Staphylococcus aureus in a 3 year old child. What is dangerous staphylococcus in children, how to recognize and treat it

Staphylococcus aureus most often affects young children with weakened immune systems or other associated infections. Often staphylococcus, salmonella and E. coli are found in babies with dysbacteriosis. Thus, it is violations of local immunity that are the main cause of staphylococcal infection.

It is noteworthy that staphylococci are extremely resistant to the action of many antibiotics, so there is always a risk that the child will become ill with a purulent-septic disease.

How can a child become infected with staphylococcus aureus? The carriers of this dangerous bacterium are both sick and healthy people, because there are different forms carriage of infection (temporary and permanent). The course of the disease can also occur in mild and severe forms. Staphylococcus aureus causes sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, abscesses, and purulent inflammation of the skin and other tissues. With the generalization of the inflammatory process in newborns, sepsis often develops.

The idea that the microorganism affects only the intestines is erroneous. The objects affected by staphylococcal infection are extremely variable: upper and lower respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, intestines, skin, bone and cartilage tissue, etc.

The children's body is affected by staphylococci of three groups:

    Epidermal staphylococcus. Among the varieties of staphylococci, epidermal has an average infectious potential. It occurs on the skin and mucous membranes, but during the normal operation of the carrier's immunity, it does not manifest itself in any way. Signs of bacterial damage appear only if the carrier's immunity is weakened: after surgery, a viral disease, etc. Newborns, especially premature babies, are particularly susceptible to infection.

    Saprophytic staphylococcus. Least hazardous to health. It almost never occurs in children, since the main "target" is the organs of the excretory system.

    Staphylococcus aureus. The most dangerous and extremely virulent microorganism. In normal healthy children, Staphylococcus aureus is in a latent state. Of all the varieties of these microorganisms, the most aggressive.

Signs and symptoms of staph in children

In most cases (from 48% to 78%), it is staphylococcus bacteria that cause inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, which are common in children.

Staphylococcal pneumonia can occur after infection of a child in a hospital or maternity ward. The disease often develops at lightning speed, with destruction of lung tissue and other complications. Toxins produced by staphylococcus aureus cause severe intoxication of the body, which, in combination with pneumonia, causes a violation of the respiratory system and blood circulation. A sick child is restless, tosses about in bed, may moan and scream. characteristic symptoms also are chills, sweating, dry cough and puffiness of the face.

Staphylococcal enterocolitis is an extremely severe intestinal disease. In 13% of cases, it ends in death. Premature and weak children are susceptible to the disease. It is also provoked by previously transferred acute respiratory diseases, taking antibiotics, artificial feeding and violations of the intestinal biocenosis.

The nature of the manifestations depends, first of all, on the type of microorganism:

    Saprophytic staphylococcus. For saprophytic staphylococcus a lesion of the genitourinary system is characteristic.

      Symptoms include:

    1. Pain in the lower abdomen (in women);

      Possible development of colpitis (in women);

      Burning and pain when urinating;

      Pain in the region of the kidneys.

      General signs of intoxication (rare).

    Epidermal staphylococcus makes itself felt one main feature: pain in the organs, and in the later stages - functional disorders of their work.

    Staphylococcus aureus is characterized by the development of purulent-necrotic foci at the site of the lesion. Often it is he who causes the formation of boils, catarrhal tonsillitis, etc.

General and local symptoms of staphylococcus in children

By systematizing the symptoms, it is possible to generalize all manifestations into two large groups: general and local.

Local manifestations:

    Eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes. Furuncles ("abscesses"), carbuncles, etc. In children, they are especially often localized on the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. The development of spots, large boils speaks of the severe course of the process.

    Purulent discharge in biological fluids. Mucus from the nose, sputum with impurities of pus indicate damage to the mucous membranes of the upper or lower respiratory tract.

General manifestations:

    Symptoms of intoxication. Headache, fever up to 37.6-38.1 degrees Celsius, hyperemia or, conversely, pallor skin, nausea and vomiting (in children, the phenomenon is especially frequent).

    Gastrointestinal disorders. Diarrhea, bloating, excessive production of intestinal gases, etc.

    In allergic-minded children, immune reactions to toxins and enzymes that staphylococcus secretes in the course of its life are also possible.

Risk factors

The intensity and nature of manifestations depend on many factors:

    Age. Symptoms depend on the age of the child. Babies get staph infections more often and the symptoms are more severe.

    Habitat and medium of penetration of the microorganism. The way it enters the body determines the object of damage. If staphylococcus enters the body with dust particles, lesions of the upper or lower respiratory tract will appear. If with food, the throat or intestines will suffer.

    The health status of the carrier child. Between the severity of the disease, the brightness of manifestations and weakening immune system there is a direct relationship. It is indicated in a quite obvious way: the more weakened the immune system, the brighter the manifestations and the more severe the course of a staphylococcal infection.

    A type of microorganism. The most severe lesions are Staphylococcus aureus.

    A type of microorganism (the most aggressive and dangerous is Staphylococcus aureus, it is he who in 90% of cases causes infectious diseases in children).

Causes of staphylococcus in children

There are several reasons for the development of a staph infection in children:

    Premature birth of a child. Premature babies are especially affected. The reason lies in the insufficient development of the immunity of the child in the womb. Children born by caesarean section are no less susceptible to staphylococcal infection. Immune problems and infection can make themselves felt later in life;

    Violations of the rules for the care of newborn children;

    Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Staph infection, a kind of dirty hand disease. Since the microorganism is extremely resistant to all adverse effects, it is widespread and can be found without leaving home. Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules (including the use of dirty fruits and vegetables, etc.) leads to rapid infection. The problem concerns older children (1 year and older), as well as parents of newborns.

    Pathological processes during gestation and lactation. The mother may be infected with staphylococcus aureus without being aware of it. A pathogenic microorganism can penetrate with milk for a number of other reasons. So, infection can occur even during the period of gestation.

    Lack of weight. Lack of body weight leads to a weakening of the immune system.

Staphylococcus in a child in the throat, in the intestines, in the nose

The throat, intestines and nose are the "favorite" objects of staphylococcal lesions. The reason for this is the method of penetration. Most often, pathogenic flora enters the body mechanically(children often neglect the rules of hygiene), or with food.

These forms of damage have their own specific manifestations, are diagnosed and treated differently:

    Staphylococcus on the mucous throat manifests itself as acute catarrhal tonsillitis, tonsillitis and stomatitis.

      The form is characterized by specific symptoms:

    • Sore throat;

      Swelling and redness of the tonsils;

      Purulent rashes on the surface of the mucosa, as well as mucous membranes of the oral cavity (stomatitis);

      General manifestations of intoxication.

    Staphylococcus on the intestinal mucosa provokes typical signs of the development of acute colitis (moreover, both the large and small intestines can be affected, that is, the disease will take the form of enterocolitis).

      Symptoms include:

    • Pain in the abdomen (wandering, arching);

      Discomfort in the epigastric region (heaviness, bloating, feeling of fullness);

      Impurities of pus, blood, green mucus in the feces;

      Diarrhea or constipation, tenesmus (false painful urge to empty the intestines).

    Staphylococcus on the nasal mucosa provokes sinusitis.


    • Purulent discharge;

      Difficulty in nasal breathing (due to swelling);

      Symptoms of intoxication of the body.

Diagnosis of staphylococcus in children

Diagnosis of staphylococcal lesions is quite complicated and requires a high level of professionalism from a medical specialist. Diagnostic measures vary, depending on the affected organ.

In general, surveys include:

    The collection of anamnesis includes an oral questioning of the parents of the child at a face-to-face appointment. If the child is of sufficient age and speaks independently, they additionally interrogate him. Take into account complaints, previous circumstances, etc.

    Smears from the throat and nose are taken to determine a specific strain of bacteria, microflora cultures are carried out on nutrient media for exactly the same purposes. Using these two diagnostic methods, the culture of the infectious agent is derived and the sensitivity of the bacterium to antibiotics is determined.

    A general blood test almost always gives a picture of an inflammatory process of varying intensity: leukocytosis, high ESR, an increased number of red blood cells, excessively elevated hemoglobin, etc.

    Specific pathogens may be found in urine or feces.

    If the pathological process goes too far, colitis caused by staphylococcus can turn into an ulcerative type, then an endoscopic examination is performed to assess the condition of the colon.

    Staphylococcus, which struck the mucous membrane of the throat, can "fall" and cover the larynx. In this case, laryngoscopy is performed.

Treating a staphylococcal infection is not an easy task. When it comes to the treatment of infectious pathology in children, the task, for obvious reasons, becomes even more complicated. The success of the treatment of staphylococcal infection in children largely depends on the timely detection of the disease and high-quality complex therapy, which involves the use of special anti-staphylococcal drugs.

The therapy is complex and includes a number of therapeutic measures:

    local therapy. It consists in applying drugs to the skin and mucous membranes affected by staphylococcus aureus (pustular rashes, boils, etc.). Apply: brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, a solution of 70% alcohol, Vishnevsky ointment.

    Taking antibiotics. Treatment with antibiotics for infectious pathologies (especially staphylococcal) should be careful. Staphylococcus has amazing adaptability. Illiterate antibacterial treatment will lead to the formation of a bacterium with great resistance and virulence. It is advisable to take only those drugs to which staphylococcus is sensitive (should be based on the results of bacteriological studies).

    Lubrication, rinsing. To combat bacteria on the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, lubrication and rinsing are used. Most often, a solution of silver, iodinol, hydrogen peroxide, as well as special preparations (Miramistin and others) are used.

    Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes. Used to replenish missing substances.

    Immunomodulators. They are used to restore the protective functions of the body.

    Transfusions. Significant damage to staphylococcus aureus can lead to serious complications, such as blood poisoning. In this case, blood or plasma transfusion is indispensable.

    Operational intervention. In severe chronic angina, the removal of the tonsils is indicated, and surgery is also resorted to when there are multiple skin lesions with profuse exudate and inflammation.

For the treatment of staphylococcus in children, vitamin C is always used, which stimulates the immune system and supports the weakened body of the baby. With external purulent lesions, it is recommended to make baths and frequent poultices. The child's skin should be as clean and dry as possible. It is also necessary to control the cleanliness of the nails and underwear of a sick child. Sores should be constantly treated, scabs and pus removed. Household items, utensils and clothing used by a sick child are also subject to processing and disinfection.

For the prevention of staphylococcal infection, it is necessary to observe sanitary norms and implement epidemic control. Pregnant women, women in labor and newborns must be screened. If purulent inflammatory diseases are detected, they are subject to hospitalization and treatment in departments with an infectious regimen.

Thus, staphylococcal infection poses a great danger to children (both newborns and older children). Especially dangerous and insidious is Staphylococcus aureus, which has a high virulence and toxic ability. Symptoms are extremely specific and manifest themselves in each child individually. In general, there is a picture of inflammation and purulent lesions of the skin and mucous membranes of the body (nose, throat, intestines).

Staphylococcus aureus is a dangerous disease that most often affects children in infancy or those with weakened immune systems. You can become infected with these bacteria with a single contact, after which the child undergoes serious treatment for a long time and suffers from severe complications.

As already mentioned, this pathogen belongs to the class of bacteria. Today, about 27 varieties of staphylococcus are known, most of which constantly live in the human body and on the skin. Of the bacteria in this class, three types are dangerous for patients.

Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent of infectious lesions that can develop on the skin and in internal organs. The pathogen got its name due to its special color. Under the microscope, it is stained with a bright golden pigment, which quickly allows you to make an accurate diagnosis. More than a third of all cases of infection occur in a hospital setting, where ideal conditions are created for the spread of the pathogen due to reduced immunity of patients.

Attention! Staphylococcus aureus is extremely dangerous for a child, regardless of his age. It can cause instant infectious processes that can lead to meningitis and death.

Video - Staphylococcus aureus

Reasons for the spread of the pathogen in children

The main reason for the violation and penetration into the body of the pathogen is a weakened immune system. Leukocytes cannot cope with an infectious lesion, and bacteria begin to actively multiply in the human body. The main provoking factors for the spread of Staphylococcus aureus include the following.

Attention! Underweight children, according to statistics, are more likely to become infected with a dangerous bacterium. Therefore, from the first day after birth, the mother should adjust the nutrition of the newborn with breast milk and introduce complementary foods in a timely manner in the future.

Staphylococcus aureus in children: symptoms and main manifestations of infection

In patients after the lesion, there are two stages of the disease - early and late. Each of them has its own characteristics. You should consult a doctor immediately if even minimal symptoms of the disease appear.

Table 1. Symptoms at different stages of infection

Early1. Occurs a few hours after the penetration of the pathogen.
2. The patient's body temperature rises.
3. There is a strong lethargy and weakness.
4. Headaches and dizziness appear.
5. Appetite completely disappears.
6. Diarrhea and constant gas discharge develops.
7. Vomiting opens.
8. Dehydration may occur.
9. The skin becomes pale and cyanotic.
Late1. Comes in 3-5 days after infection.
2. Sores, boils and large areas of purulent type appear on the skin.
3. The work of internal organs is disrupted.
4. The child may be unconscious.
5. Body temperature becomes critically high.
6. Due to severe intoxication, the baby may fall into a coma.
7. Skin infection may develop.

Furunculosis and acne with pus are relatively mild degree the development of the disease. In severe cases, purulent-septic processes develop in the internal organs, which leads to sepsis and meningitis. These processes are difficult to treat and often lead to death.

Attention! With the penetration of bacteria in allergic children, acute allergic reactions often occur already on early stage. This is due to the fact that staphylococcus secretes a large amount of toxins, to which antigens are actively produced.

The main sites of infection of bacteria

Since the pathogen most often enters the body through dirty hands and objects, it primarily affects the mucous membranes of the throat, intestines and nose. Given the location of the lesion, the child develops typical symptoms for this type of disorder, according to which a specialist can make a preliminary diagnosis.

Table 2. Symptoms, depending on the location of the lesion

Throat1. Acute purulent tonsillitis.
2. Tonsillitis and stomatitis.
3. Severe sore throat.
4. Edema of the tonsils and their hyperemia.
5. General intoxication of the body.
6. High body temperature.
7. Lack of appetite and weight loss.
Intestines1. Manifestations of colitis and enterocolitis, when all parts of the intestine are affected.
2. Pains of wandering and bursting types.
3. Blood, pus and mucus are observed in the feces.
4. Diarrhea, which may be replaced by constipation.
5. False urge to defecate.
6. Vomiting with traces of pus.
7. High body temperature.
Nose1. Severe swelling of the mucosa.
2. A large amount of purulent discharge.
3. Headaches.
4. High body temperature.
5. Difficulties with nasal breathing.
6. Symptoms of general intoxication.

Attention! After the bacteria enter the places typical for the localization of staphylococcus, they begin to actively spread throughout the bloodstream, causing inflammatory processes in the brain, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis of Staphylococcus aureus in children

Various methods of examination can be used to confirm the disease. In this case, the doctor must have a really good qualification to understand that the inflammation is caused by staphylococcus aureus. Diagnosis is carried out by an ENT specialist, a nephrologist, a therapist, a gastroenterologist, it all depends on the location of the bacteria and the presence of specific signs. The following methods can be used to confirm infection:

Drugs to suppress Staphylococcus aureus

To eliminate the manifestations of a bacterial infection, complex therapy is required. It consists in the appointment of antibiotics, immunity-stimulating drugs, vitamins, antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Doses for each child are selected only by a doctor.


Broad spectrum antibiotic. It is used for purulent and inflammatory processes. For children, the drug for Staphylococcus aureus is often prescribed intravenously. The dose depends on the age and severity of the patient's condition. Children of the first month of life and premature babies should be administered 0.09-0.15 g / kg per day. From the second month, the dose increases to 0.2 g / kg per day. From the second year of life, the dosage of the active substance is 2 g per day. The number of daily injections is determined by the doctor. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days, with severe infection - up to three weeks.



Powerful modern antibiotic of a wide spectrum of influence. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the sick child. Children up to a month of life are required to administer 10-15 mg of the active substance every 12 hours. From the first month of life, Vancomycin can be prescribed according to two schemes. In the first case, 10 mg/kg is administered three times a day, in the second, 20 mg/kg twice a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the patient's condition.


The drug is aimed at stimulating the body's defenses. It is more often prescribed in cases where a staphylococcal infection has affected the throat and nose. Imudon can be used from the age of three. The dose is 6 tablets per day, they need to be dissolved in oral cavity. The duration of therapy depends on the condition of the child and can be 10-20 days.

Immunity-stimulating drug that can be administered to children up to the first year of life. The dose is selected according to the age of the infected child. Up to a year, the dose is 10 mcg, from a year - 10-20 mcg, from four years - 20-30 mcg. Timogen is administered intramuscularly once a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of immunodeficiency and can be 3-10 days.

Ichthyol ointment

It is used to treat purulent lesions on the skin. The therapy involves applying Ichthyol to the sore spot 1-2 times a day under a bandage. It should be changed with each dose of the drug. Ichthyol removes pus and causes tissue healing. The duration of treatment is up to two weeks.

An antibacterial agent that allows not only to eliminate pus from the skin, but also to stop the inflammatory process and provoke faster wound healing. For treatment Tetracycline ointment is applied to the sore spot 1-2 times a day. With extensive lesions, the active substance must be placed under the bandage. The duration of treatment is determined individually for each baby.

It is used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent in the localization of staphylococcus aureus in the throat and nose. 200 mg of the active substance must be dissolved in 200 ml of water and rinsed with a sore spot. You can do three rinses per day. Duration of treatment according to indications.

A drug designed specifically to fight staph infection does an excellent job of killing bacteria in the nose. For treatment, it is required to thoroughly moisten a sterile swab with Bacteriophage and insert it into the nose. It takes 15 minutes to keep the application. Processing is carried out daily for up to three weeks. The drug helps well in case of resistance of the pathogen to antibiotics or their intolerance.


An antiseptic drug aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process and restoring beneficial microflora. For children, a solution at a concentration of 0.01% of the active substance is used. Bury Miramistin should be 2-3 drops in each nasal passage. It is required to administer the drug 3-5 times a day. Duration of admission is determined individually for each patient.


It can be used to treat infections on the skin and in the respiratory tract. For the treatment of purulent foci, it is required to moisten sterile gauze with Iodinol and apply to the sore spot. It is recommended to change the bandage 1-2 times a day. The wound is washed before each use. clean water, and Zinc ointment is applied around it. The duration of treatment is one week. When treating the throat and oral cavity, it is required to lubricate the sore spot with a cotton swab. Treatment is carried out on an individual number of times, as an acute allergic reaction may occur.

A good remedy for combating purulent manifestations on the skin. Combines the effects of antibiotic and antiseptic, causes wound healing. For treatment, the ointment is applied to a previously cleaned wound and covered with a bandage. Compresses should be changed 1-2 times a day. Strong point drug is its ability to get pus from closed wounds and deep layers of the skin. Treatment is continued until complete recovery.

Attention! With severe inflammation in the tonsils, they are surgically removed, after which a course of antibiotics and antiseptics is prescribed.

Drugs in the treatment of staphylococcus in the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in the gastrointestinal tract is carried out by several groups of drugs that are aimed at removing toxins and restoring the microflora.

A good adsorbent that also helps fight indigestion and restores the gastrointestinal mucosa. For treatment, it is required to dissolve 1 sachet of powder in 100 ml of water and take it in equal portions throughout the day. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, usually does not exceed one week.

Probiotic Recovery normal functioning GIT. It is recommended to use the drug from the age of six, but with acute indications, an earlier intake is possible. For treatment, you need to drink 1-2 capsules of the active substance every day. The duration of treatment with Enterogermin is 2-3 weeks.

The drug is aimed at suppressing pathogenic bacteria. Bioflor can be used from the first day of life. In the treatment of such children, the dose is 1 drop per kilogram of body. The drug is taken up to three times a day until the therapeutic effect is achieved. From the first month of life, children take half a teaspoon of syrup. From a year, the dose is selected individually and is calculated from an adult. The course is continued until complete recovery, usually no more than three weeks.

Intestinal antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. Helps to manage diarrhea and eliminate the effects of bacteria. Children 1-6 months of age take Nifuroxazide 2.5 ml up to three times a day. From seven months to two years, the dose remains the same, but you can take the medication up to four times. From three years, the suspension is taken 5 ml three times a day. The duration of treatment is set by the doctor, usually does not exceed 10 days.

Attention! If Staphylococcus aureus enters the child's bloodstream, a transfusion is always performed. The entry of the pathogen into this system threatens the instant development of sepsis and death due to it.

Folk methods of treating the disease

Allows for anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. They are used as an adjunctive therapy that relieves the external symptoms of an infectious lesion.

It is used as a nose and throat rinse. To prepare the solution, you need to pour a teaspoon of the active substance with 250 ml of water and heat the herb in a water bath. After boiling, the solution is boiled for 5 minutes and left under the lid for two hours. Use for rinsing the mouth and throat, take 100-200 ml of decoction for one procedure. For the treatment of the nose, calendula should be used for washing, 100 ml of the drug is used at a time. 3-4 procedures can be carried out per day. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

This decoction can be taken internally or used as a rinse. For treatment, two teaspoons of the active substance are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and boiled for three minutes. Under the lid, the solution is left for 30 minutes and filtered. Gargle up to 4 times a day, using 100-200 ml of solution. Inside, a decoction of St. John's wort is taken 100 ml three times a day. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days.

The drug can be used as a gargle for the throat, nose and for oral administration, in which case it is possible to increase immunity and relieve inflammation from the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare, pour a tablespoon of raw materials into 250 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat for five minutes. The finished broth is left under the lid for 20 minutes and filtered. Inside, 200 ml of the solution is taken three times a day for a week. Rinse the nose and gargle should be 100-200 ml of decoction no more than four times a day. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

Prevention of Staphylococcus aureus

Since infection rarely goes away without serious complications, preventive measures are required to prevent the pathogen from entering the body.

  1. During pregnancy, a woman should eat well, avoid stress and exercise, so as not to provoke premature birth.
  2. All toys and personal items of the child should be periodically treated with an antiseptic, especially after visiting the street and the hospital.
  3. Hands, vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed, as they may contain the pathogen.
  4. You should carefully monitor the immunity of the baby, taking him outside, swimming with him, giving him to sports sections.
  5. After birth, it is required to treat his skin with high quality, keep clothes clean, and prevent skin irritation.
  6. Before each feeding, the mother needs to thoroughly wash her hands and breasts if the baby is breastfeeding.
  7. All bottles and nipples need to boil well and dry thoroughly in the open air.
  8. All scratches and wounds must be treated with antiseptics, ordinary brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide will do.

Attention! If a child has digestive problems, there is a discharge from the respiratory system, the baby refuses to drink and eat, you need to immediately call an ambulance. Usually the problem is rarely associated with a serious disorder, but can be triggered by a staph infection.

Summing up

Staphylococcus aureus is a dangerous pathogen that can cause severe infectious lesions. You need to carefully approach your hygiene and care for a small child. If you suspect that an infection has occurred, you should immediately seek medical help in order to prevent a fatal outcome.

Staphylococcus is a fairly common bacterium in children, but infection with some types of strains has a fairly powerful course. About 27 strains of staphylococcus bacteria are known to medicine, but only 4 of them have a real danger to a person of any age. Don't panic right away. You should consult a doctor and determine what type of staphylococcus the baby is infected with.

By staphylococcus it is customary to mean a microorganism from the Staphylococcaceae family (from the Greek “grain”). The bacterium is named staphylococcal due to the shape of the cell structure, which are born in the form of a ball. They are compactly arranged with each other like a vine. The danger of microorganisms lies in the ability to produce and secrete pathogenic organic components (toxic elements and enzyme compounds) that disrupt the healthy functioning of the whole organism. It is easiest for children to get sick with a pathogenic infection. It is they who are more likely to have aggressive factors from the outside.

Frequent cases of “neighborhood” of staphylococcus infection with salmonella or Escherichia coli against the background of severe dysbacteriosis. bacterial infection in children is to reduce the protective function of immunity.

The form of infection can be different (temporary or permanent). Carriers of staphylococcus bacteria can appear to be both sick and healthy people. The course of the disease takes place in varying degrees of severity, due to the differing classification of the pathogen itself.

Due to the production of toxic enzymes, staphylococcus aureus can cause sepsis, meningitis, various abscesses, inflammatory processes of soft and hard purulent nature, pneumonia.

Infected newborns are most often exposed to extensive sepsis, which is explained by the maximum generalization and progression of the inflammatory process. Staphylococcal infection penetrates and develops not only in the cavitary part of the intestine, but also in hard tissues (bones, cartilage), on the skin, in the oral and nasal cavities, in the respiratory tract along the descending and ascending lines.

Strains of staphylococci show incredible resistance to the effects of the most advanced, therefore, there are risks for the child to develop an inflammatory process with the formation of internal and external foci of abscess. It is important to identify the disease in time, determine the type of pathogen and begin immediate adequate therapy.

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Types of staphylococcus and stages of development during infection

Staphylococcus in children, including the earliest age, occurs quite often, therefore it occupies a leading position among all diseases of an infectious nature. Diseases of a bacterial nature can cover entire groups of organs and systems of the body:

  • respiratory tract (lower, upper)
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction (complete, partial)
  • inflammation of hard and soft tissues
  • infection of the urinary system

Bacteria are detected by bacteriological examination of feces, a detailed biochemical blood test, with scrapings of the surface of damaged skin. Medical tactics have a multi-stage approach to the problem, and the duration of recovery is proportional to the neglect of the situation and the type of staphylococcal strain.

Saprophytic staphylococcus aureus

This type of infection is rarely diagnosed in children and is considered the least dangerous disease. The main lesions are the urinary system, including the skin and mucous tissues. When timely and adequate is prescribed, then getting rid of the disease can occur in a couple of days.

epidermal type of staphylococcus

The infection can affect the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. It is found in the eyes, in the nose, in the internal pharynx. Children in the postnatal period, in a state of prematurity, with reduced immunity are prone to the disease. The presence of epidermal type staphylococcus in medicine is considered and does not pose a serious danger to healthy child. If the child's well-being does not suffer, then only local therapy is prescribed.

Staphylococcus aureus

Represents a serious danger to human life and health. It is especially difficult to tolerate in childhood. There is an erroneous opinion about the existence of Staphylococcus aureus only in the intestinal cavity. With more thorough laboratory studies, it is found in the mouth, on the skin, in stool tests. When, against the background of the course of staphylococcus, the child's well-being remains unchanged, then it is not advisable to prescribe treatment, the body fights harmful microorganisms on its own.

Treatment of a bacterial infection is a long and difficult undertaking. This is due to the high resistance of pathogenic microorganisms:

  • bacteria can withstand temperatures up to 800 degrees for about 15 minutes
  • staphylococcus is not amenable to treatment with most of the strongest medicines
  • when dried, it remains viable for up to six months
    resistant to hydrogen solution and even sodium chloride

It should be noted that not all types of staphylococcus adversely affect the human body and cause pathogenic changes in it. If a child has a stable and high immune response, then his well-being can remain unchanged even with the slightest excess of the bacteria content. When infected with Staphylococcus aureus babies early age or the neonatal period, you should immediately seek medical attention, followed by hospitalization.

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Symptomatic complex and features of the manifestation of infection

Staphylococcus bacteria, depending on the type and localization of infectious foci, has various clinical signs. They share common local and general external manifestations of infection, and each of them can be expressed in a certain intensity.

Local symptoms of staphylococcus development

  1. Skin rashes in the form of abscesses (boils, abscesses). Often diagnosed in children in the nose and throat. A serious manifestation of the disease is evidenced by the appearance of large spots, carbuncles and other skin formations.
  2. Organic mucus interspersed with pus (phlegm, snot). indicates damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract along the descending and ascending lines.

General signs of the development of staphylococcus aureus in children

  1. Problems associated with severe intoxication. strong, heat, including the slender about 37.3 degrees. The child may experience hyperemia or excessive pallor of the skin. The result of severe intoxication in children is almost always profuse vomiting and a feeling of constant nausea.
  2. Gastrointestinal dysfunction, expressed in liquefaction of the stool, an increase in the volume of the abdomen, the accumulation of intestinal gases and other manifestations.
  3. Allergic reaction to products of oxidative and excretory enzymes as a result of vital activity.

Signs of staph infection in children in the nose and mouth

These anatomical zones most often become the site of localization of the staphylococcal environment. This is due to the peculiarity of the penetration of bacteria, because children carry all the pathogenic microflora into their mouths. The cause of infection can be typical non-compliance with hygiene standards or poorly processed vegetables and fruits. The vital activity of toxic flora in the nose provokes the occurrence (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses).

Infection, to a greater extent, manifests itself in a state of acute catarrhal tonsillitis, ulcerative stomatitis, tonsillitis for any type of course:

  • severe sore throat
  • swelling of the tonsils, redness of the tonsils
  • rashes in the mouth in the form of whitish sores (pronounced stomatitis)
  • difficulty breathing (mucosal swelling)
  • secretion of organic fluid with impurities of blood or pus
  • malaise and general signs of intoxication

Staphylococcal bacteria in the intestine

If the infection began to multiply rapidly in the intestinal cavity or on its walls, then a powerful reaction from the gastrointestinal tract will inevitably follow in the form of an acute form of colitis, followed by development into enterocolitis. The main symptoms of intestinal damage:

  • pain in the epigastric zone of unclear localization
  • the nature of the pain is intense, wandering or bursting
  • a strong feeling of heaviness, increased gas formation, bloating
  • stool contains bloody or purulent inclusions
  • the occurrence of false urges to empty the bowels, loose stools or constipation
  • nausea, vomiting, general loss of strength, possible fever

Prevention - The best way secure yourself

To identify the pathogen and make a correct diagnosis, a number of laboratory tests are prescribed to study biological material (blood, feces, urine, scrapings from the surface of wounds). At the time of detection of staphylococcus, mother's milk is examined (with breastfeeding). If the tests give a positive result, then the mother continues to feed with milk against the background of special therapeutic treatment. This approach allows the child to recover as well.

If the baby has conjunctivitis, then purulent material is taken from the mucous membrane of the eye. The same goes for skin rashes. If the infection affects the mucous cavities of the nose and mouth, then scrapings from the throat and nose of the child are taken right in the walls of the laboratory immediately. This improves the quality of studies and the validity of the data.

Staphylococcus is treated only with antibiotics. After diagnosing diseases and identifying the disease, the doctor selects a group that can have a positive impact on improving the child's condition. Then a course of rehabilitation therapy is carried out and recovery occurs.

The duration of the disease depends on the form of staphylococcus aureus. Infection with Staphylococcus aureus can lead to severe sepsis and require surgical intervention. The main guarantee of successful treatment is an accurate diagnosis based on the signs of the clinical picture and an adequate selection of a medication course with antibiotics.

Preventive actions:

  • after a successful birth, it is important to leave the hospital as soon as possible
  • significantly limit the contact of newborn babies with other people
  • observance of the rules of elementary hygiene of mother and child

Staphylococcaceae has many strains, but only a few of them can cause serious harm to a child's health. It is important for parents to monitor the child's lifestyle and prevent infection in all possible ways. When infected, you should not self-medicate, since the diagnosis of the disease is carried out only by a laboratory method.

Jun 9, 2016 Violetta Doctor

Staphylococci are aerobic, facultative anaerobic, non-spore-forming Gram-positive bacteria that are stable in the external environment, which are arranged in clusters.

They are ubiquitous: they are part of the normal microflora, present in dust. Staphylococci are resistant to heat and drying, outside the body can remain viable for weeks and months. It is advisable to divide these microorganisms into Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), releasing coagulase and numerous types of coagulase-negative staphylococci.

Staphylococcus aureus in children is a frequent causative agent of purulent skin infections. It also causes boils, carbuncles, osteomyelitis, purulent arthritis, wound infection, abscesses, pneumonia, empyema, endocarditis, pericarditis, and meningitis. Toxins released by Staphylococcus aureus cause the development of food poisoning, scarlet fever, scalded skin syndrome and toxic shock.

Most strains of S. aureus secrete substances that protect them from the host's immune system. So, many staphylococci are surrounded by a loose polysaccharide (mucous) capsule, which interferes with opsonization and phagocytosis. The adhesion factor causes staphylococci to adhere to each other in large clusters that are difficult to phagocytize.

Epidemiology of staphylococcal infections

As a rule, colonization with Staphylococcus aureus in children occurs in the first week of life. In 20-30% of healthy individuals, at least one strain of S. aureus is found in the vestibule of the nose.

From the vestibule of the nose, staphylococci can enter the skin, where colonization is of a short-term nature. Re-inoculation of S. aureus from the surface of the skin indicates a reintroduction of bacteria rather than a permanent bacteriocarrier. However, long-term colonization of the navel and skin of the perianal region is possible.

Transmission of Staphylococcus aureus to children usually occurs by contact or by being carried with solid particles at a distance of less than 1.8 m. The more intense the colonization, the greater the risk of transmitting staphylococci to other people. Autoinfection is common, and small foci (such as stye, pustule, paronychia) can serve as a source of disseminated infection. Washing hands between medical examinations reduces the rate of transmission of staphylococci from one patient to another. Older children and adults are more resistant to colonization than newborns. Transmission of staphylococci through objects is rare.

Invasion may follow colonization. They are facilitated by treatment with antibacterial drugs, to which S. aureus is resistant. In addition, the likelihood of infection is increased in the presence of wounds, ventriculoperitoneal shunts, intravenous or intrathecal catheters, as well as in the treatment of glucocorticoids, malnutrition, acidosis and azotemia. Viral infections also increase susceptibility to secondary staph infections.


The development of staphylococcal infection is determined by host immunity and the virulence of the microorganism. Intact skin, mucous membranes are a barrier to staphylococci. If their integrity is broken (due to trauma, burns, the presence of foreign bodies, including sutures, shunts, intravenous catheters), the risk of infection increases.

Infants have type-specific humoral immunity due to antibodies delivered to them through the placenta. In older children and adults, antibodies to staphylococci are produced in response to repeated minor infections of the skin and soft tissues. Immunization with S. aureus capsule material has been shown to temporarily reduce the incidence of infections in patients on hemodialysis. Disseminated staphylococcal infections in previously healthy children, according to some reports, develop after viral infections that inhibit the protective functions of neutrophils and the epithelium of the respiratory tract.

Clinical manifestations of Staphylococcus aureus infection

Symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus in children largely depend on the site of infection. The latter is usually found on the skin, but any tissue can be affected. A severe general condition is a sign of local accumulation of pus, dissemination of infection with the formation of screenings in the internal organs, or the action of toxins. Although the nasopharynx and skin of many people are colonized with S. aureus, these strains are relatively infrequently infectious. Local foci of infection, predominantly skin, are more common among members of the lower strata of society, especially those living in a tropical climate.

Staphylococci aureus make a significant contribution to the incidence of newborns.

. Staphylococcus aureus in children common cause purulent skin infections, including impetigo (including bullous) and ecthyma, folliculitis, hydradenitis, boils, carbuncles, scalded skin syndrome, exfoliative dermatitis of newborns, as well as rashes resembling scarlet fever. Staphylococcus aureus can cause wound infections in children or complicate non-infectious skin conditions such as eczema. Folliculitis (purulent infection of the hair follicle) can lead to the formation of a deep-seated abscess or carbuncle (if several follicles are affected). Furunculosis is a disease that is manifested by episodes of pyoderma, recurring for months or even years. Such patients are necessarily examined for the presence of defects in immunity, in the first place - dysfunction of neutrophils. Staphylococci also play a significant role in nosocomial skin infections.

Airways. Respiratory tract infections caused by S. aureus are relatively rare given the high frequency of colonization of the area. S. aureus also rarely causes otitis media or sinusitis. Staphylococcal sinusitis quite often occurs against the background of cystic fibrosis or dysfunction of leukocytes. Purulent mumps is a rare infection, but S. aureus is its main causative agent. Staphylococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis in children without concomitant diseases are rare. Membranous tracheitis, which complicates viral croup, can be caused by both S. aureus and other microorganisms. Typical clinical manifestations include a rise in temperature to high numbers, leukocytosis, and symptoms of severe airway obstruction. With direct laryngoscopy or bronchoscopy, the epiglottis is not changed, but the underlying airways are narrowed, and there is a thick purulent secret in the trachea. Treatment includes antibiotic therapy and meticulous airway toileting.

S. aureus pneumonia can be either primary (hematogenous) or secondary (caused by a viral infection such as influenza). The hematogenous route of infection is observed with septicopyemia, endocarditis of the right heart, in children with intravenous catheters. The examination usually reveals a rise in temperature to high numbers, shortness of breath and limited or lobar infiltrates in the lungs; also possible in the abdomen. S. aureus often causes necrotizing pneumonia, pleural empyema, pneumatocele, pyopneumothorax, and bronchopleural fistulas. Occasionally, a diffuse lesion of the interstitium of the lungs develops, manifested by severe shortness of breath, cyanosis. A significant proportion of pneumonia in patients with cystic fibrosis is caused by Staphylococcus aureus in children.

Sepsis. Any local staphylococcal infection may be complicated by bacteremia or sepsis. The onset is often acute: nausea, vomiting, myalgia, fever with chills. S. aureus can be isolated from any organ. Fever and positive blood cultures may persist for up to 48 hours from the start of massive antibiotic therapy.

Sometimes, especially in young men, a disseminated staphylococcal infection develops, which is characterized by fever, bacteremia that persists despite antibiotic therapy, and damage to at least two distant organs and tissues (for example, skin, bones, joints, kidneys, lungs, liver, heart). In such cases, exclude endocarditis and septic thrombophlebitis.

muscles. Staphylococcal muscle abscesses, accompanied by an increase in the level of muscle enzymes in the blood serum, are called tropical pyomyositis. There are no signs of septicemia in this disease. Tropical pyomyositis usually occurs in countries with a tropical climate, but cases have been described in American children who did not suffer from concomitant diseases. 30-40% of patients develop multiple abscesses. In the prodromal period, a runny nose, pharyngitis, or diarrhea may occur. Abscesses sometimes form at the site of injury. The basis of treatment is antibiotic therapy and abscesses.

Bones, joints. Staphylococcus aureus in children is the causative agent of osteomyelitis and purulent arthritis.

CNS. Staphylococcal meningitis is rare. Usually, the disease develops against the background of a head injury or neurosurgical operations (craniotomy, installation of a CSF shunt), less often against the background of endocarditis, infections localized near the meninges (for example, epidural abscess or brain abscess), diabetes mellitus and malignant tumors.

Heart. Bacterial endocarditis may follow staphylococcal bacteremia. Staphylococcus aureus in children is a common cause of acute endocarditis occurring on intact valves. Complications of endocarditis include valvular perforation, myocardial abscess, heart failure, conduction disturbances, acute hemopericardium, and purulent pericarditis. Sudden death is possible.

Kidneys and urinary tract. S. aureus is a common cause of kidney and perirenal abscesses. Infection occurs by the hematogenous route. The urinary tract is rarely affected by Staphylococcus aureus in children.

gastrointestinal tract. Staphylococcal enterocolitis occurs after the excessive reproduction of S. aureus and their predominance in the intestinal microflora. This is a rare disease that occurs when ingested. Staphylococcal enterocolitis is manifested by diarrhea mixed with blood and mucus.

S. aureus peritonitis occurs in patients receiving long-term peritoneal dialysis on an outpatient basis. The infection captures the channel through which the catheter is inserted, therefore, in order to achieve a bacteriological cure, the catheter must be removed.

The cause of food poisoning is enterotoxins, which are formed in food contaminated with staphylococci. Approximately 2-7 hours after enterotoxins enter the gastrointestinal tract, profuse vomiting suddenly begins. Frequent watery stools are also possible. Body temperature is normal or slightly elevated. These disorders usually disappear after 12-24 hours. Shock and death are rare.


To make a diagnosis of staphylococcal infection, it is necessary to isolate S. aureus from places where they could not accidentally enter (affected skin, abscess cavity, blood). Detection of S. aureus in the nasal cavity or on the skin is of no diagnostic value, since these areas can normally be colonized by staphylococci. Staphylococci grow well on both liquid and solid nutrient media. Once colonies have been obtained, the pathogen is identified using a Gram stain, as well as coagulase and protein A tests. In severe infections, antibiotic susceptibility of S. aureus is also determined.

Differential Diagnosis

Skin lesions caused by S. aureus are sometimes indistinguishable from those caused by group A streptococci. A staphylococcal etiology of lung lesions can be suggested if there are radiographic signs of necrotizing pneumonia (the presence of a pneumatocele, pyopneumothorax, or lung abscess). It should be emphasized that all these changes are not pathognomonic for staphylococcal infection. A similar picture may occur with pneumonia caused by Klebsiella spp. or anaerobes. Fluctuating skin and soft tissue lesions can be caused by many microorganisms, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria, Bartonella henselae (cat-scratch disease), Franciselia tularensis, and various fungi.

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in children

Accumulations of pus are opened and drained, infected foreign bodies are removed, otherwise antibiotic therapy will be ineffective. Antibiotic therapy is always started with penicillinase-resistant drugs, since this enzyme is produced by more than 90% of all staphylococci, regardless of the source from which they were isolated.

In severe infections, antibacterial drugs are administered parenterally, at least until the symptoms disappear. Severe staphylococcal infections, even in the absence of abscess formation, are prone to a protracted course and relapses, so antibiotic therapy is carried out for a long time.

The choice of antibacterial drug, its dose, route and duration of administration depend on the site of infection, the patient's response to treatment, and the sensitivity of S. aureus. In severe infections with Staphylococcus aureus in children, it is recommended to start with intravenous administration of antibacterial drugs. This route of administration is used until the temperature is within the normal range for 72 hours and other symptoms of infection disappear. After that, the drugs are prescribed orally for 3 weeks.

Of the drugs prescribed by mouth, dicloxacillin, cephalexin, and the combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid are effective. The duration of oral administration is determined by the response to treatment, which is assessed by clinical, radiological and laboratory parameters.

For skin infections, non-severe infections of the soft tissues, upper respiratory tract, the duration of parenteral administration of antibiotics can be reduced or limited to oral administration only.

With penicillins, their derivatives are prescribed drugs of other groups or desensitization is carried out. Approximately 5% of children allergic to penicillin are also allergic to cephalosporins. In such cases, glidamycin can be used. For severe infections with Staphylococcus aureus in children with allergies, vancomycin is prescribed at a daily dose of 40-60 mg / kg, divided into 4 parts. The drug is administered intravenously every 6 hours, it is necessary to monitor its level in the blood serum. If severe infection is suspected or proven to be caused by Staphylococcus aureus in children that is resistant to semisynthetic penicillin derivatives (so-called methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), vancomycin or its derivative teicoplanin is used.

With such severe staphylococcal infections as septicemia, endocarditis, CNS damage, intravenous administration of nafcillin, oxacillin is indicated, and in children with allergies, vancomycin or imipenem. Rifampicin has a synergistic effect.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in children is the main causative agent of nosocomial infections. Risk factors for such infections include severe illness (eg, burns), surgery, intravenous catheters long term, prolonged hospitalization, prematurity, as well as contact with other patients who have infections caused by methicillin-resistant staphylococci.

If methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is sown in children, the patient must be subjected to strict isolation; proven to be the best way to avoid the spread of infection within the hospital. Anti-epidemic measures also include identification of new strains and strict isolation of patients with streptococcal bacteriocarrier or infection. In addition, it is necessary to identify and treat carriers of staphylococci among the hospital staff.

Isolation of Staphylococcus aureus in children resistant to vancomycin and other antibiotics highlights the need to combat the unjustified prescription of antibiotics, as well as the importance of isolating the causative agents of severe infections and determining their sensitivity.


Without treatment, mortality in staphylococcal septicemia exceeds 80%. Massive antibiotic therapy can significantly reduce mortality. Staphylococcal pneumonia can lead to death at any age, but is most dangerous for infants, for patients for whom treatment was started late.

If the number of leukocytes does not reach 5000 / mm3 or the proportion of segmented neutrophils is less than 50% of all leukocytes, the prognosis is unfavorable. The prognosis is also affected by the nutritional status of the patient, the level of immunity and the presence of severe concomitant diseases. If an abscess forms, it usually needs to be drained.

Prevention of Staphylococcus aureus infection in children

The main mechanism of transmission of Staphylococcus aureus to children is contact, therefore the most effective measure for the prevention of staphylococcal infections is hand washing. It is recommended to use detergents that contain iodine-containing preparations, chlorhexidine or hexachlorophene. All persons with acute infections with Staphylococcus aureus who are in medical institutions, must be isolated until cured. It is also necessary to constantly monitor nosocomial staphylococcal infections.

With relapses of furunculosis, the causative agent of which is S. aureus, baths with hexachlorophene are indicated; inside appoint dicloxacillin or clindamycin; an ointment with mupirocin (bactroban) is applied to the nasal mucosa.

To avoid food poisoning, all persons with skin infections are excluded from food preparation. Ready meals must be consumed immediately or placed in the refrigerator, otherwise staphylococci may multiply rapidly.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon

Staphylococcus aureus - infection caused by a bacterium of the genus Staphylococcus aureus. It multiplies in the nose, mouth or on the skin. Approximately 25% of people are carriers of the infection, while they may never get sick with staphylococcus aureus.

Staphylococcus aureus in children - causes

The causes of the disease Staphylococcus aureus are several factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • improper nutrition.

When a child is often sick with colds and viral diseases, Staphylococcus aureus bacteria can join against their background. It enters the body through the respiratory tract from the carrier of the infection, is transmitted by airborne droplets. Also, the baby can "pick up" the staph bacteria from dirty toys or through unwashed hands. In this case, the development of the disease begins in the mouth and penetrates into the stomach.

Staphylococcus aureus - symptoms

  1. Skin rashes (acne, blisters, ulcers, skin exfoliation, etc.).
  2. Elevated temperature (above 38 degrees).
  3. Vomit.
  4. Diarrhea (black or bloody).

This bacterium can cause diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis.

If you have identified signs of Staphylococcus aureus in a child, be sure to contact your pediatrician and take the necessary tests to determine the number of staphylococci in the body.

The norm of Staphylococcus aureus in a child: 10^3, 10^4.

Dysbacteriosis in children and Staphylococcus aureus

If the child's intestinal microflora is disturbed, then dysbacteriosis occurs. This means that there is a shortage of certain beneficial bacteria in the gut. It can appear after antibiotic treatment, malnutrition, poisoning, eating unwashed foods.

It happens that against the background of dysbacteriosis, the staphylococcus bacterium joins. The child begins to lose weight and appetite, the stool is disturbed, the body temperature rises, vomiting and abdominal pain may occur.

Staphylococcus aureus in children - treatment

Staphylococcus cannot be completely cured, since immunity to it is not developed. It does not respond to treatment with many types of antibiotics. With the help of laboratory tests, the resistance of a bacterium to any antibiotic is revealed.

But, even choosing the right antibiotic, treatment with them may not give the desired result. Since staphylococcus can quickly adapt to it.

For effective treatment, it is necessary to normalize the microflora in the intestine and remove the staphylococcus bacterium.

To do this, you will need to do an enema with special anti-infective drugs. Take oral antibiotics.

After the stomach is cleansed, it must be populated with beneficial bacteria. To do this, there are a lot of specialized drugs, they will be advised by a doctor.

Be sure to boost immunity and restore hormonal levels.

Folk remedies against staphylococcus aureus

Folk remedies will help to increase the effectiveness of treatment, but they are necessary in a complex drug course. Before using any of the drugs and folk remedies Be sure to consult with your doctor.

It has been proven that acne caused by staphylococcus is perfectly eliminated with brilliant green, so lubricate the affected parts of the skin with brilliant green.

Excellent remove intestinal staphylococcus apricots. They should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. Give your child at least six apricots daily.

It is also necessary to use blackcurrant 300g. in a day.

Excellent fight against staphylococcus:

  1. Chamomile (eyes and nasal cavity are washed with it).
  2. Calendula (gargle).
  3. Let the child drink the infusion of St. John's wort.
  4. Treat the rash with a swab dipped in a string infusion.