The borrower - both a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur - has the right to repay the microloan amount in full or in part ahead of schedule.

Attention! If an individual entrepreneur returns the microloan ahead of schedule in full or in part, then the microfinance organization is not entitled to apply penalties to him for such an early return of funds (clause 6, article 12 of Law No. 151-FZ).

This regulatory provision is valid only under the following condition - the borrower must first (at least 10 calendar days) notify the microfinance organization in writing of his intention to return the funds borrowed from it ahead of schedule.

Thus, these rules are established only for individual entrepreneurs. In relation to borrowers - legal entities in the microloan agreement, the parties may provide for penalties for early repayment of borrowed funds.

The microloan agreement may fix the targeted nature of the microloan. At the same time, the microfinance organization has the right to control the intended use of such funds, and the borrower is obliged to create the necessary conditions for control (part 4 of article 8 of Law No. 151-FZ).

A microfinance organization does not have the right to unilaterally change certain conditions that are established by a microloan agreement:

  • interest rates and the procedure for their determination;
  • the size of the commission;
  • the term of the microloan agreement (clause 5, article 12 of Law No. 151-FZ).

When concluding an agreement with a microfinance organization, you need to pay special attention to:

  • term of granting a microloan;
  • interest to be paid.

If the rules for granting microloans establish conditions that contradict the terms of the microloan agreement, then the provisions of the agreement apply (part 5 of article 8 of Law No. 151-FZ).

These conditions guarantee the stability of the microloan agreement and protect it from arbitrary changes by the microfinance organization.

If a legal entity is excluded from the register of microfinance organizations, all microloan agreements previously concluded by the microfinance organization remain in force, which also ensures the protection of the borrower's rights.