Frame house calculator: how materials and individual stages of work are calculated. Calculation of material for a frame house - we build it ourselves, save the budget Calculation of building materials frame from a bar

Many people dream of having a nice home of their own. The best option such a structure is a frame house, the construction of which does not require significant funds and allows you to independently perform all the calculations necessary for the construction.

Features of the operation of a frame house

Such a structure has its own rules of operation, which are determined by the technologies used in its construction.

Fire protection.

This is a real threat that must be considered when building a frame house. Everything wooden structures needs to be impregnated by special means which will make the wood more resistant to fire. Wherever possible, it is advisable to use material on a karkan house, which is much less prone to ignition than wood. These can be cement-bonded particle boards and gypsum boards. For insulation, use mineral wool, which is a non-combustible item.

To eliminate the risk of fire, chimneys should be installed and heating systems in strict accordance with the rules. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of electrical networks and the installation of electrical appliances.

Ecological condition and protection of the material on frame house from rodents.

Wood is environmentally friendly pure material. Glued beams and OSB boards, which in Russia are made mainly from aspen, may cause some doubts. However, they environmental Safety It is ensured by the use of harmless resins and other adhesive materials in the manufacturing process. It is also advisable to use environmentally friendly mineral wool instead of polystyrene for insulation.

The material on the frame house made of wood makes it comfortable to live in, as wood “breathes” much better than any other building material.

Prevention of rodent control for a frame house is no different from the fight against them in other types of structures. It is possible to make reinforced concrete monolithic foundation, install metal meshes on the underground air vents and other places where rodents can penetrate. Good protection against rodents are used as a material for a frame house OSB boards. This is facilitated by the internal structure of the plates, which is a physical obstacle for rodents and adhesives that are deadly for them, used in the process of their manufacture.

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Service life of a frame house

Focusing on data from special literature, the building will stand for at least 30-50 years. However, practice shows that frame houses that were built more than a century ago have survived to this day. And this despite the fact that such means for protecting the material for a frame house, which are currently available, simply did not exist before. Therefore, it can be assumed that such structures have been preserved for a long time, because people constantly lived in them, who monitored their condition.

The duration of operation of a frame house will depend on the quality of the material, wood, its reliable treatment with antiseptics and substances that prevent it from igniting (flame retardants), correct installation all systems in the building and its insulation.

The maintainability of such a structure is much higher than that of any structure built from a material other than the material for a frame house.

Mistaken, many believe that buildings built using frame technology are suitable only for summer cottages. Many people assume that the frame house is akin to the “Finnish” houses known to all, in which, in fact, one cannot live at any other time of the year, except in the summer in the country. In fact, residents of such countries with a harsh climate as Canada, Sweden, Norway, and Finland feel very good in modern frame houses.

Such structures are not only comfortable for living, but they have good thermal energy saving properties. To do this, you need to select the appropriate properties and calculate the material for the frame house. In this way, the insulated building cools down much longer than an ordinary brick house.

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The foundation of a frame house

There is a variant of a shallow strip foundation for a 6×10 m building (see Image 1) with a calculated amount of material needed to make the foundation. The data are summarized in table 1.

Table 1

Note. All suitable formwork boards must then be used for the frame studs

A shallow foundation is currently widely used, since it is practically not pushed out of the ground during the process of soil freezing in winter time. In addition, this type retains heat better in the room than a column or pile foundation. The depth is 40 cm, the elevation above the surface is 50 cm.

A separate type of such structures is a frame-panel house. It is a structure based on a solid frame, sheathed with panels. The thickness of the walls is usually at least 30 cm. Wind loads, the weight of the building and everything in it, the weight of snow in winter are perceived by wooden supports made of timber or boards fastened together, which create the necessary strength and rigidity for the frame. The panel-wall of such a structure also creates stability for it, since the wall, like a monolith in the form of a multilayer sandwich, also resists deformation.

When the problem arises of how to calculate a frame house, then this is usually understood not as a power calculation, but as a calculation of the amount of material per frame house. To do this, there are typical calculation methods, the knowledge of which will help you correctly navigate your financial capabilities.

Before starting construction with their own hands, each future owner must calculate the approximate cost of building a frame house. The calculation is necessary in order for you to accurately determine whether your finances are enough to complete the construction. If the resulting amount is slightly more than you can afford, the house design can be slightly adjusted - reduce the size of the house, replace materials with cheaper analogues, etc. Each calculation for the construction of frame housing with your own hands is approximate, and the total amount spent on construction is usually 5% more than originally planned.

How much does it cost to build a foundation

The most popular type of foundation, which is poured under an inexpensive frame house, is a tape one. It is a cement mixture poured into a mold. The device of such a foundation can be done independently, thereby saving up to 50% of the cost of the foundation.

Foundation works are divided into 2 categories:

  • preparatory work
  • foundation pouring

The first category includes soil research, calculations of the future frame weight of the house, marking, earthworks, sand cushion installation, installation of a reinforcing cage or mesh frame, all formwork installation work, etc. You can also add here the purchase of all necessary materials, the amount of which must be calculated in advance. If you decide to carry out these works yourself, then you will only have to pay for the sand or ASG for the pillow and its delivery. You can buy the formwork ready-made, or you can put it together yourself from boards and film (they also need to be purchased). The calculation is done using data on the perimeter of the foundation, its depth and height above the ground. In matters of foundation depth, proceed from the data on the weight of the frame structure.

The second category includes pouring the foundation with a cement mixture. Here you will have to pay for the cost of concrete, delivery of it by a mixer and, most likely, the work of several workers. Concrete sets very quickly, so you will need help leveling it in the formwork.

On average, the cost of a foundation with your own hands will be from $ 2,000.

If you order a foundation from a turnkey company, the price will be increased several times.

Construction of walls and partitions

So, if your foundation is already ready, you can start building the wall frame. For this you will need:

  • technical drying timber (price per m3 is 135-140 dollars, depends on the type of wood and% moisture content)
  • insulation (Basalt, stone wool, mineral wool. Basalt fiber mats on a metal mesh). The price will be 20-30 dollars per roll (min.wool).
  • waterproofing (45-50 euros per roll) and vapor barrier (47-55 euros per roll)
  • OSB boards (OSB-3 board 9x1250x2500 mm (Format-Europe) - 550 rubles per sheet

In addition, you may need universal galvanized screws, universal galvanized screws, a hacksaw for wood, self-tapping screws, a drill for wood, nails.

All work can be carried out independently, which will also save at least a third of the amount requested by turnkey construction firms.

If you decide to build a house from SIP panels, their cost will be:

1500x1250x174 - $100

2500x1250x224 - $117

2800x1250x174 - $120

2800x1250x224 - $127

The price may vary depending on the region, order size and delivery.

How much does it cost to build a frame house from the developer - we read.

Roofing: materials and prices

The roof is the most important element of the house, so you should not save on the roof. First, you need to decide which of the roofs will be built. It can be single-sided, double-sided or more complex. Also, the cost of the roof is affected by how the attic space will be used. Residential attic needs high-quality insulation.

Cheaper will cost you a house with a shed roof.

In addition, the final cost of the roof will depend on the price of the roofing material. Slate is one of the cheapest materials, but it does not have such characteristics as modern materials- for example, a soft top. soft top It costs more but is much easier to install. In addition, it does not make noise during operation of the house.

Do not forget about wood fire protection. You can order the processing of the frame base from fire organizations or carry it out yourself. The calculation of the amount of impregnation for self-treatment depends on the number of layers.

Materials you will need to build a roof

The purchase of material is the main column of the cost of building a roof. What materials do you need to build a frame roof?

  1. For the construction of the truss system, you will need a beam with a section of 15x5 centimeters.
  2. Mauerlat will also be made of timber - only the cross section should be 10x10 centimeters.
  3. A board or timber for the crate is selected based on the parameters of the future roof. The calculation of the timber is based on the size of the perimeter of the house and the step between the rafters.
  4. Consumables - screws, nails and others, will be required for fastening truss system and other parts of the roof.

These materials will be required for the construction of the roof frame. However, the roof must be insulated and insulated, and for this you will also need:

  1. Insulation (mineral wool and polystyrene).
  2. Waterproofing.
  3. Vapor barrier.
  4. Joint foam.
  5. Glue.

An example of how material selection works visually.

Step 2

Step 3

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How much does it cost to build a frame house: calculate on an online calculator

To know exactly how much it costs to build a house in 2016, calculate the price for online calculator. This is a convenient aggregator designed to enter the necessary information and quickly get the result.

What data should be entered into the frame house calculator

The calculation on the frame house calculator is carried out without taking into account the cost installation work. The result is not exact, but as close as possible to the final cost. Get ready to enter the following data in special forms:

  • Building type: residential or country house, hangar, warehouse, other object (choose from the proposed menu);
  • Number of floors (there is an option "one and attic", etc.);
  • Construction width;
  • Construction length;
  • floor height;
  • Material for the construction of load-bearing (non-bearing) walls, partitions (in our case, this is LSTK);
  • The shape of the roof (single, gable, complex or hip).

The cost includes the required number of frame elements, hardware for fastening and instructions for self-assembly.

How to save on the construction of a frame house in Moscow?

There is some inescapable evidence that a turnkey frame house is the most inexpensive type of construction. What can you save on:

  • On the project: first, standard projects with sections of architectural and constructive solutions we are cheaper. Secondly, order a house kit from us and the project will cost you free of charge. Minus 30-40 thousand rubles;
  • On the foundation: the weight of the frame is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the base and is about 37 kg per sq.m. Using a heavy foundation will lead to unnecessary expenses - here you can get by with light screw piles. Minus 2/3 of the cost of the concrete foundation;
  • On the frame assembly: it is more profitable to involve professionals for the construction, because it eliminates non-compliance with technological subtleties and reduces the time to a minimum. The cost of installation is calculated at the rate of 2 thousand rubles. behind square meter the buildings. However, light frame profiles can be assembled with your own hands, because the weight of even the largest part does not exceed 100 kg. So you can still save on assembly. Minus 200 thousand rubles. (for a house of 100 sq.m).

The amount will vary depending on the selected materials for finishing (inside and outside), on the complexity of the project, the presence (absence) of an attic or second floor, the type of roof. Decide on the details, enter them into the calculator and get the final amount. You can also consult with our specialists on the price by sending a request in the feedback form in the section

Construction using frame technology is considered the cheapest - for several tens of thousands of dollars you can build a full-fledged residential building. Since the house is being built quite quickly, all this money will have to be paid in the same quick time frame. Therefore, it is necessary to make a preliminary financial calculation of the frame house, for which you can use an online calculator or other resources. Study what the total cost of materials and labor consists of in order to thoroughly prepare for the construction site.

How to calculate a frame house in finance

For example, consider a small one-story building 6x6 having a residential attic. To build it, you need to consider the following costs:

  • the cost of materials, fasteners, components and various equipment, as well as their delivery to the site;
  • the price of the foundation and related earthworks;
  • payment for the work of carpenters who will build the frame, erect the roof, install stairs, subfloors, partitions and other elements;
  • payment for roofing services;
  • costs for thermal insulation work, installation of doors and windows;
  • the cost of decorative finishes;
  • payment for the work of professionals who will do heating, plumbing, sewerage, ventilation, electricity and other communications.

As can be seen from the list, at least half of the expenditure items are pay for builders. If you build a house with your own hands, you can save a lot on this.

If the entire amount is not available at once, you can make the construction of the house longer and distribute the work gradually. To do this, the construction is divided into the following stages:

  1. Foundation construction.
  2. Engineering communications and rough finishing.
  3. Final decorative finish.

counting construction cost, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of price changes. In order not to fly through finances, it is recommended to convert the cost into dollars - then it will be more realistic to evaluate your own construction opportunities.

Foundation cost calculation

For frame houses two types of foundation are suitable - tape and pile. Piles are easier and faster to install, there is no need to level the site and wait for the concrete to harden. Piles are usually installed at intervals of 120-150 cm, depending on the size of the building.

In the areas of installation of a heating stove or stairs, you need to put another pile or make a more powerful one. concrete base. The weaker the soil on the site, the more powerful and deep the foundation should be. And this means that its cost can vary significantly, depending on the area.

To install the foundation, you must do the following:

  1. Remove soil from the construction site 30 cm deep. On each side there should be a margin of 50 cm for the perimeter of the house. The cost of excavation work is estimated at about $10 for each cubic meter of soil. Thus, for the considered size of the house, you will have to spend $150.
  2. Lay geotextiles on the surface, it will cost $20.
  3. Fill the area with a 10 cm thick sand pillow. You will have to spend about $ 200 on this.

  • $30 for each pile, about 900 in total.
  • $15 for the installation of each pile, total 450.
  • The price of a grillage from a channel. Various factors influence the cost, but in general, you need to spend about $15 per meter for the purchase of a channel and its installation. This means that the house will take about 750.
  • The cost of installing a concrete plinth. Materials will cost $60, work will cost the same.

If selected strip foundation the costs will be as follows:

  • About $150 should be spent on digging trenches for concrete blocks.
  • Performance of concrete works. A cubic meter of concrete with reinforcement costs about $100.
  • In addition, another 50 must be paid for work. Thus, for the entire foundation, you will have to spend about a thousand.
  • waterproofing materials, sewer pipes, embedded anchors and more will cost $ 100.

In this way, average expenses for 6x6 will be like this:

  • 1000 c.u. that is, on a strip foundation, if you do everything yourself, and 1700 - with the involvement of professionals.
  • 900 and 1600 c.u. e., respectively, for cheap and less durable;
  • 1399 and 2100 c.u. i.e., respectively, on a solid reliable pile foundation with a grillage.

Calculation of the box at home

The box of the house, together with the roof, must be built in one season. Otherwise, its parts will get wet in winter and rot. Build the frame as follows:

  • Install the frame of the house.
  • Insulate the underground and put draft floors.
  • Install stairs inside.
  • Do the roof, and then the gables.
  • Sheathe the frame inside and out waterproofing materials and OSB boards.

Thus, the main expense item will be lumber and fasteners. Universal lumber is considered to be a board 50x150 mm. It is from it that lags, strappings are made, vertical racks and other parts.

Cost in dollars per frame:

  • - about 10;
  • boards of various sizes and lengths - about 400;
  • boards of the third grade for jibs - about 20;
  • bars on Mauerlat - 20.

It is advisable to insulate the underground by filling it with expanded clay. Such an operation will cost $300. You also need to set aside money for 600 running meters boards and 320 meters of timber on the floor for two floors.

The most expensive cost item for the frame is ladder installation. The acquisition of high-quality material can cost 250 USD. e. per meter or more. A standard ladder has a length of 4-5 meters.

Attic and roof

The cost of installing these elements of a frame house is as follows:

  • gables are made from an ordinary board 50x150 mm, it will take about $ 100;
  • a ridge beam is fixed to the tops of the pediments and the ridge itself is installed, for which you need to spend up to $ 70;
  • rafters are installed on the Mauerlat, the average cost of which is $ 100;
  • the roof is sheathed with hydro-, steam- and wind-insulating materials, which cost about $40 per roll;
  • they stuff a transverse crate of bars, you need to spend about $ 25 on these works.

Most of the money will be required to purchase roofing materials. If the roof is as simple as possible, you can choose ondulin, which will cost $300. But, if you want to install high-quality metal tiles or other more reliable materials, you need to count on a budget of $ 1,000 or more.

What else to consider in the estimate

In the calculations, you need to take into account every little thing in order to really see.

Other costs for arranging the frame

Next, move on to the outer two-layer skin. First, the wall frame is sheathed with insulating materials, and only then - OSB. It is necessary to sheathe the frame completely from the outside with waterproofing and slabs. It will take about 500-600 dollars.

Partitions in a frame house may or may not be load-bearing. When assembling the frame and sheathing it, one should also take into account the cost of fixing materials (corners, screws, nails). They cost $200.

For a box in dollars you will have to spend:

  • 450 - the frame itself;
  • 600 - installation of a subfloor and stairs;
  • 600 - on the roof and gables;
  • 600 - for trim.

If you hire a construction company to work, you still need to pay about 30% of this amount for their services.

Windows and doors

Windows and their installation are quite expensive. Approximately $100 should be spent for each square meter. And the outer door will cost approximately $300. Interior doors cost the same as the windows. Thus, for all these materials for small house you need to spend about $1000.


Insulating a house is quite simple - you can do it yourself, saving significant funds. Between the lags there is a convenient space for installing insulation sheets. And then they are overlapped with a vapor barrier.

Sheathed with thermal insulation materials external walls and a roof with a thickness of more than 15 cm, partitions with a thickness of 5 cm, as well as floors and load-bearing internal walls 10 cm thick.

If you choose the most cheap material, then you should pay attention to glass wool. But it's best to use mineral wool, which costs about $30 per cubic meter. It is environmentally friendly, durable and efficient.

So to keep warm small house, you will need:

  • $40 for waterproofing;
  • $80 for vapor barrier;
  • $600 for mineral wool 15 cm thick;
  • $20 for 10 cm insulation.

Thus, the insulation will take approximately $1000 from the construction budget.

Installation of finishing floors

The easiest option is to take a tongue and groove board and lay it on the subfloor. A square meter of this material costs an average of $6. Thus, to install a finished floor on two floors, you need to spend more than $450.

The cost of communications

Communications in each house involve the connection of water supply, heating, sewerage and electricity.

The costs will be as follows:

  • To conduct water and sewerage to the shower, bathroom, toilet, kitchen, you need to spend about $ 500 for materials and 300 for the work of specialists.
  • Heating costs depend on the type of energy source used. So, the installation of a gas boiler and a heating system will cost 1-1.5 thousand dollars, and if you have to install a stove for heating with wood, then it will take even 5-7 thousand.
  • For electrification, the costs will be: $ 250 for materials and $ 150 for the work of an electrician.

Room decoration

Needs to be finished inside and outside frame house. Inside, the house is usually sheathed with drywall or clapboard. The calculation in dollars will be as follows:

  • lining for the attic - 400;
  • drywall for all rooms - 100;
  • decorative waterproof plywood for office premises - 200;
  • Outside, the house can be sheathed with siding, timber, eurolining and other materials. Their cost is different. For example, clapboard lining will cost $ 500-1000.


    So, how much does it cost to build your frame house measuring 6x6 meters? The options are:

    • ordering ready-made SIP panels and their self-assembly - about 15 thousand dollars;
    • order of a finished panel building - about 20 thousand;
    • independent construction with partial involvement of hired labor - 15-18 thousand dollars;
    • completely independent construction of a house - 9-12 thousand rubles

    Of course, the most profitable interesting option- DIY construction. Most of the work in frame housing construction can be performed even by those who have never been involved in construction. And for the most critical stages, you can involve professionals.

    Video: calculation of materials and cost in an online calculator

Today, frame construction is more popular than ever. The fact is that the calculation of the cost of erecting the same panel house shows that the cost of such a structure will be at least 30% less than the cost of a similar house made of any other material. It is not so difficult to calculate the consumption of lumber, the cost of cladding for a frame house. This will be discussed in the article.

The choice of materials and their influence on the calculation

It goes without saying that finished materials for frame construction in the total estimate will occupy the largest share. Their consumption will be a significant part of the budget for the construction.

First of all, attention should be paid to the consumption of lumber. In particular, the following materials will be needed for a panel house:

  • Bar of various sections;
  • Edged board with a section of at least 5 centimeters;
  • Edged board with a cross section of 2 centimeters;
  • Tongue-and-groove boards with a section of 2.5 centimeters.

    An example of calculating the amount of timber for a frame house in the project documentation

It is not so easy to calculate the cost of a transverse and rack beam: here it is necessary to take into account the size of the future building (its area), as well as the heat-insulating material that will be used in construction.

The calculation of the roof structure of a panel house, the choice of roofing material will also affect the final cost of construction. However, it is not so difficult to calculate the amount of roofing material.

In addition to woodworking products, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of materials for the following:

When calculating the cost of rack and cross bar you need to consider the size of the future home, as well as the type of insulation used.

By the way, the calculation of materials for the structures described above should be performed only after the owner of the house has decided on the material of the boxes of the house and the roof. From them already "dancing" and everything else.

Of course, if a person is ready to spend money to create a reserve of a safety margin for a house, then calculations may not be made so scrupulously, but after all, frame houses are being built, most often, precisely because of their cheapness.

Scheme of wall insulation of a frame house

Ambient temperature and its influence on the calculation

From the climatic features of the area where the house is being built, the heat in the house will also depend. This is a well known fact. The only moment when the climate can be ignored is if country house, which is planned exclusively for summer residence.

Here, in order to calculate the quantity, you will definitely need a table indicating the coefficients of thermal resistance various materials, and all indicators must be calculated separately for the walls of the building and for the roofing pie, otherwise all the heat will simply leave through the attic floors and there will be no sense.

Based on such calculations, you can get the final required thickness of the walls and roofing cake, which will be sufficient to keep the heat in the house (according to the coefficient of thermal resistance, again).

Layout of racks in a frame wall

Also, it is much easier to make a calculation if you know in advance all the parameters of the materials (for example, the weight of all structures) that the manufacturer has installed.

Usually, after all, frame houses are supplied as house kits, so it will not be difficult to find out all these values ​​​​(usually all this is indicated in the documents that must go along with the house kit itself).

Interestingly, if the house is built according to Canadian technology, from sandwich panels, then the materials for its decoration will be needed to a minimum. The fact is that in such panels a heater is already installed in advance, that is, they have a heat-insulating layer.

The device of the ventilation gap will require additional costs

Most often, manufacturers use mineral wool as a heat-insulating material for sandwich panels. It turns out that the outside of the house will not need to be insulated at all (which means that it is necessary to delete the cost item for external insulation from the estimate and leave only the calculation for the internal one).

The calculation of thermal resistance indicators must be carried out separately for both the walls of the building and the roof.

Calculation of individual building structures

It is clear that before you build a frame house with your own hands, first of all, you need to make an estimate of the cost of material for the construction of the roof and foundation.

Assembly diagram of a frame house

Insulation of a frame house, both internal and external, is also extremely important event, with the exception of cases when houses are being built according to Canadian technology, using pre-insulated sandwich panels.

Insulation of a frame house at a cost will be up to about 20% of the total estimate, provided that factory insulation was not used in the house kit, and up to 10% if one was used.

If you build a frame house with your own hands, then great importance will also have a consumption of lumber, and not so much for the walls, but for the roof. The same attic beams at a cost can be almost half of the price of the entire box of a panel house.

We have already analyzed the calculation of lumber for the walls of a panel house, so attention should be paid to the roof. Of course, if you buy ready-made house kits, then there will be no difficulty: the manufacturer calculated everything in advance.

But how much lumber is needed for a panel house and its cladding, provided that a frame house is being built with your own hands - this is already much more difficult. About the insulation of the frame house has already been described above.


When designing the roof of a house, it is necessary to take into account not only the total weight and load attic floors and beams, but also weight, characteristics of the roofing material itself.

An example of a cost estimate for the construction of a frame house

Particular attention should also be paid to the construction of the roof, during the construction of which it is necessary to take into account the wind rose in a certain area (that is, from which side the wind will blow more often, there will be a large load on that side). Materials for construction are also selected taking into account these criteria.

In fact, these are very important criteria for choosing materials and calculating their cost. If you do not take into account the same wind rose, then the roof on the one hand can leak, leak, roofing material without proper reinforcement and fastening can simply be blown away by a strong wind, not to mention hurricanes and other natural troubles.

The nuances that must be considered before the construction of the roof of the frame house:

  • it is not recommended to mount a high and acute-angled roof on a house in an area where too strong winds prevail (otherwise, you will have to calculate the roof with a rather large margin of safety, which will inevitably lead to a significant increase in the entire construction estimate);
  • the roof sheathing should be mounted with more frequent steps to increase the margin of safety;
  • for the rafter system, it is necessary to choose a more durable timber (the thicker the roofing timber, the stronger it is, everything is extremely simple here);
  • it is better to choose a more rigid roofing, as it will be stronger (slate instead of metal tiles or corrugated board, for example).

If strong winds often blow in the area, it is better to buy a more rigid roofing material such as slate.


For frame shield structures, lightweight types of foundations such as shallow-depth tape (most often monolithic), pile or even columnar foundations are usually used. Indeed, one must take into account the fact that columnar foundations suitable only for small frame houses, for giving, for example.

General scheme of the device frame house

As for pile foundations, their simplest option is screw foundations. To calculate the number of piles, it will be necessary to take into account the entire mass of the house and the load per square meter of area from a solid foundation.

It will be necessary to take into account the condition of the soil on the site, which was allocated for the construction of the building. And also it is necessary to take into account the heaving of soils and the depth of groundwater.

For example, if the piles of the foundation are not buried deep enough, then during the cold weather the foundation will simply raise the house, which will immediately lead to cracks. different sizes and partial destruction of the frame structure.

After all, what mistake do people often make when building houses on their own? They calculate the foundation only by the weight of the house - that's all. And this cannot be done, because it is necessary to take into account many other criteria that were indicated above. But it is better that specialized specialists do this - it will be definitely more reliable.


You can watch a video on how the calculation of materials for the construction of a frame house is carried out.