Siberian professional college of specialty and areas of training. Siberian Professional College in Omsk: description, specialties and reviews

Everyone can build a good career. However, no one, probably, realizes that it does not begin with employment at a large enterprise, but with a quality education. You can become a qualified specialist, acquire all the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills at the Siberian Professional College (SPC) in Omsk.

Start of educational activities

Approximately 55 years ago, a secondary specialized educational institution of an industrial-pedagogical profile (technical school) was opened in Omsk. This institution was created for one reason - engineering schools needed craftsmen vocational education. The training of such personnel began to be carried out by the technical school.

At first, its material and technical base was practically negligible. The technical school did not have workshops equipped for vocational training. Students had to go to local enterprises to gain knowledge and skills. It was not until the 1970s that the conditions of education changed. The changes were due to the opening of a new educational building and the arrangement of the first training and production workshops.

Development in the modern period

In the 90s, when the country was undergoing significant changes in all spheres of life, the technical school was transformed into a college. The profile remained the same - industrial-pedagogical. The change in status and life in the country opened up great prospects for the educational institution. It was possible to improve the educational process, because new methods and technologies appeared, and the leadership and the teaching staff had innovative ideas.

After the upgrade of the status in the college, the following changes took place:

  • new specialties were introduced several times;
  • in 1997, the educational institution was renamed the Siberian Vocational Pedagogical College;
  • in 2007 educational organization received a gold medal European quality» after participating in the competition “100 Best Colleges of Russia”;
  • in 2011, the educational institution was given a modern name.

Today the college has much to be proud of. It is the largest institution of secondary vocational education in the Omsk region, and is one of the best institutions of this profile in Russian Federation. The former Siberian Professional Pedagogical College of Omsk has received many awards: diplomas, letters of thanks, medals.

Specialties for applicants on the basis of 9 classes

For high school graduates who have completed grade 9, a lot of specialties are available in the college. For example, you can enter "welding production", "telemechanics and automation in railway transport", "engineering technology" and other technical profiles. Quite an interesting direction for applicants is "law enforcement". There are also creative specialties: “design”, “modeling, designing and technology of garments”, “hairdressing”.

For admission to profiles not related to creativity, applicants are only required to bring a certificate. There are no exams at the Siberian Professional College of Omsk. Only in “law enforcement” is it possible to pass a test in order to identify professional qualities required in future work. Upon admission to creative specialties, it is required to provide a certificate and on the appointed day to pass an entrance test in drawing.

Specialties for persons who have completed 11 classes

For people who have completed 11 classes, the choice of specialties is small. There are only 5 educational programs at the Siberian Professional College in Omsk:

  • "programming in computer systems";
  • "engineering technology";
  • "information systems and programming";
  • "law enforcement";
  • "design".

The conditions for admission for this category of applicants are similar to those provided for persons who have completed grade 9. In the first 3 specialties, only a certificate is needed. Applicants for "law enforcement" bring a certificate of education and take a test. Applicants who choose "design" also bring a certificate. Additionally, they submit a drawing.

Conditions for the implementation of educational programs

In all of the above specialties, you can get a quality education. This is possible thanks to the conditions created in the college. Firstly, qualified specialists work in the college. Approximately 35% of them have the first (highest) qualification category.

Secondly, the Siberian Professional College of Omsk has a rich library. It provides students with the necessary textbooks, additional literature - both fiction and special. In total, the library has more than 49 thousand copies. Among them there are not only books, but also periodicals. Newspapers, magazines are issued by the educational institution for 80 titles.

Thirdly, the classrooms of the college are well equipped for classes in general education and professional disciplines. To obtain the first practical skills, several workshops were created: turning, milling, gas welding, welding, sewing.

Education for persons with disabilities

The Siberian Professional College implements the model of inclusive education in its activities. This means that not only absolutely healthy people can study in the secondary school, but also those who have limited physical abilities. For this category of students, the management of the educational institution tried to create the most comfortable conditions.

Today it is known that nickel-plated handrails are installed in the secondary school, there is a ramp. A convenient bathroom was equipped especially for people with disabilities. Its characteristic feature is the presence of an alert system. An information terminal has also been installed for the disabled, and doorways have been expanded.

Positive opinions about the loan

Most of the reviews about the Siberian (Omsk) professional college are written by students and graduates in a positive way. The advantages of the educational institution include:

  • availability of qualified and understanding teachers in the college;
  • application modern technologies in training;
  • the work of circles (any student can enroll in them for an interesting pastime and development of their talents);
  • hostel availability.

Students are especially pleased that the Siberian Professional College has a canteen and a buffet. In the dining room you can fully dine, as delicious and hearty dishes are served here. For those who just want to have a snack, a buffet is created.

Negative opinions

In negative reviews, students indicate that the hostel at the college is old. It's not very comfortable to live in such a building. Dissatisfaction is also expressed by some applicants regarding the members of the selection committee. For example, there was a rather unpleasant case with one entrant. The girl submitted documents to the college. After some time, an employee of the admissions committee contacted her and informed her about the enrollment. In mid-August, it became known that the girl actually did not pass the points. She was not accepted into the college. She could no longer enter another educational institution, since everywhere admission campaigns have already been completed.

In general, we can say that the Siberian Professional College is a very good educational institution. Its graduates are in demand in the region. For those young professionals who, after receiving a diploma, could not find a job, the college provides assistance, because it cooperates with organizations such as High Technologies OJSC, Sibzavod-Agro LLC, Omsk Motor-Building Design Bureau OJSC, etc.

Budgetary professional educational institution of the Omsk region "Siberian professional college"

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