Conscript what to take with you. What to take with a conscript to the army? Diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders

Alexander served on conscription and remained on the contract. At our request, he wrote several important tips recruits about what they should take with them to the army.

What to take with you to the army:

1) Phone and charger. It is better to buy a cheap phone, preferably black and white, so that it can hold a charge for a long time. Because at first it will still be problematic to charge it. At the military registration and enlistment office they gave me 2 sim cards, between which calls were practically free throughout Russia. I gave one to my parents.

2) Washing accessories. You need to take a soap dish, soap, three disposable machines, shaving cream, toothpaste and a toothbrush, a roll of toilet paper. You should not take expensive shaving foam, machines for 500 rubles with cassettes - they will be taken away anyway.

3) I'm going for a day. No need to take perishable products, it is not known how long you will sit at the collection point. Cookies, vacuum-packed sausage, bread, melted cheese, water or juice to taste ideal option. I myself went to the army without food, which I greatly regretted)

4) Money. Take 1000 rubles, this should be enough for the first time.

5) Plaster! Lots of plaster! Especially those who are called in the summer. At first, unworn berets will rub your legs and you just need to endure it.

6) Cigarettes. If you smoke, then take five packs. And as soon as you get the uniform and clothing, scatter the packs in your pockets. It's the same with money. Don't keep everything in one pocket.

7) Get a haircut. Short. You will have to do this. And it’s better to do it right away than to be a black sheep among shaved recruits later.

No need to take expensive things. Any players, iPhones, electronic books, toilet water, deodorants, aftershave creams, expensive lighters, watches, civilian clothes are best left at home. All this will be taken away on the first day, put in a nightstand, locked, and you will not see it again. By personal experience I can say: I went to the army with a touchscreen phone, with the hope of reading books, and it was taken away from me under the pretext that it had a camera.

If later in the unit there will be an opportunity to use such things, then it is better to ask parents or friends to bring them to the oath.

Now, in the district military registration and enlistment offices, cosmetic bags are issued to conscripts. In no case should they be lost, since the thing is obligatory, expensive and inventory!

I could forget something, but in the military registration and enlistment office you should be given some instructions.

In May and November, Belarus starts sending young people aged 18 to 27 to serve in the army. But nowhere is there a clear answer what to take with you. The most important thing is that different military units have their own requirements for personal items: if one thing is allowed somewhere, then it is not in another place. In our selection, we arranged the items in order of their importance. In any case, there are things that will be useful to you a little later, so you can buy them in advance.

What exactly is useful?

  • Cover for military ID
  • soap dish
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothbrush case
  • Toothpaste
  • Razor (preferably disposable)
  • Shaving gel
  • Semi-general / general notebook
  • A pen
  • needles
  • Comb (this is strange, but it will really come in handy: for an unusual item - sealing)
  • A small amount of money ($15 - $20 equivalent, preferably in change)

What can be useful?

(perhaps a little later)

  • White fabric (on the course of a young fighter is not needed, because ready-made "collars" will be issued, but after sending to the unit you will definitely need it; the preferred option is medium density)
  • Shoe brush (in some parts, its storage in a personal bedside table is prohibited: they are all in special places for cleaning shoes, in general, they lie in the "common fund")
  • Shoe polish
  • Aftershave cream (perhaps, on the course of a young fighter, storing it in a personal bedside table may not solve it, but later problems should not arise)
  • Band-Aid in a roll
  • Threads (white, black, green)
  • Socks (only black (!); in the army, of course, they are issued, but given the constant movement in heavy shoes, they can easily tear; we recommend purchasing socks with multifiber from the Brest Hosiery Plant - they are strong enough and can last a long time)
  • Envelopes (unless, of course, you are going to write letters)
  • Soap (usually issued by the sergeant major, but your bar may not be wasted)
  • Phone card
  • Handkerchief
  • “Ssoboyka” (especially if you have a long trip to a military unit, but you need to eat everything before crossing the checkpoint)
  • Spare replacement razor blades (if the razor is not disposable)
  • Toilet paper
  • A mobile phone without the functions of recording audio, video, photography (for some time you will definitely not see it, but it will not be superfluous)
  • Mobile phone charger (can be easily lost)

It is advisable to put all things in a bag, which will soon also come in handy for your civilian things.

What should not be taken into the army?

Every conscript will face this. A collection or recruiting station is a place from where all future soldiers disperse to their new units to begin their service. And what will they get from the state? What will they travel in and what will they take with them?

Please note, the article is from 2015, so the photo shows the uniform and accessories of the old model. I have a new article out. It contains everything about what is given to a conscript at a collection point in 2017. I advise you to read it first, and then for the sake of interest, you can return here and compare how it was and how it became. Which shape do you like better, the old one or the new one? Write in the comments.

If you do not understand what a prefabricated or recruiting station is, then I advise you to read this article. There I talk in detail about what kind of place it is, and what actions are performed there day by day.

And I'll get right down to business.

I’ll start by whining that from the moment you are assigned to a team to be sent to a unit and until the moment you go directly to this unit, a couple of hours may pass. And even more.

It all depends on the "buyer" who will come for you. If he is slow, then the whole team will slow down, skip queues, and so on ... Time will be spent on paperwork, passing the final medical examination, photographing and much more.

You get things at the very end. Right before leaving. Therefore, let's quickly analyze what exactly you should get at your collection point. I divided all things into 3 categories. Let's start with the basics.

The foundation

The basis of everything, of course, is the clothes in which you will serve all year. Let's go from head to toe.

  • Headdress

There are two types of headwear. One is issued to those who are called in the spring call. Another one for those who are in autumn.

For example, I was called in the summer when it was warm. So I was given the first option.

  • T-shirt

It is definitely given out to those who are called in the spring. As for the autumn, there, in theory, they should give out underwear. It is warmer than a T-shirt and shorts in the summer version.

But these are just my assumptions and conjectures. If there are those among the readers who were called up in the autumn call not so long ago, let me know!

  • Underpants

I will immediately answer the question that my relatives asked me at our first meeting after the draft:

“Vlad, how often do you change your underwear?”

The answer is once a week. In any season. Change once a week.

If you want, of course, you can wash it yourself and dry it on yourself. We don't have anyone doing this.

  • Kitel

A tunic is something like an army shirt. She has several pockets. Two on the chest and two on the arms.

  • Pants

These, of course, are not army trousers, but something similar to them.

There are even more pockets here: 4 in the front and 2 in the back.

Interesting fact: Nothing can be carried in the two lower front pockets. They are intended for the magazines of your machine.

  • 2 straps

Why two? Everything is simple here. In winter, a green waist belt is worn over a pea coat. (On the latter - below) Without a trouser belt, you can lose your pants!

  • Socks

Statutory black socks. I want to draw your attention to the fact that only one pair of socks is given out at the collection point.

They are black and very long. Knee-deep. I won't say the material. But I will say that they are warm enough, so they are issued in one copy and for the whole year.

  • Bertsy

The main attribute of a soldier, if I understand the common stereotype correctly. Well, maybe he still takes it.

Bertsy can be absolutely different models. There is no single style that is issued throughout the country. Some like the one in the picture, some a little different. The differences are small, but they exist.

This is the whole basis that is given to the conscript at the assembly point. Now let's talk about additional equipment, after which we will move on to the category of "gadgets".


  • white handkerchief

I think that it is not worth talking about the purposes for which the scarf was invented.

But the fact that you can’t use it in the army, I’ll probably say it anyway. I'm like trump cards ;-)

Why not? We, of course, asked this question as soon as we learned. The answer was received in army style.

“Imagine the situation. You are walking down the street and you see a crying girl. You must help her, and out of a sense of duty, you give her your dirty, shoe-stained (or even worse ...) once white handkerchief. Would you like to do it yourself?"

Such a situation, of course, can happen. Although the probability is low. In general, there is some truth in these words.

It was enough for me to stop using the authorized handkerchief and switch to my own.

  • Foot towel

What didn't you expect? That's exactly what I didn't expect! When this was announced to us, we were simply shocked.
The bottom line is quite simple. Towels hang and never change. After all, none of us ever use them ...

  • Duffel bag

Cool thing! It looks so-so, but is actually very comfortable. The following two things are attached to the sides ...

  • Pea jacket

Roughly speaking, this is a winter army jacket. We have already managed to get them and put them on several times. The jacket is very warm and pleasant!

  • Winter pants

They say that these pants are so warm that they are not even used in the army. Except for the far North and especially frosty weather, of course.

For example, we haven't even got them yet.

So far I have no experience of using it. We were given green. Looks absolutely useless.

I talked to the seniors. They say that there is some benefit from it. I don't rule out a placebo effect. ;-)

Note: draftees of the autumn draft put on a pea coat, muffler, and possibly winter pants, put on immediately, at the collection point. We simply attached them to a duffel bag and took them with us.

  • Mug and spoon

Don't be afraid of them appearance. Things are useful, but it may turn out that they are not useful to you. Find out why below.

  • VTB 24 bank card (how to check the balance of a VTB 24 card can be found on the website at the link)

Partly because of its design, you will have to sit in the dispenser for a long time.

The amount of allowance depends on the part in which you are sent to serve. The hotter the spot, the more money every month will drip onto the card.

I do not serve in a hot spot, so I get standard size monetary allowance for a conscripted soldier: 2,000 rubles per month. As far as I know, this is the minimum amount.

My friend served in North Ossetia. I received there 13,000 rubles a month.

The maximum amount with all the allowances (appear during the service) that I heard about is 18,000 rubles per month.

As for the next category, as far as I know, not everyone gets things from here. That is why it is called "Luxury".


  • SIM cards

This thing also surprised me. It turns out that there is a cool social project called. It is aimed specifically at the military personnel of our country.

The point is that you are given 2 SIM cards (and we were given 3 each!), One of which you take for yourself and the other you give to your mother (or whoever you want).

The TOP-4 mobile operators of the country are involved in this project, and each of them supports certain regions of Russia.

For example, we were given 3 MTS SIM cards with the option of a free conversation with each other every day for 20 minutes. And this is regardless of where you are geographically!

Even if you are in St. Petersburg, and your mother is in Sakhalin. Cool, right?!

To be honest, it was only thanks to the preparation for writing this article that I learned how to spell and pronounce this word correctly - a travel bag.

According to the law, as I understand it, it should be issued throughout the country to absolutely all recruits. In fact… We live in Russia, guys. I heard conversations from comrades that in our conscription they were not given out everywhere.

In any case, a travel bag is a really luxurious thing! It has everything in general and even several times more that is needed for comfortable life soldier.

And, in general, it seems to me that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity put a large number of their delicate hands into its creation.

Judge for yourself. The set of army travel bag includes the following items:

  1. Toothpaste.
  2. Toothbrush.
  3. Shaver.
  4. Cartridge with replaceable blades.
  5. Shaving gel and aftershave gel.
  6. Men's shampoo-shower gel.
  7. Hand cream.
  8. Washing gel.
  9. Men's deodorant.
  10. Hand gel.
  11. Foot gel.
  12. Sewing kit with needles and threads in white, green and black.
  13. Towel.
  14. A set of plasters.
  15. Collapsible silicone glass with lid.
  16. Nail clippers.
  17. Hygienic lip balm.
  18. Comb.
  19. Mirror.

It even seems to me that this is not all! For three months of service, I have not yet got the feeling that I have mastered all the contents of this miracle of human thought.

I still find something new in this small school pencil case.

In general, the thing is really worthwhile. And I wouldn't put it in any other category.

  • Wrist watch

I know that they are issued to units. Often smeared. I saw them only in one person from the battalion. I didn't manage to take a picture.

Nice bonus, don't you agree?

How much do military things cost?

Re-read the article as a reader. I have a question like this. If you give out all these things every call to every soldier, then how much money is needed in order to equip the entire Russian army?

In fact, things are much cheaper than they look. They are insanely useful, some even very high quality.

And our military enlistment office, by the way, answered this question with a regular insert in military tickets. Here they are - the prices "for the entire product range."

You can buy in the military, if you like it. And if you want for free - go to the army, friends. ;-)

It was only the first article from a new heading. Further more! After all, the autumn call of 2015 is just around the corner. Starts October 1st.

Read my blog and leave comments. See you later!

Happy to stay


The segment of the journey from the assembly point to the arrival at the unit is potentially always very dangerous for the health of the recruit, since on the way to the army, the recruit is usually not needed by anyone, and he himself must take care of his vital existence during this period. Here is a rough list of what you need to take with you to the army and what you can leave at home.

You won’t have to take documents into the army: they will already be filed with your personal file, which will be carried by the escort - you won’t see him until the demobilization.

You need to dress better. Recently, conscripts have been dressed in uniform right at the collection point, so "civilian" clothes will remain at the collection point, from where they will be transported to your military enlistment office, and from the military registration and enlistment office their parents will pick them up.

Things should be taken to a minimum. In a simple backpack, put toothpaste and a brush, shaving accessories, soap in a soap dish, a towel, a couple of handkerchiefs and a comb (they will definitely be required at morning appearance checks). Instead of nail scissors, it is better to take nail clippers - they are more convenient and ergonomic. A set of interchangeable underwear and a pair of socks - in part this will be given to you, but anything can happen on the road. You will also need a few needles complete with black, white and green threads - again, for morning inspections, and so darn. But the most important attribute is a piece of white cotton cloth for collars: at first it will be worth its weight in gold.

It is better not to take food with you, because they will be taken away at the collection point anyway. Therefore, from edibles, you can take only something non-perishable - canned food, cookies or chocolate. It is better for smokers to fill the vacant place with cigarettes - in the army this is always a shortage.

1000 rubles will be enough for everything about everything - to buy sweets and tobacco. The rest must be left at home. The surplus may well migrate into the pockets of old-timers. Better then let your parents send you a translation.

The use of mobile phones in the army is officially prohibited by the relevant order of the Minister of Defense, but this order is widely ignored, so you can take your mobile phone with you, but there is no guarantee that the same "demobilizations" will not take it away or that you will not lose it. But with him, at least for a while, you will not; connections with the outside world. In any case, it should be better hidden. Like all other personal items, because the first thing you will encounter in the army is total theft.

Parting with hair when sent to the army is inevitable, but it is not a fact that this ritual action will be carried out with an electric machine and scissors, as in a civilian hairdresser. More often, conscripts are korned with a manual machine, and this is not always painless. Therefore, our advice: cut your hair "militarily" in advance.

At the assembly point, as you know, "buyers" are waiting for conscripts, that is, representatives different kinds troops and military districts, which will select their future conscripts. So, the recruit should ask the officer who looked after him in advance in which part he will go to serve. At the same time, we must try to find out everything in as much detail as possible: where the unit is located, how they will get there, what the climate is there and what the weather is like at that time, how many days the journey will take.

If you have a civilian specialty, do not hide it, but, on the contrary, declare it to the “customers” at the same time. Then you will have a chance to get not into combat units, but into some kind of headquarters or command post. Here you feel closeness to the commander, so you are unlikely to be sent to a "hot spot", and in the case of hazing, officers usually do not give offense to "staff" soldiers. At worst, the office of a company commander or a soldier's canteen will do. The military professions most in demand now are drivers, car mechanics, radio electronics engineers, plumbers, welders, and cooks.

Do not be silent about your sporting achievements. Athletes in the army are traditionally treated well. The possibility of getting into a sports company is not excluded, and there you will be freed from drill, outfits and dirty work. All you have to do is train harder and improve your results. And the higher your results are, the more commanders will protect and love you.

It is better to come to the assembly point well rested - on the way to the troops you will need a lot of strength. At the same time, while resting on the "wires", it is better to refrain from alcohol.

(1001 secrets and advice)

Going to the valiant ranks of the army, a recruit, of course, can take some necessary things with him, although in the unit they will provide everything for service and everyday life. Things need to be taken to a minimum, since the superfluous and unnecessary can simply be taken away or stolen. And then the natural questions of parents and future soldiers appear, what clothes to take to the service? Is it possible to bring food, money, equipment with you, and will they not take it all away at the assembly point or directly to the unit?

  1. So, the conscript does not need to dress super pretentiously and expensively, because after he is given a uniform at the training camp, he will be offered to send personal clothes by mail to relatives or hand them over directly at the time of taking the oath. There is another option to give your personal clothes for storage in the so-called kopter, where they will lie for a whole year before release. So get dressed ordinary clothes , which it will not be a pity to lose in which case.
  2. Personal care products . A recruit must have a personal toothbrush and paste, a brush case, soap in a soap dish, a razor with disposable razors, shaving gel, aftershave balm, a washcloth and a towel. Tip: take a couple of packs of band-aids, they will definitely come in handy.
  3. Take with you threads(black, white, green) and needles in a well sealed case.
  4. Useful notebook and pen, regular notebook, pencil and blank envelopes.
  5. According to the charter, it is allowed to store in a personal bedside table book, magazine, photo album , but not the fact that you will have time to read.
  6. underwear , socks, a few handkerchiefs.
  7. Comb, folding comb.
  8. Can be taken mobile phone , only better that he be cheap , there is a high probability that the expensive and sophisticated will be taken away.
  9. Money. You can have a small amount with you, for the first time it will be enough to buy water and food. The amount of 500-1000 rubles, exchanged for little things, is quite suitable. Then, if money is needed, relatives will send or bring.
  10. If you smoke, you are allowed to take cigarettes. The cheaper they are, the better, in any case they will either be taken away or they will ask for everything.
  11. You can take a musical instrument, for example, guitar if you know how to play perfectly. You may be invited to play in preparation for the holidays instead of serving the outfit, and just on a day off you will be in the center of the team's attention, being able to masterfully play your favorite instrument.
  12. Products. It may take several days before arriving at the unit, so it is better to prepare a dry ration for several days. It can be canned meat or fish, crackers, dry smoked sausage, cookies, chocolate, bread. Don't forget water or any drink in plastic bottle- fruit drink, tea, juice, as well as a set of disposable tableware - a plate, fork, spoon, knife, which will not be a pity to throw away.

What can not be taken into the army?

  1. Alcoholic drinks: beer, cocktails, wine and any other drinks containing alcohol.
  2. Stitching and cutting objects, like knives, scissors. Glass bottles and jars are not supposed to be brought in, as they can be broken and a completely dangerous rosette will turn out. Such measures are taken due to the fact that, once in a stressful situation, some people with a shaken psyche can do things and harm themselves or their comrades.
  3. Tablets and any other medicines without a prescription and doctor's prescription.

As indicated above, it is forbidden to take pills and other medicines, but in case of a headache or throat pain, it is better to take cough drops, paracetamol, noshpu, a cold spray. If the snoring of colleagues interferes, earplugs will not interfere. Naturally, all this can be taken away from you, so keep these items away from your eyes.