What smell exudes. Bad breath in adults or halitosis: causes and treatment options

Each person has a unique, individual body odor. If the latter has become unpleasant, this indicates certain changes in the body. In extreme cases, such a symptom may indicate the development of the disease. The causes of unpleasant odor from the human body can be different, it is important to know about them in order to eliminate the problem in a timely manner.

Why does body smell bad?

Sweating in the body occurs through sweat glands, of which there are more than 2.5 million. They are located throughout the body and, according to the type of secretion, are divided into eccrine and apocrine. The former occupy almost the entire surface of the skin, providing thermoregulation of the body. With their help, the body is cooled in hot weather and during physical labor. This sweat is made up of salt and water.

Apocrine glands are localized in hair follicles in the armpits and genital area. Their small number is located near the ear canal. Apocrine glands secrete a secret that determines how a person smells. They emit a whitish liquid into the hair, which, when in contact with bacteria on the body, produces a foul odor.

Many different microorganisms live on human skin, including harmful bacteria and microflora, without which the existence of the organism is impossible. A huge number of these microbes absorb components released with sweat, and leave their waste products on the surface of the skin. This creates a specific, unpleasant body odor.

If your own smell makes you nervous, then the situation only worsens. Due to stress, the body produces more fetid sweat, so it is important to try to calm yourself. Under stress, sweat is secreted by apocrine glands, which are characterized by the creation of an unpleasant odor. If you're on steroids, your discharge will always smell like stress.

Foods that cause body odor

With an increase in body temperature, in the process physical activity, with stress, heat, sweat glands are activated. However, sweat by itself does not smell. The stench that a person fights with deodorants and soaps is the result of the vital activity of bacteria that are constantly on the skin. Why does the smell sometimes become so unpleasant and sharp? Food may be the culprit. These include:

  1. Cabbage. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, and cauliflower contain sulfur, a foul-smelling substance that becomes more smelly when in contact with sweat and bacteria.
  2. Asparagus. The use of the product is the cause of the acrid, "ammonia" stink of urine. Although this effect does not last longer than a couple of hours, the smell emanating from the body may deteriorate for a short time. This is due to the fact that during the digestion of asparagus, a foul-smelling gas, methanithiol, is released. It is formed during the decay of proteins and is part of the intestinal gases.
  3. Eggs. The product is rich in choline and is not recommended for people with trimethylaminuria, a genetic syndrome in which trimethylamine accumulates in the body. As a result of this pathology, the skin smells like fish.
  4. Garlic, onion, curry. These spices contain sulfur, and when it enters the bloodstream, its compounds are released through sweat and breath. The body after eating seasonings smells unpleasantly of acid.

Diets low in carbohydrates

Low-carb diets are famous for their ability to lose weight quickly. When the body no longer receives the usual amount of bread, pasta and other carbohydrate foods to convert them into energy, the body begins to burn fat stores. At the same time, it produces a substance that gives sweat the smell of acetone, which persists throughout the period of dieting.

When carbohydrates are removed from the diet, the body produces ketone bodies as an alternative fuel. If the level of the latter in the blood rises sharply, ketosis develops - a characteristic condition for diabetics. This explains why the breath of people suffering from this disease smells like acetone. Doctors do not recommend removing all carbohydrates from the menu, even for diabetics. Instead, you need to choose the healthiest carbohydrate foods.

Insufficient hygiene and untimely washing of clothes

Many people wear trousers and jeans much longer than they should. At the same time, you need to wash them more often if you want to prevent the appearance of stench. The same goes for bras: some women get so used to the 1-2 most comfortable ones that they wear them for a long time without washing, although this item of clothing is in direct contact with the body. Sweat is absorbed into the fabric, and after a while the bra starts to smell bad. Fungi and bacteria exacerbate the situation. To avoid the problem, it is recommended:

  • regularly wash linen, clothes;
  • shower daily with antibacterial soap to keep sweat from stinking;
  • choose things that are suitable in size from natural materials such as cotton, silk, linen, etc. (synthetics do not allow the skin to breathe and promote the active development of bacteria);
  • monitor the level of hair on the skin (shaving the armpits significantly reduces the intensity of the smell of sweat).

Taking vitamins and certain types of medicines

Many types of drugs and even vitamin complexes have a long list side effects including increased sweating. If you are concerned about this problem, carefully read the annotation to the drug before taking it. Examples of the effect of drugs on body odor:

  • Contraceptive pills cause dryness oral cavity resulting in plaque and bad breath.
  • Painkillers and antidepressants often increase sweating.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs stimulate more active production of fetid sweat.

Poor teeth cleaning

With the appearance of bad breath, there is reason to suspect the active reproduction of anaerobic bacteria. The latter can live in an environment without oxygen. In the process of their vital activity, they release sulfur compounds, which are the cause of stink from the mouth. Bacteria can multiply due to the following factors:

  • tooth or gum disease;
  • improper or insufficient oral hygiene;
  • poor-quality cleaning of the prosthesis.

In addition to brushing your teeth twice a day (in the morning and at bedtime), you should rinse your mouth after each meal and use dental floss at least once a day. Even incorrect choice paste can cause a bad smell. Cheap products contain a lot of alcohol, which dries the mouth, creating a beneficial environment for pathogenic microbes. It is better to give preference to proven chlorine-based antiseptic pastes.

Sinusitis and rhinitis of various nature

An unpleasant odor is a common symptom that occurs in people with purulent nasal congestion. The stench can appear with an allergic or chronic form of respiratory pathology, which is due to the activation of bacteria. The most common cause of stink is sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Mucus accumulates in the upper respiratory tract, which later turns into pus.

The disease develops due to the spread of infection within the mucous membrane, which often happens with prolonged nasal congestion, not fully cured colds. At the same time, the stench does not always appear, but is observed, as a rule, with purulent and chronic sinusitis. In some cases, the symptom also occurs in allergic pathology, when a beneficial environment is formed in the mouth for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. With sinusitis, the stench appears and disappears, but therapeutic measures must be taken in any case.

The stench can come from both the nose and the mouth. As long as the decay process continues, the problem will remain unresolved. In addition to sinusitis, there are other causes of stench. These include:

  1. Rhinitis. In an acute form, the disease leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, the appearance of purulent discharge. An atrophic form of rhinitis is ozena - nasal congestion, accompanied by the appearance of dry crusts. With this form of rhinitis, patients experience a partial loss of smell, burning, drying of the mucous membrane in the nostrils, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the nose. Pathology causes the constant use of vasoconstrictors, in addition, it can be hereditary.
  2. SARS. As a rule, a cold can cause a purulent stench from the nose only in children, while its intensity will be low. To prevent complications, it is extremely important to immediately begin treatment of SARS.
  3. Sinusitis. Pathology is caused by a fungus, a viral infection and various pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, or pneumococcal streptococcus. In addition, trauma to the face can stimulate the development of sinusitis. The disease is characterized by nasal congestion due to the accumulation of thick yellow or green mucus, a bad smell from the nasopharynx, mouth.

Refusal to wear socks

Do not wear closed shoes, be it shoes or sneakers, without socks. If you neglect this rule, the leg heats up and begins to sweat actively. Since there is no ventilation, the smell remains on the skin of the feet and in the shoes. For this reason, there is a stink. If you wear sneakers or shoes on a bare foot for a long time, mold may appear in them, and the feet and nails themselves will suffer from a fungus, which will further aggravate the problem.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages

If you drink too much alcohol, you start to smell bad. This is due to the fact that in the body alcohol is metabolized into acetic acid, after which it exits through the pores. In addition, alcohol intoxication negatively affects the freshness of breath. The more alcohol was drunk the day before, the longer the sharp, unpleasant smell will remain.

A significant amount of red meat in the diet

The product is not in the best way affects how a person smells: slowly digesting meat activates a number of digestive enzymes and reagents. Its cleavage products, including amino acids, are absorbed by the intestines and enter the blood, then sweat. Upon contact with bacteria, the stench of the secretions intensifies. The negative effect persists for at least 2 hours after eating red meat.

Pregnancy and menopause

During childbearing, a woman's body begins to smell differently. This is due to an increase in the rate of metabolism and blood circulation in all parts of the body. In addition, changes are associated with hormonal changes, which often lead to bad breath. The latter factor is also characteristic of menopause, when women experience hot flashes, sleep problems, and their natural aroma changes. Under the influence of hormones, the internal temperature rises and, as a result, there is a more abundant sweating.

Choosing the wrong antiperspirant

It is difficult to find among the presented variety of funds suitable option. There are two main types - antiperspirants and deodorants. The latter are made on the basis of alcohol, they mask the smell and prevent the growth of bacteria on the skin. Antiperspirants tend to block the pores through which sweat escapes, so the skin remains dry. It is recommended to choose a product that combines these two properties.

Causes of body odor that signal health problems

Scientists say that people choose a partner for their body odor, and the sense of smell allows you to find a person with the most suitable set of genes. Each organism secretes pheromones - substances that arouse interest in members of the opposite sex. However, there are situations when the body smells unpleasant and this is a kind of distress signal, since this symptom sometimes indicates the presence of a serious illness. Doctors believe that some diseases are characterized by their own individual "aroma":

Body odor


Metabolic disease

Sweetish, putrid


hydrogen sulfide

Ulcer, dyspepsia

wet wool

Pathologies of the adrenal glands

rotten meat


Mold, dampness, old age

Hormonal problems

rotten apples

Condition preceding hypoglycemic coma

The smell of acetone in diabetes

This symptom is due to the fact that the patient develops insulin deficiency. Glucose is broken down worse and its excess becomes a factor due to which changes in the composition of the blood occur, metabolism worsens, as a result of which the number of ketone bodies in the body increases. The latter are actively excreted by the body through the sweat glands, which causes a bad smelling body. If the sweat smells like acetone, but there is no diabetes, a person should be checked for pathologies such as:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • digestive problems;
  • human infection with bacteria, viruses;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

Ammonia smell for kidney and liver problems

Such a sign in a person of any age indicates certain diseases of such internal organs as the kidneys and liver. Urine breath comes from saliva with an admixture of ammonia released from urea. In this case, the taste of metal can be felt in the mouth. common cause such stench from the mouth is kidney failure or other kidney pathologies. Thanks to this organ, the body removes toxins and decay products, so it is extremely important to diagnose and eliminate the problem that led to the ammonia stench in a timely manner. The main diseases of the kidneys include:

Ammonia breathing, in addition, sometimes accompanies cystitis. If the skin smells of ammonia, then this indicates the inability of the kidneys and liver to process excess nitrogen, so the body removes it through the pores. To do this, he needs a large amount of water, and the first thing that the symptom indicates is a possible lack of fluid in the body. Ammonia sweat can be a sign of excess protein. This problem is faced by people who prefer low-carbohydrate diets. To stop the breakdown of proteins, it is necessary to introduce the right amount of carbohydrates into the diet.

Vinegar for endocrine disorders or infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lungs

The body can smell like vinegar, and often the person sweats a lot. Causes that can cause these symptoms include endocrine disorders, deficiency of vitamins B, D and infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the lungs. If the problem is at the hormonal level, there is often an iodine deficiency in the body, which immediately leads to the appearance of stench. If acetic sweat is accompanied by cough, weakness, high body temperature, this indicates the possible presence of tuberculosis.


Bad breath, like sticky paper sticking to a shoe, usually harmless, but so uncomfortable. And most importantly, no one will tell you about it. On a microbial level, bad breath comes from the breakdown of food and from the presence of microorganisms in our mouths.

After any meal, small particles of food linger on the gums. Remains of food get stuck between the teeth and settle on the tongue. Naturally, they are subject to decomposition. The process releases a bunch of stinky combinations and creates the fetid dragon odor or, as it's more formally called, halitosis.

The good news is that the phenomenon is usually temporary. Simply rinse your mouth and brush your teeth with toothpaste. Bad news? If the pungent smell is not caused by food or culinary preferences, then it most likely has a deeper reason for origin. Consider several reasons why the breath is stale and smells bad from the mouth.

For example…

  1. Gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (note - hydrogen sulfide smell).
  2. Chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis or sinusitis.
  3. Pneumonia and bronchitis.
  4. Kidney disease (note - the smell of acetone).
  5. Diabetes mellitus (note - the smell of acetone).
  6. Diseases of the gallbladder (bitter bad smell).
  7. Liver diseases (in this case, a specific fecal or fishy smell is noted).
  8. Tumor of the esophagus (note - the smell of rot / decomposition).
  9. Tuberculosis in active form (note - the smell of pus).
  10. Kidney failure (approx. - "fishy" smell).
  11. Xerostomia caused by medication or prolonged mouth breathing (putrid odor).

It is worth noting also pseudohalitosis. This term is used when speaking of a condition when a person with fresh breath “imagines” an unpleasant odor in his mouth.

Which doctor to contact

How to get rid of bad breath in adults, a gastroenterologist can find the causes and choose a treatment
Regarding the smell from the mouth in an adult, you need to go to a gastroenterologist to examine the stomach. The doctor will find the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment, give recommendations on how to get rid of bad breath. The main thing is that measures are taken by a person in advance. Ordinary gastritis quickly turns into more serious diseases.

Homemade recipes are quite effective, but you don’t need to rely on them alone. Without getting rid of the main "fragrant" disease, all other remedies will only be a temporary disguise.

Modern medicine in the treatment of halitosis

Nowadays, there are very effective methods for diagnosing this disease.

  • The use of a halimeter which, in addition to diagnosis, also helps in assessing the success of the treatment of halitosis.
  • The composition of dental plaque is also examined.
  • And the back of the patient's tongue is studied. It should match the color of the oral mucosa. But with a brown, white or cream shade, we can talk about glossitis.

Considering that in most cases true halitosis is one of the symptoms of a certain disease, It is worth seeing other doctors:

  1. ENT consultation help to eliminate polyps and sinusitis.
  2. On a visit to a gastroenterologist we find out if there is diabetes, problems with the kidneys / liver or gastrointestinal tract.
  3. At the dentist we eliminate foci of infection and remove bad teeth. A course of professional / oral hygiene at the same time as the removal of dental deposits will not interfere. When diagnosing periodontitis, the use of special irrigators is usually recommended.


Preventing halitosis is easy. Go to the dentist regularly, carefully monitor the oral cavity, follow the recommendations of the doctor. In addition to brushing your teeth, you need to clean your tongue, as a mass of bacteria settles on the organ. The tongue is cleaned with a regular brush or a special rubber one.

It is important to monitor nutrition, exclude harmful foods, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Doctors recommend adjusting your diet and lifestyle. So that a bad aroma does not pursue a person, you will need to give up bad habits.

The main thing is to monitor your health, treat diseases of the digestive system in time and undergo preventive examinations.

Alternative medicine and the uncontrolled use of herbs to relieve symptoms can be ineffective and dangerous to health.

If all the measures taken do not work, nothing helps, and the stench appears immediately after brushing your teeth, an unpleasant smell becomes a common occurrence - you need to visit a doctor. The dentist will look at the oral cavity and find out whether an unpleasant symptom has appeared from the teeth or not, and will tell you what to do to avoid trouble. If the pathology is not of a dental nature, you will have to contact a gastroenterologist. The doctor will diagnose, diagnose and prescribe treatment.

How can you quickly eliminate bad breath?

  • The most elementary way is to brush your teeth. Cheap and cheerful.
  • Spray freshener. For example, with mint flavor. Today, such a device can be found in any pharmacy. Just throw it in your bag - keep it always at hand. It is enough to spray 1-2 times into the oral cavity, and you don’t have to worry that they will run away from you after a minute of communication. Choose a spray with preventive properties (protection against the formation of tartar, plaque, caries).
  • rinse aid. Also useful thing for teeth and mouth. In addition to freshening breath, it also has an additional function - protection against plaque, strengthening teeth, etc. But do not rush to spit it out right away - hold the liquid in your mouth for at least 30 seconds, then its effect will be more pronounced.
  • Refreshing sweets. For example, mints. They will not bring much benefit, given the sugar content, but masking the smell is easy.
  • Chewing gum. Not the most useful method, especially if you have stomach problems, but perhaps the easiest. Chewing gum outside the home is even easier to find than lollipops. The optimal flavor is minty. It is most effective for masking odor. In order not to harm yourself, chew it for a maximum of 10 minutes, only after meals and without dyes (pure white).
  • Mint, greens. Sometimes it is enough to chew on a leaf of mint, parsley or green salad.
  • Fruits, vegetables and berries. The most effective are citrus fruits, apples, bell peppers.
  • Other "camouflage" products: yogurt, green tea, chocolate
  • Spices: Carnation, nutmeg, fennel, anise, etc. You just need to hold the spice in your mouth or chew one clove (a piece of walnut, etc.).

Causes of halitosis

The causes of bad breath in an adult can be extremely diverse, and it is impossible to determine the pathology only on this basis. Therefore, you need to consider other symptoms that have arisen simultaneously with halitosis:

Possible reasonsThe nature of the smellAssociated symptoms
Dental diseases: caries, periodontitis, stomatitis.A fetid smell with a touch of rot, worse in the morning.Pain in the teeth, the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane, bleeding.
Diseases of the urinary organs: nephrosis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.Reminds me of ammonia.Lower back pain, fever, discomfort when urinating.
Sjögren's syndrome.Unpleasant smell, like caries.Dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes, photophobia, difficulty in swallowing.
Pathologies of the respiratory organs: sinusitis, sinusitis, proliferation of adenoids and polyps, pneumonia, purulent bronchitis, tuberculosis.Purulent smell.Pain in the throat or sinuses, mucus discharge, difficulty in nasal breathing, changes in voice and pronunciation of sounds, plaque on the tonsils.
Liver failure.Rotten smell of spoiled meat or eggs.Light feces, dark urine, yellow mucous membranes and skin, bitter taste in the mouth.
Diseases of the stomach and small intestine: gastritis, ulcer.Sour breath in an adult or child.Stomach pain, heartburn, stomach or intestinal bleeding.
Intestinal dysbacteriosis.Putrid smell.Digestive disorders, accumulation of intestinal gases, flatulence.
Problems with the pancreas, diabetes and diabetes insipidus.Offensive sour smell with an admixture of acetone.Persistent thirst, copious urination, weakness, accumulation of excess weight.

Dental diseases

If the cause of bad breath in an adult lies in dental problems (this happens in 80% of cases), you should consult a dentist. The appearance of a fetid odor indicates that pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in carious lesions or under tartar, which cause decay processes. Ignoring the situation will lead to tooth loss due to damage to the internal tissues of the tooth or gums.

With stomatitis, breath odor also indicates the vital activity of bacteria. The infection can provoke a severe fever, serves as a source of pathogens that can enter any other organ through the bloodstream. For treatment, the doctor will recommend antibacterial medicines, mouth rinses.

Most of the problems found in dentistry have one cause - non-compliance with hygiene rules. It is worth skipping cleaning in the mornings and evenings for two days - and it already stinks from the mouth with rot. Bacteria are not eliminated from the surface of the teeth, they begin to multiply more actively, their waste products accumulate and, together with food, form soft plaque, which then turns into hard tartar. Therefore, you can prevent the appearance of bad breath by observing the rules of hygiene.

Digestive problems

Causes of bad breath in adults associated with the digestive system are very dangerous, but not so common: about 10% of cases. They lead to depletion of the body, impaired immunity, provoke pain, the patient smells sour from the mouth.

If pathogenic bacteria develop in the intestines, they can enter the respiratory and urinary organs and form new foci of infection.

It is impossible to eliminate a rotten smell with such diseases with toothpaste or rinse aid., you must definitely contact a therapist or gastroenterologist who will prescribe treatment:

Liver disease

When people try to find out why the mouth smells rotten and there is an unpleasant taste, diagnostics often reveal liver dysfunction. This gland secretes bile, which has a bitter taste, which causes a periodic sensation of bitterness when gastric contents enter through the esophagus into the throat.

Liver diseases are provoked by various reasons: viral hepatitis, poisoning, alcohol intoxication, irregular meals. Therefore, treatment is developed individually. The doctor may recommend:

  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • The appointment of drugs - hepatoprotectors.
  • Dieting.
  • Treatment of viral diseases with antiviral therapy.

Problems with the pancreas

The presence of a bad smell in a woman or a man is always unpleasant, but this symptom sometimes reveals unexpressed diseases in healthy-looking people. This happens when the smell of acetone from the oral mucosa appears. Turning to the doctor, patients may unexpectedly reveal an increase in blood sugar. The aroma of this substance accompanies the breakdown of large amounts of fat in cells that lack available carbohydrates.

The following measures will help reduce the harm of diabetes to the body and fight halitosis:

  • Constant control of sugar levels and timely use of insulin when it rises.
  • Dieting.
  • The use of hypoglycemic agents.

Halitosis in diseases of the respiratory system

In every tenth patient with complaints of bad breath, the causes of the symptom lie in diseases of the respiratory tract. In infections that provoke tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, antibiotic therapy is necessary, and it is better to first identify the type of pathogen. To do this, do bakposev biomaterial.

If pathogenic microorganisms linger and actively multiply due to neoplasms (polyps, adenoids), surgical intervention may be necessary. But not in all cases, doctors consider the operation necessary, the decision is made after a complete diagnosis, taking into account the likely harm and benefit to the patient.

Simultaneously with the treatment of the respiratory system, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity so that the infection does not accumulate on the teeth.

And, of course, do not forget about the prevention of halitosis:

  1. Electric Toothbrush. She cleans her teeth much more effectively than usual.
  2. Dental floss. This "instrument of torture" helps to remove the "remnants of feasts" from the interdental spaces.
  3. Brush to remove plaque on the tongue. Also a very useful invention.
  4. Hydration of the mouth. Persistent dry mouth can also cause halitosis. Saliva has antibacterial properties, and reducing its amount, respectively, leads to an increase in the number of bacteria. Keep your mouth moist.
  5. Decoctions for rinsing the mouth / throat. You can use chamomile, mint, sage and eucalyptus, oak or magnolia bark. The latter is the best for eradicating this problem.
  6. Nutrition. Avoid garlic, coffee, meat and red wine. These foods lead to halitosis. An excess of fast carbohydrates is the path to caries and plaque on the teeth, give preference to fiber.
  7. Brushing teeth twice a day for one and a half to two minutes, choosing brushes of medium hardness. We change the brush at least once every 3 months. It is also recommended to purchase an ionizer-sterilizer for your brush - it will disinfect your "tool".
  8. After eating, be sure to remember about rinsing your mouth. Preferably, a decoction of herbs, a special rinse or dental elixir.
  9. We visit the dentist every six months and solve dental problems in a timely manner. Do not forget to be examined by a therapist for chronic diseases.
  10. toothpaste choose one that contains natural antiseptic ingredients that can reduce the activity of bacteria.
  11. Drink more water.
  12. Treat bleeding gums promptly- It also causes an unpleasant odor.
  13. With dentures remember that they should be thoroughly cleaned every day.

If, despite all efforts, the smell continues to haunt you - ask the experts for help!

The site Kolady.ru provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible only under the supervision of a conscientious physician. If you experience anxiety symptoms, contact a specialist!

Treatment with folk remedies

IN traditional medicine many universal methods are described, by resorting to which it will be possible to freshen your breath at home, without medicines. You can use the funds for halitosis caused by any pathologies or processes. The very cause of the stench cannot be permanently removed, but the breath will be made fresh without risk to health.

Hydrogen peroxide

A popular home remedy for bad breath. Effective as peroxide has antibacterial properties. Well eliminates microorganisms. People who have used the rinse solution have noticed that the product whitens teeth well.

In its pure form, the use of peroxide is contraindicated. Rinse your mouth with a solution. Dissolve three teaspoons of peroxide in half a glass of warm water. Rinse at least three times a day.

If during the procedure a slight burning sensation is felt and the formation of white foam is observed, it means that there are wounds in the mouth that are disinfected when rinsing.

Hydrogen peroxide must not be swallowed. A solution of strong concentration can burn the mucous membrane of the mouth and esophagus. A solution is purchased at a pharmacy.

Activated carbon

Activated charcoal is a well-known absorbent that absorbs toxic substances and removes them from the human body. The drug is safe, used for various diseases, among which are pathologies that cause a strong fetid odor from the mouth. The medicine helps to eliminate odor and improves the general well-being of a person.

The drug is taken in courses. On average, the course is one to two weeks.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil helps fight bad breath. The product must be of high quality. To eliminate the repulsive odor, you will need to rinse your mouth with oil for 3 minutes. Then spit it out and rinse the cavity boiled water. Carry out the procedure at least twice a day.

It is possible to add salt to the oil and also rinse your mouth.


Folk recipes for the treatment of bad breath include courses of rinsing with herbal infusions and decoctions.

  • Mix wormwood leaves, chamomile and strawberries in equal proportions and pour boiling water over. Insist herbs for at least half an hour and strain through a sieve.
  • Peppermint tea is an excellent remedy to help get rid of bad breath. Tea calms well, fights insomnia.
  • Peppermint decoction can be used in place of mouthwash.
  • A decoction of oak bark will quickly eliminate an unpleasant odor. Pour a tablespoon of chopped bark with a glass of boiling water and insist. Strain, cool and start rinsing.
  • Calamus will help to overcome the specific aroma. The grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour. Then it is filtered. Rinse with infusion should be at least twice a day.
  • You can remove the symptom with the help of infusion of oxal leaves. Fresh leaves are poured with water, put on a heated stove and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The broth is insisted and filtered. Take two sips before meals four times a day.
  • It will be possible to destroy the bacteria by taking a decoction of magnolia bark. The tool is able to kill 90% of pathogenic microflora. Pour a tablespoon of bark with 200 ml of boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes. Rinse your mouth three times a day.

Other folk ways

You can eliminate the unpleasant smell with folk remedies after eating, if there is a meeting or negotiations ahead. Recipes:

  • Grind ginger root into powder. After eating, take half a teaspoon of the powder orally.
  • Helps with the smell of aniseed. Chew the seeds before breakfast.
  • It is useful to eat a couple of apples before meals in the morning. The fruit saves from an unpleasant smell and normalizes the work of the stomach.
  • Parsley will help against the smell of onions and garlic. Chew on a sprig of grass and the smell will disappear.
  • Roasted sunflower seeds effectively mask the smell.
  • The best remedy for bad breath is apple cider vinegar. Dissolve a teaspoon of a natural remedy in a glass of water and rinse your mouth for several minutes.
  • You can get rid of the unpleasant smell by chewing the fruits of the juniper tree.
  • With periodontal disease, propolis will help to cope with halitosis. Propolis tincture well relieves bad odor.
  • To eliminate the symptom, try making a remedy from chamomile and honey. You need to finely crush the flowers and mix a teaspoon of grass with two tablespoons of honey. Take a teaspoon before meals.
  • You can get rid of the strong onion flavor by chewing coffee beans or pine needles.
  • It is possible to remove the fume with the help of Corvalol. The option is doubtful, but alcohol will disguise.
  • Nutmeg will give a fresh pleasant aroma to the breath.

Effective home remedies can help fight halitosis, clean your mouth, eliminate bacteria, and reduce or eliminate bad breath. But they are not able to save a person from the cause of the symptom. If the smell is constantly haunting, the struggle brings temporary freshness, you need to see a doctor.

How to detect bad breath

In order to detect this problem in a timely manner, it is necessary to pay attention to your condition. You can identify bad breath in yourself by doing the following:

  • While at home, you need to go to the mirror and look at the state of the language. If it is covered with white coating or there are white lumps, then this symptom in 95% of cases indicates the presence of bad breath.
  • You can evaluate this indicator with the help of relatives or close people. Enough to ask them about it.
  • Self-assessment of breath odor can be done by applying a small amount of saliva to the wrist. After application, it is recommended to let the saliva dry, after which the smell is evaluated.
  • To determine the smell, you need to bring a palm folded in a handful to your mouth. After that, exhale sharply through the mouth, while inhaling through the nose. This smell corresponds to the smell from the mouth.
  • For this purpose, you can use dental or regular floss, which should be held between the teeth. The smell of the thread corresponds to the smell from the mouth.

How to determine if there is a problem?

The most unpleasant feature of halitosis is that a person suffering from this does not always smell and is blissfully unaware of the suffering of those around him. It becomes difficult to communicate with him, especially if the interlocutor prefers to lean too close to the face. It is even more difficult for subordinates if the boss has a strong stink from the mouth. What to do and how to check the freshness of your breath?

The simplest technique is to lick your wrist and sniff the skin after a couple of minutes. You can catch a rather unpleasant smell. As control test take a tongue scraping. With a regular teaspoon, swipe over the tongue, preferably closer to the throat. Slightly dried plaque has a characteristic smell, it is he who is felt by the interlocutor during a confidential conversation. A similar test is performed using unscented dental floss - just clean the gaps between the teeth and smell the floss. Finally, you can ask a direct question to a loved one, especially if he does not suffer from excessive delicacy and does not hush up problems.

Dental diseases

Pathological processes occurring in the oral cavity are always accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Among the common diseases are:

  1. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease in which the integrity of the bone ligaments that hold the tooth is broken. A purulent focus appears in the upper part of the root.
  2. Pulpitis is an inflammatory process in the internal tissue of the tooth. The disease is accompanied by a putrid stench.
  3. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. In a severe form, the gums bleed, a terrible smell comes from the mouth.
  4. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth.
  5. Caries is a sluggish pathological process of destruction of hard tooth tissues.

With such processes, microbes and bacteria multiply perfectly in a favorable environment for them. To eliminate the strange smell, you need to visit dental office and get treated. It may be necessary to remove diseased teeth or roots. If the teeth are in order, the cause of halitosis is in diseases of the internal organs.

How to get rid of the smell at home?

What steps can you take to get rid of bad breath? Let's take a closer look:

  1. Drink more water. Oddly enough, drinking plenty of water throughout the day will also help you reduce bad breath. With a lack of water, your body will try to retain it, which will reduce the production of saliva, and it will be less effective in dissolving and washing away bacteria and their secretions that form an unpleasant odor. Daily water intake in sufficient quantities is especially important for those suffering from xerostomia (chronic dryness of the mouth).
  2. Rinse your mouth with water. Rinsing your mouth with plain water will also help you reduce bad breath for a short period of time. Rinsing also dissolves and washes away bacteria secretions that harm the freshness of your breath.
  3. Stimulate salivation. It will also help you reduce bad breath. You remember that saliva cleanses the mouth, dissolves and washes away bacteria and their secretions. The simplest way to stimulate the secretion of saliva - something to chew. When chewing - anything - your body thinks that you are eating, and therefore it gives a signal to increase the production of saliva. (Saliva is a very important component in the digestion of food). You can, for example, chew clove seeds, dill, mint or parsley. Peppermints, chewing gum, and mints can help salivate. But: if you prefer these foods, make sure they are sugar-free. Sugar promotes the growth of those bacteria that can cause cavities.
  4. Watch your oral hygiene especially carefully after eating protein foods. Anaerobic bacteria release volatile sulfur compounds - the cause of bad breath - as a result of the consumption of proteins. After you have eaten meat, fish, or any other protein-rich food, clean your mouth thoroughly so that the smallest particles of protein food do not serve as a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria.

Toothpastes for halitosis

There are a number of oral care products that are specifically aimed at maintaining fresh breath and restoring the microflora of the oral cavity. The composition of such drugs must necessarily include components that inhibit the activity of bacteria and viruses that provoke bad breath. Antiseptic components allow you to better clean your teeth and remove bacterial plaque.

It must be remembered that products with antibacterial substances can only be used for course treatment (no more than 2 weeks). It is advisable to alternate toothpastes with antiseptics with prophylactic dental care products. For example, in the morning, use a remedy with a preventive effect, and in the evening - with a therapeutic one, or vice versa.

The best pastes used for the treatment of halitosis: Lacalut Flora, President (antibacterial), Colgate Total. In case of a problem, it is also necessary to use other means during hygiene procedures: rinses, flosses, irrigators.

When ozotomy is recommended to use rinses containing antiseptics and herbal extracts. Such funds can not only freshen your breath, but also prevent bleeding gums, caries. List of the best rinses for halitosis for adults:

  • Pro;
  • medicine man;
  • Listerine;
  • The president.

Instead of pharmacological agents at home, you can use self-prepared herbal decoctions. However, it must be remembered that with their frequent and regular use, darkening of the enamel is possible.

You should use dental floss after every meal. The device is especially effective for cleaning interdental spaces, which are difficult to clean with a standard brush. With stale breath, dental floss impregnated with menthol flavor is recommended.

Why does it smell like rot after a tooth extraction?

Inflammation after tooth extraction
Tooth extraction is a traumatic process, so infection or inflammation can often begin. An unpleasant odor signals a problem a couple of days after the operation.

You should immediately consult a dentist to determine the cause of the aroma in order to prevent the development of complications, since serious dental diseases can develop due to infections.

If an unpleasant odor appears, it is best to immediately consult a doctor, and not self-medicate, since internal diseases can be the cause of the development of halitosis.

The use of rinses, refreshing lozenges, and sprays can help kill bacteria, but will not cure the disease itself.

Problems of the gastrointestinal tract

If there is a suspicious smell from the mouth, then the stomach may be the culprit. For example, if you eat garlic and then brush your teeth, you will still smell. Depending on the type of problem, an unpleasant odor can appear on an empty stomach, after certain types of food, only in the evenings or in the middle of the night.

If the problem is in the digestive system, what should I do to avoid bad breath? You need to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to conduct an examination and clarify the diagnosis. If the smell appears on an empty stomach, then it will be enough to eat something light and neutral - perhaps this is increased acidity.

Oral hygiene

Dental hygienists claim that more than half of their patients have no idea how to brush their teeth. That is why the chain of transformation of soft plaque into tartar begins, caries appears, the gums become inflamed, and the mouth stinks in the morning. What to do with this, we are taught from childhood - you need to brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, while brushing should not only move left and right. The gaps between the teeth are better cleaned by “sweeping” movements from top to bottom, and the gums are massaged in circles along the way.

Soft plaque is formed not only on the surface of the teeth, but also on the gums, on the tongue, and even on the inner surface of the cheeks. Of course, you should not “scrape” your mouth too vigorously from the inside, as you can injure soft tissues, accidentally introduce an infection and only provoke the development of inflammatory processes. After eating, it is enough to use dental floss and rinse your mouth, it is not necessary to grab a toothbrush.

The quiet summer night is filled to the limit with the unique aroma of flowers, herbs and various plants. What is the night violet worth, the smell of which cannot be confused with anything. However, each flower or plant has its own unique smell. It can be both pleasant and just disgusting. You will ask why? It all depends on what purpose the plant pursues, exuding a smell. If this is pollination, then the aroma will be incredibly subtle, pleasant, honey. But it also happens that it performs a protective function. In this case, the smell will be quite unpleasant, designed to scare away pests.

All this is understandable, but how does this smell spread in the surrounding space? There is no secret here. Essential oils accumulate inside the flower buds. Under the influence of sunlight, the flower opens, and the essential oil begins to evaporate, filling the surrounding air with its fragrance. Night flowers behave similarly, for example, the same night violet. By air currents, its fragrance spreads over fairly long distances, attracting insects that participate in the process of its pollination.

In other words, the aromatic oils that are inside the flower contain volatile substances that, under the action of solar heat, or high temperature, begin to evaporate, saturating the surrounding air. Scientists call them aroma molecules. It is them that a person perceives with his sense of smell. But, as it turns out, the person is not the main one here. The fragrance that the flowers exude should attract the insects that pollinate them. If these are bees, then the smell will be very pleasant. Well, flies, as you already understood, pollinate flowers that exude a cadaverous rotting smell.

In general, the smell that flowers and plants emit can be completely different. It is able to contain the aroma of cinnamon, cardamom, almond, lemon, etc. It all depends on chemical, which is part of the aromatic oil secreted by the flower. As we have already said, this smell can be quite unpleasant, but at the same time, incredibly attractive to some types of insects. An example is the flycatcher plant, which is a predator. With its putrid smell, it attracts flies, which it then catches and eats. However, she is not the only one. Its competitor is the Amorphophallus flower, which fills the surrounding air with an incredibly nasty smell.

Scientists claim that appearance a flower is directly related to its smell. Beautiful flowers and smell nice. Although, there are exceptions. Bright color and bad smell can perform a protective function. Here we can draw a direct analogy with the animal world. Moreover, the brighter the flower, the less its aroma. The strongest smell of white and yellow flowers.

And so, what conclusions can be drawn from all that has been said?

Flowers need scent to attract pollinating insects and repel leaf-gnawing pests. It is due to the presence inside the flower essential oils. The nature of the smell can be completely different, and depends on which insects it is designed for and what function it performs.

apah - a specific sensation of the presence of volatile aromatic substances in the air, detected by chemical olfactory receptors located in the nasal cavity of animals and humans (from Wikipedia).

The scent of the soul

In general, everything is clear. Some odorous molecules that are present in the air and enter the receptors located in the nose transmit information about the nature and strength of the smell to the brain, where it is analyzed. Then, if a particular scent is already known, the brain deduces that it is, say, the scent of ripe raspberries.

Why do some people recognize and analyze odors well, while others do not? This is also clear - the level of perception and the quality of odor analysis are influenced by such parameters as: the degree of development of receptors, the characteristics of the limbic system (a set of a number of brain structures), age characteristics, mental level, individual experience.

The perception of smells is also influenced by the hormonal background. This is also because, in endocrine system includes organs that are somehow connected with the imagination - the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. A serious hormonal imbalance, which is observed with advanced spoilage, can lead to disturbances in the perception of odors and, accordingly, to their incorrect analysis. In most cases, it is precisely this that causes the appearance of “intrusive unpleasant odors” in the spoiled symptoms themselves, and not at all with mental problems.

However, if we are talking about smell as an objective, purely physical phenomenon, then why not allow the presence of a metaphysical smell? And this "smell" is really there. In this case, we are not talking about the same molecules that are present in the air. Perhaps there is something similar to "molecules", but they are definitely not in the air, but in a different, metaphysical environment.

All objects and beings that are on the physical plane of existence and have characteristics known on the same plane, at the same time have numerous additional characteristics that manifest themselves only on other planes.

This idea is prompted by the analysis of "smells" when working with the damage and relocation of the essence. The “smell” of spoilage is sour, which happens from spoiled food. When essence and possession are settled, the “smell” of decomposition is sharper, with an admixture of sulfur (this is how wet matches smell).

On the physical plane, no smell can be felt, in this case we are talking about smell as a metaphysical phenomenon. From people obsessed with money as a mania, the smell of sour stench and fear emanates. So "smell" those who are ready for the sake of money for meanness, betrayal, lies. People stingy and envious "smell" of stale old things, junk, mold. Bewitched exude a sweetish-sweet, obsessive aroma, similar to the smell of incense and funerals. When disembodied entities (dead, but not dead) settle in, the smell of carrion, rancid spirits, fumes, decayed rags is often felt.

All these and many other "smells" are felt on a subconscious level, making their way through any, even expensive perfume. By the way, Additional Information in the form of a metaphysical smell, it gives the specialist another opportunity to clarify the diagnosis in the course of diagnosis. What exactly are we dealing with in this case - is it just household damage or professionally made? In the latter case (especially when removed), the smell of “quiet” damp earth and rotten leaves is often felt, which, in terms of physical smell, is very reminiscent of a cemetery.

Can a metaphysical (non-molecular) smell be noticeable to others? Obviously yes. Each person is a bit of a psychic, in the same "animal", pre-civilizational sense. And each one has a subconscious mind that continuously analyzes, without sleep and rest, hundreds and thousands of parameters of the physical and non-physical planes of being. A person who has serious violations in the form of damage, habitation or possession, turns out to be "calculated" by many people around him, by analyzing metaphysical characteristics. Including non-molecular smell.

Of course, this quite often leads to problems associated with loneliness. Another aspect - such a person "attracts" a similar person to himself, according to the same characteristics. Those. the corrupted has more chances to find mutual understanding with the corrupted, the possessed - with the possessed. It turns out that a serious violation of energy, as it were, pushes a person out of the society of energetically clean (relatively, of course) people. As a result, there is a limitation of the circle of contacts, opportunities to get a good job, personal and professional development.

Summing up, we can conclude that each person, in addition to the natural physical (molecular) smell, also has a certain metaphysical smell. If the energy is in order, then the metaphysical smell is by no means repulsive. In addition, each person also has a “smell of the soul”, which characterizes his spiritual and moral qualities. Try to catch in this or that case this “smell of the soul”, and you will be convinced that everything written above deserves attention.

Kozlov Oleg Lvovich and Sukhanov Valery Yurievich

Ecology of health and beauty: In Ayurveda, it is believed that the body of a spiritually and physically healthy person exudes the fragrance of flowers...

In Ayurveda, it is believed that the body of a spiritually and physically healthy person exudes the fragrance of flowers, and his breath is filled with the scent of roses. While an unpleasant smell from the body and from the oral cavity is considered as a sign of illness.

Smell from the mouth

Most often, bad breath comes from poor oral hygiene or from a diet that causes poor or weak digestion. However, this smell can also be a sign of serious medical conditions such as ulcers, sinusitis, periodontal disease, poor kidney function, or liver problems.

Ayurveda emphasizes that in order to eliminate the cause of bad breath, it is necessary to strengthen and protect the fading gastric fire (agni), which worsens digestion. It is very important not to eat heavy food in large quantities, and even more so at night, avoid ice drinks, ice cream, cheese because they reduce the digestive fire, which slows down digestion, increasing the likelihood of ama (toxins and waste products) being formed.

To improve digestion after meals, chew 1 teaspoon of a mixture of roasted fennel seeds and cumin seeds (in a ratio of 1 to 1).

body odor

Sweat is responsible for the smell, along with which pheromones are released (to attract the right partner), residual elements of the vital activity of microbes (which is especially noticeable during illness) and decay products of food consumed. In other words, with sweat, most often, toxins and unnecessary garbage are washed out of the body.

Therefore, our smell depends on two main factors:

1) how clean and healthy we are in general,

2) as well as what they ate for dinner yesterday.

Some eaten foods that can spoil our aroma:

  • Meat and animal proteins

Vegetarian sweat does not contain ketones, which are released into the blood when animal protein breaks down. Meat is also hard and takes a long time to digest, having time to start releasing toxins. Therefore, people on a protein diet sweat a lot and smell not very pleasant.

  • Onion garlic

They are useful for inflammatory and infectious diseases, but eating them regularly is not necessary.

  • Curry

Curry is a winner among other spices in terms of its effect on body odour.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol itself has an extremely pungent smell, which is often impossible to endure (you have to mix it with cola, hold your breath, bring a slice of lime to your nose ...), so a person who regularly consumes alcohol is thoroughly saturated with this smell. As with all other unpleasant odors, residual elements and decay products begin to be secreted by the sweat glands, impregnating the body with a repulsive harshness.

In addition, body odor can indicate a malfunction of the kidneys and other disorders of the body.

Here are some natural remedies that can help you deal with bad body odor:

  • Coriander, cinnamon, cumin, nutmeg, bay leaf

In an infusion of any of these spices, you can add sage leaves officinalis and use for rubdowns and baths. To do this, wrap the collection in a gauze napkin and pass hot water through it.

  • Oregano

Wipe or rinse after a shower with herbal infusion (2 tablespoons of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water).

Drink a warm infusion of oregano half a cup 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

  • Licorice naked

Rinse or take baths with root infusion (1 tbsp of crushed raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water).

  • creeping thyme

Wipe or rinse after a shower with herbal infusion (2 tablespoons of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water).

  • Salvia officinalis

Wipe or rinse after a shower with infusion of leaves (1 tbsp of raw material pour 400 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, strain).published

Based on the materials of the book Sun Light "Ayurveda. Principles of harmony for the body, soul and consciousness"

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

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