Pipe cleaning equipment. Cable for cleaning sewer pipes - types and features

Probably every person has faced such problems at one time or another. However, almost no one does preventive actions. Most do not do this even when they see that the water hardly reaches the main sewer pipe located in the mine.

The simultaneous rotation of the cable, as it moves deeper into the pipe, will loosen the dirt in the siphon or even completely eliminate the blockage.

It is for this reason that sooner or later a plug forms in the pipe, completely blocking the drain, and the question arises of which cleaning device sewer pipes use.

It is important to know what devices and means of cleaning you can independently perform sewer pipes in emergency situations. The following discusses several ways to solve this problem.

Apparatus (device) high pressure

This pipe cleaning method is relatively simple, but very effective. A device for destroying blockages with a pressure of water beating under high pressure.

Scheme for eliminating blockage using a flexible cable: 1 - toilet body; 2 - place of blockage; 3 - wire; 4 - flexible shaft; 5 - plug; 6 - floors; 7 - a hole in the toilet; 8 - revision; 9 - wooden board-taffeta; 10 - flush tank pipe; 11 - riser; 12 - revision cover; 13 - release; 14 - outlet pipe; 15 - toilet siphon.

Such a device creates the water pressure necessary to completely wash away the layers from the walls. First, the cleaning device is connected to the sewer tee in the apartment and is gradually pushed towards the sewer riser.

The performance of work by a high-pressure apparatus is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The cleaning hose is inserted into the sewer pipe.
  2. The pipe opening is closed with a special plug, which prevents waste water from escaping to the outside.
  3. A hose is connected to the water supply to supply water to the device. The tip of the hose is equipped with special nozzles that provide a jet stream in the pipe (some models give out up to 200 atm). With the help of a powerful pump, water is supplied directly to the handpiece (depending on the model 0.2-0.4 m³/min).
  4. A hose with a tip is gradually pushed along the length of the entire sewer pipe, starting from the highest point (for example, a sink in a kitchen).


A special agent is poured into the drain hole. Then wait some time and rinse large quantity hot water.

Sewer pipes can also be cleaned using all sorts of chemicals.

Such cleaners can pose a potential health hazard, so be sure to read the instructions for use in detail before cleaning.

Cleaning with chemicals will have no effect if the sewer pipe is completely clogged. In addition, in such cases, the liquid may spill back into the plumbing fixture, damaging its enamel. Frequent use of such products can lead to damage to pipes, especially if they are made of plastic.

Before starting work on cleaning pipes with chemicals, you should make sure that the room is easily ventilated. In addition, you should protect your eyes, mouth and nose from chemical fumes with a special respirator mask. Protective rubber gloves must be worn on the hands.

Depending on the type of clogging, the type of chemical agent is selected. For example, alkali-based preparations will perfectly cope with fatty deposits, and acidic ones are better suited for hair and soap blockages.

Mixing various kinds chemicals Absolutely forbidden. This can lead to unpredictable consequences, including an explosion.

Self-made device from a vacuum cleaner

Another pipe cleaner you can make with my own hands, is a conventional Soviet vacuum cleaner equipped with reverse blowing. You will need a rubber bowl from a plunger. It is removed and in the place where the handle is inserted, a round hole is cut through.

Such a hole is sealed with insulating tape or reinforced with a metal clamp. Then a hose from a vacuum cleaner is inserted into it. Remove the dust container from the vacuum cleaner. After that, a plunger bowl is installed on the drain hole, pressing tightly, and a vacuum cleaner is turned on, which will blow through the entire sewerage system.

Pretty effective way to get rid of blockage. It is only required to prevent water from entering the vacuum cleaner and control the power of its work. If the debris plug is too tight, and the plastic pipes are also bent, then blowing out can break the fasteners, which will cause additional costs for replacement parts.

During the operation of sewer systems, plaque collects on the inner surfaces of the walls of pipelines. The throughput of pipes suffers from this - it decreases. At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms begin to settle in the thickness of the sediments, which leads to the destruction of engineering communications. Periodic sewer cleaning will help restore the structure to working capacity.

Sewer pipes for drainage systems

Experts say that the efficiency of the functioning of sewer systems is directly affected by the material from which the pipes are made. So quite recently, for laying pipelines for moving sewage, mainly pipe products made of cast iron were used.

Much less often, preference was given to products made of ceramics and asbestos cement. And only in some cases, ordinary concrete with waterproofing was used. Homeowners were satisfied with the long service life of such pipelines, but there were many complaints about the accumulation of deposits. Therefore, every homeowner had a tool for cleaning sewer pipes. Today, the above materials have been replaced by plastic.

True, plastic products have a number of disadvantages:

  • low strength against punctures, cuts, compressive loads;
  • ability to function within a certain temperature regime. Some types of polymer pipes are not subject to deformation during short-term heating up to 110˚С, while others become elastic even at plus 45˚С;
  • pipe products for sewer systems made of plastic are characterized by a high degree of linear expansion. When too hot waste water passes through the pipes, they lengthen, and this can lead to depressurization of the sewer structure;
  • polymer pipelines are very sensitive to sub-zero temperatures.

Experts advise that if there is a plastic sewer in the house, do not drain drains that have a temperature of more than 90 degrees into it. Also, liquid should not be left in the dachas in the sewer pipelines after the end of the summer season.

Advantages of plastic products

Despite the disadvantages, plastic pipe products have many advantages. Deposits begin to accumulate on its walls to a much lesser extent compared to similar products made from other materials.

As a result, the sewer cleaner may not be needed for a long period. The fact is that plastic products have a low coefficient of roughness (resistance to moving flow).

This parameter is the size of the recesses and protrusions present on the walls of the pipes. For concrete, this characteristic in millimeters is 1.22; for asbestos cement - 1.15; for cast iron - 0.47 and for plastic - 0.02.

Over time, the value of the roughness coefficient changes. After a five-year period of operation of the cast-iron system, it can reach 5 millimeters, and after 15 years - about 25 millimeters. Such a large value is about 50% of the internal diameter of the pipeline. As a result, you have to use a device for cleaning sewer pipes much more often. But you need to know what type of equipment is better to use in a given situation.

High pressure cleaners

Initially, the hydrodynamic method of flushing the waste pipeline was carried out after the completion of mechanical cleaning. But at present, pumps with high power have appeared, and this procedure now allows you to independently eliminate blockages.

Using this device for cleaning sewer pipes is quite simple, and the effect of its use is excellent. Due to the high pressure, the powerful water flow ensures the complete removal of any deposits from the inner surface of the walls. The device must be connected to the tee of the sewer system in the house and slowly pushed in the direction of the riser.

The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. A cleaning hose is inserted into the sewer.
  2. A special plug covers the hole in the pipe.
  3. To supply water to the apparatus, the hose is connected to the water supply network. There are special nozzles on its tip, thanks to which a jet stream is formed in the pipe - the pressure force in some devices reaches 200 atmospheres. Water is supplied to the tip itself by powerful pumping equipment.
  4. Cleaning should start from the most high point, which can be, for example, a kitchen sink. The hose plus the tip is slowly pushed along the entire length of the pipe.

The use of this device for cleaning sewer pipes has several advantages:

  1. Easy work.
  2. High quality cleaning.
  3. Elimination of blockages occurs without damaging the plumbing.

Mobility and high power allow the device to perform functional purpose perfectly".

Using a plunger for sewer pipes

This simple device for cleaning sewer pipes is safe to use.

To obtain a high-quality result, certain conditions must be met:

  • the diameter of the rubber bowl must be larger than the size of the drain hole;
  • it is necessary that the water level in the plumbing fixture exceeds the height of the bowl.

Pipe cleaning with a plunger is done as follows:

  1. If there is an overflow hole in the system, it is closed with a lid or a rag, thanks to which it is possible to prevent a decrease in pressure on the blockage plug, which is to be removed.
  2. The device is placed above the drain hole and a bowl is pressed tightly against it, which is desirable to be treated with petroleum jelly.
  3. Then you need to do rhythmic pushes in the direction down - up. A firmly attached part of the device should not be torn off from the drain of the bathtub, toilet bowl or sink.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the plunger is removed from the hole.
  5. The above steps from 2 to 4 points must be repeated several times.

If the work is done correctly, the blockage in the pipe will be eliminated. In order to prevent the plunger, it is advisable to use it periodically. This cleaning method has a drawback - the plastic siphon may break.

The use of wire to eliminate blockages

Experts advise using this tool for cleaning sewer pipes for systems whose diameter does not exceed 250 millimeters. In products with a cross section of up to 350 millimeters, wire can only loosen accumulated deposits. For the manufacture of such a product, low-carbon steel is used, coated with a zinc layer on top.

As a result, a wire is obtained, which is characterized by:

  • flexibility, providing the ability to penetrate the bends and elbows of the pipeline;
  • rigidity, which prevents the wire from being crushed into a spiral inside the pipes. See also: "".

Experts advise making a hook at its end, the shape of which will ensure a reliable capture of sewage and debris stuck inside the pipeline - it will not allow them to cling to the protrusions on the inner surface of the walls.

To clean the sewer line with a wire, it must be inserted into the revision hole, while rotating forward or downward to pass bends in the pipes. After reaching the place of blockage, the application of efforts is increased, and the debris is pushed further forward or removed.

It is allowed to use the wire for cleaning in cases where the pipeline section has a length of up to 150 centimeters, since steel has shock-absorbing qualities and the impact force for the blockage decreases with increasing distance.

Using a sewer cable

This device has become widespread, since it can be used to deal with traffic jams formed in sewage structures. The sewer cable consists of a wire (sheath) in the form of a spring and a flexible metal core (more details: ""). For the manufacture of the fixture, high-strength steel is used, which is able to withstand a rotational load of up to 3500 rpm.

To make it convenient to work with the cable, at one end there is a handle with which the spring is rotated. At the other end of the tool, special nozzles can be attached to help destroy plugs in the sewer pipe.

The sequence of actions when using this device is as follows:

  1. The nozzle is installed and placed in the plumbing hole or inside the drain.
  2. The cable is advanced to the site of blockage. To facilitate its movement, rotational movements are made clockwise using the handle.
  3. After removing the plug and restoring the patency of the sewer structure, it is necessary to additionally clean it with a plunger.
  4. At the final stage, the drain system must be washed with boiling water and thereby remove the remnants of deposits and disinfect the pipeline, as well as get rid of bad smell from a pipe.

Mechanisms for removing blockages

Both home craftsmen and professionals are very popular mechanisms for cleaning sewer pipes. Power tools with the help of nozzles and a certain type of impact extremely efficiently and quickly remove complex contamination.

The main feature that distinguishes professional cleaning is the quiet operation of the equipment, due to the fact that electric drive placed in a casing made of materials that absorb sounds.

normal life in modern society it would not have been what it is without the invention of sewers many centuries ago. Of course, during a typical day, we don’t think about it at all, and we don’t need it at all. But still, you need to understand that it is thanks to sewerage that we have the opportunity to keep the space around us clean and tidy without unnecessary hassle and worries.

Sewerage is a useful device, but there are always a lot of problems with it. Some solve them simply by calling professional plumbers who are used to taking crazy money for their services, while others try to solve problems of this kind on their own based on their own experience and enthusiasm.

The most common sewage problem that occurs at the household level is a banal blockage. Dealing with it is very simple and it is best to use manual pipe cleaners for this. In this case, these are the most versatile assistants. They are generally available, are usually not expensive, and bring great benefits. Also, devices of this type do not take up much space, and storing them will not bother you. Such devices are very diverse. Each of them has its own distinctive characteristics and application features.

A very common is such a manual pipe cleaning device as a plunger with a water hammer. It is used to combat blockages in showers, sinks, drains. A plunger of this type performs its work with the help of a “water hammer”. It is easy to use and incredibly effective. He is able to remove a blockage of any complexity in a matter of seconds without a trace and great effort. To date, there are many modifications of this device.

The manual pipe cleaning device does not require the dismantling of siphons and drain grates. It has a closed case, which is made of plastic. This provides its spirals with reliable protection.

The manual tumbler is an easier-to-use alternative to its electric counterpart. It is well-suited for simple home pipe blocking jobs and is also widely used by professional plumbers who rely on it for highly complex tasks.

If you decide to purchase some kind of hand-held device for cleaning pipes for your home, then you are doing absolutely the right thing. Undoubtedly, it will help to avoid unnecessary spending on plumbing services that you are quite capable of doing on your own.

Pipelines are used at all industrial (domestic) facilities, but there comes a time when there is a problem with their clogging. This article discusses which pipe cleaning tool is best to use for doing the work yourself.

Causes of clogged pipelines

Periodically, greasy, soapy and other deposits form on the inner surface of the pipes, which subsequently become main reason reducing their throughput, and as a result of the formation of blockage (plugs) from accumulated household, construction waste, hair, etc.

The most susceptible to clogging are tees, swivel elbows and other elements that are installed in pipelines.

Tool types

All industrial pipe cleaning devices can be classified according to the types that are designed to perform:

  1. Manual cleaning of pipelines.
  2. Mechanical cleaning of pipes.

For handmade

A hand tool for cleaning pipes, which is simply indispensable in the household, is represented by the following:

  1. A plunger that allows you to effectively remove small blockages in the drains of sinks, showers, toilets, etc.
  2. A professional pneumatic plunger that works like a pump and is considered a more efficient tool.
  3. Toilet spirals (plumbing cables) with different nozzles to eliminate blockages that occur at a considerable distance in pipes.
  4. Steel punching tapes. They are designed to clear heavy blockages in pipes. For convenience in work of a tape are supplied with convenient handles and special nozzles.
  5. A manual pinwheel, which is used for light blockages. To increase the efficiency of work, it is possible to use a household electric drill as a drive.
  6. Compact air pistol. This is a pipe cleaner.
    makes it possible to cope with blockages in water and sewer pipes at a considerable distance.
  7. Manual cleaning machine. The drive of the machine is manual, the cleaning mechanism is a cable with a steel core.

For mechanical cleaning

Special devices with an electric drive allow the operator, without much effort, to deal very effectively with blockages of varying degrees in pipes.

These tools are:

  1. Cleaning machine of drum or sectional type. This pipe cleaner provides professional level elimination of blockages of ventilation, water and sewer pipelines.
  2. Petrol machine for removing blockages. The main advantage of such equipment is mobility and ease of transportation.
  3. operating under high pressure. It is the most effective for removing heavy pollution (sand, silt, grease).

Practical application of the tool

The desired result when performing work to remove blockages will be achieved if the pipe cleaning device is used in compliance with all necessary rules.

Let's get acquainted with the procedure for using the most simple, but effective household tool for cleaning pipelines - a plunger. The order is as follows:

  1. The device works on the principle of creating hydraulic pressure on a plug formed in the pipe. Under the action of water hammer, the resulting blockage begins to move and collapses.
  2. The plunger must be installed on top of the drain hole and the rubber suction cup of the device should be firmly pressed against it.

If there is an overflow hole, it must be hermetically sealed to create maximum pressure in the pipeline when working with the device.

  1. Pour water into the sink (bath) so that its level is higher than the rubber suction cup.
  2. Further, without tearing the plunger from the drain hole, it is necessary to make translational movements of the device.
  3. After that, sharply remove the plunger from the drain. Water that has stagnated should leave after such manipulations.
  4. To completely clean the pipe, the procedure must be repeated several times.

Consider the application of another simple, but also effective tool to eliminate blockages in pipelines, which is a pipe cleaning kit in the form of a spiral with nozzles. The tool is a flexible long spring with a convenient handle for rotation on one side and a spiral for attaching the necessary nozzles on the other end. Cleaning with a cable is carried out as follows:

  1. Before starting work, it is advisable to remove the siphon.
  2. The end of the cable with the nozzle must be directed into the pipe.
  3. Providing rotational movement of the cable with the handle, try to push it deeper into the pipe. Thanks to the rotational movement, it is possible to easily pass all the bends and turns of the pipeline.
  4. Control the force applied to the cable, as strong pressure can lead to the destruction of the connecting plastic pipeline assemblies.
  5. When the nozzle directly reaches the congestion, it is necessary to increase the intensity of the shaft rotation in order to destroy the resulting plug.

The greatest torque is obtained when the spring handle is rotated clockwise. Rotating in the opposite direction can open the spring.

  1. By making slow rotational movements, you can remove the cable from the pipe.
  2. At the last stage, it is necessary, with a stream of hot water, gradually increasing the pressure.

Thus, using simple tools for cleaning pipes, you can independently provide normal functioning pipeline.

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Equipment for cleaning sewer pipes is intended for cleaning and quickly eliminating blockages in pipelines and systems. Everyone who has ever been involved in the construction of private houses or has lived outside the city for a long time knows firsthand about such a problem as clogging of communication systems. Even the most careful and attentive to communications owner will not be able to avoid the problem of gradual contamination of the outlet pipes, which include sewerage to a greater extent. To minimize the consequences of such problems, it is necessary to periodically perform scheduled cleaning of sewer pipes. This is usually done with sewer cleaning equipment. This is more convenient and will allow you to avoid unnecessary hassle if you need to get rid of large blockages, besides, it saves you from unnecessary expenses.

As you know, the main functional purpose of the sewerage system is the removal of wastewater from residential premises. In this case, over time, clogging of sewer pipes is almost impossible to avoid. On the walls of pipelines, various contaminants of various origins, fats and dirt can appear.

Over a long period of time, this waste can fill the entire space in the pipes, which can significantly reduce its diameter and thereby reduce the throughput. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then the sewage system may completely fail and then large-scale work will be required to completely clean it or completely replace the entire system as unusable.

What is the most common cause of blockages? These can be violations during the installation of the sewer system: incorrectly calculated slope of the pipes, a sharp turn and a large number of them. In addition, most often failures occur due to improper operation, when too large objects get into the sewer, and if at the same time the water pressure is not high and is not able to wash off all the waste with high quality, then problems cannot be avoided.

In order to correctly determine what kind of manipulations should be used when cleaning pipes, choose the right device for cleaning sewer pipes, you need to understand the nature of the blockage, its cause and, of course, location. This is done with special inspection equipment, but to simplify your task, especially if you are in the city, you can turn to specialists who will professionally help you find blockages.

For common understanding types of blockages differ in pollution in the pipes themselves, in places where pipes are deformed, in sewers, basements and between wells. Each of these types has its own cleaning method, each of which is produced by special equipment. In this regard, there are four types of pipe cleaning equipment: manual, electric, gasoline, hydrodynamic.

Removing clogged pipes and clearing pipes completely can take a long time unless special drain cleaning equipment is used. An inexpensive device for cleaning sewer pipes will allow you to easily get rid of any blockages.

Now blockages, paper, rags, stones, driftwood, grease, hard and small objects will not be able to disable the sewer for a long time, a device for cleaning the sewer will come to the rescue.

In ProfTechSnab, you can buy all options for cleaning sewers.