How to find out the phone number at VKontakte. How to find out which number the page in VK is registered to

The emergence of a mandatory requirement to link existing VK accounts to phones has led to the fact that many users have difficulty accessing their personal profile. Often, difficulties are associated with the fact that not everyone remembers the used mobile. At the same time, the administration of the social network did not leave a hint indicating how to find out which number the Vkontakte page is registered to.

Of course, the easiest way is not to leave the profile or store data important for authorization separately. This will help avoid access issues. But, if it was not possible to avoid trouble, you need to think about changing your cell phone or restoring a forgotten phone.

Facing difficulties, users should seriously think about which SIM card they used, since there is no single way to find out using a social network. It will not be possible to cope with difficulties even by id, since such information has no serious practical value in this case.

It will not help to obtain the required information and contacting the support service. Consultants and operators do not have the right to provide such information and will not be able to verify whether the number is registered. The exceptions are cases when they are contacted by the owner of a SIM card who wants to link it to an account.

If it is already used by an outsider, the applicant will have to prove that he is the real owner of the SIM card. Only then will operators be able to help.

How to find out which number a friend's page is registered to?

The situation is no simpler with the clarification of the mobile used when registering the accounts of friends and acquaintances. Users can use only 2 options:

  • ask the person they are interested in personally;
  • visit his profile and look at personal information the required data.

It should be emphasized that the second method does not always help, since the cellular recorded in personal information can differ from the one tied to the page. But there are no other answers to the question of how to find out which number a page in VK is registered to.

Even after gaining access to someone else's account and opening the settings, you will not be able to get the necessary data. The basic information contains only the last 2 digits of the mobile, which can rarely help in solving the problem.

How to check if a number is registered?

The easiest way is to figure out if a particular phone is tied to pages on a social network. To get the information you need, just:

  1. open the Vk start page;
  2. start creating a new profile (registration);
  3. enter the required mobile.

If it is already in use, the system will notify you. If the number is free, and a new page is not required, you should simply interrupt the process.

At the same time, it is impossible to find out who will use the interested phone. Even if a friend’s profile is linked to this cell phone, you won’t be able to get the desired information on your own.

Is it possible to find out the phone associated with the Vkontakte profile?

There is not a single effective method for obtaining information about the mobile of a person registered in a social network. To make sure of this completely, you can ask the question of how to find out which number the Vkontakte page is registered to by id, support operators. They will confirm that confidential information that can affect the security and safety of the page is known only to its real owners. Outside users do not have the slightest opportunity to recognize it, no matter how much they would like to, since this directly contradicts the rules of the site and violates the rights of others.

As you know, for a long time, when you enter a page, it is not the page number (id) that is displayed, but the word, that is, the name of where you go. Often we need exactly the page number, and not its name, for example, for some third-party programs, (hearts), reposts or friends. Some just need a number, maybe someone does not remember it and forgot it. So how do you know this one? page number VKontakte e, if you have already forgotten it, but on the page you see the word, and not the ID?

Let's see a few ways to find a number:

1. The first and probably the fastest and easiest way is to open your avatar and look in the address bar. Probably, it would be better and clearer to explain with an example and point by point.

- open your page, or the one whose number you need to find out.

— 8462805 _296220792%2Falbum8462805_0%2Frev, we see something similar, and the highlighted numbers are the page number.

This method is suitable both for finding the user's page number, i.e. both for a person and for a group, only in a group the link looks a little different: 55713632 _308255429%2Falbum-55713632_0%2Frev.

2. The second method is only suitable for searching page numbers individual, not a group. We will also see step by step what needs to be done and, for greater clarity, we will give examples with pictures.

- go to the page of the person whose id number we want to know.

- click on the "Send message" button.

- in the window that appears, we see, in the upper right corner, the inscription: "Go to the dialogue with ...".

- direct the mouse cursor to this line and press the right mouse button.

- after that, select the item "Copy link address". This item may differ depending on your browser.

- now you just need to paste somewhere what you just copied and find the numbers we need.

— 151435 , we got such numbers, and you?

3. The third method is suitable for both groups and user pages. We also consider point by point.

- go to the page whose number you need to find out.

- Find any post on the wall.

- find the date of this entry, either the time or the full date is written there.

- right-click on the date of the entry.

- as in the previous paragraph, you just need to copy the link to this post and paste it in any place convenient for you.

4. The fourth point is only suitable for your personal page. If you go to the page settings, they are in the left panel, then in the item "Address of your page" you will find page number VKontakte which you need.

In the last article we analyzed, and today we will learn how to determine personal page id or a friend's page. You may need a friend's page ID if you, for example, want to transfer votes to him or indicate his name in a message on the page, so that he would receive a notification.

Determine the id of the personal page

ID vk defined in several ways:

1) click on the avatar of the person whose id you want to know, right-click and open the photo on a new page.

An example of the end of the page address: /u 112853391 /a_e13b8425.jpg

The highlighted numbers are the id of the personal page.

2) Click "send private message".

The dialog address will look like this: /im?sel= 112853391

Everything that is written after the “=” sign is what it is. id number.

3) Open any message on the page, and from the url of the address of this page, you can extract the ID. Example: /wall 112853391 _2238

The highlighted numbers are the VKontakte ID.

4) The easiest way is to go to the settings and find the line "personal page address". There you can configure the CNC (human readable URL), but this method is only suitable if you were interested in how to find out id in VK your page, and if you were interested how to find friend id, then the previous 3 methods will suit you.


Who vk id 0?

If you enter such an id, then you will be taken to your page.

Who has vk id 1?

This id belongs to the developer of the VKontakte site, Pavel Durov.

How to find out your id?

There are several ways find out your id. We have listed all the methods above.

Page hacking by id. Is it possible?

Knowing only the address of the page is difficult to hack it. Now the contact's management is struggling with hacking personal pages and stealing passwords. There is a high probability that you can be hacked if you have indicated the mobile phone number associated with your personal page in the "contacts" field. Since the mobile phone number serves as a login to your account, scammers can only guess your password, and this is possible thanks to brute programs that will pick up all possible combinations of your password until they hack. The only way to protect yourself from this is to put confirmation on entry via SMS.

My VKontakte id address is hard to remember. How to change page id?

change vkontakte id impossible because this is the serial number that you received upon registration. Now id can be nine-digit, but when the social network was just starting to develop, it was easy to meet an id of 6 digits. To make it easier to remember the address of your page, you can come up with your own CNC. You can change it in the settings.

How to find out a phone number by VKontakte id?

This opportunity was covered up a couple of years ago, when accounts were often broken by brute force, that is, password guessing. Since the VKontakte phone number can be entered instead of a login, it was very easy to hack a personal page. Now it is impossible to find out the phone number by the page address, but some craftsmen have a database that contains all mobile phones from the personal pages of users of this social network.

It is also impossible to find out the id by the phone number.

If you do not want to be hacked, then do not let anyone know your username, and even more so your password. Better yet, remove your phone number from the "contacts" column.

What is a VKontakte id?

The unique address of the page. The serial number given to you during registration.

Why is there no VKontakte id666?

A popular joke among those support. They say that this was done so that if the devil wants to register on VKontakte, then he would have his own page and no one would take it.

Social networks are very popular, especially the Russian site called VKontakte. In addition to the standard public information that users publish on their pages, such as full name, date of birth, city and exact address of residence, a personal mobile phone number can also be found on the page. ,

There are many ways to find out the mobile phone number of a particular user, but not all of them are particularly effective. In this article, we will analyze the most common and popular ways to find out a phone number through the VKontakte social network. So, how to find out in VK, a phone number?


You can do this in the following ways:

  • View the mobile phone number in the personal information published on the user's page.
  • Ask for a personal mobile phone number through correspondence with the user you are interested in.
  • With the help of special, but often completely useless programs.
  • So let's take a look at each method.

Personal page and additional information about the user

Most social network users leave their personal mobile phone number in the "Contacts" form, which is displayed to absolutely all users. If the person you are interested in has a number on his page, then you just have to look and write it down for yourself, and if necessary, call or write an SMS message.

Personal correspondence

Perhaps this is the most proven and easiest way to get a VKontakte user number. To do this, you need to simulate an interest in a person, for example, try to get to know each other (especially when you are interested in a person of the opposite sex). This is a fairly effective and proven method. You just have to enter the trust of a person, ask to call, and he will certainly leave you his mobile phone number.

Using special programs

On the Internet, you can find many different software and programs that can make using a social network much more convenient and comfortable. To use them, just enter your username and password from your page. Often such programs have special secret functions, for example, built-in, so-called "Bots".

These are programs with a set of functions that will help you find out additional information about any user. Unfortunately, the Internet offers to download and use various and in most cases absolutely useless programs that require activation to work well, for example, using SMS messages.

Not only do you send an SMS message and pay for a program unknown to you, but you also run the risk of being deceived. Therefore, when choosing, downloading and using programs, you must be extremely careful and approach this matter very scrupulously.

You can outwit any user by creating a special site, for example, for pranks.

This method is very popular among experienced Internet users, users who "steal" and use someone's data (logins and passwords) for their own purposes. The user enters the site, logs in using his username and password, and you receive his data to enter the personal page of VKontakte. ,


Sometimes, in order to protect yourself and your page from being hacked by other users, you need to periodically check the extraneous activity of the page that is displayed in the page settings. If extraneous activity is detected, it is recommended to change the password or link the page to a personal mobile number.

To do this, just find the "Security" - "Login Confirmation" tab in the page settings. By clicking "Connect", every time you visit the page, an SMS message containing a special code will be sent to your mobile number linked to the page.

There is a mass various ways how to find out the phone number and tricks with which you can outwit absolutely any user and get his data. Unfortunately, not all methods are effective, most of them require special knowledge, for example, in creating the same “dummy” sites to steal numbers.

Previously, registration in this network was simplified, but at the moment, a mobile phone number is required for registration. This action is necessary to better identify the user and ensure greater security on the social network.

Linking a page to a personal phone number not only increases the overall level of security on the social network, but also the private one. Only the user has access to his phone number, so all important transactions will be monitored and confirmed by him through this phone number.

But what to do in a situation where a person forgot the phone number to which he linked the page? And is it possible for other people to find out which number someone else's page is linked to? You can find answers to these questions below.

How to find out which number the page is linked to on VKontakte?

In order to find out which number the VKontakte page is linked to, you can use the following methods:

  • Ask directly from the user who owns the number.
  • View on the user's personal page. However, in this case, it again does not hurt to clarify with the user himself: is this the phone number to which the page is linked, or was it indicated as an additional one?

Unfortunately, in order to increase the level of security, the policy of the administration eliminated all other ways to find out the mobile number to which the person's page on the social network belongs.

Some may have a question: these steps are relevant for restoring a page from a computer, but how do you know which number the page is linked to in VK from your phone? There are no additional methods when using the phone, the methods will be similar to those given above.

Be careful with the phone number you use when registering, write it down. Because in the future you will not be able to recognize it even through the page settings, because the information about the phone number will be presented in encrypted form. In decrypted form, only the following information will be available to you: “+7” and the last two digits of your number (Fig. 1).

Now you understand that it is quite difficult to find out the phone number to which the link was made. These complexities can be frustrating, but they are worth it because they greatly increase the level of security for users. In order not to feel negative from these difficulties, try to remember or write down the phone number specified during registration.